
1132 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-04-15 16:39:17 +00:00
// F1 Add/Edit Entity //
menu_entity = [toggleui "addentity"]
// menu_entity = [if (enthavesel) [toggleui "editentity"] [toggleui "addentity"]]
UImenu "editentity" [
uifill 0.5 0.5 [
UIbutton "" [uitext "ToDo" 0.8] 0.3 0.2 [hidetopui]
] [] [] [] "Edit Entity"
UImenu "addentity" [
uispace 0.008 0.015 [
uivlist 0 [
uifill 0.5 0.032 [
uitext (concatword "^f8/newent " $UI_enttype) 0.7
uialign* -1 0
uioutline $c_line ; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1
uifill 0 0.025
uihlist 0.005 [
uivlist 0.005 [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Envmap" 0.6] 0.2 0.04 [hideui "addentity" ; newent envmap] -1 [uihover [UI_enttype = "envmap"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Light" 0.6] 0.2 0.04 [hideui "addentity" ; showui "ent_light"] -1 [uihover [UI_enttype = "light ^f4*"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Spotlight" 0.6] 0.2 0.04 [hideui "addentity" ; showui "ent_spotlight"] -1 [uihover [UI_enttype = "spotlight ^f4*"]]
uivlist 0.005 [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Jumppad" 0.6] 0.2 0.04 [hideui "addentity" ; showui "ent_jumppad"] -1 [uihover [UI_enttype = "jumppad ^f4*"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Mapmodel" 0.6; UI_keyref 2 0.027 0.027 "F3"] 0.2 0.04 [hideui "addentity"; showui "mapmodel"] -1 [uihover [UI_enttype = "mapmodel ^f4*"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Particles" 0.6] 0.2 0.04 [hideui "addentity" ; showui "ent_particles"] -1 [uihover [UI_enttype = "particles ^f4*"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Teleport" 0.6] 0.2 0.04 [hideui "addentity" ; showui "ent_teleport"] -1 [uihover [UI_enttype = "teleport ^f4*"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Teledest" 0.6] 0.2 0.04 [hideui "addentity" ; showui "ent_teledest"] -1 [uihover [UI_enttype = "teledest ^f4*"]]
uivlist 0.005 [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Playerstart" 0.6] 0.2 0.04 [hideui "addentity" ; newent playerstart] -1 [uihover [UI_enttype = "playerstart"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Playerstart ^f1Azul" 0.6] 0.2 0.04 [hideui "addentity" ; newent playerstart 1] -1 [uihover [UI_enttype = "playerstart 1"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Playerstart ^f3Rojo" 0.6] 0.2 0.04 [hideui "addentity" ; newent playerstart 2] -1 [uihover [UI_enttype = "playerstart 2"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Flag ^f1Azul" 0.6] 0.2 0.04 [hideui "addentity" ; newent flag 1] -1 [uihover [UI_enttype = "flag 1"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Flag ^f3Rojo" 0.6] 0.2 0.04 [hideui "addentity" ; newent flag 2] -1 [uihover [UI_enttype = "flag 2"]]
uialign* -1 -1
uifill 0 0.01
UIbutton "hold2" [
UIcheckbox $entselsnap 0.016
uitext "Entity Snapping" 0.6
UI_keyref 2 0.027 0.027 "7"
] 0.25 0.04 [entselsnap (! $entselsnap)]
] [
UI_enttype = " "
looplist a ["editentity" "ent_light" "ent_spotlight" "ent_jumppad" "mapmodel" "ent_particles" "ent_teleport" "ent_teledest"] [hideui $a]
] [] [] "Add Entity"
UI_lts = 128
UI_ltr = 127
UI_ltg = 127
UI_ltb = 127
UI_ltt = 0
UImenu "ent_light" [
uispace 0.008 0.015 [
uivlist 0 [
uifill 0.5 0.032 [
uitext (concatword "^f8/newent light " $UI_lts " " $UI_ltr " " $UI_ltg " " $UI_ltb " " $UI_ltt) 0.7
uialign* -1 0
uioutline $c_line ; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1
uifill 0 0.025
uitable 0.005 0.005 [
uitablerow [
uitext "Radius" 0.6
UIhslider UI_lts 1 256 1 0.5 0.032 [uitext $UI_lts 0.6]
uialign* -1 0
uitablerow [
uitext "Red" 0.6
UIhslider UI_ltr 0 255 1 0.5 0.032 [uitext $UI_ltr 0.6]
uialign* -1 0
uitablerow [
uitext "Green" 0.6
UIhslider UI_ltg 0 255 1 0.5 0.032 [uitext $UI_ltg 0.6]
uialign* -1 0
uitablerow [
uitext "Blue" 0.6
UIhslider UI_ltb 0 255 1 0.5 0.032 [uitext $UI_ltb 0.6]
uialign* -1 0
uitablerow [
uitext "Type" 0.6
UIhslider UI_ltt 0 2 1 0.5 0.032 [uitext $UI_ltt 0.6]
uialign* -1 0
uifill 0 0.025
UIbutton "" [uitext "Add" 0.6] 0.12 0.06 [hideui "ent_light" ; newent light $UI_lts $UI_ltr $UI_ltg $UI_ltb $UI_ltt]
] [] [] [] "Add Entity - Light"
UI_sla = 45
UImenu "ent_spotlight" [
uispace 0.008 0.015 [
uivlist 0 [
uifill 0.5 0.032 [
uitext (concatword "^f8/newent spotlight " $UI_sla) 0.7
uialign* -1 0
uioutline $c_line ; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1
uifill 0 0.025
uihlist 0.005 [
uitext "Angle" 0.6
UIhslider UI_sla 1 90 1 0.5 0.032 [uitext $UI_sla 0.6]
uialign* -1 0
uifill 0 0.025
UIbutton "" [uitext "Add" 0.6] 0.12 0.06 [hideui "ent_spotlight" ; newent spotlight $UI_sla]
] [] [] [] "Add Entity - Spotlight"
UI_jph = 20
UI_jpx = 0
