#include "pvs.hh" #include "main.hh" // numcpus, interceptkey, renderbackground #include "octa.hh" #include "engine.hh" enum { PVS_HIDE_GEOM = 1<<0, PVS_HIDE_BB = 1<<1 }; struct pvsnode { bvec edges; uchar flags; uint children; }; static vector origpvsnodes; static bool mergepvsnodes(pvsnode &p, pvsnode *children) { loopi(7) if(children[i].flags!=children[7].flags) return false; bvec bbs[4]; loop(x, 2) loop(y, 2) { const bvec &lo = children[octaindex(2, x, y, 0)].edges, &hi = children[octaindex(2, x, y, 1)].edges; if(lo.x!=0xFF && (lo.x&0x11 || lo.y&0x11 || lo.z&0x11)) return false; if(hi.x!=0xFF && (hi.x&0x11 || hi.y&0x11 || hi.z&0x11)) return false; #define MERGEBBS(res, coord, row, col) \ if(lo.coord==0xFF) \ { \ if(hi.coord!=0xFF) \ { \ res.coord = ((hi.coord&~0x11)>>1) + 0x44; \ res.row = hi.row; \ res.col = hi.col; \ } \ } \ else if(hi.coord==0xFF) \ { \ res.coord = (lo.coord&0xEE)>>1; \ res.row = lo.row; \ res.col = lo.col; \ } \ else if(lo.row!=hi.row || lo.col!=hi.col || (lo.coord&0xF0)!=0x80 || (hi.coord&0xF)!=0) return false; \ else \ { \ res.coord = ((lo.coord&~0xF1)>>1) | (((hi.coord&~0x1F)>>1) + 0x40); \ res.row = lo.row; \ res.col = lo.col; \ } bvec &res = bbs[x + 2*y]; MERGEBBS(res, z, x, y); res.x = lo.x; res.y = lo.y; } loop(x, 2) { bvec &lo = bbs[x], &hi = bbs[x+2]; MERGEBBS(lo, y, x, z); } bvec &lo = bbs[0], &hi = bbs[1]; MERGEBBS(p.edges, x, y, z); return true; } static void genpvsnodes(cube *c, int parent = 0, const ivec &co = ivec(0, 0, 0), int size = worldsize/2) { int index = origpvsnodes.length(); loopi(8) { ivec o(i, co, size); pvsnode &n = origpvsnodes.add(); n.flags = 0; n.children = 0; if(c[i].children || isempty(c[i]) || c[i].material&MAT_ALPHA) memset(n.edges.v, 0xFF, 3); else loopk(3) { uint face = c[i].faces[k]; if(face==F_SOLID) n.edges[k] = 0x80; else { uchar low = max(max(face&0xF, (face>>8)&0xF), max((face>>16)&0xF, (face>>24)&0xF)), high = min(min((face>>4)&0xF, (face>>12)&0xF), min((face>>20)&0xF, (face>>28)&0xF)); if(size<8) { if(low&((8/size)-1)) { low += 8/size - (low&((8/size)-1)); } if(high&((8/size)-1)) high &= ~(8/size-1); } if(low >= high) { memset(n.edges.v, 0xFF, 3); break; } n.edges[k] = low | (high<<4); } } } int branches = 0; loopi(8) if(c[i].children) { ivec o(i, co, size); genpvsnodes(c[i].children, index+i, o, size>>1); if(origpvsnodes[index+i].children) branches++; } if(!branches && mergepvsnodes(origpvsnodes[parent], &origpvsnodes[index])) origpvsnodes.setsize(index); else origpvsnodes[parent].children = index; } struct shaftplane { float r, c, offset; uchar rnear, cnear, rfar, cfar; }; struct shaftbb { union { ushort v[6]; struct { usvec min, max; }; }; shaftbb() {} shaftbb(const ivec &o, int size) { min.x = o.x; min.y = o.y; min.z = o.z; max.x = o.x + size; max.y = o.y + size; max.z = o.z + size; } shaftbb(const ivec &o, int size, const bvec &edges) { min.x = o.x + (size*(edges.x&0xF))/8; min.y = o.y + (size*(edges.y&0xF))/8; min.z = o.z + (size*(edges.z&0xF))/8; max.x = o.x + (size*(edges.x>>4))/8; max.y = o.y + (size*(edges.y>>4))/8; max.z = o.z + (size*(edges.z>>4))/8; } ushort &operator[](int i) { return v[i]; } ushort operator[](int i) const { return v[i]; } bool contains(const shaftbb &o) const { return min.x<=o.min.x && min.y<=o.min.y && min.z<=o.min.z && max.x>=o.max.x && max.y>=o.max.y && max.z>=o.max.z; } bool outside(const ivec &o, int size) const { return o.x>=max.x || o.y>=max.y || o.z>=max.z || o.x+size<=min.x || o.y+size<=min.y || o.z+size<=min.z; } bool outside(const shaftbb &o) const { return o.min.x>max.x || o.min.y>max.y || o.min.z>max.z || o.max.xmax.x || o.max.y>max.y || o.max.z>max.z; } }; struct shaft { shaftbb bounds; shaftplane planes[8]; int numplanes; shaft(const shaftbb &from, const shaftbb &to) { calcshaft(from, to); } void calcshaft(const shaftbb &from, const shaftbb &to) { uchar match = 0, color = 0; loopi(3) { if(to.min[i] < from.min[i]) { color |= 1< from.min[i]) bounds.min[i] = to.min[i]+1; else { match |= 1< from.max[i]) { color |= 8<>i)^(color>>j))&1) { int r = i%3, c = j%3, d = (r+1)%3; if(d==c) d = (c+1)%3; shaftplane &p = planes[numplanes++]; p.r = from[j] - to[j]; if(i<3 ? p.r >= 0 : p.r < 0) { p.r = -p.r; p.c = from[i] - to[i]; } else p.c = to[i] - from[i]; p.offset = -(from[i]*p.r + from[j]*p.c); p.rnear = p.r >= 0 ? r : 3+r; p.cnear = p.c >= 0 ? c : 3+c; p.rfar = p.r < 0 ? r : 3+r; p.cfar = p.c < 0 ? c : 3+c; } } bool outside(const shaftbb &o) const { if(bounds.outside(o)) return true; for(const shaftplane *p = planes; p < &planes[numplanes]; p++) { if(o[p->rnear]*p->r + o[p->cnear]*p->c + p->offset > 0) return true; } return false; } bool inside(const shaftbb &o) const { if(bounds.notinside(o)) return false; for(const shaftplane *p = planes; p < &planes[numplanes]; p++) { if(o[p->rfar]*p->r + o[p->cfar]*p->c + p->offset > 0) return false; } return true; } }; struct pvsdata { int offset, len; pvsdata() {} pvsdata(int offset, int len) : offset(offset), len(len) {} }; static vector pvsbuf; static inline uint hthash(const pvsdata &k) { uint h = 5381; loopi(k.len) h = ((h<<5)+h)^pvsbuf[k.offset+i]; return h; } static inline bool htcmp(const pvsdata &x, const pvsdata &y) { return x.len==y.len && !memcmp(&pvsbuf[x.offset], &pvsbuf[y.offset], x.len); } static SDL_mutex *pvsmutex = NULL; static hashtable pvscompress; static vector pvs; static SDL_mutex *viewcellmutex = NULL; struct viewcellrequest { int *result; ivec o; int size; }; static vector viewcellrequests; static bool genpvs_canceled = false; static int numviewcells = 0; VAR(maxpvsblocker, 1, 512, 1<<16); VAR(pvsleafsize, 1, 64, 1024); #define MAXWATERPVS 32 static struct { int height; vector matsurfs; } waterplanes[MAXWATERPVS]; static vector waterfalls; static uint numwaterplanes = 0; struct pvsworker { pvsworker() : thread(NULL), pvsnodes(new pvsnode[origpvsnodes.length()]) { } ~pvsworker() { delete[] pvsnodes; } SDL_Thread *thread; pvsnode *pvsnodes; shaftbb viewcellbb; pvsnode *levels[32]; int curlevel; ivec origin; void resetlevels() { curlevel = worldscale; levels[curlevel] = &pvsnodes[0]; origin = ivec(0, 0, 0); } int hasvoxel(const ivec &p, int coord, int dir, int ocoord = 0, int odir = 0, int *omin = NULL) { uint diff = (origin.x^p.x)|(origin.y^p.y)|(origin.z^p.z); if(diff >= uint(worldsize)) return 0; diff >>= curlevel; while(diff) { curlevel++; diff >>= 1; } pvsnode *cur = levels[curlevel]; while(cur->children && !