revamped format module (more flexible, cleaner api)

Daniel Kolesa 2017-02-20 18:04:03 +01:00
parent 3a82495a4c
commit 5a76f29dea
4 changed files with 415 additions and 443 deletions

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
namespace ostd {
enum FormatFlags {
enum format_flags {
FMT_FLAG_DASH = 1 << 0,
FMT_FLAG_ZERO = 1 << 1,
FMT_FLAG_SPACE = 1 << 2,
@ -30,6 +30,20 @@ struct format_error: std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
struct format_spec;
typename T, typename R, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<
decltype(std::declval<T const &>().to_format(
std::declval<R &>(), std::declval<format_spec const &>()
)), void
inline void to_format(T const &v, R &writer, format_spec const &fs) {
v.to_format(writer, fs);
/* implementation helpers */
namespace detail {
inline int parse_fmt_flags(string_range &fmt, int ret) {
while (!fmt.empty()) {
@ -112,9 +126,31 @@ namespace detail {
{ "0b", "0", "", "0x" }
/* non-printable escapes up to 0x20 (space) */
static constexpr char const *fmt_escapes[] = {
"\\0" , "\\x01", "\\x02", "\\x03", "\\x04", "\\x05",
"\\x06", "\\a" , "\\b" , "\\t" , "\\n" , "\\v" ,
"\\f" , "\\r" , "\\x0E", "\\x0F", "\\x10", "\\x11",
"\\x12", "\\x13", "\\x14", "\\x15", "\\x16", "\\x17",
"\\x18", "\\x19", "\\x1A", "\\x1B", "\\x1C", "\\x1D",
"\\x1E", "\\x1F",
/* we want to escape double quotes... */
nullptr, nullptr, "\\\"", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
nullptr, "\\\'"
inline char const *escape_fmt_char(char v, char quote) {
if ((v >= 0 && v < 0x20) || (v == quote)) {
return fmt_escapes[size_t(v)];
} else if (v == 0x7F) {
return "\\x7F";
return nullptr;
/* retrieve width/precision */
template<typename T, typename ...A>
int get_arg_param(size_t idx, T const &val, A const &...args) {
inline int get_arg_param(size_t idx, T const &val, A const &...args) {
if (idx) {
if constexpr(!sizeof...(A)) {
throw format_error{"not enough format args"};
@ -125,10 +161,53 @@ namespace detail {
if constexpr(!std::is_integral_v<T>) {
throw format_error{"invalid argument for width/precision"};
} else {
if constexpr(std::is_signed_v<T>) {
if (val < 0) {
throw format_error{
"width/precision cannot be negative"
return int(val);
/* fallback test for whether a value can be converted to string */
template<typename T>
static std::true_type test_fmt_tostr(
decltype(ostd::to_string<T>{}(std::declval<T>())) *
static std::false_type test_fmt_tostr(...);
template<typename T>
constexpr bool fmt_tostr_test = decltype(test_fmt_tostr<T>(0))::value;
/* ugly ass check for whether a type is tuple-like, like tuple itself,
* pair, array, possibly other types added later or overridden...
