// core world management routines #include "octa.hh" #include "main.hh" // renderprogress #include "octaedit.hh" #include "world.hh" #include "engine.hh" static struct emptycube : cube { emptycube() { children = NULL; ext = NULL; visible = 0; merged = 0; material = MAT_AIR; setfaces(*this, F_EMPTY); loopi(6) texture[i] = DEFAULT_SKY; } } emptycube; cube *worldroot = newcubes(F_SOLID); int allocnodes = 0; cubeext *growcubeext(cubeext *old, int maxverts) { cubeext *ext = (cubeext *)new uchar[sizeof(cubeext) + maxverts*sizeof(vertinfo)]; if(old) { ext->va = old->va; ext->ents = old->ents; ext->tjoints = old->tjoints; } else { ext->va = NULL; ext->ents = NULL; ext->tjoints = -1; } ext->maxverts = maxverts; return ext; } void setcubeext(cube &c, cubeext *ext) { cubeext *old = c.ext; if(old == ext) return; c.ext = ext; if(old) delete[] (uchar *)old; } cubeext *newcubeext(cube &c, int maxverts, bool init) { if(c.ext && c.ext->maxverts >= maxverts) return c.ext; cubeext *ext = growcubeext(c.ext, maxverts); if(init) { if(c.ext) { memcpy(ext->surfaces, c.ext->surfaces, sizeof(ext->surfaces)); memcpy(ext->verts(), c.ext->verts(), c.ext->maxverts*sizeof(vertinfo)); } else memset(ext->surfaces, 0, sizeof(ext->surfaces)); } setcubeext(c, ext); return ext; } cube *newcubes(uint face, int mat) { cube *c = new cube[8]; loopi(8) { c->children = NULL; c->ext = NULL; c->visible = 0; c->merged = 0; setfaces(*c, face); loopl(6) c->texture[l] = DEFAULT_GEOM; c->material = mat; c++; } allocnodes++; return c-8; } int familysize(const cube &c) { int size = 1; if(c.children) loopi(8) size += familysize(c.children[i]); return size; } void freeocta(cube *c) { if(!c) return; loopi(8) discardchildren(c[i]); delete[] c; allocnodes--; } void freecubeext(cube &c) { if(c.ext) { delete[] (uchar *)c.ext; c.ext = NULL; } } static int getmippedtexture(const cube &p, int orient); void discardchildren(cube &c, bool fixtex, int depth) { c.material = MAT_AIR; c.visible = 0; c.merged = 0; if(c.ext) { if(c.ext->va) destroyva(c.ext->va); c.ext->va = NULL; c.ext->tjoints = -1; freeoctaentities(c); freecubeext(c); } if(c.children) { uint filled = F_EMPTY; loopi(8) { discardchildren(c.children[i], fixtex, depth+1); filled |= c.children[i].faces[0]; } if(fixtex) { loopi(6) c.texture[i] = getmippedtexture(c, i); if(depth > 0 && filled != F_EMPTY) c.faces[0] = F_SOLID; } DELETEA(c.children); allocnodes--; } } void getcubevector(cube &c, int d, int x, int y, int z, ivec &p) { ivec v(d, x, y, z); loopi(3) p[i] = edgeget(cubeedge(c, i, v[R[i]], v[C[i]]), v[D[i]]); } void setcubevector(cube &c, int d, int x, int y, int z, const ivec &p) { ivec v(d, x, y, z); loopi(3) edgeset(cubeedge(c, i, v[R[i]], v[C[i]]), v[D[i]], p[i]); } static inline void getcubevector(cube &c, int i, ivec &p) { p.x = edgeget(cubeedge(c, 0, (i>>R[0])&1, (i>>C[0])&1), (i>>D[0])&1); p.y = edgeget(cubeedge(c, 1, (i>>R[1])&1, (i>>C[1])&1), (i>>D[1])&1); p.z = edgeget(cubeedge(c, 2, (i>>R[2])&1, (i>>C[2])&1), (i>>D[2])&1); } static inline void setcubevector(cube &c, int i, const ivec &p) { edgeset(cubeedge(c, 0, (i>>R[0])&1, (i>>C[0])&1), (i>>D[0])&1, p.x); edgeset(cubeedge(c, 1, (i>>R[1])&1, (i>>C[1])&1), (i>>D[1])&1, p.y); edgeset(cubeedge(c, 2, (i>>R[2])&1, (i>>C[2])&1), (i>>D[2])&1, p.z); } void optiface(uchar *p, cube &c) { uint f = *(uint *)p; if(((f>>4)&0x0F0F0F0FU) == (f&0x0F0F0F0FU)) emptyfaces(c); } void printcube() { cube &c = lookupcube(lu); // assume this is cube being pointed at conoutf(CON_DEBUG, "= %p = (%d, %d, %d) @ %d", (void *)&c, lu.x, lu.y, lu.z, lusize); conoutf(CON_DEBUG, " x %.8x", c.faces[0]); conoutf(CON_DEBUG, " y %.8x", c.faces[1]); conoutf(CON_DEBUG, " z %.8x", c.faces[2]); } COMMAND(printcube, ""); bool isvalidcube(const cube &c) { clipplanes p; genclipbounds(c, ivec(0, 0, 0), 256, p); genclipplanes(c, ivec(0, 0, 0), 256, p); loopi(8) // test that cube is convex { vec v = p.v[i]; loopj(p.size) if(p.p[j].dist(v)>1e-3f) return false; } return true; } void validatec(cube *c, int size) { loopi(8) { if(c[i].children) { if(size<=1) { solidfaces(c[i]); discardchildren(c[i], true); } else validatec(c[i].children, size>>1); } else if(size > 0x1000) { subdividecube(c[i], true, false); validatec(c[i].children, size>>1); } else { loopj(3) { uint f = c[i].faces[j], e0 = f&0x0F0F0F0FU, e1 = (f>>4)&0x0F0F0F0FU; if(e0 == e1 || ((e1+0x07070707U)|(e1-e0))&0xF0F0F0F0U) { emptyfaces(c[i]); break; } } } } } ivec lu; int lusize; cube &lookupcube(const ivec &to, int tsize, ivec &ro, int &rsize) { int tx = clamp(to.x, 0, worldsize-1), ty = clamp(to.y, 0, worldsize-1), tz = clamp(to.z, 0, worldsize-1); int scale = worldscale-1, csize = abs(tsize); cube *c = &worldroot[octastep(tx, ty, tz, scale)]; if(!(csize>>scale)) do { if(!c->children) { if(tsize > 0) do { subdividecube(*c); scale--; c = &c->children[octastep(tx, ty, tz, scale)]; } while(!(csize>>scale)); break; } scale--; c = &c->children[octastep(tx, ty, tz, scale)]; } while(!