
1235 lines
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/* Type traits for OctaSTD.
* This file is part of OctaSTD. See for futher information.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "ostd/types.hh"
namespace ostd {
/* forward declarations */
namespace detail {
template<typename> struct RemoveCvBase;
template<typename> struct AddLr;
template<typename> struct AddRr;
template<typename> struct AddConstBase;
template<typename> struct RemoveReferenceBase;
template<typename> struct RemoveAllExtentsBase;
template<typename ...> struct CommonTypeBase;
template<typename T>
using RemoveCv = typename detail::RemoveCvBase<T>::Type;
template<typename T>
using AddLvalueReference = typename detail::AddLr<T>::Type;
template<typename T>
using AddRvalueReference = typename detail::AddRr<T>::Type;
template<typename T>
using AddConst = typename detail::AddConstBase<T>::Type;
template<typename T>
using RemoveReference = typename detail::RemoveReferenceBase<T>::Type;
template<typename T>
using RemoveAllExtents = typename detail::RemoveAllExtentsBase<T>::Type;
namespace detail {
template<typename T> AddRvalueReference<T> declval_in();
/* integral constant */
template<typename T, T val>
struct IntegralConstant {
static constexpr T value = val;
using Value = T;
using Type = IntegralConstant<T, val>;
constexpr operator Value() const { return value; }
constexpr Value operator()() const { return value; }
using True = IntegralConstant<bool, true>;
using False = IntegralConstant<bool, false>;
template<typename T, T val> constexpr T IntegralConstant<T, val>::value;
/* and */
namespace detail {
template<bool B, typename ...A> struct AndBase;
template<typename ...A>
struct AndBase<false, A...>: False {};
struct AndBase<true>: True {};
template<typename T>
struct AndBase<true, T>: IntegralConstant<bool, T::Type::value> {};
template<typename T, typename ...A>
struct AndBase<true, T, A...>: AndBase<T::Type::value, A...> {};
template<typename T, typename ...A>
struct And: detail::AndBase<T::Type::value, A...> {};
/* or */
namespace detail {
template<bool B, typename ...A> struct OrBase;
struct OrBase<false>: False {};
template<typename T, typename ...A>
struct OrBase<false, T, A...>: OrBase<T::Type::value, A...> {};
template<typename ...A>
struct OrBase<true, A...>: True {};
template<typename T, typename ...A>
struct Or: detail::OrBase<T::Type::value, A...> {};
/* not */
template<typename T>
struct Not: IntegralConstant<bool, !T::Type::value> {};
/* type equality */
template<typename, typename> struct IsSame : False {};
template<typename T > struct IsSame<T, T>: True {};
/* is void */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsVoid = IsSame<RemoveCv<T>, void>::value;
/* is null pointer */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsNullPointer = IsSame<RemoveCv<T>, Nullptr>::value;
/* is integer */
namespace detail {
template<typename T> struct IsIntegralBase: False {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<bool >: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<char >: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<short >: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<int >: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<long >: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<sbyte >: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<byte >: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<ushort>: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<uint >: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<ulong >: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<llong >: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<ullong>: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<Char16>: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<Char32>: True {};
template<> struct IsIntegralBase<Wchar >: True {};
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsIntegral = detail::IsIntegralBase<RemoveCv<T>>::value;
/* is floating point */
namespace detail {
template<typename T> struct IsFloatingPointBase: False {};
template<> struct IsFloatingPointBase<float >: True {};
template<> struct IsFloatingPointBase<double>: True {};
template<> struct IsFloatingPointBase<ldouble>: True {};
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsFloatingPoint = detail::IsFloatingPointBase<RemoveCv<T>>::value;
/* is array */
namespace detail {
template<typename > struct IsArrayBase : False {};
template<typename T > struct IsArrayBase<T[] >: True {};
template<typename T, Size N> struct IsArrayBase<T[N]>: True {};
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsArray = detail::IsArrayBase<T>::value;
/* is pointer */
namespace detail {
template<typename > struct IsPointerBase : False {};
template<typename T> struct IsPointerBase<T *>: True {};
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsPointer = detail::IsPointerBase<RemoveCv<T>>::value;
/* is lvalue reference */
namespace detail {
template<typename > struct IsLvalueReferenceBase : False {};
template<typename T> struct IsLvalueReferenceBase<T &>: True {};
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsLvalueReference = detail::IsLvalueReferenceBase<T>::value;
/* is rvalue reference */
namespace detail {
template<typename > struct IsRvalueReferenceBase : False {};
