// octarender.cpp: fill vertex arrays with different cube surfaces. #include "octarender.hh" #include "blend.hh" #include "console.hh" /* conoutf */ #include "grass.hh" #include "light.hh" #include "main.hh" // mainmenu, laodprogress, isconnected #include "material.hh" #include "rendergl.hh" #include "renderlights.hh" #include "renderparticles.hh" #include "rendersky.hh" #include "renderva.hh" #include "texture.hh" #include "world.hh" #include #include #include struct vboinfo { int uses; uchar *data; }; static hashtable vbos; VAR(printvbo, 0, 0, 1); VARFN(vbosize, maxvbosize, 0, 1<<14, 1<<16, allchanged()); enum { VBO_VBUF = 0, VBO_EBUF, VBO_SKYBUF, VBO_DECALBUF, NUMVBO }; static vector vbodata[NUMVBO]; static vector vbovas[NUMVBO]; static int vbosize[NUMVBO]; static void destroyvbo(GLuint vbo) { vboinfo *exists = vbos.access(vbo); if(!exists) return; vboinfo &vbi = *exists; if(vbi.uses <= 0) return; vbi.uses--; if(!vbi.uses) { glDeleteBuffers_(1, &vbo); if(vbi.data) delete[] vbi.data; vbos.remove(vbo); } } static void genvbo(int type, void *buf, int len, vtxarray **vas, int numva) { gle::disable(); GLuint vbo; glGenBuffers_(1, &vbo); GLenum target = type==VBO_VBUF ? GL_ARRAY_BUFFER : GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER; glBindBuffer_(target, vbo); glBufferData_(target, len, buf, GL_STATIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer_(target, 0); vboinfo &vbi = vbos[vbo]; vbi.uses = numva; vbi.data = new uchar[len]; memcpy(vbi.data, buf, len); if(printvbo) conoutf(CON_DEBUG, "vbo %d: type %d, size %d, %d uses", vbo, type, len, numva); loopi(numva) { vtxarray *va = vas[i]; switch(type) { case VBO_VBUF: va->vbuf = vbo; va->vdata = (vertex *)vbi.data; break; case VBO_EBUF: va->ebuf = vbo; va->edata = (ushort *)vbi.data; break; case VBO_SKYBUF: va->skybuf = vbo; va->skydata = (ushort *)vbi.data; break; case VBO_DECALBUF: va->decalbuf = vbo; va->decaldata = (ushort *)vbi.data; break; } } } static void flushvbo(int type = -1) { if(type < 0) { loopi(NUMVBO) flushvbo(i); return; } vector &data = vbodata[type]; if(data.empty()) return; vector &vas = vbovas[type]; genvbo(type, data.getbuf(), data.length(), vas.getbuf(), vas.length()); data.setsize(0); vas.setsize(0); vbosize[type] = 0; } static uchar *addvbo(vtxarray *va, int type, int numelems, int elemsize) { switch(type) { case VBO_VBUF: va->voffset = vbosize[type]; break; case VBO_EBUF: va->eoffset = vbosize[type]; break; case VBO_SKYBUF: va->skyoffset = vbosize[type]; break; case VBO_DECALBUF: va->decaloffset = vbosize[type]; break; } vbosize[type] += numelems; vector &data = vbodata[type]; vector &vas = vbovas[type]; vas.add(va); int len = numelems*elemsize; uchar *buf = data.reserve(len).buf; data.advance(len); return buf; } struct verthash { static const int SIZE = 1<<13; int table[SIZE]; vector verts; vector chain; verthash() { clearverts(); } void clearverts() { memset(table, -1, sizeof(table)); chain.setsize(0); verts.setsize(0); } int addvert(const vertex &v) { uint h = hthash(v.pos)&(SIZE-1); for(int i = table[h]; i>=0; i = chain[i]) { const vertex &c = verts[i]; if(c.pos==v.pos && c.tc==v.tc && c.norm==v.norm && c.tangent==v.tangent) return i; } if(verts.length() >= USHRT_MAX) return -1; verts.add(v); chain.add(table[h]); return table[h] = verts.length()-1; } int addvert(const vec &pos, const vec &tc = vec(0, 0, 0), const bvec &norm = bvec(128, 128, 128), const bvec4 &tangent = bvec4(128, 128, 128, 128)) { vertex vtx; vtx.pos = pos; vtx.tc = tc; vtx.norm = norm; vtx.tangent = tangent; return addvert(vtx); } }; enum { NO_ALPHA = 0, ALPHA_BACK, ALPHA_FRONT, ALPHA_REFRACT }; struct sortkey { ushort tex, envmap; uchar orient, layer, alpha; sortkey() {} sortkey(ushort tex, uchar orient, uchar layer = LAYER_TOP, ushort envmap = EMID_NONE, uchar alpha = NO_ALPHA) : tex(tex), envmap(envmap), orient(orient), layer(layer), alpha(alpha) {} bool operator==(const sortkey &o) const { return tex==o.tex && envmap==o.envmap && orient==o.orient && layer==o.layer && alpha==o.alpha; } static inline bool sort(const sortkey &x, const sortkey &y) { if(x.alpha < y.alpha) return true; if(x.alpha > y.alpha) return false; if(x.layer < y.layer) return true; if(x.layer > y.layer) return false; if(x.tex == y.tex) { if(x.envmap < y.envmap) return true; if(x.envmap > y.envmap) return false; if(x.orient < y.orient) return true; if(x.orient > y.orient) return false; return false; } VSlot &xs = lookupvslot(x.tex, false), &ys = lookupvslot(y.tex, false); if(xs.slot->shader < ys.slot->shader) return true; if(xs.slot->shader > ys.slot->shader) return false; if(xs.slot->params.length() < ys.slot->params.length()) return true; if(xs.slot->params.length() > ys.slot->params.length()) return false; if(x.tex < y.tex) return true; else return false; } }; static inline bool htcmp(const sortkey &x, const sortkey &y) { return x == y; } static inline uint hthash(const sortkey &k) { return k.tex; } struct decalkey { ushort tex, envmap, reuse; decalkey() {} decalkey(ushort tex, ushort envmap = EMID_NONE, ushort reuse = 0) : tex(tex), envmap(envmap), reuse(reuse) {} bool operator==(const decalkey &o) const { return tex==o.tex && envmap==o.envmap && reuse==o.reuse; } static inline bool