template<typename T>
std::true_type tuple_like_test(typename std::tuple_size<T>::type *);
std::false_type tuple_like_test(...);
template<typename T>
constexpr bool is_tuple_like = decltype(tuple_like_test<T>(0))::value;
/* test whether to_format works */
template<typename T, typename R>
static std::true_type test_tofmt(decltype(to_format(
std::declval<T const &>(), std::declval<R &>(),
std::declval<format_spec const &>()
)) *);
template<typename, typename>
static std::false_type test_tofmt(...);
template<typename T, typename R>
constexpr bool fmt_tofmt_test = decltype(test_tofmt<T, R>(0))::value;
struct format_spec {
@ -137,12 +216,8 @@ struct format_spec {
p_nested_escape(escape), p_fmt(fmt)
format_spec(char spec, int width = -1, int prec = -1, int flags = 0):
format_spec(char spec, int flags = 0):
p_width((width >= 0) ? width : 0),
p_precision((prec >= 0) ? prec : 0),
p_has_width(width >= 0),
p_has_precision(prec >= 0),
@ -166,41 +241,10 @@ struct format_spec {
return false;
template<typename R>
void write_spaces(R &writer, size_t n, bool left, char c = ' ') const {
if (left == bool(p_flags & FMT_FLAG_DASH)) {
for (int w = p_width - int(n); --w >= 0; writer.put(c));
string_range rest() const {
return p_fmt;
template<typename R>
R &&build_spec(R &&out, string_range spec) const {
if (p_flags & FMT_FLAG_DASH ) {
if (p_flags & FMT_FLAG_ZERO ) {
if (p_flags & FMT_FLAG_SPACE) {
out.put(' ');
if (p_flags & FMT_FLAG_PLUS ) {
if (p_flags & FMT_FLAG_HASH ) {
range_put_all(out, string_range{"*.*"});
range_put_all(out, spec);
return std::forward<R>(out);
int width() const { return p_width; }
int precision() const { return p_precision; }
@ -213,11 +257,25 @@ struct format_spec {
template<typename ...A>
void set_width(size_t idx, A const &...args) {
p_width = detail::get_arg_param(idx, args...);
p_has_width = p_arg_width = true;
void set_width(int v) {
p_width = v;
p_has_width = true;
p_arg_width = false;
template<typename ...A>
void set_precision(size_t idx, A const &...args) {
p_precision = detail::get_arg_param(idx, args...);
p_has_precision = p_arg_precision = true;
void set_precision(int v) {
p_precision = v;
p_has_precision = true;
p_arg_precision = false;
int flags() const { return p_flags; }
@ -232,7 +290,19 @@ struct format_spec {
bool is_nested() const { return p_is_nested; }
bool nested_escape() const { return p_nested_escape; }
template<typename R, typename ...A>
inline R &&format(R &&writer, A const &...args) {
write_fmt(writer, args...);
return std::forward<R>(writer);
template<typename R, typename T>
inline R &&format_value(R &&writer, T const &val) {
write_arg(writer, 0, val);
return std::forward<R>(writer);
string_range p_nested;
string_range p_nested_sep;
@ -297,8 +367,12 @@ protected:
/* found end, in that case delimiter is after spec */
if (p.front() == ')') {
p_nested = begin_inner.slice(0, &begin_delim[0] - &begin_inner[0]);
p_nested_sep = begin_delim.slice(0, &p[0] - &begin_delim[0] - 1);
p_nested = begin_inner.slice(
0, &begin_delim[0] - &begin_inner[0]
p_nested_sep = begin_delim.slice(
0, &p[0] - &begin_delim[0] - 1
p_fmt = p;
p_is_nested = true;
@ -312,7 +386,9 @@ protected:
for (p = find(p, '%'); !p.empty(); p = find(p, '%')) {
if (p.front() == ')') {
p_nested_sep = p_nested_sep.slice(0, &p[0] - &p_nested_sep[0] - 1);
p_nested_sep = p_nested_sep.slice(
0, &p[0] - &p_nested_sep[0] - 1
p_fmt = p;
p_is_nested = true;
@ -410,251 +486,71 @@ protected:
return (sp >= 65) && (detail::fmt_specs[sp - 65] != 0);
string_range p_fmt;
char p_buf[32];
/* for custom container formatting */
typename T, typename R, typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_same_v<decltype(std::declval<T const &>().to_format(
std::declval<R &>(), std::declval<format_spec const &>()
)), void>
inline void to_format(T const &v, R &writer, format_spec const &fs) {
v.to_format(writer, fs);
namespace detail {
template<typename R, typename T>
inline void write_u(R &writer, format_spec const *fl, bool neg, T val) {
char buf[20];
size_t n = 0;
char spec = fl->spec();
if (spec == 's') spec = 'd';
byte specn = detail::fmt_specs[spec - 65];
if (specn <= 2 || specn > 7) {
throw format_error{"cannot format integers with the given spec"};
int base = detail::fmt_bases[specn];
if (!val) {
buf[n++] = '0';
for (; val; val /= base) {
buf[n++] = detail::fmt_digits[spec >= 'a'][val % base];
int flags = fl->flags();
bool lsgn = flags & FMT_FLAG_PLUS;
bool lsp = flags & FMT_FLAG_SPACE;
bool zero = flags & FMT_FLAG_ZERO;
bool sign = neg + lsgn + lsp;
char const *pfx = nullptr;
size_t pfxlen = 0;
if (flags & FMT_FLAG_HASH && spec != 'd') {
pfx = detail::fmt_intpfx[spec >= 'a'][specn - 3];
pfxlen = !!pfx[1] + 1;
if (!zero) {
fl->write_spaces(writer, n + pfxlen + sign, true, ' ');
if (sign) {
writer.put(neg ? '-' : *((" \0+") + lsgn * 2));
range_put_all(writer, string_range{pfx, pfx + pfxlen});
if (zero) {
fl->write_spaces(writer, n + pfxlen + sign, true, '0');
for (int i = int(n - 1); i >= 0; --i) {
fl->write_spaces(writer, n + sign + pfxlen, false);
template<typename R, typename ...A>
static void format_impl(
R &writer, bool escape, string_range fmt, A const &...args
template<size_t I>
struct FmtTupleUnpacker {
template<typename R, typename T, typename ...A>
static inline void unpack(
R &writer, bool esc, string_range fmt,
T const &item, A const &...args
) {
FmtTupleUnpacker<I - 1>::unpack(
writer, esc, fmt, item, std::get<I - 1>(item), args...
