2020-04-15 16:39:17 +00:00
// physics.cpp: no physics books were hurt nor consulted in the construction of this code.
// All physics computations and constants were invented on the fly and simply tweaked until
// they "felt right", and have no basis in reality. Collision detection is simplistic but
// very robust (uses discrete steps at fixed fps).
2020-04-16 18:28:40 +00:00
#include "engine.hh"
#include "mpr.hh"
2020-04-15 16:39:17 +00:00
const int MAXCLIPOFFSET = 4;
const int MAXCLIPPLANES = 1024;
static clipplanes clipcache[MAXCLIPPLANES];
static int clipcacheversion = -MAXCLIPOFFSET;
static inline clipplanes &getclipbounds(const cube &c, const ivec &o, int size, int offset)
clipplanes &p = clipcache[int(&c - worldroot)&(MAXCLIPPLANES-1)];
if(p.owner != &c || p.version != clipcacheversion+offset)
p.owner = &c;
p.version = clipcacheversion+offset;
genclipbounds(c, o, size, p);
return p;
static inline clipplanes &getclipbounds(const cube &c, const ivec &o, int size, physent *d)
int offset = !(c.visible&0x80) || d->type==ENT_PLAYER ? 0 : 1;
return getclipbounds(c, o, size, offset);
static inline int forceclipplanes(const cube &c, const ivec &o, int size, clipplanes &p)
bool collide = true, noclip = false;
if(p.version&1) { collide = false; noclip = true; }
genclipplanes(c, o, size, p, collide, noclip);
return p.visible;
static inline clipplanes &getclipplanes(const cube &c, const ivec &o, int size)
clipplanes &p = getclipbounds(c, o, size, c.visible&0x80 ? 2 : 0);
if(p.visible&0x80) genclipplanes(c, o, size, p, false, false);
return p;
void resetclipplanes()
clipcacheversion += MAXCLIPOFFSET;
memset(clipcache, 0, sizeof(clipcache));
clipcacheversion = MAXCLIPOFFSET;
///////////////////////// ray - cube collision ///////////////////////////////////////////////
#define INTERSECTPLANES(setentry, exit) \
float enterdist = -1e16f, exitdist = 1e16f; \
loopi(p.size) \
{ \
float pdist = p.p[i].dist(v), facing = ray.dot(p.p[i]); \
if(facing < 0) \
{ \
pdist /= -facing; \
if(pdist > enterdist) \
{ \
if(pdist > exitdist) exit; \
enterdist = pdist; \
setentry; \
} \
} \
else if(facing > 0) \
{ \
pdist /= -facing; \
if(pdist < exitdist) \
{ \
if(pdist < enterdist) exit; \
exitdist = pdist; \
} \
} \
else if(pdist > 0) exit; \
#define INTERSECTBOX(setentry, exit) \
loop(i, 3) \
{ \
if(ray[i]) \
{ \
float prad = fabs(p.r[i] * invray[i]), pdist = (p.o[i] - v[i]) * invray[i], pmin = pdist - prad, pmax = pdist + prad; \
if(pmin > enterdist) \
{ \
if(pmin > exitdist) exit; \
enterdist = pmin; \
setentry; \
} \
if(pmax < exitdist) \
{ \
if(pmax < enterdist) exit; \
exitdist = pmax; \
} \
} \
else if(v[i] < p.o[i]-p.r[i] || v[i] > p.o[i]+p.r[i]) exit; \
vec hitsurface;
static inline bool raycubeintersect(const clipplanes &p, const cube &c, const vec &v, const vec &ray, const vec &invray, float maxdist, float &dist)
int entry = -1, bbentry = -1;
INTERSECTPLANES(entry = i, return false);
INTERSECTBOX(bbentry = i, return false);
if(exitdist < 0) return false;
dist = max(enterdist+0.1f, 0.0f);
if(dist < maxdist)
if(bbentry>=0) { hitsurface = vec(0, 0, 0); hitsurface[bbentry] = ray[bbentry]>0 ? -1 : 1; }
else hitsurface = p.p[entry];
return true;
extern void entselectionbox(const entity &e, vec &eo, vec &es);
float hitentdist;
int hitent, hitorient;
static float disttoent(octaentities *oc, const vec &o, const vec &ray, float radius, int mode, extentity *t)
vec eo, es;
int orient = -1;
float dist = radius, f = 0.0f;
const vector<extentity *> &ents = entities::getents();
#define entintersect(type, func) do { \
loopv(oc->type) \