template<typename T> struct IsRvalueReferenceBase<T &&>: True {};
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsRvalueReference = detail::IsRvalueReferenceBase<T>::value;
/* is reference */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsReference = IsLvalueReference<T> || IsRvalueReference<T>;
/* is enum */
template<typename T> static constexpr bool IsEnum = __is_enum(T);
/* is union */
template<typename T> static constexpr bool IsUnion = __is_union(T);
/* is class */
template<typename T> static constexpr bool IsClass = __is_class(T);
/* is function */
namespace detail {
struct FunctionTestDummy {};
template<typename T> char function_test(T *);
template<typename T> char function_test(FunctionTestDummy);
template<typename T> int function_test(...);
template<typename T> T &function_source(int);
template<typename T> FunctionTestDummy function_source(...);
template<typename T, bool = IsClass<T> ||
IsUnion<T> ||
IsVoid<T> ||
IsReference<T> ||
> struct IsFunctionBase: IntegralConstant<bool,
sizeof(function_test<T>(function_source<T>(0))) == 1
> {};
template<typename T> struct IsFunctionBase<T, true>: False {};
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsFunction = detail::IsFunctionBase<T>::value;
/* is arithmetic */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsArithmetic = IsIntegral<T> || IsFloatingPoint<T>;
/* is fundamental */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsFundamental = IsArithmetic<T> || IsVoid<T> ||
/* is compound */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsCompound = !IsFundamental<T>;
/* is pointer to member */
namespace detail {
struct IsMemberPointerBase: False {};
template<typename T, typename U>
struct IsMemberPointerBase<T U::*>: True {};
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsMemberPointer = detail::IsMemberPointerBase<RemoveCv<T>>::value;
/* is pointer to member object */
namespace detail {
struct IsMemberObjectPointerBase: False {};
template<typename T, typename U>
struct IsMemberObjectPointerBase<T U::*>: IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsMemberObjectPointer = detail::IsMemberObjectPointerBase<RemoveCv<T>>::value;
/* is pointer to member function */
namespace detail {
struct IsMemberFunctionPointerBase: False {};
template<typename T, typename U>
struct IsMemberFunctionPointerBase<T U::*>: IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsMemberFunctionPointer = detail::IsMemberFunctionPointerBase<RemoveCv<T>>::value;
/* is object */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsObject = !IsFunction<T> && !IsVoid<T> && !IsReference<T>;
/* is scalar */
template<typename T> static constexpr bool IsScalar
= IsMemberPointer<T> || IsPointer<T> || IsEnum<T> ||
IsNullPointer <T> || IsArithmetic<T>;
/* is abstract */
template<typename T> static constexpr bool IsAbstract = __is_abstract(T);
/* is const */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsConst = IsSame<T, const T>::value;
/* is volatile */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsVolatile = IsSame<T, volatile T>::value;
/* is empty */
template<typename T> static constexpr bool IsEmpty = __is_empty(T);
/* is POD */
template<typename T> static constexpr bool IsPod = __is_pod(T);
/* is polymorphic */
template<typename T> static constexpr bool IsPolymorphic = __is_polymorphic(T);
/* is signed */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct IsSignedCore: IntegralConstant<bool, T(-1) < T(0)> {};
template<typename T, bool = IsArithmetic<T>>
struct IsSignedBase: False {};
template<typename T>
struct IsSignedBase<T, true>: detail::IsSignedCore<T> {};
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsSigned = detail::IsSignedBase<T>::value;
/* is unsigned */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct IsUnsignedCore: IntegralConstant<bool, T(0) < T(-1)> {};
template<typename T, bool = IsArithmetic<T>>
struct IsUnsignedBase: False {};
template<typename T>
struct IsUnsignedBase<T, true>: detail::IsUnsignedCore<T> {};
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsUnsigned = detail::IsUnsignedBase<T>::value;
/* is standard layout */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsStandardLayout = __is_standard_layout(T);
/* is literal type */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsLiteralType = __is_literal_type(T);
/* is trivially copyable */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsTriviallyCopyable = IsScalar<RemoveAllExtents<T>>;
/* is trivial */
template<typename T> static constexpr bool IsTrivial = __is_trivial(T);
/* has virtual destructor */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool HasVirtualDestructor = __has_virtual_destructor(T);
/* is constructible */
namespace detail {
#define OSTD_MOVE(v) static_cast<RemoveReference<decltype(v)> &&>(v)
template<typename, typename T> struct Select2nd { using Type = T; };
struct Any { Any(...); };
template<typename T, typename ...A> typename Select2nd<
decltype(OSTD_MOVE(T(declval_in<A>()...))), True
>::Type is_ctible_test(T &&, A &&...);
#undef OSTD_MOVE
template<typename ...A> False is_ctible_test(Any, A &&...);
template<bool, typename T, typename ...A>
struct CtibleCore: CommonTypeBase<
decltype(is_ctible_test(declval_in<T>(), declval_in<A>()...))