UI_jpy = 0
UImenu "ent_jumppad" [
uispace 0.008 0.015 [
uivlist 0 [
uifill 0.5 0.032 [
uitext (concatword "^f8/newent jumppad " $UI_jph " " $UI_jpx " " $UI_jpy " ") 0.7
uialign* -1 0
uioutline $c_line ; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1
uifill 0 0.025
uitable 0.005 0.005 [
uitablerow [
uitext "Height" 0.6
UIhslider UI_jph -128 128 1 0.5 0.032 [uitext $UI_jph 0.6]
uialign* -1 0
uitablerow [
uitext "X Lateral" 0.6
UIhslider UI_jpx -127 127 1 0.5 0.032 [uitext $UI_jpx 0.6]
uialign* -1 0
uitablerow [
uitext "Y Lateral" 0.6
UIhslider UI_jpy -127 127 1 0.5 0.032 [uitext $UI_jpy 0.6]
uialign* -1 0
uifill 0 0.025
UIbutton "" [uitext "Add" 0.6] 0.12 0.06 [hideui "ent_jumppad" ; newent jumppad $UI_jph $UI_jpx $UI_jpy]
] [] [] [] "Add Entity - Jumppad"
UImenu "ent_particles" [
uispace 0.008 0.015 [
uivlist 0 [
uifill 0.5 0.032 [
uitext (concatword "^f8/newent particles ") 0.7
uialign* -1 0
uioutline $c_line ; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1
uifill 0 0.025
UIbutton "" [uitext "ToDo" 0.8] 0.3 0.2 [hidetopui]
] [] [] [] "Add Entity - Particles"
UI_tid = 0
UImenu "ent_teleport" [
uispace 0.008 0.015 [
uivlist 0 [
uifill 0.5 0.032 [
uitext (concatword "^f8/newent teleport " $UI_tid) 0.7
uialign* -1 0
uioutline $c_line ; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1
uifill 0 0.025
uihlist 0.005 [
uitext "ID#" 0.6
UIhslider UI_tid 0 127 1 0.5 0.032 [uitext $UI_tid 0.6]
uialign* -1 0
uifill 0 0.025
UIbutton "" [uitext "Add" 0.6] 0.12 0.06 [hideui "ent_teleport" ; newent teleport $UI_tid]
] [] [] [] "Add Entity - Teleport"
UImenu "ent_teledest" [
uispace 0.008 0.015 [
uivlist 0 [
uifill 0.5 0.032 [
uitext (concatword "^f8/newent teledest " $UI_tid) 0.7
uialign* -1 0
uioutline $c_line ; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1
uifill 0 0.025
uihlist 0.005 [
uitext "ID#" 0.6
UIhslider UI_tid 0 127 1 0.5 0.032 [uitext $UI_tid 0.6]
uialign* -1 0
uifill 0 0.025
UIbutton "" [uitext "Add" 0.6] 0.12 0.06 [hideui "ent_teledest" ; newent teledest $UI_tid]
] [] [] [] "Add Entity - Teledest"
// F2 Texture Browser //
UI_textabs = 0
// uitarget 0 0 [
// uiimage "media/interface/directory.png" 0.145 0.145 [uispace 0 0.008 [uialign 0 1 ; uiclip 0.145 0 [uitext "directory" 0.55]]]
// uihold [uioutline 0xC0C0C0; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1] [uihover [uioutline 0xFFFFFF; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1]]
// uirelease [hideui "texture_browser"]
// ]
UImenu "texture_browser" [
uihlist 0 [
uifill 0 0 [
uialign 0 -1
uiclamp 1 1 1 1
UIvtab 0.2 (*f 0.048 3) UI_textabs [
0 "Listed" [] // Listed Registered Cataloged
1 "Utilized" [] // Used Utilized
2 "Replace" []
] 1
uialign- 0 -1
UIbutton "hold2" [
UIcheckbox $allfaces 0.016
uitext "Allfaces" 0.6
UI_keyref 2 0.027 0.027 "6"
] 0.2 0.04 [allfaces (! $allfaces)]
uialign- 0 1
UIbar 0 1
uifill 0.01
case $UI_textabs 0 [//Listed/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uiscroll 1.202875 0.7495 [
uifill 1.202875 0.7495 [
uigrid 8 0.006125 0.006125 [
loop slot (numslots) [
uislotview $slot 0.145 0.145 [
uihold [uioutline 0xC0C0C0; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1] [uihover [uioutline 0xFFFFFF; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1]]
uirelease [hideui "texture_browser"; settex (getslottex $slot)]
uialign* -1 -1
uifill 0.01
UIvscroll 0.02 0.7495 3.0225
] 1 [//Utilized//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uiscroll 1.202875 0.7495 [
uifill 1.202875 0.7495 [
uigrid 8 0.006125 0.006125 [
looptexmru tex [
uivslotview $tex 0.145 0.145 [
uihold [uioutline 0xC0C0C0; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1] [uihover [uioutline 0xFFFFFF; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1]]
uirelease [hideui "texture_browser"; settex $tex]
uialign* -1 -1
uifill 0.01
UIvscroll 0.02 0.7495 3.0225
] 2 [//Replace///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uifill 1.232875 0.7495 [
UIbutton "" [uitext "ToDo" 0.8] 0.25 0.1 [hidetopui]
] [] [] [] "Texture Browser"
// F3 Mapmodel //
newui "mapmodel" [
uialign -1 -1
uieschide 0
uicolor $c_menu_a 0 0 [
uispace $UIwindow_padding $UIwindow_padding [
uiclamp 1 1 1 1
uihlist 0.01 [
if 0 [
UIvscroll 0.02 0.81 (*f (min (+ 1 (div $nummapmodels 100)) 10) 5.4)
] [
UIvscroll 0.02 0.81 (*f (min (+ 1 (div $nummapmodels 50)) 5) 2.7)
uiscroll 0 0.81 [
uivlist 0 [
uigrid 2 0 0 [// (+ $_res_wide 1)
loop i $nummapmodels [
uigroup [
uimodelpreview (mapmodelname $i 1) "mapmodel" 0.12 0.135 [
uihover [
uihold [uioutline 0xFFFFFF] [
uieschold [uioutline 0xFFFFFF] [
uioutline 0x80FFFFFF
uiclamp* 1 1 1 1
UI_selmdl = $i
uirelease [
newent mapmodel $i
_io_mapmodel = 0
uiescrelease [
