/* A build system for libostd. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* no dependency on the rest of ostd or the built library, so it's fine */ #include "ostd/thread_pool.hh" #if __has_include() # include namespace fs = std::filesystem; #elif __has_include() # include namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; #else # error "Unsupported platform" #endif /* THESE VARIABLES CAN BE ALTERED */ static char const *EXAMPLES[] = { "format", "listdir", "range", "range_pipe", "signal", "stream1", "stream2", "coroutine1", "coroutine2", "concurrency" }; static char const *ASM_SOURCE_DIR = "src/asm"; static char const *ASM_SOURCES[] = { "jump_all_gas", "make_all_gas", "ontop_all_gas" }; static char const *CXX_SOURCE_DIR = "src"; static char const *CXX_SOURCES[] = { "context_stack", "io", "concurrency" }; static char const *TEST_DIR = "tests"; static char const *TEST_CASES[] = { "algorithm", "range" }; static char const *OSTD_SHARED_LIB = "libostd.so"; static char const *OSTD_STATIC_LIB = "libostd.a"; /* DO NOT CHANGE PAST THIS POINT */ static std::string from_env_or(char const *evar, char const *defval) { char const *varv = std::getenv(evar); if (!varv || !varv[0]) { return defval; } return varv; } static void add_cross(std::string &arg) { char const *cross = std::getenv("CROSS"); if (!cross || !cross[0]) { return; } arg.insert(0, cross); } static void add_env(std::string &val, char const *evar) { char const *varv = std::getenv(evar); if (!varv || !varv[0]) { return; } val += ' '; val += varv; } static void print_help(char const *arg0) { std::printf( "%s [options]\n" "Available options:\n" " [no-]examples - (do not) build examples (default: yes)\n" " [no-]test-suite - (do not) build test suite (default: yes)\n" " [no-]static-lib - (do not) build static libostd (default: yes)\n" " [no-]shared-lib - (do not) build shared libostd (default: no)\n" " release - release build (strip, no -g)\n" " debug - debug build (default, no strip, -g)\n" " verbose - print entire commands\n" " clean - remove generated files and exit\n" " help - print this and exit\n", arg0 ); } static void exec_command( std::string const &cmd, std::vector const &args ) { auto argp = std::make_unique(args.size() + 2); argp[0] = const_cast(cmd.data()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { argp[i + 1] = const_cast(args[i].data()); } argp[args.size() + 1] = nullptr; auto pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { std::printf("command failed\n"); argp.reset(); std::exit(1); } else if (!pid) { if (!execvp(argp[0], argp.get())) { argp.reset(); std::exit(1); } } else { if (int retc = -1; (waitpid(pid, &retc, 0) == -1) || retc) { std::printf("command failed with code %d\n", retc); argp.reset(); std::exit(1); } } } static void print_command( std::string const &cmd, std::vector const &args ) { std::printf("%s", cmd.data()); for (auto &s: args) { std::printf(" %s", s.data()); } std::printf("\n"); } static void add_args(std::vector &args, std::string const &cmdl) { wordexp_t p; if (wordexp(cmdl.data(), &p, 0)) { return; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < p.we_wordc; ++i) { args.push_back(p.we_wordv[i]); } } static fs::path path_with_ext(fs::path const &p, fs::path const &ext) { fs::path rp = p; rp.replace_extension(ext); return rp; } static void try_remove(fs::path const &path, bool all = false) { try { if (all) { fs::remove_all(path); } else { fs::remove(path); } } catch (fs::filesystem_error const &) {} } static bool verbose = false; template static void echo_q(A const &...args) { if (!verbose) { std::printf(args...); } } static void exec_v( std::string const &cmd, std::vector const &args ) { if (verbose) { print_command(cmd, args); } exec_command(cmd, args); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool build_examples = true; bool build_testsuite = true; bool build_static = true; bool build_shared = false; char const *build_cfg = "debug"; bool clean = false; std::string cxxflags = "-std=c++1z -I. -O2 -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow " "-Wold-style-cast"; std::string ldflags = "-pthread"; std::string asflags = ""; #define ARG_BOOL(arg, name, var) \ if (!std::strcmp(arg, name) || !std::strcmp(arg, "no-" name)) { \ var = !!std::strncmp(arg, "no-", 3); \ continue; \ } for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { char const *arg = argv[i]; ARG_BOOL(arg, "examples", build_examples); ARG_BOOL(arg, "test-suite", build_testsuite); ARG_BOOL(arg, "static-lib", build_static); ARG_BOOL(arg, "shared-lib", build_shared); if (!std::strcmp(arg, "release") || !std::strcmp(arg, "debug")) { build_cfg = arg; continue; } if (!std::strcmp(arg, "verbose")) { verbose = true; continue; } if (!std::strcmp(arg, "clean")) { clean = true; continue; } if (!std::strcmp(arg, "help")) { print_help(argv[0]); return 0; } printf("unknown argument: %s\n", arg); return 1; } #undef ARG_BOOL char const *default_lib = OSTD_SHARED_LIB; if (build_static) { default_lib = OSTD_STATIC_LIB; } auto strip = from_env_or("STRIP", "strip"); auto cxx = from_env_or("CXX", "c++"); auto as = from_env_or("AS", "c++"); auto ar = from_env_or("AR", "ar"); add_cross(strip); add_cross(cxx); add_cross(as); add_cross(ar); if (!std::strcmp(build_cfg, "debug")) { cxxflags += " -g"; } add_env(cxxflags, "CXXFLAGS"); add_env(ldflags, "LDFLAGS"); add_env(asflags, "ASFLAGS"); if (clean) { std::printf("Cleaning...\n"); for (auto ex: EXAMPLES) { auto rp = fs::path{"examples"} / ex; try_remove(rp); rp.replace_extension(".o"); try_remove(rp); } for (auto aso: ASM_SOURCES) { auto rp = path_with_ext(fs::path{ASM_SOURCE_DIR} / aso, ".o"); try_remove(rp); rp.replace_filename(std::string{aso} + "_dyn.o"); try_remove(rp); } for (auto cso: CXX_SOURCES) { auto rp = path_with_ext(fs::path{CXX_SOURCE_DIR} / cso, ".o"); try_remove(rp); rp.replace_filename(std::string{cso} + "_dyn.o"); try_remove(rp); } try_remove(OSTD_STATIC_LIB); try_remove(OSTD_SHARED_LIB); try_remove("test_runner.o"); try_remove("test_runner"); try_remove("tests", true); return 0; } auto call_cxx = [&]( std::string const &input, std::string const &output, bool shared ) { std::vector args; add_args(args, cxxflags); if (shared) { echo_q("CXX (shared): %s\n", input.data()); args.push_back("-fPIC"); } else { echo_q("CXX: %s\n", input.data()); } args.push_back("-c"); args.push_back("-o"); args.push_back(output); args.push_back(input); exec_v(cxx, args); }; /* mostly unnecessary to separately compile shared, but * the files may check for __PIC__ (at least mips32 does) */ auto call_as = [&]( std::string const &input, std::string const &output, bool shared ) { std::vector args; add_args(args, asflags); if (shared) { echo_q("AS (shared): %s\n", input.data()); args.push_back("-fPIC"); } else { echo_q("AS: %s\n", input.data()); } args.push_back("-c"); args.push_back("-o"); args.push_back(output); args.push_back(input); exec_v(as, args); }; auto call_ld = [&]( std::string const &output, std::vector const &files, std::vector const &flags ) { echo_q("LD: %s\n", output.data()); std::vector args; add_args(args, cxxflags); args.push_back("-o"); args.push_back(output); args.insert(args.cend(), files.begin(), files.end()); args.insert(args.cend(), flags.begin(), flags.end()); add_args(args, ldflags); exec_v(cxx, args); if (!std::strcmp(build_cfg, "release")) { args.clear(); args.push_back(output); exec_v(strip, args); } }; auto