/** @addtogroup Utilities * @{ */ /** @file path.hh * * @brief A module for manipulation of filesystem paths. * * The path module implements facilities for manipulation of both pure * paths and actual filesystem paths. POSIX and Windows path encodings * are supported and common filesystem related operations are implemented * in a portable manner. * * This module replaces the C++17 filesystem module, aiming to be simpler * and higher level. For instance, it uses purely 8-bit encoding on all * platforms, taking care of conversions internally. * * @copyright See COPYING.md in the project tree for further information. */ #ifndef OSTD_PATH_HH #define OSTD_PATH_HH #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* path representation is within ostd namespace, there aren't any APIs to * do actual filesystem manipulation, that's all in the fs namespace below */ namespace ostd { /** @addtogroup Utilities * @{ */ struct path { #ifdef OSTD_PLATFORM_WIN32 static constexpr char native_separator = '\\'; #else static constexpr char native_separator = '/'; #endif enum class format { native = 0, posix, windows }; template path(R range, format fmt = format::native): p_path("."), p_fmt(fmt) { if constexpr(std::is_constructible_v) { append_str(std::string{range}); } else if (!range.empty()) { for (auto const &elem: range) { append_str(std::string{elem}); } } } path(format fmt = format::native): path(".", fmt) {} template path(std::initializer_list init, format fmt = format::native): path(iter(init), fmt) {} path(path const &p): p_path(p.p_path), p_fmt(p.p_fmt) {} path(path const &p, format fmt): p_path(p.p_path), p_fmt(fmt) { if (path_fmt(fmt) != path_fmt(p.p_fmt)) { convert_path(); } } path(path &&p): p_path(std::move(p.p_path)), p_fmt(p.p_fmt) { p.p_path = "."; } path(path &&p, format fmt): p_path(std::move(p.p_path)), p_fmt(fmt) { p.p_path = "."; if (path_fmt(fmt) != path_fmt(p.p_fmt)) { convert_path(); } } path &operator=(path const &p) { p_path = p.p_path; p_fmt = p.p_fmt; return *this; } path &operator=(path &&p) { swap(p); p.clear(); return *this; } char separator() const { static const char seps[] = { native_separator, '/', '\\' }; return seps[std::size_t(p_fmt)]; } std::string drive() const { if (is_win()) { if (p_path.substr(0, 2) == "\\\\") { char const *endp = strchr(p_path.data() + 2, '\\'); if (!endp) { return p_path; } char const *pendp = strchr(endp, '\\'); if (!pendp) { return p_path; } return std::string{p_path.data(), pendp}; } else if (has_letter(p_path)) { return p_path.substr(0, 2); } } return ""; } std::string root() const { if (is_win()) { if ( (p_path.data()[0] == '\\') || ( (p_path.length() >= 3) && (p_path[2] == '\\') && has_letter(p_path) ) ) { return "\\"; } return ""; } if (p_path.data()[0] == '/') { return "/"; } return ""; } std::string anchor() const { auto ret = drive(); ret.append(root()); return ret; } path parent() const { path rel = relative_to(anchor()); if (rel.p_path.empty()) { return *this; } return ostd::string_range{ p_path.data(), strrchr(p_path.data(), separator()) }; } std::string name() const { path rel = relative_to(anchor()); auto pos = rel.p_path.rfind(separator()); if (pos == std::string::npos) { return std::move(rel.p_path); } return rel.p_path.substr(pos + 1); } std::string suffix() const { path rel = relative_to(anchor()); auto pos = rel.p_path.rfind('.'); if (pos == std::string::npos) { return ""; } return rel.p_path.substr(pos); } std::string suffixes() const { auto nm = name(); auto pos = nm.find('.'); if (pos == std::string::npos) { return ""; } return nm.substr(pos); } std::string stem() const { auto nm = name(); auto