if (enthavesel) [
entset "mapmodel" $i
_io_mapmodel = 0
] [
if (= $UI_selmdl $i) [
uioutline 0x40FFFFFF
uiclamp- 1 1 1 1
uispace 0.01 0.006 [
uialign -1 -1
uicolortext $i 0x80FFFFFF 0.6
uioutline $c_line ; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1
uiclamp* 1 1 1 1
] [
UI_selmdl = -1
hideui "texture"
hideui "addentity"
// F4 Material Volume //
UImenu "material" [
uispace 0.008 0.015 [
uivlist 0 [
uifill 0.5 0.032 [
uitext (concatword "^f8/" $UI_mattype) 0.7
uialign* -1 0
uioutline $c_line ; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1
uifill 0 0.025
uihlist 0.005 [
uivlist 0.005 [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Air (Clear)" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat air] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "air"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Clip" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat clip] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "clip"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "No-Clip" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat noclip] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "noclip"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Gameclip" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat gameclip] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "gameclip"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Death" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat death] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "death"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Alpha" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat alpha] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "alpha"]]
uivlist 0.005 [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Glass 1" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat glass] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "glass"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Glass 2" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat glass2] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "glass2"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Glass 3" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat glass3] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "glass3"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Glass 4" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat glass4] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "glass4"]]
uivlist 0.005 [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Lava 1" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat lava] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "lava"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Lava 2" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat lava2] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "lava2"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Lava 3" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat lava3] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "lava3"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Lava 4" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat lava4] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "lava4"]]
uivlist 0.005 [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Water 1" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat water] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "water"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Water 2" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat water2] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "water2"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Water 3" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat water3] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "water3"]]
UIbutton "" [uitext "Water 4" 0.6] 0.15 0.04 [editmat water4] -1 [uihover [UI_mattype = "water4"]]
uialign* -1 -1
uifill 0 0.01
UIbutton "hold2" [
UIcheckbox $showmat 0.016
uitext "Show Material Volumes" 0.6
UI_keyref 2 0.027 0.027 "M"
] 0.33 0.04 [showmat (! $showmat)]
] [UI_mattype = " "] [] [] "Material Volume"
// F5 Save Map //
menu_savemap = [if (! $mapname) [toggleui "savemap"] [savemap]]
UI_mapname = "untitled"
UImenu "savemap" [
uispace 0.008 0.015 [
uivlist 0 [
uihlist 0.01 [
uitext "^f8/savemap " 0.7
uifield UI_mapname 32 [] 0.7 style_generic_focus
uifill 0 0.025
UIbutton "" [uitext "Save" 0.6] 0.12 0.06 [savemap $UI_mapname]
] [] [] [] "Save Map"
// F6 Map Browser //
UI_mapscale = 10
UI_maplist = 0
dmmaps = [
complex alphacorp ot turbine reflection
ctfmaps = [
alphacorp steelribs test_ctf reflection waterworks
tdmmaps = (listunion $dmmaps $ctfmaps)