{ \
extentity &e = *ents[oc->type[i]]; \
if(!(e.flags&EF_OCTA) || &e==t) continue; \
func; \
if(f<dist && f>0 && vec(ray).mul(f).add(o).insidebb(oc->o, oc->size)) \
{ \
hitentdist = dist = f; \
hitent = oc->type[i]; \
hitorient = orient; \
} \
} \
} while(0)
if((mode&RAY_POLY) == RAY_POLY) entintersect(mapmodels,
if(!mmintersect(e, o, ray, radius, mode, f)) continue;
#define entselintersect(type) entintersect(type, { \
entselectionbox(e, eo, es); \
if(!rayboxintersect(eo, es, o, ray, f, orient)) continue; \
if((mode&RAY_ENTS) == RAY_ENTS)
return dist;
static float disttooutsideent(const vec &o, const vec &ray, float radius, int mode, extentity *t)
vec eo, es;
int orient;
float dist = radius, f = 0.0f;
const vector<extentity *> &ents = entities::getents();
extentity &e = *ents[outsideents[i]];
if(!(e.flags&EF_OCTA) || &e == t) continue;
entselectionbox(e, eo, es);
if(!rayboxintersect(eo, es, o, ray, f, orient)) continue;
if(f<dist && f>0)
hitentdist = dist = f;
hitent = outsideents[i];
hitorient = orient;
return dist;
// optimized shadow version
static float shadowent(octaentities *oc, const vec &o, const vec &ray, float radius, int mode, extentity *t)
float dist = radius, f = 0.0f;
const vector<extentity *> &ents = entities::getents();
extentity &e = *ents[oc->mapmodels[i]];
if(!(e.flags&EF_OCTA) || &e==t) continue;
if(!mmintersect(e, o, ray, radius, mode, f)) continue;
if(f>0 && f<dist) dist = f;
return dist;
float dist = 0, dent = radius > 0 ? radius : 1e16f; \
vec v(o), invray(ray.x ? 1/ray.x : 1e16f, ray.y ? 1/ray.y : 1e16f, ray.z ? 1/ray.z : 1e16f); \
cube *levels[20]; \
levels[worldscale] = worldroot; \
int lshift = worldscale, elvl = mode&RAY_BB ? worldscale : 0; \
ivec lsizemask(invray.x>0 ? 1 : 0, invray.y>0 ? 1 : 0, invray.z>0 ? 1 : 0); \
if(!insideworld(o)) \
{ \
float disttoworld = 0, exitworld = 1e16f; \
loopi(3) \
{ \
float c = v[i]; \
if(c<0 || c>=worldsize) \
{ \
float d = ((invray[i]>0?0:worldsize)-c)*invray[i]; \
if(d<0) return (radius>0?radius:-1); \
disttoworld = max(disttoworld, 0.1f + d); \
} \
float e = ((invray[i]>0?worldsize:0)-c)*invray[i]; \
exitworld = min(exitworld, e); \
} \
if(disttoworld > exitworld) return (radius>0?radius:-1); \
v.add(vec(ray).mul(disttoworld)); \
dist += disttoworld; \
#define DOWNOCTREE(disttoent, earlyexit) \
cube *lc = levels[lshift]; \
for(;;) \
{ \
lshift--; \
lc += octastep(x, y, z, lshift); \
if(lc->ext && lc->ext->ents && lshift < elvl) \
{ \
float edist = disttoent(lc->ext->ents, o, ray, dent, mode, t); \
if(edist < dent) \
{ \
earlyexit return min(edist, dist); \
elvl = lshift; \
dent = min(dent, edist); \
} \
} \
if(lc->children==NULL) break; \
lc = lc->children; \
levels[lshift] = lc; \
#define FINDCLOSEST(xclosest, yclosest, zclosest) \
float dx = (lo.x+(lsizemask.x<<lshift)-v.x)*invray.x, \
dy = (lo.y+(lsizemask.y<<lshift)-v.y)*invray.y, \
dz = (lo.z+(lsizemask.z<<lshift)-v.z)*invray.z; \
float disttonext = dx; \
xclosest; \
if(dy < disttonext) { disttonext = dy; yclosest; } \
if(dz < disttonext) { disttonext = dz; zclosest; } \
disttonext += 0.1f; \
v.add(vec(ray).mul(disttonext)); \
dist += disttonext;
#define UPOCTREE(exitworld) \
x = int(v.x); \
y = int(v.y); \
z = int(v.z); \
uint diff = uint(lo.x^x)|uint(lo.y^y)|uint(lo.z^z); \
if(diff >= uint(worldsize)) exitworld; \
diff >>= lshift; \
if(!diff) exitworld; \
do \
{ \
lshift++; \
diff >>= 1; \
} while(diff);
float raycube(const vec &o, const vec &ray, float radius, int mode, int size, extentity *t)
if(ray.iszero()) return 0;
int closest = -1, x = int(v.x), y = int(v.y), z = int(v.z);