(csize>>scale)); ro = ivec(tx, ty, tz).mask(~0U<children) { scale--; c = &c->children[octastep(o.x, o.y, o.z, scale)]; } return c->material; } const cube *neighbourstack[32]; int neighbourdepth = -1; const cube &neighbourcube(const cube &c, int orient, const ivec &co, int size, ivec &ro, int &rsize) { ivec n = co; int dim = dimension(orient); uint diff = n[dim]; if(dimcoord(orient)) n[dim] += size; else n[dim] -= size; diff ^= n[dim]; if(diff >= uint(worldsize)) { ro = n; rsize = size; return emptycube; } int scale = worldscale; const cube *nc = worldroot; if(neighbourdepth >= 0) { scale -= neighbourdepth + 1; diff >>= scale; do { scale++; diff >>= 1; } while(diff); nc = neighbourstack[worldscale - scale]; } scale--; nc = &nc[octastep(n.x, n.y, n.z, scale)]; if(!(size>>scale) && nc->children) do { scale--; nc = &nc->children[octastep(n.x, n.y, n.z, scale)]; } while(!(size>>scale) && nc->children); ro = n.mask(~0U< DEFAULT_SKY) loopi(numtexs) if(texs[i] == tex) return tex; texs[numtexs++] = tex; } loopirev(numtexs) if(!i || texs[i] > DEFAULT_SKY) return texs[i]; return DEFAULT_GEOM; } void forcemip(cube &c, bool fixtex) { cube *ch = c.children; emptyfaces(c); loopi(8) loopj(8) { int n = i^(j==3 ? 4 : (j==4 ? 3 : j)); if(!isempty(ch[n])) // breadth first search for cube near vert { ivec v; getcubevector(ch[n], i, v); // adjust vert to parent size setcubevector(c, i, ivec(n, v, 8).shr(1)); break; } } if(fixtex) loopj(6) c.texture[j] = getmippedtexture(c, j); } static int midedge(const ivec &a, const ivec &b, int xd, int yd, bool &perfect) { int ax = a[xd], ay = a[yd], bx = b[xd], by = b[yd]; if(ay==by) return ay; if(ax==bx) { perfect = false; return ay; } bool crossx = (ax<8 && bx>8) || (ax>8 && bx<8); bool crossy = (ay<8 && by>8) || (ay>8 && by<8); if(crossy && !crossx) { midedge(a,b,yd,xd,perfect); return 8; } // to test perfection if(ax<=8 && bx<=8) return ax>bx ? ay : by; if(ax>=8 && bx>=8) return ax16)) perfect = false; return crossy ? 8 : min(max(y, 0), 16); } static inline bool crosscenter(const ivec &a, const ivec &b, int xd, int yd) { int ax = a[xd], ay = a[yd], bx = b[xd], by = b[yd]; return (((ax <= 8 && bx <= 8) || (ax >= 8 && bx >= 8)) && ((ay <= 8 && by <= 8) || (ay >= 8 && by >= 8))) || (ax + bx == 16 && ay + by == 16); } bool subdividecube(cube &c, bool fullcheck, bool brighten) { if(c.children) return true; if(c.ext) memset(c.ext->surfaces, 0, sizeof(c.ext->surfaces)); if(isempty(c) || isentirelysolid(c)) { c.children = newcubes(isempty(c) ? F_EMPTY : F_SOLID, c.material); loopi(8) { loopl(6) c.children[i].texture[l] = c.texture[l]; if(brighten && !isempty(c)) brightencube(c.children[i]); } return true; } cube *ch = c.children = newcubes(F_SOLID, c.material); bool perfect = true; ivec v[8]; loopi(8) { getcubevector(c, i, v[i]); v[i].mul(2); } loopj(6) { int d = dimension(j), z = dimcoord(j); const ivec &v00 = v[octaindex(d, 0, 0, z)], &v10 = v[octaindex(d, 1, 0, z)], &v01 = v[octaindex(d, 0, 1, z)], &v11 = v[octaindex(d, 1, 1, z)]; int e[3][3]; // corners e[0][0] = v00[d]; e[0][2] = v01[d]; e[2][0] = v10[d]; e[2][2] = v11[d]; // edges e[0][1] = midedge(v00, v01, C[d], d, perfect); e[1][0] = midedge(v00, v10, R[d], d, perfect); e[1][2] = midedge(v11, v01, R[d], d, perfect); e[2][1] = midedge(v11, v10, C[d], d, perfect); // center bool p1 = perfect, p2 = perfect; int c1 = midedge(v00, v11, R[d], d, p1); int c2 = midedge(v01, v10, R[d], d, p2); if(z ? c1 > c2 : c1 < c2) { e[1][1] = c1; perfect = p1 && (c1 == c2 || crosscenter(v00, v11, C[d], R[d])); } else { e[1][1] = c2; perfect = p2 && (c1 == c2 || crosscenter(v01, v10, C[d], R[d])); } loopi(8) { ch[i].texture[j] = c.texture[j]; int rd = (i>>R[d])&1, cd = (i>>C[d])&1, dd = (i>>D[d])&1; edgeset(cubeedge(ch[i], d, 0, 0), z, clamp(e[rd][cd] - dd*8, 0, 8)); edgeset(cubeedge(ch[i], d, 1, 0), z, clamp(e[1+rd][cd] - dd*8, 0, 8)); edgeset(cubeedge(ch[i], d, 0, 1), z, clamp(e[rd][1+cd] - dd*8, 0, 8)); edgeset(cubeedge(ch[i], d, 1, 1), z, clamp(e[1+rd][1+cd] - dd*8, 0, 8)); } } validatec(ch); if(fullcheck) loopi(8) if(!isvalidcube(ch[i])) // not so good... { emptyfaces(ch[i]); perfect=false; } if(brighten) loopi(8) if(!isempty(ch[i])) brightencube(ch[i]); return perfect; } bool crushededge(uchar e, int dc) { return dc ? e==0 : e==0x88; } static bool touchingface(const cube &c, int orient); int visibleorient(const cube &c, int orient) { loopi(2) { int a = faceedgesidx[orient][i*2 + 0]; int b = faceedgesidx[orient][i*2 + 1]; loopj(2) { if(crushededge(c.edges[a],j) && crushededge(c.edges[b],j) && touchingface(c, orient)) return ((a>>2)<<1) + j; } } return orient; } VAR(mipvis, 0, 0, 1); static int remipprogress = 0, remiptotal = 0; bool remip(cube &c, const ivec &co, int size) { cube *ch = c.children; if(!ch) { if(size<<1 <= 0x1000) return true; subdividecube(c); ch = c.children; } else if((remipprogress++&0xFFF)==1) renderprogress(float(remipprogress)/remiptotal, "remipping..."); bool perfect = true; loopi(8) { ivec o(i, co, size); if(!remip(ch[i], o, size>>1)) perfect = false; } solidfaces(c); // so texmip is more consistent loopj(6) c.texture[j] = getmippedtexture(c, j); // parents get child texs regardless if(!perfect) return false; if(size<<1 > 0x1000) return false; ushort mat = MAT_AIR; loopi(8) { mat = ch[i].material; if((mat&MATF_CLIP) == MAT_NOCLIP || mat&MAT_ALPHA) { if(i > 0) return false; while(++i < 8) if(ch[i].material != mat) return false; break; } else if(!isentirelysolid(ch[i])) { while(++i < 8) { int omat = ch[i].material; if(isentirelysolid(ch[i]) ? (omat&MATF_CLIP) == MAT_NOCLIP || omat&MAT_ALPHA : mat != omat) return false; } break; } } cube n = c; n.ext = NULL; forcemip(n); n.children = NULL; if(!subdividecube(n, false, false)) { freeocta(n.children); return false; } cube *nh = n.children; uchar vis[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; loopi(8) { if(ch[i].faces[0] != nh[i].faces[0] || ch[i].faces[1] != nh[i].faces[1] || ch[i].faces[2] != nh[i].faces[2]) { freeocta(nh); return false; } if(isempty(ch[i]) && isempty(nh[i])) continue; ivec o(i, co, size); loop(orient, 6) if(visibleface(ch[i], orient, o, size, MAT_AIR, (mat&MAT_ALPHA)^MAT_ALPHA, MAT_ALPHA)) { if(ch[i].texture[orient] != n.texture[orient]) { freeocta(nh); return false; } vis[orient] |= 1<>1); remip(worldroot[i], o, worldsize>>2); } calcmerges(); } void mpremip(bool local) { extern selinfo sel; if(local) game::edittrigger(sel, EDIT_REMIP); remip(); allchanged(); } ICOMMAND(remip, "", (), mpremip(true)); const ivec cubecoords[8] = // verts of bounding cube { #define GENCUBEVERT(n, x, y, z) ivec(x, y, z), GENCUBEVERTS(0, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8) #undef GENCUBEVERT }; template static inline void gencubevert(const cube &c, int i, T &v) { switch(i) { default: #define GENCUBEVERT(n, x, y, z) \ case n: \ v = T(edgeget(cubeedge(c, 0, y, z), x), \ edgeget(cubeedge(c, 1, z, x), y), \ edgeget(cubeedge(c, 2, x, y), z)); \ break; GENCUBEVERTS(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1) #undef GENCUBEVERT } } void genfaceverts(const cube &c, int orient, ivec v[4]) { switch(orient) { default: #define GENFACEORIENT(o, v0, v1, v2, v3) \ case o: v0 v1 v2 v3 break; #define GENFACEVERT(o, n, x,y,z, xv,yv,zv) \ v[n] = ivec(edgeget(cubeedge(c, 0, y, z), x), \ edgeget(cubeedge(c, 1, z, x), y), \ edgeget(cubeedge(c, 2, x, y), z)); GENFACEVERTS(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, , , , , , ) #undef GENFACEORIENT #undef GENFACEVERT } } const ivec facecoords[6][4] = { #define GENFACEORIENT(o, v0, v1, v2, v3) \ { v0, v1, v2, v3 }, #define GENFACEVERT(o, n, x,y,z, xv,yv,zv) \ ivec(x,y,z) GENFACEVERTS(0, 8, 0, 8, 0, 8, , , , , , ) #undef GENFACEORIENT #undef GENFACEVERT }; const uchar fv[6][4] = // indexes for cubecoords, per each vert of a face orientation { { 2, 1, 6, 5 }, { 3, 4, 7, 0 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 1, 2, 3, 0 }, { 6, 1, 0, 7 }, { 5, 4, 3, 2 }, }; const uchar fvmasks[64] = // mask of verts used given a mask of visible face orientations { 0x00, 0x66, 0x99, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0xF6, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0x0F, 0x6F, 0x9F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xC3, 0xE7, 0xDB, 0xFF, 0xF3, 0xF7, 0xFB, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0xEF, 0xDF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x7E, 0xBD, 0xFF, 0xFC, 0xFE, 0xFD, 0xFF, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xBF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, }; const uchar faceedgesidx[6][4] = // ordered edges surrounding each orient {//0..1 = row edges, 2..3 = column edges { 4, 5, 8, 10 }, { 6, 7, 9, 11 }, { 8, 9, 0, 2 }, { 10, 11, 1, 3 }, { 0, 1, 4, 6 }, { 2, 3, 5, 7 }, }; bool flataxisface(const cube &c, int orient) { uint face = c.faces[dimension(orient)]; if(dimcoord(orient)) face >>= 4; return (face&0x0F0F0F0F) == 0x01010101*(face&0x0F); } static bool collideface(const cube &c, int orient) { if(flataxisface(c, orient)) { uchar r1 = c.edges[faceedgesidx[orient][0]], r2 = c.edges[faceedgesidx[orient][1]]; if(uchar((r1>>4)|(r2&0xF0)) == uchar((r1&0x0F)|(r2<<4))) return false; uchar c1 = c.edges[faceedgesidx[orient][2]], c2 = c.edges[faceedgesidx[orient][3]]; if(uchar((c1>>4)|(c2&0xF0)) == uchar((c1&0x0F)|(c2<<4))) return false; } return true; } static bool touchingface(const cube &c, int orient) { uint face = c.faces[dimension(orient)]; return dimcoord(orient) ? (face&0xF0F0F0F0)==0x80808080 : (face&0x0F0F0F0F)==0; } bool notouchingface(const cube &c, int orient) { uint face = c.faces[dimension(orient)]; return dimcoord(orient) ? (face&0x80808080)==0 : ((0x88888888-face)&0x08080808) == 0; } int faceconvexity(const ivec v[4]) { ivec n; n.cross(ivec(v[1]).sub(v[0]), ivec(v[2]).sub(v[0])); return ivec(v[0]).sub(v[3]).dot(n); // 1 if convex, -1 if concave, 0 if flat } int faceconvexity(const vertinfo *verts, int numverts, int size) { if(numverts < 4) return 0; ivec v0 = verts[0].getxyz(), e1 = verts[1].getxyz().sub(v0), e2 = verts[2].getxyz().sub(v0), n; if(size >= (8<<5)) { if(size >= (8<<10)) n.cross(e1.shr(10), e2.shr(10)); else n.cross(e1, e2).shr(10); } else n.cross(e1, e2); return verts[3].getxyz().sub(v0).dot(n); } int faceconvexity(const ivec v[4], int &vis) { ivec e1, e2, e3, n; n.cross((e1 = v[1]).sub(v[0]), (e2 = v[2]).sub(v[0])); int convex = (e3 = v[0]).sub(v[3]).dot(n); if(!convex) { if(ivec().cross(e3, e2).iszero()) { if(!n.iszero()) vis = 1; } else if(n.iszero()) { vis = 2; } return 0; } return convex; } int faceconvexity(const cube &c, int orient) { if(flataxisface(c, orient)) return 0; ivec v[4]; genfaceverts(c, orient, v); return faceconvexity(v); } int faceorder(const cube &c, int orient) // gets above 'fv' so that each face is convex { return faceconvexity(c, orient)<0 ? 