// console.cpp: the console buffer, its display, and command line control #include "console.hh" #include "command.hh" // idents, identflags #include "main.hh" #include "octaedit.hh" // editmode #include "rendertext.hh" #include #include static void resetcomplete(); static void complete(char *s, int maxlen, const char *cmdprefix); #define MAXCONLINES 1000 struct cline { char *line; int type, outtime; }; static reversequeue conlines; static int commandmillis = -1; static string commandbuf; static char *commandaction = NULL, *commandprompt = NULL; enum { CF_COMPLETE = 1<<0, CF_EXECUTE = 1<<1 }; static int commandflags = 0, commandpos = -1; VARFP(maxcon, 10, 200, MAXCONLINES, { while(conlines.length() > maxcon) delete[] conlines.pop().line; }); #define CONSTRLEN 512 static void conline(int type, const char *sf) // add a line to the console buffer { char *buf = conlines.length() >= maxcon ? conlines.remove().line : newstring("", CONSTRLEN-1); cline &cl = conlines.add(); cl.line = buf; cl.type = type; cl.outtime = totalmillis; // for how long to keep line on screen copystring(cl.line, sf, CONSTRLEN); } void conoutfv(int type, const char *fmt, va_list args) { static char buf[CONSTRLEN]; vformatstring(buf, fmt, args, sizeof(buf)); conline(type, buf); printf("%s\n", buf); } void conoutf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); conoutfv(CON_INFO, fmt, args); va_end(args); } void conoutf(int type, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); conoutfv(type, fmt, args); va_end(args); } float rendercommand(float x, float y, float w) { if(commandmillis < 0) return 0; char buf[CONSTRLEN]; const char *prompt = commandprompt ? commandprompt : ">"; formatstring(buf, "%s %s", prompt, commandbuf); float width, height; text_boundsf(buf, width, height, w); y -= height; draw_text(buf, x, y, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, commandpos>=0 ? commandpos+1 + strlen(prompt) : strlen(buf), w); return height; } VARP(consize, 0, 5, 100); VARP(miniconsize, 0, 5, 100); VARP(miniconwidth, 0, 40, 100); VARP(confade, 0, 30, 60); VARP(miniconfade, 0, 30, 60); VARP(fullconsize, 0, 75, 100); HVARP(confilter, 0, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF); HVARP(fullconfilter, 0, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF); HVARP(miniconfilter, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFF); static int conskip = 0, miniconskip = 0; static void setconskip(int &skip, int filter, int n) { int offset = abs(n), dir = n < 0 ? -1 : 1; skip = clamp(skip, 0, conlines.length()-1); while(offset) { skip += dir; if(!conlines.inrange(skip)) { skip = clamp(skip, 0, conlines.length()-1); return; } if(conlines[skip].type&filter) --offset; } } ICOMMAND(conskip, "i", (int *n), setconskip(conskip, /*UI::uivisible("fullconsole")*/ false ? fullconfilter : confilter, *n)); ICOMMAND(miniconskip, "i", (int *n), setconskip(miniconskip, miniconfilter, *n)); ICOMMAND(clearconsole, "", (), { while(conlines.length()) delete[] conlines.pop().line; }); static float drawconlines(int conskip, int confade, float conwidth, float conheight, float conoff, int filter, float y = 0, int dir = 1) { int numl = conlines.length(), offset = min(conskip, numl); if(confade) { if(!conskip) { numl = 0; loopvrev(conlines) if(totalmillis-conlines[i].outtime < confade*1000) { numl = i+1; break; } } else offset--; } int totalheight = 0; loopi(numl) //determine visible height { // shuffle backwards to fill if necessary int idx = offset+i < numl ? offset+i : --offset; if(!(conlines[idx].type&filter)) continue; char *line = conlines[idx].line; float width, height; text_boundsf(line, width, height, conwidth); if(totalheight + height > conheight) { numl = i; if(offset == idx) ++offset; break; } totalheight += height; } if(dir > 0) y = conoff; loopi(numl) { int idx = offset + (dir > 0 ? numl-i-1 : i); if(!