allmaps = (listunion $dmmaps $ctfmaps)
testmaps = [
test_anim test_model
editmaps = (listunion $dmmaps $ctfmaps $testmaps)
UImenu "map_browser" [
uihlist 0.01 [
uivlist 0 [
uialign 0 -1
UItitle [uiclip 0.3 0 [uitext $UI_selmap 0.7]] 0.3 0.03
uimodcolor $c_boxmod 0.3 0.3 [
uiclamp 1 1 1 1
uiimage "media/interface/cube.png" 0.3 0.3 [uiimage (concatword "media/map/" $UI_selmap ".png") 0.3 0.3 [uiclamp 1 1 1 1]]
uifill 0 0.015
UItitle [uitext "List" 0.7] 0.3 0.03
UIbutton "" [
UIradio [= $UI_maplist 0] 0.016
uitext "Tesseract" 0.6
] 0.3 0.03 [UI_maplist = 0 ; UI_selmap = ""] -1
UIbutton "" [
UIradio [= $UI_maplist 1] 0.016
uitext "Custom" 0.6
] 0.3 0.03 [UI_maplist = 1 ; UI_selmap = ""] -1
uifill 0.0 0.015
UItitle [uitext "Gamemode" 0.7] 0.3 0.03
uigrid 3 0 0 [
nextmode = (getnextmode)
looplist2 n i [
"Edit" 0 "rDM" 1 "pDM" 2
"" -1 "rTDM" 3 "pTDM" 4
"" -1 "rCTF" 5 "pCTF" 6
] [
if (< $i 0) [
uimodcolor $c_boxmod 0.1 0.03
] [
UIbutton "" [
UIradio [= $nextmode $i] 0.016
uitext $n 0.6
] 0.1 0.03 [mode $i] -1
uifill 0.0 0.015
if (issomeoneelsemaster) [
if (ismaster $getclientnum) [
UIbutton "" [uitext (concatword (? (= $isconnected 1) (? (! $editing) "^f4")) "New Map") 0.7] 0.3 0.05 [hideui "map_browser" ; showui "newmap"]
] [
UIbutton "" [uitext "^f4New Map" 0.65] 0.3 0.05 []
] [
UIbutton "" [uitext (concatword (? (= $isconnected 1) (? (! $editing) "^f4")) "New Map") 0.7] 0.3 0.05 [hideui "map_browser" ; showui "newmap"]
uiscroll 0.4 0.64 [
uifill 0.37 0.64
uivlist 0 [
uialign 0 -1
uiclamp 1 1
if $UI_maplist [
if (=s $custommaps "") [
custommaps = " "
loopfiles m "media/map" "ogz" [
if (< (indexof $editmaps $m) 0) [
custommaps = (concat $custommaps (escape $m))
looplist m $custommaps [
UIbutton (? (!=s $UI_selmap $m) "hold2") [
uitext $m 0.6
] 0 0.04 [
hideui "loadmap"
map $m
] -1 [uihover [UI_selmap = $m]]
] [
looplist m $(? (m_ctf $nextmode) "ctfmaps" (? (m_edit $nextmode) "editmaps" (? (m_teammode $nextmode) "tdmmaps" "dmmaps"))) [
UIbutton (? (!=s $UI_selmap $m) "hold2") [
uitext $m 0.6
] 0 0.04 [
hideui "loadmap"
map $m
] -1 [uihover [UI_selmap = $m]]
uiclamp* 1 1
UIvscroll 0.02 0.64 1.6
] [
UI_selmap = ""
custommaps = ""
hideui "newmap"
] [] [] "Map Browser"
UImenu "newmap" [
uispace 0.008 0.015 [
uivlist 0 [
uifill 0.5 0.032 [
uitext (concatword "^f8/newmap " (? (!= $UI_mapscale 10) $UI_mapscale)) 0.7
uialign* -1 0
uioutline $c_line ; uiclamp- 1 1 1 1
uifill 0 0.025
uihlist 0.01 [
uitext "MapScale" 0.6
UIhslider UI_mapscale 10 16 1 0.5 0.032 [uitext $UI_mapscale 0.6]
uialign* -1 0
uifill 0 0.025
UIbutton "" [uitext (concatword (? (= $isconnected 1) (? (! $editing) "^f4")) "New") 0.6] 0.12 0.06 [hideui "newmap" ; newmap $UI_mapscale]
] [] [] [] "New Map"
// F7 Environment Settings //
UI_envtabs = 0
UImenu "env_settings" [
uihlist 0 [
UIvtab 0.2 (*f 0.048 7) UI_envtabs [
0 "Lighting" []
1 "Sky" []
2 [@@(concatword (? (! $atmo) "^f4") "Dynamic-Sky")] []
3 "Fog" []
4 "Water" []
5 "Lava" []
6 "Glass" []
] 1
uialign- 0 -1
UIbar 0 1
uifill 0.02
uiscroll 0.67 0.6 [
uifill 0.67 0.6 [
uialign 0 -1
uitable 0 0 [
uialign -1 -1
case $UI_envtabs 0 [//Lighting//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uitablerow [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Lighting" 0.8] 0.25 0.1 [hidetopui]
] 1 [//Sky//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uitablerow [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Sky" 0.8] 0.25 0.1 [hidetopui]
] 2 [//Dynamic-Sky//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uitablerow [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Dynamic-Sky" 0.8] 0.25 0.1 [hidetopui]
] 3 [//Fog//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uitablerow [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Fog" 0.8] 0.25 0.1 [hidetopui]
] 4 [//Water////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uitablerow [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Water" 0.8] 0.25 0.1 [hidetopui]
] 5 [//Lava/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uitablerow [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Lava" 0.8] 0.25 0.1 [hidetopui]
] 6 [//Glass////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uitablerow [
UIbutton "" [uitext "Glass" 0.8] 0.25 0.1 [hidetopui]
UIvscroll 0.02 0.6 1.421 0.5
] [] [] [] "Environment Settings"
// F8 World Geometry Prefab //
UImenu "geo_prefab" [
uifill 0.5 0.5 [
UIbutton "" [uitext "ToDo" 0.8] 0.3 0.2 [hidetopui]
] [] [] [] "World Geometry Prefab"
// F9 Miscellaneous Editing //
UImenu "misc_editing" [
uifill 0.5 0.5 [
UIbutton "" [uitext "ToDo" 0.8] 0.3 0.2 [hidetopui]
] [] [] [] "Miscellaneous Editing"
// F10 Default Keybind Reference //