DOWNOCTREE(disttoent, if(mode&RAY_SHADOW));
int lsize = 1<<lshift;
cube &c = *lc;
if((dist>0 || !(mode&RAY_SKIPFIRST)) &&
(((mode&RAY_CLIPMAT) && isclipped(c.material&MATF_VOLUME)) ||
((mode&RAY_EDITMAT) && c.material != MAT_AIR) ||
(!(mode&RAY_PASS) && lsize==size && !isempty(c)) ||
isentirelysolid(c) ||
dent < dist) &&
(!(mode&RAY_CLIPMAT) || (c.material&MATF_CLIP)!=MAT_NOCLIP))
if(dist < dent)
if(closest < 0)
float dx = ((x&(~0U<<lshift))+(invray.x>0 ? 0 : 1<<lshift)-v.x)*invray.x,
dy = ((y&(~0U<<lshift))+(invray.y>0 ? 0 : 1<<lshift)-v.y)*invray.y,
dz = ((z&(~0U<<lshift))+(invray.z>0 ? 0 : 1<<lshift)-v.z)*invray.z;
closest = dx > dy ? (dx > dz ? 0 : 2) : (dy > dz ? 1 : 2);
hitsurface = vec(0, 0, 0);
hitsurface[closest] = ray[closest]>0 ? -1 : 1;
return dist;
return dent;
ivec lo(x&(~0U<<lshift), y&(~0U<<lshift), z&(~0U<<lshift));
const clipplanes &p = getclipplanes(c, lo, lsize);
float f = 0;
if(raycubeintersect(p, c, v, ray, invray, dent-dist, f) && (dist+f>0 || !(mode&RAY_SKIPFIRST)) && (!(mode&RAY_CLIPMAT) || (c.material&MATF_CLIP)!=MAT_NOCLIP))
return min(dent, dist+f);
FINDCLOSEST(closest = 0, closest = 1, closest = 2);
if(radius>0 && dist>=radius) return min(dent, dist);
UPOCTREE(return min(dent, radius>0 ? radius : dist));
// optimized version for light shadowing... every cycle here counts!!!
float shadowray(const vec &o, const vec &ray, float radius, int mode, extentity *t)
int side = O_BOTTOM, x = int(v.x), y = int(v.y), z = int(v.z);
DOWNOCTREE(shadowent, );
cube &c = *lc;
ivec lo(x&(~0U<<lshift), y&(~0U<<lshift), z&(~0U<<lshift));
if(!isempty(c) && !(c.material&MAT_ALPHA))
if(isentirelysolid(c)) return c.texture[side]==DEFAULT_SKY && mode&RAY_SKIPSKY ? radius : dist;
const clipplanes &p = getclipplanes(c, lo, 1<<lshift);
INTERSECTPLANES(side = p.side[i], goto nextcube);
INTERSECTBOX(side = (i<<1) + 1 - lsizemask[i], goto nextcube);
if(exitdist >= 0) return c.texture[side]==DEFAULT_SKY && mode&RAY_SKIPSKY ? radius : dist+max(enterdist+0.1f, 0.0f);
FINDCLOSEST(side = O_RIGHT - lsizemask.x, side = O_FRONT - lsizemask.y, side = O_TOP - lsizemask.z);
if(dist>=radius) return dist;
UPOCTREE(return radius);
float rayent(const vec &o, const vec &ray, float radius, int mode, int size, int &orient, int &ent)
hitent = -1;
hitentdist = radius;
hitorient = -1;
float dist = raycube(o, ray, radius, mode, size);
if((mode&RAY_ENTS) == RAY_ENTS)
float dent = disttooutsideent(o, ray, dist < 0 ? 1e16f : dist, mode, NULL);
if(dent < 1e15f && (dist < 0 || dent < dist)) dist = dent;
orient = hitorient;
ent = hitentdist == dist ? hitent : -1;
return dist;
float raycubepos(const vec &o, const vec &ray, vec &hitpos, float radius, int mode, int size)
hitpos = ray;
float dist = raycube(o, ray, radius, mode, size);
if(radius>0 && dist>=radius) dist = radius;
return dist;
bool raycubelos(const vec &o, const vec &dest, vec &hitpos)
vec ray(dest);
float mag = ray.magnitude();
float distance = raycubepos(o, ray, hitpos, mag, RAY_CLIPMAT|RAY_POLY);
return distance >= mag;
float rayfloor(const vec &o, vec &floor, int mode, float radius)
if(o.z<=0) return -1;
hitsurface = vec(0, 0, 1);
float dist = raycube(o, vec(0, 0, -1), radius, mode);
if(dist<0 || (radius>0 && dist>=radius)) return dist;
floor = hitsurface;
return dist;
///////////////////////// entity collision ///////////////////////////////////////////////
// info about collisions
int collideinside; // whether an internal collision happened
physent *collideplayer; // whether the collection hit a player
vec collidewall; // just the normal vectors.
