#include "game.hh" namespace game { VARP(minradarscale, 0, 384, 10000); VARP(maxradarscale, 1, 1024, 10000); VARP(radarteammates, 0, 1, 1); FVARP(minimapalpha, 0, 1, 1); float calcradarscale() { return clamp(max(minimapradius.x, minimapradius.y)/3, float(minradarscale), float(maxradarscale)); } void drawminimap(gameent *d, float x, float y, float s) { vec pos = vec(d->o).sub(minimapcenter).mul(minimapscale).add(0.5f), dir; vecfromyawpitch(camera1->yaw, 0, 1, 0, dir); float scale = calcradarscale(); gle::defvertex(2); gle::deftexcoord0(); gle::begin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); loopi(16) { vec v = vec(0, -1, 0).rotate_around_z(i/16.0f*2*M_PI); gle::attribf(x + 0.5f*s*(1.0f + v.x), y + 0.5f*s*(1.0f + v.y)); vec tc = vec(dir).rotate_around_z(i/16.0f*2*M_PI); gle::attribf(1.0f - (pos.x + tc.x*scale*minimapscale.x), pos.y + tc.y*scale*minimapscale.y); } gle::end(); } void setradartex() { settexture("media/interface/radar/radar.png", 3); } void drawradar(float x, float y, float s) { gle::defvertex(2); gle::deftexcoord0(); gle::begin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); gle::attribf(x, y); gle::attribf(0, 0); gle::attribf(x+s, y); gle::attribf(1, 0); gle::attribf(x, y+s); gle::attribf(0, 1); gle::attribf(x+s, y+s); gle::attribf(1, 1); gle::end(); } void drawteammate(gameent *d, float x, float y, float s, gameent *o, float scale, float blipsize = 1) { vec dir = d->o; dir.sub(o->o).div(scale); float dist = dir.magnitude2(), maxdist = 1 - 0.05f - 0.05f; if(dist >= maxdist) dir.mul(maxdist/dist); dir.rotate_around_z(-camera1->yaw*RAD); float bs = 0.06f*blipsize*s, bx = x + s*0.5f*(1.0f + dir.x), by = y + s*0.5f*(1.0f + dir.y); vec v(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0); v.rotate_around_z((90+o->yaw-camera1->yaw)*RAD); gle::attribf(bx + bs*v.x, by + bs*v.y); gle::attribf(0, 0); gle::attribf(bx + bs*v.y, by - bs*v.x); gle::attribf(1, 0); gle::attribf(bx - bs*v.x, by - bs*v.y); gle::attribf(1, 1); gle::attribf(bx - bs*v.y, by + bs*v.x); gle::attribf(0, 1); } void setbliptex(int team, const char *type = "") { defformatstring(blipname, "media/interface/radar/blip%s%s.png", teamblipcolor[validteam(team) ? team : 0], type); settexture(blipname, 3); } void drawplayerblip(gameent *d, float x, float y, float s, float blipsize = 1) { if(d->state != CS_ALIVE && d->state != CS_DEAD) return; float scale = calcradarscale(); setbliptex(d->team, d->state == CS_DEAD ? "_dead" : "_alive"); gle::defvertex(2); gle::deftexcoord0(); gle::begin(GL_QUADS); drawteammate(d, x, y, s, d, scale, blipsize); gle::end(); } void drawteammates(gameent *d, float x, float y, float s) { if(!radarteammates) return; float scale = calcradarscale(); int alive = 0, dead = 0; loopv(players) { gameent *o = players[i]; if(o != d && o->state == CS_ALIVE && o->team == d->team) { if(!alive++) { setbliptex(d->team, "_alive"); gle::defvertex(2); gle::deftexcoord0(); gle::begin(GL_QUADS); } drawteammate(d, x, y, s, o, scale); } } if(alive) gle::end(); loopv(players) { gameent *o = players[i]; if(o != d && o->state == CS_DEAD && o->team == d->team) { if(!dead++) { setbliptex(d->team, "_dead"); gle::defvertex(2); gle::deftexcoord0(); gle::begin(GL_QUADS); } drawteammate(d, x, y, s, o, scale); } } if(dead) gle::end(); } clientmode *cmode = NULL; void setclientmode() { cmode = NULL; } bool senditemstoserver = false, sendcrc = false; // after a map change, since server doesn't have map data int lastping = 0; bool connected = false, remote = false, demoplayback = false, gamepaused = false; int sessionid = 0, mastermode = MM_OPEN, gamespeed = 100; string servdesc = "", servauth = "", connectpass = ""; VARP(deadpush, 1, 2, 20); void switchname(const char *name) { filtertext(player1->name, name, false, false, MAXNAMELEN); if(!player1->name[0]) copystring(player1->name, "unnamed"); addmsg(N_SWITCHNAME, "rs", player1->name); } void printname() { conoutf("your name is: %s", colorname(player1)); } ICOMMAND(name, "sN", (char *s, int *numargs), { if(*numargs > 0) switchname(s); else if(!*numargs) printname(); else result(colorname(player1)); }); ICOMMAND(getname, "", (), result(player1->name)); void switchteam(const char *team) { int num = isdigit(team[0]) ? parseint(team) : teamnumber(team); if(!validteam(num)) return; if(player1->clientnum < 0) player1->team = num; else addmsg(N_SWITCHTEAM, "ri", num); } void printteam() { if((player1->clientnum >= 0 && !m_teammode) || !validteam(player1->team)) conoutf("you are not in a team"); else conoutf("your team is: \fs%s%s\fr", teamtextcode[player1->team], teamnames[player1->team]); } ICOMMAND(team, "sN", (char *s, int *numargs), { if(*numargs > 0) switchteam(s); else if(!*numargs) printteam(); else if((player1->clientnum < 0 || m_teammode) && validteam(player1->team)) result(tempformatstring("\fs%s%s\fr", teamtextcode[player1->team], teamnames[player1->team])); }); ICOMMAND(getteam, "", (), intret((player1->clientnum < 0 || m_teammode) && validteam(player1->team) ? player1->team : 0)); ICOMMAND(getteamname, "i", (int *num), result(teamname(*num))); struct authkey { char *name, *key, *desc; int lastauth; authkey(const char *name, const char *key, const char *desc) : name(newstring(name)), key(newstring(key)), desc(newstring(desc)), lastauth(0) { } ~authkey() { DELETEA(name); DELETEA(key); DELETEA(desc); } }; vector authkeys; authkey *findauthkey(const char *desc = "") { loopv(authkeys) if(!strcmp(authkeys[i]->desc, desc) && !strcasecmp(authkeys[i]->name, player1->name)) return authkeys[i]; loopv(authkeys) if(!strcmp(authkeys[i]->desc, desc)) return authkeys[i]; return NULL; } VARP(autoauth, 0, 1, 1); void addauthkey(const char *name, const char *key, const char *desc) { loopvrev(authkeys) if(!strcmp(authkeys[i]->desc, desc) && !strcmp(authkeys[i]->name, name)) delete authkeys.remove(i); if(name[0] && key[0]) authkeys.add(new authkey(name, key, desc)); } ICOMMAND(authkey, "sss", (char *name, char *key, char *desc), addauthkey(name, key, desc)); bool hasauthkey(const char *name, const char *desc) { if(!name[0] && !desc[0]) return authkeys.length() > 0; loopvrev(authkeys) if(!strcmp(authkeys[i]->desc, desc) && !strcmp(authkeys[i]->name, name)) return true; return false; } ICOMMAND(hasauthkey, "ss", (char *name, char *desc), intret(hasauthkey(name, desc) ? 