// UI_keyref 1:MODE(0=none,1=game,2=edit,3=move) 2:WIDTH(0=default) 3:HEIGHT(0=default) 4:NAME1 5:NAME2 6:TEXTSIZE(0=default)
// UI_keyref * 0.027 0.027 "*" (Key Reference)
UI_keyref = [
if $arg2 [] [arg2 = 0.04]
if $arg3 [] [arg3 = 0.04]
if $arg6 [] [arg6 = 0.5]
uicolor (at [0x505050 0x496F37 0x2A707B 0x955524] $arg1) $arg2 $arg3 [
if $arg5 [
uivlist 0 [uitext $arg4 $arg6 ; uitext $arg5 $arg6]
] [
uitext $arg4 $arg6
UImenu "editbind_reference" [
uispace 0.005 0.005 [
uivlist 0 [
uihlist 0 [
uigrid 3 0 0 [
looplist a [
"^f9ESC" "^f4 = " "^f9Main ^f4(Menu)"
"^f8F1" "^f4 = " "^f8Add/Edit Entity ^f4(Menu)"
"^f8F2" "^f4 = " "^f8Texture List ^f4(Menu)"
"^f8F3" "^f4 = " "^f8Add Mapmodel ^f4(Menu)"
"^f8F4" "^f4 = " "^f8Material Volume ^f4(Menu)"
" " " " " "
"^f8F5" "^f4 = " "^f8Savemap ^f4(Menu)"
"^f9F6" "^f4 = " "^f9Loadmap ^f4(Menu)"
"^f8F7" "^f4 = " "^f8Environment Settings ^f4(Menu)"
"^f8F8" "^f4 = " "^f8World Geometry Prefab ^f4(Menu)"
" " " " " "
"^f8F9" "^f4 = " "^f8Miscellaneous Editing ^f4(Menu)"
"^f8F10" "^f4 = " "^f8Keybind Reference ^f4(Menu)"
"^f9F11" "^f4 = " "^f9Show Console"
"^f9F12" "^f4 = " "^f9Take Screenshot"
" " " " " "
"^f9Pause" "^f4 = " "^f9Pause Game"
" " " " " "
"^f8Delete" "^f4 = " "^f8Editdelete"
"^f8Home" "^f4 = " "^f8Goto selection"
"^f8End" "^f4 = " "^f8Goto selected entities"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f8PageUp" "^f4 = " "^f8Console scroll up"
"^f8PageDown" "^f4 = " "^f8Console scroll to end"
] [uitext $a 0.42]
uispace 0.01 0 [UIbar 0 1 ; uiclamp 1 1 1 1]
uigrid 3 0 0 [
looplist a [
"^f8`" "^f4 = " "^f8Saycommand"
"^f81" "^f4 = " "^f8Edit Entity Attribute 0"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f82" "^f4 = " "^f8Edit Entity Attribute 1"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f83" "^f4 = " "^f8Edit Entity Attribute 2"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f84" "^f4 = " "^f8Edit Entity Attribute 3"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f85" "^f4 = " "^f8Edit Entity Attribute 4"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f86" "^f4 = " "^f8Toggle texture allfaces"
"^f87" "^f4 = " "^f8Toggle entity snapping"
"^f88" "^f4 = " "^f8Toggle entity editing"
"^f89" "^f4 = " "^f8Edit selected entity in console"
"^f90" "^f4 = " "^f9Show Master Menu"
"^f8-" "^f4 = " "^f8Toggle outline"
"^f8=" "^f4 = " "^f8Toggle wireframe"
" " " " " "
"^f8Q" "^f4 = " "^f8Push geometry corner pointed at"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f9E" "^f4 = " "^f9Edittoggle"
"^f8R" "^f4 = " "^f8Rotate geometry/blend-brush"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f9T" "^f4 = " "^f9Chat"
"^f8Y" "^f4 = " "^f8Scroll through textures"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f8U" "^f4 = " "^f8Undo"
"^f8I" "^f4 = " "^f8Redo"
"^f8O" "^f4 = " "^f8Texture offset horizontal ^f4(vslot)"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f8P" "^f4 = " "^f8Texture offset vertical ^f4(vslot)"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
] [uitext $a 0.42]
uispace 0.01 0 [UIbar 0 1 ; uiclamp 1 1 1 1]
uigrid 3 0 0 [
looplist a [
"^f8F" "^f4 = " "^f8Push face/corner selected"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f8G" "^f4 = " "^f8Change gridsize"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f8H" "^f4 = " "^f8Toggle heightmap mode"
"^f8K" "^f4 = " "^f8Calculate Lighting/Remip/Smoothing"
"^f8L" "^f4 = " "^f8Toggle fullbright"
" " " " " "
"^f8Z" "^f4 = " "^f8Repeat last saycommand"
"^f8X" "^f4 = " "^f8Mirror Selection"
"^f8C" "^f4 = " "^f8Copy Selection"
"^f8V" "^f4 = " "^f8Paste Selection"
"^f8B" "^f4 = " "^f8Change heightmap mode brush"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f8N" "^f4 = " "^f8Find all entities of selected type"
"^f8M" "^f4 = " "^f8Toggle show material volumes"
"^f8," "^f4 = " "^f8Rotate texture ^f4(vslot)"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
"^f8." "^f4 = " "^f8Scale texture ^f4(vslot)"
" " " " "^f4(Hold & Mousewheel)"
" " " " " "
"^f9TAB" "^f4 = " "^f9Show scoreboard"
"^f8Left SHIFT" "^f4 = " "^f8Floatspeed 1000"
" " " " "^f4(Hold)"
"^f8Left CTRL" "^f4 = " "^f8Select passthrough"
"^f8Left ALT" "^f4 = " "^f8Edit entity x10"
" " " " "^f4(Hold with 1,2,3,4,5)"
"^f8SPACE" "^f4 = " "^f8Cancel Selection"
"^f8Right ALT" "^f4 = " "^f8Texture offset by 32px"
" " " " "^f4(Default 16px)"
" " " " "^f4(Hold with O or P)"
"^f9ENTER" "^f4 = " "^f9Chat"
] [uitext $a 0.42]
uispace 0.01 0 [UIbar 0 1 ; uiclamp 1 1 1 1]
uigrid 3 0 0 [
looplist a [
"^f8KP 0" "^f4 = " "^f8Exit paint blendmap"
"^f8KP 2" "^f4 = " "^f8Paint"
"^f8KP 5" "^f4 = " "^f8Erase"
"^f8KP 8" "^f4 = " "^f8Select blendbrush -"
"^f8KP 9" "^f4 = " "^f8Select blendbrush +"
"^f8KP +" "^f4 = " "^f8Toggle selection move/cut"