(conlines[idx].type&filter)) continue; char *line = conlines[idx].line; float width, height; text_boundsf(line, width, height, conwidth); if(dir <= 0) y -= height; draw_text(line, conoff, y, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, -1, conwidth); if(dir > 0) y += height; } return y+conoff; } float renderfullconsole(float w, float h) { float conpad = FONTH/2, conheight = h - 2*conpad, conwidth = w - 2*conpad; drawconlines(conskip, 0, conwidth, conheight, conpad, fullconfilter); return conheight + 2*conpad; } float renderconsole(float w, float h, float abovehud) { float conpad = FONTH/2, conheight = min(float(FONTH*consize), h - 2*conpad), conwidth = w - 2*conpad - game::clipconsole(w, h); float y = drawconlines(conskip, confade, conwidth, conheight, conpad, confilter); if(miniconsize && miniconwidth) drawconlines(miniconskip, miniconfade, (miniconwidth*(w - 2*conpad))/100, min(float(FONTH*miniconsize), abovehud - y), conpad, miniconfilter, abovehud, -1); return y; } // keymap is defined externally in keymap.cfg struct keym { enum { ACTION_DEFAULT = 0, ACTION_SPECTATOR, ACTION_EDITING, NUMACTIONS }; int code; char *name; char *actions[NUMACTIONS]; bool pressed; keym() : code(-1), name(NULL), pressed(false) { loopi(NUMACTIONS) actions[i] = newstring(""); } ~keym() { DELETEA(name); loopi(NUMACTIONS) DELETEA(actions[i]); } void clear(int type); void clear() { loopi(NUMACTIONS) clear(i); } }; static hashtable keyms(128); static void keymap(int *code, char *key) { if(identflags&IDF_OVERRIDDEN) { conoutf(CON_ERROR, "cannot override keymap %d", *code); return; } keym &km = keyms[*code]; km.code = *code; DELETEA(km.name); km.name = newstring(key); } COMMAND(keymap, "is"); static keym *keypressed = NULL; static char *keyaction = NULL; #if 0 static const char *getkeyname(int code) { keym *km = keyms.access(code); return km ? km->name : NULL; } #endif static void searchbinds(char *action, int type) { vector names; enumerate(keyms, keym, km, { if(!strcmp(km.actions[type], action)) { if(names.length()) names.add(' '); names.put(km.name, strlen(km.name)); } }); names.add('\0'); result(names.getbuf()); } static keym *findbind(char *key) { enumerate(keyms, keym, km, { if(!strcasecmp(km.name, key)) return &km; }); return NULL; } static void getbind(char *key, int type) { keym *km = findbind(key); result(km ? km->actions[type] : ""); } static void bindkey(char *key, char *action, int state, const char *cmd) { if(identflags&IDF_OVERRIDDEN) { conoutf(CON_ERROR, "cannot override %s \"%s\"", cmd, key); return; } keym *km = findbind(key); if(!km) { conoutf(CON_ERROR, "unknown key \"%s\"", key); return; } char *&binding = km->actions[state]; if(!keypressed || keyaction!=binding) delete[] binding; // trim white-space to make searchbinds more reliable while(iscubespace(*action)) action++; int len = strlen(action); while(len>0 && iscubespace(action[len-1])) len--; binding = newstring(action, len); } ICOMMAND(bind, "ss", (char *key, char *action), bindkey(key, action, keym::ACTION_DEFAULT, "bind")); ICOMMAND(specbind, "ss", (char *key, char *action), bindkey(key, action, keym::ACTION_SPECTATOR, "specbind")); ICOMMAND(editbind, "ss", (char *key, char *action), bindkey(key, action, keym::ACTION_EDITING, "editbind")); ICOMMAND(getbind, "s", (char *key), getbind(key, keym::ACTION_DEFAULT)); ICOMMAND(getspecbind, "s", (char *key), getbind(key, keym::ACTION_SPECTATOR)); ICOMMAND(geteditbind, "s", (char *key), getbind(key, keym::ACTION_EDITING)); ICOMMAND(searchbinds, "s", (char *action), searchbinds(action, keym::ACTION_DEFAULT)); ICOMMAND(searchspecbinds, "s", (char *action), searchbinds(action, keym::ACTION_SPECTATOR)); ICOMMAND(searcheditbinds, "s", (char *action), searchbinds(action, keym::ACTION_EDITING)); void keym::clear(int type) { char *&binding = actions[type]; if(binding[0]) { if(!keypressed || keyaction!