/** @addtogroup Ranges * @{ */ /** @file algorithm.hh * * @brief Generic algorithms for working with ranges. * * This file provides various algorithms that work with ranges, including * partitioning, sorting, comparison, iteration, finding, filling, folding, * mapping, filtering and others. It's roughly equivalent to the C++ header * `algorithm`, with many of the algorithms being just range-based versions * of the iterator ones, but it also provides different custom algorithms. * * @copyright See COPYING.md in the project tree for further information. */ #ifndef OSTD_ALGORITHM_HH #define OSTD_ALGORITHM_HH #include #include #include #include #include #include "ostd/range.hh" namespace ostd { /** @addtogroup Ranges * @{ */ /* partitioning */ /** @brief Partitions a range. * * Given a predicate `pred`, this rearranges the range so that items for * which the predicate returns true are in the first part of the range. * * The range must meet the conditions of ostd::is_range_element_swappable. * * The predicate is applied `N` times and the swap is done at most `N` times. * * @returns The second part of the range. */ template inline ForwardRange partition(ForwardRange range, Predicate pred) { static_assert( is_range_element_swappable, "The range element accessors must allow swapping" ); auto ret = range; for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if (pred(range.front())) { using std::swap; swap(range.front(), ret.front()); ret.pop_front(); } } return ret; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::partition(). * * The predicate is forwarded. */ template inline auto partition(Predicate &&pred) { return [pred = std::forward(pred)](auto &obj) mutable { return partition(obj, std::forward(pred)); }; } /** @brief Checks if a range is partitioned as in ostd::partition(). * * First, all elements matching `pred` are skipped and then if any of * the elements following that match `pred`, false is returned. Otherwise, * true is returned. * * The predicate is applied at most `N` times. */ template inline bool is_partitioned(InputRange range, Predicate pred) { for (; !range.empty() && pred(range.front()); range.pop_front()); for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if (pred(range.front())) { return false; } } return true; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::is_partitioned(). * * The predicate is forwarded. */ template inline auto is_partitioned(Predicate &&pred) { return [pred = std::forward(pred)](auto &obj) mutable { return is_partitioned(obj, std::forward(pred)); }; } /* sorting */ namespace detail { template static void insort(R range, C &compare) { range_size_t rlen = range.size(); for (range_size_t i = 1; i < rlen; ++i) { range_size_t j = i; range_value_t v{std::move(range[i])}; while (j > 0 && !compare(range[j - 1], v)) { range[j] = std::move(range[j - 1]); --j; } range[j] = std::move(v); } } template static void hs_sift_down( R range, range_size_t s, range_size_t e, C &compare ) { range_size_t r = s; while ((r * 2 + 1) <= e) { range_size_t ch = r * 2 + 1; range_size_t sw = r; if (compare(range[sw], range[ch])) { sw = ch; } if (((ch + 1) <= e) && compare(range[sw], range[ch + 1])) { sw = ch + 1; } if (sw != r) { using std::swap; swap(range[r], range[sw]); r = sw; } else { return; } } } template static void heapsort(R range, C &compare) { range_size_t len = range.size(); range_size_t st = (len - 2) / 2; for (;;) { detail::hs_sift_down(range, st, len - 1, compare); if (st-- == 0) { break; } } range_size_t e = len - 1; while (e > 0) { using std::swap; swap(range[e], range[0]); --e; detail::hs_sift_down(range, 0, e, compare); } } template static void introloop(R range, C &compare, range_size_t depth) { using std::swap; if (range.size() <= 10) { detail::insort(range, compare); return; } if (depth == 0) { detail::heapsort(range, compare); return; } swap(range[range.size() / 2], range.back()); range_size_t pi = 0; R pr = range; pr.pop_back(); for (; !pr.empty(); pr.pop_front()) { if (compare(pr.front(), range.back())) { swap(pr.front(), range[pi++]); } } swap(range[pi], range.back()); detail::introloop(range.slice(0, pi), compare, depth - 1); detail::introloop(range.slice(pi + 1), compare, depth - 1); } template inline void introsort(R range, C &compare) { detail::introloop(range, compare, static_cast>( 2 * (std::log(range.size()) / std::log(2)) )); } } /* namespace detail */ /** @brief Sorts a range given a comparison function. * * The range must be at least ostd::finite_random_access_range_tag. The * comparison function takes two `ostd::range_reference_t` and must * return a boolean equivalent to `a < b` for ascending order. * * The items are swapped in the range, which means the range must also * meet the conditions of ostd::is_range_element_swappable. * * The worst-case and average performance of this algorithm os `O(n log n)`. * The best-case performance is `O(n)`. This happens when the range is small * enough and already sorted (insertion sort is used for small ranges). * * The actual algorithm used is a hybrid algorithm between quicksort and * heapsort (intosort) with insertion sort for small ranges. * * @see ostd::sort() */ template inline FiniteRandomRange sort_cmp(FiniteRandomRange range, Compare compare) { static_assert( is_range_element_swappable, "The range element accessors must allow swapping" ); detail::introsort(range, compare); return range; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::sort_cmp(). * * The comparison function is forwarded. */ template inline auto sort_cmp(Compare &&compare) { return [compare = std::forward(compare)](auto &obj) mutable { return sort_cmp(obj, std::forward(compare)); }; } /** @brief Like ostd::sort_cmp() using `std::less>{}`. */ template inline FiniteRandomRange sort(FiniteRandomRange range) { static_assert( is_range_element_swappable, "The range element accessors must allow swapping" ); return sort_cmp(range, std::less>{}); } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::sort(). */ inline auto sort() { return [](auto &obj) { return sort(obj); }; } /* min/max(_element) */ /** @brief Finds the smallest element in the range. * * It works like std::min_element(). The range must be at least * ostd::forward_range_tag. The `<` operator is used for comparisons. * * @see ostd::min_element_cmp(), ostd::max_element() */ template inline ForwardRange min_element(ForwardRange range) { ForwardRange r = range; for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if (std::min(r.front(), range.front()) == range.front()) { r = range; } } return r; } /** @brief Finds the smallest element in the range. * * It works like std::min_element. The range must be at least * ostd::forward_range_tag. The `compare` function is used for comparisons. * * @see ostd::min_element(), ostd::max_element_cmp() */ template inline ForwardRange min_element_cmp(ForwardRange range, Compare compare) { ForwardRange r = range; for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if (std::min(r.front(), range.front(), compare) == range.front()) { r = range; } } return r; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::min_element(). */ inline auto min_element() { return [](auto &obj) { return min_element(obj); }; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::min_element_cmp(). * * The comparison function is forwarded. */ template inline auto min_element_cmp(Compare &&compare) { return [compare = std::forward(compare)](auto &obj) mutable { return min_element_cmp(obj, std::forward(compare)); }; } /** @brief Finds the largest element in the range. * * It works like std::max_element(). The range must be at least * ostd::forward_range_tag. The `<` operator is used for comparisons. * * @see ostd::max_element_cmp(), ostd::min_element() */ template inline ForwardRange max_element(ForwardRange range) { ForwardRange r = range; for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if (std::max(r.front(), range.front()) == range.front()) { r = range; } } return r; } /** @brief Finds the largest element in the range. * * It works like std::max_element. The range must be at least * ostd::forward_range_tag. The `compare` function is used for comparisons. * * @see ostd::max_element(), ostd::min_element_cmp() */ template inline ForwardRange max_element_cmp(ForwardRange range, Compare compare) { ForwardRange r = range; for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if (std::max(r.front(), range.front(), compare) == range.front()) { r = range; } } return r; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::max_element(). */ inline auto max_element() { return [](auto &obj) { return max_element(obj); }; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::max_element_cmp(). * * The comparison function is forwarded. */ template inline auto max_element_cmp(Compare &&compare) { return [compare = std::forward(compare)](auto &obj) mutable { return max_element_cmp(obj, std::forward(compare)); }; } /* lexicographical compare */ /** @brief Like std::lexicographical_compare(), but for ranges. * * This version uses the `<` operator for comparisons. This algorithm * is not multi-pass, so an ostd::input_range_tag is perfectly fine here. * * @see ostd::lexicographical_compare_cmp() */ template inline bool lexicographical_compare(InputRange1 range1, InputRange2 range2) { while (!range1.empty() && !range2.empty()) { if (range1.front() < range2.front()) { return true; } if (range2.front() < range1.front()) { return false; } range1.pop_front(); range2.pop_front(); } return (range1.empty() && !range2.empty()); } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::lexicographical_compare(). * * The range is forwarded. */ template inline auto lexicographical_compare(InputRange &&range) { return [range = std::forward(range)](auto &obj) mutable { return lexicographical_compare(obj, std::forward(range)); }; } /** @brief Like std::lexicographical_compare(), but for ranges. * * This version uses the `compare` function for comparisons. This algorithm * is not multi-pass, so an ostd::input_range_tag is perfectly fine here. * * @see ostd::lexicographical_compare() */ template inline bool lexicographical_compare_cmp( InputRange1 range1, InputRange2 range2, Compare compare ) { while (!range1.empty() && !range2.empty()) { if (compare(range1.front(), range2.front())) { return true; } if (compare(range2.front(), range1.front())) { return false; } range1.pop_front(); range2.pop_front(); } return (range1.empty() && !range2.empty()); } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::lexicographical_compare_cmp(). * * The range and comparison function are forwarded. */ template inline auto lexicographical_compare_cmp(InputRange &&range, Compare &&compare) { return [ range = std::forward(range), compare = std::forward(compare) ](auto &obj) mutable { return lexicographical_compare_cmp( obj, std::forward(range), std::forward(compare) ); }; } /* algos that don't change the range */ /** @brief Executes `func` on each element of `range`. * * The `func` is called like `func(range.front())`. The algorithm is * not multi-pass, so an ostd::input_range_tag is perfectly fine. * * @returns The `func` by move. */ template inline UnaryFunction for_each(InputRange range, UnaryFunction func) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { func(range.front()); } return std::move(func); } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::for_each(). * * The function is forwarded. */ template inline auto for_each(UnaryFunction &&func) { return [func = std::forward(func)](auto &obj) mutable { return for_each(obj, std::forward(func)); }; } /** @brief Checks if every element of `range` matches `pred`. * * The `pred` has to return true when called like `pred(range.front())`. * If it doesn't, `false` is returned. * * The predicate is called at most `N` times, where `N` is the range length. * The range is an ostd::input_range_tag or better. * * @see ostd::any_of(), ostd::none_of() */ template inline bool all_of(InputRange range, Predicate pred) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if (!pred(range.front())) { return false; } } return true; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::all_of(). * * The function is forwarded. */ template inline auto all_of(Predicate &&pred) { return [pred = std::forward(pred)](auto &obj) mutable { return all_of(obj, std::forward(pred)); }; } /** @brief Checks if any element of `range` matches `pred`. * * As soon as `pred` returns true when called like `pred(range.front())`, * this returns true. Otherwise it returns false. * * The predicate is called at most `N` times, where `N` is the range length. * The range is an ostd::input_range_tag or better. * * @see ostd::all_of(), ostd::none_of() */ template inline bool any_of(InputRange range, Predicate pred) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) if (pred(range.front())) return true; return false; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::any_of(). * * The function is forwarded. */ template inline auto any_of(Predicate &&pred) { return [pred = std::forward(pred)](auto &obj) mutable { return any_of(obj, std::forward(pred)); }; } /** @brief Checks if no element of `range` matches `pred`. * * As soon as `pred` returns true when called like `pred(range.front())`, * this returns false. Otherwise it returns true. * * The predicate is called at most `N` times, where `N` is the range length. * The range is an ostd::input_range_tag or better. * * @see ostd::all_of(), ostd::any_of() */ template inline bool none_of(InputRange range, Predicate pred) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) if (pred(range.front())) return false; return true; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::none_of(). * * The function is forwarded. */ template inline auto none_of(Predicate &&pred) { return [pred = std::forward(pred)](auto &obj) mutable { return none_of(obj, std::forward(pred)); }; } /** @brief Finds `v` in `range`. * * Iterates the range and as soon as `range.front()` is equal to `v`, * returns `range`. The `range` is at least ostd::input_range_tag. * * @sse ostd::find_last(), ostd::find_if(), ostd::find_if_not(), * ostd::find_one_of() */ template inline InputRange find(InputRange range, Value const &v) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if (range.front() == v) { break; } } return range; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::find(). * * The `v` is forwarded. */ template inline auto find(Value &&v) { return [v = std::forward(v)](auto &obj) mutable { return find(obj, std::forward(v)); }; } /** @brief Finds the last occurence of `v` in `range`. * * Keeps attempting ostd::find() from the point of previous ostd::find() * until no next matching element is found. As this algorithm has to save * the previous result of ostd::find() in case nothing is found next, this * algortihm requires `range` to be at least ostd::forward_range_tag. * * @sse ostd::find(), ostd::find_if(), ostd::find_if_not(), * ostd::find_one_of() */ template inline ForwardRange find_last(ForwardRange range, Value const &v) { range = find(range, v); if (!range.empty()) { for (;;) { auto prev = range; prev.pop_front(); auto r = find(prev, v); if (r.empty()) { break; } range = r; } } return range; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::find_last(). * * The `v` is forwarded. */ template inline auto find_last(Value &&v) { return [v = std::forward(v)](auto &obj) mutable { return find_last(obj, std::forward(v)); }; } /** @brief Finds an element matching `pred` in `range`. * * Iterates the range and as soon as `pred(range.front())` is true, * returns `range`. The `range` is at least ostd::input_range_tag. * * @sse ostd::find(), ostd::find_last(), ostd::find_if_not(), * ostd::find_one_of() */ template inline InputRange find_if(InputRange range, Predicate pred) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if (pred(range.front())) { break; } } return range; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::find_if(). * * The `pred` is forwarded. */ template inline auto find_if(Predicate &&pred) { return [pred = std::forward(pred)](auto &obj) mutable { return find_if(obj, std::forward(pred)); }; } /** @brief Finds an element not matching `pred` in `range`. * * Iterates the range and as soon as `!pred(range.front())` is true, * returns `range`. The `range` is at least ostd::input_range_tag. * * @sse ostd::find(), ostd::find_last(), ostd::find_if(), ostd::find_one_of() */ template inline InputRange find_if_not(InputRange range, Predicate pred) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if (!pred(range.front())) { break; } } return range; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::find_if_not(). * * The `pred` is forwarded. */ template inline auto find_if_not(Predicate &&pred) { return [pred = std::forward(pred)](auto &obj) mutable { return find_if_not(obj, std::forward(pred)); }; } /** @brief Finds the first element matching any element in `values`. * * The `compare` function is used to compare the values. The `range` * is iterated and each item is compared with each item in `values` * and once a match is found, `range` is returned. * * The `range` has to be at least ostd::input_range_tag as it's * iterated only once, `values` has to be ostd::forward_range_tag or * better. * * The time complexity is up to `N * M` where `N` is the length of * `range` and `M` is the length of `values`. * * Use ostd::find_one_of() if you want to use the `==` operator * instead of calling `compare`. * * @sse ostd::find(), ostd::find_last(), ostd::find_if(), ostd::find_if_not(), * ostd::find_one_of() */ template inline InputRange find_one_of_cmp( InputRange range, ForwardRange values, Compare compare ) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { for (auto rv = values; !rv.empty(); rv.pop_front()) { if (compare(range.front(), rv.front())) { return range; } } } return range; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::find_one_of_cmp(). * * The `values` and `compare` are forwarded. */ template inline auto find_one_of_cmp(ForwardRange &&values, Compare &&compare) { return [ values = std::forward(values), compare = std::forward(compare) ](auto &obj) mutable { return find_one_of_cmp( obj, std::forward(values), std::forward(compare) ); }; } /** @brief Finds the first element matching any element in `values`. * * The `==` operator is used to compare the values. The `range` * is iterated and each item is compared with each item in `values` * and once a match is found, `range` is returned. * * The `range` has to be at least ostd::input_range_tag as it's * iterated only once, `values` has to be ostd::forward_range_tag or * better. * * The time complexity is up to `N * M` where `N` is the length of * `range` and `M` is the length of `values`. * * Use ostd::find_one_of_cmp() if you want to use a comparison * function instead of the `==` operator. * * @sse ostd::find(), ostd::find_last(), ostd::find_if(), ostd::find_if_not(), * ostd::find_one_of_cmp() */ template inline InputRange find_one_of(InputRange range, ForwardRange values) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { for (auto rv = values; !rv.empty(); rv.pop_front()) { if (range.front() == rv.front()) { return range; } } } return range; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::find_one_of(). * * The `values` range is forwarded. */ template inline auto find_one_of(ForwardRange &&values) { return [values = std::forward(values)](auto &obj) mutable { return find_one_of(obj, std::forward(values)); }; } /** @brief Counts the number of occurences of `v` in `range`. * * Iterates the range and each time `v` is encountered (using the `==` * operator) a counter is incremented. This counter is then returned. * * The `range` is at least ostd::input_range_tag. * * @see ostd::count_if(), ostd::count_if_not() */ template inline range_size_t count(InputRange range, Value const &v) { range_size_t ret = 0; for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if (range.front() == v) { ++ret; } } return ret; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::count(). * * The `v` is forwarded. */ template inline auto count(Value &&v) { return [v = std::forward(v)](auto &obj) mutable { return count(obj, std::forward(v)); }; } /** @brief Counts the number of elements matching `pred` in `range. * * Iterates the range and each time `pred(range.front())` returns true, * a counter is incremented. This counter is then returned. * * The `range` is at least ostd::input_range_tag. * * @see ostd::count(), ostd::count_if_not() */ template inline range_size_t count_if(InputRange range, Predicate pred) { range_size_t ret = 0; for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if (pred(range.front())) { ++ret; } } return ret; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::count_if(). * * The `pred` is forwarded. */ template inline auto count_if(Predicate &&pred) { return [pred = std::forward(pred)](auto &obj) mutable { return count_if(obj, std::forward(pred)); }; } /** @brief Counts the number of elements not matching `pred` in `range. * * Iterates the range and each time `!pred(range.front())` returns true, * a counter is incremented. This counter is then returned. * * The `range` is at least ostd::input_range_tag. * * @see ostd::count(), ostd::count_if() */ template inline range_size_t count_if_not(InputRange range, Predicate pred) { range_size_t ret = 0; for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { if (!pred(range.front())) { ++ret; } } return ret; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::count_if_not(). * * The `pred` is forwarded. */ template inline auto count_if_not(Predicate &&pred) { return [pred = std::forward(pred)](auto &obj) mutable { return count_if_not(obj, std::forward(pred)); }; } /** @brief Checks if two ranges have equal contents. * * Both ranges are at least ostd::input_range_tag. If one range becomes * empty before the other does, false is returned. If the expression * `!