VARP(fullbrightmodels, 0, 0, 200); VAR(testtags, 0, 0, 1); VARF(dbgcolmesh, 0, 0, 1, { extern void cleanupmodels(); cleanupmodels(); }); struct animmodel : model { struct animspec { int frame, range; float speed; int priority; }; struct animpos { int anim, fr1, fr2; float t; void setframes(const animinfo &info) { anim = info.anim; if(info.range<=1) { fr1 = 0; t = 0; } else { int time = info.anim&ANIM_SETTIME ? info.basetime : lastmillis-info.basetime; fr1 = (int)(time/info.speed); // round to full frames t = (time-fr1*info.speed)/info.speed; // progress of the frame, value from 0.0f to 1.0f } if(info.anim&ANIM_LOOP) { fr1 = fr1%info.range+info.frame; fr2 = fr1+1; if(fr2>=info.frame+info.range) fr2 = info.frame; } else { fr1 = min(fr1, info.range-1)+info.frame; fr2 = min(fr1+1, info.frame+info.range-1); } if(info.anim&ANIM_REVERSE) { fr1 = (info.frame+info.range-1)-(fr1-info.frame); fr2 = (info.frame+info.range-1)-(fr2-info.frame); } } bool operator==(const animpos &a) const { return fr1==a.fr1 && fr2==a.fr2 && (fr1==fr2 || t==a.t); } bool operator!=(const animpos &a) const { return fr1!=a.fr1 || fr2!=a.fr2 || (fr1!=fr2 && t!=a.t); } }; struct part; struct animstate { part *owner; animpos cur, prev; float interp; bool operator==(const animstate &a) const { return cur==a.cur && (interp<1 ? interp==a.interp && prev==a.prev : a.interp>=1); } bool operator!=(const animstate &a) const { return cur!=a.cur || (interp<1 ? interp!=a.interp || prev!=a.prev : a.interp<1); } }; struct linkedpart; struct mesh; struct shaderparams { float spec, gloss, glow, glowdelta, glowpulse, fullbright, envmapmin, envmapmax, scrollu, scrollv, alphatest; vec color; shaderparams() : spec(1.0f), gloss(1), glow(3.0f), glowdelta(0), glowpulse(0), fullbright(0), envmapmin(0), envmapmax(0), scrollu(0), scrollv(0), alphatest(0.9f), color(1, 1, 1) {} }; struct shaderparamskey { static hashtable keys; static int firstversion, lastversion; int version; shaderparamskey() : version(-1) {} bool checkversion() { if(version >= firstversion) return true; version = lastversion; if(++lastversion <= 0) { enumerate(keys, shaderparamskey, key, key.version = -1); firstversion = 0; lastversion = 1; version = 0; } return false; } static inline void invalidate() { firstversion = lastversion; } }; struct skin : shaderparams { part *owner; Texture *tex, *decal, *masks, *envmap, *normalmap; Shader *shader, *rsmshader; int cullface; shaderparamskey *key; skin() : owner(0), tex(notexture), decal(NULL), masks(notexture), envmap(NULL), normalmap(NULL), shader(NULL), rsmshader(NULL), cullface(1), key(NULL) {} bool masked() const { return masks != notexture; } bool envmapped() const { return envmapmax>0; } bool bumpmapped() const { return normalmap != NULL; } bool alphatested() const { return alphatest > 0 && tex->type&Texture::ALPHA; } bool decaled() const { return decal != NULL; } void setkey() { key = &shaderparamskey::keys[*this]; } void setshaderparams(mesh &m, const animstate *as, bool skinned = true) { if(!Shader::lastshader) return; if(key->checkversion() && Shader::lastshader->owner == key) return; Shader::lastshader->owner = key; LOCALPARAMF(texscroll, scrollu*lastmillis/1000.0f, scrollv*lastmillis/1000.0f); if(alphatested()) LOCALPARAMF(alphatest, alphatest); if(!skinned) return; if(color.r < 0) LOCALPARAM(colorscale, colorscale); else LOCALPARAMF(colorscale, color.r, color.g, color.b, colorscale.a); if(fullbright) LOCALPARAMF(fullbright, 0.0f, fullbright); else LOCALPARAMF(fullbright, 1.0f, as->cur.anim&ANIM_FULLBRIGHT ? 0.5f*fullbrightmodels/100.0f : 0.0f); float curglow = glow; if(glowpulse > 0) { float curpulse = lastmillis*glowpulse; curpulse -= floor(curpulse); curglow += glowdelta*2*fabs(curpulse - 0.5f); } LOCALPARAMF(maskscale, spec, gloss, curglow); if(envmapped()) LOCALPARAMF(envmapscale, envmapmin-envmapmax, envmapmax); } Shader *loadshader() { #define DOMODELSHADER(name, body) \ do { \ static Shader *name##shader = NULL; \ if(!name##shader) name##shader = useshaderbyname(#name); \ body; \ } while(0) #define LOADMODELSHADER(name) DOMODELSHADER(name, return name##shader) #define SETMODELSHADER(m, name) DOMODELSHADER(name, (m).setshader(name##shader)) if(shadowmapping == SM_REFLECT) { if(rsmshader) return rsmshader; string opts; int optslen = 0; if(alphatested()) opts[optslen++] = 'a'; if(!cullface) opts[optslen++] = 'c'; opts[optslen++] = '\0'; defformatstring(name, "rsmmodel%s", opts); rsmshader = generateshader(name, "rsmmodelshader \"%s\"", opts); return rsmshader; } if(shader) return shader; string opts; int optslen = 0; if(alphatested()) opts[optslen++] = 'a'; if(decaled()) opts[optslen++] = decal->type&Texture::ALPHA ? 'D' : 'd'; if(bumpmapped()) opts[optslen++] = 'n'; if(envmapped()) { opts[optslen++] = 'm'; opts[optslen++] = 'e'; } else if(masked()) opts[optslen++] = 'm'; if(!cullface) opts[optslen++] = 'c'; opts[optslen++] = '\0'; defformatstring(name, "model%s", opts); shader = generateshader(name, "modelshader \"%s\"", opts); return shader; } void cleanup() { if(shader && shader->standard) shader = NULL; } void preloadBIH() { if(alphatested() && !tex->alphamask) loadalphamask(tex); } void preloadshader() { loadshader(); useshaderbyname(alphatested() && owner->model->alphashadow ? "alphashadowmodel" : "shadowmodel"); if(useradiancehints()) useshaderbyname(alphatested() ? "rsmalphamodel" : "rsmmodel"); } void setshader(mesh &m, const animstate *as) { m.setshader(loadshader(), transparentlayer ? 