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2020-04-15 16:39:17 +00:00
// particle shaders
// wobbles the vertices of an explosion sphere
// and generates all texcoords
// and blends the edge color
// and modulates the texture
explosionshader = [
shader 0 $arg1 [
attribute vec4 vvertex, vcolor;
uniform mat4 explosionmatrix;
uniform vec3 center;
uniform float millis;
attribute vec2 vtexcoord0;
uniform vec4 texgenS, texgenT;
@(? (>= (strstr $arg1 "soft") 0) [
uniform vec2 lineardepthscale;
varying float lineardepth;
varying vec4 color;
varying vec2 texcoord0, texcoord1, texcoord2;
void main(void)
vec4 wobble = vec4(vvertex.xyz*(1.0 + 0.5*abs(fract(dot(vvertex.xyz, center) + millis*2.0) - 0.5)), vvertex.w);
gl_Position = explosionmatrix * wobble;
@(? (>= (strstr $arg1 "soft") 0) [
lineardepth = dot(lineardepthscale, gl_Position.zw);
color = vcolor;
texcoord0 = vtexcoord0;
vec2 texgen = vec2(dot(texgenS, vvertex), dot(texgenT, vvertex));
texcoord1 = texgen;
texcoord2 = 0.5*texgen - millis*0.5;
] [
@(if (>= (strstr $arg1 "soft") 0) [result [
@(gfetchdefs tex2)
uniform vec3 softparams;
varying float lineardepth;
varying vec4 color;
varying vec2 texcoord0, texcoord1, texcoord2;
uniform sampler2D tex0;
uniform vec2 blendparams;
fragdata(0) vec4 fragcolor;
void main(void)
vec2 dtc = texcoord0 + texture2D(tex0, texcoord2).xy*0.1; // use color texture as noise to distort texcoords
vec4 diffuse = texture2D(tex0, dtc);
float blend = max(pow(clamp(1.0 - dot(texcoord1, texcoord1), 0.0, 1.0), blendparams.x), blendparams.y);
diffuse *= blend*4.0; // dup alpha into RGB channels + intensify and over saturate
diffuse.b += 0.5 - blend*0.5; // blue tint
@(if (>= (strstr $arg1 "soft") 0) [result [
fragcolor.rgb = diffuse.rgb * color.rgb;
@(gdepthunpack depth [gfetch(tex2, gl_FragCoord.xy)])
fragcolor.a = diffuse.a * max(clamp((depth - lineardepth)*softparams.x - softparams.y, 0.0, 1.0) * color.a, softparams.z);
]] [result [
fragcolor = diffuse * color;
explosionshader "explosion"
explosionshader "explosionsoft"
shader 0 "particlenotexture" [
attribute vec4 vvertex, vcolor;
uniform mat4 camprojmatrix;
uniform vec4 colorscale;
varying vec4 color;
void main(void)
gl_Position = camprojmatrix * vvertex;
color = vcolor * colorscale;
] [
varying vec4 color;
fragdata(0) vec4 fragcolor;
void main(void)
fragcolor = color;
shader 0 "particletext" [
attribute vec4 vvertex, vcolor;
attribute vec2 vtexcoord0;
uniform mat4 camprojmatrix;
uniform float ldrscale;
varying vec4 color;
varying vec2 texcoord0;
void main(void)
gl_Position = camprojmatrix * vvertex;
texcoord0 = vtexcoord0;
color = vec4(vcolor.rgb * ldrscale, vcolor.a);
] [
uniform vec4 textparams;
uniform sampler2D tex0;
varying vec4 color;
varying vec2 texcoord0;
fragdata(0) vec4 fragcolor;
void main(void)
float dist = texture2D(tex0, texcoord0).r;
float border = smoothstep(textparams.x, textparams.y, dist);
float outline = smoothstep(textparams.z, textparams.w, dist);
fragcolor = vec4(color.rgb * outline, color.a * border);
particleshader = [
shader 0 $arg1 [
attribute vec4 vvertex, vcolor;
attribute vec2 vtexcoord0;
uniform mat4 camprojmatrix;
uniform vec4 colorscale;
varying vec4 color;
varying vec2 texcoord0;
@(? (>= (strstr $arg1 "soft") 0) [
uniform vec2 lineardepthscale;
varying float lineardepth;
varying vec2 surface;
void main(void)
gl_Position = camprojmatrix * vvertex;
texcoord0 = vtexcoord0;
color = vcolor * colorscale;
@(? (>= (strstr $arg1 "soft") 0) [
lineardepth = dot(lineardepthscale, gl_Position.zw);
surface = vtexcoord0.xy*2.82842712474619 - 1.4142135623731;
] [
@(if (>= (strstr $arg1 "soft") 0) [result [
@(gfetchdefs tex2)
uniform vec3 softparams;
varying float lineardepth;
varying vec2 surface;
uniform sampler2D tex0;
varying vec4 color;
varying vec2 texcoord0;
fragdata(0) vec4 fragcolor;
void main(void)
vec4 diffuse = texture2D(tex0, texcoord0);
@(if (>= (strstr $arg1 "soft") 0) [result [
@(gdepthunpack depth [gfetch(tex2, gl_FragCoord.xy)])
diffuse.a *= clamp((depth - lineardepth)*softparams.x - softparams.y - dot(surface, surface), 0.0, 1.0);
fragcolor = diffuse * color;
particleshader "particle"
particleshader "particlesoft"