sort(const decalkey &x, const decalkey &y) { if(x.tex == y.tex) { if(x.envmap < y.envmap) return true; if(x.envmap > y.envmap) return false; if(x.reuse < y.reuse) return true; else return false; } DecalSlot &xs = lookupdecalslot(x.tex, false), &ys = lookupdecalslot(y.tex, false); if(xs.slot->shader < ys.slot->shader) return true; if(xs.slot->shader > ys.slot->shader) return false; if(xs.slot->params.length() < ys.slot->params.length()) return true; if(xs.slot->params.length() > ys.slot->params.length()) return false; if(x.tex < y.tex) return true; else return false; } }; static inline bool htcmp(const decalkey &x, const decalkey &y) { return x == y; } static inline uint hthash(const decalkey &k) { return k.tex; } struct sortval { vector tris; sortval() {} }; struct vacollect : verthash { ivec origin; int size; hashtable indices; hashtable decalindices; vector skyindices; vector texs; vector decaltexs; vector grasstris; vector matsurfs; vector mapmodels, decals, extdecals; int worldtris, skytris, decaltris; vec alphamin, alphamax; vec refractmin, refractmax; vec skymin, skymax; ivec nogimin, nogimax; void clear() { clearverts(); worldtris = skytris = decaltris = 0; indices.clear(); decalindices.clear(); skyindices.setsize(0); matsurfs.setsize(0); mapmodels.setsize(0); decals.setsize(0); extdecals.setsize(0); grasstris.setsize(0); texs.setsize(0); decaltexs.setsize(0); alphamin = refractmin = skymin = vec(1e16f, 1e16f, 1e16f); alphamax = refractmax = skymax = vec(-1e16f, -1e16f, -1e16f); nogimin = ivec(INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX); nogimax = ivec(INT_MIN, INT_MIN, INT_MIN); } void optimize() { enumeratekt(indices, sortkey, k, sortval, t, { if(t.tris.length()) texs.add(k); }); texs.sort(sortkey::sort); matsurfs.shrink(optimizematsurfs(matsurfs.getbuf(), matsurfs.length())); } #define GENVERTS(type, ptr, body) do \ { \ type *f = (type *)ptr; \ loopv(verts) \ { \ const vertex &v = verts[i]; \ body; \ f++; \ } \ } while(0) void genverts(void *buf) { GENVERTS(vertex, buf, { *f = v; f->norm.flip(); f->tangent.flip(); }); } void gendecal(const extentity &e, DecalSlot &s, const decalkey &key) { matrix3 orient; orient.identity(); if(e.attr2) orient.rotate_around_z(sincosmod360(e.attr2)); if(e.attr3) orient.rotate_around_x(sincosmod360(e.attr3)); if(e.attr4) orient.rotate_around_y(sincosmod360(-e.attr4)); vec size(max(float(e.attr5), 1.0f)); size.y *= s.depth; if(!s.sts.empty()) { Texture *t = s.sts[0].t; if(t->xs < t->ys) size.x *= t->xs / float(t->ys); else if(t->xs > t->ys) size.z *= t->ys / float(t->xs); } vec center = orient.transform(vec(0, size.y*0.5f, 0)).add(e.o), radius = orient.abstransform(vec(size).mul(0.5f)); vec bbmin = vec(center).sub(radius), bbmax = vec(center).add(radius); vec clipoffset = orient.transposedtransform(center).msub(size, 0.5f); loopv(texs) { const sortkey &k = texs[i]; if(k.layer == LAYER_BLEND || k.alpha != NO_ALPHA) continue; const sortval &t = indices[k]; if(t.tris.empty()) continue; decalkey tkey(key); if(shouldreuseparams(s, lookupvslot(k.tex, false))) tkey.reuse = k.tex; for(int j = 0; j < t.tris.length(); j += 3) { const vertex &t0 = verts[t.tris[j]], &t1 = verts[t.tris[j+1]], &t2 = verts[t.tris[j+2]]; vec v0 = t0.pos, v1 = t1.pos, v2 = t2.pos; vec tmin = vec(v0).min(v1).min(v2), tmax = vec(v0).max(v1).max(v2); if(tmin.x >= bbmax.x || tmin.y >= bbmax.y || tmin.z >= bbmax.z || tmax.x <= bbmin.x || tmax.y <= bbmin.y || tmax.z <= bbmin.z) continue; float f0 = t0.norm.tonormal().dot(orient.b), f1 = t1.norm.tonormal().dot(orient.b), f2 = t2.norm.tonormal().dot(orient.b); if(f0 >= 0 && f1 >= 0 && f2 >= 0) continue; vec p1[9], p2[9]; p1[0] = v0; p1[1] = v1; p1[2] = v2; int nump = polyclip(p1, 3, orient.b, clipoffset.y, clipoffset.y + size.y, p2); if(nump < 3) continue; nump = polyclip(p2, nump, orient.a, clipoffset.x, clipoffset.x + size.x, p1); if(nump < 3) continue; nump = polyclip(p1, nump, orient.c, clipoffset.z, clipoffset.z + size.z, p2); if(nump < 3) continue; bvec4 n0 = t0.norm, n1 = t1.norm, n2 = t2.norm, x0 = t0.tangent, x1 = t1.tangent, x2 = t2.tangent; vec e1 = vec(v1).sub(v0), e2 = vec(v2).sub(v0); float d11 = e1.dot(e1), d12 = e1.dot(e2), d22 = e2.dot(e2); int idx[9]; loopk(nump) { vertex v; v.pos = p2[k]; vec ep = vec(v.pos).sub(v0); float dp1 = ep.dot(e1), dp2 = ep.dot(e2), denom = d11*d22 - d12*d12, b1 = (d22*dp1 - d12*dp2) / denom, b2 = (d11*dp2 - d12*dp1) / denom, b0 = 1 - b1 - b2; v.norm.lerp(n0, n1, n2, b0, b1, b2); v.norm.w = uchar(127.5f - 127.5f*(f0*b0 + f1*b1 + f2*b2)); vec tc = orient.transposedtransform(vec(center).sub(v.pos)).div(size).add(0.5f); v.tc = vec(tc.x, tc.z, s.fade ? tc.y * s.depth / s.fade : 1.0f); v.tangent.lerp(x0, x1, x2, b0, b1, b2); idx[k] = addvert(v); } vector &tris = decalindices[tkey].tris; loopk(nump-2) if(idx[0] != idx[k+1] && idx[k+1] != idx[k+2] && idx[k+2] != idx[0]) { tris.add(idx[0]); tris.add(idx[k+1]); tris.add(idx[k+2]); decaltris += 3; } } } } void gendecals() { if(decals.length()) extdecals.put(decals.getbuf(), decals.length()); if(extdecals.empty()) return; vector &ents = entities::getents(); loopv(extdecals) { octaentities *oe = extdecals[i]; loopvj(oe->decals) { extentity &e = *ents[oe->decals[j]]; if(e.flags&EF_RENDER) continue; e.flags |= EF_RENDER; DecalSlot &s = lookupdecalslot(e.attr1, true); if(!s.shader) continue; ushort envmap = s.shader->type&SHADER_ENVMAP ? (s.texmask&(1<decals) { extentity &e = *ents[oe->decals[j]]; if(e.flags&EF_RENDER) e.flags &= ~EF_RENDER; } } enumeratekt(decalindices, decalkey, k, sortval, t, { if(t.tris.length()) decaltexs.add(k); }); decaltexs.sort(decalkey::sort); } void setupdata(vtxarray *va) { optimize(); gendecals(); va->verts = verts.length(); va->tris = worldtris/3; va->vbuf = 0; va->vdata = 0; va->minvert = 0; va->maxvert = va->verts-1; va->voffset = 0; if(va->verts) { if(vbosize[VBO_VBUF] + verts.length() > maxvbosize || vbosize[VBO_EBUF] + worldtris > USHRT_MAX || vbosize[VBO_SKYBUF] + skytris > USHRT_MAX || vbosize[VBO_DECALBUF] + decaltris > USHRT_MAX) flushvbo(); uchar *vdata = addvbo(va, VBO_VBUF, va->verts, sizeof(vertex)); genverts(vdata); va->minvert += va->voffset; va->maxvert += va->voffset; } va->matbuf = NULL; va->matsurfs = matsurfs.length(); va->matmask = 0; if(va->matsurfs) { va->matbuf = new materialsurface[matsurfs.length()]; memcpy(va->matbuf, matsurfs.getbuf(), matsurfs.length()*sizeof(materialsurface)); loopv(matsurfs) { materialsurface &m = matsurfs[i]; if(m.visible == MATSURF_EDIT_ONLY) continue; switch(m.material) { case MAT_GLASS: case MAT_LAVA: case MAT_WATER: break; default: continue; } va->matmask |= 1<skybuf = 0; va->skydata = 0; va->skyoffset = 0; va->sky = skyindices.length(); if(va->sky) { ushort *skydata = (ushort *)addvbo(va, VBO_SKYBUF, va->sky, sizeof(ushort)); memcpy(skydata, skyindices.getbuf(), va->sky*sizeof(ushort)); if(va->voffset) loopi(va->sky) skydata[i] += va->voffset; } va->texelems = NULL; va->texs = texs.length(); va->blendtris = 0; va->blends = 0; va->alphabacktris = 0; va->alphaback = 0; va->alphafronttris = 0; va->alphafront = 0; va->refracttris = 0; va->refract = 0; va->ebuf = 0; va->edata = 0; va->eoffset = 0; if(va->texs) { va->texelems = new elementset[va->texs]; ushort *edata = (ushort *)addvbo(va, VBO_EBUF, worldtris, sizeof(ushort)), *curbuf = edata; loopv(texs) { const sortkey &k = texs[i]; const sortval &t = indices[k]; elementset &e = va->texelems[i]; e.texture = k.tex; e.orient = k.orient; e.layer = k.layer; e.envmap = k.envmap; ushort *startbuf = curbuf; e.minvert = USHRT_MAX; e.maxvert = 0; if(t.tris.length()) { memcpy(curbuf, t.tris.getbuf(), t.tris.length() * sizeof(ushort)); loopvj(t.tris) { curbuf[j] += va->voffset; e.minvert = min(e.minvert, curbuf[j]); e.maxvert = max(e.maxvert, curbuf[j]); } curbuf += t.tris.length(); } e.length = curbuf-startbuf; if(k.layer==LAYER_BLEND) { va->texs--; va->tris -= e.length/3; va->blends++; va->blendtris += e.length/3; } else if(k.alpha==ALPHA_BACK) { va->texs--; va->tris -= e.length/3; va->alphaback++; va->alphabacktris += e.length/3; } else if(k.alpha==ALPHA_FRONT) { va->texs--; va->tris -= e.length/3; va->alphafront++; va->alphafronttris += e.length/3; } else if(k.alpha==ALPHA_REFRACT) { va->texs--; va->tris -= e.length/3; va->refract++; va->refracttris += e.length/3; } } } va->texmask = 0; va->dyntexs = 0; loopi(va->texs+va->blends+va->alphaback+va->alphafront+va->refract) { VSlot &vslot = lookupvslot(va->texelems[i].texture, false); if(vslot.isdynamic()) va->dyntexs++; Slot &slot = *vslot.slot; loopvj(slot.sts) va->texmask |= 1<type&SHADER_ENVMAP) va->texmask |= 1<decalbuf = 0; va->decaldata = 0; va->decaloffset = 0; va->decalelems = NULL; va->decaltexs = decaltexs.length(); va->decaltris = decaltris/3; if(va->decaltexs) { va->decalelems = new elementset[va->decaltexs]; ushort *edata = (ushort *)addvbo(va, VBO_DECALBUF, decaltris, sizeof(ushort)), *curbuf = edata; loopv(decaltexs) { const decalkey &k = decaltexs[i]; const sortval &t = decalindices[k]; elementset &e = va->decalelems[i]; e.texture = k.tex; e.reuse = k.reuse; e.envmap = k.envmap; ushort *startbuf = curbuf; e.minvert = USHRT_MAX; e.maxvert = 0; if(t.tris.length()) { memcpy(curbuf, t.tris.getbuf(), t.tris.length() * sizeof(ushort)); loopvj(t.tris) { curbuf[j] += va->voffset; e.minvert = min(e.minvert, curbuf[j]); e.maxvert = max(e.maxvert, curbuf[j]); } curbuf += t.tris.length(); } e.length = curbuf-startbuf; } } if(grasstris.length()) { va->grasstris.move(grasstris); loadgrassshaders(); } if(mapmodels.length()) va->mapmodels.put(mapmodels.getbuf(), mapmodels.length()); if(decals.length()) va->decals.put(decals.getbuf(), decals.length()); } bool emptyva() { return verts.empty() && matsurfs.empty() && skyindices.empty() && grasstris.empty() && mapmodels.empty() && decals.empty(); } } vc; static int recalcprogress = 0; #define progress(s) if((recalcprogress++&0xFFF)==0) renderprogress(recalcprogress/(float)allocnodes, s); vector tjoints; VARFP(filltjoints, 0, 1, 1, allchanged()); void reduceslope(ivec &n) { int mindim = -1, minval = 64; loopi(3) if(n[i]) { int val = abs(n[i]); if(mindim < 0 || val < minval) { mindim = i; minval = val; } } if(!(n[R[mindim]]%minval) && !(n[C[mindim]]%minval)) n.div(minval); while(!