1 : 0)); void genauthkey(const char *secret) { if(!secret[0]) { conoutf(CON_ERROR, "you must specify a secret password"); return; } vector privkey, pubkey; genprivkey(secret, privkey, pubkey); conoutf("private key: %s", privkey.getbuf()); conoutf("public key: %s", pubkey.getbuf()); result(privkey.getbuf()); } COMMAND(genauthkey, "s"); void getpubkey(const char *desc) { authkey *k = findauthkey(desc); if(!k) { if(desc[0]) conoutf("no authkey found: %s", desc); else conoutf("no global authkey found"); return; } vector pubkey; if(!calcpubkey(k->key, pubkey)) { conoutf("failed calculating pubkey"); return; } result(pubkey.getbuf()); } COMMAND(getpubkey, "s"); void saveauthkeys() { string fname = "config/auth.cfg"; stream *f = openfile(path(fname), "w"); if(!f) { conoutf(CON_ERROR, "failed to open %s for writing", fname); return; } loopv(authkeys) { authkey *a = authkeys[i]; f->printf("authkey %s %s %s\n", escapestring(a->name), escapestring(a->key), escapestring(a->desc)); } conoutf("saved authkeys to %s", fname); delete f; } COMMAND(saveauthkeys, ""); void sendmapinfo() { if(!connected) return; sendcrc = true; if(player1->state!=CS_SPECTATOR || player1->privilege || !remote) senditemstoserver = true; } void writeclientinfo(stream *f) { f->printf("name %s\n", escapestring(player1->name)); } bool allowedittoggle() { if(editmode) return true; if(isconnected() && multiplayer(false) && !m_edit) { conoutf(CON_ERROR, "editing in multiplayer requires edit mode"); return false; } return execidentbool("allowedittoggle", true); } void edittoggled(bool on) { addmsg(N_EDITMODE, "ri", on ? 1 : 0); if(player1->state==CS_DEAD) deathstate(player1, true); else if(player1->state==CS_EDITING && player1->editstate==CS_DEAD) showscores(false); disablezoom(); player1->suicided = player1->respawned = -2; checkfollow(); } const char *getclientname(int cn) { gameent *d = getclient(cn); return d ? d->name : ""; } ICOMMAND(getclientname, "i", (int *cn), result(getclientname(*cn))); ICOMMAND(getclientcolorname, "i", (int *cn), { gameent *d = getclient(*cn); if(d) result(colorname(d)); }); int getclientteam(int cn) { gameent *d = getclient(cn); return m_teammode && d && validteam(d->team) ? d->team : 0; } ICOMMAND(getclientteam, "i", (int *cn), intret(getclientteam(*cn))); int getclientmodel(int cn) { gameent *d = getclient(cn); return d ? d->playermodel : -1; } ICOMMAND(getclientmodel, "i", (int *cn), intret(getclientmodel(*cn))); const char *getclienticon(int cn) { gameent *d = getclient(cn); if(!d || d->state==CS_SPECTATOR) return "spectator"; const playermodelinfo &mdl = getplayermodelinfo(d); return m_teammode && validteam(d->team) ? mdl.icon[d->team] : mdl.icon[0]; } ICOMMAND(getclienticon, "i", (int *cn), result(getclienticon(*cn))); int getclientcolor(int cn) { gameent *d = getclient(cn); return d && d->state!=CS_SPECTATOR ? getplayercolor(d, m_teammode && validteam(d->team) ? d->team : 0) : 0xFFFFFF; } ICOMMAND(getclientcolor, "i", (int *cn), intret(getclientcolor(*cn))); ICOMMAND(getclientfrags, "i", (int *cn), { gameent *d = getclient(*cn); if(d) intret(d->frags); }); ICOMMAND(getclientflags, "i", (int *cn), { gameent *d = getclient(*cn); if(d) intret(d->flags); }); ICOMMAND(getclientdeaths, "i", (int *cn), { gameent *d = getclient(*cn); if(d) intret(d->deaths); }); bool ismaster(int cn) { gameent *d = getclient(cn); return d && d->privilege >= PRIV_MASTER; } ICOMMAND(ismaster, "i", (int *cn), intret(ismaster(*cn) ? 1 : 0)); bool isauth(int cn) { gameent *d = getclient(cn); return d && d->privilege >= PRIV_AUTH; } ICOMMAND(isauth, "i", (int *cn), intret(isauth(*cn) ? 1 : 0)); bool isadmin(int cn) { gameent *d = getclient(cn); return d && d->privilege >= PRIV_ADMIN; } ICOMMAND(isadmin, "i", (int *cn), intret(isadmin(*cn) ? 1 : 0)); ICOMMAND(getmastermode, "", (), intret(mastermode)); ICOMMAND(getmastermodename, "i", (int *mm), result(server::mastermodename(*mm, ""))); bool isspectator(int cn) { gameent *d = getclient(cn); return d && d->state==CS_SPECTATOR; } ICOMMAND(isspectator, "i", (int *cn), intret(isspectator(*cn) ? 1 : 0)); ICOMMAND(islagged, "i", (int *cn), { gameent *d = getclient(*cn); if(d) intret(d->state==CS_LAGGED ? 1 : 0); }); ICOMMAND(isdead, "i", (int *cn), { gameent *d = getclient(*cn); if(d) intret(d->state==CS_DEAD ? 1 : 0); }); bool isai(int cn, int type) { gameent *d = getclient(cn); int aitype = type > 0 && type < AI_MAX ? type : AI_BOT; return d && d->aitype==aitype; } ICOMMAND(isai, "ii", (int *cn, int *type), intret(isai(*cn, *type) ? 1 : 0)); int parseplayer(const char *arg) { char *end; int n = strtol(arg, &end, 10); if(*arg && !*end) { if(n!=player1->clientnum && !clients.inrange(n)) return -1; return n; } // try case sensitive first loopv(players) { gameent *o = players[i]; if(!strcmp(arg, o->name)) return o->clientnum; } // nothing found, try case insensitive loopv(players) { gameent *o = players[i]; if(!strcasecmp(arg, o->name)) return o->clientnum; } return -1; } ICOMMAND(getclientnum, "s", (char *name), intret(name[0] ? parseplayer(name) : player1->clientnum)); void listclients(bool local, bool bots) { vector buf; string cn; int numclients = 0; if(local && connected) { formatstring(cn, "%d", player1->clientnum); buf.put(cn, strlen(cn)); numclients++; } loopv(clients) if(clients[i] && (bots || clients[i]->aitype == AI_NONE)) { formatstring(cn, "%d", clients[i]->clientnum); if(numclients++) buf.add(' '); buf.put(cn, strlen(cn)); } buf.add('\0'); result(buf.getbuf()); } ICOMMAND(listclients, "bb", (int *local, int *bots), listclients(*local>0, *bots!=0)); void clearbans() { addmsg(N_CLEARBANS, "r"); } COMMAND(clearbans, ""); void kick(const char *victim, const char *reason) { int vn = parseplayer(victim); if(vn>=0 && vn!=player1->clientnum) addmsg(N_KICK, "ris", vn, reason); } COMMAND(kick, "ss"); void authkick(const char *desc, const char *victim, const char *reason) { authkey *a = findauthkey(desc); int vn = parseplayer(victim); if(a && vn>=0 && vn!