(range1.front() == range2.front())` is true in any iteration, * false is also returned. Otherwise true is returned. */ template inline bool equal(InputRange range1, InputRange range2) { for (; !range1.empty(); range1.pop_front()) { if (range2.empty() || !(range1.front() == range2.front())) { return false; } range2.pop_front(); } return range2.empty(); } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::equal(). * * The `range` is forwarded as the second range. */ template inline auto equal(InputRange &&range) { return [range = std::forward(range)](auto &obj) mutable { return equal(obj, std::forward(range)); }; } /* algos that modify ranges or work with output ranges */ /** @brief Copies all elements from `irange` to `orange`. * * The `irange` is at least ostd::input_range_tag. The `orange` is * an output range. The ostd::range_put_all() function is used to * perform the copy. it respects ADL and therefore any per-type * overloads of ostd::range_put_all. * * @see ostd::copy_if(), ostd::copy_if_not() */ template inline OutputRange copy(InputRange irange, OutputRange orange) { range_put_all(orange, irange); return orange; } /** @brief Copies elements of `irange` matching `pred` into `orange`. * * The `irange` (at least ostd::input_range_tag) is iterated and if * the expression `pred(irange.front())` is true, the element is * inserted (like `orange.put(irange.front())`). * * @see ostd::copy(), ostd::copy_if_not() */ template inline OutputRange copy_if( InputRange irange, OutputRange orange, Predicate pred ) { for (; !irange.empty(); irange.pop_front()) { if (pred(irange.front())) { orange.put(irange.front()); } } return orange; } /** @brief Copies elements of `irange` not matching `pred` into `orange`. * * The `irange` (at least ostd::input_range_tag) is iterated and if * the expression `!pred(irange.front())` is true, the element is * inserted (like `orange.put(irange.front())`). * * @see ostd::copy(), ostd::copy_if() */ template inline OutputRange copy_if_not( InputRange irange, OutputRange orange, Predicate pred ) { for (; !irange.empty(); irange.pop_front()) { if (!pred(irange.front())) { orange.put(irange.front()); } } return orange; } /** @brief Reverses the order of the given range in-place. * * The range must be at least ostd::bidirectional_range_tag. The range * must also meet the conditions of ostd::is_range_element_swappable. * * Equivalent to the following: * * ~~~{.cc} * while (!range.empty()) { * using std::swap; * swap(range.front(), range.back()); * range.pop_front(); * range.pop_back(); * } * ~~~ * * @see ostd::reverse_copy() */ template inline void reverse(BidirRange range) { static_assert( is_range_element_swappable, "The range element accessors must allow swapping" ); while (!range.empty()) { using std::swap; swap(range.front(), range.back()); range.pop_front(); range.pop_back(); } } /** @brief Reverses the order of the given range into `orange`. * * Iterates `irange` backwards, putting each item into `orange`. The * `irange` has to be at least ostd::bidirectional_range_tag. * * Equivalent to the following: * * ~~~{.cc} * while (!irange.empty()) { * orange.put(irange.back()); * irange.pop_back(); * } * * return orange; * ~~~ * * @see ostd::reverse() */ template inline OutputRange reverse_copy(BidirRange irange, OutputRange orange) { for (; !irange.empty(); irange.pop_back()) { orange.put(irange.back()); } return orange; } /** @brief Fills the given input range with `v`. * * Iterates over `range` and assigns `v` to each element. The elements * must therefore be actual lvalue references so they can be assigned to. * * @see ostd::generate(), ostd::iota() */ template inline void fill(InputRange range, Value const &v) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { range.front() = v; } } /** @brief Fills the given input range with calls to `gen`. * * Iterates over `range` and assigns `gen()` to each element. The elements * must therefore be actual lvalue references so they can be assigned to. * * @see ostd::fill(), ostd::iota() */ template inline void generate(InputRange range, UnaryFunction gen) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { range.front() = gen(); } } /** @brief Swaps the contents of two input ranges. * * Testing ostd::is_range_element_swappable_with must be true with the given * ranges. The ranges must be at least ostd::input_range_tag. The swapping * stops as soon as any of