
69 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-04-15 16:39:17 +00:00
// separable blur with up to 7 taps
blurshader = [
shader 0 $arg1 [
attribute vec4 vvertex;
@(screentexcoord 0)
uniform float offsets[8];
varying vec2 texcoord0, texcoordp1, texcoordn1;
@(loopconcat+ i 2 (min (- $arg2 1) 2) [result [
varying vec2 texcoordp@i, texcoordn@i;
void main(void)
gl_Position = vvertex;
texcoord0 = vtexcoord0;
vec2 tcp = vtexcoord0, tcn = vtexcoord0;
tcp.@arg3 += offsets[1];
tcn.@arg3 -= offsets[1];
texcoordp1 = tcp;
texcoordn1 = tcn;
@(loopconcat+ i 2 (min (- $arg2 1) 2) [result [
tcp.@arg3 = vtexcoord0.@arg3 + offsets[@@i];
tcn.@arg3 = vtexcoord0.@arg3 - offsets[@@i];
texcoordp@i = tcp;
texcoordn@i = tcn;
] [
uniform float weights[8];
uniform float offsets[8];
uniform sampler@[arg4] tex0;
varying vec2 texcoord0, texcoordp1, texcoordn1;
@(loopconcat+ i 2 (min (- $arg2 1) 2) [result [
varying vec2 texcoordp@i, texcoordn@i;
fragdata(0) vec4 fragcolor;
void main(void)
#define texval(coords) texture@[arg4](tex0, (coords))
vec4 val = texval(texcoord0) * weights[0];
@(loopconcat+ i 1 $arg2 [
if (< $i 4) [result [
val += weights[@@i] * (texval(texcoordp@i) + texval(texcoordn@i));
]] [result [
val += weights[@@i] *
@(if (=s $arg3 "x") [result [
(texval(vec2(texcoord0.x + offsets[@@i], texcoord0.y)) + texval(vec2(texcoord0.x - offsets[@@i], texcoord0.y)));
]] [result [
(texval(vec2(texcoord0.x, texcoord0.y + offsets[@@i])) + texval(vec2(texcoord0.x, texcoord0.y - offsets[@@i])));
fragcolor = val;
loop+ i 1 7 [
blurshader (format "blurx%1" $i) $i x 2D
blurshader (format "blury%1" $i) $i y 2D
blurshader (format "blurx%1rect" $i) $i x 2DRect
blurshader (format "blury%1rect" $i) $i y 2DRect