1 : 0); } void bind(mesh &b, const animstate *as) { if(cullface > 0) { if(!enablecullface) { glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); enablecullface = true; } } else if(enablecullface) { glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); enablecullface = false; } if(as->cur.anim&ANIM_NOSKIN) { if(alphatested() && owner->model->alphashadow) { if(tex!=lasttex) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->id); lasttex = tex; } SETMODELSHADER(b, alphashadowmodel); setshaderparams(b, as, false); } else { SETMODELSHADER(b, shadowmodel); } return; } int activetmu = 0; if(tex!=lasttex) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->id); lasttex = tex; } if(bumpmapped() && normalmap!=lastnormalmap) { glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE3); activetmu = 3; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, normalmap->id); lastnormalmap = normalmap; } if(decaled() && decal!=lastdecal) { glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE4); activetmu = 4; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, decal->id); lastdecal = decal; } if(masked() && masks!=lastmasks) { glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE1); activetmu = 1; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, masks->id); lastmasks = masks; } if(envmapped()) { GLuint emtex = envmap ? envmap->id : closestenvmaptex; if(lastenvmaptex!=emtex) { glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE2); activetmu = 2; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, emtex); lastenvmaptex = emtex; } } if(activetmu != 0) glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE0); setshader(b, as); setshaderparams(b, as); } }; struct meshgroup; struct mesh { meshgroup *group; char *name; bool cancollide, canrender, noclip; mesh() : group(NULL), name(NULL), cancollide(true), canrender(true), noclip(false) { } virtual ~mesh() { DELETEA(name); } virtual void calcbb(vec &bbmin, vec &bbmax, const matrix4x3 &m) {} virtual void genBIH(BIH::mesh &m) {} void genBIH(skin &s, vector &bih, const matrix4x3 &t) { BIH::mesh &m = bih.add(); m.xform = t; m.tex = s.tex; if(canrender) m.flags |= BIH::MESH_RENDER; if(cancollide) m.flags |= BIH::MESH_COLLIDE; if(s.alphatested()) m.flags |= BIH::MESH_ALPHA; if(noclip) m.flags |= BIH::MESH_NOCLIP; if(s.cullface > 0) m.flags |= BIH::MESH_CULLFACE; genBIH(m); while(bih.last().numtris > BIH::mesh::MAXTRIS) { BIH::mesh &overflow = bih.dup(); overflow.tris += BIH::mesh::MAXTRIS; overflow.numtris -= BIH::mesh::MAXTRIS; bih[bih.length()-2].numtris = BIH::mesh::MAXTRIS; } } virtual void genshadowmesh(vector &tris, const matrix4x3 &m) {} virtual void setshader(Shader *s, int row = 0) { if(row) s->setvariant(0, row); else s->set(); } struct smoothdata { vec norm; int next; smoothdata() : norm(0, 0, 0), next(-1) {} }; template void smoothnorms(V *verts, int numverts, T *tris, int numtris, float limit, bool areaweight) { if(!numverts) return; smoothdata *smooth = new smoothdata[numverts]; hashtable share; loopi(numverts) { V &v = verts[i]; int &idx = share.access(v.pos, i); if(idx != i) { smooth[i].next = idx; idx = i; } } loopi(numtris) { T &t = tris[i]; int v1 = t.vert[0], v2 = t.vert[1], v3 = t.vert[2]; vec norm; norm.cross(verts[v1].pos, verts[v2].pos, verts[v3].pos); if(!areaweight) norm.normalize(); smooth[v1].norm.add(norm); smooth[v2].norm.add(norm); smooth[v3].norm.add(norm); } loopi(numverts) verts[i].norm = vec(0, 0, 0); loopi(numverts) { const smoothdata &n = smooth[i]; verts[i].norm.add(n.norm); if( >= 0) { float vlimit = limit*n.norm.magnitude(); for(int j =; j >= 0;) { const smoothdata &o = smooth[j]; if( >= vlimit*o.norm.magnitude()) { verts[i].norm.add(o.norm); verts[j].norm.add(n.norm); } j =; } } } loopi(numverts) verts[i].norm.normalize(); delete[] smooth; } template void buildnorms(V *verts, int numverts, T *tris, int numtris, bool areaweight) { if(!numverts) return; loopi(numverts) verts[i].norm = vec(0, 0, 0); loopi(numtris) { T &t = tris[i]; V &v1 = verts[t.vert[0]], &v2 = verts[t.vert[1]], &v3 = verts[t.vert[2]]; vec norm; norm.cross(v1.pos, v2.pos, v3.pos); if(!areaweight) norm.normalize(); v1.norm.add(norm); v2.norm.add(norm); v3.norm.add(norm); } loopi(numverts) verts[i].norm.normalize(); } template void buildnorms(V *verts, int numverts, T *tris, int numtris, bool areaweight, int numframes) { if(!numverts) return; loopi(numframes) buildnorms(&verts[i*numverts], numverts, tris, numtris, areaweight); } static inline void fixqtangent(quat &q, float bt) { static const float bias = -1.5f/65535, biasscale = sqrtf(1 - bias*bias); if(bt < 0) { if(q.w >= 0) q.neg(); if(q.w > bias) { q.mul3(biasscale); q.w = bias; } } else if(q.w < 0) q.neg(); } template static inline void calctangent(V &v, const vec &n, const vec &t, float bt) { matrix3 m; m.c = n; m.a = t; m.b.cross(m.c, m.a); quat q(m); fixqtangent(q, bt); v.tangent = q; } template void calctangents(V *verts, TC *tcverts, int numverts, T *tris, int numtris, bool areaweight) { vec *tangent = new vec[2*numverts], *bitangent = tangent+numverts; memset(tangent, 0, 2*numverts*sizeof(vec)); loopi(numtris) { const T &t = tris[i]; const vec &e0 = verts[t.vert[0]].pos; vec e1 = vec(verts[t.vert[1]].pos).sub(e0), e2 = vec(verts[t.vert[2]].pos).sub(e0); const vec2 &tc0 = tcverts[t.vert[0]].tc, &tc1 = tcverts[t.vert[1]].tc, &tc2 = tcverts[t.vert[2]].tc; float u1 = tc1.x - tc0.x, v1 = tc1.y - tc0.y, u2 = tc2.x - tc0.x, v2 = tc2.y - tc0.y; vec u(e2), v(e2); u.mul(v1).sub(vec(e1).mul(v2)); v.mul(u1).sub(vec(e1).mul(u2)); if(vec().cross(e2, e1).dot(vec().cross(v, u)) >= 