>::Type {};
/* function types are not constructible */
template<typename R, typename ...A1, typename ...A2>
struct CtibleCore<false, R(A1...), A2...>: False {};
/* scalars are default constructible, refs are not */
template<typename T>
struct CtibleCore<true, T>: IntegralConstant<bool, IsScalar<T>> {};
/* scalars and references are constructible from one arg if
* implicitly convertible to scalar or reference */
template<typename T>
struct CtibleRef {
static True test(T);
static False test(...);
template<typename T, typename U>
struct CtibleCore<true, T, U>: CommonTypeBase<
>::Type {};
/* scalars and references are not constructible from multiple args */
template<typename T, typename U, typename ...A>
struct CtibleCore<true, T, U, A...>: False {};
/* treat scalars and refs separately */
template<bool, typename T, typename ...A>
struct CtibleVoidCheck: CtibleCore<
(IsScalar<T> || IsReference<T>), T, A...
> {};
/* if any of T or A is void, IsConstructible should be false */
template<typename T, typename ...A>
struct CtibleVoidCheck<true, T, A...>: False {};
template<typename ...A> struct CtibleContainsVoid;
template<> struct CtibleContainsVoid<>: False {};
template<typename T, typename ...A>
struct CtibleContainsVoid<T, A...> {
static constexpr bool value = IsVoid<T>
|| CtibleContainsVoid<A...>::value;
/* entry point */
template<typename T, typename ...A>
struct Ctible: CtibleVoidCheck<
CtibleContainsVoid<T, A...>::value || IsAbstract<T>,
T, A...
> {};
/* array types are default constructible if their element type is */
template<typename T, Size N>
struct CtibleCore<false, T[N]>: Ctible<RemoveAllExtents<T>> {};
/* otherwise array types are not constructible by this syntax */
template<typename T, Size N, typename ...A>
struct CtibleCore<false, T[N], A...>: False {};
/* incomplete array types are not constructible */
template<typename T, typename ...A>
struct CtibleCore<false, T[], A...>: False {};
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename T, typename ...A>
static constexpr bool IsConstructible = detail::Ctible<T, A...>::value;
/* is default constructible */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsDefaultConstructible = IsConstructible<T>;
/* is copy constructible */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsCopyConstructible = IsConstructible<T,
/* is move constructible */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsMoveConstructible = IsConstructible<T,
/* is assignable */
namespace detail {
template<typename T, typename U> typename detail::Select2nd<
decltype((declval_in<T>() = declval_in<U>())), True
>::Type assign_test(T &&, U &&);
template<typename T> False assign_test(Any, T &&);
template<typename T, typename U, bool = IsVoid<T> || IsVoid<U>>
struct IsAssignableBase: CommonTypeBase<
decltype(assign_test(declval_in<T>(), declval_in<U>()))
>::Type {};
template<typename T, typename U>
struct IsAssignableBase<T, U, true>: False {};
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename T, typename U>
static constexpr bool IsAssignable = detail::IsAssignableBase<T, U>::value;
/* is copy assignable */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsCopyAssignable = IsAssignable<
/* is move assignable */
template<typename T>
static constexpr bool IsMoveAssignable = IsAssignable<
const AddRvalueReference<T>
/* is destructible */
namespace detail {
template<typename> struct IsDtibleApply { using Type = int; };
template<typename T> struct IsDestructorWellformed {
template<typename TT> static char test(typename IsDtibleApply<
decltype(detail::declval_in<TT &>().~TT())
template<typename TT> static int test(...);
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(12)) == sizeof(char));
template<typename, bool> struct DtibleImpl;
template<typename T>
struct DtibleImpl<T, false>: IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
template<typename T>
struct DtibleImpl<T, true>: True {};
template<typename T, bool> struct DtibleFalse;
template<typename T> struct DtibleFalse<T, false>