((n.x|n.y|n.z)&1)) n.shr(1); } // [rotation][orient] extern const vec orientation_tangent[8][6] = { { vec( 0, 1, 0), vec( 0, -1, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0) }, { vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, -1, 0), vec( 0, 1, 0) }, { vec( 0, -1, 0), vec( 0, 1, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0) }, { vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 1, 0), vec( 0, -1, 0) }, { vec( 0, -1, 0), vec( 0, 1, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0) }, { vec( 0, 1, 0), vec( 0, -1, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0) }, { vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, -1, 0), vec( 0, 1, 0) }, { vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 1, 0), vec( 0, -1, 0) }, }; extern const vec orientation_bitangent[8][6] = { { vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, -1, 0), vec( 0, 1, 0) }, { vec( 0, -1, 0), vec( 0, 1, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0) }, { vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 1, 0), vec( 0, -1, 0) }, { vec( 0, 1, 0), vec( 0, -1, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0) }, { vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, 0, -1), vec( 0, -1, 0), vec( 0, 1, 0) }, { vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 0, 1), vec( 0, 1, 0), vec( 0, -1, 0) }, { vec( 0, 1, 0), vec( 0, -1, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0) }, { vec( 0, -1, 0), vec( 0, 1, 0), vec( 1, 0, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0), vec(-1, 0, 0) }, }; static void addtris(VSlot &vslot, int orient, const sortkey &key, vertex *verts, int *index, int numverts, int convex, int tj) { int &total = key.tex==DEFAULT_SKY ? vc.skytris : vc.worldtris; int edge = orient*(MAXFACEVERTS+1); loopi(numverts-2) if(index[0]!=index[i+1] && index[i+1]!=index[i+2] && index[i+2]!=index[0]) { vector &idxs = key.tex==DEFAULT_SKY ? vc.skyindices : vc.indices[key].tris; int left = index[0], mid = index[i+1], right = index[i+2], start = left, i0 = left, i1 = -1; loopk(4) { int i2 = -1, ctj = -1, cedge = -1; switch(k) { case 1: i1 = i2 = mid; cedge = edge+i+1; break; case 2: if(i1 != mid || i0 == left) { i0 = i1; i1 = right; } i2 = right; if(i+1 == numverts-2) cedge = edge+i+2; break; case 3: if(i0 == start) { i0 = i1; i1 = left; } i2 = left; // fall-through default: if(!i) cedge = edge; break; } if(i1 != i2) { if(total + 3 > USHRT_MAX) return; total += 3; idxs.add(i0); idxs.add(i1); idxs.add(i2); i1 = i2; } if(cedge >= 0) { for(ctj = tj;;) { if(ctj < 0) break; if(tjoints[ctj].edge < cedge) { ctj = tjoints[ctj].next; continue; } if(tjoints[ctj].edge != cedge) ctj = -1; break; } } if(ctj >= 0) { int e1 = cedge%(MAXFACEVERTS+1), e2 = (e1+1)%numverts; vertex &v1 = verts[e1], &v2 = verts[e2]; ivec d(vec(v2.pos).sub(v1.pos).mul(8)); int axis = abs(d.x) > abs(d.y) ? (abs(d.x) > abs(d.z) ? 0 : 2) : (abs(d.y) > abs(d.z) ? 1 : 2); if(d[axis] < 0) d.neg(); reduceslope(d); int origin = int(min(v1.pos[axis], v2.pos[axis])*8)&~0x7FFF, offset1 = (int(v1.pos[axis]*8) - origin) / d[axis], offset2 = (int(v2.pos[axis]*8) - origin) / d[axis]; vec o = vec(v1.pos).sub(vec(d).mul(offset1/8.0f)); float doffset = 1.0f / (offset2 - offset1); if(i1 < 0) for(;;) { tjoint &t = tjoints[ctj]; if(t.next < 0 || tjoints[t.next].edge != cedge) break; ctj = t.next; } while(ctj >= 0) { tjoint &t = tjoints[ctj]; if(t.edge != cedge) break; float offset = (t.offset - offset1) * doffset; vertex vt; vt.pos = vec(d).mul(t.offset/8.0f).add(o); vt.tc.lerp(v1.tc, v2.tc, offset); vt.norm.lerp(v1.norm, v2.norm, offset); vt.tangent.lerp(v1.tangent, v2.tangent, offset); if(v1.tangent.w != v2.tangent.w) vt.tangent.w = orientation_bitangent[vslot.rotation][orient].scalartriple(vt.norm.tonormal(), vt.tangent.tonormal()) < 0 ? 0 : 255; int i2 = vc.addvert(vt); if(i2 < 0) return; if(i1 >= 0) { if(total + 3 > USHRT_MAX) return; total += 3; idxs.add(i0); idxs.add(i1); idxs.add(i2); i1 = i2; } else start = i0 = i2; ctj = t.next; } } } } } static void addgrasstri(int face, vertex *verts, int numv, ushort texture, int layer) { grasstri &g = vc.grasstris.add(); int i1, i2, i3, i4; if(numv <= 3 && face%2) { i1 = face+1; i2 = face+2; i3 = i4 = 0; } else { i1 = 0; i2 = face+1; i3 = face+2; i4 = numv > 3 ? face+3 : i3; } g.v[0] = verts[i1].pos; g.v[1] = verts[i2].pos; g.v[2] = verts[i3].pos; g.v[3] = verts[i4].pos; g.numv = numv; g.surface.toplane(g.v[0], g.v[1], g.v[2]); if(g.surface.z <= 0) { vc.grasstris.pop(); return; } g.minz = min(min(g.v[0].z, g.v[1].z), min(g.v[2].z, g.v[3].z)); g.maxz = max(max(g.v[0].z, g.v[1].z), max(g.v[2].z, g.v[3].z)); g.center = vec(0, 0, 0); loopk(numv) g.center.add(g.v[k]); g.center.div(numv); g.radius = 0; loopk(numv) g.radius = max(g.radius, g.v[k].dist(g.center)); g.texture = texture; g.blend = layer == LAYER_BLEND ? ((int(g.center.x)>>12)+1) | (((int(g.center.y)>>12)+1)<<8) : 0; } static inline void calctexgen(VSlot &vslot, int orient, vec4 &sgen, vec4 &tgen) { Texture *tex = vslot.slot->sts.empty() ? notexture : vslot.slot->sts[0].t; const texrotation &r = texrotations[vslot.rotation]; float k = TEX_SCALE/vslot.scale, xs = r.flipx ? -tex->xs : tex->xs, ys = r.flipy ? -tex->ys : tex->ys, sk = k/xs, tk = k/ys, soff = -(r.swapxy ? vslot.offset.y : vslot.offset.x)/xs, toff = -(r.swapxy ? vslot.offset.x : vslot.offset.y)/ys; sgen = vec4(0, 0, 0, soff); tgen = vec4(0, 0, 