(cur->flags&PVS_HIDE_BB)) { cur = &pvsnodes[cur->children]; curlevel--; cur += ((p.z>>(curlevel-2))&4) | ((p.y>>(curlevel-1))&2) | ((p.x>>curlevel)&1); levels[curlevel] = cur; } origin = ivec(p.x&(~0U<flags&PVS_HIDE_BB || cur->edges==bvec(0x80, 0x80, 0x80)) { if(omin) { int step = origin[ocoord] + (odir< *omin) *omin = step; } return origin[coord] + (dir<edges.x==0xFF) return 0; ivec bbp(p); bbp.sub(origin); ivec bbmin, bbmax; bbmin.x = ((cur->edges.x&0xF)<edges.x>>4)<= bbmax.x) return 0; bbmin.y = ((cur->edges.y&0xF)<edges.y>>4)<= bbmax.y) return 0; bbmin.z = ((cur->edges.z&0xF)<edges.z>>4)<= bbmax.z) return 0; if(omin) { int step = (odir ? bbmax[ocoord] : bbmin[ocoord]) - bbp[ocoord] + (odir - 1); if(odir ? step < *omin : step > *omin) *omin = step; } return (dir ? bbmax[coord] : bbmin[coord]) - bbp[coord] + (dir - 1); } void hidepvs(pvsnode &p) { if(p.children) { pvsnode *children = &pvsnodes[p.children]; loopi(8) hidepvs(children[i]); p.flags |= PVS_HIDE_BB; return; } p.flags |= PVS_HIDE_BB; if(p.edges.x!=0xFF) p.flags |= PVS_HIDE_GEOM; } void shaftcullpvs(shaft &s, pvsnode &p, const ivec &co = ivec(0, 0, 0), int size = worldsize) { if(p.flags&PVS_HIDE_BB) return; shaftbb bb(co, size); if(s.outside(bb)) return; if(s.inside(bb)) { hidepvs(p); return; } if(p.children) { pvsnode *children = &pvsnodes[p.children]; uchar flags = 0xFF; loopi(8) { ivec o(i, co, size>>1); shaftcullpvs(s, children[i], o, size>>1); flags &= children[i].flags; } if(flags & PVS_HIDE_BB) p.flags |= PVS_HIDE_BB; return; } if(p.edges.x==0xFF) return; shaftbb geom(co, size, p.edges); if(s.inside(geom)) p.flags |= PVS_HIDE_GEOM; } queue prevblockers; struct cullorder { int index, dist; cullorder() {} cullorder(int index, int dist) : index(index), dist(dist) {} }; void cullpvs(pvsnode &p, const ivec &co = ivec(0, 0, 0), int size = worldsize) { if(p.flags&(PVS_HIDE_BB | PVS_HIDE_GEOM) || genpvs_canceled) return; if(p.children && !(p.flags&PVS_HIDE_BB)) { pvsnode *children = &pvsnodes[p.children]; int csize = size>>1; ivec dmin = ivec(co).add(csize>>1).sub(ivec(viewcellbb.min).add(ivec(viewcellbb.max)).shr(1)), dmax = ivec(dmin).add(csize); dmin.mul(dmin); dmax.mul(dmax); ivec diff = ivec(dmax).sub(dmin); cullorder order[8]; int dir = 0; if(diff.x < 0) { diff.x = -diff.x; dir |= 1; } if(diff.y < 0) { diff.y = -diff.y; dir |= 2; } if(diff.z < 0) { diff.z = -diff.z; dir |= 4; } order[0] = cullorder(0, 0); order[7] = cullorder(7, diff.x + diff.y + diff.z); order[1] = cullorder(1, diff.x); order[2] = cullorder(2, diff.y); order[3] = cullorder(4, diff.z); if(order[2].dist < order[1].dist) swap(order[1], order[2]); if(order[3].dist < order[2].dist) swap(order[2], order[3]); if(order[2].dist < order[1].dist) swap(order[1], order[2]); cullorder dxy(order[1].index|order[2].index, order[1].dist+order[2].dist), dxz(order[1].index|order[3].index, order[1].dist+order[3].dist), dyz(order[2].index|order[3].index, order[2].dist+order[3].dist); int j; for(j = 4; j > 0 && dxy.dist < order[j-1].dist; --j) order[j] = order[j-1]; order[j] = dxy; for(j = 5; j > 0 && dxz.dist < order[j-1].dist; --j) order[j] = order[j-1]; order[j] = dxz; for(j = 6; j > 0 && dyz.dist < order[j-1].dist; --j) order[j] = order[j-1]; order[j] = dyz; loopi(8) { int index = order[i].index^dir; ivec o(index, co, csize); cullpvs(children[index], o, csize); } if(!