call_ldlib = [&]( std::string const &output, std::vector const &files, bool shared ) { if (shared) { call_ld(output, files, { "-shared" }); } else { echo_q("AR: %s\n", output.data()); std::vector args; args.push_back("rcs"); args.push_back(output); args.insert(args.cend(), files.begin(), files.end()); exec_v(ar, args); } }; auto build_example = [&](std::string const &name) { auto base = fs::path{"examples"} / name; auto ccf = path_with_ext(base, ".cc"); auto obf = path_with_ext(base, ".o"); call_cxx(ccf.string(), obf.string(), false); call_ld(base.string(), { obf.string() }, { default_lib }); try_remove(obf); }; auto build_test = [&](std::string const &name) { auto base = fs::path{TEST_DIR} / name; auto ccf = path_with_ext(base, ".cc"); auto obf = path_with_ext(base, ".o"); try_remove(ccf); auto f = std::fopen(ccf.string().data(), "w"); if (!f) { std::printf("cannot open '%s' for writing\n", ccf.string().data()); std::exit(1); } fprintf( f, "#define OSTD_BUILD_TESTS libostd_%s\n" "\n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "\n" "int main() {\n" " auto [ succ, fail ] = ostd::test::run();\n" " ostd::writeln(succ, \" \", fail);\n" " return 0;\n" "}\n", name.data(), name.data() ); std::fclose(f); call_cxx(ccf.string(), obf.string(), false); call_ld(base.string(), { obf.string() }, { default_lib }); try_remove(obf); }; auto build_test_runner = [&]() { call_cxx("test_runner.cc", "test_runner.o", false); call_ld("test_runner", { "test_runner.o" }, { default_lib }); try_remove("test_runner.o"); }; std::vector asm_obj, cxx_obj, asm_dynobj, cxx_dynobj; ostd::thread_pool tp; tp.start(); /* build object file in static and shared (PIC) variants */ auto build_obj = [&tp, build_static, build_shared]( fs::path const &fpath, fs::path const &sext, auto &buildf, auto &obj, auto &dynobj ) { auto srcf = path_with_ext(fpath, sext); if (build_static) { auto srco = path_with_ext(srcf, ".o"); tp.push([&, srcf, srco]() { buildf(srcf.string(), srco.string(), false); }); obj.push_back(srco.string()); } if (build_shared) { auto srco = srcf; srco.replace_extension(); srco += "_dyn.o"; tp.push([&, srcf, srco]() { buildf(srcf.string(), srco.string(), true); }); dynobj.push_back(srco.string()); } }; std::printf("Building the library...\n"); for (auto aso: ASM_SOURCES) { build_obj( fs::path{ASM_SOURCE_DIR} / aso, ".S", call_as, asm_obj, asm_dynobj ); } for (auto cso: CXX_SOURCES) { build_obj( fs::path{CXX_SOURCE_DIR} / cso, ".cc", call_cxx, cxx_obj, cxx_dynobj ); } /* excessive, but whatever... maybe add better * sync later without restarting all the threads */ tp.destroy(); if (build_static) { std::vector all_obj; all_obj.insert(all_obj.cend(), asm_obj.begin(), asm_obj.end()); all_obj.insert(all_obj.cend(), cxx_obj.begin(), cxx_obj.end()); call_ldlib(OSTD_STATIC_LIB, all_obj, false); } if (build_shared) { std::vector all_obj; all_obj.insert(all_obj.cend(), asm_dynobj.begin(), asm_dynobj.end()); all_obj.insert(all_obj.cend(), cxx_dynobj.begin(), cxx_dynobj.end()); call_ldlib(OSTD_SHARED_LIB, all_obj, true); } /* examples are parallel */ tp.start(); if (build_examples) { std::printf("Building examples...\n"); for (auto ex: EXAMPLES) { tp.push([&build_example, ex]() { build_example(ex); }); } } if (build_testsuite) { std::printf("Building tests...\n"); build_test_runner(); if (!fs::is_directory(TEST_DIR)) { if (!fs::create_directory(TEST_DIR)) { std::printf("Failed creating test directory\n"); return 1; } } for (auto test: TEST_CASES) { tp.push([&build_test, test]() { build_test(test); }); } } /* wait for tests and examples to be done */ tp.destroy(); if (build_testsuite) { exec_v("./test_runner", { TEST_DIR }); } return 0; }