// These default settings are executed whenever "saved.cfg" is not available. // Do not modify anything below, instead change settings in game, or add to autoexec.cfg /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Settings // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// name "unnamed" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Console // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// miniconfilter 0x300 // display chat and team chat in mini-console confilter (&~ 0xFFF $miniconfilter) // don't display other player frags or mini-console stuff in console /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Universal Mouse Scrollwheel // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ums_modifier = 0 ums_setmodifier = [ums_modifier = $arg1; onrelease [ums_modifier = 0]] ums_delta = [[ums_delta_@(? $editing "edit" "game")_@ums_modifier] $arg1] bind "MOUSEWHEELUP" [ums_delta 1] bind "MOUSEWHEELDOWN" [ums_delta -1] /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Game Binds // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bind "MOUSELEFT" [shoot] bind "MOUSERIGHT" [dozoom] bind "MOUSEMIDDLE" [melee] bind "MOUSEBACK" [melee] bind "MOUSEFORWARD" [melee] // Movement bind "W" [forward] bind "A" [left] bind "S" [backward] bind "D" [right] bind "UP" [forward] bind "DOWN" [backward] bind "RIGHT" [right] bind "LEFT" [left] bind "F6" [toggleui "map_browser"] bindvar "F8" [hidehud] bind "F10" [toggleui "gamebind_reference"] bind "F11" [toggleconsole; conskip -1000] bind "F12" [screenshot] bindvarquiet "PAUSE" [paused] bind "INSERT" [addbot] bind "DELETE" [delbot] bind "PAGEUP" [conskip 5] bind "PAGEDOWN" [conskip -1000] bind "BACKQUOTE" [saycommand /] bind "SLASH" [saycommand /] bind "TAB" [holdui scoreboard] bind "LSHIFT" [crouch] bind "LCTRL" [crouch] bind "SPACE" [jump] bind "RETURN" [saycommand] bind "E" [edittoggle] bind "F" [melee] bind "J" [taunt] bind "R" [dropflag] bind "T" [saycommand] bind "Y" [sayteamcommand] bind "1" [setweapon rail] bind "2" [setweapon pulse] bindvar "9" [thirdperson] bind "0" [menu_master] // Console scroll -or- Weapon change ums_delta_game_0 = [if $fullconsole [conskip (* $arg1 3)] [nextweapon $arg1]] /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Specatator Binds // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// specbind "MOUSELEFT" [nextfollow] specbind "MOUSERIGHT" [nextfollow -1] specbind "MOUSEMIDDLE" [nextspecmode] specbind "SPACE" [nextspecmode] specbind "LSHIFT" [floatspeed 1000;onrelease [floatspeed 100]] specbind "LCTRL" [floatspeed 25;onrelease [floatspeed 100]] /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Edit Binds // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// editbind "MOUSELEFT" [if $blendpaintmode [paintblendmap] [editdrag]] editbind "MOUSEMIDDLE" [selcorners] editbind "MOUSERIGHT" [if $blendpaintmode [rotateblendbrush] [editextend]] editbind "MOUSEBACK" [toggleeditmovecut] editbind "MOUSEFORWARD" [toggleeditmovecut] editbind "LSHIFT" [floatspeed $editfloatspeed; onrelease [floatspeed 100]] editbind "COMMA" [ums_setmodifier 9] // vSlot: rotate editbind "PERIOD" [ums_setmodifier 10] // vSlot: scale editbindmod "LCTRL" [passthrough] editbind "SPACE" [cancelsel] editbind "DELETE" [editdel] editbind "HOME" [gotosel] editbind "END" [ums_setmodifier 16; onrelease entautoview] // Hold and scroll to goto selected entities editbind "1" [ums_setmodifier 11] // Entity attribute modifier 0 editbind "2" [ums_setmodifier 12] // Entity attribute modifier 1 editbind "3" [ums_setmodifier 13] // Entity attribute modifier 2 editbind "4" [ums_setmodifier 14] // Entity attribute modifier 3 editbind "5" [ums_setmodifier 15] // Entity attribute modifier 4 editbindvar "6" [allfaces] editbindvar "7" [entselsnap] editbindvar "8" [entediting] editbind "9" [selentedit] editbindvar "MINUS" [outline] editbindvar "EQUALS" [wireframe] // Editing Menus editbind "F1" [menu_entity] // Add/Edit Entity editbind "F2" [toggleui "texture_browser"] // Texture List editbind "F3" [toggleui "mapmodel"] // Add Mapmodel editbind "F4" [toggleui "material"] // Edit Material editbind "F5" [menu_savemap] // Savemap editbind "F7" [toggleui "env_settings"] // Environment Settings editbind "F8" [toggleui "geo_prefab"] // World Geometry Prefab editbind "F9" [toggleui "misc_editing"] // Miscellaneous Editing editbind "F10" [toggleui "editbind_reference"] // Default Editbind Quick Reference // Number Keypad editbind "KP0" [blendpaintmode 0] // Exit paint blendmap mode editbind "KP1" [blendpaintmode 1] editbind "KP2" [blendpaintmode 2] // Paint editbind "KP3" [blendpaintmode 3] editbind "KP4" [blendpaintmode 4] editbind "KP5" [blendpaintmode 5] // Erase editbind "KP8" [nextblendbrush -1] // Select brush - editbind "KP9" [nextblendbrush 1] // Select brush + editbind "KP_DIVIDE" [floatspeed 10; echo [floatspeed @floatspeed]] editbind "KP_MULTIPLY" [floatspeed 50; echo [floatspeed @floatspeed]] editbind "KP_MINUS" [floatspeed 100; echo [floatspeed @floatspeed]] editbind "KP_PLUS" [toggleeditmovecut] // Toggle MOUSERIGHT to move selection with or without contents editbind "KP_ENTER" [entselect insel] // Select entities within area selection editbind "B" [ums_setmodifier 6] // Change heightmap brush editbind "C" [editcopy] editbind "F" [ums_setmodifier 2] // Push face/corners selected editbind "G" [ums_setmodifier 1] // Grid size editbind "H" [if $hmapedit [editface 1 -1] [hmapedit 1]] editbind "I" [redo] editbind "K" [calclight] editbindvar "L" [fullbright] editbindvar "M" [showmat] editbind "N" [selentfindall] editbind "O" [ums_setmodifier 7] // vSlot: offset H editbind "P" [ums_setmodifier 8] // vSlot: offset V editbind "Q" [ums_setmodifier 3] // Push corner pointed at by cursor editbind "R" [ums_setmodifier 4] // Geometry rotate -or- blend brush rotate editbind "U" [undo; passthroughsel 0] editbind "V" [editpaste] editbind "X" [editflip] // Geometry flip editbind "Y" [ums_setmodifier 5] // Change textures editbind "Z" [history 0] // Repeat last saycommand ums_delta_edit_0 = [if $fullconsole [conskip (* $arg1 3)] [if $blendpaintmode [nextblendbrush $arg1] [editfacewsel $arg1 1]]] // Console scroll -or- Change blend brush -or- Push/pull geometry ums_delta_edit_1 = [nodebug [gridpower (+ $arg1 $gridpower)]] // Grid size ums_delta_edit_2 = [editfacewsel $arg1 0] // Push face/corners selected ums_delta_edit_3 = [editfacewsel $arg1 2] // Push corner pointed at by cursor ums_delta_edit_4 = [if $blendpaintmode [rotateblendbrush $arg1] [editrotate $arg1]] // Geometry rotate -or- blend brush rotate ums_delta_edit_5 = [edittex $arg1] // Change textures ums_delta_edit_6 = [selecthbrush $arg1] // Change heightmap brush ums_delta_edit_7 = [vdelta [voffset (* $arg1 $delta_multiplier2) 0]] // vSlot: offset H ums_delta_edit_8 = [vdelta [voffset 0 (* $arg1 $delta_multiplier2)]] // vSlot: offset V ums_delta_edit_9 = [vdelta [vrotate $arg1]] // vSlot: rotate ums_delta_edit_10 = [vdelta [vscale (if (< $arg1 0) 0.5 2)]] // vSlot: scale ums_delta_edit_11 = [entproperty 0 (* $arg1 $delta_multiplier1)] ums_delta_edit_12 = [entproperty 1 (* $arg1 $delta_multiplier1)] ums_delta_edit_13 = [entproperty 2 (* $arg1 $delta_multiplier1)] ums_delta_edit_14 = [entproperty 3 (* $arg1 $delta_multiplier1)] ums_delta_edit_15 = [entproperty 4 (* $arg1 $delta_multiplier1)] ums_delta_edit_16 = [entautoview $arg1] editbind "LALT" [delta_multiplier1 = 10;onrelease [delta_multiplier1 = 1]] // Entity attribute multiplier editbind "RALT" [delta_multiplier2 = 32;onrelease [delta_multiplier2 = 16]] // vSlot: offset multiplier delta_multiplier1 = 1 delta_multiplier2 = 16