const float STAIRHEIGHT = 4.1f;
const float FLOORZ = 0.867f;
const float SLOPEZ = 0.5f;
const float WALLZ = 0.2f;
extern const float JUMPVEL = 125.0f;
extern const float GRAVITY = 200.0f;
bool ellipseboxcollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, const vec &o, const vec ¢er, float yaw, float xr, float yr, float hi, float lo)
float below = (o.z+center.z-lo) - (d->o.z+d->aboveeye),
above = (d->o.z-d->eyeheight) - (o.z+center.z+hi);
if(below>=0 || above>=0) return false;
vec yo(d->o);
float dx = clamp(yo.x, -xr, xr) - yo.x, dy = clamp(yo.y, -yr, yr) - yo.y,
dist = sqrtf(dx*dx + dy*dy) - d->radius;
if(dist < 0)
int sx = yo.x <= -xr ? -1 : (yo.x >= xr ? 1 : 0),
sy = yo.y <= -yr ? -1 : (yo.y >= yr ? 1 : 0);
if(dist > (yo.z < 0 ? below : above) && (sx || sy))
vec ydir(dir);
if(sx*yo.x - xr > sy*yo.y - yr)
if(dir.iszero() || sx*ydir.x < -1e-6f)
collidewall = vec(sx, 0, 0);
return true;
else if(dir.iszero() || sy*ydir.y < -1e-6f)
collidewall = vec(0, sy, 0);
return true;
if(yo.z < 0)
if(dir.iszero() || (dir.z > 0 && (d->type!=ENT_PLAYER || below >= d->zmargin-(d->eyeheight+d->aboveeye)/4.0f)))
collidewall = vec(0, 0, -1);
return true;
else if(dir.iszero() || (dir.z < 0 && (d->type!=ENT_PLAYER || above >= d->zmargin-(d->eyeheight+d->aboveeye)/3.0f)))
collidewall = vec(0, 0, 1);
return true;
return false;
bool ellipsecollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, const vec &o, const vec ¢er, float yaw, float xr, float yr, float hi, float lo)
float below = (o.z+center.z-lo) - (d->o.z+d->aboveeye),
above = (d->o.z-d->eyeheight) - (o.z+center.z+hi);
if(below>=0 || above>=0) return false;
vec yo(center);
float x = yo.x - d->o.x, y = yo.y - d->o.y;
float angle = atan2f(y, x), dangle = angle-d->yaw*RAD, eangle = angle-yaw*RAD;
float dx = d->xradius*cosf(dangle), dy = d->yradius*sinf(dangle);
float ex = xr*cosf(eangle), ey = yr*sinf(eangle);
float dist = sqrtf(x*x + y*y) - sqrtf(dx*dx + dy*dy) - sqrtf(ex*ex + ey*ey);
if(dist < 0)
if(dist > (d->o.z < yo.z ? below : above) && (dir.iszero() || x*dir.x + y*dir.y > 0))
collidewall = vec(-x, -y, 0).rescale(1);
return true;
if(d->o.z < yo.z)
if(dir.iszero() || (dir.z > 0 && (d->type!=ENT_PLAYER || below >= d->zmargin-(d->eyeheight+d->aboveeye)/4.0f)))
collidewall = vec(0, 0, -1);
return true;
else if(dir.iszero() || (dir.z < 0 && (d->type!=ENT_PLAYER || above >= d->zmargin-(d->eyeheight+d->aboveeye)/3.0f)))
collidewall = vec(0, 0, 1);
return true;
return false;
static uint dynentframe = 0;
static struct dynentcacheentry
int x, y;
uint frame;
vector<physent *> dynents;
} dynentcache[DYNENTCACHESIZE];
void cleardynentcache()
if(!dynentframe || dynentframe == 1) loopi(DYNENTCACHESIZE) dynentcache[i].frame = 0;
if(!dynentframe) dynentframe = 1;
VARF(dynentsize, 4, 7, 12, cleardynentcache());
#define DYNENTHASH(x, y) (((((x)^(y))<<5) + (((x)^(y))>>5)) & (DYNENTCACHESIZE - 1))
const vector<physent *> &checkdynentcache(int x, int y)
dynentcacheentry &dec = dynentcache[DYNENTHASH(x, y)];
if(dec.x == x && dec.y == y && dec.frame == dynentframe) return dec.dynents;
dec.x = x;
dec.y = y;
dec.frame = dynentframe;