(p.flags & PVS_HIDE_BB)) return; } bvec edges = p.children ? bvec(0x80, 0x80, 0x80) : p.edges; if(edges.x==0xFF) return; shaftbb geom(co, size, edges); ivec diff = ivec(geom.max).sub(ivec(viewcellbb.min)).abs(); cullorder order[3] = { cullorder(0, diff.x), cullorder(1, diff.y), cullorder(2, diff.z) }; if(order[1].dist > order[0].dist) swap(order[0], order[1]); if(order[2].dist > order[1].dist) swap(order[1], order[2]); if(order[1].dist > order[0].dist) swap(order[0], order[1]); loopi(6) { int dim = order[i >= 3 ? i-3 : i].index, dc = (i >= 3) != (geom.max[dim] <= viewcellbb.min[dim]) ? 1 : 0, r = R[dim], c = C[dim]; int ccenter = geom.min[c]; if(geom.min[r]==geom.max[r] || geom.min[c]==geom.max[c]) continue; while(ccenter < geom.max[c]) { ivec rmin; rmin[dim] = geom[dim + 3*dc] + (dc ? -1 : 0); rmin[r] = geom.min[r]; rmin[c] = ccenter; ivec rmax = rmin; rmax[r] = geom.max[r] - 1; int rcenter = (rmin[r] + rmax[r])/2; resetlevels(); for(int minstep = -1, maxstep = 1; (minstep || maxstep) && rmax[r] - rmin[r] < maxpvsblocker;) { if(minstep) minstep = hasvoxel(rmin, r, 0); if(maxstep) maxstep = hasvoxel(rmax, r, 1); rmin[r] += minstep; rmax[r] += maxstep; } rmin[r] = rcenter + (rmin[r] - rcenter)/2; rmax[r] = rcenter + (rmax[r] - rcenter)/2; if(rmin[r]>=geom.min[r] && rmax[r]=geom.min[r] && rmax[r]=geom.min[c] && cmax[c]geom.min[r]) emin[r] = geom.min[r]; if(emax[r]= viewcellbb.max[dim] || bb.max[dim] <= viewcellbb.min[dim]) { int ddir = bb.min[dim] >= viewcellbb.max[dim] ? 1 : -1, dval = ddir>0 ? USHRT_MAX-1 : 0, dlimit = maxpvsblocker, numsides = 0; loopj(4) { ivec dmax; int odim = j < 2 ? c : r; if(j&1) { if(bb.max[odim] >= viewcellbb.max[odim]) continue; dmax[odim] = bb.max[odim]-1; } else { if(bb.min[odim] <= viewcellbb.min[odim]) continue; dmax[odim] = bb.min[odim]; } numsides++; dmax[dim] = bb.min[dim]; int stepdim = j < 2 ? r : c, stepstart = bb.min[stepdim], stepend = bb.max[stepdim]; int dstep = ddir; for(; dstep && ddir*(dmax[dim] - (int)bb.min[dim]) < dlimit;) { dmax[dim] += dstep; dstep = ddir > 0 ? INT_MAX : INT_MIN; dmax[stepdim] = stepstart; resetlevels(); for(int step = 1; step && dmax[stepdim] < stepend;) { step = hasvoxel(dmax, stepdim, 1, dim, (ddir+1)/2, &dstep); dmax[stepdim] += step; } if(dmax[stepdim] < stepend) dstep = 0; } dlimit = min(dlimit, ddir*(dmax[dim] - (int)bb.min[dim])); if(!dstep) dmax[dim] -= ddir; if(ddir>0) dval = min(dval, dmax[dim]); else dval = max(dval, dmax[dim]); } if(numsides>0) { if(ddir>0) bb.max[dim] = dval+1; else bb.min[dim] = dval; } //printf("(%d,%d,%d) x %d,%d,%d, side %d, ccenter = %d, origin = (%d,%d,%d), size = %d\n", bb.min.x, bb.min.y, bb.min.z, bb.max.x-bb.min.x, bb.max.y-bb.min.y, bb.max.z-bb.min.z, i, ccenter, co.x, co.y, co.z, size); } bool dup = false; loopvj(prevblockers) { if(prevblockers[j].contains(bb)) { dup = true; break; } } if(!dup) { shaft s(viewcellbb, bb); shaftcullpvs(s, pvsnodes[0]); prevblockers.add(bb); } if(bb.contains(geom)) return; ccenter = cmax[c] + 1; } } } bool compresspvs(pvsnode &p, int size, int threshold) { if(!p.children) return true; if(p.flags&PVS_HIDE_BB) { p.children = 0; return true; } pvsnode *children = &pvsnodes[p.children]; bool canreduce = true; loopi(8) { if(!compresspvs(children[i], size/2, threshold)) canreduce = false; } if(canreduce) { int hide = children[7].flags&PVS_HIDE_BB; loopi(7) if((children[i].flags&PVS_HIDE_BB)!