pos = nm.find('.'); if (pos == std::string::npos) { return nm; } return nm.substr(0, pos); } path relative_to(path other) const { if (other.p_fmt != p_fmt) { other = path{other, p_fmt}; } other.strip_sep(); if (p_path.substr(0, other.p_path.length()) == other.p_path) { std::size_t oplen = other.p_path.length(); if ((p_path.length() > oplen) && (p_path[oplen] == separator())) { ++oplen; } return path{p_path.substr(oplen), p_fmt}; } /* TODO: throw */ return path{""}; } path join(path const &p) const { path ret{*this}; ret.append(p); return ret; } path &append(path const &p) { append_str(p.p_path); return *this; } path &operator/=(path const &p) { return append(p); } string_range string() const { return p_path; } format path_format() const { return p_fmt; } void clear() { p_path = "."; } void swap(path &other) { p_path.swap(other.p_path); std::swap(p_fmt, other.p_fmt); } private: static format path_fmt(format f) { static const format fmts[] = { #ifdef OSTD_PLATFORM_WIN32 format::windows, #else format::posix, #endif format::posix, format::windows }; return fmts[std::size_t(f)]; } static bool is_sep(char c) { return ((c == '/') || (c == '\\')); } bool is_win() const { return path_fmt(p_fmt) == format::windows; } void strip_sep() { if (!p_path.empty() && (p_path.back() == separator())) { p_path.pop_back(); } } static bool has_letter(std::string const &s) { if (s.size() < 2) { return false; } char ltr = s[0] | 32; return (s[1] == ':') && (ltr >= 'a') && (ltr <= 'z'); } void append_str(std::string s) { char sep = separator(); bool win = is_win(); /* replace multiple separator sequences and . parts */ std::size_t start = 0; char const *p = s.data(); if (win && is_sep(p[0]) && is_sep(p[1])) { /* it's okay for windows paths to start with double backslash, * but if it's triple or anything like that replace anyway */ start = 1; ++p; } /* special case: path starts with ./ or is simply ., erase */ if ((*p == '.') && (is_sep(p[1]) || (p[1] == '\0'))) { s.erase(start, 2 - int(p[1] == '\0')); } /* replace // and /./ sequences as well as separators */ for (; start < s.length(); ++start) { p = &s[start]; if (is_sep(*p)) { std::size_t cnt = 0; for (;;) { if (p[cnt + 1] == sep) { ++cnt; continue; } if ( (p[cnt + 1] == '.') && (is_sep(p[cnt + 2]) || (p[cnt + 2] == '\0')) ) { cnt += 2; continue; } break; } s.replace(start, cnt + 1, 1, sep); } } /* if the path has a root, replace the previous path, otherwise * append a separator followed by the path and be done with it * * if this is windows and we have a drive, it's like having a root */ if ((s.data()[0] == sep) || (win && has_letter(s))) { p_path = std::move(s); } else if (!s.empty()) { /* empty paths are ., don't forget to clear that */ if (p_path == ".") { p_path.clear(); } else if (p_path != "/") { p_path.push_back(sep); } p_path.append(s); } } void convert_path() { char froms = '\\', tos = '/'; if (separator() == '\\') { froms = '/'; tos = '\\'; } else if (p_path.substr(0, 2) == "\\\\") { p_path.replace(0, 2, 1, '/'); } for (auto &c: p_path) { if (c == froms) { c = tos; } } } std::string p_path; format p_fmt; }; inline path operator/(path const &p1, path const &p2) { return p1.join(p2); } template<> struct format_traits { template static void to_format(path const &p, R &writer, format_spec const &fs) { fs.format_value(writer, p.string()); } }; /** @} */ } /* namespace ostd */ /* filesystem manipulation that relies on path representation above */ namespace ostd { namespace fs { /** @addtogroup Utilities * @{ */ OSTD_EXPORT path cwd(); OSTD_EXPORT path home(); /** @} */ } /* namesapce fs */ } /* namesapce ostd */ #endif /** @} */