: DtibleImpl<T, IsReference<T>> {};
template<typename T> struct DtibleFalse<T, true>: False {};
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename T>
struct IsDestructible: detail::DtibleFalse<T, IsFunction<T>> {};
template<typename T> struct IsDestructible<T[]>: False {};
template< > struct IsDestructible<void>: False {};
/* is trivially constructible */
template<typename T, typename ...A>
struct IsTriviallyConstructible: False {};
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyConstructible<T>: IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyConstructible<T, T &>: IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyConstructible<T, const T &>: IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyConstructible<T, T &&>: IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
/* is trivially default constructible */
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyDefaultConstructible: IsTriviallyConstructible<T> {};
/* is trivially copy constructible */
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyCopyConstructible: IsTriviallyConstructible<T,
AddLvalueReference<const T>
> {};
/* is trivially move constructible */
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyMoveConstructible: IsTriviallyConstructible<T,
> {};
/* is trivially assignable */
template<typename T, typename ...A>
struct IsTriviallyAssignable: False {};
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyAssignable<T>: IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyAssignable<T, T &>: IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyAssignable<T, const T &>: IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyAssignable<T, T &&>: IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
/* is trivially copy assignable */
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyCopyAssignable: IsTriviallyAssignable<T,
AddLvalueReference<const T>
> {};
/* is trivially move assignable */
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyMoveAssignable: IsTriviallyAssignable<T,
> {};
/* is trivially destructible */
template<typename T>
struct IsTriviallyDestructible: IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
/* is base of */
template<typename B, typename D>
struct IsBaseOf: IntegralConstant<bool, __is_base_of(B, D)> {};
/* is convertible */
namespace detail {
template<typename F, typename T, bool = IsVoid<F>
|| IsFunction<T> || IsArray<T>
> struct IsConvertibleBase {
using Type = IntegralConstant<bool, IsVoid<T>>;
template<typename F, typename T>
struct IsConvertibleBase<F, T, false> {
template<typename TT> static void test_f(TT);
template<typename FF, typename TT,
typename = decltype(test_f<TT>(declval_in<FF>()))
> static True test(int);
template<typename, typename> static False test(...);
using Type = decltype(test<F, T>(0));
template<typename F, typename T>
struct IsConvertible: detail::IsConvertibleBase<F, T>::Type {};
/* extent */
template<typename T, uint I = 0>
struct Extent: IntegralConstant<Size, 0> {};
template<typename T>
struct Extent<T[], 0>: IntegralConstant<Size, 0> {};
template<typename T, uint I>
struct Extent<T[], I>: IntegralConstant<Size, Extent<T, I - 1>::value> {};
template<typename T, Size N>
struct Extent<T[N], 0>: IntegralConstant<Size, N> {};
template<typename T, Size N, uint I>
struct Extent<T[N], I>: IntegralConstant<Size, Extent<T, I - 1>::value> {};
/* rank */
template<typename T> struct Rank: IntegralConstant<Size, 0> {};
template<typename T>
struct Rank<T[]>: IntegralConstant<Size, Rank<T>::value + 1> {};
template<typename T, Size N>
struct Rank<T[N]>: IntegralConstant<Size, Rank<T>::value + 1> {};
/* remove const, volatile, cv */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct RemoveConstBase { using Type = T; };
template<typename T>
struct RemoveConstBase<const T> { using Type = T; };
template<typename T>
struct RemoveVolatileBase { using Type = T; };
template<typename T>
struct RemoveVolatileBase<volatile T> { using Type = T; };
template<typename T>