=hide) canreduce = false; if(canreduce) { p.flags = (p.flags & ~PVS_HIDE_BB) | hide; p.children = 0; return true; } } if(size <= threshold) { p.children = 0; return true; } return false; } vector outbuf; bool serializepvs(pvsnode &p, int storage = -1) { if(!p.children) { outbuf.add(0xFF); loopi(8) outbuf.add(p.flags&PVS_HIDE_BB ? 0xFF : 0); return true; } int index = outbuf.length(); pvsnode *children = &pvsnodes[p.children]; int i = 0; uchar leafvalues = 0; if(storage>=0) { for(; i < 8; i++) { pvsnode &child = children[i]; if(child.flags&PVS_HIDE_BB) leafvalues |= 1<255) { outbuf[storage] = 0; return false; } outbuf[storage] = uchar(offset); } outbuf.add(0); loopj(8) outbuf.add(leafvalues&(1< &matsurfs) { if(pvsnodes[0].flags & PVS_HIDE_BB) return true; if(!pvsnodes[0].children) return false; loopv(matsurfs) { materialsurface &m = *matsurfs[i]; ivec bbmin(m.o), bbmax(m.o); int dim = dimension(m.orient); bbmin[dim] += dimcoord(m.orient) ? -2 : 2; bbmax[C[dim]] += m.csize; bbmax[R[dim]] += m.rsize; if(!materialoccluded(pvsnodes[0], ivec(0, 0, 0), worldsize/2, bbmin, bbmax)) return false; } return true; } int wateroccluded, waterbytes; void calcpvs(const ivec &co, int size) { loopk(3) { viewcellbb.min[k] = co[k]; viewcellbb.max[k] = co[k]+size; } memcpy(pvsnodes, origpvsnodes.getbuf(), origpvsnodes.length()*sizeof(pvsnode)); prevblockers.clear(); cullpvs(pvsnodes[0]); wateroccluded = 0; loopi(numwaterplanes) { if(waterplanes[i].height < 0) { if(waterfalls.length() && materialoccluded(waterfalls)) wateroccluded |= 1<>(i*8))&0xFF); pvsbuf.put(outbuf.getbuf(), outbuf.length()); int *val = pvscompress.access(key); if(val) pvsbuf.setsize(key.offset); else { val = &pvscompress[key]; *val = pvs.length(); pvs.add(key); } if(pvsmutex) SDL_UnlockMutex(pvsmutex); return *val; } static int run(void *data) { pvsworker *w = (pvsworker *)data; SDL_LockMutex(viewcellmutex); while(viewcellrequests.length()) { viewcellrequest req = viewcellrequests.pop(); SDL_UnlockMutex(viewcellmutex); int result = w->genviewcell(req.o, req.size); SDL_LockMutex(viewcellmutex); *req.result = result; } SDL_UnlockMutex(viewcellmutex); return 0; } }; struct viewcellnode { uchar leafmask; union viewcellchild { int pvs; viewcellnode *node; } children[8]; viewcellnode() : leafmask(0xFF) { loopi(8) children[i].pvs = -1; } ~viewcellnode() { loopi(8) if(!