start refactoring for single include file per source file

also, make sure only external symbols are visible globally
Daniel Kolesa 2020-04-18 02:20:17 +02:00
parent bebef4e338
commit 6545f92317
11 changed files with 141 additions and 114 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#include "aa.hh"
#include "engine.hh"
extern int intel_texalpha_bug;
@ -10,13 +12,13 @@ FVAR(tqaacolorweightscale, 0, 0.25f, 1e3f);
FVAR(tqaacolorweightbias, 0, 0.01f, 1);
VAR(tqaaresolvegather, 1, 0, 0);
int tqaaframe = 0;
GLuint tqaatex[2] = { 0, 0 }, tqaafbo[2] = { 0, 0 };
matrix4 tqaaprevscreenmatrix;
static int tqaaframe = 0;
static GLuint tqaatex[2] = { 0, 0 }, tqaafbo[2] = { 0, 0 };
static matrix4 tqaaprevscreenmatrix;
int tqaatype = -1;
static int tqaatype = -1;
void loadtqaashaders()
static void loadtqaashaders()
tqaatype = tqaamovemask ? AA_MASKED : AA_UNUSED;
@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ void loadtqaashaders()
void setuptqaa(int w, int h)
static void setuptqaa(int w, int h)
@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ void setuptqaa(int w, int h)
void cleanuptqaa()
static void cleanuptqaa()
tqaatype = -1;
loopi(2) if(tqaatex[i]) { glDeleteTextures(1, &tqaatex[i]); tqaatex[i] = 0; }
@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ void setaavelocityparams(GLenum tmu)
VAR(debugtqaa, 0, 0, 2);
void viewtqaa()
static void viewtqaa()
int w = min(hudw, hudh)*1.0f, h = (w*hudh)/hudw, tw = gw, th = gh;
@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ void viewtqaa()
debugquad(0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, tw, th);
void resolvetqaa(GLuint outfbo)
static void resolvetqaa(GLuint outfbo)
glBindFramebuffer_(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, outfbo);
@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ void resolvetqaa(GLuint outfbo)
void dotqaa(GLuint outfbo = 0)
static void dotqaa(GLuint outfbo = 0)
timer *tqaatimer = begintimer("tqaa");
@ -118,14 +120,30 @@ void dotqaa(GLuint outfbo = 0)
GLuint fxaafbo = 0, fxaatex = 0;
static GLuint fxaafbo = 0, fxaatex = 0;
extern int fxaaquality, fxaagreenluma;
int fxaatype = -1;
static int fxaatype = -1;
static Shader *fxaashader = NULL;
void loadfxaashaders()
static void clearfxaashaders()
fxaatype = -1;
fxaashader = NULL;
static void cleanupfxaa()
if(fxaafbo) { glDeleteFramebuffers_(1, &fxaafbo); fxaafbo = 0; }
if(fxaatex) { glDeleteTextures(1, &fxaatex); fxaatex = 0; }
VARFP(fxaa, 0, 0, 1, cleanupfxaa());
VARFP(fxaaquality, 0, 1, 3, cleanupfxaa());
VARFP(fxaagreenluma, 0, 0, 1, cleanupfxaa());
static void loadfxaashaders()
fxaatype = tqaatype >= 0 ? tqaatype : (!fxaagreenluma && !intel_texalpha_bug ? AA_LUMA : AA_UNUSED);
@ -139,13 +157,7 @@ void loadfxaashaders()
fxaashader = generateshader(fxaaname, "fxaashaders %d \"%s\"", fxaaquality, opts);
void clearfxaashaders()
fxaatype = -1;
fxaashader = NULL;
void setupfxaa(int w, int h)
static void setupfxaa(int w, int h)
if(!fxaatex) glGenTextures(1, &fxaatex);
if(!fxaafbo) glGenFramebuffers_(1, &fxaafbo);