=player1->clientnum) { a->lastauth = lastmillis; addmsg(N_AUTHKICK, "rssis", a->desc, a->name, vn, reason); } } ICOMMAND(authkick, "ss", (const char *victim, const char *reason), authkick("", victim, reason)); ICOMMAND(sauthkick, "ss", (const char *victim, const char *reason), if(servauth[0]) authkick(servauth, victim, reason)); ICOMMAND(dauthkick, "sss", (const char *desc, const char *victim, const char *reason), if(desc[0]) authkick(desc, victim, reason)); vector ignores; void ignore(int cn) { gameent *d = getclient(cn); if(!d || d == player1) return; conoutf("ignoring %s", d->name); if(ignores.find(cn) < 0) ignores.add(cn); } void unignore(int cn) { if(ignores.find(cn) < 0) return; gameent *d = getclient(cn); if(d) conoutf("stopped ignoring %s", d->name); ignores.removeobj(cn); } bool isignored(int cn) { return ignores.find(cn) >= 0; } ICOMMAND(ignore, "s", (char *arg), ignore(parseplayer(arg))); ICOMMAND(unignore, "s", (char *arg), unignore(parseplayer(arg))); ICOMMAND(isignored, "s", (char *arg), intret(isignored(parseplayer(arg)) ? 1 : 0)); void setteam(const char *who, const char *team) { int i = parseplayer(who); if(i < 0) return; int num = isdigit(team[0]) ? parseint(team) : teamnumber(team); if(!validteam(num)) return; addmsg(N_SETTEAM, "rii", i, num); } COMMAND(setteam, "ss"); void hashpwd(const char *pwd) { if(player1->clientnum<0) return; string hash; server::hashpassword(player1->clientnum, sessionid, pwd, hash); result(hash); } COMMAND(hashpwd, "s"); void setmaster(const char *arg, const char *who) { if(!arg[0]) return; int val = 1, cn = player1->clientnum; if(who[0]) { cn = parseplayer(who); if(cn < 0) return; } string hash = ""; if(!arg[1] && isdigit(arg[0])) val = parseint(arg); else { if(cn != player1->clientnum) return; server::hashpassword(player1->clientnum, sessionid, arg, hash); } addmsg(N_SETMASTER, "riis", cn, val, hash); } COMMAND(setmaster, "ss"); ICOMMAND(mastermode, "i", (int *val), addmsg(N_MASTERMODE, "ri", *val)); bool tryauth(const char *desc) { authkey *a = findauthkey(desc); if(!a) return false; a->lastauth = lastmillis; addmsg(N_AUTHTRY, "rss", a->desc, a->name); return true; } ICOMMAND(auth, "s", (char *desc), tryauth(desc)); ICOMMAND(sauth, "", (), if(servauth[0]) tryauth(servauth)); ICOMMAND(dauth, "s", (char *desc), if(desc[0]) tryauth(desc)); ICOMMAND(getservauth, "", (), result(servauth)); void togglespectator(int val, const char *who) { int i = who[0] ? parseplayer(who) : player1->clientnum; if(i>=0) addmsg(N_SPECTATOR, "rii", i, val); } ICOMMAND(spectator, "is", (int *val, char *who), togglespectator(*val, who)); ICOMMAND(checkmaps, "", (), addmsg(N_CHECKMAPS, "r")); int gamemode = INT_MAX, nextmode = INT_MAX; string clientmap = ""; void changemapserv(const char *name, int mode) // forced map change from the server { if(multiplayer(false) && !m_mp(mode)) { conoutf(CON_ERROR, "mode %s (%d) not supported in multiplayer", server::modeprettyname(gamemode), gamemode); loopi(NUMGAMEMODES) if(m_mp(STARTGAMEMODE + i)) { mode = STARTGAMEMODE + i; break; } } gamemode = mode; nextmode = mode; if(editmode) toggleedit(); if(m_demo) { entities::resetspawns(); return; } if((m_edit && !name[0]) || !load_world(name)) { emptymap(0, true, name); senditemstoserver = false; } startgame(); } void setmode(int mode) { if(multiplayer(false) && !m_mp(mode)) { conoutf(CON_ERROR, "mode %s (%d) not supported in multiplayer", server::modeprettyname(mode), mode); intret(0); return; } nextmode = mode; intret(1); } ICOMMAND(mode, "i", (int *val), setmode(*val)); ICOMMAND(getmode, "", (), intret(gamemode)); ICOMMAND(getnextmode, "", (), intret(m_valid(nextmode) ? nextmode : (remote ? 1 : 0))); ICOMMAND(getmodename, "i", (int *mode), result(server::modename(*mode, ""))); ICOMMAND(getmodeprettyname, "i", (int *mode), result(server::modeprettyname(*mode, ""))); ICOMMAND(timeremaining, "i", (int *formatted), { int val = max(maplimit - lastmillis + 999, 0)/1000; if(*formatted) result(tempformatstring("%d:%02d", val/60, val%60)); else intret(val); }); ICOMMAND(intermission, "", (), intret(intermission ? 1 : 0)); ICOMMANDS("m_teammode", "i", (int *mode), { int gamemode = *mode; intret(m_teammode); }); ICOMMANDS("m_rail", "i", (int *mode), { int gamemode = *mode; intret(m_rail); }); ICOMMANDS("m_pulse", "i", (int *mode), { int gamemode = *mode; intret(m_pulse); }); ICOMMANDS("m_demo", "i", (int *mode), { int gamemode = *mode; intret(m_demo); }); ICOMMANDS("m_edit", "i", (int *mode), { int gamemode = *mode; intret(m_edit); }); ICOMMANDS("m_lobby", "i", (int *mode), { int gamemode = *mode; intret(m_lobby); }); ICOMMANDS("m_timed", "i", (int *mode), { int gamemode = *mode; intret(m_timed); }); void changemap(const char *name, int mode) // request map change, server may ignore { if(!remote) { server::forcemap(name, mode); if(!isconnected()) localconnect(); } else if(player1->state!=CS_SPECTATOR || player1->privilege) addmsg(N_MAPVOTE, "rsi", name, mode); } void changemap(const char *name) { changemap(name, m_valid(nextmode) ? nextmode : (remote ? 1 : 0)); } ICOMMAND(map, "s", (char *name), changemap(name)); void forceedit(const char *name) { changemap(name, 0); } void newmap(int size) { addmsg(N_NEWMAP, "ri", size); } int needclipboard = -1; void sendclipboard() { uchar *outbuf = NULL; int inlen = 0, outlen = 0; if(!packeditinfo(localedit, inlen, outbuf, outlen)) { outbuf = NULL; inlen = outlen = 0; } packetbuf p(16 + outlen, ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); putint(p, N_CLIPBOARD); putint(p, inlen); putint(p, outlen); if(outlen > 0) p.put(outbuf, outlen); sendclientpacket(p.finalize(), 1); needclipboard = -1; } void edittrigger(const selinfo &sel, int op, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, const VSlot *vs) { if(m_edit) switch(op) { case EDIT_FLIP: case EDIT_COPY: case EDIT_PASTE: case EDIT_DELCUBE: { switch(op) { case EDIT_COPY: needclipboard = 0; break; case EDIT_PASTE: if(needclipboard > 0) { c2sinfo(true); sendclipboard(); } break; } addmsg(N_EDITF + op, "ri9i4", sel.o.x, sel.o.y, sel.o.z, sel.s.x, sel.s.y, sel.s.z, sel.grid, sel.orient, sel.cx, sel.cxs, sel.cy, sel.cys, sel.corner); break; } case EDIT_ROTATE: { addmsg(N_EDITF + op, "ri9i5", sel.o.x, sel.o.y, sel.o.z, sel.s.x, sel.s.y, sel.s.z, sel.grid, sel.orient, sel.cx, sel.cxs, sel.cy, sel.cys, sel.corner, arg1); break; } case EDIT_MAT: case EDIT_FACE: { addmsg(N_EDITF + op, "ri9i6", sel.o.x, sel.o.y, sel.o.z, sel.s.x, sel.s.y, sel.s.z, sel.grid, sel.orient, sel.cx, sel.cxs, sel.cy, sel.cys, sel.corner, arg1, arg2); break; } case EDIT_TEX: { int tex1 = shouldpacktex(arg1); if(addmsg(N_EDITF + op, "ri9i6", sel.o.x, sel.o.y, sel.o.z, sel.s.x, sel.s.y, sel.s.z, sel.grid, sel.orient, sel.cx, sel.cxs, sel.cy, sel.cys, sel.corner, tex1 ? tex1 : arg1, arg2)) { messages.pad(2); int offset = messages.length(); if(tex1) packvslot(messages, arg1); *(ushort *)&messages[offset-2] = lilswap(ushort(messages.length() - offset)); } break; } case EDIT_REPLACE: { int tex1 = shouldpacktex(arg1), tex2 = shouldpacktex(arg2); if(addmsg(N_EDITF + op, "ri9i7", sel.o.x, sel.o.y, sel.o.z, sel.s.x, sel.s.y, sel.s.z, sel.grid, sel.orient, sel.cx, sel.cxs, sel.cy, sel.cys, sel.corner, tex1 ? tex1 : arg1, tex2 ? tex2 : arg2, arg3)) { messages.pad(2); int offset = messages.length(); if(tex1) packvslot(messages, arg1); if(tex2) packvslot(messages, arg2); *(ushort *)&messages[offset-2] = lilswap(ushort(messages.length() - offset)); } break; } case EDIT_CALCLIGHT: case EDIT_REMIP: { addmsg(N_EDITF + op, "r"); break; } case EDIT_VSLOT: { if(addmsg(N_EDITF + op, "ri9i6", sel.o.x, sel.o.y, sel.o.z, sel.s.x, sel.s.y, sel.s.z, sel.grid, sel.orient, sel.cx, sel.cxs, sel.cy, sel.cys, sel.corner, arg1, arg2)) { messages.pad(2); int offset = messages.length(); packvslot(messages, vs); *(ushort *)&messages[offset-2] = lilswap(ushort(messages.length() - offset)); } break; } case EDIT_UNDO: case EDIT_REDO: { uchar *outbuf = NULL; int inlen = 0, outlen = 0; if(packundo(op, inlen, outbuf, outlen)) { if(addmsg(N_EDITF + op, "ri2", inlen, outlen)) messages.put(outbuf, outlen); delete[] outbuf; } break; } } } void printvar(gameent *d, ident *id) { if(id) switch(id->type) { case ID_VAR: { int val = *id->storage.i; string str; if(val < 0) formatstring(str, "%d", val); else if(id->flags&IDF_HEX && id->maxval==0xFFFFFF) formatstring(str, "0x%.6X (%d, %d, %d)", val, (val>>16)&0xFF, (val>>8)&0xFF, val&0xFF); else formatstring(str, id->flags&IDF_HEX ? "0x%X" : "%d", val); conoutf("%s set map var \"%s\" to %s", colorname(d), id->name, str); break; } case ID_FVAR: conoutf("%s set map var \"%s\" to %s", colorname(d), id->name, floatstr(*id->storage.f)); break; case ID_SVAR: conoutf("%s set map var \"%s\" to \"%s\"", colorname(d), id->name, *id->storage.s); break; } } void vartrigger(ident *id) { if(!m_edit) return; switch(id->type) { case ID_VAR: addmsg(N_EDITVAR, "risi", ID_VAR, id->name, *id->storage.i); break; case ID_FVAR: addmsg(N_EDITVAR, "risf", ID_FVAR, id->name, *id->storage.f); break; case ID_SVAR: addmsg(N_EDITVAR, "riss", ID_SVAR, id->name, *id->storage.s); break; default: return; } printvar(player1, id); } void pausegame(bool val) { if(!connected) return; if(!remote) server::forcepaused(val); else addmsg(N_PAUSEGAME, "ri", val ? 1 : 0); } ICOMMAND(pausegame, "i", (int *val), pausegame(*val > 0)); ICOMMAND(paused, "iN$", (int *val, int *numargs, ident *id), { if(*numargs > 0) pausegame(clampvar(id, *val, 0, 1) > 0); else if(*numargs < 0) intret(gamepaused ? 1 : 0); else printvar(id, gamepaused ? 1 : 0); }); bool ispaused() { return gamepaused; } bool allowmouselook() { return !gamepaused || !remote || m_edit; } void changegamespeed(int val) { if(!connected) return; if(!remote) server::forcegamespeed(val); else addmsg(N_GAMESPEED, "ri", val); } ICOMMAND(gamespeed, "iN$", (int *val, int *numargs, ident *id), { if(*numargs > 0) changegamespeed(clampvar(id, *val, 10, 1000)); else if(*numargs < 0) intret(gamespeed); else printvar(id, gamespeed); }); ICOMMAND(prettygamespeed, "i", (), result(tempformatstring("%d.%02dx", gamespeed/100, gamespeed%100))); int scaletime(int t) { return t*gamespeed; } // collect c2s messages conveniently vector messages; int messagecn = -1, messagereliable = false; bool addmsg(int type, const char *fmt, ...) { if(!connected) return false; static uchar buf[MAXTRANS]; ucharbuf p(buf, sizeof(buf)); putint(p, type); int numi = 1, numf = 0, nums = 0, mcn = -1; bool reliable = false; if(fmt) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); while(*fmt) switch(*fmt++) { case 'r': reliable = true; break; case 'c': { gameent *d = va_arg(args, gameent *); mcn = !d || d == player1 ? -1 : d->clientnum; break; } case 'v': { int n = va_arg(args, int); int *v = va_arg(args, int *); loopi(n) putint(p, v[i]); numi += n; break; } case 'i': { int n = isdigit(*fmt) ? *fmt++-'0' : 1; loopi(n) putint(p, va_arg(args, int)); numi += n; break; } case 'f': { int n = isdigit(*fmt) ? *fmt++-'0' : 1; loopi(n) putfloat(p, (float)va_arg(args, double)); numf += n; break; } case 's': sendstring(va_arg(args, const char *), p); nums++; break; } va_end(args); } int num = nums || numf ? 0 : numi, msgsize = server::msgsizelookup(type); if(msgsize && num!=msgsize) { fatal("inconsistent msg size for %d (%d != %d)", type, num, msgsize); } if(reliable) messagereliable = true; if(mcn != messagecn) { static uchar mbuf[16]; ucharbuf m(mbuf, sizeof(mbuf)); putint(m, N_FROMAI); putint(m, mcn); messages.put(mbuf, m.length()); messagecn = mcn; } messages.put(buf, p.length()); return true; } void connectattempt(const char *name, const char *password, const ENetAddress &address) { copystring(connectpass, password); } void connectfail() { memset(connectpass, 0, sizeof(connectpass)); } void gameconnect(bool _remote) { remote = _remote; } void gamedisconnect(bool cleanup) { if(remote) stopfollowing(); ignores.setsize(0); connected = remote = false; player1->clientnum = -1; if(editmode) toggleedit(); sessionid = 0; mastermode = MM_OPEN; messages.setsize(0); messagereliable = false; messagecn = -1; player1->respawn(); player1->lifesequence = 0; player1->state = CS_ALIVE; player1->privilege = PRIV_NONE; sendcrc = senditemstoserver = false; demoplayback = false; gamepaused = false; gamespeed = 100; clearclients(false); if(cleanup) { nextmode = gamemode = INT_MAX; clientmap[0] = '\0'; } } VARP(teamcolorchat, 0, 1, 1); const char *chatcolorname(gameent *d) { return teamcolorchat ? teamcolorname(d, NULL) : colorname(d); } void toserver(char *text) { conoutf(CON_CHAT, "%s:%s %s", chatcolorname(player1), teamtextcode[0], text); addmsg(N_TEXT, "rcs", player1, text); } COMMANDN(say, toserver, "C"); void sayteam(char *text) { if(!m_teammode || !validteam(player1->team)) return; conoutf(CON_TEAMCHAT, "%s:%s %s", chatcolorname(player1), teamtextcode[player1->team], text); addmsg(N_SAYTEAM, "rcs", player1, text); } COMMAND(sayteam, "C"); ICOMMAND(servcmd, "C", (char *cmd), addmsg(N_SERVCMD, "rs", cmd)); static void sendposition(gameent *d, packetbuf &q) { putint(q, N_POS); putuint(q, d->clientnum); // 3 bits phys state, 1 bit life sequence, 2 bits move, 2 bits strafe uchar physstate = d->physstate | ((d->lifesequence&1)<<3) | ((d->move&3)<<4) | ((d->strafe&3)<<6); q.put(physstate); ivec o = ivec(vec(d->o.x, d->o.y, d->o.z-d->eyeheight).mul(DMF)); uint vel = min(int(d->vel.magnitude()*DVELF), 0xFFFF), fall = min(int(d->falling.magnitude()*DVELF), 0xFFFF); // 3 bits position, 1 bit velocity, 3 bits falling, 1 bit material, 1 bit crouching uint flags = 0; if(o.x < 0 || o.x > 0xFFFF) flags |= 1<<0; if(o.y < 0 || o.y > 0xFFFF) flags |= 1<<1; if(o.z < 0 || o.z > 0xFFFF) flags |= 1<<2; if(vel > 0xFF) flags |= 1<<3; if(fall > 0) { flags |= 1<<4; if(fall > 0xFF) flags |= 1<<5; if(d->falling.x || d->falling.y || d->falling.z > 0) flags |= 1<<6; } if((lookupmaterial(d->feetpos())&MATF_CLIP) == MAT_GAMECLIP) flags |= 1<<7; if(d->crouching < 0) flags |= 1<<8; putuint(q, flags); loopk(3) { q.put(o[k]&0xFF); q.put((o[k]>>8)&0xFF); if(o[k] < 0 || o[k] > 0xFFFF) q.put((o[k]>>16)&0xFF); } uint dir = (d->yaw < 0 ? 360 + int(d->yaw)%360 : int(d->yaw)%360) + clamp(int(d->pitch+90), 0, 180)*360; q.put(dir&0xFF); q.put((dir>>8)&0xFF); q.put(clamp(int(d->roll+90), 0, 180)); q.put(vel&0xFF); if(vel > 0xFF) q.put((vel>>8)&0xFF); float velyaw, velpitch; vectoyawpitch(d->vel, velyaw, velpitch); uint veldir = (velyaw < 0 ? 360 + int(velyaw)%360 : int(velyaw)%360) + clamp(int(velpitch+90), 0, 180)*360; q.put(veldir&0xFF); q.put((veldir>>8)&0xFF); if(fall > 0) { q.put(fall&0xFF); if(fall > 0xFF) q.put((fall>>8)&0xFF); if(d->falling.x || d->falling.y || d->falling.z > 0) { float fallyaw, fallpitch; vectoyawpitch(d->falling, fallyaw, fallpitch); uint falldir = (fallyaw < 0 ? 360 + int(fallyaw)%360 : int(fallyaw)%360) + clamp(int(fallpitch+90), 0, 180)*360; q.put(falldir&0xFF); q.put((falldir>>8)&0xFF); } } } void sendposition(gameent *d, bool reliable) { if(d->state != CS_ALIVE && d->state != CS_EDITING) return; packetbuf q(100, reliable ? ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE : 0); sendposition(d, q); sendclientpacket(q.finalize(), 0); } void sendpositions() { loopv(players) { gameent *d = players[i]; if((d == player1 || d->ai) && (d->state == CS_ALIVE || d->state == CS_EDITING)) { packetbuf q(100); sendposition(d, q); for(int j = i+1; j < players.length(); j++) { gameent *d = players[j]; if((d == player1 || d->ai) && (d->state == CS_ALIVE || d->state == CS_EDITING)) sendposition(d, q); } sendclientpacket(q.finalize(), 0); break; } } } void sendmessages() { packetbuf p(MAXTRANS); if(sendcrc) { p.reliable(); sendcrc = false; const char *mname = getclientmap(); putint(p, N_MAPCRC); sendstring(mname, p); putint(p, mname[0] ? getmapcrc() : 0); } if(senditemstoserver) { p.reliable(); entities::putitems(p); if(cmode) cmode->senditems(p); senditemstoserver = false; } if(messages.length()) { p.put(messages.getbuf(), messages.length()); messages.setsize(0); if(messagereliable) p.reliable(); messagereliable = false; messagecn = -1; } if(totalmillis-lastping>250) { putint(p, N_PING); putint(p, totalmillis); lastping = totalmillis; } sendclientpacket(p.finalize(), 1); } void c2sinfo(bool force) // send update to the server { static int lastupdate = -1000; if(totalmillis - lastupdate < 40 && !force) return; // don't update faster than 30fps lastupdate = totalmillis; sendpositions(); sendmessages(); flushclient(); } void sendintro() { packetbuf p(MAXTRANS, ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); putint(p, N_CONNECT); sendstring(player1->name, p); putint(p, player1->playermodel); putint(p, player1->playercolor); string hash = ""; if(connectpass[0]) { server::hashpassword(player1->clientnum, sessionid, connectpass, hash); memset(connectpass, 0, sizeof(connectpass)); } sendstring(hash, p); authkey *a = servauth[0] && autoauth ? findauthkey(servauth) : NULL; if(a) { a->lastauth = lastmillis; sendstring(a->desc, p); sendstring(a->name, p); } else { sendstring("", p); sendstring("", p); } sendclientpacket(p.finalize(), 1); } void updatepos(gameent *d) { // update the position of other clients in the game in our world // don't care if he's in the scenery or other players, // just don't overlap with our client const float r = player1->radius+d->radius; const float dx = player1->o.x-d->o.x; const float dy = player1->o.y-d->o.y; const float dz = player1->o.z-d->o.z; const float rz = player1->aboveeye+d->eyeheight; const float fx = (float)fabs(dx), fy = (float)fabs(dy), fz = (float)fabs(dz); if(fxstate!=CS_SPECTATOR && d->state!=CS_DEAD) { if(fxo.y += dy<0 ? r-fy : -(r-fy); // push aside else d->o.x += dx<0 ? r-fx : -(r-fx); } int lagtime = totalmillis-d->lastupdate; if(lagtime) { if(d->state!=CS_SPAWNING && d->lastupdate) d->plag = (d->plag*5+lagtime)/6; d->lastupdate = totalmillis; } } void parsepositions(ucharbuf &p) { int type; while(p.remaining()) switch(type = getint(p)) { case N_DEMOPACKET: break; case N_POS: // position of another client { int cn = getuint(p), physstate = p.get(), flags = getuint(p); vec o, vel, falling; float yaw, pitch, roll; loopk(3) { int n = p.get(); n |= p.get()<<8; if(flags&(1<>3)&1; gameent *d = getclient(cn); if(!d || d->lifesequence < 0 || seqcolor!=(d->lifesequence&1) || d->state==CS_DEAD) continue; float oldyaw = d->yaw, oldpitch = d->pitch, oldroll = d->roll; d->yaw = yaw; d->pitch = pitch; d->roll = roll; d->move = (physstate>>4)&2 ? -1 : (physstate>>4)&1; d->strafe = (physstate>>6)&2 ? -1 : (physstate>>6)&1; d->crouching = (flags&(1<<8))!