"^f8KP /" "^f4 = " "^f8Floatspeed 10"
"^f8KP *" "^f4 = " "^f8Floatspeed 50"
"^f8KP -" "^f4 = " "^f8Floatspeed 100"
"^f8KP ENTER" "^f4 = " "^f8Select entities within"
" " " " "^f8selection volume"
" " " " " "
"^f8Mouse Left" "^f4 = " "^f8Select geometry/entities"
"^f8Mouse Middle" "^f4 = " "^f8Select corners"
"^f8Mouse Right" "^f4 = " "^f8Select extend/move/cut"
"^f8Mouse Scroll" "^f4 = " "^f8Push Geometry"
"^f8Mouse Back" "^f4 = " "^f8Toggle selection move/cut"
"^f8Mouse Forward" "^f4 = " "^f8Toggle selection move/cut"
] [uitext $a 0.42]
uialign* -1 -1
uifill 0 0.01
uivlist 0.003 [
uihlist 0.003 [
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "ESC"
uifill 0.03 0.04
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "F1"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "F2"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "F3"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "F4"
uifill 0.02 0.04
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "F5"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "F6"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "F7"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "F8"
uifill 0.02 0.04
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "F9"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "F10"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "F11"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "F12"
uifill 0.01 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "Print" "Screen" 0.32
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "Scroll" "Lock" 0.32
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "Pause" "" 0.32
uifill 0 0.01
uihlist 0.003 [
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "`"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "1"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "2"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "3"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "4"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "5"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "6"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "7"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "8"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "9"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "0"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "-"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "="
UI_keyref 0 0.076 0 "BACK"
uifill 0.01 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "Insert" "" 0.32
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "Home" "" 0.32
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "Page" "Up" 0.32
uifill 0.01 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "Num" "Lock" 0.32
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "/"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "*"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "-"
uihlist 0.003 [
UI_keyref 1 0.060 0 "TAB"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "Q"
UI_keyref 3 0 0 "W"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "E"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "R"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "T"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "Y"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "U"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "I"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "O"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "P"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "["
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "]"
UI_keyref 0 0.056 0 "\"
uifill 0.01 0.04
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "Delete" "" 0.32
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "End" "" 0.32
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "Page" "Down" 0.32
uifill 0.01 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "7"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "8"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "9"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "+"
uihlist 0.003 [
UI_keyref 0 0.072 0 "CAPS"
UI_keyref 3 0 0 "A"
UI_keyref 3 0 0 "S"
UI_keyref 3 0 0 "D"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "F"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "G"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "H"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "J"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "K"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "L"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 ";"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "'"
UI_keyref 1 0.087 0 "ENTER"