1 : 0; } static inline void faceedges(const cube &c, int orient, uchar edges[4]) { loopk(4) edges[k] = c.edges[faceedgesidx[orient][k]]; } static uint faceedges(const cube &c, int orient) { union { uchar edges[4]; uint face; } u; faceedges(c, orient, u.edges); return u.face; } static inline int genfacevecs(const cube &cu, int orient, const ivec &pos, int size, bool solid, ivec2 *fvecs, const ivec *v = NULL) { int i = 0; if(solid) { switch(orient) { #define GENFACEORIENT(orient, v0, v1, v2, v3) \ case orient: \ { \ if(dimcoord(orient)) { v0 v1 v2 v3 } else { v3 v2 v1 v0 } \ break; \ } #define GENFACEVERT(orient, vert, xv,yv,zv, x,y,z) \ { ivec2 &f = fvecs[i]; x ((xv)<<3); y ((yv)<<3); z ((zv)<<3); i++; } GENFACEVERTS(pos.x, pos.x+size, pos.y, pos.y+size, pos.z, pos.z+size, f.x = , f.x = , f.y = , f.y = , (void), (void)) #undef GENFACEVERT } return 4; } ivec buf[4]; if(!v) { genfaceverts(cu, orient, buf); v = buf; } ivec2 prev(INT_MAX, INT_MAX); switch(orient) { #define GENFACEVERT(orient, vert, sx,sy,sz, dx,dy,dz) \ { \ const ivec &e = v[vert]; \ ivec ef; \ ef.dx = e.sx; ef.dy = e.sy; ef.dz = e.sz; \ if(ef.z == dimcoord(orient)*8) \ { \ ivec2 &f = fvecs[i]; \ ivec pf; \ pf.dx = pos.sx; pf.dy = pos.sy; pf.dz = pos.sz; \ f = ivec2(ef.x*size + (pf.x<<3), ef.y*size + (pf.y<<3)); \ if(f != prev) { prev = f; i++; } \ } \ } GENFACEVERTS(x, x, y, y, z, z, x, x, y, y, z, z) #undef GENFACEORIENT #undef GENFACEVERT } if(fvecs[0] == prev) i--; return i; } static inline int clipfacevecy(const ivec2 &o, const ivec2 &dir, int cx, int cy, int size, ivec2 &r) { if(dir.x >= 0) { if(cx <= o.x || cx >= o.x+dir.x) return 0; } else if(cx <= o.x+dir.x || cx >= o.x) return 0; int t = (o.y-cy) + (cx-o.x)*dir.y/dir.x; if(t <= 0 || t >= size) return 0; r.x = cx; r.y = cy + t; return 1; } static inline int clipfacevecx(const ivec2 &o, const ivec2 &dir, int cx, int cy, int size, ivec2 &r) { if(dir.y >= 0) { if(cy <= o.y || cy >= o.y+dir.y) return 0; } else if(cy <= o.y+dir.y || cy >= o.y) return 0; int t = (o.x-cx) + (cy-o.y)*dir.x/dir.y; if(t <= 0 || t >= size) return 0; r.x = cx + t; r.y = cy; return 1; } static inline int clipfacevec(const ivec2 &o, const ivec2 &dir, int cx, int cy, int size, ivec2 *rvecs) { int r = 0; if(o.x >= cx && o.x <= cx+size && o.y >= cy && o.y <= cy+size && ((o.x != cx && o.x != cx+size) || (o.y != cy && o.y != cy+size))) { rvecs[0] = o; r++; } r += clipfacevecx(o, dir, cx, cy, size, rvecs[r]); r += clipfacevecx(o, dir, cx, cy+size, size, rvecs[r]); r += clipfacevecy(o, dir, cx, cy, size, rvecs[r]); r += clipfacevecy(o, dir, cx+size, cy, size, rvecs[r]); ASSERT(r <= 2); return r; } static inline bool insideface(const ivec2 *p, int nump, const ivec2 *o, int numo) { int bounds = 0; ivec2 prev = o[numo-1]; loopi(numo) { const ivec2 &cur = o[i]; ivec2 dir = ivec2(cur).sub(prev); int offset = dir.cross(prev); loopj(nump) if(dir.cross(p[j]) > offset) return false; bounds++; prev = cur; } return bounds>=3; } static inline int clipfacevecs(const ivec2 *o, int numo, int cx, int cy, int size, ivec2 *rvecs) { cx <<= 3; cy <<= 3; size <<= 3; int r = 0; ivec2 prev = o[numo-1]; loopi(numo) { const ivec2 &cur = o[i]; r += clipfacevec(prev, ivec2(cur).sub(prev), cx, cy, size, &rvecs[r]); prev = cur; } ivec2 corner[4] = {ivec2(cx, cy), ivec2(cx+size, cy), ivec2(cx+size, cy+size), ivec2(cx, cy+size)}; loopi(4) if(insideface(&corner[i], 1, o, numo)) rvecs[r++] = corner[i]; ASSERT(r <= 8); return r; } static bool collapsedface(const cube &c, int orient) { int e0 = c.edges[faceedgesidx[orient][0]], e1 = c.edges[faceedgesidx[orient][1]], e2 = c.edges[faceedgesidx[orient][2]], e3 = c.edges[faceedgesidx[orient][3]], face = dimension(orient)*4, f0 = c.edges[face+0], f1 = c.edges[face+1], f2 = c.edges[face+2], f3 = c.edges[face+3]; if(dimcoord(orient)) { f0 >>= 4; f1 >>= 4; f2 >>= 4; f3 >>= 4; } else { f0 &= 0xF; f1 &= 0xF; f2 &= 0xF; f3 &= 0xF; } ivec v0(e0&0xF, e2&0xF, f0), v1(e0>>4, e3&0xF, f1), v2(e1>>4, e3>>4, f3), v3(e1&0xF, e2>>4, f2); return ivec().cross(v1.sub(v0), v2.sub(v0)).iszero() && ivec().cross(v2, v3.sub(v0)).iszero(); } static inline bool occludesface(const cube &c, int orient, const ivec &o, int size, const ivec &vo, int vsize, ushort vmat, ushort nmat, ushort matmask, const ivec2 *vf, int numv) { int dim = dimension(orient); if(!c.children) { if(c.material) { if(nmat != MAT_AIR && (c.material&matmask) == nmat) { ivec2 nf[8]; return clipfacevecs(vf, numv, o[C[dim]], o[R[dim]], size, nf) < 3; } if(vmat != MAT_AIR && ((c.material&matmask) == vmat || (isliquid(vmat) && isclipped(c.material&MATF_VOLUME)))) return true; } if(isentirelysolid(c)) return true; if(touchingface(c, orient) && faceedges(c, orient) == F_SOLID) return true; ivec2 cf[8]; int numc = clipfacevecs(vf, numv, o[C[dim]], o[R[dim]], size, cf); if(numc < 3) return true; if(isempty(c) || notouchingface(c, orient)) return false; ivec2 of[4]; int numo = genfacevecs(c, orient, o, size, false, of); return numo >= 3 && insideface(cf, numc, of, numo); } size >>= 1; int coord = dimcoord(orient); loopi(8) if(octacoord(dim, i) == coord) { if(!occludesface(c.children[i], orient, ivec(i, o, size), size, vo, vsize, vmat, nmat, matmask, vf, numv)) return false; } return true; } bool visibleface(const cube &c, int orient, const ivec &co, int size, ushort mat, ushort nmat, ushort matmask) { if(mat != MAT_AIR) { if(mat != MAT_CLIP && faceedges(c, orient)==F_SOLID && touchingface(c, orient)) return false; } else { if(collapsedface(c, orient)) return false; if(!touchingface(c, orient)) return true; } ivec no; int nsize; const cube &o = neighbourcube(c, orient, co, size, no, nsize); int opp = opposite(orient); if(nsize > size || (nsize == size && !o.children)) { if(o.material) { if(nmat != MAT_AIR && (o.material&matmask) == nmat) return true; if(mat != MAT_AIR && ((o.material&matmask) == mat || (isliquid(mat) && isclipped(o.material&MATF_VOLUME)))) return false; } if(isentirelysolid(o)) return false; if(isempty(o) || notouchingface(o, opp)) return true; if(touchingface(o, opp) && faceedges(o, opp) == F_SOLID) return false; ivec vo = ivec(co).mask(0xFFF); no.mask(0xFFF); ivec2 cf[4], of[4]; int numc = genfacevecs(c, orient, vo, size, mat != MAT_AIR, cf), numo = genfacevecs(o, opp, no, nsize, false, of); return numo < 3 || !insideface(cf, numc, of, numo); } ivec vo = ivec(co).mask(0xFFF); no.mask(0xFFF); ivec2 cf[4]; int numc = genfacevecs(c, orient, vo, size, mat != MAT_AIR, cf); return !occludesface(o, opp, no, nsize, vo, size, mat, nmat, matmask, cf, numc); } int classifyface(const cube &c, int orient, const ivec &co, int size) { int vismask = 2, forcevis = 0; bool solid = false; switch(c.material&MATF_CLIP) { case MAT_NOCLIP: vismask = 0; break; case MAT_CLIP: solid = true; break; } if(isempty(c) || collapsedface(c, orient)) { if(!vismask) return 0; } else if(!touchingface(c, orient)) { forcevis = 1; if(!solid) { if(vismask && collideface(c, orient)) forcevis |= 2; return forcevis; } } else vismask |= 1; ivec no; int nsize; const cube &o = neighbourcube(c, orient, co, size, no, nsize); if(&o==&c) return 0; int opp = opposite(orient); if(nsize > size || (nsize == size && !o.children)) { if(o.material) { if((~c.material & o.material) & MAT_ALPHA) { forcevis |= vismask&1; vismask &= ~1; } switch(o.material&MATF_CLIP) { case MAT_CLIP: vismask &= ~2; break; case MAT_NOCLIP: forcevis |= vismask&2; vismask &= ~2; break; } } if(vismask && !isentirelysolid(o)) { if(isempty(o) || notouchingface(o, opp)) forcevis |= vismask; else if(!touchingface(o, opp) || faceedges(o, opp) != F_SOLID) { ivec vo = ivec(co).mask(0xFFF); no.mask(0xFFF); ivec2 cf[4], of[4]; int numo = genfacevecs(o, opp, no, nsize, false, of); if(numo < 3) forcevis |= vismask; else { int numc = 0; if(vismask&2 && solid) { numc = genfacevecs(c, orient, vo, size, true, cf); if(!insideface(cf, numc, of, numo)) forcevis |= 2; vismask &= ~2; } if(vismask) { numc = genfacevecs(c, orient, vo, size, false, cf); if(!insideface(cf, numc, of, numo)) forcevis |= vismask; } } } } } else { ivec vo = ivec(co).mask(0xFFF); no.mask(0xFFF); ivec2 cf[4]; int numc = 0; if(vismask&1) { numc = genfacevecs(c, orient, vo, size, false, cf); if(!occludesface(o, opp, no, nsize, vo, size, MAT_AIR, (c.material&MAT_ALPHA)^MAT_ALPHA, MAT_ALPHA, cf, numc)) forcevis |= 1; } if(vismask&2) { if(!numc || solid) numc = genfacevecs(c, orient, vo, size, solid, cf); if(!occludesface(o, opp, no, nsize, vo, size, MAT_CLIP, MAT_NOCLIP, MATF_CLIP, cf, numc)) forcevis |= 2; } } if(forcevis&2 && !solid && !collideface(c, orient)) forcevis &= ~2; return forcevis; } // more expensive version that checks both triangles of a face independently int visibletris(const cube &c, int orient, const ivec &co, int size, ushort vmat, ushort nmat, ushort matmask) { int vis = 3, touching = 0xF; ivec v[4], e1, e2, e3, n; genfaceverts(c, orient, v); n.cross((e1 = v[1]).sub(v[0]), (e2 = v[2]).sub(v[0])); int convex = (e3 = v[0]).sub(v[3]).dot(n); if(!convex) { if(ivec().cross(e3, e2).iszero() || v[1] == v[3]) { if(n.iszero()) return 0; vis = 1; touching = 0xF&~(1<<3); } else if(n.iszero()) { vis = 2; touching = 0xF&~(1<<1); } } int dim = dimension(orient), coord = dimcoord(orient); if(v[0][dim] != coord*8) touching &= ~(1<<0); if(v[1][dim] != coord*8) touching &= ~(1<<1); if(v[2][dim] != coord*8) touching &= ~(1<<2); if(v[3][dim] != coord*8) touching &= ~(1<<3); static const int notouchmasks[2][16] = // mask of triangles not touching { // order 0: flat or convex // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 0 }, // order 1: concave { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0 }, }; int order = convex < 0 ? 1 : 0, notouch = notouchmasks[order][touching]; if((vis¬ouch)==vis) return vis; ivec no; int nsize; const cube &o = neighbourcube(c, orient, co, size, no, nsize); if((c.material&matmask) == nmat) nmat = MAT_AIR; ivec vo = ivec(co).mask(0xFFF); no.mask(0xFFF); ivec2 cf[4], of[4]; int opp = opposite(orient), numo = 0, numc; if(nsize > size || (nsize == size && !o.children)) { if(o.material) { if(vmat != MAT_AIR && (o.material&matmask) == vmat) return vis¬ouch; if(nmat != MAT_AIR && (o.material&matmask) == nmat) return vis; } if(isempty(o) || notouchingface(o, opp)) return vis; if(isentirelysolid(o) || (touchingface(o, opp) && faceedges(o, opp) == F_SOLID)) return vis¬ouch; numc = genfacevecs(c, orient, vo, size, false, cf, v); numo = genfacevecs(o, opp, no, nsize, false, of); if(numo < 3) return vis; if(insideface(cf, numc, of, numo)) return vis¬ouch; } else { numc = genfacevecs(c, orient, vo, size, false, cf, v); if(occludesface(o, opp, no, nsize, vo, size, vmat, nmat, matmask, cf, numc)) return vis¬ouch; } if(vis != 3 || notouch) return vis; static const int triverts[2][2][2][3] = { // order { // coord { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 0, 1, 3 } }, // verts { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 0, 2, 3 } } }, { // coord { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 3, 0, 2 } }, // verts { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 3, 0 } } } }; do { loopi(2) { const int *verts = triverts[order][coord][i]; ivec2 tf[3] = { cf[verts[0]], cf[verts[1]], cf[verts[2]] }; if(numo > 0) { if(!insideface(tf, 3, of, numo)) continue; } else if(!occludesface(o, opp, no, nsize, vo, size, vmat, nmat, matmask, tf, 3)) continue; return vis & ~(1<=8) v.mul(size/8); else v.div(8/size); v.add(ivec(co).shl(3)); } #endif static void calcvert(const cube &c, const ivec &co, int size, vec &v, int i, bool solid = false) { if(solid) v = vec(cubecoords[i]); else gencubevert(c, i, v); v.mul(size/8.0f).add(vec(co)); } void genclipbounds(const cube &c, const ivec &co, int size, clipplanes &p) { // generate tight bounding box calcvert(c, co, size, p.v[0], 0); vec mx = p.v[0], mn = p.v[0]; for(int i = 1; i < 8; i++) { calcvert(c, co, size, p.v[i], i); mx.max(p.v[i]); mn.min(p.v[i]); } p.r = mx.sub(mn).mul(0.5f); p.o = mn.add(p.r); p.size = 0; p.visible = 0x80; } #if 0 static int genclipplane(const cube &c, int orient, vec *v, plane *clip) { int planes = 0, convex = faceconvexity(c, orient), order = convex < 0 ? 1 : 0; const vec &v0 = v[fv[orient][order]], &v1 = v[fv[orient][order+1]], &v2 = v[fv[orient][order+2]], &v3 = v[fv[orient][(order+3)&3]]; if(v0==v2) return 0; if(v0!=v1 && v1!=v2) clip[planes++].toplane(v0, v1, v2); if(v0!=v3 && v2!=v3 && (!planes || convex)) clip[planes++].toplane(v0, v2, v3); return planes; } #endif void genclipplanes(const cube &c, const ivec &co, int size, clipplanes &p, bool collide, bool noclip) { p.visible &= ~0x80; if(collide || (c.visible&0xC0) == 0x40) { loopi(6) if(c.visible&(1< y.v2) return false; if(x.u1 < y.u1) return true; if(x.u1 > y.u1) return false; return false; } static int mergefacev(int orient, facebounds *m, int sz, facebounds &n) { for(int i = sz-1; i >= 0; --i) { if(m[i].v2 < n.v1) break; if(m[i].v2 == n.v1 && m[i].u1 == n.u1 && m[i].u2 == n.u2) { n.v1 = m[i].v1; memmove(&m[i], &m[i+1], (sz - (i+1)) * sizeof(facebounds)); return 1; } } return 0; } static int mergefaceu(int orient, facebounds &m, facebounds &n) { if(m.v1 == n.v1 && m.v2 == n.v2 && m.u2 == n.u1) { n.u1 = m.u1; return 1; } return 0; } static int mergeface(int orient, facebounds *m, int sz, facebounds &n) { for(bool merged = false; sz; merged = true) { int vmerged = mergefacev(orient, m, sz, n); sz -= vmerged; if(!vmerged && merged) break; if(!sz) break; int umerged = mergefaceu(orient, m[sz-1], n); sz -= umerged; if(!umerged) break; } m[sz++] = n; return sz; } static int mergefaces(int orient, facebounds *m, int sz) { quicksort(m, sz, mergefacecmp); int nsz = 0; loopi(sz) nsz = mergeface(orient, m, nsz, m[i]); return nsz; } #endif struct cfkey { uchar orient; ushort material, tex; ivec n; int offset; }; static inline bool htcmp(const cfkey &x, const cfkey &y) { return x.orient == y.orient && x.tex == y.tex && x.n == y.n && x.offset == y.offset && x.material==y.material; } static inline uint hthash(const cfkey &k) { return hthash(k.n)^k.offset^k.tex^k.orient^k.material; } static void mincubeface(const cube &cu, int orient, const ivec &o, int size, const facebounds &orig, facebounds &cf, ushort nmat = MAT_AIR, ushort matmask = MATF_VOLUME) { int dim = dimension(orient); if(cu.children) { size >>= 1; int coord = dimcoord(orient); loopi(8) if(octacoord(dim, i) == coord) mincubeface(cu.children[i], orient, ivec(i, o, size), size, orig, cf, nmat, matmask); return; } int c = C[dim], r = R[dim]; ushort uco = (o[c]&0xFFF)<<3, vco = (o[r]&0xFFF)<<3; ushort uc1 = uco, vc1 = vco, uc2 = ushort(size<<3)+uco, vc2 = ushort(size<<3)+vco; uc1 = max(uc1, orig.u1); uc2 = min(uc2, orig.u2); vc1 = max(vc1, orig.v1); vc2 = min(vc2, orig.v2); if(!isempty(cu) && touchingface(cu, orient) && !(nmat!=MAT_AIR && (cu.material&matmask)==nmat)) { uchar r1 = cu.edges[faceedgesidx[orient][0]], r2 = cu.edges[faceedgesidx[orient][1]], c1 = cu.edges[faceedgesidx[orient][2]], c2 = cu.edges[faceedgesidx[orient][3]]; ushort u1 = max(c1&0xF, c2&0xF)*size+uco, u2 = min(c1>>4, c2>>4)*size+uco, v1 = max(r1&0xF, r2&0xF)*size+vco, v2 = min(r1>>4, r2>>4)*size+vco; u1 = max(u1, orig.u1); u2 = min(u2, orig.u2); v1 = max(v1, orig.v1); v2 = min(v2, orig.v2); if(v2-v1==vc2-vc1) { if(u2-u1==uc2-uc1) return; if(u1==uc1) uc1 = u2; if(u2==uc2) uc2 = u1; } else if(u2-u1==uc2-uc1) { if(v1==vc1) vc1 = v2; if(v2==vc2) vc2 = v1; } } if(uc1==uc2 || vc1==vc2) return; cf.u1 = min(cf.u1, uc1); cf.u2 = max(cf.u2, uc2); cf.v1 = min(cf.v1, vc1); cf.v2 = max(cf.v2, vc2); } bool mincubeface(const cube &cu, int orient, const ivec &co, int size, facebounds &orig) { ivec no; int nsize; const cube &nc = neighbourcube(cu, orient, co, size, no, nsize); facebounds mincf; mincf.u1 = orig.u2; mincf.u2 = orig.u1; mincf.v1 = orig.v2; mincf.v2 = orig.v1; mincubeface(nc, opposite(orient), no, nsize, orig, mincf, cu.material&MAT_ALPHA ? MAT_AIR : MAT_ALPHA, MAT_ALPHA); bool smaller = false; if(mincf.u1 > orig.u1) { orig.u1 = mincf.u1; smaller = true; } if(mincf.u2 < orig.u2) { orig.u2 = mincf.u2; smaller = true; } if(mincf.v1 > orig.v1) { orig.v1 = mincf.v1; smaller = true; } if(mincf.v2 < orig.v2) { orig.v2 = mincf.v2; smaller = true; } return smaller; } VAR(maxmerge, 0, 6, 12); VAR(minface, 0, 4, 12); struct pvert { ushort x, y; pvert() {} pvert(ushort x, ushort y) : x(x), y(y) {} bool operator==(const pvert &o) const { return x == o.x && y == o.y; } bool operator!