int numdyns = game::numdynents(), dsize = 1<<dynentsize, dx = x<<dynentsize, dy = y<<dynentsize;
dynent *d = game::iterdynents(i);
if(d->state != CS_ALIVE ||
d->o.x+d->radius <= dx || d->o.x-d->radius >= dx+dsize ||
d->o.y+d->radius <= dy || d->o.y-d->radius >= dy+dsize)
return dec.dynents;
#define loopdynentcache(curx, cury, o, radius) \
for(int curx = max(int(o.x-radius), 0)>>dynentsize, endx = min(int(o.x+radius), worldsize-1)>>dynentsize; curx <= endx; curx++) \
for(int cury = max(int(o.y-radius), 0)>>dynentsize, endy = min(int(o.y+radius), worldsize-1)>>dynentsize; cury <= endy; cury++)
void updatedynentcache(physent *d)
loopdynentcache(x, y, d->o, d->radius)
dynentcacheentry &dec = dynentcache[DYNENTHASH(x, y)];
if(dec.x != x || dec.y != y || dec.frame != dynentframe || dec.dynents.find(d) >= 0) continue;
bool overlapsdynent(const vec &o, float radius)
loopdynentcache(x, y, o, radius)
const vector<physent *> &dynents = checkdynentcache(x, y);
physent *d = dynents[i];
if(o.dist(d->o)-d->radius < radius) return true;
return false;
template<class E, class O>
static inline bool plcollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, physent *o)
E entvol(d);
O obvol(o);
vec cp;
if(mpr::collide(entvol, obvol, NULL, NULL, &cp))
vec wn = vec(cp).sub(obvol.center());
collidewall = obvol.contactface(wn, dir.iszero() ? vec(wn).neg() : dir);
if(!collidewall.iszero()) return true;
return false;
static inline bool plcollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, physent *o)
if(o->collidetype == COLLIDE_ELLIPSE) return ellipsecollide(d, dir, o->o, vec(0, 0, 0), o->yaw, o->xradius, o->yradius, o->aboveeye, o->eyeheight);
else return ellipseboxcollide(d, dir, o->o, vec(0, 0, 0), o->yaw, o->xradius, o->yradius, o->aboveeye, o->eyeheight);
if(o->collidetype == COLLIDE_ELLIPSE) return plcollide<mpr::EntOBB, mpr::EntCylinder>(d, dir, o);
else return plcollide<mpr::EntOBB, mpr::EntOBB>(d, dir, o);
default: return false;
bool plcollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, bool insideplayercol) // collide with player
if(d->type==ENT_CAMERA || d->state!=CS_ALIVE) return false;
int lastinside = collideinside;
physent *insideplayer = NULL;
loopdynentcache(x, y, d->o, d->radius)
const vector<physent *> &dynents = checkdynentcache(x, y);
physent *o = dynents[i];
if(o==d || d->o.reject(o->o, d->radius+o->radius)) continue;
if(plcollide(d, dir, o))
collideplayer = o;
game::dynentcollide(d, o, collidewall);
return true;
if(collideinside > lastinside)
lastinside = collideinside;
insideplayer = o;
if(insideplayer && insideplayercol)
collideplayer = insideplayer;
game::dynentcollide(d, insideplayer, vec(0, 0, 0));
return true;
return false;
void rotatebb(vec ¢er, vec &radius, int yaw, int pitch, int roll)
matrix3 orient;
if(yaw) orient.rotate_around_z(sincosmod360(yaw));
if(pitch) orient.rotate_around_x(sincosmod360(pitch));
if(roll) orient.rotate_around_y(sincosmod360(-roll));
center = orient.transform(center);
radius = orient.abstransform(radius);
template<class E, class M>