=binding) delete[] binding; binding = newstring(""); } } ICOMMAND(clearbinds, "", (), enumerate(keyms, keym, km, km.clear(keym::ACTION_DEFAULT))); ICOMMAND(clearspecbinds, "", (), enumerate(keyms, keym, km, km.clear(keym::ACTION_SPECTATOR))); ICOMMAND(cleareditbinds, "", (), enumerate(keyms, keym, km, km.clear(keym::ACTION_EDITING))); ICOMMAND(clearallbinds, "", (), enumerate(keyms, keym, km, km.clear())); static void inputcommand(char *init, char *action = NULL, char *prompt = NULL, char *flags = NULL) // turns input to the command line on or off { commandmillis = init ? totalmillis : -1; textinput(commandmillis >= 0, TI_CONSOLE); keyrepeat(commandmillis >= 0, KR_CONSOLE); copystring(commandbuf, init ? init : ""); DELETEA(commandaction); DELETEA(commandprompt); commandpos = -1; if(action && action[0]) commandaction = newstring(action); if(prompt && prompt[0]) commandprompt = newstring(prompt); commandflags = 0; if(flags) while(*flags) switch(*flags++) { case 'c': commandflags |= CF_COMPLETE; break; case 'x': commandflags |= CF_EXECUTE; break; case 's': commandflags |= CF_COMPLETE|CF_EXECUTE; break; } else if(init) commandflags |= CF_COMPLETE|CF_EXECUTE; } ICOMMAND(saycommand, "C", (char *init), inputcommand(init)); COMMAND(inputcommand, "ssss"); static void pasteconsole() { if(!SDL_HasClipboardText()) return; char *cb = SDL_GetClipboardText(); if(!cb) return; size_t cblen = strlen(cb), commandlen = strlen(commandbuf), decoded = decodeutf8((uchar *)&commandbuf[commandlen], sizeof(commandbuf)-1-commandlen, (const uchar *)cb, cblen); commandbuf[commandlen + decoded] = '\0'; SDL_free(cb); } struct hline { char *buf, *action, *prompt; int flags; hline() : buf(NULL), action(NULL), prompt(NULL), flags(0) {} ~hline() { DELETEA(buf); DELETEA(action); DELETEA(prompt); } void restore() { copystring(commandbuf, buf); if(commandpos >= (int)strlen(commandbuf)) commandpos = -1; DELETEA(commandaction); DELETEA(commandprompt); if(action) commandaction = newstring(action); if(prompt) commandprompt = newstring(prompt); commandflags = flags; } bool shouldsave() { return strcmp(commandbuf, buf) || (commandaction ? !action || strcmp(commandaction, action) : action!=NULL) || (commandprompt ? !prompt || strcmp(commandprompt, prompt) : prompt!=NULL) || commandflags != flags; } void save() { buf = newstring(commandbuf); if(commandaction) action = newstring(commandaction); if(commandprompt) prompt = newstring(commandprompt); flags = commandflags; } void run() { if(flags&CF_EXECUTE && buf[0]=='/') execute(buf+1); else if(action) { alias("commandbuf", buf); execute(action); } else game::toserver(buf); } }; static vector history; static int histpos = 0; VARP(maxhistory, 0, 1000, 10000); static void history_(int *n) { static bool inhistory = false; if(!inhistory && history.inrange(*n)) { inhistory = true; history[history.length()-*n-1]->run(); inhistory = false; } } COMMANDN(history, history_, "i"); struct releaseaction { keym *key; union { char *action; ident *id; }; int numargs; tagval args[3]; }; static vector releaseactions; const char *addreleaseaction(char *s) { if(!keypressed) { delete[] s; return NULL; } releaseaction &ra = releaseactions.add(); ra.key = keypressed; ra.action = s; ra.numargs = -1; return keypressed->name; } tagval *addreleaseaction(ident *id, int numargs) { if(!keypressed || numargs > 3) return NULL; releaseaction &ra = releaseactions.add(); ra.key = keypressed; ra.id = id; ra.numargs = numargs; return ra.args; } static void onrelease(const char *s) { addreleaseaction(newstring(s)); } COMMAND(onrelease, "s"); static void execbind(keym &k, bool isdown) { loopv(releaseactions) { releaseaction &ra = releaseactions[i]; if(ra.key==&k) { if(ra.numargs < 0) { if(!isdown) execute(ra.action); delete[] ra.action; } else execute(isdown ? NULL : ra.id, ra.args, ra.numargs); releaseactions.remove(i--); } } if(isdown) { int state = keym::ACTION_DEFAULT; if(!mainmenu) { if(editmode) state = keym::ACTION_EDITING; else if(player->state==CS_SPECTATOR) state = keym::ACTION_SPECTATOR; } char *&action = k.actions[state][0] ? k.actions[state] : k.actions[keym::ACTION_DEFAULT]; keyaction = action; keypressed = &k; execute(keyaction); keypressed = NULL; if(keyaction!