@ -160,19 +172,7 @@ void setupfxaa(int w, int h)
void cleanupfxaa()
if(fxaafbo) { glDeleteFramebuffers_(1, &fxaafbo); fxaafbo = 0; }
if(fxaatex) { glDeleteTextures(1, &fxaatex); fxaatex = 0; }
VARFP(fxaa, 0, 0, 1, cleanupfxaa());
VARFP(fxaaquality, 0, 1, 3, cleanupfxaa());
VARFP(fxaagreenluma, 0, 0, 1, cleanupfxaa());
void dofxaa(GLuint outfbo = 0)
static void dofxaa(GLuint outfbo = 0)
timer *fxaatimer = begintimer("fxaa");
@ -186,15 +186,47 @@ void dofxaa(GLuint outfbo = 0)
GLuint smaaareatex = 0, smaasearchtex = 0, smaafbo[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, smaatex[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int smaasubsampleorder = -1;
static GLuint smaaareatex = 0, smaasearchtex = 0, smaafbo[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, smaatex[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static int smaasubsampleorder = -1;
extern int smaaquality, smaagreenluma, smaacoloredge, smaadepthmask, smaastencil;
int smaatype = -1;
static int smaatype = -1;
static Shader *smaalumaedgeshader = NULL, *smaacoloredgeshader = NULL, *smaablendweightshader = NULL, *smaaneighborhoodshader = NULL;
void loadsmaashaders(bool split = false)
VAR(smaat2x, 1, 0, 0);
VAR(smaas2x, 1, 0, 0);
VAR(smaa4x, 1, 0, 0);
static void clearsmaashaders()
smaatype = -1;
smaalumaedgeshader = NULL;
smaacoloredgeshader = NULL;
smaablendweightshader = NULL;
smaaneighborhoodshader = NULL;
static void cleanupsmaa()
if(smaaareatex) { glDeleteTextures(1, &smaaareatex); smaaareatex = 0; }
if(smaasearchtex) { glDeleteTextures(1, &smaasearchtex); smaasearchtex = 0; }
loopi(4) if(smaafbo[i]) { glDeleteFramebuffers_(1, &smaafbo[i]); smaafbo[i] = 0; }
loopi(5) if(smaatex[i]) { glDeleteTextures(1, &smaatex[i]); smaatex[i] = 0; }
smaasubsampleorder = -1;
smaat2x = smaas2x = smaa4x = 0;
VARFP(smaa, 0, 0, 1, cleanupgbuffer());
VARFP(smaaspatial, 0, 1, 1, cleanupgbuffer());
VARFP(smaaquality, 0, 2, 3, cleanupsmaa());
VARFP(smaacoloredge, 0, 0, 1, cleanupsmaa());
VARFP(smaagreenluma, 0, 0, 1, cleanupsmaa());
VARF(smaadepthmask, 0, 1, 1, cleanupsmaa());
VARF(smaastencil, 0, 1, 1, cleanupsmaa());
VAR(debugsmaa, 0, 0, 5);
static void loadsmaashaders(bool split = false)
smaatype = tqaatype >= 0 ? tqaatype : (!smaagreenluma && !intel_texalpha_bug && !smaacoloredge ? AA_LUMA : AA_UNUSED);
if(split) smaatype += AA_SPLIT;
@ -231,21 +263,12 @@ void loadsmaashaders(bool split = false)
if(!smaaneighborhoodshader) smaaneighborhoodshader = nullshader;
void clearsmaashaders()
smaatype = -1;
smaalumaedgeshader = NULL;
smaacoloredgeshader = NULL;
smaablendweightshader = NULL;
smaaneighborhoodshader = NULL;
static bool smaasearchdatainited = false;
void gensmaasearchdata()
static void gensmaasearchdata()
if(smaasearchdatainited) return;
int edges[33];
@ -268,7 +291,7 @@ void gensmaasearchdata()
smaasearchdatainited = true;
vec2 areaunderortho(const vec2 &p1, const vec2 &p2, float x)
static vec2 areaunderortho(const vec2 &p1, const vec2 &p2, float x)