using RemoveConst = typename detail::RemoveConstBase<T>::Type;
template<typename T>
using RemoveVolatile = typename detail::RemoveVolatileBase<T>::Type;
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct RemoveCvBase {
using Type = RemoveVolatile<RemoveConst<T>>;
/* add const, volatile, cv */
namespace detail {
template<typename T, bool = IsReference<T> || IsFunction<T> || IsConst<T>>
struct AddConstCore { using Type = T; };
template<typename T> struct AddConstCore<T, false> {
using Type = const T;
template<typename T> struct AddConstBase {
using Type = typename AddConstCore<T>::Type;
template<typename T, bool = IsReference<T> || IsFunction<T> || IsVolatile<T>>
struct AddVolatileCore { using Type = T; };
template<typename T> struct AddVolatileCore<T, false> {
using Type = volatile T;
template<typename T> struct AddVolatileBase {
using Type = typename AddVolatileCore<T>::Type;
template<typename T>
using AddVolatile = typename detail::AddVolatileBase<T>::Type;
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct AddCvBase {
using Type = AddConst<AddVolatile<T>>;
template<typename T>
using AddCv = typename detail::AddCvBase<T>::Type;
/* remove reference */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct RemoveReferenceBase { using Type = T; };
template<typename T>
struct RemoveReferenceBase<T &> { using Type = T; };
template<typename T>
struct RemoveReferenceBase<T &&> { using Type = T; };
/* remove pointer */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct RemovePointerBase { using Type = T; };
template<typename T>
struct RemovePointerBase<T * > { using Type = T; };
template<typename T>
struct RemovePointerBase<T * const > { using Type = T; };
template<typename T>
struct RemovePointerBase<T * volatile > { using Type = T; };
template<typename T>
struct RemovePointerBase<T * const volatile> { using Type = T; };
template<typename T>
using RemovePointer = typename detail::RemovePointerBase<T>::Type;
/* add pointer */
namespace detail {
template<typename T> struct AddPointerBase {
using Type = RemoveReference<T> *;
template<typename T>
using AddPointer = typename detail::AddPointerBase<T>::Type;
/* add lvalue reference */
namespace detail {
template<typename T> struct AddLr { using Type = T &; };
template<typename T> struct AddLr<T &> { using Type = T &; };
template<> struct AddLr<void> {
using Type = void;
template<> struct AddLr<const void> {
using Type = const void;
template<> struct AddLr<volatile void> {
using Type = volatile void;
template<> struct AddLr<const volatile void> {
using Type = const volatile void;
/* add rvalue reference */
namespace detail {
template<typename T> struct AddRr { using Type = T &&; };
template<> struct AddRr<void> {
using Type = void;
template<> struct AddRr<const void> {
using Type = const void;
template<> struct AddRr<volatile void> {
using Type = volatile void;
template<> struct AddRr<const volatile void> {
using Type = const volatile void;
/* remove extent */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct RemoveExtentBase { using Type = T; };
template<typename T>
struct RemoveExtentBase<T[ ]> { using Type = T; };
template<typename T, Size N>
struct RemoveExtentBase<T[N]> { using Type = T; };
template<typename T>
using RemoveExtent = typename detail::RemoveExtentBase<T>::Type;
/* remove all extents */
namespace detail {
template<typename T> struct RemoveAllExtentsBase { using Type = T; };
template<typename T> struct RemoveAllExtentsBase<T[]> {
using Type = RemoveAllExtentsBase<T>;
template<typename T, Size N> struct RemoveAllExtentsBase<T[N]> {
using Type = RemoveAllExtentsBase<T>;
/* make (un)signed
* this is bad, but i don't see any better way
* shamelessly copied from graphitemaster @ neothyne
namespace detail {
template<typename T, typename U> struct TypeList {
using First = T;
using Rest = U;
/* not a type */
struct TlNat {
TlNat() = delete;
TlNat(const TlNat &) = delete;
TlNat &operator=(const TlNat &) = delete;
~TlNat() = delete;
using Stypes = TypeList<sbyte,
TypeList<llong, TlNat>>>>>;