0, toff); if(r.swapxy) switch(orient) { case 0: sgen.z = -sk; tgen.y = tk; break; case 1: sgen.z = -sk; tgen.y = -tk; break; case 2: sgen.z = -sk; tgen.x = -tk; break; case 3: sgen.z = -sk; tgen.x = tk; break; case 4: sgen.y = -sk; tgen.x = tk; break; case 5: sgen.y = sk; tgen.x = tk; break; } else switch(orient) { case 0: sgen.y = sk; tgen.z = -tk; break; case 1: sgen.y = -sk; tgen.z = -tk; break; case 2: sgen.x = -sk; tgen.z = -tk; break; case 3: sgen.x = sk; tgen.z = -tk; break; case 4: sgen.x = sk; tgen.y = -tk; break; case 5: sgen.x = sk; tgen.y = tk; break; } } ushort encodenormal(const vec &n) { if(n.iszero()) return 0; int yaw = int(-atan2(n.x, n.y)/RAD), pitch = int(asin(n.z)/RAD); return ushort(clamp(pitch + 90, 0, 180)*360 + (yaw < 0 ? yaw%360 + 360 : yaw%360) + 1); } static vec decodenormal(ushort norm) { if(!norm) return vec(0, 0, 1); norm--; const vec2 &yaw = sincos360[norm%360], &pitch = sincos360[norm/360+270]; return vec(-yaw.y*pitch.x, yaw.x*pitch.x, pitch.y); } void guessnormals(const vec *pos, int numverts, vec *normals) { vec n1, n2; n1.cross(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]); if(numverts != 4) { n1.normalize(); loopk(numverts) normals[k] = n1; return; } n2.cross(pos[0], pos[2], pos[3]); if(n1.iszero()) { n2.normalize(); loopk(4) normals[k] = n2; return; } else n1.normalize(); if(n2.iszero()) { loopk(4) normals[k] = n1; return; } else n2.normalize(); vec avg = vec(n1).add(n2).normalize(); normals[0] = avg; normals[1] = n1; normals[2] = avg; normals[3] = n2; } static void addcubeverts(VSlot &vslot, int orient, int size, vec *pos, int convex, ushort texture, vertinfo *vinfo, int numverts, int tj = -1, ushort envmap = EMID_NONE, int grassy = 0, bool alpha = false, int layer = LAYER_TOP) { vec4 sgen, tgen; calctexgen(vslot, orient, sgen, tgen); vertex verts[MAXFACEVERTS]; int index[MAXFACEVERTS]; vec normals[MAXFACEVERTS]; loopk(numverts) { vertex &v = verts[k]; v.pos = pos[k]; v.tc = vec(sgen.dot(v.pos), tgen.dot(v.pos), 0); if(vinfo && vinfo[k].norm) { vec n = decodenormal(vinfo[k].norm), t = orientation_tangent[vslot.rotation][orient]; t.project(n).normalize(); v.norm = bvec(n); v.tangent = bvec4(bvec(t), orientation_bitangent[vslot.rotation][orient].scalartriple(n, t) < 0 ? 0 : 255); } else if(texture != DEFAULT_SKY) { if(!k) guessnormals(pos, numverts, normals); const vec &n = normals[k]; vec t = orientation_tangent[vslot.rotation][orient]; t.project(n).normalize(); v.norm = bvec(n); v.tangent = bvec4(bvec(t), orientation_bitangent[vslot.rotation][orient].scalartriple(n, t) < 0 ? 0 : 255); } else { v.norm = bvec(128, 128, 255); v.tangent = bvec4(255, 128, 128, 255); } index[k] = vc.addvert(v); if(index[k] < 0) return; } if(alpha) { loopk(numverts) { vc.alphamin.min(pos[k]); vc.alphamax.max(pos[k]); } if(vslot.refractscale > 0) loopk(numverts) { vc.refractmin.min(pos[k]); vc.refractmax.max(pos[k]); } } if(texture == DEFAULT_SKY) loopi(numverts) if(pos[i][orient>>1] != ((orient&1)< 0 ? ALPHA_REFRACT : (vslot.alphaback ? ALPHA_BACK : ALPHA_FRONT)) : NO_ALPHA); addtris(vslot, orient, key, verts, index, numverts, convex, tj); if(grassy) { for(int i = 0; i < numverts-2; i += 2) { int faces = 0; if(index[0]!=index[i+1] && index[i+1]!=index[i+2] && index[i+2]!=index[0]) faces |= 1; if(i+3 < numverts && index[0]!=index[i+2] && index[i+2]!=index[i+3] && index[i+3]!=index[0]) faces |= 2; if(grassy > 1 && faces==3) addgrasstri(i, verts, 4, texture, layer); else { if(faces&1) addgrasstri(i, verts, 3, texture, layer); if(faces&2) addgrasstri(i+1, verts, 3, texture, layer); } } } } struct edgegroup { ivec slope, origin; int axis; }; static inline uint hthash(const edgegroup &g) { return g.slope.x^g.slope.y^g.slope.z^g.origin.x^g.origin.y^g.origin.z; } static inline bool htcmp(const edgegroup &x, const edgegroup &y) { return x.slope==y.slope && x.origin==y.origin; } enum { CE_START = 1<<0, CE_END = 1<<1, CE_FLIP = 1<<2, CE_DUP = 1<<3 }; struct cubeedge { cube *c; int next, offset; ushort size; uchar index, flags; }; static vector cubeedges; static hashtable edgegroups(1<<13); static void gencubeedges(cube &c, const ivec &co, int size) { ivec pos[MAXFACEVERTS]; int vis; loopi(6) if((vis = visibletris(c, i, co, size))) { int numverts = c.ext ? c.ext->surfaces[i].numverts&MAXFACEVERTS : 0; if(numverts) { vertinfo *verts = c.ext->verts() + c.ext->surfaces[i].verts; ivec vo = ivec(co).mask(~0xFFF).shl(3); loopj(numverts) { vertinfo &v = verts[j]; pos[j] = ivec(v.x, v.y, v.z).add(vo); } } else if(c.merged&(1< abs(d.y) ? (abs(d.x) > abs(d.z) ? 0 : 2) : (abs(d.y) > abs(d.z) ? 1 : 2); if(d[axis] < 0) { d.neg(); swap(e1, e2); } reduceslope(d); int t1 = pos[e1][axis]/d[axis], t2 = pos[e2][axis]/d[axis]; edgegroup g; g.origin = ivec(pos[e1]).sub(ivec(d).mul(t1)); g.slope = d; g.axis = axis; cubeedge ce; ce.c = &c; ce.offset = t1; ce.size = t2 - t1; ce.index = i*(MAXFACEVERTS+1)+j; ce.flags = CE_START | CE_END | (e1!