#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tpool.hh" /* represents a rule definition, possibly with a function */ struct Rule { ostd::String target; ostd::Vector deps; ostd::Uint32 *func; Rule(): target(), deps(), func(nullptr) {} Rule(const Rule &r): target(r.target), deps(r.deps), func(r.func) { cscript::bcode_ref(func); } ~Rule() { cscript::bcode_unref(func); } }; ostd::Vector rules; /* check funcs */ static bool ob_check_ts(ostd::ConstCharRange tname, const ostd::Vector &deps) { auto get_ts = [](ostd::ConstCharRange fname) -> time_t { struct stat st; if (stat(ostd::String(fname).data(), &st) < 0) return 0; return st.st_mtime; }; time_t tts = get_ts(tname.data()); if (!tts) return true; for (auto &dep: deps.iter()) { time_t sts = get_ts(dep.data()); if (sts && tts < sts) return true; } return false; } static bool ob_check_file(ostd::ConstCharRange fname) { return ostd::FileStream(fname, ostd::StreamMode::read).is_open(); } static bool ob_check_exec(ostd::ConstCharRange tname, const ostd::Vector &deps) { if (!ob_check_file(tname)) return true; for (auto &dep: deps.iter()) if (!ob_check_file(dep)) return true; return ob_check_ts(tname, deps); } /* this lets us properly match % patterns in target names */ static ostd::ConstCharRange ob_compare_subst(ostd::ConstCharRange expanded, ostd::ConstCharRange toexpand) { auto rep = ostd::find(toexpand, '%'); /* no subst found */ if (rep.empty()) return nullptr; /* get the part before % */ auto fp = ostd::slice_until(toexpand, rep); /* part before % does not compare, so ignore */ if (expanded.size() <= fp.size()) return nullptr; if (expanded.slice(0, fp.size()) != fp) return nullptr; /* pop out front part */ expanded.pop_front_n(fp.size()); /* part after % */ rep.pop_front(); if (rep.empty()) return expanded; /* part after % does not compare, so ignore */ if (expanded.size() <= rep.size()) return nullptr; if (expanded.slice(expanded.size() - rep.size(), expanded.size()) != rep) return nullptr; /* cut off latter part */ expanded.pop_back_n(rep.size()); /* we got what we wanted... */ return expanded; } /* expand globs */ static void ob_get_path_parts(ostd::Vector &parts, ostd::ConstCharRange elem) { ostd::ConstCharRange star = ostd::find(elem, '*'); while (!star.empty()) { ostd::ConstCharRange ep = ostd::slice_until(elem, star); if (!ep.empty()) parts.push(ep); parts.push("*"); elem = star; elem.pop_front(); star = ostd::find(elem, '*'); } if (!elem.empty()) parts.push(elem); } static bool ob_path_matches(ostd::ConstCharRange fn, const ostd::Vector &parts) { auto it = parts.iter(); while (!it.empty()) { ostd::ConstCharRange elem = it.front(); if (elem == "*") { it.pop_front(); /* skip multiple stars if present */ while (!it.empty() && ((elem = it.front()) == "*")) it.pop_front(); /* trailing stars, we match */ if (it.empty()) return true; /* skip about as much as we can until the elem part matches */ while (fn.size() > elem.size()) { if (fn.slice(0, elem.size()) == elem) break; fn.pop_front(); } } /* non-star here */ if (fn.size() < elem.size()) return false; if (fn.slice(0, elem.size()) != elem) return false; fn.pop_front_n(elem.size()); /* try next element */ it.pop_front(); } /* if there are no chars in the fname remaining, we fully matched */ return fn.empty(); } static bool ob_expand_glob(ostd::String &ret, ostd::ConstCharRange src, bool ne = false); static bool ob_expand_dir(ostd::String &ret, ostd::ConstCharRange dir, const ostd::Vector &parts, ostd::ConstCharRange