=(const pvert &o) const { return x != o.x || y != o.y; } }; struct pedge { pvert from, to; pedge() {} pedge(const pvert &from, const pvert &to) : from(from), to(to) {} bool operator==(const pedge &o) const { return from == o.from && to == o.to; } bool operator!=(const pedge &o) const { return from != o.from || to != o.to; } }; static inline uint hthash(const pedge &x) { return uint(x.from.x)^(uint(x.from.y)<<8); } static inline bool htcmp(const pedge &x, const pedge &y) { return x == y; } struct poly { cube *c; int numverts; bool merged; pvert verts[MAXFACEVERTS]; }; bool clippoly(poly &p, const facebounds &b) { pvert verts1[MAXFACEVERTS+4], verts2[MAXFACEVERTS+4]; int numverts1 = 0, numverts2 = 0, px = p.verts[p.numverts-1].x, py = p.verts[p.numverts-1].y; loopi(p.numverts) { int x = p.verts[i].x, y = p.verts[i].y; if(x < b.u1) { if(px > b.u2) verts1[numverts1++] = pvert(b.u2, y + ((y - py)*(b.u2 - x))/(x - px)); if(px > b.u1) verts1[numverts1++] = pvert(b.u1, y + ((y - py)*(b.u1 - x))/(x - px)); } else if(x > b.u2) { if(px < b.u1) verts1[numverts1++] = pvert(b.u1, y + ((y - py)*(b.u1 - x))/(x - px)); if(px < b.u2) verts1[numverts1++] = pvert(b.u2, y + ((y - py)*(b.u2 - x))/(x - px)); } else { if(px < b.u1) { if(x > b.u1) verts1[numverts1++] = pvert(b.u1, y + ((y - py)*(b.u1 - x))/(x - px)); } else if(px > b.u2 && x < b.u2) verts1[numverts1++] = pvert(b.u2, y + ((y - py)*(b.u2 - x))/(x - px)); verts1[numverts1++] = pvert(x, y); } px = x; py = y; } if(numverts1 < 3) return false; px = verts1[numverts1-1].x; py = verts1[numverts1-1].y; loopi(numverts1) { int x = verts1[i].x, y = verts1[i].y; if(y < b.v1) { if(py > b.v2) verts2[numverts2++] = pvert(x + ((x - px)*(b.v2 - y))/(y - py), b.v2); if(py > b.v1) verts2[numverts2++] = pvert(x + ((x - px)*(b.v1 - y))/(y - py), b.v1); } else if(y > b.v2) { if(py < b.v1) verts2[numverts2++] = pvert(x + ((x - px)*(b.v1 - y))/(y - py), b.v1); if(py < b.v2) verts2[numverts2++] = pvert(x + ((x - px)*(b.v2 - y))/(y - py), b.v2); } else { if(py < b.v1) { if(y > b.v1) verts2[numverts2++] = pvert(x + ((x - px)*(b.v1 - y))/(y - py), b.v1); } else if(py > b.v2 && y < b.v2) verts2[numverts2++] = pvert(x + ((x - px)*(b.v2 - y))/(y - py), b.v2); verts2[numverts2++] = pvert(x, y); } px = x; py = y; } if(numverts2 < 3) return false; if(numverts2 > MAXFACEVERTS) return false; memcpy(p.verts, verts2, numverts2*sizeof(pvert)); p.numverts = numverts2; return true; } bool genpoly(cube &cu, int orient, const ivec &o, int size, int vis, ivec &n, int &offset, poly &p) { int dim = dimension(orient), coord = dimcoord(orient); ivec v[4]; genfaceverts(cu, orient, v); if(flataxisface(cu, orient)) { n = ivec(0, 0, 0); n[dim] = coord ? 1 : -1; } else { if(faceconvexity(v)) return false; n.cross(ivec(v[1]).sub(v[0]), ivec(v[2]).sub(v[0])); if(n.iszero()) n.cross(ivec(v[2]).sub(v[0]), ivec(v[3]).sub(v[0])); reduceslope(n); } ivec po = ivec(o).mask(0xFFF).shl(3); loopk(4) v[k].mul(size).add(po); offset = -n.dot(v[3]); int r = R[dim], c = C[dim], order = vis&4 ? 1 : 0; p.numverts = 0; if(coord) { const ivec &v0 = v[order]; p.verts[p.numverts++] = pvert(v0[c], v0[r]); if(vis&1) { const ivec &v1 = v[order+1]; p.verts[p.numverts++] = pvert(v1[c], v1[r]); } const ivec &v2 = v[order+2]; p.verts[p.numverts++] = pvert(v2[c], v2[r]); if(vis&2) { const ivec &v3 = v[(order+3)&3]; p.verts[p.numverts++] = pvert(v3[c], v3[r]); } } else { if(vis&2) { const ivec &v3 = v[(order+3)&3]; p.verts[p.numverts++] = pvert(v3[c], v3[r]); } const ivec &v2 = v[order+2]; p.verts[p.numverts++] = pvert(v2[c], v2[r]); if(vis&1) { const ivec &v1 = v[order+1]; p.verts[p.numverts++] = pvert(v1[c], v1[r]); } const ivec &v0 = v[order]; p.verts[p.numverts++] = pvert(v0[c], v0[r]); } if(faceedges(cu, orient)!=F_SOLID) { int px = int(p.verts[p.numverts-2].x) - int(p.verts[p.numverts-3].x), py = int(p.verts[p.numverts-2].y) - int(p.verts[p.numverts-3].y), cx = int(p.verts[p.numverts-1].x) - int(p.verts[p.numverts-2].x), cy = int(p.verts[p.numverts-1].y) - int(p.verts[p.numverts-2].y), dir = px*cy - py*cx; if(dir > 0) return false; if(!dir) { if(p.numverts < 4) return false; p.verts[p.numverts-2] = p.verts[p.numverts-1]; p.numverts--; } px = cx; py = cy; cx = int(p.verts[0].x) - int(p.verts[p.numverts-1].x); cy = int(p.verts[0].y) - int(p.verts[p.numverts-1].y); dir = px*cy - py*cx; if(dir > 0) return false; if(!dir) { if(p.numverts < 4) return false; p.numverts--; } px = cx; py = cy; cx = int(p.verts[1].x) - int(p.verts[0].x); cy = int(p.verts[1].y) - int(p.verts[0].y); dir = px*cy - py*cx; if(dir > 0) return false; if(!dir) { if(p.numverts < 4) return false; p.verts[0] = p.verts[p.numverts-1]; p.numverts--; } px = cx; py = cy; cx = int(p.verts[2].x) - int(p.verts[1].x); cy = int(p.verts[2].y) - int(p.verts[1].y); dir = px*cy - py*cx; if(dir > 0) return false; if(!dir) { if(p.numverts < 4) return false; p.verts[1] = p.verts[2]; p.verts[2] = p.verts[3]; p.numverts--; } } p.c = &cu; p.merged = false; if(minface && size >= 1< &links, vector &queue, int owner, poly &p, poly &q, const pedge &e) { int pe = -1, qe = -1; loopi(p.numverts) if(p.verts[i] == e.from) { pe = i; break; } loopi(q.numverts) if(q.verts[i] == e.to) { qe = i; break; } if(pe < 0 || qe < 0) return false; if(p.verts[(pe+1)%p.numverts] != e.to || q.verts[(qe+1)%q.numverts] != e.from) return false; /* * c----d * | | * F----T * | P | * b----a */ pvert verts[2*MAXFACEVERTS]; int numverts = 0, index = pe+2; // starts at A = T+1, ends at F = T+p.numverts loopi(p.numverts-1) { if(index >= p.numverts) index -= p.numverts; verts[numverts++] = p.verts[index++]; } index = qe+2; // starts at C = T+2 = F+1, ends at T = T+q.numverts int px = int(verts[numverts-1].x) - int(verts[numverts-2].x), py = int(verts[numverts-1].y) - int(verts[numverts-2].y); loopi(q.numverts-1) { if(index >= q.numverts) index -= q.numverts; pvert &src = q.verts[index++]; int cx = int(src.x) - int(verts[numverts-1].x), cy = int(src.y) - int(verts[numverts-1].y), dir = px*cy - py*cx; if(dir > 0) return false; if(!dir) numverts--; verts[numverts++] = src; px = cx; py = cy; } int cx = int(verts[0].x) - int(verts[numverts-1].x), cy = int(verts[0].y) - int(verts[numverts-1].y), dir = px*cy - py*cx; if(dir > 0) return false; if(!dir) numverts--; if(numverts > MAXFACEVERTS) return false; q.merged = true; q.numverts = 0; p.merged = true; p.numverts = numverts; memcpy(p.verts, verts, numverts*sizeof(pvert)); int prev = p.numverts-1; loopj(p.numverts) { pedge e(p.verts[prev], p.verts[j]); int order = e.from.x > e.to.x || (e.from.x == e.to.x && e.from.y > e.to.y) ? 1 : 0; if(order) swap(e.from, e.to); plink &l = links.access(e, e); bool shouldqueue = l.polys[order] < 0 && l.polys[order^1] >= 0; l.polys[order] = owner; if(shouldqueue) queue.add(&l); prev = j; } return true; } void addmerge(cube &cu, int orient, const ivec &co, const ivec &n, int offset, poly &p) { cu.merged |= 1<surfaces[orient] = ambientsurface; return; } surfaceinfo surf = brightsurface; vertinfo verts[MAXFACEVERTS]; surf.numverts |= p.numverts; int dim = dimension(orient), coord = dimcoord(orient), c = C[dim], r = R[dim]; loopk(p.numverts) { pvert &src = p.verts[coord ? k : p.numverts-1-k]; vertinfo &dst = verts[k]; ivec v; v[c] = src.x; v[r] = src.y; v[dim] = -(offset + n[c]*src.x + n[r]*src.y)/n[dim]; dst.set(v); } if(cu.ext) { const surfaceinfo &oldsurf = cu.ext->surfaces[orient]; int numverts = oldsurf.numverts&MAXFACEVERTS; if(numverts == p.numverts) { ivec v0 = verts[0].getxyz(); const vertinfo *oldverts = cu.ext->verts() + oldsurf.verts; loopj(numverts) if(v0 == oldverts[j].getxyz()) { for(int k = 1; k < numverts; k++) { if(++j >= numverts) j = 0; if(verts[k].getxyz() != oldverts[j].getxyz()) goto nomatch; } return; } nomatch:; } } setsurface(cu, orient, surf, verts, p.numverts); } static inline void clearmerge(cube &c, int orient) { if(c.merged&(1<surfaces[orient] = brightsurface; } } void addmerges(int orient, const ivec &co, const ivec &n, int offset, vector &polys) { loopv(polys) { poly &p = polys[i]; if(p.merged) addmerge(*p.c, orient, co, n, offset, p); else clearmerge(*p.c, orient); } } void mergepolys(int orient, const ivec &co, const ivec &n, int offset, vector &polys) { if(polys.length() <= 1) { addmerges(orient, co, n, offset, polys); return; } hashset links(polys.length() <= 32 ? 128 : 1024); vector queue; loopv(polys) { poly &p = polys[i]; int prev = p.numverts-1; loopj(p.numverts) { pedge e(p.verts[prev], p.verts[j]); int order = e.from.x > e.to.x || (e.from.x == e.to.x && e.from.y > e.to.y) ? 1 : 0; if(order) swap(e.from, e.to); plink &l = links.access(e, e); l.polys[order] = i; if(l.polys[0] >= 0 && l.polys[1] >= 0) queue.add(&l); prev = j; } } vector nextqueue; while(queue.length()) { loopv(queue) { plink &l = *queue[i]; if(l.polys[0] >= 0 && l.polys[1] >= 0) mergepolys(orient, links, nextqueue, l.polys[0], polys[l.polys[0]], polys[l.polys[1]], l); } queue.setsize(0); queue.move(nextqueue); } addmerges(orient, co, n, offset, polys); } static int genmergeprogress = 0; struct cfpolys { vector polys; }; static hashtable cpolys; void genmerges(cube *c = worldroot, const ivec &o = ivec(0, 0, 0), int size = worldsize>>1) { if((genmergeprogress++&0xFFF)==0) renderprogress(float(genmergeprogress)/allocnodes, "merging faces..."); neighbourstack[++neighbourdepth] = c; loopi(8) { ivec co(i, o, size); int vis; if(c[i].children) genmerges(c[i].children, co, size>>1); else if(!isempty(c[i])) loopj(6) if((vis = visibletris(c[i], j, co, size))) { cfkey k; poly p; if(size < 1<= 1<= x2 && mo.y <= y1 && mo.y + (1<= y2 && mo.z <= z1 && mo.z + (1<= z2) break; bits++; } return bits-3; } static void invalidatemerges(cube &c) { if(c.merged) { brightencube(c); c.merged = 0; } if(c.ext) { if(c.ext->va) { if(!(c.ext->va->hasmerges&(MERGE_PART | MERGE_ORIGIN))) return; destroyva(c.ext->va); c.ext->va = NULL; } if(c.ext->tjoints >= 0) c.ext->tjoints = -1; } if(c.children) loopi(8) invalidatemerges(c.children[i]); } static int invalidatedmerges = 0; void invalidatemerges(cube &c, const ivec &co, int size, bool msg) { if(msg && invalidatedmerges!=totalmillis) { renderprogress(0, "invalidating merged surfaces..."); invalidatedmerges = totalmillis; } invalidatemerges(c); } static void calcmerges() { genmergeprogress = 0; genmerges(); }