=j ? CE_FLIP : 0); ce.next = -1; bool insert = true; int *exists = edgegroups.access(g); if(exists) { int prev = -1, cur = *exists; while(cur >= 0) { cubeedge &p = cubeedges[cur]; if(p.flags&CE_DUP ? ce.offset>=p.offset && ce.offset+ce.size<=p.offset+p.size : ce.offset==p.offset && ce.size==p.size) { p.flags |= CE_DUP; insert = false; break; } else if(ce.offset >= p.offset) { if(ce.offset == p.offset+p.size) ce.flags &= ~CE_START; prev = cur; cur = p.next; } else break; } if(insert) { ce.next = cur; while(cur >= 0) { cubeedge &p = cubeedges[cur]; if(ce.offset+ce.size==p.offset) { ce.flags &= ~CE_END; break; } cur = p.next; } if(prev>=0) cubeedges[prev].next = cubeedges.length(); else *exists = cubeedges.length(); } } else edgegroups[g] = cubeedges.length(); if(insert) cubeedges.add(ce); } } } static void gencubeedges(cube *c = worldroot, const ivec &co = ivec(0, 0, 0), int size = worldsize>>1) { progress("fixing t-joints..."); neighbourstack[++neighbourdepth] = c; loopi(8) { ivec o(i, co, size); if(c[i].ext) c[i].ext->tjoints = -1; if(c[i].children) gencubeedges(c[i].children, o, size>>1); else if(!isempty(c[i])) gencubeedges(c[i], o, size); } --neighbourdepth; } static void gencubeverts(cube &c, const ivec &co, int size, int csi) { if(!(c.visible&0xC0)) return; int vismask = ~c.merged & 0x3F; if(!(c.visible&0x80)) vismask &= c.visible; if(!vismask) return; int tj = filltjoints && c.ext ? c.ext->tjoints : -1, vis; loopi(6) if(vismask&(1<surfaces[i].numverts&MAXFACEVERTS : 0, convex = 0; if(numverts) { verts = c.ext->verts() + c.ext->surfaces[i].verts; vec vo(ivec(co).mask(~0xFFF)); loopj(numverts) pos[j] = vec(verts[j].getxyz()).mul(1.0f/8).add(vo); if(!flataxisface(c, i)) convex = faceconvexity(verts, numverts, size); } else { ivec v[4]; genfaceverts(c, i, v); if(!flataxisface(c, i)) convex = faceconvexity(v); int order = vis&4 || convex < 0 ? 1 : 0; vec vo(co); pos[numverts++] = vec(v[order]).mul(size/8.0f).add(vo); if(vis&1) pos[numverts++] = vec(v[order+1]).mul(size/8.0f).add(vo); pos[numverts++] = vec(v[order+2]).mul(size/8.0f).add(vo); if(vis&2) pos[numverts++] = vec(v[(order+3)&3]).mul(size/8.0f).add(vo); } VSlot &vslot = lookupvslot(c.texture[i], true), *layer = vslot.layer && !(c.material&MAT_ALPHA) ? &lookupvslot(vslot.layer, true) : NULL; ushort envmap = vslot.slot->shader->type&SHADER_ENVMAP ? (vslot.slot->texmask&(1<slot->shader->type&SHADER_ENVMAP ? (layer->slot->texmask&(1<= 0 && tjoints[tj].edge < i*(MAXFACEVERTS+1)) tj = tjoints[tj].next; int hastj = tj >= 0 && tjoints[tj].edge < (i+1)*(MAXFACEVERTS+1) ? tj : -1; int grassy = vslot.slot->grass && i!=O_BOTTOM ? (vis!=3 || convex ? 1 : 2) : 0; if(!c.ext) addcubeverts(vslot, i, size, pos, convex, c.texture[i], NULL, numverts, hastj, envmap, grassy, (c.material&MAT_ALPHA)!=0); else { const surfaceinfo &surf = c.ext->surfaces[i]; if(!surf.numverts || surf.numverts&LAYER_TOP) addcubeverts(vslot, i, size, pos, convex, c.texture[i], verts, numverts, hastj, envmap, grassy, (c.material&MAT_ALPHA)!=0, surf.numverts&LAYER_BLEND); if(surf.numverts&LAYER_BOTTOM) addcubeverts(layer ? *layer : vslot, i, size, pos, convex, vslot.layer, verts, numverts, hastj, envmap2, 0, false, surf.numverts&LAYER_TOP ? LAYER_BOTTOM : LAYER_TOP); } } } ////////// Vertex Arrays ////////////// int allocva = 0; int wtris = 0, wverts = 0, vtris = 0, vverts = 0, glde = 0, gbatches = 0; vector valist, varoot; static vtxarray *newva(const ivec &o, int size) { vtxarray *va = new vtxarray; va->parent = NULL; va->o = o; va->size = size; va->curvfc = VFC_NOT_VISIBLE; va->occluded = OCCLUDE_NOTHING; va->query = NULL; va->bbmin = va->alphamin = va->refractmin = va->skymin = ivec(-1, -1, -1); va->bbmax = va->alphamax = va->refractmax = va->skymax = ivec(-1, -1, -1); va->hasmerges = 0; va->mergelevel = -1; vc.setupdata(va); if(va->alphafronttris || va->alphabacktris || va->refracttris) { va->alphamin = ivec(vec(vc.alphamin).mul(8)).shr(3); va->alphamax = ivec(vec(vc.alphamax).mul(8)).add(7).shr(3); } if(va->refracttris) { va->refractmin = ivec(vec(vc.refractmin).mul(8)).shr(3); va->refractmax = ivec(vec(vc.refractmax).mul(8)).add(7).shr(3); } if(va->sky && vc.skymax.x >= 0) { va->skymin = ivec(vec(vc.skymin).mul(8)).shr(3); va->skymax = ivec(vec(vc.skymax).mul(8)).add(7).shr(3); } va->nogimin = vc.nogimin; va->nogimax = vc.nogimax; wverts += va->verts; wtris += va->tris + va->blends + va->alphabacktris + va->alphafronttris + va->refracttris + va->decaltris; allocva++; valist.add(va); return va; } void destroyva(vtxarray *va, bool reparent) { wverts -= va->verts; wtris -= va->tris + va->blends + va->alphabacktris + va->alphafronttris + va->refracttris + va->decaltris; allocva--; valist.removeobj(va); if(!va->parent) varoot.removeobj(va); if(reparent) { if(va->parent) va->parent->children.removeobj(va); loopv(va->children) { vtxarray *child = va->children[i]; child->parent = va->parent; if(child->parent) child->parent->children.add(child); } } if(va->vbuf) destroyvbo(va->vbuf); if(va->ebuf) destroyvbo(va->ebuf); if(va->skybuf) destroyvbo(va->skybuf); if(va->decalbuf) destroyvbo(va->decalbuf); if(va->texelems) delete[] va->texelems; if(va->decalelems) delete[] va->decalelems; if(va->matbuf) delete[] va->matbuf; delete va; } void clearvas(cube *c) { loopi(8) { if(c[i].ext) { if(c[i].ext->va) destroyva(c[i].ext->va, false); c[i].ext->va = NULL; c[i].ext->tjoints = -1; } if(c[i].children) clearvas(c[i].children); } } ivec worldmin(0, 0, 0), worldmax(0, 0, 0), nogimin(0, 0, 0), nogimax(0, 