0) { u.neg(); v.neg(); } if(!areaweight) { u.normalize(); v.normalize(); } loopj(3) { tangent[t.vert[j]].sub(u); bitangent[t.vert[j]].add(v); } } loopi(numverts) { V &v = verts[i]; const vec &t = tangent[i], &bt = bitangent[i]; matrix3 m; m.c = v.norm; (m.a = t).project(m.c).normalize(); m.b.cross(m.c, m.a); quat q(m); fixqtangent(q,; v.tangent = q; } delete[] tangent; } template void calctangents(V *verts, TC *tcverts, int numverts, T *tris, int numtris, bool areaweight, int numframes) { loopi(numframes) calctangents(&verts[i*numverts], tcverts, numverts, tris, numtris, areaweight); } }; struct meshgroup { meshgroup *next; int shared; char *name; vector meshes; meshgroup() : next(NULL), shared(0), name(NULL) { } virtual ~meshgroup() { DELETEA(name); meshes.deletecontents(); DELETEP(next); } virtual int findtag(const char *name) { return -1; } virtual void concattagtransform(part *p, int i, const matrix4x3 &m, matrix4x3 &n) {} #define looprendermeshes(type, name, body) do { \ loopv(meshes) \ { \ type &name = *(type *)meshes[i]; \ if(name.canrender || dbgcolmesh) { body; } \ } \ } while(0) void calcbb(vec &bbmin, vec &bbmax, const matrix4x3 &t) { looprendermeshes(mesh, m, m.calcbb(bbmin, bbmax, t)); } void genBIH(vector &skins, vector &bih, const matrix4x3 &t) { loopv(meshes) meshes[i]->genBIH(skins[i], bih, t); } void genshadowmesh(vector &tris, const matrix4x3 &t) { looprendermeshes(mesh, m, m.genshadowmesh(tris, t)); } virtual void *animkey() { return this; } virtual int totalframes() const { return 1; } bool hasframe(int i) const { return i>=0 && i=0 && i+n<=totalframes(); } int clipframes(int i, int n) const { return min(n, totalframes() - i); } virtual void cleanup() {} virtual void preload(part *p) {} virtual void render(const animstate *as, float pitch, const vec &axis, const vec &forward, dynent *d, part *p) {} virtual void intersect(const animstate *as, float pitch, const vec &axis, const vec &forward, dynent *d, part *p, const vec &o, const vec &ray) {} void bindpos(GLuint ebuf, GLuint vbuf, void *v, int stride, int type, int size) { if(lastebuf!=ebuf) { gle::bindebo(ebuf); lastebuf = ebuf; } if(lastvbuf!=vbuf) { gle::bindvbo(vbuf); if(!lastvbuf) gle::enablevertex(); gle::vertexpointer(stride, v, type, size); lastvbuf = vbuf; } } void bindpos(GLuint ebuf, GLuint vbuf, vec *v, int stride) { bindpos(ebuf, vbuf, v, stride, GL_FLOAT, 3); } void bindpos(GLuint ebuf, GLuint vbuf, hvec4 *v, int stride) { bindpos(ebuf, vbuf, v, stride, GL_HALF_FLOAT, 4); } void bindtc(void *v, int stride) { if(!enabletc) { gle::enabletexcoord0(); enabletc = true; } if(lasttcbuf!=lastvbuf) { gle::texcoord0pointer(stride, v, GL_HALF_FLOAT); lasttcbuf = lastvbuf; } } void bindtangents(void *v, int stride) { if(!enabletangents) { gle::enabletangent(); enabletangents = true; } if(lastxbuf!=lastvbuf) { gle::tangentpointer(stride, v, GL_SHORT); lastxbuf = lastvbuf; } } void bindbones(void *wv, void *bv, int stride) { if(!enablebones) { gle::enableboneweight(); gle::enableboneindex(); enablebones = true; } if(lastbbuf!=lastvbuf) { gle::boneweightpointer(stride, wv); gle::boneindexpointer(stride, bv); lastbbuf = lastvbuf; } } }; static hashnameset meshgroups; struct linkedpart { part *p; int tag, anim, basetime; vec translate; vec *pos; matrix4 matrix; linkedpart() : p(NULL), tag(-1), anim(-1), basetime(0), translate(0, 0, 0), pos(NULL) {} }; struct part { animmodel *model; int index; meshgroup *meshes; vector links; vector skins; vector *anims[MAXANIMPARTS]; int numanimparts; float pitchscale, pitchoffset, pitchmin, pitchmax; part(animmodel *model, int index = 0) : model(model), index(index), meshes(NULL), numanimparts(1), pitchscale(1), pitchoffset(0), pitchmin(0), pitchmax(0) { loopk(MAXANIMPARTS) anims[k] = NULL; } virtual ~part() { loopk(MAXANIMPARTS) DELETEA(anims[k]); } virtual void cleanup() { if(meshes) meshes->cleanup(); loopv(skins) skins[i].cleanup(); } void disablepitch() { pitchscale = pitchoffset = pitchmin = pitchmax = 0; } void calcbb(vec &bbmin, vec &bbmax, const matrix4x3 &m) { matrix4x3 t = m; t.scale(model->scale); meshes->calcbb(bbmin, bbmax, t); loopv(links) { matrix4x3 n; meshes->concattagtransform(this, links[i].tag, m, n); n.translate(links[i].translate, model->scale); links[i].p->calcbb(bbmin, bbmax, n); } } void genBIH(vector &bih, const matrix4x3 &m) { matrix4x3 t = m; t.scale(model->scale); meshes->genBIH(skins, bih, t); loopv(links) { matrix4x3 n; meshes->concattagtransform(this, links[i].tag, m, n); n.translate(links[i].translate, model->scale); links[i].p->genBIH(bih, n); } } void genshadowmesh(vector &tris, const matrix4x3 &m) { matrix4x3 t = m; t.scale(model->scale); meshes->genshadowmesh(tris, t); loopv(links) { matrix4x3 n; meshes->concattagtransform(this, links[i].tag, m, n); n.translate(links[i].translate, model->scale); links[i].p->genshadowmesh(tris, n); } } bool link(part *p, const char *tag, const vec &translate = vec(0, 0, 0), int anim = -1, int basetime = 0, vec *pos = NULL) { int i = meshes ? meshes->findtag(tag) : -1; if(i<0) { loopv(links) if(links[i].p && links[i].p->link(p, tag, translate, anim, basetime, pos)) return true; return false; } linkedpart &l = links.add(); l.p = p; l.tag = i; l.anim = anim; l.basetime = basetime; l.translate = translate; l.pos = pos; return true; } bool unlink(part *p) { loopvrev(links) if(links[i].p==p) { links.remove(i, 1); return true; } loopv(links) if(links[i].p && links[i].p->unlink(p)) return true; return false; } void initskins(Texture *tex = notexture, Texture *masks = notexture, int limit = 0) { if(!limit) { if(!meshes) return; limit = meshes->meshes.length(); } while(skins.length() < limit) { skin &s = skins.add(); s.owner = this; s.tex = tex; s.masks = masks; } } bool alphatested() const { loopv(skins) if(skins[i].alphatested()) return true; return false; } void preloadBIH() { loopv(skins) skins[i].preloadBIH(); } void preloadshaders() { loopv(skins) skins[i].preloadshader(); } void preloadmeshes() { if(meshes) meshes->preload(this); } virtual void getdefaultanim(animinfo &info, int anim, uint varseed, dynent *d) { info.frame = 0; info.range = 1; } bool calcanim(int animpart, int anim, int basetime, int basetime2, dynent *d, int interp, animinfo &info, int &aitime) { uint varseed = uint((size_t)d); info.anim = anim; info.basetime = basetime; info.varseed = varseed; info.speed = anim&ANIM_SETSPEED ? basetime2 : 100.0f; if((anim&ANIM_INDEX)==ANIM_ALL) { info.frame = 0; info.range = meshes->totalframes(); } else { animspec *spec = NULL; if(anims[animpart]) { vector &primary = anims[animpart][anim&ANIM_INDEX]; if(primary.length()) spec = &primary[uint(varseed + basetime)%primary.length()]; if((anim>>ANIM_SECONDARY)&(ANIM_INDEX|ANIM_DIR)) { vector &secondary = anims[animpart][(anim>>ANIM_SECONDARY)&ANIM_INDEX]; if(secondary.length()) { animspec &spec2 = secondary[uint(varseed + basetime2)%secondary.length()]; if(!spec || spec2.priority > spec->priority) { spec = &spec2; info.anim >>= ANIM_SECONDARY; info.basetime = basetime2; } } } } if(spec) { info.frame = spec->frame; info.range = spec->range; if(spec->speed>0) info.speed = 1000.0f/spec->speed; } else getdefaultanim(info, anim, uint(varseed + info.basetime), d); } info.anim &= (1<hasframes(info.frame, info.range)) { if(!meshes->hasframe(info.frame)) return false; info.range = meshes->clipframes(info.frame, info.range); } if(d && interp>=0) { animinterpinfo &ai = d->animinterp[interp]; if((info.anim&(ANIM_LOOP|ANIM_CLAMP))==ANIM_CLAMP) aitime = min(aitime, int(info.range*info.speed*0.5e-3f)); void *ak = meshes->animkey(); if(d->ragdoll && d->ragdoll->millis != lastmillis) { ai.prev.range = ai.cur.range = 0; ai.lastswitch = -1; } else if(ai.lastmodel!=ak || ai.lastswitch<0 || lastmillis-d->lastrendered>aitime) { ai.prev = ai.cur = info; ai.lastswitch = lastmillis-aitime*2; } else if(ai.cur!=info) { if(lastmillis-ai.lastswitch>aitime/2) ai.prev = ai.cur; ai.cur = info; ai.lastswitch = lastmillis; } else if(info.anim&ANIM_SETTIME) ai.cur.basetime = info.basetime; ai.lastmodel = ak; } return true; } void intersect(int anim, int basetime, int basetime2, float pitch, const vec &axis, const vec &forward, dynent *d, const vec &o, const vec &ray) { animstate as[MAXANIMPARTS]; intersect(anim, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, o, ray, as); } void intersect(int anim, int basetime, int basetime2, float pitch, const vec &axis, const vec &forward, dynent *d, const vec &o, const vec &ray, animstate *as) { if((anim&ANIM_REUSE) != ANIM_REUSE) loopi(numanimparts) { animinfo info; int interp = d && index+numanimparts<=MAXANIMPARTS ? index+i : -1, aitime = animationinterpolationtime; if(!calcanim(i, anim, basetime, basetime2, d, interp, info, aitime)) return; animstate &p = as[i]; p.owner = this; p.cur.setframes(info); p.interp = 1; if(interp>=0 && d->animinterp[interp].prev.range>0) { int diff = lastmillis-d->animinterp[interp].lastswitch; if(diffaniminterp[interp].prev); p.interp = diff/float(aitime); } } } float resize = model->scale * sizescale; int oldpos = matrixpos; vec oaxis, oforward, oo, oray; matrixstack[matrixpos].transposedtransformnormal(axis, oaxis); float pitchamount = pitchscale*pitch + pitchoffset; if(pitchmin || pitchmax) pitchamount = clamp(pitchamount, pitchmin, pitchmax); if(as->cur.anim&ANIM_NOPITCH || (as->interp < 1 && as->prev.anim&ANIM_NOPITCH)) pitchamount *= (as->cur.anim&ANIM_NOPITCH ? 0 : as->interp) + (as->interp < 1 && as->prev.anim&ANIM_NOPITCH ? 0 : 1-as->interp); if(pitchamount) { ++matrixpos; matrixstack[matrixpos] = matrixstack[matrixpos-1]; matrixstack[matrixpos].rotate(pitchamount*RAD, oaxis); } if(this == model->parts[0] && !model->translate.iszero()) { if(oldpos == matrixpos) { ++matrixpos; matrixstack[matrixpos] = matrixstack[matrixpos-1]; } matrixstack[matrixpos].translate(model->translate, resize); } matrixstack[matrixpos].transposedtransformnormal(forward, oforward); matrixstack[matrixpos].transposedtransform(o, oo); oo.div(resize); matrixstack[matrixpos].transposedtransformnormal(ray, oray); intersectscale = resize; meshes->intersect(as, pitch, oaxis, oforward, d, this, oo, oray); if((anim&ANIM_REUSE) != ANIM_REUSE) { loopv(links) { linkedpart &link = links[i]; if(!link.p) continue; link.matrix.translate(link.translate, resize); matrixpos++; matrixstack[matrixpos].mul(matrixstack[matrixpos-1], link.matrix); int nanim = anim, nbasetime = basetime, nbasetime2 = basetime2; if(link.anim>=0) { nanim = link.anim | (anim&ANIM_FLAGS); nbasetime = link.basetime; nbasetime2 = 0; } link.p->intersect(nanim, nbasetime, nbasetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, o, ray); matrixpos--; } } matrixpos = oldpos; } void render(int anim, int basetime, int basetime2, float pitch, const vec &axis, const vec &forward, dynent *d) { animstate as[MAXANIMPARTS]; render(anim, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, as); } void render(int anim, int basetime, int basetime2, float pitch, const vec &axis, const vec &forward, dynent *d, animstate *as) { if((anim&ANIM_REUSE) != ANIM_REUSE) loopi(numanimparts) { animinfo info; int interp = d && index+numanimparts<=MAXANIMPARTS ? index+i : -1, aitime = animationinterpolationtime; if(!calcanim(i, anim, basetime, basetime2, d, interp, info, aitime)) return; animstate &p = as[i]; p.owner = this; p.cur.setframes(info); p.interp = 1; if(interp>=0 && d->animinterp[interp].prev.range>0) { int diff = lastmillis-d->animinterp[interp].lastswitch; if(diffaniminterp[interp].prev); p.interp = diff/float(aitime); } } } float resize = model->scale * sizescale; int oldpos = matrixpos; vec oaxis, oforward; matrixstack[matrixpos].transposedtransformnormal(axis, oaxis); float pitchamount = pitchscale*pitch + pitchoffset; if(pitchmin || pitchmax) pitchamount = clamp(pitchamount, pitchmin, pitchmax); if(as->cur.anim&ANIM_NOPITCH || (as->interp < 1 && as->prev.anim&ANIM_NOPITCH)) pitchamount *= (as->cur.anim&ANIM_NOPITCH ? 