static inline bool mmcollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, const extentity &e, const vec ¢er, const vec &radius, int yaw, int pitch, int roll)
E entvol(d);
M mdlvol(e.o, center, radius, yaw, pitch, roll);
vec cp;
if(mpr::collide(entvol, mdlvol, NULL, NULL, &cp))
vec wn = vec(cp).sub(mdlvol.center());
collidewall = mdlvol.contactface(wn, dir.iszero() ? vec(wn).neg() : dir);
if(!collidewall.iszero()) return true;
return false;
template<class E>
static bool fuzzycollidebox(physent *d, const vec &dir, float cutoff, const vec &o, const vec ¢er, const vec &radius, int yaw, int pitch, int roll)
mpr::ModelOBB mdlvol(o, center, radius, yaw, pitch, roll);
vec bbradius = mdlvol.orient.abstransposedtransform(radius);
if(fabs(d->o.x - mdlvol.o.x) > bbradius.x + d->radius || fabs(d->o.y - mdlvol.o.y) > bbradius.y + d->radius ||
d->o.z + d->aboveeye < mdlvol.o.z - bbradius.z || d->o.z - d->eyeheight > mdlvol.o.z + bbradius.z)
return false;
E entvol(d);
collidewall = vec(0, 0, 0);
float bestdist = -1e10f;
vec w;
float dist;
case 0: w = mdlvol.orient.rowx().neg(); dist = -radius.x; break;
case 1: w = mdlvol.orient.rowx(); dist = -radius.x; break;
case 2: w = mdlvol.orient.rowy().neg(); dist = -radius.y; break;
case 3: w = mdlvol.orient.rowy(); dist = -radius.y; break;
case 4: w = mdlvol.orient.rowz().neg(); dist = -radius.z; break;
case 5: w = mdlvol.orient.rowz(); dist = -radius.z; break;
vec pw = entvol.supportpoint(vec(w).neg());
dist += w.dot(vec(pw).sub(mdlvol.o));
if(dist >= 0) return false;
if(dist <= bestdist) continue;
collidewall = vec(0, 0, 0);
bestdist = dist;
if(w.dot(dir) >= -cutoff*dir.magnitude()) continue;
if(d->type==ENT_PLAYER &&
dist < (dir.z*w.z < 0 ?
d->zmargin-(d->eyeheight+d->aboveeye)/(dir.z < 0 ? 3.0f : 4.0f) :
(dir.x*w.x < 0 || dir.y*w.y < 0 ? -d->radius : 0)))
collidewall = w;
return false;
return true;
template<class E>
static bool fuzzycollideellipse(physent *d, const vec &dir, float cutoff, const vec &o, const vec ¢er, const vec &radius, int yaw, int pitch, int roll)
mpr::ModelEllipse mdlvol(o, center, radius, yaw, pitch, roll);
vec bbradius = mdlvol.orient.abstransposedtransform(radius);
if(fabs(d->o.x - mdlvol.o.x) > bbradius.x + d->radius || fabs(d->o.y - mdlvol.o.y) > bbradius.y + d->radius ||
d->o.z + d->aboveeye < mdlvol.o.z - bbradius.z || d->o.z - d->eyeheight > mdlvol.o.z + bbradius.z)
return false;
E entvol(d);
collidewall = vec(0, 0, 0);
float bestdist = -1e10f;
vec w;
float dist;
case 0: w = mdlvol.orient.rowz(); dist = -radius.z; break;
case 1: w = mdlvol.orient.rowz().neg(); dist = -radius.z; break;
case 2:
vec2 ln(mdlvol.orient.transform(entvol.center().sub(mdlvol.o)));
float r = ln.magnitude();
if(r < 1e-6f) continue;
vec2 lw = vec2(ln.x*radius.y, ln.y*radius.x).normalize();
w = mdlvol.orient.transposedtransform(lw);
dist = -vec2(ln.x*radius.x, ln.y*radius.y).dot(lw)/r;
vec pw = entvol.supportpoint(vec(w).neg());
dist += w.dot(vec(pw).sub(mdlvol.o));
if(dist >= 0) return false;
if(dist <= bestdist) continue;
collidewall = vec(0, 0, 0);
bestdist = dist;
if(w.dot(dir) >= -cutoff*dir.magnitude()) continue;
if(d->type==ENT_PLAYER &&
dist < (dir.z*w.z < 0 ?