0, 0); void updatevabb(vtxarray *va, bool force) { if(!force && va->bbmin.x >= 0) return; va->bbmin = va->geommin; va->bbmax = va->geommax; va->bbmin.min(va->lavamin); va->bbmax.max(va->lavamax); va->bbmin.min(va->watermin); va->bbmax.max(va->watermax); va->bbmin.min(va->glassmin); va->bbmax.max(va->glassmax); loopv(va->children) { vtxarray *child = va->children[i]; updatevabb(child, force); va->bbmin.min(child->bbmin); va->bbmax.max(child->bbmax); } loopv(va->mapmodels) { octaentities *oe = va->mapmodels[i]; va->bbmin.min(oe->bbmin); va->bbmax.max(oe->bbmax); } loopv(va->decals) { octaentities *oe = va->decals[i]; va->bbmin.min(oe->bbmin); va->bbmax.max(oe->bbmax); } va->bbmin.max(va->o); va->bbmax.min(ivec(va->o).add(va->size)); worldmin.min(va->bbmin); worldmax.max(va->bbmax); nogimin.min(va->nogimin); nogimax.max(va->nogimax); } void updatevabbs(bool force) { if(force) { worldmin = nogimin = ivec(worldsize, worldsize, worldsize); worldmax = nogimax = ivec(0, 0, 0); loopv(varoot) updatevabb(varoot[i], true); if(worldmin.x >= worldmax.x) { worldmin = ivec(0, 0, 0); worldmax = ivec(worldsize, worldsize, worldsize); } } else loopv(varoot) updatevabb(varoot[i]); } struct mergedface { uchar orient, numverts; ushort mat, tex, envmap; vertinfo *verts; int tjoints; }; #define MAXMERGELEVEL 12 static int vahasmerges = 0, vamergemax = 0; static vector vamerges[MAXMERGELEVEL+1]; static int genmergedfaces(cube &c, const ivec &co, int size, int minlevel = -1) { if(!c.ext || isempty(c)) return -1; int tj = c.ext->tjoints, maxlevel = -1; loopi(6) if(c.merged&(1<surfaces[i]; int numverts = surf.numverts&MAXFACEVERTS; if(!numverts) { if(minlevel < 0) vahasmerges |= MERGE_PART; continue; } mergedface mf; mf.orient = i; mf.mat = c.material; mf.tex = c.texture[i]; mf.envmap = EMID_NONE; mf.numverts = surf.numverts; mf.verts = c.ext->verts() + surf.verts; mf.tjoints = -1; int level = calcmergedsize(i, co, size, mf.verts, mf.numverts&MAXFACEVERTS); if(level > minlevel) { maxlevel = max(maxlevel, level); while(tj >= 0 && tjoints[tj].edge < i*(MAXFACEVERTS+1)) tj = tjoints[tj].next; if(tj >= 0 && tjoints[tj].edge < (i+1)*(MAXFACEVERTS+1)) mf.tjoints = tj; VSlot &vslot = lookupvslot(mf.tex, true), *layer = vslot.layer && !(c.material&MAT_ALPHA) ? &lookupvslot(vslot.layer, true) : NULL; if(vslot.slot->shader->type&SHADER_ENVMAP) mf.envmap = vslot.slot->texmask&(1<slot->shader->type&SHADER_ENVMAP ? (layer->slot->texmask&(1<= 0) { vamergemax = max(vamergemax, maxlevel); vahasmerges |= MERGE_ORIGIN; } return maxlevel; } static int findmergedfaces(cube &c, const ivec &co, int size, int csi, int minlevel) { if(c.ext && c.ext->va && !(c.ext->va->hasmerges&MERGE_ORIGIN)) return c.ext->va->mergelevel; else if(c.children) { int maxlevel = -1; loopi(8) { ivec o(i, co, size/2); int level = findmergedfaces(c.children[i], o, size/2, csi-1, minlevel); maxlevel = max(maxlevel, level); } return maxlevel; } else if(c.ext && c.merged) return genmergedfaces(c, co, size, minlevel); else return -1; } static void addmergedverts(int level, const ivec &o) { vector &mfl = vamerges[level]; if(mfl.empty()) return; vec vo(ivec(o).mask(~0xFFF)); vec pos[MAXFACEVERTS]; loopv(mfl) { mergedface &mf = mfl[i]; int numverts = mf.numverts&MAXFACEVERTS; loopi(numverts) { vertinfo &v = mf.verts[i]; pos[i] = vec(v.x, v.y, v.z).mul(1.0f/8).add(vo); } VSlot &vslot = lookupvslot(mf.tex, true); int grassy = vslot.slot->grass && mf.orient!=O_BOTTOM && mf.numverts&LAYER_TOP ? 2 : 0; addcubeverts(vslot, mf.orient, 1<hasmerges&(MERGE_ORIGIN|MERGE_PART)) { loopv(va->decals) vc.extdecals.add(va->decals[i]); loopv(va->children) finddecals(va->children[i]); } } static void rendercube(cube &c, const ivec &co, int size, int csi, int &maxlevel) // creates vertices and indices ready to be put into a va { //if(size<=16) return; if(c.ext && c.ext->va) { maxlevel = max(maxlevel, c.ext->va->mergelevel); finddecals(c.ext->va); return; // don't re-render } if(c.children) { neighbourstack[++neighbourdepth] = c.children; c.escaped = 0; loopi(8) { ivec o(i, co, size/2); int level = -1; rendercube(c.children[i], o, size/2, csi-1, level); if(level >= csi) c.escaped |= 1<ents) { if(c.ext->ents->mapmodels.length()) vc.mapmodels.add(c.ext->ents); if(c.ext->ents->decals.length()) vc.decals.add(c.ext->ents); } return; } if(!isempty(c)) { gencubeverts(c, co, size, csi); if(c.merged) maxlevel = max(maxlevel, genmergedfaces(c, co, size)); } if(c.material != MAT_AIR) { genmatsurfs(c, co, size, vc.matsurfs); if(c.material&MAT_NOGI) { vc.nogimin.min(co); vc.nogimax.max(ivec(co).add(size)); } } if(c.ext && c.ext->ents) { if(c.ext->ents->mapmodels.length()) vc.mapmodels.add(c.ext->ents); if(c.ext->ents->decals.length()) vc.decals.add(c.ext->ents); } if(csi <= MAXMERGELEVEL && vamerges[csi].length()) addmergedverts(csi, co); } static void calcgeombb(const ivec &co, int size, ivec &bbmin, ivec &bbmax) { vec vmin(co), vmax = vmin; vmin.add(size); loopv(vc.verts) { const vec &v = vc.verts[i].pos; vmin.min(v); vmax.max(v); } bbmin = ivec(vmin.mul(8)).shr(3); bbmax = ivec(vmax.mul(8)).add(7).shr(3); } static int entdepth = -1; static octaentities *entstack[32]; static void setva(cube &c, const ivec &co, int size, int