the ranges becomes empty. * * @returns The `range1` and `range2` in a pair after swapping is done. */ template inline std::pair swap_ranges( InputRange1 range1, InputRange2 range2 ) { static_assert( is_range_element_swappable_with, "The range element accessors must allow swapping" ); while (!range1.empty() && !range2.empty()) { using std::swap; swap(range1.front(), range2.front()); range1.pop_front(); range2.pop_front(); } return std::make_pair(range1, range2); } /** @brief Fills the given input range with `value++`. * * Iterates over `range` and assigns `value++` to each element. The elements * must therefore be actual lvalue references so they can be assigned to. * * @see ostd::fill(), ostd::generate() */ template inline void iota(InputRange range, Value value) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { range.front() = value++; } } /** @brief Left-folds the `range` into `init`. * * The `init` is an initial value. The `range` is iterated and each * element is added to `init` using the `+` operator. Once that is * done, `init` is returned. * * The `range` must be at least ostd::input_range_tag. * * A function-based version as well as right-folds are provided as well. * * @see ostd::foldl_f(), ostd::foldr() */ template inline Value foldl(InputRange range, Value init) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { init = init + range.front(); } return init; } /** @brief Left-folds the `range` into `init`. * * The `init` is an initial value. The `range` is iterated and `init` * is assigned as `init = func(init, range.front())`. Once that is * done, `init` is returned. * * The `range` must be at least ostd::input_range_tag. * * A `+` operator-based version as well as right-folds are provided as well. * * @see ostd::foldl(), ostd::foldr_f() */ template inline Value foldl_f(InputRange range, Value init, BinaryFunction func) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_front()) { init = func(init, range.front()); } return init; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::foldl(). * * The `init` is forwarded. */ template inline auto foldl(Value &&init) { return [init = std::forward(init)](auto &obj) mutable { return foldl(obj, std::forward(init)); }; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::foldl_f(). * * The `init` and `func` are forwarded. */ template inline auto foldl_f(Value &&init, BinaryFunction &&func) { return [ init = std::forward(init), func = std::forward(func) ](auto &obj) mutable { return foldl_f( obj, std::forward(init), std::forward(func) ); }; } /** @brief Right-folds the `range` into `init`. * * The `init` is an initial value. The `range` is iterated backwards * and each element is added to `init` using the `+` operator. Once * that is done, `init` is returned. * * The `range` must be at least ostd::bidirectional_range_tag. * * A function-based version as well as left-folds are provided as well. * * @see ostd::foldr_f(), ostd::foldl() */ template inline Value foldr(InputRange range, Value init) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_back()) { init = init + range.back(); } return init; } /** @brief Right-folds the `range` into `init`. * * The `init` is an initial value. The `range` is iterated backwards * and `init` is assigned as `init = func(init, range.back())`. Once * that is done, `init` is returned. * * The `range` must be at least ostd::bidirectional_range_tag. * * A `+` operator-based version as well as left-folds are provided as well. * * @see ostd::foldr(), ostd::foldl_f() */ template inline Value foldr_f(InputRange range, Value init, BinaryFunction func) { for (; !range.empty(); range.pop_back()) { init = func(init, range.back()); } return init; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::foldr(). * * The `init` is forwarded. */ template inline auto foldr(Value &&init) { return [init = std::forward(init)](auto &obj) mutable { return foldr(obj, std::forward(init)); }; } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::foldr_f(). * * The `init` and `func` are forwarded. */ template inline auto foldr_f(Value &&init, BinaryFunction &&func) { return [ init = std::forward(init), func = std::forward(func) ](auto &obj) mutable { return foldr_f( obj, std::forward(init), std::forward(func) ); }; } namespace detail { template struct map_range: input_range> { using range_category = std::common_type_t< range_category_t, finite_random_access_range_tag >; using value_type = std::remove_reference_t; using reference = R; using size_type = range_size_t; private: T p_range; std::decay_t p_func; public: map_range() = delete; template map_range(T const &range, FF &&func): p_range(range), p_func(std::forward(func)) {} bool empty() const { return p_range.empty(); } size_type size() const { return p_range.size(); } void pop_front() { p_range.pop_front(); } void pop_back() { p_range.pop_back(); } R front() const { return p_func(p_range.front()); } R back() const { return p_func(p_range.back()); } R operator[](size_type idx) const { return p_func(p_range[idx]); } map_range slice(size_type start, size_type end) const { return map_range(p_range.slice(start, end), p_func); } map_range slice(size_type start) const { return slice(start, size()); } }; template using MapReturnType = decltype( std::declval()(std::declval>()) ); } /* namespace detail */ /** @brief Gets a wrapper range that maps each item by `func`. * * The resulting range is at most ostd::finite_random_access_range_tag. * There are no restrictions on the input range. The resulting range is * not mutable, it's purely input-type. * * The `reference` member type of the range is `R` where `R` is the return * value of `func`. The `value_type` is `std::remove_reference_t`. The * size type is preserved. * * On each access of a range item (front, back, indexing), the `func` is * called with the actual wrapped range's item and the result is returned. * * An example: * * ~~~{.cc} * auto r = ostd::map(ostd::range(5), [](auto v) { return v + 5; }); * for (auto i: r) { * ostd::writeln(i); // 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 * } * ~~~ * * Because the range is lazy, a new value is computed on each access, but * the wrapper range also needs no memory of its own. * * @see ostd::filter() */ template inline auto map(InputRange range, UnaryFunction func) { return detail::map_range< InputRange, UnaryFunction, detail::MapReturnType >(range, std::move(func)); } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::map(). * * The `func` is forwarded. */ template inline auto map(UnaryFunction &&func) { return [func = std::forward(func)](auto &obj) mutable { return map(obj, std::forward(func)); }; } namespace detail { template struct filter_range: input_range> { using range_category = std::common_type_t< range_category_t, forward_range_tag >; using value_type = range_value_t; using reference = range_reference_t; using size_type = range_size_t; private: T p_range; std::decay_t p_pred; void advance_valid() { while (!p_range.empty() && !p_pred(front())) { p_range.pop_front(); } } public: filter_range() = delete; template filter_range(T const &range, P &&pred): p_range(range), p_pred(std::forward

(pred)) { advance_valid(); } bool empty() const { return p_range.empty(); } void pop_front() { p_range.pop_front(); advance_valid(); } range_reference_t front() const { return p_range.front(); } }; template using FilterPred = std::enable_if_t()(std::declval>())), bool >, P>; } /* namespace detail */ /** @brief Gets a wrapper range that filters items by `pred`. * * The resulting range is ostd::forward_range_tag at most. The range will * only contains items for which `pred` returns true. What this means is * that upon creation, the given range is stored and all iterated until * an item matching `pred` is reached. On `pop_front()`, this item is * popped out and the same is done, i.e. again iterated until a new * item matching `pred` is reached. * * In other words, this is done: * * ~~~{.cc} * void advance(R &range, P &pred) { * while (!range.empty() && !pred()) { * range.pop_front(); * } * } * * constructor(R range, P pred) { * store_range_and_pred(range, pred); * advance(stored_range, stored_pred); * } * * void pop_front() { * stored_range.pop_front(); * advance(stored_range, stored_pred); * } * ~~~ * * The value, reference and size types are preserved, as are * calls to `front()` and `empty()`. * * @see ostd::map() */ template inline auto filter(InputRange range, Predicate pred) { return detail::filter_range(range, std::move(pred)); } /** @brief A pipeable version of ostd::filter(). * * The `pred` is forwarded. */ template inline auto filter(Predicate &&pred) { return [pred = std::forward(pred)](auto &obj) mutable { return filter(obj, std::forward(pred)); }; } /** @} */ } /* namespace ostd */ #endif /** @} */