=action) delete[] keyaction; } k.pressed = isdown; } static bool consoleinput(const char *str, int len) { if(commandmillis < 0) return false; resetcomplete(); int cmdlen = (int)strlen(commandbuf), cmdspace = int(sizeof(commandbuf)) - (cmdlen+1); len = min(len, cmdspace); if(commandpos<0) { memcpy(&commandbuf[cmdlen], str, len); } else { memmove(&commandbuf[commandpos+len], &commandbuf[commandpos], cmdlen - commandpos); memcpy(&commandbuf[commandpos], str, len); commandpos += len; } commandbuf[cmdlen + len] = '\0'; return true; } static bool consolekey(int code, bool isdown) { if(commandmillis < 0) return false; #ifdef __APPLE__ #define MOD_KEYS (KMOD_LGUI|KMOD_RGUI) #else #define MOD_KEYS (KMOD_LCTRL|KMOD_RCTRL) #endif if(isdown) { switch(code) { case SDLK_RETURN: case SDLK_KP_ENTER: break; case SDLK_HOME: if(strlen(commandbuf)) commandpos = 0; break; case SDLK_END: commandpos = -1; break; case SDLK_DELETE: { int len = (int)strlen(commandbuf); if(commandpos<0) break; memmove(&commandbuf[commandpos], &commandbuf[commandpos+1], len - commandpos); resetcomplete(); if(commandpos>=len-1) commandpos = -1; break; } case SDLK_BACKSPACE: { int len = (int)strlen(commandbuf), i = commandpos>=0 ? commandpos : len; if(i<1) break; memmove(&commandbuf[i-1], &commandbuf[i], len - i + 1); resetcomplete(); if(commandpos>0) commandpos--; else if(!commandpos && len<=1) commandpos = -1; break; } case SDLK_LEFT: if(commandpos>0) commandpos--; else if(commandpos<0) commandpos = (int)strlen(commandbuf)-1; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: if(commandpos>=0 && ++commandpos>=(int)strlen(commandbuf)) commandpos = -1; break; case SDLK_UP: if(histpos > history.length()) histpos = history.length(); if(histpos > 0) history[--histpos]->restore(); break; case SDLK_DOWN: if(histpos + 1 < history.length()) history[++histpos]->restore(); break; case SDLK_TAB: if(commandflags&CF_COMPLETE) { complete(commandbuf, sizeof(commandbuf), commandflags&CF_EXECUTE ? "/" : NULL); if(commandpos>=0 && commandpos>=(int)strlen(commandbuf)) commandpos = -1; } break; case SDLK_v: if(SDL_GetModState()&MOD_KEYS) pasteconsole(); break; } } else { if(code==SDLK_RETURN || code==SDLK_KP_ENTER) { hline *h = NULL; if(commandbuf[0]) { if(history.empty() || history.last()->shouldsave()) { if(maxhistory && history.length() >= maxhistory) { loopi(history.length()-maxhistory+1) delete history[i]; history.remove(0, history.length()-maxhistory+1); } history.add(h = new hline)->save(); } else h = history.last(); } histpos = history.length(); inputcommand(NULL); if(h) h->run(); } else if(code==SDLK_ESCAPE) { histpos = history.length(); inputcommand(NULL); } } return true; } void processtextinput(const char *str, int len) { /*if(!UI::textinput(str, len))*/ consoleinput(str, len); } void processkey(int code, bool isdown, int modstate) { switch(code) { case SDLK_LGUI: case SDLK_RGUI: return; } keym *haskey = keyms.access(code); if(haskey && haskey->pressed) execbind(*haskey, isdown); // allow pressed keys to release else if(modstate&KMOD_GUI) return; //else if(!UI::keypress(code, isdown)) // UI key intercept else { if(!consolekey(code, isdown)) { if(modstate&KMOD_GUI) return; if(haskey) execbind(*haskey, isdown); } } } void clear_console() { keyms.clear(); } void writebinds(stream *f) { static const char * const cmds[3] = { "bind", "specbind", "editbind" }; vector binds; enumerate(keyms, keym, km, binds.add(&km)); binds.sortname(); loopj(3) { loopv(binds) { keym &km = *binds[i]; if(*km.actions[j]) { if(validateblock(km.actions[j])) f->printf("%s %s [%s]\n", cmds[j], escapestring(km.name), km.actions[j]); else f->printf("%s %s %s\n", cmds[j], escapestring(km.name), escapestring(km.actions[j])); } } } } // tab-completion of all idents and base maps enum { FILES_DIR = 0, FILES_LIST }; struct fileskey { int type; const char *dir, *ext; fileskey() {} fileskey(int type, const char *dir, const char *ext) : type(type), dir(dir), ext(ext) {} }; struct filesval { int type; char *dir, *ext; vector files; int millis; filesval(int type, const char *dir, const char *ext) : type(type), dir(newstring(dir)), ext(ext && ext[0] ? newstring(ext) : NULL), millis(-1) {} ~filesval() { DELETEA(dir); DELETEA(ext); files.deletearrays(); } void update() { if(type!