using Utypes = TypeList<byte,
TypeList<ullong, TlNat>>>>>;
template<typename T, Size N, bool = (N <= sizeof(typename T::First))>
struct TypeFindFirst;
template<typename T, typename U, Size N>
struct TypeFindFirst<TypeList<T, U>, N, true> {
using Type = T;
template<typename T, typename U, Size N>
struct TypeFindFirst<TypeList<T, U>, N, false> {
using Type = typename TypeFindFirst<U, N>::Type;
template<typename T, typename U,
bool = IsConst<RemoveReference<T>>,
bool = IsVolatile<RemoveReference<T>>
> struct ApplyCv {
using Type = U;
template<typename T, typename U>
struct ApplyCv<T, U, true, false> { /* const */
using Type = const U;
template<typename T, typename U>
struct ApplyCv<T, U, false, true> { /* volatile */
using Type = volatile U;
template<typename T, typename U>
struct ApplyCv<T, U, true, true> { /* const volatile */
using Type = const volatile U;
template<typename T, typename U>
struct ApplyCv<T &, U, true, false> { /* const */
using Type = const U &;
template<typename T, typename U>
struct ApplyCv<T &, U, false, true> { /* volatile */
using Type = volatile U &;
template<typename T, typename U>
struct ApplyCv<T &, U, true, true> { /* const volatile */
using Type = const volatile U &;
template<typename T, bool = IsIntegral<T> || IsEnum<T>>
struct MakeSignedCore {};
template<typename T, bool = IsIntegral<T> || IsEnum<T>>
struct MakeUnsignedCore {};
template<typename T>
struct MakeSignedCore<T, true> {
using Type = typename TypeFindFirst<Stypes, sizeof(T)>::Type;
template<typename T>
struct MakeUnsignedCore<T, true> {
using Type = typename TypeFindFirst<Utypes, sizeof(T)>::Type;
template<> struct MakeSignedCore<bool , true> {};
template<> struct MakeSignedCore<short , true> { using Type = short; };
template<> struct MakeSignedCore<int , true> { using Type = int; };
template<> struct MakeSignedCore<long , true> { using Type = long; };
template<> struct MakeSignedCore<sbyte , true> { using Type = sbyte; };
template<> struct MakeSignedCore<byte , true> { using Type = sbyte; };
template<> struct MakeSignedCore<ushort, true> { using Type = short; };
template<> struct MakeSignedCore<uint , true> { using Type = int; };
template<> struct MakeSignedCore<ulong , true> { using Type = long; };
template<> struct MakeSignedCore<llong , true> { using Type = llong; };
template<> struct MakeSignedCore<ullong, true> { using Type = llong; };
template<> struct MakeUnsignedCore<bool , true> {};
template<> struct MakeUnsignedCore<short , true> { using Type = ushort; };
template<> struct MakeUnsignedCore<int , true> { using Type = uint; };
template<> struct MakeUnsignedCore<long , true> { using Type = ulong; };
template<> struct MakeUnsignedCore<sbyte , true> { using Type = byte; };
template<> struct MakeUnsignedCore<byte , true> { using Type = byte; };
template<> struct MakeUnsignedCore<ushort, true> { using Type = ushort; };
template<> struct MakeUnsignedCore<uint , true> { using Type = uint; };
template<> struct MakeUnsignedCore<ulong , true> { using Type = ulong; };
template<> struct MakeUnsignedCore<llong , true> { using Type = ullong; };
template<> struct MakeUnsignedCore<ullong, true> { using Type = ullong; };
template<typename T> struct MakeSignedBase {
using Type = typename ApplyCv<T,
typename MakeSignedCore<RemoveCv<T>>::Type
template<typename T> struct MakeUnsignedBase {
using Type = typename ApplyCv<T,
typename MakeUnsignedCore<RemoveCv<T>>::Type
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename T>
using MakeSigned = typename detail::MakeSignedBase<T>::Type;
template<typename T>
using MakeUnsigned = typename detail::MakeUnsignedBase<T>::Type;
/* conditional */
namespace detail {
template<bool _cond, typename T, typename U>
struct ConditionalBase {
using Type = T;
template<typename T, typename U>
struct ConditionalBase<false, T, U> {
using Type = U;
template<bool _cond, typename T, typename U>
using Conditional = typename detail::ConditionalBase<_cond, T, U>::Type;
/* result of call at compile time */
namespace detail {