(leafmask&(1< pvsworkers; static volatile bool check_genpvs_progress = false; static Uint32 genpvs_timer(Uint32 interval, void *param) { check_genpvs_progress = true; return interval; } static int totalviewcells = 0; static void show_genpvs_progress(int unique = pvs.length(), int processed = numviewcells) { float bar1 = float(processed) / float(totalviewcells>0 ? totalviewcells : 1); defformatstring(text1, "%d%% - %d of %d view cells (%d unique)", int(bar1 * 100), processed, totalviewcells, unique); renderprogress(bar1, text1); if(interceptkey(SDLK_ESCAPE)) genpvs_canceled = true; check_genpvs_progress = false; } static shaftbb pvsbounds; static void calcpvsbounds() { loopk(3) pvsbounds.min[k] = USHRT_MAX; loopk(3) pvsbounds.max[k] = 0; loopv(valist) { vtxarray *va = valist[i]; loopk(3) { if(va->geommin[k]>va->geommax[k]) continue; pvsbounds.min[k] = min(pvsbounds.min[k], (ushort)va->geommin[k]); pvsbounds.max[k] = max(pvsbounds.max[k], (ushort)va->geommax[k]); } } } static inline bool isallclip(cube *c) { loopi(8) { cube &h = c[i]; if(h.children ? !isallclip(h.children) : (!isentirelysolid(h) && (h.material&MATF_CLIP)!=MAT_CLIP)) return false; } return true; } static int countviewcells(cube *c, const ivec &co, int size, int threshold) { int count = 0; loopi(8) { ivec o(i, co, size); if(pvsbounds.outside(o, size)) continue; cube &h = c[i]; if(h.children) { if(size>threshold) { count += countviewcells(h.children, o, size>>1, threshold); continue; } if(isallclip(h.children)) continue; } else if(isentirelysolid(h) || (h.material&MATF_CLIP)==MAT_CLIP) continue; count++; } return count; } static void genviewcells(viewcellnode &p, cube *c, const ivec &co, int size, int threshold) { if(genpvs_canceled) return; loopi(8) { ivec o(i, co, size); if(pvsbounds.outside(o, size)) continue; cube &h = c[i]; if(h.children) { if(size>threshold) { p.leafmask &= ~(1<>1, threshold); continue; } if(isallclip(h.children)) continue; } else if(isentirelysolid(h) || (h.material&MATF_CLIP)==MAT_CLIP) continue; if(pvsworkers.length()) { if(genpvs_canceled) return; p.children[i].pvs = pvsworkers[0]->genviewcell(o, size); if(check_genpvs_progress) show_genpvs_progress(); } else { viewcellrequest &req = viewcellrequests.add(); req.result = &p.children[i].pvs; req.o = o; req.size = size; } } } static viewcellnode *viewcells = NULL; static int lockedwaterplanes[MAXWATERPVS]; static uchar *curpvs = NULL, *lockedpvs = NULL; static int curwaterpvs = 0, lockedwaterpvs = 0; static inline pvsdata *lookupviewcell(const vec &p) { uint x = uint(floor(p.x)), y = uint(floor(p.y)), z = uint(floor(p.z)); if(!viewcells || (x|y|z)>=uint(worldsize)) return NULL; viewcellnode *vc = viewcells; for(int scale = worldscale-1; scale>=0; scale--) { int i = octastep(x, y, z, scale); if(vc->leafmask&(1<children[i].pvs>=0 ? &pvs[vc->children[i].pvs] : NULL; } vc = vc->children[i].node; } return NULL; } static void lockpvs_(bool lock) { if(lockedpvs) DELETEA(lockedpvs); if(!lock) return; pvsdata *d = lookupviewcell(camera1->o); if(!d) return; int wbytes = d->len%9, len = d->len - wbytes; lockedpvs = new uchar[len]; memcpy(lockedpvs, &pvsbuf[d->offset + wbytes], len); lockedwaterpvs = 0; loopi(wbytes) lockedwaterpvs |= pvsbuf[d->offset + i] << (i*8); loopi(MAXWATERPVS) lockedwaterplanes[i] = waterplanes[i].height; conoutf("locked view cell at %.1f, %.1f, %.1f", camera1->o.x, camera1->o.y, camera1->o.z); } VARF(lockpvs, 0, 0, 1, lockpvs_(lockpvs!