csi) { ASSERT(size <= 0x1000); int vamergeoffset[MAXMERGELEVEL+1]; loopi(MAXMERGELEVEL+1) vamergeoffset[i] = vamerges[i].length(); vc.origin = co; vc.size = size; loopi(entdepth+1) { octaentities *oe = entstack[i]; if(oe->decals.length()) vc.extdecals.add(oe); } int maxlevel = -1; rendercube(c, co, size, csi, maxlevel); if(size == min(0x1000, worldsize/2) || !vc.emptyva()) { vtxarray *va = newva(co, size); ext(c).va = va; calcgeombb(co, size, va->geommin, va->geommax); calcmatbb(va, co, size, vc.matsurfs); va->hasmerges = vahasmerges; va->mergelevel = vamergemax; } else { loopi(MAXMERGELEVEL+1) vamerges[i].setsize(vamergeoffset[i]); } vc.clear(); } static inline int setcubevisibility(cube &c, const ivec &co, int size) { if(isempty(c) && (c.material&MATF_CLIP) != MAT_CLIP) return 0; int numvis = 0, vismask = 0, collidemask = 0, checkmask = 0; loopi(6) { int facemask = classifyface(c, i, co, size); if(facemask&1) { vismask |= 1<surfaces[i].numverts&MAXFACEVERTS) numvis++; } else { numvis++; if(c.texture[i] != DEFAULT_SKY && !(c.ext && c.ext->surfaces[i].numverts&MAXFACEVERTS)) checkmask |= 1<va) { varoot.add(c[i].ext->va); if(c[i].ext->va->hasmerges&MERGE_ORIGIN) findmergedfaces(c[i], o, size, csi, csi); } else { if(c[i].children) { if(c[i].ext && c[i].ext->ents) entstack[++entdepth] = c[i].ext->ents; count += updateva(c[i].children, o, size/2, csi-1); if(c[i].ext && c[i].ext->ents) --entdepth; } else count += setcubevisibility(c[i], o, size); int tcount = count + (csi <= MAXMERGELEVEL ? vamerges[csi].length() : 0); if(tcount > vafacemax || (tcount >= vafacemin && size >= vacubesize) || size == min(0x1000, worldsize/2)) { loadprogress = clamp(recalcprogress/float(allocnodes), 0.0f, 1.0f); setva(c[i], o, size, csi); if(c[i].ext && c[i].ext->va) { while(varoot.length() > childpos) { vtxarray *child = varoot.pop(); c[i].ext->va->children.add(child); child->parent = c[i].ext->va; } varoot.add(c[i].ext->va); if(vamergemax > size) { cmergemax = max(cmergemax, vamergemax); chasmerges |= vahasmerges&~MERGE_USE; } continue; } else count = 0; } } if(csi+1 <= MAXMERGELEVEL && vamerges[csi].length()) vamerges[csi+1].move(vamerges[csi]); cmergemax = max(cmergemax, vamergemax); chasmerges |= vahasmerges; ccount += count; } --neighbourdepth; vamergemax = cmergemax; vahasmerges = chasmerges; return ccount; } static void addtjoint(const edgegroup &g, const cubeedge &e, int offset) { int vcoord = (g.slope[g.axis]*offset + g.origin[g.axis]) & 0x7FFF; tjoint &tj = tjoints.add(); tj.offset = vcoord / g.slope[g.axis]; tj.edge = e.index; int prev = -1, cur = ext(*e.c).tjoints; while(cur >= 0) { tjoint &o = tjoints[cur]; if(tj.edge < o.edge || (tj.edge==o.edge && (e.flags&CE_FLIP ? tj.offset > o.offset : tj.offset < o.offset))) break; prev = cur; cur = o.next; } tj.next = cur; if(prev < 0) e.c->ext->tjoints = tjoints.length()-1; else tjoints[prev].next = tjoints.length()-1; } static void findtjoints(int cur, const edgegroup &g) { int active = -1; while(cur >= 0) { cubeedge &e = cubeedges[cur]; int prevactive = -1, curactive = active; while(curactive >= 0) { cubeedge &a = cubeedges[curactive]; if(a.offset+a.size <= e.offset) { if(prevactive >= 0) cubeedges[prevactive].next = a.next; else active = a.next; } else { prevactive = curactive; if(!(a.flags&CE_DUP)) { if(e.flags&CE_START && e.offset > a.offset && e.offset < a.offset+a.size) addtjoint(g, a, e.offset); if(e.flags&CE_END && e.offset+e.size > a.offset && e.offset+e.size < a.offset+a.size) addtjoint(g, a, e.offset+e.size); } if(!(e.flags&CE_DUP)) { if(a.flags&CE_START && a.offset > e.offset && a.offset < e.offset+e.size) addtjoint(g, e, a.offset); if(a.flags&CE_END && a.offset+a.size > e.offset && a.offset+a.size < e.offset+e.size) addtjoint(g, e, a.offset+a.size); } } curactive = a.next; } int next = e.next; e.next = active; active = cur; cur = next; } } void findtjoints() { recalcprogress = 0; gencubeedges(); tjoints.setsize(0); enumeratekt(edgegroups, edgegroup, g, int, e, findtjoints(e, g)); cubeedges.setsize(0); edgegroups.clear(); } void octarender() // creates va s for all leaf cubes that don't already have them { int csi = 0; while(1<sky; } visibleva = NULL; } static void precachetextures() { vector texs; loopv(valist) { vtxarray *va = valist[i]; loopj(va->texs + va->blends) { int tex = va->texelems[j].texture; if(texs.find(tex) < 0) { texs.add(tex); VSlot &vslot = lookupvslot(tex, false); if(vslot.layer && texs.find(vslot.layer) < 0) texs.add(vslot.layer); if(vslot.detail && texs.find(vslot.detail) < 0) texs.add(vslot.detail); } } } loopv(texs) { loadprogress = float(i+1)/texs.length(); lookupvslot(texs[i]); } loadprogress = 0; } void allchanged(bool load) { if(mainmenu && !isconnected()) load = false; if(load) initlights(); renderprogress(0, "clearing vertex arrays..."); clearvas(worldroot); resetqueries(); resetclipplanes(); if(load) initenvmaps(); entitiesinoctanodes(); tjoints.setsize(0); if(filltjoints) findtjoints(); octarender(); if(load) precachetextures(); setupmaterials(); clearshadowcache(); updatevabbs(true); if(load) { genshadowmeshes(); updateblendtextures(); seedparticles(); genenvmaps(); drawminimap(); } } static void recalc() { allchanged(true); } COMMAND(recalc, "");