uifill 0.152 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "4"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "5"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "6"
//UI_keyref 2 0 0 "+"
uihlist 0.003 [
UI_keyref 2 0.100 0 "L SHIFT"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "Z"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "X"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "C"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "V"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "B"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "N"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "M"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 ","
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "."
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "/"
UI_keyref 0 0.102 0 "R SHIFT"
uifill 0.053 0.04
uicolor 0x955524 0.04 0.04 [UItriangle 0 0.01 0.01 0]
uifill 0.053 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "1"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "2"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "3"
UI_keyref 2 0 0 "ENTER" "" 0.32
uihlist 0.003 [
UI_keyref 2 0.070 0 "LCTRL"
uifill 0.0585 0.04
UI_keyref 2 0.060 0 "LALT"
UI_keyref 2 0.240 0 "SPACE"
UI_keyref 2 0.060 0 "RALT"
uifill 0.0585 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0.070 0 "RCTRL"
uifill 0.01 0.04
uicolor 0x955524 0.04 0.04 [UItriangle 0 0.01 0.01 90]
uicolor 0x955524 0.04 0.04 [UItriangle 0 0.01 0.01 180]
uicolor 0x955524 0.04 0.04 [UItriangle 0 0.01 0.01 270]
uifill 0.010 0.04
UI_keyref 2 0.083 0 "0"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "."
//UI_keyref 2 0 0 "ENTER" "" 0.32
uialign* -1 -1
] [] [] [] "Default Editbind Reference"
UImenu "gamebind_reference" [
uispace 0.005 0.005 [
uivlist 0 [
uihlist 0 [
uigrid 3 0 0 [
looplist a [
"^f9ESC" "^f4 = " "^f9Main ^f4(Menu)"
" " " " " "
"^f9F6" "^f4 = " "^f9Loadmap ^f4(Menu)"
"^f9F10" "^f4 = " "^f9Keybind Reference ^f4(Menu)"
"^f9F11" "^f4 = " "^f9Show Console"
"^f9F12" "^f4 = " "^f9Take Screenshot"
" " " " " "
"^f9Pause" "^f4 = " "^f9Pause Game"
" " " " " "
"^f9PageUp" "^f4 = " "^f9Console scroll up"
"^f9PageDown" "^f4 = " "^f9Console scroll to end"
" " " " " "
"^f9TAB" "^f4 = " "^f9Show scoreboard"
"^f9Left SHIFT" "^f4 = " "^f9Crouch ^f4(Hold)"
"^f9Left CTRL" "^f4 = " "^f9Crouch ^f4(Hold)"
"^f9SPACE" "^f4 = " "^f9Jump"
"^f9ENTER" "^f4 = " "^f9Chat"
] [uitext $a 0.42]
uispace 0.01 0 [UIbar 0 1 ; uiclamp 1 1 1 1]
uigrid 3 0 0 [
looplist a [
"^f9`" "^f4 = " "^f9Saycommand"
"^f91" "^f4 = " "^f9Use Railgun"
"^f92" "^f4 = " "^f9Use Pulse Rifle"
"^f90" "^f4 = " "^f9Show Master Menu"
" " " " " "
"^f9E" "^f4 = " "^f9Edittoggle"
"^f9R" "^f4 = " "^f9Drop Flag"
"^f9T" "^f4 = " "^f9Chat"
"^f9Y" "^f4 = " "^f9Team Chat"
" " " " " "
"^f9F" "^f4 = " "^f9Melee attack"
" " " " " "
"^f9Z" "^f4 = " "^f9Toggle zoom"
] [uitext $a 0.42]
uispace 0.01 0 [UIbar 0 1 ; uiclamp 1 1 1 1]
uigrid 3 0 0 [
looplist a [
"^f9Mouse Left" "^f4 = " "^f9Attack"
"^f9Mouse Middle" "^f4 = " "^f9Melee"
"^f9Mouse Right" "^f4 = " "^f9Zoom"
" " " " " "
"^f9Mouse Scroll-Up" "^f4 = " "^f9Use Rocket"
"^f9Mouse Scroll-Down" "^f4 = " "^f9Use Rifle"
" " " " " "
"^f9Mouse Back" "^f4 = " "^f9Melee"
"^f9Mouse Forward" "^f4 = " "^f9Melee"
] [uitext $a 0.42]
uialign* -1 -1
uifill 0 0.01
uivlist 0.003 [
uihlist 0.003 [
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "ESC"
uifill 0.03 0.04
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "F1"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "F2"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "F3"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "F4"
uifill 0.02 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "F5"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "F6"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "F7"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "F8"
uifill 0.02 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "F9"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "F10"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "F11"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "F12"
uifill 0.01 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "Print" "Screen" 0.32
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "Scroll" "Lock" 0.32
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "Pause" "" 0.32
uifill 0 0.01
uihlist 0.003 [