#define OSTD_FWD(T, _v) static_cast<T &&>(_v)
template<typename F, typename ...A>
inline auto rof_invoke(F &&f, A &&...args) ->
decltype(OSTD_FWD(F, f)(OSTD_FWD(A, args)...)) {
return OSTD_FWD(F, f)(OSTD_FWD(A, args)...);
template<typename B, typename T, typename D>
inline auto rof_invoke(T B::*pmd, D &&ref) ->
decltype(OSTD_FWD(D, ref).*pmd) {
return OSTD_FWD(D, ref).*pmd;
template<typename PMD, typename P>
inline auto rof_invoke(PMD &&pmd, P &&ptr) ->
decltype((*OSTD_FWD(P, ptr)).*OSTD_FWD(PMD, pmd)) {
return (*OSTD_FWD(P, ptr)).*OSTD_FWD(PMD, pmd);
template<typename B, typename T, typename D, typename ...A>
inline auto rof_invoke(T B::*pmf, D &&ref, A &&...args) ->
decltype((OSTD_FWD(D, ref).*pmf)(OSTD_FWD(A, args)...)) {
return (OSTD_FWD(D, ref).*pmf)(OSTD_FWD(A, args)...);
template<typename PMF, typename P, typename ...A>
inline auto rof_invoke(PMF &&pmf, P &&ptr, A &&...args) ->
decltype(((*OSTD_FWD(P, ptr)).*OSTD_FWD(PMF, pmf))
(OSTD_FWD(A, args)...)) {
return ((*OSTD_FWD(P, ptr)).*OSTD_FWD(PMF, pmf))
(OSTD_FWD(A, args)...);
#undef OSTD_FWD
template<typename, typename = void>
struct ResultOfCore {};
template<typename F, typename ...A>
struct ResultOfCore<F(A...), decltype(void(rof_invoke(
detail::declval_in<F>(), detail::declval_in<A>()...)))> {
using type = decltype(rof_invoke(detail::declval_in<F>(),
template<typename T> struct ResultOfBase: ResultOfCore<T> {};
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename T>
using ResultOf = typename detail::ResultOfBase<T>::Type;
/* enable if */
namespace detail {
template<bool B, typename T = void> struct EnableIfBase {};
template<typename T> struct EnableIfBase<true, T> { using Type = T; };
template<bool B, typename T = void>
using EnableIf = typename detail::EnableIfBase<B, T>::Type;
/* decay */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct DecayBase {
using U = RemoveReference<T>;
using Type = Conditional<IsArray<U>,
RemoveExtent<U> *,
Conditional<IsFunction<U>, AddPointer<U>, RemoveCv<U>>
template<typename T>
using Decay = typename detail::DecayBase<T>::Type;
/* common type */
namespace detail {
template<typename ...T> struct CommonTypeBase;
template<typename T> struct CommonTypeBase<T> {
using Type = Decay<T>;
template<typename T, typename U> struct CommonTypeBase<T, U> {
using Type = Decay<decltype(true ? detail::declval_in<T>()
: detail::declval_in<U>())>;
template<typename T, typename U, typename ...V>
struct CommonTypeBase<T, U, V...> {
using Type = typename CommonTypeBase<
typename CommonTypeBase<T, U>::Type, V...
template<typename T, typename U, typename ...V>
using CommonType = typename detail::CommonTypeBase<T, U, V...>::Type;
/* aligned storage */
namespace detail {
template<Size N> struct AlignedTest {
union Type {
byte data[N];
MaxAlign align;
template<Size N, Size A> struct AlignedStorageBase {
struct Type {
alignas(A) byte data[N];
template<Size N, Size A
= alignof(typename detail::AlignedTest<N>::Type)
> using AlignedStorage = typename detail::AlignedStorageBase<N, A>::Type;
/* aligned union */
namespace detail {
template<Size ...N> struct AlignMax;
template<Size N> struct AlignMax<N> {
static constexpr Size value = N;
template<Size N1, Size N2> struct AlignMax<N1, N2> {
static constexpr Size value = (N1 > N2) ? N1 : N2;
template<Size N1, Size N2, Size ...N>
struct AlignMax<N1, N2, N...> {
static constexpr Size value
= AlignMax<AlignMax<N1, N2>::value, N...>::value;
template<Size N, typename ...T> struct AlignedUnionBase {
static constexpr Size alignment_value
= AlignMax<alignof(T)...>::value;
struct type {
alignas(alignment_value) byte data[AlignMax<N,
} /* namespace detail */
template<Size N, typename ...T>
using AlignedUnion = typename detail::AlignedUnionBase<N, T...>::Type;
/* underlying type */
namespace detail {
/* gotta wrap, in a struct otherwise clang ICEs... */
template<typename T> struct UnderlyingTypeBase {
using Type = __underlying_type(T);
template<typename T>
using UnderlyingType = typename detail::UnderlyingTypeBase<T>::Type;
} /* namespace ostd */