#include "cubescript/cubescript.hh" #include "cs_util.hh" #include #include namespace cscript { static inline void p_skip_white(ostd::ConstCharRange &v) { while (!v.empty() && isspace(*v)) { ++v; } } static inline void p_set_end( const ostd::ConstCharRange &v, ostd::ConstCharRange *end ) { if (!end) { return; } *end = v; } /* this function assumes the input is definitely a hex digit */ static inline cs_int p_hexd_to_int(char c) { if (c >= 97) { /* a-f */ return (c - 'a') + 10; } else if (c >= 65) { /* A-F */ return (c - 'A') + 10; } /* 0-9 */ return c - '0'; } static inline bool p_check_neg(ostd::ConstCharRange &input) { bool neg = (*input == '-'); if (neg || (*input == '+')) { ++input; } return neg; } cs_int cs_parse_int(ostd::ConstCharRange input, ostd::ConstCharRange *end) { ostd::ConstCharRange orig = input; p_skip_white(input); if (input.empty()) { p_set_end(orig, end); return cs_int(0); } bool neg = p_check_neg(input); cs_int ret = 0; ostd::ConstCharRange past = input; if (input.size() >= 2) { ostd::ConstCharRange pfx = input.slice(0, 2); if ((pfx == "0x") || (pfx == "0X")) { input += 2; past = input; while (!past.empty() && isxdigit(*past)) { ret = ret * 16 + p_hexd_to_int(*past); ++past; } goto done; } else if ((pfx == "0b") || (pfx == "0B")) { input += 2; past = input; while (!past.empty() && ((*past == '0') || (*past == '1'))) { ret = ret * 2 + (*past - '0'); ++past; } goto done; } } while (!past.empty() && isdigit(*past)) { ret = ret * 10 + (*past - '0'); ++past; } done: if (past.equals_front(input)) { p_set_end(orig, end); } else { p_set_end(past, end); } if (neg) { return -ret; } return ret; } template static inline bool p_read_exp(ostd::ConstCharRange &input, cs_int &fn) { if (input.empty()) { return true; } if ((*input != e1) && (*input != e2)) { return true; } ++input; if (input.empty()) { return false; } bool neg = p_check_neg(input); if (input.empty() || !isdigit(*input)) { return false; } cs_int exp = 0; while (!input.empty() && isdigit(*input)) { exp = exp * 10 + (*input - '0'); ++input; } if (neg) { exp = -exp; } fn += exp; return true; } template static inline bool parse_gen_float( ostd::ConstCharRange input, ostd::ConstCharRange *end, cs_float &ret ) { auto read_digits = [&input](double r, cs_int &n) { while (!input.empty() && (Hex ? isxdigit(*input) : isdigit(*input))) { if (Hex) { r = r * 16.0 + double(p_hexd_to_int(*input)); } else { r = r * 10.0 + double(*input - '0'); } ++n; ++input; } return r; }; cs_int wn = 0, fn = 0; double r = read_digits(0.0, wn); if (!input.empty() && (*input == '.')) { ++input; r = read_digits(r, fn); } if (!wn && !fn) { return false; } fn = -fn; p_set_end(input, end); /* we have a valid number until here */ if (p_read_exp(input, fn)) { p_set_end(input, end); } if (Hex) { ret = cs_float(ldexp(r, fn * 4)); } else { ret = cs_float(r * pow(10, fn)); } return true; } cs_float cs_parse_float(ostd::ConstCharRange input, ostd::ConstCharRange *end) { ostd::ConstCharRange orig = input; p_skip_white(input); if (input.empty()) { p_set_end(orig, end); return cs_float(0); } bool neg = p_check_neg(input); cs_float ret = cs_float(0); if (input.size() >= 2) { ostd::ConstCharRange pfx = input.slice(0, 2); if ((pfx == "0x") || (pfx == "0X")) { input += 2; if (!parse_gen_float(input, end, ret)) { p_set_end(orig, end); return