struct FmtTupleUnpacker<0> {
template<typename R, typename T, typename ...A>
static inline void unpack(
R &writer, bool esc, string_range fmt,
T const &, A const &...args
) {
format_impl(writer, esc, fmt, args...);
/* ugly ass check for whether a type is tuple-like, like tuple itself,
* pair, array, possibly other types added later or overridden...
template<typename T>
std::true_type tuple_like_test(typename std::tuple_size<T>::type *);
std::false_type tuple_like_test(...);
template<typename T>
constexpr bool is_tuple_like = decltype(tuple_like_test<T>(0))::value;
template<typename R, typename T>
inline void format_ritem(
R &writer, bool esc, bool, string_range fmt,
T const &item, std::enable_if_t<!is_tuple_like<T>, bool> = true
) {
format_impl(writer, esc, fmt, item);
template<typename R, typename T>
inline void format_ritem(
R &writer, bool esc, bool expandval, string_range fmt,
T const &item, std::enable_if_t<is_tuple_like<T>, bool> = true
) {
if (expandval) {
writer, esc, fmt, item
} else {
format_impl(writer, esc, fmt, item);
template<typename R, typename T>
inline void write_range(
R &writer, format_spec const *fl, bool escape, bool expandval,
string_range sep, T const &val,
std::enable_if_t<detail::iterable_test<T>, bool> = true
) {
auto range = ostd::iter(val);
if (range.empty()) {
template<typename R>
void write_spaces(R &writer, size_t n, bool left, char c = ' ') const {
if (left == bool(p_flags & FMT_FLAG_DASH)) {
/* test first item */
format_ritem(writer, escape, expandval, fl->rest(), range.front());
/* write the rest (if any) */
for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) {
range_put_all(writer, sep);
writer, escape, expandval, fl->rest(), range.front()
for (int w = p_width - int(n); --w >= 0; writer.put(c));
template<typename R, typename T>
inline void write_range(
R &, format_spec const *, bool, bool, string_range,
T const &, std::enable_if_t<!detail::iterable_test<T>, bool> = true
) {
throw format_error{"invalid value for ranged format"};
template<typename R>
void build_spec(R &out, string_range spec) const {
if (p_flags & FMT_FLAG_DASH ) {
template<typename T>
static std::true_type test_fmt_tostr(
decltype(ostd::to_string<T>{}(std::declval<T>())) *
static std::false_type test_fmt_tostr(...);
template<typename T>
constexpr bool fmt_tostr_test = decltype(test_fmt_tostr<T>(0))::value;
/* non-printable escapes up to 0x20 (space) */
static constexpr char const *fmt_escapes[] = {
"\\0" , "\\x01", "\\x02", "\\x03", "\\x04", "\\x05",
"\\x06", "\\a" , "\\b" , "\\t" , "\\n" , "\\v" ,
"\\f" , "\\r" , "\\x0E", "\\x0F", "\\x10", "\\x11",
"\\x12", "\\x13", "\\x14", "\\x15", "\\x16", "\\x17",
"\\x18", "\\x19", "\\x1A", "\\x1B", "\\x1C", "\\x1D",
"\\x1E", "\\x1F",
/* we want to escape double quotes... */
nullptr, nullptr, "\\\"", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
nullptr, "\\\'"
inline char const *escape_fmt_char(char v, char quote) {
if ((v >= 0 && v < 0x20) || (v == quote)) {
return fmt_escapes[size_t(v)];
} else if (v == 0x7F) {
return "\\x7F";
if (p_flags & FMT_FLAG_ZERO ) {
return nullptr;
if (p_flags & FMT_FLAG_SPACE) {
out.put(' ');
inline std::string escape_fmt_str(string_range val) {
std::string ret;
while (!val.empty()) {
char const *esc = escape_fmt_char(val.front(), '"');
if (esc) {
} else {
if (p_flags & FMT_FLAG_PLUS ) {
if (p_flags & FMT_FLAG_HASH ) {
return ret;
range_put_all(out, string_range{"*.*"});
range_put_all(out, spec);
template<typename T, typename R>
static std::true_type test_tofmt(decltype(to_format(
std::declval<T const &>(), std::declval<R &>(),