vec2 d(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y);
float y1 = p1.y + (x - p1.x)*d.y/d.x,
@ -306,7 +329,7 @@ static inline void smootharea(float d, vec2 &a1, vec2 &a2)
a2.lerp(b2, a2, p);
vec2 areaortho(int pattern, float left, float right, float offset)
static vec2 areaortho(int pattern, float left, float right, float offset)
float d = left + right + 1, o1 = offset + 0.5f, o2 = offset - 0.5f;
@ -351,7 +374,7 @@ vec2 areaortho(int pattern, float left, float right, float offset)
return vec2(0, 0);
float areaunderdiag(const vec2 &p1, const vec2 &p2, const vec2 &p)
static float areaunderdiag(const vec2 &p1, const vec2 &p2, const vec2 &p)
vec2 d(p2.y - p1.y, p1.x - p2.x);
float dp =;
@ -423,7 +446,7 @@ static inline vec2 areadiag2(float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y, float p
return areadiag(p1, p2, left).avg(areadiag(p3, p4, left));
vec2 areadiag(int pattern, float left, float right, const vec2 &offset)
static vec2 areadiag(int pattern, float left, float right, const vec2 &offset)
float d = left + right + 1;
@ -456,7 +479,7 @@ static const float offsetsdiag[][2] = { { 0.0f, 0.0f, }, { 0.25f, -0.25f }, { -0
static uchar smaaareadata[SMAA_AREATEX_WIDTH*SMAA_AREATEX_HEIGHT*2];
static bool smaaareadatainited = false;
void gensmaaareadata()
static void gensmaaareadata()
if(smaaareadatainited) return;
memset(smaaareadata, 0, sizeof(smaaareadata));
@ -495,11 +518,7 @@ void gensmaaareadata()
smaaareadatainited = true;
VAR(smaat2x, 1, 0, 0);
VAR(smaas2x, 1, 0, 0);
VAR(smaa4x, 1, 0, 0);
void setupsmaa(int w, int h)
static void setupsmaa(int w, int h)
if(!smaaareatex) glGenTextures(1, &smaaareatex);
if(!smaasearchtex) glGenTextures(1, &smaasearchtex);
@ -543,28 +562,7 @@ void setupsmaa(int w, int h)
void cleanupsmaa()
if(smaaareatex) { glDeleteTextures(1, &smaaareatex); smaaareatex = 0; }
if(smaasearchtex) { glDeleteTextures(1, &smaasearchtex); smaasearchtex = 0; }
loopi(4) if(smaafbo[i]) { glDeleteFramebuffers_(1, &smaafbo[i]); smaafbo[i] = 0; }
loopi(5) if(smaatex[i]) { glDeleteTextures(1, &smaatex[i]); smaatex[i] = 0; }
smaasubsampleorder = -1;
smaat2x = smaas2x = smaa4x = 0;
VARFP(smaa, 0, 0, 1, cleanupgbuffer());
VARFP(smaaspatial, 0, 1, 1, cleanupgbuffer());
VARFP(smaaquality, 0, 2, 3, cleanupsmaa());
VARFP(smaacoloredge, 0, 0, 1, cleanupsmaa());
VARFP(smaagreenluma, 0, 0, 1, cleanupsmaa());
VARF(smaadepthmask, 0, 1, 1, cleanupsmaa());
VARF(smaastencil, 0, 1, 1, cleanupsmaa());
VAR(debugsmaa, 0, 0, 5);
void viewsmaa()
static void viewsmaa()
int w = min(hudw, hudh)*1.0f, h = (w*hudh)/hudw, tw = gw, th = gh;
@ -580,7 +578,7 @@ void viewsmaa()
debugquad(0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, tw, th);
void dosmaa(GLuint outfbo = 0, bool split = false)
static void dosmaa(GLuint outfbo = 0, bool split = false)
timer *smaatimer = begintimer("smaa");
@ -690,7 +688,7 @@ void jitteraa()
int aamaskstencil = -1, aamask = -1;
static int aamaskstencil = -1, aamask = -1;
void setaamask(bool on)
@ -770,4 +768,3 @@ void cleanupaa()