=FILES_DIR || millis >= commandmillis) return; files.deletearrays(); listfiles(dir, ext, files); files.sort(); loopv(files) if(i && !strcmp(files[i], files[i-1])) delete[] files.remove(i--); millis = totalmillis; } }; static inline bool htcmp(const fileskey &x, const fileskey &y) { return x.type==y.type && !strcmp(x.dir, y.dir) && (x.ext == y.ext || (x.ext && y.ext && !strcmp(x.ext, y.ext))); } static inline uint hthash(const fileskey &k) { return hthash(k.dir); } static hashtable completefiles; static hashtable completions; static int completesize = 0; static char *lastcomplete = NULL; static void resetcomplete() { completesize = 0; } static void addcomplete(char *command, int type, char *dir, char *ext) { if(identflags&IDF_OVERRIDDEN) { conoutf(CON_ERROR, "cannot override complete %s", command); return; } if(!dir[0]) { filesval **hasfiles = completions.access(command); if(hasfiles) *hasfiles = NULL; return; } if(type==FILES_DIR) { int dirlen = (int)strlen(dir); while(dirlen > 0 && (dir[dirlen-1] == '/' || dir[dirlen-1] == '\\')) dir[--dirlen] = '\0'; if(ext) { if(strchr(ext, '*')) ext[0] = '\0'; if(!ext[0]) ext = NULL; } } fileskey key(type, dir, ext); filesval **val = completefiles.access(key); if(!val) { filesval *f = new filesval(type, dir, ext); if(type==FILES_LIST) explodelist(dir, f->files); val = &completefiles[fileskey(type, f->dir, f->ext)]; *val = f; } filesval **hasfiles = completions.access(command); if(hasfiles) *hasfiles = *val; else completions[newstring(command)] = *val; } static void addfilecomplete(char *command, char *dir, char *ext) { addcomplete(command, FILES_DIR, dir, ext); } static void addlistcomplete(char *command, char *list) { addcomplete(command, FILES_LIST, list, NULL); } COMMANDN(complete, addfilecomplete, "sss"); COMMANDN(listcomplete, addlistcomplete, "ss"); static void complete(char *s, int maxlen, const char *cmdprefix) { int cmdlen = 0; if(cmdprefix) { cmdlen = strlen(cmdprefix); if(strncmp(s, cmdprefix, cmdlen)) prependstring(s, cmdprefix, maxlen); } if(!s[cmdlen]) return; if(!completesize) { completesize = (int)strlen(&s[cmdlen]); DELETEA(lastcomplete); } filesval *f = NULL; if(completesize) { char *end = strchr(&s[cmdlen], ' '); if(end) f = completions.find(stringslice(&s[cmdlen], end), NULL); } const char *nextcomplete = NULL; if(f) // complete using filenames { int commandsize = strchr(&s[cmdlen], ' ')+1-s; f->update(); loopv(f->files) { if(strncmp(f->files[i], &s[commandsize], completesize+cmdlen-commandsize)==0 && (!lastcomplete || strcmp(f->files[i], lastcomplete) > 0) && (!nextcomplete || strcmp(f->files[i], nextcomplete) < 0)) nextcomplete = f->files[i]; } cmdprefix = s; cmdlen = commandsize; } else // complete using command names { enumerate(idents, ident, id, if(strncmp(id.name, &s[cmdlen], completesize)==0 && (!lastcomplete || strcmp(id.name, lastcomplete) > 0) && (!nextcomplete || strcmp(id.name, nextcomplete) < 0)) nextcomplete = id.name; ); } DELETEA(lastcomplete); if(nextcomplete) { cmdlen = min(cmdlen, maxlen-1); if(cmdlen) memmove(s, cmdprefix, cmdlen); copystring(&s[cmdlen], nextcomplete, maxlen-cmdlen); lastcomplete = newstring(nextcomplete); } } void writecompletions(stream *f) { vector cmds; enumeratekt(completions, char *, k, filesval *, v, { if(v) cmds.add(k); }); cmds.sort(); loopv(cmds) { char *k = cmds[i]; filesval *v = completions[k]; if(v->type==FILES_LIST) { if(validateblock(v->dir)) f->printf("listcomplete %s [%s]\n", escapeid(k), v->dir); else f->printf("listcomplete %s %s\n", escapeid(k), escapestring(v->dir)); } else f->printf("complete %s %s %s\n", escapeid(k), escapestring(v->dir), escapestring(v->ext ? v->ext : "*")); } }