std::declval<format_spec const &>()
)) *);
template<typename, typename>
static std::false_type test_tofmt(...);
template<typename T, typename R>
constexpr bool fmt_tofmt_test = decltype(test_tofmt<T, R>(0))::value;
struct write_spec: format_spec {
using format_spec::format_spec;
/* string base writer */
template<typename R>
void write_str(R &writer, bool escape, string_range val) const {
if (escape) {
write_str(writer, false, escape_fmt_str(val));
size_t n = val.size();
if (this->precision()) {
n = this->precision();
if (has_precision()) {
n = std::min(n, size_t(precision()));
this->write_spaces(writer, n, true);
write_spaces(writer, n, true);
if (escape) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (val.empty()) {
char c = val.front();
char const *esc = detail::escape_fmt_char(c, '"');
if (esc) {
range_put_all(writer, string_range{esc});
} else {
} else {
range_put_all(writer, val.slice(0, n));
this->write_spaces(writer, n, false);
write_spaces(writer, n, false);
/* char values */
template<typename R>
void write_char(R &writer, bool escape, char val) const {
if (escape) {
char const *esc = escape_fmt_char(val, '\'');
char const *esc = detail::escape_fmt_char(val, '\'');
if (esc) {
char buf[6];
buf[0] = '\'';
@ -667,7 +563,7 @@ namespace detail {
this->write_spaces(writer, 1 + escape * 2, true);
write_spaces(writer, 1 + escape * 2, true);
if (escape) {
@ -675,17 +571,69 @@ namespace detail {
} else {
this->write_spaces(writer, 1 + escape * 2, false);
write_spaces(writer, 1 + escape * 2, false);
template<typename R, typename T>
void write_int(R &writer, bool ptr, bool neg, T val) const {
char buf[20];
size_t n = 0;
char isp = spec();
if (isp == 's') {
isp = (ptr ? 'x' : 'd');
byte specn = detail::fmt_specs[isp - 65];
if (specn <= 2 || specn > 7) {
throw format_error{"cannot format integers with the given spec"};
int base = detail::fmt_bases[specn];
if (!val) {
buf[n++] = '0';
for (; val; val /= base) {
buf[n++] = detail::fmt_digits[isp >= 'a'][val % base];
int fl = flags();
bool lsgn = fl & FMT_FLAG_PLUS;
bool lsp = fl & FMT_FLAG_SPACE;
bool zero = fl & FMT_FLAG_ZERO;
bool sign = neg + lsgn + lsp;
char const *pfx = nullptr;
size_t pfxlen = 0;
if (((fl & FMT_FLAG_HASH) || ptr) && isp != 'd') {
pfx = detail::fmt_intpfx[isp >= 'a'][specn - 3];
pfxlen = !!pfx[1] + 1;
if (!zero) {
write_spaces(writer, n + pfxlen + sign, true, ' ');
if (sign) {
writer.put(neg ? '-' : *((" \0+") + lsgn * 2));
range_put_all(writer, string_range{pfx, pfx + pfxlen});
if (zero) {
write_spaces(writer, n + pfxlen + sign, true, '0');
for (int i = int(n - 1); i >= 0; --i) {
write_spaces(writer, n + sign + pfxlen, false);
/* floating point */
template<typename R, typename T, bool Long = std::is_same_v<T, ldouble>>
void write_float(R &writer, bool, T val) const {
void write_float(R &writer, T val) const {
char buf[16], rbuf[128];
char fmtspec[Long + 1];
fmtspec[Long] = this->spec();
byte specn = detail::fmt_specs[this->spec() - 65];
fmtspec[Long] = spec();
byte specn = detail::fmt_specs[spec() - 65];
if (specn != 1 && specn != 7) {
throw format_error{"cannot format floats with the given spec"};
@ -696,10 +644,12 @@ namespace detail {
fmtspec[0] = 'L';
this->build_spec(iter(buf), fmtspec).put('\0');
auto bufr = iter(buf);
build_spec(bufr, fmtspec);
int ret = snprintf(
rbuf, sizeof(rbuf), buf, this->width(),
this->has_precision() ? this->precision() : 6, val
rbuf, sizeof(rbuf), buf, width(),
has_precision() ? precision() : 6, val
if (ret < 0) {
/* typically unreachable, build_spec creates valid format */
@ -711,8 +661,8 @@ namespace detail {
/* this should typically never happen */