slash) { DIR *d = opendir(ostd::String(dir).data()); bool appended = false; if (!d) return false; struct dirent *dirp; while ((dirp = readdir(d))) { ostd::ConstCharRange fn = (const char *)dirp->d_name; if (fn.empty() || (fn == ".") || (fn == "..")) continue; /* check if filename matches */ if (!ob_path_matches(fn, parts)) continue; ostd::String afn((dir == ".") ? "" : "./"); afn.append(fn); /* if we reach this, we match; try recursively matching */ if (!slash.empty()) { afn.append(slash); ostd::ConstCharRange psl = slash; psl.pop_front(); if (!ostd::find(psl, '*').empty()) { if (!appended) appended = ob_expand_glob(ret, afn.iter()); continue; } /* no further star, just do file test */ if (!ob_check_file(afn.iter())) continue; if (!ret.empty()) ret.push(' '); ret.append(afn); appended = true; continue; } if (!ret.empty()) ret.push(' '); ret.append(afn); appended = true; } closedir(d); return appended; } static bool ob_expand_glob(ostd::String &ret, ostd::ConstCharRange src, bool ne) { ostd::ConstCharRange star = ostd::find(src, '*'); /* no star use as-is */ if (star.empty()) { if (ne) return false; if (!ret.empty()) ret.push(' '); ret.append(src); return false; } /* part before star */ ostd::ConstCharRange prestar = ostd::slice_until(src, star); /* try finding slash before star */ ostd::ConstCharRange slash = ostd::find_last(prestar, '/'); /* directory to scan */ ostd::ConstCharRange dir = "."; /* part of name before star */ ostd::ConstCharRange fnpre = prestar; if (!slash.empty()) { /* there was slash, adjust directory + prefix accordingly */ dir = ostd::slice_until(src, slash); fnpre = slash; fnpre.pop_front(); } /* part after star */ ostd::ConstCharRange fnpost = star; fnpost.pop_front(); /* if a slash follows, adjust */ ostd::ConstCharRange nslash = ostd::find(fnpost, '/'); if (!nslash.empty()) fnpost = ostd::slice_until(fnpost, nslash); /* retrieve the single element with whatever stars in it, chop it up */ ostd::Vector parts; ob_get_path_parts(parts, ostd::ConstCharRange(&fnpre[0], &fnpost[fnpost.size()])); /* do a directory scan and match */ if (!ob_expand_dir(ret, dir, parts, nslash)) { if (ne) return false; if (!ret.empty()) ret.push(' '); ret.append(src); return false; } return true; } static ostd::String ob_expand_globs(const ostd::Vector &src) { ostd::String ret; for (auto &s: src.iter()) ob_expand_glob(ret, s.iter()); return ret; } struct ObState { cscript::CsState cs; ostd::ConstCharRange progname; int jobs = 1; struct SubRule { ostd::ConstCharRange sub; Rule *rule; }; template int error(int retcode, ostd::ConstCharRange fmt, A &&...args) { ostd::err.write(progname, ": "); ostd::err.writefln(fmt, ostd::forward(args)...); return retcode; } int exec_list(const ostd::Vector &rlist, ostd::Vector &subdeps, ostd::ConstCharRange tname) { ostd::String repd; for (auto &sr: rlist.iter()) for (auto &target: sr.rule->deps.iter()) { ostd::ConstCharRange atgt = target.iter(); repd.clear(); auto lp = ostd::find(atgt, '%'); if (!lp.empty()) { repd.append(ostd::slice_until(atgt, lp)); repd.append(sr.sub); lp.pop_front(); if (!lp.empty()) repd.append(lp); atgt = repd.iter(); } subdeps.push(atgt); int r = exec_rule(atgt, tname); if (r) return r; } return 0; } int exec_func(ostd::ConstCharRange tname, const ostd::Vector &rlist) { ostd::Vector subdeps; int r = exec_list(rlist, subdeps, tname); if (ob_check_exec(tname, subdeps)) { if (r) return r; ostd::Uint32 *func = nullptr; for (auto &sr: rlist.iter()) { Rule &r = *sr.rule; if (!r.func) continue; if (func) return error(1, "redefinition of rule '%s'", tname); func = r.func; } if (func) { cscript::StackedValue targetv, sourcev, sourcesv; targetv.id = cs.new_ident("target"); if (!cscript::check_alias(targetv.id)) return 1; targetv.set_cstr(tname); targetv.push(); if (subdeps.size() > 0) { sourcev.id = cs.new_ident("source"); sourcesv.id = cs.new_ident("sources"); if (!cscript::check_alias(sourcev.id)) return 1; if (!cscript::check_alias(sourcesv.id)) return 1; sourcev.set_cstr(subdeps[0]); sourcev.push(); auto dsv = ostd::appender(); ostd::concat(dsv, subdeps); ostd::Size len = dsv.size(); sourcesv.set_str(ostd::CharRange(dsv.get().disown(), len)); sourcesv.push(); } return cs.run_int(func); } } return 0; } int exec_rule(ostd::ConstCharRange target, ostd::ConstCharRange from = nullptr) { ostd::Vector rlist; for (auto &rule: rules.iter()) { if (target == rule.target) { rlist.push().rule = &rule; continue; } ostd::ConstCharRange sub = ob_compare_subst(target, rule.target); if (!sub.empty()) { SubRule &sr = rlist.push(); sr.rule = &rule; sr.sub = sub; } } if (rlist.empty() && !ob_check_file(target)) { if (from.empty()) return error(1, "no rule to run target '%s'", target); else return error(1, "no rule to run target '%s' (needed by '%s')", target, from); return 1; } return exec_func(target, rlist); } }; static int ob_print_help(ostd::ConstCharRange a0, ostd::Stream &os, int v) { os.writeln("Usage: ", a0, " [options] [target]\n", "Options:\n" " -C DIRECTORY\tChange to DIRECTORY before running.\n", " -f FILE\tSpecify the file to run (default: cubefile).\n" " -h\t\tPrint this message.\n" " -j N\t\tSpecify the number of jobs to use (default: 1)."); return v; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ObState os; ostd::ConstCharRange pn = argv[0]; ostd::ConstCharRange lslash = ostd::find_last(pn, '/'); if (!lslash.empty()) { lslash.pop_front(); os.progname = lslash; } else os.progname = pn; cscript::init_lib_base(os.cs); cscript::init_lib_io(os.cs); cscript::init_lib_math(os.cs); cscript::init_lib_string(os.cs); cscript::init_lib_list(os.cs); ostd::ConstCharRange fname = "cubefile"; int ac; while ((ac = getopt(argc, argv, "C:f:hj:")) >= 0) { switch (ac) { case 'C': if (chdir(optarg) < 0) return os.error(1, "failed changing directory: %s", optarg); break; case 'f': fname = optarg; break; case 'h': return ob_print_help(argv[0], ostd::out, 0); case 'j': os.jobs = ostd::max(1, atoi(optarg)); break; default: return ob_print_help(argv[0], ostd::err, 1); break; } } os.cs.add_command("shell", "C", [](cscript::CsState &cs, char *s) { cs.result->set_int(system(s)); }); os.cs.add_command("rule", "sseN", [](cscript::CsState &, const char *tgt, const char *dep, ostd::Uint32 *body, int *numargs) { ostd::Vector targets = cscript::util::list_explode(tgt); ostd::Vector deps = cscript::util::list_explode(dep); for (auto &target: targets.iter()) { Rule &r = rules.push(); r.target = target; if (*numargs > 2) { r.func = body; cscript::bcode_ref(body); } for (auto &dep: deps.iter()) r.deps.push(dep); } }); os.cs.add_command("glob", "s", [](cscript::CsState &cs, const char *lst) { ostd::Vector fnames = cscript::util::list_explode(lst); cs.result->set_str(ob_expand_globs(fnames).disown()); }); if (!os.cs.run_file(fname, true)) return os.error(1, "failed creating rules"); if (rules.empty()) return os.error(1, "no targets"); return os.exec_rule((optind < argc) ? argv[optind] : "all"); }