d->zmargin-(d->eyeheight+d->aboveeye)/(dir.z < 0 ? 3.0f : 4.0f) :
(dir.x*w.x < 0 || dir.y*w.y < 0 ? -d->radius : 0)))
collidewall = w;
return false;
return true;
VAR(testtricol, 0, 0, 2);
bool mmcollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, float cutoff, octaentities &oc) // collide with a mapmodel
const vector<extentity *> &ents = entities::getents();
extentity &e = *ents[oc.mapmodels[i]];
if(e.flags&EF_NOCOLLIDE || !mapmodels.inrange(e.attr1)) continue;
mapmodelinfo &mmi = mapmodels[e.attr1];
model *m = mmi.collide;
if(!mmi.m && !loadmodel(NULL, e.attr1)) continue;
if(mmi.m->collidemodel) m = loadmodel(mmi.m->collidemodel);
if(!m) m = mmi.m;
mmi.collide = m;
int mcol = mmi.m->collide;
if(!mcol) continue;
vec center, radius;
float rejectradius = m->collisionbox(center, radius), scale = e.attr5 > 0 ? e.attr5/100.0f : 1;
if(d->o.reject(vec(e.o).add(center), d->radius + rejectradius*scale)) continue;
int yaw = e.attr2, pitch = e.attr3, roll = e.attr4;
if(mcol == COLLIDE_TRI || testtricol)
if(!m->bih && !m->setBIH()) continue;
switch(testtricol ? testtricol : d->collidetype)
if(m->bih->ellipsecollide(d, dir, cutoff, e.o, yaw, pitch, roll, scale)) return true;
if(m->bih->boxcollide(d, dir, cutoff, e.o, yaw, pitch, roll, scale)) return true;
default: continue;
if(pitch || roll)
if(fuzzycollideellipse<mpr::EntCapsule>(d, dir, cutoff, e.o, center, radius, yaw, pitch, roll)) return true;
else if(ellipsecollide(d, dir, e.o, center, yaw, radius.x, radius.y, radius.z, radius.z)) return true;
else if(pitch || roll)
if(fuzzycollidebox<mpr::EntCapsule>(d, dir, cutoff, e.o, center, radius, yaw, pitch, roll)) return true;
else if(ellipseboxcollide(d, dir, e.o, center, yaw, radius.x, radius.y, radius.z, radius.z)) return true;
if(mmcollide<mpr::EntOBB, mpr::ModelEllipse>(d, dir, e, center, radius, yaw, pitch, roll)) return true;
else if(mmcollide<mpr::EntOBB, mpr::ModelOBB>(d, dir, e, center, radius, yaw, pitch, roll)) return true;
default: continue;
return false;
template<class E>
static bool fuzzycollidesolid(physent *d, const vec &dir, float cutoff, const cube &c, const ivec &co, int size) // collide with solid cube geometry
int crad = size/2;
if(fabs(d->o.x - co.x - crad) > d->radius + crad || fabs(d->o.y - co.y - crad) > d->radius + crad ||
d->o.z + d->aboveeye < co.z || d->o.z - d->eyeheight > co.z + size)
return false;
collidewall = vec(0, 0, 0);
float bestdist = -1e10f;
int visible = !(c.visible&0x80) || d->type==ENT_PLAYER ? c.visible : 0xFF;
#define CHECKSIDE(side, distval, dotval, margin, normal) if(visible&(1<<side)) do \
{ \
float dist = distval; \
if(dist > 0) return false; \
if(dist <= bestdist) continue; \
if(!dir.iszero()) \
{ \
if(dotval >= -cutoff*dir.magnitude()) continue; \
if(d->type==ENT_PLAYER && dotval < 0 && dist < margin) continue; \
} \
collidewall = normal; \
bestdist = dist; \
} while(0)
CHECKSIDE(O_LEFT, co.x - (d->o.x + d->radius), -dir.x, -d->radius, vec(-1, 0, 0));
CHECKSIDE(O_RIGHT, d->o.x - d->radius - (co.x + size), dir.x, -d->radius, vec(1, 0, 0));
CHECKSIDE(O_BACK, co.y - (d->o.y + d->radius), -dir.y, -d->radius, vec(0, -1, 0));
CHECKSIDE(O_FRONT, d->o.y - d->radius - (co.y + size), dir.y, -d->radius, vec(0, 1, 0));
CHECKSIDE(O_BOTTOM, co.z - (d->o.z + d->aboveeye), -dir.z, d->zmargin-(d->eyeheight+d->aboveeye)/4.0f, vec(0, 0, -1));
CHECKSIDE(O_TOP, d->o.z - d->eyeheight - (co.z + size), dir.z, d->zmargin-(d->eyeheight+d->aboveeye)/3.0f, vec(0, 0, 1));
return false;