src/engine/aa.hh 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#ifndef AA_HH
#define AA_HH
#include <shared/gl.hh>
#include <shared/tools.hh>
#include <shared/geom.hh>
extern matrix4 nojittermatrix;
void setaavelocityparams(GLenum tmu = GL_TEXTURE0);
void setupaa(int w, int h);
void jitteraa();
void doaa(GLuint outfbo, void (*resolve)(GLuint, int));
bool debugaa();
void cleanupaa();
void setaamask(bool val);
void enableaamask(int stencil = 0);
void disableaamask();
bool maskedaa();
bool multisampledaa();

View File

@ -364,21 +364,6 @@ extern bool useavatarmask();
extern void enableavatarmask();
extern void disableavatarmask();
// aa
extern matrix4 nojittermatrix;
extern void setupaa(int w, int h);
extern void jitteraa();
extern bool maskedaa();
extern bool multisampledaa();
extern void setaavelocityparams(GLenum tmu = GL_TEXTURE0);
extern void setaamask(bool val);
extern void enableaamask(int stencil = 0);
extern void disableaamask();
extern void doaa(GLuint outfbo, void (*resolve)(GLuint, int));
extern bool debugaa();
extern void cleanupaa();
// ents
extern char *entname(entity &e);
extern bool haveselent();

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
// rendergl.cpp: core opengl rendering stuff
#include "aa.hh"
#include "engine.hh"
bool hasVAO = false, hasTR = false, hasTSW = false, hasPBO = false, hasFBO = false, hasAFBO = false, hasDS = false, hasTF = false, hasCBF = false, hasS3TC = false, hasFXT1 = false, hasLATC = false, hasRGTC = false, hasAF = false, hasFBB = false, hasFBMS = false, hasTMS = false, hasMSS = false, hasFBMSBS = false, hasUBO = false, hasMBR = false, hasDB2 = false, hasDBB = false, hasTG = false, hasTQ = false, hasPF = false, hasTRG = false, hasTI = false, hasHFV = false, hasHFP = false, hasDBT = false, hasDC = false, hasDBGO = false, hasEGPU4 = false, hasGPU4 = false, hasGPU5 = false, hasBFE = false, hasEAL = false, hasCR = false, hasOQ2 = false, hasES3 = false, hasCB = false, hasCI = false;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#include "aa.hh"
#include "engine.hh"
int gw = -1, gh = -1, bloomw = -1, bloomh = -1, lasthdraccum = 0;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
#include "aa.hh"
#include "engine.hh"
VAR(oqdynent, 0, 1, 1);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
octacore_includes = [
include_directories('shared', 'engine', 'game', 'enet/include')
include_directories('.', 'shared', 'engine', 'game', 'enet/include')
# FIXME: remove, for now without this the engine behaves wonky

View File

@ -36,18 +36,7 @@
#define ZLIB_DLL
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include "SDL2/SDL.h"
#define __glext_h_
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#define main SDL_main
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_opengl.h>
#include "gl.hh"
#include <enet/enet.h>

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
#ifndef GEOM_HH
#define GEOM_HH
struct vec;
struct vec4;
@ -1940,3 +1943,4 @@ static inline float sin360(int angle) { return sincos360[angle].y; }
static inline float tan360(int angle) { const vec2 &sc = sincos360[angle]; return sc.y/sc.x; }
static inline float cotan360(int angle) { const vec2 &sc = sincos360[angle]; return sc.x/sc.y; }

src/shared/gl.hh 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#ifndef GL_HH
#define GL_HH
# ifdef __APPLE__
# include "SDL2/SDL.h"
# define __glext_h_
# include <OpenGL/gl.h>
# define main SDL_main
# else
# include <SDL.h>
# include <SDL_opengl.h>
# endif

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
#ifndef _TOOLS_H
#define _TOOLS_H
#include <zlib.h>
#include <enet/enet.h>
#ifdef NULL
#undef NULL