document part of algorithm.hh

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q66 2017-04-14 15:03:54 +02:00
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@ -18,6 +18,18 @@ namespace ostd {
/* partitioning */
/** @brief Partitions a range.
* Given a predicate `pred`, this rearranges the range so that items for
* which the predicate returns true are in the first part of the range.
* The range must be at least ostd::forward_range_tag. The items are swapped,
* which means the range's reference type must be swappable.
* The predicate is applied `N` times and the swap is done at most `N` times.
* @returns The second part of the range.
template<typename R, typename U>
inline R partition(R range, U pred) {
R ret = range;
@ -31,6 +43,10 @@ inline R partition(R range, U pred) {
return ret;
/** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::partition().
* The predicate is forwarded.
template<typename F>
inline auto partition(F &&func) {
return [func = std::forward<F>(func)](auto &obj) mutable {
@ -38,6 +54,14 @@ inline auto partition(F &&func) {
/** @brief Checks if a range is partitioned as in ostd::partition().
* First, all elements matching `pred` are skipped and then if any of
* the elements following that match `pred`, false is returned. Otherwise,
* true is returned.
* The predicate is applied at most `N` times.
template<typename R, typename P>
inline bool is_partitioned(R range, P pred) {
for (; !range.empty() && pred(range.front()); range.pop_front());
@ -49,6 +73,10 @@ inline bool is_partitioned(R range, P pred) {
return true;
/** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::is_partitioned().
* The predicate is forwarded.
template<typename F>
inline auto is_partitioned(F &&func) {
return [func = std::forward<F>(func)](auto &obj) mutable {
@ -149,11 +177,34 @@ namespace detail {
} /* namespace detail */
/** @brief Sorts a range given a comparison function.
* The range must be at least ostd::finite_random_access_range_tag. The
* comparison function takes two `ostd::range_reference_t<R>` and must
* return a boolean equivalent to `a < b` for ascending order.
* The items are swapped in the range, which means the range's reference
* type must be swappable.
* The worst-case and average performance of this algorithm os `O(n log n)`.
* The best-case performance is `O(n)`. This happens when the range is small
* enough and already sorted (insertion sort is used for small ranges).
* The actual algorithm used is a hybrid algorithm between quicksort and
* heapsort (intosort) with insertion sort for small ranges.
* @see ostd::sort()
template<typename R, typename C>
inline R sort_cmp(R range, C compare) {
detail::introsort(range, compare);
return range;
/** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::sort_cmp().
* The comparison function is forwarded.
template<typename C>
inline auto sort_cmp(C &&compare) {
return [compare = std::forward<C>(compare)](auto &obj) mutable {
@ -161,16 +212,26 @@ inline auto sort_cmp(C &&compare) {
/** @brief Like ostd::sort_cmp() using `std::less<ostd::range_value_t<R>>{}`. */
template<typename R>
inline R sort(R range) {
return sort_cmp(range, std::less<range_value_t<R>>());
return sort_cmp(range, std::less<range_value_t<R>>{});
/** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::sort(). */
inline auto sort() {
return [](auto &obj) { return sort(obj); };
/* min/max(_element) */
/** @brief Finds the smallest element in the range.
* It works like std::min_element. The range must be at least
* std::forward_range_tag. The `<` operator is used for comparisons.
* @see ostd::min_element_cmp(), ostd::max_element()
template<typename R>
inline R min_element(R range) {
R r = range;
@ -181,6 +242,14 @@ inline R min_element(R range) {
return r;
/** @brief Finds the smallest element in the range.
* It works like std::min_element. The range must be at least
* std::forward_range_tag. The `compare` function is used for comparisons.
* @see ostd::min_element(), ostd::max_element_cmp()
template<typename R, typename C>
inline R min_element_cmp(R range, C compare) {
R r = range;
@ -191,11 +260,18 @@ inline R min_element_cmp(R range, C compare) {
return r;
/** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::min_element(). */
inline auto min_element() {
return [](auto &obj) {
return min_element(obj);
/** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::min_element_cmp().
* The comparison function is forwarded.
template<typename C>
inline auto min_element_cmp(C &&compare) {
return [compare = std::forward<C>(compare)](auto &obj) mutable {
@ -203,6 +279,13 @@ inline auto min_element_cmp(C &&compare) {
/** @brief Finds the largest element in the range.
* It works like std::max_element. The range must be at least
* std::forward_range_tag. The `<` operator is used for comparisons.
* @see ostd::max_element_cmp(), ostd::min_element()
template<typename R>
inline R max_element(R range) {
R r = range;
@ -213,6 +296,14 @@ inline R max_element(R range) {
return r;
/** @brief Finds the largest element in the range.
* It works like std::max_element. The range must be at least
* std::forward_range_tag. The `compare` function is used for comparisons.
* @see ostd::max_element(), ostd::min_element_cmp()
template<typename R, typename C>
inline R max_element_cmp(R range, C compare) {
R r = range;
@ -223,11 +314,18 @@ inline R max_element_cmp(R range, C compare) {
return r;
/** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::max_element(). */
inline auto max_element() {
return [](auto &obj) {
return max_element(obj);
/** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::max_element_cmp().
* The comparison function is forwarded.
template<typename C>
inline auto max_element_cmp(C &&compare) {
return [compare = std::forward<C>(compare)](auto &obj) mutable {