#include #include #include using namespace ostd; struct SignalTest { /* const on the class means that a const reference to the event * can actually emit (in that case, the reference passed to each * callback will always be const to make sure nothing changes) */ Signal on_simple = this; Signal on_param = this; SignalTest(): p_param(3.14f) { /* we can connect methods */ on_simple.connect(&SignalTest::simple_method); writeln("constructed signal test"); } float get_param() const { return p_param; } void set_param(float nv) { float oldval = p_param; p_param = nv; /* types passed to emit must match the types of the event */ on_param.emit(oldval); } void foo() const { /* because on_simple is const, we can emit form const method */ on_simple.emit(150, "hello world"); } void simple_method(int v, ConstCharRange str) const { writefln("simple method handler: %d, %s", v, str); } private: float p_param; }; int main() { writeln("=== program start ==="); SignalTest st; int test = 42; /* we can connect lambdas, including closures * this callback can access "test" easily and it will still work */ auto idx = st.on_simple.connect([&](SignalTest const &, int v, ConstCharRange str) { writefln("and lambda test: %d, %s (%d)", v, str, test); }); writeln("--- test emit ---"); st.foo(); /* we can disconnect callbacks too */ st.on_simple.disconnect(idx); /* this should not print from the lambda above */ writeln("--- test emit after disconnect ---"); st.foo(); writeln("--- set value ---"); st.set_param(6.28f); /* the reference to SignalTest here is mutable */ st.on_param.connect([](SignalTest &self, float oldval) { writeln("value changed..."); writefln(" old value: %f, new value: %f", oldval, self.get_param()); /* when we have a mutable reference we can change the original * object, for example re-emit its own signal once again */ if (self.get_param() > 140.0f) return; self.set_param(self.get_param() + 1.0f); }); /* trigger the callback above */ writeln("--- test set value ---"); st.set_param(134.28f); writeln("=== program end ==="); return 0; }