=0)); VARN(pvs, usepvs, 0, 1, 1); VARN(waterpvs, usewaterpvs, 0, 1, 1); void setviewcell(const vec &p) { if(!usepvs) curpvs = NULL; else if(lockedpvs) { curpvs = lockedpvs; curwaterpvs = lockedwaterpvs; } else { pvsdata *d = lookupviewcell(p); curpvs = d ? &pvsbuf[d->offset] : NULL; curwaterpvs = 0; if(d) { loopi(d->len%9) curwaterpvs |= *curpvs++ << (i*8); } } if(!usepvs || !usewaterpvs) curwaterpvs = 0; } void clearpvs() { DELETEP(viewcells); pvs.setsize(0); pvsbuf.setsize(0); curpvs = NULL; numwaterplanes = 0; lockpvs = 0; lockpvs_(false); } COMMAND(clearpvs, ""); static void findwaterplanes() { loopi(MAXWATERPVS) { waterplanes[i].height = -1; waterplanes[i].matsurfs.setsize(0); } waterfalls.setsize(0); numwaterplanes = 0; loopv(valist) { vtxarray *va = valist[i]; loopj(va->matsurfs) { materialsurface &m = va->matbuf[j]; if((m.material&MATF_VOLUME)!=MAT_WATER || m.orient==O_BOTTOM) { j += m.skip; continue; } if(m.orient!=O_TOP) { waterfalls.add(&m); continue; } loopk(numwaterplanes) if(waterplanes[k].height == m.o.z) { waterplanes[k].matsurfs.add(&m); goto nextmatsurf; } if(numwaterplanes < MAXWATERPVS) { waterplanes[numwaterplanes].height = m.o.z; waterplanes[numwaterplanes].matsurfs.add(&m); numwaterplanes++; } nextmatsurf:; } } if(waterfalls.length() > 0 && numwaterplanes < MAXWATERPVS) numwaterplanes++; } static void testpvs(int *vcsize) { lockpvs_(false); uint oldnumwaterplanes = numwaterplanes; int oldwaterplanes[MAXWATERPVS]; loopi(numwaterplanes) oldwaterplanes[i] = waterplanes[i].height; findwaterplanes(); pvsnode &root = origpvsnodes.add(); memset(root.edges.v, 0xFF, 3); root.flags = 0; root.children = 0; genpvsnodes(worldroot); genpvs_canceled = false; check_genpvs_progress = false; int size = *vcsize>0 ? *vcsize : 32; for(int mask = 1; mask < size; mask <<= 1) size &= ~mask; ivec o = ivec(camera1->o).mask(~(size-1)); pvsworker w; int len; lockedpvs = w.testviewcell(o, size, &lockedwaterpvs, &len); loopi(MAXWATERPVS) lockedwaterplanes[i] = waterplanes[i].height; lockpvs = 1; conoutf("generated test view cell of size %d at %.1f, %.1f, %.1f (%d B)", size, camera1->o.x, camera1->o.y, camera1->o.z, len); origpvsnodes.setsize(0); numwaterplanes = oldnumwaterplanes; loopi(numwaterplanes) waterplanes[i].height = oldwaterplanes[i]; } COMMAND(testpvs, "i"); static void genpvs(int *viewcellsize) { if(worldsize > 1<<15) { conoutf(CON_ERROR, "map is too large for PVS"); return; } renderbackground("generating PVS (esc to abort)"); genpvs_canceled = false; Uint32 start = SDL_GetTicks(); renderprogress(0, "finding view cells"); clearpvs(); calcpvsbounds(); findwaterplanes(); pvsnode &root = origpvsnodes.add(); memset(root.edges.v, 0xFF, 3); root.flags = 0; root.children = 0; genpvsnodes(worldroot); totalviewcells = countviewcells(worldroot, ivec(0, 0, 0), worldsize>>1, *viewcellsize>0 ? *viewcellsize : 32); numviewcells = 0; genpvs_canceled = false; check_genpvs_progress = false; SDL_TimerID timer = 0; int numthreads = pvsthreads > 0 ? pvsthreads : numcpus; if(numthreads<=1) { pvsworkers.add(new pvsworker); timer = SDL_AddTimer(500, genpvs_timer, NULL); } viewcells = new viewcellnode; genviewcells(*viewcells, worldroot, ivec(0, 0, 0), worldsize>>1, *viewcellsize>0 ? *viewcellsize : 32); if(numthreads<=1) { SDL_RemoveTimer(timer); } else { renderprogress(0, "creating threads"); if(!pvsmutex) pvsmutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); if(!viewcellmutex) viewcellmutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); loopi(numthreads) { pvsworker *w = pvsworkers.add(new pvsworker); w->thread = SDL_CreateThread(pvsworker::run, "pvs worker", w); } show_genpvs_progress(0, 0); while(!genpvs_canceled) { SDL_Delay(500); SDL_LockMutex(viewcellmutex); int unique = pvs.length(), processed = numviewcells, remaining = viewcellrequests.length(); SDL_UnlockMutex(viewcellmutex); show_genpvs_progress(unique, processed); if(!remaining) break; } SDL_LockMutex(viewcellmutex); viewcellrequests.setsize(0); SDL_UnlockMutex(viewcellmutex); loopv(pvsworkers) SDL_WaitThread(pvsworkers[i]->thread, NULL); } pvsworkers.deletecontents(); origpvsnodes.setsize(0); pvscompress.clear(); Uint32 end = SDL_GetTicks(); if(genpvs_canceled) { clearpvs(); conoutf("genpvs aborted"); } else conoutf("generated %d unique view cells totaling %.1f kB and averaging %d B (%.1f seconds)", pvs.length(), pvsbuf.length()/1024.0f, pvsbuf.length()/max(pvs.length(), 1), (end - start) / 1000.0f); } COMMAND(genpvs, "i"); static void pvsstats() { conoutf("%d unique view cells totaling %.1f kB and averaging %d B", pvs.length(), pvsbuf.length()/1024.0f, pvsbuf.length()/max(pvs.length(), 1)); } COMMAND(pvsstats, ""); static inline bool pvsoccluded(uchar *buf, const ivec &co, int size, const ivec &bbmin, const ivec &bbmax) { uchar leafmask = buf[0]; loopoctabox(co, size, bbmin, bbmax) { ivec o(i, co, size); if(leafmask&(1<>1, bbmin, bbmax)&~leafvalues)) return false; } else if(!pvsoccluded(buf+9*buf[1+i], o, size>>1, bbmin, bbmax)) return false; } return true; } static inline bool pvsoccluded(uchar *buf, const ivec &bbmin, const ivec &bbmax) { int diff = (bbmin.x^bbmax.x) | (bbmin.y^bbmax.y) | (bbmin.z^bbmax.z); if(diff&~((1<putchar(p.leafmask); loopi(8) { if(p.leafmask&(1<putlil(p.children[i].pvs); else saveviewcells(f, *p.children[i].node); } } void savepvs(stream *f) { uint totallen = pvsbuf.length() | (numwaterplanes>0 ? 0x80000000U : 0); f->putlil(totallen); if(numwaterplanes>0) { f->putlil(numwaterplanes); loopi(numwaterplanes) { f->putlil(waterplanes[i].height); if(waterplanes[i].height < 0) break; } } loopv(pvs) f->putlil(pvs[i].len); f->write(pvsbuf.getbuf(), pvsbuf.length()); saveviewcells(f, *viewcells); } static viewcellnode *loadviewcells(stream *f) { viewcellnode *p = new viewcellnode; p->leafmask = f->getchar(); loopi(8) { if(p->leafmask&(1<children[i].pvs = f->getlil(); else p->children[i].node = loadviewcells(f); } return p; } void loadpvs(stream *f, int numpvs) { uint totallen = f->getlil(); if(totallen & 0x80000000U) { totallen &= ~0x80000000U; numwaterplanes = f->getlil(); loopi(numwaterplanes) waterplanes[i].height = f->getlil(); } int offset = 0; loopi(numpvs) { ushort len = f->getlil(); pvs.add(pvsdata(offset, len)); offset += len; } f->read(pvsbuf.reserve(totallen).buf, totallen); pvsbuf.advance(totallen); viewcells = loadviewcells(f); } int getnumviewcells() { return pvs.length(); }