* Installing and Running Tesseract *nix versions of Tesseract clients and standalone servers. The clients function identical to the win32 client, see config.html for more information about command-line options if necessary. Please run "tesseract_unix" from the root Tesseract dir (NOT from inside the "bin_unix" directory) to launch these, or set the TESS_DATA variable at the top of the "tesseract_unix" script to an absolute path to allow it to be run from any location. Note that the "tesseract_unix" script is set up to write any files (saved maps, configs, etc.) into the user's home directory at "~/.tesseract". Clients will need the following dynamic link libraries present: * libGL (OpenGL) * SDL2 (>= 2.0.0) * SDL2_image * SDL2_mixer * libpng * libjpeg * zlib If native binaries for your platform are not included, then try the following: 1) Ensure you have the DEVELOPMENT VERSIONS of the above libraries installed. 2) Type "make -C src install". 3) Re-run the "tesseract_unix" script if it succeeded. The servers (bin_unix/linux_server or bin_unix/native_server) should need no libs other than libstdc++ and zlib. Note that for the server to see the "config/server-init.cfg", it must be run from the root Tesseract directory. If you run a server with the "tesseract_unix -d" command, this happens automatically. However, if you wish to run the standalone servers instead, then you may need to write an appropriate wrapper script to change to the appropriate data directory before running the standalone server binary, as described below in the packaging guide. * Packaging Guide for Unix-like Operating System Developers/Maintainers If you are packaging Tesseract up for redistribution in a Linux distribution or other similar OS, please avoid using the "tesseract_unix" script in its default/unmodified form. You should at least set the TESS_DATA variable to appropriately find the common Tesseract data files, or better yet replace it with a more appropriate way of starting Tesseract using the script as a basis. If the distribution happens to place program binaries in a specific directory separate from data files, such as "/usr/bin", then much of the lines within the script that deal with finding an appropriate binary can be removed, as they only exist to help people running from the original Tesseract tarball. An example run script is shown further below. Also, please note, that if your distribution chooses to package the binaries and game data as separate packages due to whatever licensing rules or cross-architecture package sharing, that client binaries from newer Tesseract editions are NOT compatible with older versions of game data, on whole, nor obviously compatible with newer versions of game data. Game data, as a whole, and client binaries are only roughly compatible within individual Tesseract editions, though patches to individual Tesseract editions generally always retain compatibility with the game data. For those writing custom Tesseract run scripts for packaging, they should adhere to the following guidelines: Tesseract finds all game files relative to the current directory from which Tesseract is run, so any script running Tesseract should set its current directory to where the Tesseract data files are located before it runs the Tesseract client binaries. No silly symlinking tricks should be at all necessary. When running the Tesseract client, one command-line switch should ALWAYS be supplied to the client binary. This is "-u${HOME}/.tesseract", which will instruct Tesseract to write any user private files such as saved maps and configurations to a private ".tesseract" directory within each user's home directory. Tesseract will automatically create this directory and any subdirectories for each user running it, so do not pre-create this directory or install any symlinks within it - as some Linux distribution packages have erroneously done. All command-line switches supplied to the Tesseract run script should be passed to the Tesseract client after the "-u${HOME}/.tesseract" switch. A simple script such as the following (with directory/file names set as appropriate) would ultimately suffice for the client: #!/bin/sh TESS_DATA=/usr/share/games/tesseract TESS_BIN=/usr/bin/tesseract_client TESS_OPTIONS="-u${HOME}/.tesseract" cd ${TESS_DATA} exec ${TESS_BIN} ${TESS_OPTIONS} "$@" A simple script for the server, which assumes a global default "config/server-init.cfg" in TESS_DATA, but allows per-user overriding via the home directory, might be: #!/bin/sh TESS_DATA=/usr/share/games/tesseract TESS_SERV_BIN=/usr/bin/tesseract_server TESS_SERV_OPTIONS="-u${HOME}/.tesseract" cd ${TESS_DATA} exec ${TESS_SERV_BIN} ${TESS_SERV_OPTIONS} "$@" With respect to libraries, make sure that you do not link Tesseract against any other ENet package than the one that comes included with the Tesseract, as it may be different from the official ENet releases and might fail to compile or communicate properly.