0 : as->interp) + (as->interp < 1 && as->prev.anim&ANIM_NOPITCH ? 0 : 1-as->interp); if(pitchamount) { ++matrixpos; matrixstack[matrixpos] = matrixstack[matrixpos-1]; matrixstack[matrixpos].rotate(pitchamount*RAD, oaxis); } if(this == model->parts[0] && !model->translate.iszero()) { if(oldpos == matrixpos) { ++matrixpos; matrixstack[matrixpos] = matrixstack[matrixpos-1]; } matrixstack[matrixpos].translate(model->translate, resize); } matrixstack[matrixpos].transposedtransformnormal(forward, oforward); if(!(anim&ANIM_NORENDER)) { matrix4 modelmatrix; modelmatrix.mul(shadowmapping ? shadowmatrix : camprojmatrix, matrixstack[matrixpos]); if(resize!=1) modelmatrix.scale(resize); GLOBALPARAM(modelmatrix, modelmatrix); if(!(anim&ANIM_NOSKIN)) { GLOBALPARAM(modelworld, matrix3(matrixstack[matrixpos])); vec modelcamera; matrixstack[matrixpos].transposedtransform(camera1->o, modelcamera); modelcamera.div(resize); GLOBALPARAM(modelcamera, modelcamera); } } meshes->render(as, pitch, oaxis, oforward, d, this); if((anim&ANIM_REUSE) != ANIM_REUSE) { loopv(links) { linkedpart &link = links[i]; link.matrix.translate(link.translate, resize); matrixpos++; matrixstack[matrixpos].mul(matrixstack[matrixpos-1], link.matrix); if(link.pos) *link.pos = matrixstack[matrixpos].gettranslation(); if(!link.p) { matrixpos--; continue; } int nanim = anim, nbasetime = basetime, nbasetime2 = basetime2; if(link.anim>=0) { nanim = link.anim | (anim&ANIM_FLAGS); nbasetime = link.basetime; nbasetime2 = 0; } link.p->render(nanim, nbasetime, nbasetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d); matrixpos--; } } matrixpos = oldpos; } void setanim(int animpart, int num, int frame, int range, float speed, int priority = 0) { if(animpart<0 || animpart>=MAXANIMPARTS || num<0 || num>=game::numanims()) return; if(frame<0 || range<=0 || !meshes || !meshes->hasframes(frame, range)) { conoutf("invalid frame %d, range %d in model %s", frame, range, model->name); return; } if(!anims[animpart]) anims[animpart] = new vector[game::numanims()]; animspec &spec = anims[animpart][num].add(); spec.frame = frame; spec.range = range; spec.speed = speed; spec.priority = priority; } bool animated() const { loopi(MAXANIMPARTS) if(anims[i]) return true; return false; } virtual void loaded() { meshes->shared++; loopv(skins) skins[i].setkey(); } }; enum { LINK_TAG = 0, LINK_COOP, LINK_REUSE }; virtual int linktype(animmodel *m, part *p) const { return LINK_TAG; } void intersect(int anim, int basetime, int basetime2, float pitch, const vec &axis, const vec &forward, dynent *d, modelattach *a, const vec &o, const vec &ray) { int numtags = 0; if(a) { int index = parts.last()->index + parts.last()->numanimparts; for(int i = 0; a[i].tag; i++) { numtags++; animmodel *m = (animmodel *)a[i].m; if(!m) continue; part *p = m->parts[0]; switch(linktype(m, p)) { case LINK_TAG: p->index = link(p, a[i].tag, vec(0, 0, 0), a[i].anim, a[i].basetime, a[i].pos) ? index : -1; break; case LINK_COOP: p->index = index; break; default: continue; } index += p->numanimparts; } } animstate as[MAXANIMPARTS]; parts[0]->intersect(anim, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, o, ray, as); for(int i = 1; i < parts.length(); i++) { part *p = parts[i]; switch(linktype(this, p)) { case LINK_COOP: p->intersect(anim, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, o, ray); break; case LINK_REUSE: p->intersect(anim | ANIM_REUSE, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, o, ray, as); break; } } if(a) for(int i = numtags-1; i >= 0; i--) { animmodel *m = (animmodel *)a[i].m; if(!m) continue; part *p = m->parts[0]; switch(linktype(m, p)) { case LINK_TAG: if(p->index >= 0) unlink(p); p->index = 0; break; case LINK_COOP: p->intersect(anim, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, o, ray); p->index = 0; break; case LINK_REUSE: p->intersect(anim | ANIM_REUSE, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, o, ray, as); break; } } } static int intersectresult, intersectmode; static float intersectdist, intersectscale; int intersect(int anim, int basetime, int basetime2, const vec &pos, float yaw, float pitch, float roll, dynent *d, modelattach *a, float size, const vec &o, const vec &ray, float &dist, int mode) { vec axis(1, 0, 0), forward(0, 1, 0); matrixpos = 0; matrixstack[0].identity(); if(!d || !d->ragdoll || d->ragdoll->millis == lastmillis) { float secs = lastmillis/1000.0f; yaw += spinyaw*secs; pitch += spinpitch*secs; roll += spinroll*secs; matrixstack[0].settranslation(pos); matrixstack[0].rotate_around_z(yaw*RAD); bool usepitch = pitched(); if(roll && !usepitch) matrixstack[0].rotate_around_y(-roll*RAD); matrixstack[0].transformnormal(vec(axis), axis); matrixstack[0].transformnormal(vec(forward), forward); if(roll && usepitch) matrixstack[0].rotate_around_y(-roll*RAD); if(offsetyaw) matrixstack[0].rotate_around_z(offsetyaw*RAD); if(offsetpitch) matrixstack[0].rotate_around_x(offsetpitch*RAD); if(offsetroll) matrixstack[0].rotate_around_y(-offsetroll*RAD); } else { matrixstack[0].settranslation(d->ragdoll->center); pitch = 0; } sizescale = size; intersectresult = -1; intersectmode = mode; intersectdist = dist; intersect(anim, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, a, o, ray); if(intersectresult >= 0) dist = intersectdist; return intersectresult; } void render(int anim, int basetime, int basetime2, float pitch, const vec &axis, const vec &forward, dynent *d, modelattach *a) { int numtags = 0; if(a) { int index = parts.last()->index + parts.last()->numanimparts; for(int i = 0; a[i].tag; i++) { numtags++; animmodel *m = (animmodel *)a[i].m; if(!m) { if(a[i].pos) link(NULL, a[i].tag, vec(0, 0, 0), 0, 0, a[i].pos); continue; } part *p = m->parts[0]; switch(linktype(m, p)) { case LINK_TAG: p->index = link(p, a[i].tag, vec(0, 0, 0), a[i].anim, a[i].basetime, a[i].pos) ? index : -1; break; case LINK_COOP: p->index = index; break; default: continue; } index += p->numanimparts; } } animstate as[MAXANIMPARTS]; parts[0]->render(anim, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, as); for(int i = 1; i < parts.length(); i++) { part *p = parts[i]; switch(linktype(this, p)) { case LINK_COOP: p->render(anim, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d); break; case LINK_REUSE: p->render(anim | ANIM_REUSE, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, as); break; } } if(a) for(int i = numtags-1; i >= 0; i--) { animmodel *m = (animmodel *)a[i].m; if(!m) { if(a[i].pos) unlink(NULL); continue; } part *p = m->parts[0]; switch(linktype(m, p)) { case LINK_TAG: if(p->index >= 0) unlink(p); p->index = 0; break; case LINK_COOP: p->render(anim, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d); p->index = 0; break; case LINK_REUSE: p->render(anim | ANIM_REUSE, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, as); break; } } } void render(int anim, int basetime, int basetime2, const vec &o, float yaw, float pitch, float roll, dynent *d, modelattach *a, float size, const vec4 &color) { vec axis(1, 0, 0), forward(0, 1, 0); matrixpos = 0; matrixstack[0].identity(); if(!d || !d->ragdoll || d->ragdoll->millis == lastmillis) { float secs = lastmillis/1000.0f; yaw += spinyaw*secs; pitch += spinpitch*secs; roll += spinroll*secs; matrixstack[0].settranslation(o); matrixstack[0].rotate_around_z(yaw*RAD); bool usepitch = pitched(); if(roll && !usepitch) matrixstack[0].rotate_around_y(-roll*RAD); matrixstack[0].transformnormal(vec(axis), axis); matrixstack[0].transformnormal(vec(forward), forward); if(roll && usepitch) matrixstack[0].rotate_around_y(-roll*RAD); if(offsetyaw) matrixstack[0].rotate_around_z(offsetyaw*RAD); if(offsetpitch) matrixstack[0].rotate_around_x(offsetpitch*RAD); if(offsetroll) matrixstack[0].rotate_around_y(-offsetroll*RAD); } else { matrixstack[0].settranslation(d->ragdoll->center); pitch = 0; } sizescale = size; if(anim&ANIM_NORENDER) { render(anim, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, a); if(d) d->lastrendered = lastmillis; return; } if(!(anim&ANIM_NOSKIN)) { if(colorscale != color) { colorscale = color; shaderparamskey::invalidate(); } if(envmapped()) closestenvmaptex = lookupenvmap(closestenvmap(o)); else if(a) for(int i = 0; a[i].tag; i++) if(a[i].m && a[i].m->envmapped()) { closestenvmaptex = lookupenvmap(closestenvmap(o)); break; } } if(depthoffset && !enabledepthoffset) { enablepolygonoffset(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); enabledepthoffset = true; } render(anim, basetime, basetime2, pitch, axis, forward, d, a); if(d) d->lastrendered = lastmillis; } vector parts; animmodel(const char *name) : model(name) { } ~animmodel() { parts.deletecontents(); } void cleanup() { loopv(parts) parts[i]->cleanup(); } virtual void flushpart() {} part &addpart() { flushpart(); part *p = new part(this, parts.length()); parts.add(p); return *p; } void initmatrix(matrix4x3 &m) { m.identity(); if(offsetyaw) m.rotate_around_z(offsetyaw*RAD); if(offsetpitch) m.rotate_around_x(offsetpitch*RAD); if(offsetroll) m.rotate_around_y(-offsetroll*RAD); m.translate(translate, scale); } void genBIH(vector &bih) { if(parts.empty()) return; matrix4x3 m; initmatrix(m); parts[0]->genBIH(bih, m); for(int i = 1; i < parts.length(); i++) { part *p = parts[i]; switch(linktype(this, p)) { case LINK_COOP: case LINK_REUSE: p->genBIH(bih, m); break; } } } void genshadowmesh(vector &tris, const matrix4x3 &orient) { if(parts.empty()) return; matrix4x3 m; initmatrix(m); m.mul(orient, matrix4x3(m)); parts[0]->genshadowmesh(tris, m); for(int i = 1; i < parts.length(); i++) { part *p = parts[i]; switch(linktype(this, p)) { case LINK_COOP: case LINK_REUSE: p->genshadowmesh(tris, m); break; } } } void preloadBIH() { model::preloadBIH(); if(bih) loopv(parts) parts[i]->preloadBIH(); } BIH *setBIH() { if(bih) return bih; vector meshes; genBIH(meshes); bih = new BIH(meshes); return bih; } bool link(part *p, const char *tag, const vec &translate = vec(0, 0, 0), int anim = -1, int basetime = 0, vec *pos = NULL) { if(parts.empty()) return false; return parts[0]->link(p, tag, translate, anim, basetime, pos); } bool unlink(part *p) { if(parts.empty()) return false; return parts[0]->unlink(p); } bool envmapped() const { loopv(parts) loopvj(parts[i]->skins) if(parts[i]->skins[j].envmapped()) return true; return false; } bool animated() const { if(spinyaw || spinpitch || spinroll) return true; loopv(parts) if(parts[i]->animated()) return true; return false; } bool pitched() const { return parts[0]->pitchscale != 0; } bool alphatested() const { loopv(parts) if(parts[i]->alphatested()) return true; return false; } virtual bool flipy() const { return false; } virtual bool loadconfig() { return false; } virtual bool loaddefaultparts() { return false; } virtual void startload() {} virtual void endload() {} bool load() { startload(); bool success = loadconfig() && parts.length(); // configured model, will call the model commands below if(!success) success = loaddefaultparts(); // model without configuration, try default tris and skin flushpart(); endload(); if(flipy()) translate.y = -translate.y; if(!success) return false; loopv(parts) if(!parts[i]->meshes) return false; loaded(); return true; } void preloadshaders() { loopv(parts) parts[i]->preloadshaders(); } void preloadmeshes() { loopv(parts) parts[i]->preloadmeshes(); } void setshader(Shader *shader) { if(parts.empty()) loaddefaultparts(); loopv(parts) loopvj(parts[i]->skins) parts[i]->skins[j].shader = shader; } void setenvmap(float envmapmin, float envmapmax, Texture *envmap) { if(parts.empty()) loaddefaultparts(); loopv(parts) loopvj(parts[i]->skins) { skin &s = parts[i]->skins[j]; if(envmapmax) { s.envmapmin = envmapmin; s.envmapmax = envmapmax; } if(envmap) s.envmap = envmap; } } void setspec(float spec) { if(parts.empty()) loaddefaultparts(); loopv(parts) loopvj(parts[i]->skins) parts[i]->skins[j].spec = spec; } void setgloss(int gloss) { if(parts.empty()) loaddefaultparts(); loopv(parts) loopvj(parts[i]->skins) parts[i]->skins[j].gloss = gloss; } void setglow(float glow, float delta, float pulse) { if(parts.empty()) loaddefaultparts(); loopv(parts) loopvj(parts[i]->skins) { skin &s = parts[i]->skins[j]; s.glow = glow; s.glowdelta = delta; s.glowpulse = pulse; } } void setalphatest(float alphatest) { if(parts.empty()) loaddefaultparts(); loopv(parts) loopvj(parts[i]->skins) parts[i]->skins[j].alphatest = alphatest; } void setfullbright(float fullbright) { if(parts.empty()) loaddefaultparts(); loopv(parts) loopvj(parts[i]->skins) parts[i]->skins[j].fullbright = fullbright; } void setcullface(int cullface) { if(parts.empty()) loaddefaultparts(); loopv(parts) loopvj(parts[i]->skins) parts[i]->skins[j].cullface = cullface; } void setcolor(const vec &color) { if(parts.empty()) loaddefaultparts(); loopv(parts) loopvj(parts[i]->skins) parts[i]->skins[j].color = color; } void calcbb(vec ¢er, vec &radius) { if(parts.empty()) return; vec bbmin(1e16f, 1e16f, 1e16f), bbmax(-1e16f, -1e16f, -1e16f); matrix4x3 m; initmatrix(m); parts[0]->calcbb(bbmin, bbmax, m); for(int i = 1; i < parts.length(); i++) { part *p = parts[i]; switch(linktype(this, p)) { case LINK_COOP: case LINK_REUSE: p->calcbb(bbmin, bbmax, m); break; } } radius = bbmax; radius.sub(bbmin); radius.mul(0.5f); center = bbmin; center.add(radius); } void calctransform(matrix4x3 &m) { initmatrix(m); m.scale(scale); } virtual void loaded() { loopv(parts) parts[i]->loaded(); } static bool enabletc, enablecullface, enabletangents, enablebones, enabledepthoffset; static float sizescale; static vec4 colorscale; static GLuint lastvbuf, lasttcbuf, lastxbuf, lastbbuf, lastebuf, lastenvmaptex, closestenvmaptex; static Texture *lasttex, *lastdecal, *lastmasks, *lastnormalmap; static int matrixpos; static matrix4 matrixstack[64]; void startrender() { enabletc = enabletangents = enablebones = enabledepthoffset = false; enablecullface = true; lastvbuf = lasttcbuf = lastxbuf = lastbbuf = lastebuf = lastenvmaptex = closestenvmaptex = 0; lasttex = lastdecal = lastmasks = lastnormalmap = NULL; shaderparamskey::invalidate(); } static void disablebones() { gle::disableboneweight(); gle::disableboneindex(); enablebones = false; } static void disabletangents() { gle::disabletangent(); enabletangents = false; } static void disabletc() { gle::disabletexcoord0(); enabletc = false; } static void disablevbo() { if(lastebuf) gle::clearebo(); if(lastvbuf) { gle::clearvbo(); gle::disablevertex(); } if(enabletc) disabletc(); if(enabletangents) disabletangents(); if(enablebones) disablebones(); lastvbuf = lasttcbuf = lastxbuf = lastbbuf = lastebuf = 0; } void endrender() { if(lastvbuf || lastebuf) disablevbo(); if(!enablecullface) glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); if(enabledepthoffset) disablepolygonoffset(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); } }; hashnameset animmodel::meshgroups; int animmodel::intersectresult = -1, animmodel::intersectmode = 0; float animmodel::intersectdist = 0, animmodel::intersectscale = 1; bool animmodel::enabletc = false, animmodel::enabletangents = false, animmodel::enablebones = false, animmodel::enablecullface = true, animmodel::enabledepthoffset = false; float animmodel::sizescale = 1; vec4 animmodel::colorscale(1, 1, 1, 1); GLuint animmodel::lastvbuf = 0, animmodel::lasttcbuf = 0, animmodel::lastxbuf = 0, animmodel::lastbbuf = 0, animmodel::lastebuf = 0, animmodel::lastenvmaptex = 0, animmodel::closestenvmaptex = 0; Texture *animmodel::lasttex = NULL, *animmodel::lastdecal = NULL, *animmodel::lastmasks = NULL, *animmodel::lastnormalmap = NULL; int animmodel::matrixpos = 0; matrix4 animmodel::matrixstack[64]; static inline uint hthash(const animmodel::shaderparams &k) { return memhash(&k, sizeof(k)); } static inline bool htcmp(const animmodel::shaderparams &x, const animmodel::shaderparams &y) { return !memcmp(&x, &y, sizeof(animmodel::shaderparams)); } hashtable