=0 ? -1 : abs(d->crouching); vec oldpos(d->o); d->o = o; d->o.z += d->eyeheight; d->vel = vel; d->falling = falling; d->physstate = physstate&7; updatephysstate(d); updatepos(d); if(smoothmove && d->smoothmillis>=0 && oldpos.dist(d->o) < smoothdist) { d->newpos = d->o; d->newyaw = d->yaw; d->newpitch = d->pitch; d->newroll = d->roll; d->o = oldpos; d->yaw = oldyaw; d->pitch = oldpitch; d->roll = oldroll; (d->deltapos = oldpos).sub(d->newpos); d->deltayaw = oldyaw - d->newyaw; if(d->deltayaw > 180) d->deltayaw -= 360; else if(d->deltayaw < -180) d->deltayaw += 360; d->deltapitch = oldpitch - d->newpitch; d->deltaroll = oldroll - d->newroll; d->smoothmillis = lastmillis; } else d->smoothmillis = 0; if(d->state==CS_LAGGED || d->state==CS_SPAWNING) d->state = CS_ALIVE; break; } case N_TELEPORT: { int cn = getint(p), tp = getint(p), td = getint(p); gameent *d = getclient(cn); if(!d || d->lifesequence < 0 || d->state==CS_DEAD) continue; entities::teleporteffects(d, tp, td, false); break; } case N_JUMPPAD: { int cn = getint(p), jp = getint(p); gameent *d = getclient(cn); if(!d || d->lifesequence < 0 || d->state==CS_DEAD) continue; entities::jumppadeffects(d, jp, false); break; } default: neterr("type"); return; } } void parsestate(gameent *d, ucharbuf &p, bool resume = false) { if(!d) { static gameent dummy; d = &dummy; } if(resume) { if(d==player1) getint(p); else d->state = getint(p); d->frags = getint(p); d->flags = getint(p); d->deaths = getint(p); } d->lifesequence = getint(p); d->health = getint(p); d->maxhealth = getint(p); if(resume && d==player1) { getint(p); loopi(NUMGUNS) getint(p); } else { int gun = getint(p); d->gunselect = clamp(gun, 0, NUMGUNS-1); loopi(NUMGUNS) d->ammo[i] = getint(p); } } extern int deathscore; void parsemessages(int cn, gameent *d, ucharbuf &p) { static char text[MAXTRANS]; int type; bool mapchanged = false, demopacket = false; while(p.remaining()) switch(type = getint(p)) { case N_DEMOPACKET: demopacket = true; break; case N_SERVINFO: // welcome messsage from the server { int mycn = getint(p), prot = getint(p); if(prot!=PROTOCOL_VERSION) { conoutf(CON_ERROR, "you are using a different game protocol (you: %d, server: %d)", PROTOCOL_VERSION, prot); disconnect(); return; } sessionid = getint(p); player1->clientnum = mycn; // we are now connected if(getint(p) > 0) conoutf("this server is password protected"); getstring(servdesc, p, sizeof(servdesc)); getstring(servauth, p, sizeof(servauth)); sendintro(); break; } case N_WELCOME: { connected = true; notifywelcome(); break; } case N_PAUSEGAME: { bool val = getint(p) > 0; int cn = getint(p); gameent *a = cn >= 0 ? getclient(cn) : NULL; if(!demopacket) { gamepaused = val; player1->attacking = ACT_IDLE; } if(a) conoutf("%s %s the game", colorname(a), val ? "paused" : "resumed"); else conoutf("game is %s", val ? "paused" : "resumed"); break; } case N_GAMESPEED: { int val = clamp(getint(p), 10, 1000), cn = getint(p); gameent *a = cn >= 0 ? getclient(cn) : NULL; if(!demopacket) gamespeed = val; if(a) conoutf("%s set gamespeed to %d", colorname(a), val); else conoutf("gamespeed is %d", val); break; } case N_CLIENT: { int cn = getint(p), len = getuint(p); ucharbuf q = p.subbuf(len); parsemessages(cn, getclient(cn), q); break; } case N_SOUND: if(!d) return; playsound(getint(p), &d->o); break; case N_TEXT: { if(!d) return; getstring(text, p); filtertext(text, text, true, true); if(isignored(d->clientnum)) break; if(d->state!=CS_DEAD && d->state!=CS_SPECTATOR) particle_textcopy(d->abovehead(), text, PART_TEXT, 2000, 0x32FF64, 4.0f, -8); conoutf(CON_CHAT, "%s:%s %s", chatcolorname(d), teamtextcode[0], text); break; } case N_SAYTEAM: { int tcn = getint(p); gameent *t = getclient(tcn); getstring(text, p); filtertext(text, text, true, true); if(!t || isignored(t->clientnum)) break; int team = validteam(t->team) ? t->team : 0; if(t->state!=CS_DEAD && t->state!=CS_SPECTATOR) particle_textcopy(t->abovehead(), text, PART_TEXT, 2000, teamtextcolor[team], 4.0f, -8); conoutf(CON_TEAMCHAT, "%s:%s %s", chatcolorname(t), teamtextcode[team], text); break; } case N_MAPCHANGE: getstring(text, p); changemapserv(text, getint(p)); mapchanged = true; if(getint(p)) entities::spawnitems(); else senditemstoserver = false; break; case N_FORCEDEATH: { int cn = getint(p); gameent *d = cn==player1->clientnum ? player1 : newclient(cn); if(!d) break; if(d==player1) { if(editmode) toggleedit(); if(deathscore) showscores(true); } else d->resetinterp(); d->state = CS_DEAD; checkfollow(); break; } case N_ITEMLIST: { int n; while((n = getint(p))>=0 && !p.overread()) { if(mapchanged) entities::setspawn(n, true); getint(p); // type } break; } case N_INITCLIENT: // another client either connected or changed name/team { int cn = getint(p); gameent *d = newclient(cn); if(!d) { getstring(text, p); getstring(text, p); getint(p); getint(p); break; } getstring(text, p); filtertext(text, text, false, false, MAXNAMELEN); if(!text[0]) copystring(text, "unnamed"); if(d->name[0]) // already connected { if(strcmp(d->name, text) && !isignored(d->clientnum)) conoutf("%s is now known as %s", colorname(d), colorname(d, text)); } else // new client { conoutf("\f0join:\f7 %s", colorname(d, text)); if(needclipboard >= 0) needclipboard++; } copystring(d->name, text, MAXNAMELEN+1); d->team = getint(p); if(!validteam(d->team)) d->team = 0; d->playermodel = getint(p); d->playercolor = getint(p); break; } case N_SWITCHNAME: getstring(text, p); if(d) { filtertext(text, text, false, false, MAXNAMELEN); if(!text[0]) copystring(text, "unnamed"); if(strcmp(text, d->name)) { if(!isignored(d->clientnum)) conoutf("%s is now known as %s", colorname(d), colorname(d, text)); copystring(d->name, text, MAXNAMELEN+1); } } break; case N_SWITCHMODEL: { int model = getint(p); if(d) { d->playermodel = model; if(d->ragdoll) cleanragdoll(d); } break; } case N_SWITCHCOLOR: { int color = getint(p); if(d) d->playercolor = color; break; } case N_CDIS: clientdisconnected(getint(p)); break; case N_SPAWN: { if(d) { if(d->state==CS_DEAD && d->lastpain) saveragdoll(d); d->respawn(); } parsestate(d, p); if(!d) break; d->state = CS_SPAWNING; if(d == followingplayer()) lasthit = 0; checkfollow(); break; } case N_SPAWNSTATE: { int scn = getint(p); gameent *s = getclient(scn); if(!s) { parsestate(NULL, p); break; } if(s->state==CS_DEAD && s->lastpain) saveragdoll(s); if(s==player1) { if(editmode) toggleedit(); } s->respawn(); parsestate(s, p); s->state = CS_ALIVE; if(cmode) cmode->pickspawn(s); else findplayerspawn(s, -1, m_teammode ? s->team : 0); if(s == player1) { showscores(false); lasthit = 0; } if(cmode) cmode->respawned(s); ai::spawned(s); checkfollow(); addmsg(N_SPAWN, "rcii", s, s->lifesequence, s->gunselect); break; } case N_SHOTFX: { int scn = getint(p), atk = getint(p), id = getint(p); vec from, to; loopk(3) from[k] = getint(p)/DMF; loopk(3) to[k] = getint(p)/DMF; gameent *s = getclient(scn); if(!s || !validatk(atk)) break; int gun = attacks[atk].gun; s->gunselect = gun; s->ammo[gun] -= attacks[atk].use; s->gunwait = attacks[atk].attackdelay; int prevaction = s->lastaction; s->lastaction = lastmillis; s->lastattack = atk; shoteffects(atk, from, to, s, false, id, prevaction); break; } case N_EXPLODEFX: { int ecn = getint(p), atk = getint(p), id = getint(p); gameent *e = getclient(ecn); if(!e || !validatk(atk)) break; explodeeffects(atk, e, false, id); break; } case N_DAMAGE: { int tcn = getint(p), acn = getint(p), damage = getint(p), health = getint(p); gameent *target = getclient(tcn), *actor = getclient(acn); if(!target || !actor) break; target->health = health; if(target->state == CS_ALIVE && actor != player1) target->lastpain = lastmillis; damaged(damage, target, actor, false); break; } case N_HITPUSH: { int tcn = getint(p), atk = getint(p), damage = getint(p); gameent *target = getclient(tcn); vec dir; loopk(3) dir[k] = getint(p)/DNF; if(!target || !validatk(atk)) break; target->hitpush(damage * (target->health<=0 ? deadpush : 1), dir, NULL, atk); break; } case N_DIED: { int vcn = getint(p), acn = getint(p), frags = getint(p), tfrags = getint(p); gameent *victim = getclient(vcn), *actor = getclient(acn); if(!actor) break; actor->frags = frags; if(m_teammode) setteaminfo(actor->team, tfrags); #if 0 extern int hidefrags; if(actor!=player1 && (!cmode || !cmode->hidefrags() || !hidefrags)) particle_textcopy(actor->abovehead(), tempformatstring("%d", actor->frags), PART_TEXT, 2000, 0x32FF64, 4.0f, -8); #endif if(!victim) break; killed(victim, actor); break; } case N_TEAMINFO: loopi(MAXTEAMS) { int frags = getint(p); if(m_teammode) setteaminfo(1+i, frags); } break; case N_GUNSELECT: { if(!d) return; int gun = getint(p); if(!validgun(gun)) return; d->gunselect = gun; playsound(S_WEAPLOAD, &d->o); break; } case N_TAUNT: { if(!d) return; d->lasttaunt = lastmillis; break; } case N_RESUME: { for(;;) { int cn = getint(p); if(p.overread() || cn<0) break; gameent *d = (cn == player1->clientnum ? player1 : newclient(cn)); parsestate(d, p, true); } break; } case N_ITEMSPAWN: { int i = getint(p); if(!entities::ents.inrange(i)) break; entities::setspawn(i, true); ai::itemspawned(i); playsound(S_ITEMSPAWN, &entities::ents[i]->o, NULL, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1500); #if 0 const char *name = entities::itemname(i); if(name) particle_text(entities::ents[i]->o, name, PART_TEXT, 2000, 0x32FF64, 4.0f, -8); #endif int icon = entities::itemicon(i); if(icon >= 0) particle_icon(vec(0.0f, 0.0f, 4.0f).add(entities::ents[i]->o), icon%4, icon/4, PART_HUD_ICON, 2000, 0xFFFFFF, 2.0f, -8); break; } case N_ITEMACC: // server acknowledges that I picked up this item { int i = getint(p), cn = getint(p); if(cn >= 0) { gameent *d = getclient(cn); entities::pickupeffects(i, d); } else entities::setspawn(i, true); break; } case N_CLIPBOARD: { int cn = getint(p), unpacklen = getint(p), packlen = getint(p); gameent *d = getclient(cn); ucharbuf q = p.subbuf(max(packlen, 0)); if(d) unpackeditinfo(d->edit, q.buf, q.maxlen, unpacklen); break; } case N_UNDO: case N_REDO: { int cn = getint(p), unpacklen = getint(p), packlen = getint(p); gameent *d = getclient(cn); ucharbuf q = p.subbuf(max(packlen, 0)); if(d) unpackundo(q.buf, q.maxlen, unpacklen); break; } case N_EDITF: // coop editing messages case N_EDITT: case N_EDITM: case N_FLIP: case N_COPY: case N_PASTE: case N_ROTATE: case N_REPLACE: case N_DELCUBE: case N_EDITVSLOT: { if(!d) return; selinfo sel; sel.o.x = getint(p); sel.o.y = getint(p); sel.o.z = getint(p); sel.s.x = getint(p); sel.s.y = getint(p); sel.s.z = getint(p); sel.grid = getint(p); sel.orient = getint(p); sel.cx = getint(p); sel.cxs = getint(p); sel.cy = getint(p), sel.cys = getint(p); sel.corner = getint(p); switch(type) { case N_EDITF: { int dir = getint(p), mode = getint(p); if(sel.validate()) mpeditface(dir, mode, sel, false); break; } case N_EDITT: { int tex = getint(p), allfaces = getint(p); if(p.remaining() < 2) return; int extra = lilswap(*(const ushort *)p.pad(2)); if(p.remaining() < extra) return; ucharbuf ebuf = p.subbuf(extra); if(sel.validate()) mpedittex(tex, allfaces, sel, ebuf); break; } case N_EDITM: { int mat = getint(p), filter = getint(p); if(sel.validate()) mpeditmat(mat, filter, sel, false); break; } case N_FLIP: if(sel.validate()) mpflip(sel, false); break; case N_COPY: if(d && sel.validate()) mpcopy(d->edit, sel, false); break; case N_PASTE: if(d && sel.validate()) mppaste(d->edit, sel, false); break; case N_ROTATE: { int dir = getint(p); if(sel.validate()) mprotate(dir, sel, false); break; } case N_REPLACE: { int oldtex = getint(p), newtex = getint(p), insel = getint(p); if(p.remaining() < 2) return; int extra = lilswap(*(const ushort *)p.pad(2)); if(p.remaining() < extra) return; ucharbuf ebuf = p.subbuf(extra); if(sel.validate()) mpreplacetex(oldtex, newtex, insel>0, sel, ebuf); break; } case N_DELCUBE: if(sel.validate()) mpdelcube(sel, false); break; case N_EDITVSLOT: { int delta = getint(p), allfaces = getint(p); if(p.remaining() < 2) return; int extra = lilswap(*(const ushort *)p.pad(2)); if(p.remaining() < extra) return; ucharbuf ebuf = p.subbuf(extra); if(sel.validate()) mpeditvslot(delta, allfaces, sel, ebuf); break; } } break; } case N_REMIP: if(!d) return; conoutf("%s remipped", colorname(d)); mpremip(false); break; case N_CALCLIGHT: if(!d) return; conoutf("%s calced lights", colorname(d)); mpcalclight(false); break; case N_EDITENT: // coop edit of ent { if(!d) return; int i = getint(p); float x = getint(p)/DMF, y = getint(p)/DMF, z = getint(p)/DMF; int type = getint(p); int attr1 = getint(p), attr2 = getint(p), attr3 = getint(p), attr4 = getint(p), attr5 = getint(p); mpeditent(i, vec(x, y, z), type, attr1, attr2, attr3, attr4, attr5, false); break; } case N_EDITVAR: { if(!d) return; int type = getint(p); getstring(text, p); string name; filtertext(name, text, false); ident *id = getident(name); switch(type) { case ID_VAR: { int val = getint(p); if(id && id->flags&IDF_OVERRIDE && !(id->flags&IDF_READONLY)) setvar(name, val); break; } case ID_FVAR: { float val = getfloat(p); if(id && id->flags&IDF_OVERRIDE && !(id->flags&IDF_READONLY)) setfvar(name, val); break; } case ID_SVAR: { getstring(text, p); if(id && id->flags&IDF_OVERRIDE && !