dbuf = new char[ret + 1];
ret = snprintf(
dbuf, ret + 1, buf, this->width(),
this->has_precision() ? this->precision() : 6, val
dbuf, ret + 1, buf, width(),
has_precision() ? precision() : 6, val
if (ret < 0) {
/* see above */
@ -728,13 +678,13 @@ namespace detail {
template<typename R, typename T>
void write_val(R &writer, bool escape, T const &val) const {
/* stuff fhat can be custom-formatted goes first */
if constexpr(fmt_tofmt_test<T, noop_output_range<char>>) {
if constexpr(detail::fmt_tofmt_test<T, noop_output_range<char>>) {
to_format(val, writer, *this);
/* second best, we can convert to string slice */
if constexpr(std::is_constructible_v<string_range, T const &>) {
if (this->spec() != 's') {
if (spec() != 's') {
throw format_error{"strings need the '%s' spec"};
write_str(writer, escape, val);
@ -742,7 +692,7 @@ namespace detail {
/* bools, check if printing as string, otherwise convert to int */
if constexpr(std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
if (this->spec() == 's') {
if (spec() == 's') {
write_val(writer, ("false\0true") + (6 * val));
} else {
write_val(writer, int(val));
@ -751,7 +701,7 @@ namespace detail {
/* character values */
if constexpr(std::is_same_v<T, char>) {
if (this->spec() != 's' && this->spec() != 'c') {
if (spec() != 's' && spec() != 'c') {
throw format_error{"cannot format chars with the given spec"};
write_char(writer, escape, val);
@ -761,13 +711,7 @@ namespace detail {
* char pointers are handled by the string case above
if constexpr(std::is_pointer_v<T>) {
format_spec sp{
(spec() == 's') ? 'x' : spec(),
has_width() ? width() : -1,
has_precision() ? precision() : -1,
(spec() == 's') ? (flags() | FMT_FLAG_HASH) : flags()
detail::write_u(writer, &sp, false, size_t(val));
write_int(writer, (spec() == 's'), false, size_t(val));
/* integers */
@ -775,24 +719,24 @@ namespace detail {
if constexpr(std::is_signed_v<T>) {
/* signed integers */
using UT = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
writer, this, val < 0,
writer, false, val < 0,
(val < 0) ? static_cast<UT>(-val) : static_cast<UT>(val)
} else {
/* unsigned integers */
detail::write_u(writer, this, false, val);
write_int(writer, false, false, val);
/* floats */
if constexpr(std::is_floating_point_v<T>) {
write_float(writer, escape, val);
write_float(writer, val);
/* stuff that can be to_string'd, worst reliable case, allocates */
if constexpr(fmt_tostr_test<T>) {
if (this->spec() != 's') {
if constexpr(detail::fmt_tostr_test<T>) {
if (spec() != 's') {
throw format_error{"custom objects need the '%s' spec"};
write_val(writer, false, ostd::to_string<T>{}(val));
@ -814,7 +758,48 @@ namespace detail {
write_arg(writer, idx - 1, args...);
} else {
write_val(writer, this->p_nested_escape, val);
write_val(writer, p_nested_escape, val);
template<typename R, typename T>
inline void write_range_item(
R &writer, bool expandval, string_range fmt, T const &item
) const {
if constexpr(detail::is_tuple_like<T>) {
if (expandval) {
std::apply([&writer, esc = p_nested_escape, &fmt](
auto const &...args
) mutable {
format_spec sp{fmt, esc};
sp.write_fmt(writer, args...);
}, item);
format_spec sp{fmt, p_nested_escape};
sp.write_fmt(writer, item);
template<typename R, typename T>
void write_range_val(
R &writer, bool expandval, string_range sep, T const &val
) const {
if constexpr(detail::iterable_test<T>) {
auto range = ostd::iter(val);
if (range.empty()) {
for (;;) {
write_range_item(writer, expandval, rest(), range.front());
if (range.empty()) {
range_put_all(writer, sep);
} else {
