#ifdef CS_REPL_USE_LINENOISE #ifdef OSTD_PLATFORM_POSIX #ifndef CS_REPL_HAS_EDIT #define CS_REPL_HAS_EDIT /* use the bundled linenoise library, default */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "linenoise.hh" static cs_state *ln_cs = nullptr; static void ln_complete(char const *buf, linenoiseCompletions *lc) { ostd::string_range cmd = get_complete_cmd(buf); for (auto id: ln_cs->get_idents()) { if (!id->is_command()) { continue; } ostd::string_range idname = id->get_name(); if (idname.size() <= cmd.size()) { continue; } if (idname.slice(0, cmd.size()) == cmd) { linenoiseAddCompletion(lc, idname.data()); } } } static char *ln_hint(char const *buf, int *color, int *bold) { cs_command *cmd = get_hint_cmd(*ln_cs, buf); if (!cmd) { return nullptr; } std::string args = " ["; fill_cmd_args(args, cmd->get_args()); args += ']'; *color = 35; *bold = 1; char *ret = new char[args.size() + 1]; memcpy(ret, args.data(), args.size() + 1); return ret; } static void ln_hint_free(void *hint) { delete[] static_cast(hint); } static void init_lineedit(cs_state &cs, ostd::string_range) { /* sensible default history size */ linenoiseHistorySetMaxLen(1000); ln_cs = &cs; linenoiseSetCompletionCallback(ln_complete); linenoiseSetHintsCallback(ln_hint); linenoiseSetFreeHintsCallback(ln_hint_free); } static std::optional read_line(cs_state &, cs_svar *pr) { auto line = linenoise(pr->get_value().data()); if (!line) { /* linenoise traps ctrl-c, detect it and let the user exit */ if (errno == EAGAIN) { raise(SIGINT); return std::nullopt; } return std::string{}; } std::string ret = line; linenoiseFree(line); return std::move(ret); } static void add_history(cs_state &, ostd::string_range line) { /* backed by std::string so it's terminated */ linenoiseHistoryAdd(line.data()); } #endif #endif #endif