ret; } goto done; } } if (!parse_gen_float(input, end, ret)) { p_set_end(orig, end); return ret; } done: if (neg) { return -ret; } return ret; } namespace util { OSTD_EXPORT ostd::ConstCharRange parse_string( cs_state &cs, ostd::ConstCharRange str, size_t &nlines ) { size_t nl = 0; nlines = nl; if (str.empty() || (*str != '\"')) { return str; } ostd::ConstCharRange orig = str; ++str; ++nl; while (!str.empty()) { switch (*str) { case '\r': case '\n': case '\"': goto end; case '^': case '\\': { bool needn = (*str == '\\'); ++str; if (str.empty()) { goto end; } if ((*str == '\r') || (*str == '\n')) { char c = *str; ++str; ++nl; if (!str.empty() && (c == '\r') && (*str == '\n')) { ++str; } } else if (needn) { goto end; } else { ++str; } continue; } } ++str; } end: nlines = nl; if (str.empty() || (*str != '\"')) { throw cs_error( cs, "unfinished string '%s'", ostd::slice_until(orig, str) ); } return str + 1; } OSTD_EXPORT ostd::ConstCharRange parse_word( cs_state &cs, ostd::ConstCharRange str ) { for (;;) { str = ostd::find_one_of(str, ostd::ConstCharRange("\"/;()[] \t\r\n")); if (str.empty()) { return str; } switch (*str) { case '"': case ';': case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': return str; case '/': if ((str.size() > 1) && (str[1] == '/')) { return str; } break; case '[': str = parse_word(cs, str + 1); if (str.empty() || (*str != ']')) { throw cs_error(cs, "missing \"]\""); } break; case '(': str = parse_word(cs, str + 1); if (str.empty() || (*str != ')')) { throw cs_error(cs, "missing \")\""); } break; case ']': case ')': return str; } ++str; } return str; } void ListParser::skip() { for (;;) { while (!p_input.empty()) { char c = *p_input; if ((c == ' ') || (c == '\t') || (c == '\r') || (c == '\n')) { ++p_input; } else { break; } } if ((p_input.size() < 2) || (p_input[0] != '/') || (p_input[1] != '/')) { break; } p_input = ostd::find(p_input, '\n'); } } bool ListParser::parse() { skip(); if (p_input.empty()) { return false; } switch (*p_input) { case '"': p_quote = p_input; p_input = parse_string(p_state, p_input); p_quote = ostd::slice_until(p_quote, p_input); p_item = p_quote.slice(1, p_quote.size() - 1); break; case '(': case '[': { p_quote = p_input; ++p_input; p_item = p_input; char btype = *p_quote; int brak = 1; for (;;) { p_input = ostd::find_one_of( p_input, ostd::ConstCharRange("\"/;()[]") ); if (p_input.empty()) { return true; } char c = *p_input; ++p_input; switch (c) { case '"': p_input = parse_string(p_state, p_input); break; case '/': if (!p_input.empty() && (*p_input == '/')) { p_input = ostd::find(p_input, '\n'); } break; case '(': case '[': brak += (c == btype); break; case ')': if ((btype == '(') && (--brak <= 0)) { goto endblock; } break; case ']': if ((btype == '[') && (--brak <= 0)) { goto endblock; } break; } } endblock: p_item = ostd::slice_until(p_item, p_input); p_item.pop_back(); p_quote = ostd::slice_until(p_quote, p_input); break; } case ')': case ']': return false; default: { ostd::ConstCharRange e = parse_word(p_state, p_input); p_quote = p_item = ostd::slice_until(p_input, e); p_input = e; break; } } skip(); if (!p_input.empty() && (*p_input == ';')) { ++p_input; } return true; } size_t ListParser::count() { size_t ret = 0; while (parse()) { ++ret; } return ret; } } /* namespace util */ } /* namespace cscript */