throw format_error{"invalid value for ranged format"};
@ -831,83 +816,70 @@ namespace detail {
write_range(writer, idx - 1, expandval, sep, args...);
} else {
writer, this, this->p_nested_escape, expandval, sep, val
write_range_val(writer, expandval, sep, val);
template<typename R, typename ...A>
inline void format_impl(
R &writer, bool escape, string_range fmt, A const &...args
) {
void write_fmt(R &writer, A const &...args) {
size_t argidx = 1;
detail::write_spec spec(fmt, escape);
while (spec.read_until_spec(writer)) {
size_t argpos = spec.index();
if (spec.is_nested()) {
while (read_until_spec(writer)) {
size_t argpos = index();
if (is_nested()) {
if (!argpos) {
argpos = argidx++;
/* FIXME: figure out a better way */
detail::write_spec nspec(spec.nested(), spec.nested_escape());
format_spec nspec(nested(), nested_escape());
writer, argpos - 1, (spec.flags() & FMT_FLAG_HASH),
spec.nested_sep(), args...
writer, argpos - 1, (flags() & FMT_FLAG_HASH),
nested_sep(), args...
if (!argpos) {
argpos = argidx++;
if (spec.arg_width()) {
spec.set_width(argpos - 1, args...);
if (arg_width()) {
set_width(argpos - 1, args...);
argpos = argidx++;
if (spec.arg_precision()) {
spec.set_precision(argpos - 1, args...);
if (arg_precision()) {
set_precision(argpos - 1, args...);
argpos = argidx++;
} else {
bool argprec = spec.arg_precision();
bool argprec = arg_precision();
if (argprec) {
if (argpos <= 1) {
throw format_error{"argument precision not given"};
spec.set_precision(argpos - 2, args...);
set_precision(argpos - 2, args...);
if (spec.arg_width()) {
if (arg_width()) {
if (argpos <= (size_t(argprec) + 1)) {
throw format_error{"argument width not given"};
spec.set_width(argpos - 2 - argprec, args...);
set_width(argpos - 2 - argprec, args...);
spec.write_arg(writer, argpos - 1, args...);
write_arg(writer, argpos - 1, args...);
template<typename R>
inline void format_impl(R &writer, bool, string_range fmt) {
detail::write_spec spec(fmt, false);
if (spec.read_until_spec(writer)) {
template<typename R, typename ...A>
void write_fmt(R &writer) {
if (read_until_spec(writer)) {
throw format_error{"format spec without format arguments"};
} /* namespace detail */
string_range p_fmt;
char p_buf[32];
template<typename R, typename ...A>
inline R &&format(R &&writer, string_range fmt, A const &...args) {
detail::format_impl(writer, false, fmt, args...);
return std::forward<R>(writer);
template<typename R, typename T>
inline R &&format(R &&writer, format_spec const &fmt, T const &val) {
/* we can do this as there are no members added... but ugly, FIXME later */
detail::write_spec const &wsp = static_cast<detail::write_spec const &>(fmt);
wsp.write_arg(writer, 0, val);
return std::forward<R>(writer);
return format_spec{fmt}.format(std::forward<R>(writer), args...);
} /* namespace ostd */

View File

@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ namespace detail {
template<typename T>
inline void write(T const &v) {
format(detail::stdout_range{}, format_spec{'s'}, v);
format_spec{'s'}.format_value(detail::stdout_range{}, v);
template<typename T, typename ...A>

View File

@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ namespace detail {
template<typename T>
inline void stream::write(T const &v) {
format(detail::fmt_stream_range{this}, format_spec{'s'}, v);
format_spec{'s'}.format_value(detail::fmt_stream_range{this}, v);
template<typename ...A>

View File

@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ public:
} else {
p_buf = sbuf;
char_range bufr{p_buf, p_buf + input.size()};
char_range bufr{p_buf, p_buf + input.size() + 1};
range_put_all(bufr, input);