return true;
template<class E>
static inline bool clampcollide(const clipplanes &p, const E &entvol, const plane &w, const vec &pw)
if(w.x && (w.y || w.z) && fabs(pw.x - p.o.x) > p.r.x)
vec c = entvol.center();
float fv = pw.x < p.o.x ? p.o.x-p.r.x : p.o.x+p.r.x, fdist = (w.x*fv + w.y*c.y + w.z*c.z + w.offset) / (w.y*w.y + w.z*w.z);
vec fdir(fv - c.x, -w.y*fdist, -w.z*fdist);
if((pw.y-c.y-fdir.y)*w.y + (pw.z-c.z-fdir.z)*w.z >= 0 && entvol.supportpoint(fdir).squaredist(c) < fdir.squaredlen()) return true;
if(w.y && (w.x || w.z) && fabs(pw.y - p.o.y) > p.r.y)
vec c = entvol.center();
float fv = pw.y < p.o.y ? p.o.y-p.r.y : p.o.y+p.r.y, fdist = (w.x*c.x + w.y*fv + w.z*c.z + w.offset) / (w.x*w.x + w.z*w.z);
vec fdir(-w.x*fdist, fv - c.y, -w.z*fdist);
if((pw.x-c.x-fdir.x)*w.x + (pw.z-c.z-fdir.z)*w.z >= 0 && entvol.supportpoint(fdir).squaredist(c) < fdir.squaredlen()) return true;
if(w.z && (w.x || w.y) && fabs(pw.z - p.o.z) > p.r.z)
vec c = entvol.center();
float fv = pw.z < p.o.z ? p.o.z-p.r.z : p.o.z+p.r.z, fdist = (w.x*c.x + w.y*c.y + w.z*fv + w.offset) / (w.x*w.x + w.y*w.y);
vec fdir(-w.x*fdist, -w.y*fdist, fv - c.z);
if((pw.x-c.x-fdir.x)*w.x + (pw.y-c.y-fdir.y)*w.y >= 0 && entvol.supportpoint(fdir).squaredist(c) < fdir.squaredlen()) return true;
return false;
template<class E>
static bool fuzzycollideplanes(physent *d, const vec &dir, float cutoff, const cube &c, const ivec &co, int size) // collide with deformed cube geometry
clipplanes &p = getclipbounds(c, co, size, d);
if(fabs(d->o.x - p.o.x) > p.r.x + d->radius || fabs(d->o.y - p.o.y) > p.r.y + d->radius ||
d->o.z + d->aboveeye < p.o.z - p.r.z || d->o.z - d->eyeheight > p.o.z + p.r.z)
return false;
collidewall = vec(0, 0, 0);
float bestdist = -1e10f;
int visible = forceclipplanes(c, co, size, p);
CHECKSIDE(O_LEFT, p.o.x - p.r.x - (d->o.x + d->radius), -dir.x, -d->radius, vec(-1, 0, 0));
CHECKSIDE(O_RIGHT, d->o.x - d->radius - (p.o.x + p.r.x), dir.x, -d->radius, vec(1, 0, 0));
CHECKSIDE(O_BACK, p.o.y - p.r.y - (d->o.y + d->radius), -dir.y, -d->radius, vec(0, -1, 0));
CHECKSIDE(O_FRONT, d->o.y - d->radius - (p.o.y + p.r.y), dir.y, -d->radius, vec(0, 1, 0));
CHECKSIDE(O_BOTTOM, p.o.z - p.r.z - (d->o.z + d->aboveeye), -dir.z, d->zmargin-(d->eyeheight+d->aboveeye)/4.0f, vec(0, 0, -1));
CHECKSIDE(O_TOP, d->o.z - d->eyeheight - (p.o.z + p.r.z), dir.z, d->zmargin-(d->eyeheight+d->aboveeye)/3.0f, vec(0, 0, 1));
E entvol(d);
int bestplane = -1;
const plane &w = p.p[i];
vec pw = entvol.supportpoint(vec(w).neg());
float dist = w.dist(pw);
if(dist >= 0) return false;
if(dist <= bestdist) continue;
bestplane = -1;
bestdist = dist;
if(w.dot(dir) >= -cutoff*dir.magnitude()) continue;
if(d->type==ENT_PLAYER &&
dist < (dir.z*w.z < 0 ?
d->zmargin-(d->eyeheight+d->aboveeye)/(dir.z < 0 ? 3.0f : 4.0f) :
(dir.x*w.x < 0 || dir.y*w.y < 0 ? -d->radius : 0)))
if(clampcollide(p, entvol, w, pw)) continue;
bestplane = i;
if(bestplane >= 0) collidewall = p.p[bestplane];
else if(collidewall.iszero())
return false;
return true;
template<class E>
static bool cubecollidesolid(physent *d, const vec &dir, float cutoff, const cube &c, const ivec &co, int size) // collide with solid cube geometry
int crad = size/2;
if(fabs(d->o.x - co.x - crad) > d->radius + crad || fabs(d->o.y - co.y - crad) > d->radius + crad ||
d->o.z + d->aboveeye < co.z || d->o.z - d->eyeheight > co.z + size)
return false;
E entvol(d);
bool collided = mpr::collide(mpr::SolidCube(co, size), entvol);
if(!collided) return false;