animmodel::shaderparamskey::keys; int animmodel::shaderparamskey::firstversion = 0, animmodel::shaderparamskey::lastversion = 1; template struct modelloader : BASE { static MDL *loading; static string dir; modelloader(const char *name) : BASE(name) {} static bool cananimate() { return true; } static bool multiparted() { return true; } static bool multimeshed() { return true; } void startload() { loading = (MDL *)this; } void endload() { loading = NULL; } bool loadconfig() { formatstring(dir, "media/model/%s", BASE::name); defformatstring(cfgname, "media/model/%s/%s.cfg", BASE::name, MDL::formatname()); identflags &= ~IDF_PERSIST; bool success = execfile(cfgname, false); identflags |= IDF_PERSIST; return success; } }; template MDL *modelloader::loading = NULL; template string modelloader::dir = {'\0'}; // crashes clang if "" is used here template struct modelcommands { typedef struct MDL::part part; typedef struct MDL::skin skin; static void setdir(char *name) { if(!MDL::loading) { conoutf("not loading an %s", MDL::formatname()); return; } formatstring(MDL::dir, "media/model/%s", name); } #define loopmeshes(meshname, m, body) do { \ if(!MDL::loading || MDL::loading->parts.empty()) { conoutf("not loading an %s", MDL::formatname()); return; } \ part &mdl = *MDL::loading->parts.last(); \ if(!mdl.meshes) return; \ loopv(mdl.meshes->meshes) \ { \ MESH &m = *(MESH *)mdl.meshes->meshes[i]; \ if(!strcmp(meshname, "*") || ( && !strcmp(, meshname))) \ { \ body; \ } \ } \ } while(0) #define loopskins(meshname, s, body) loopmeshes(meshname, m, { skin &s = mdl.skins[i]; body; }) static void setskin(char *meshname, char *tex, char *masks, float *envmapmax, float *envmapmin) { loopskins(meshname, s, s.tex = textureload(makerelpath(MDL::dir, tex), 0, true, false); if(*masks) { s.masks = textureload(makerelpath(MDL::dir, masks), 0, true, false); s.envmapmax = *envmapmax; s.envmapmin = *envmapmin; } ); } static void setspec(char *meshname, float *percent) { float spec = *percent > 0 ? *percent/100.0f : 0.0f; loopskins(meshname, s, s.spec = spec); } static void setgloss(char *meshname, int *gloss) { loopskins(meshname, s, s.gloss = clamp(*gloss, 0, 2)); } static void setglow(char *meshname, float *percent, float *delta, float *pulse) { float glow = *percent > 0 ? *percent/100.0f : 0.0f, glowdelta = *delta/100.0f, glowpulse = *pulse > 0 ? *pulse/1000.0f : 0; glowdelta -= glow; loopskins(meshname, s, { s.glow = glow; s.glowdelta = glowdelta; s.glowpulse = glowpulse; }); } static void setalphatest(char *meshname, float *cutoff) { loopskins(meshname, s, s.alphatest = max(0.0f, min(1.0f, *cutoff))); } static void setcullface(char *meshname, int *cullface) { loopskins(meshname, s, s.cullface = *cullface); } static void setcolor(char *meshname, float *r, float *g, float *b) { loopskins(meshname, s, s.color = vec(*r, *g, *b)); } static void setenvmap(char *meshname, char *envmap) { Texture *tex = cubemapload(envmap); loopskins(meshname, s, s.envmap = tex); } static void setbumpmap(char *meshname, char *normalmapfile) { Texture *normalmaptex = textureload(makerelpath(MDL::dir, normalmapfile), 0, true, false); loopskins(meshname, s, s.normalmap = normalmaptex); } static void setdecal(char *meshname, char *decal) { loopskins(meshname, s, s.decal = textureload(makerelpath(MDL::dir, decal), 0, true, false); ); } static void setfullbright(char *meshname, float *fullbright) { loopskins(meshname, s, s.fullbright = *fullbright); } static void setshader(char *meshname, char *shader) { loopskins(meshname, s, s.shader = lookupshaderbyname(shader)); } static void setscroll(char *meshname, float *scrollu, float *scrollv) { loopskins(meshname, s, { s.scrollu = *scrollu; s.scrollv = *scrollv; }); } static void setnoclip(char *meshname, int *noclip) { loopmeshes(meshname, m, m.noclip = *noclip!=0); } static void settricollide(char *meshname) { bool init = true; loopmeshes("*", m, { if(!m.cancollide) init = false; }); if(init) loopmeshes("*", m, m.cancollide = false); loopmeshes(meshname, m, { m.cancollide = true; m.canrender = false; }); MDL::loading->collide = COLLIDE_TRI; } static void setlink(int *parent, int *child, char *tagname, float *x, float *y, float *z) { if(!MDL::loading) { conoutf("not loading an %s", MDL::formatname()); return; } if(!MDL::loading->parts.inrange(*parent) || !MDL::loading->parts.inrange(*child)) { conoutf("no models loaded to link"); return; } if(!MDL::loading->parts[*parent]->link(MDL::loading->parts[*child], tagname, vec(*x, *y, *z))) conoutf("could not link model %s", MDL::loading->name); } template void modelcommand(F *fun, const char *suffix, const char *args) { defformatstring(name, "%s%s", MDL::formatname(), suffix); addcommand(newstring(name), (identfun)fun, args); } modelcommands() { modelcommand(setdir, "dir", "s"); if(MDL::multimeshed()) { modelcommand(setskin, "skin", "sssff"); modelcommand(setspec, "spec", "sf"); modelcommand(setgloss, "gloss", "si"); modelcommand(setglow, "glow", "sfff"); modelcommand(setalphatest, "alphatest", "sf"); modelcommand(setcullface, "cullface", "si"); modelcommand(setcolor, "color", "sfff"); modelcommand(setenvmap, "envmap", "ss"); modelcommand(setbumpmap, "bumpmap", "ss"); modelcommand(setdecal, "decal", "ss"); modelcommand(setfullbright, "fullbright", "sf"); modelcommand(setshader, "shader", "ss"); modelcommand(setscroll, "scroll", "sff"); modelcommand(setnoclip, "noclip", "si"); modelcommand(settricollide, "tricollide", "s"); } if(MDL::multiparted()) modelcommand(setlink, "link", "iisfff"); } };