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "`"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "1"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "2"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "3"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "4"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "5"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "6"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "7"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "8"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "9"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "0"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "-"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "="
UI_keyref 0 0.076 0 "BACK"
uifill 0.01 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "Insert" "" 0.32
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "Home" "" 0.32
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "Page" "Up" 0.32
uifill 0.01 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "Num" "Lock" 0.32
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "/"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "*"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "-"
uihlist 0.003 [
UI_keyref 1 0.060 0 "TAB"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "Q"
UI_keyref 3 0 0 "W"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "E"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "R"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "T"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "Y"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "U"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "I"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "O"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "P"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "["
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "]"
UI_keyref 0 0.056 0 "\"
uifill 0.01 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "Delete" "" 0.32
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "End" "" 0.32
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "Page" "Down" 0.32
uifill 0.01 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "7"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "8"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "9"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "+"
uihlist 0.003 [
UI_keyref 0 0.072 0 "CAPS"
UI_keyref 3 0 0 "A"
UI_keyref 3 0 0 "S"
UI_keyref 3 0 0 "D"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "F"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "G"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "H"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "J"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "K"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "L"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 ";"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "'"
UI_keyref 1 0.087 0 "ENTER"
uifill 0.152 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "4"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "5"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "6"
//UI_keyref 0 0 0 "+"
uihlist 0.003 [
UI_keyref 1 0.100 0 "L SHIFT"
UI_keyref 1 0 0 "Z"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "X"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "C"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "V"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "B"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "N"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "M"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 ","
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "."
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "/"
UI_keyref 0 0.102 0 "R SHIFT"
uifill 0.053 0.04
uicolor 0x955524 0.04 0.04 [UItriangle 0 0.01 0.01 0]
uifill 0.053 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "1"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "2"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "3"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "ENTER" "" 0.32
uihlist 0.003 [
UI_keyref 1 0.070 0 "LCTRL"
uifill 0.0585 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0.060 0 "LALT"
UI_keyref 1 0.240 0 "SPACE"
UI_keyref 0 0.060 0 "RALT"
uifill 0.0585 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0.070 0 "RCTRL"
uifill 0.01 0.04
uicolor 0x955524 0.04 0.04 [UItriangle 0 0.01 0.01 90]
uicolor 0x955524 0.04 0.04 [UItriangle 0 0.01 0.01 180]
uicolor 0x955524 0.04 0.04 [UItriangle 0 0.01 0.01 270]
uifill 0.010 0.04
UI_keyref 0 0.083 0 "0"
UI_keyref 0 0 0 "."
//UI_keyref 0 0 0 "ENTER" "" 0.32
uialign* -1 -1
] [] [] [] "Default Gamebind Reference"
// F11 Fullscreen Console //
newui "fullconsole" [
uiallowinput 0
uiclamp 1 1
uialign 0 -1
uicolor $c_menu_a 0 0 [
uispace $UIwindow_padding $UIwindow_padding [
uiclamp 1 1 1 1
uiconsole 0 (divf $fullconsize 100) [uiclamp 1 1]
uiclamp- 1 1 1 1
uiclamp* 1 1 1 1