(id->flags&IDF_READONLY)) setsvar(name, text); break; } } printvar(d, id); break; } case N_PONG: addmsg(N_CLIENTPING, "i", player1->ping = (player1->ping*5+totalmillis-getint(p))/6); break; case N_CLIENTPING: if(!d) return; d->ping = getint(p); break; case N_TIMEUP: timeupdate(getint(p)); break; case N_SERVMSG: getstring(text, p); conoutf("%s", text); break; case N_SENDDEMOLIST: { int demos = getint(p); if(demos <= 0) conoutf("no demos available"); else loopi(demos) { getstring(text, p); if(p.overread()) break; conoutf("%d. %s", i+1, text); } break; } case N_DEMOPLAYBACK: { int on = getint(p); if(on) player1->state = CS_SPECTATOR; else clearclients(); demoplayback = on!=0; player1->clientnum = getint(p); gamepaused = false; checkfollow(); execident(on ? "demostart" : "demoend"); break; } case N_CURRENTMASTER: { int mm = getint(p), mn; loopv(players) players[i]->privilege = PRIV_NONE; while((mn = getint(p))>=0 && !p.overread()) { gameent *m = mn==player1->clientnum ? player1 : newclient(mn); int priv = getint(p); if(m) m->privilege = priv; } if(mm != mastermode) { mastermode = mm; conoutf("mastermode is %s (%d)", server::mastermodename(mastermode), mastermode); } break; } case N_MASTERMODE: { mastermode = getint(p); conoutf("mastermode is %s (%d)", server::mastermodename(mastermode), mastermode); break; } case N_EDITMODE: { int val = getint(p); if(!d) break; if(val) { d->editstate = d->state; d->state = CS_EDITING; } else { d->state = d->editstate; if(d->state==CS_DEAD) deathstate(d, true); } checkfollow(); break; } case N_SPECTATOR: { int sn = getint(p), val = getint(p); gameent *s; if(sn==player1->clientnum) { s = player1; if(val && remote && !player1->privilege) senditemstoserver = false; } else s = newclient(sn); if(!s) return; if(val) { if(s==player1) { if(editmode) toggleedit(); if(s->state==CS_DEAD) showscores(false); disablezoom(); } s->state = CS_SPECTATOR; } else if(s->state==CS_SPECTATOR) deathstate(s, true); checkfollow(); break; } case N_SETTEAM: { int wn = getint(p), team = getint(p), reason = getint(p); gameent *w = getclient(wn); if(!w) return; w->team = validteam(team) ? team : 0; static const char * const fmt[2] = { "%s switched to team %s", "%s forced to team %s"}; if(reason >= 0 && size_t(reason) < sizeof(fmt)/sizeof(fmt[0])) conoutf(fmt[reason], colorname(w), teamnames[w->team]); break; } case N_NEWMAP: { int size = getint(p); if(size>=0) emptymap(size, true, NULL); else enlargemap(true); if(d && d!=player1) { int newsize = 0; while(1<=0 ? "%s started a new map of size %d" : "%s enlarged the map to size %d", colorname(d), newsize); } break; } case N_REQAUTH: { getstring(text, p); if(autoauth && text[0] && tryauth(text)) conoutf("server requested authkey \"%s\"", text); break; } case N_AUTHCHAL: { getstring(text, p); authkey *a = findauthkey(text); uint id = (uint)getint(p); getstring(text, p); if(a && a->lastauth && lastmillis - a->lastauth < 60*1000) { vector buf; answerchallenge(a->key, text, buf); //conoutf(CON_DEBUG, "answering %u, challenge %s with %s", id, text, buf.getbuf()); packetbuf p(MAXTRANS, ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); putint(p, N_AUTHANS); sendstring(a->desc, p); putint(p, id); sendstring(buf.getbuf(), p); sendclientpacket(p.finalize(), 1); } break; } case N_INITAI: { int bn = getint(p), on = getint(p), at = getint(p), sk = clamp(getint(p), 1, 101), pm = getint(p), col = getint(p), team = getint(p); string name; getstring(text, p); filtertext(name, text, false, false, MAXNAMELEN); gameent *b = newclient(bn); if(!b) break; ai::init(b, at, on, sk, bn, pm, col, name, team); break; } case N_SERVCMD: getstring(text, p); break; default: neterr("type", cn < 0); return; } } void receivefile(packetbuf &p) { int type; while(p.remaining()) switch(type = getint(p)) { case N_DEMOPACKET: return; case N_SENDDEMO: { defformatstring(fname, "%d.dmo", lastmillis); stream *demo = openrawfile(fname, "wb"); if(!demo) return; conoutf("received demo \"%s\"", fname); ucharbuf b = p.subbuf(p.remaining()); demo->write(b.buf, b.maxlen); delete demo; break; } case N_SENDMAP: { if(!m_edit) return; string oldname; copystring(oldname, getclientmap()); defformatstring(mname, "getmap_%d", lastmillis); defformatstring(fname, "media/map/%s.ogz", mname); stream *map = openrawfile(path(fname), "wb"); if(!map) return; conoutf("received map"); ucharbuf b = p.subbuf(p.remaining()); map->write(b.buf, b.maxlen); delete map; if(load_world(mname, oldname[0] ? oldname : NULL)) entities::spawnitems(true); remove(findfile(fname, "rb")); break; } } } void parsepacketclient(int chan, packetbuf &p) // processes any updates from the server { if(p.packet->flags&ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED) return; switch(chan) { case 0: parsepositions(p); break; case 1: parsemessages(-1, NULL, p); break; case 2: receivefile(p); break; } } void getmap() { if(!m_edit) { conoutf(CON_ERROR, "\"getmap\" only works in edit mode"); return; } conoutf("getting map..."); addmsg(N_GETMAP, "r"); } COMMAND(getmap, ""); void stopdemo() { if(remote) { if(player1->privilegeprivilegeprivilegestate==CS_SPECTATOR && remote && !player1->privilege)) { conoutf(CON_ERROR, "\"sendmap\" only works in coop edit mode"); return; } conoutf("sending map..."); defformatstring(mname, "sendmap_%d", lastmillis); save_world(mname, true); defformatstring(fname, "media/map/%s.ogz", mname); stream *map = openrawfile(path(fname), "rb"); if(map) { stream::offset len = map->size(); if(len > 4*1024*1024) conoutf(CON_ERROR, "map is too large"); else if(len <= 0) conoutf(CON_ERROR, "could not read map"); else { sendfile(-1, 2, map); if(needclipboard >= 0) needclipboard++; } delete map; } else conoutf(CON_ERROR, "could not read map"); remove(findfile(fname, "rb")); } COMMAND(sendmap, ""); void gotoplayer(const char *arg) { if(player1->state!=CS_SPECTATOR && player1->state!=CS_EDITING) return; int i = parseplayer(arg); if(i>=0) { gameent *d = getclient(i); if(!d || d==player1) return; player1->o = d->o; vec dir; vecfromyawpitch(player1->yaw, player1->pitch, 1, 0, dir); player1->o.add(dir.mul(-32)); player1->resetinterp(); } } COMMANDN(goto, gotoplayer, "s"); void gotosel() { if(player1->state!=CS_EDITING) return; player1->o = getselpos(); vec dir; vecfromyawpitch(player1->yaw, player1->pitch, 1, 0, dir); player1->o.add(dir.mul(-32)); player1->resetinterp(); } COMMAND(gotosel, ""); }