separate stream impl into sauerlib
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 366 additions and 363 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
client_src = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
#include "tools.hh"
#include "encoding.hh"
stream::offset stream::size()
offset pos = tell(), endpos;
if(pos < 0 || !seek(0, SEEK_END)) return -1;
endpos = tell();
return pos == endpos || seek(pos, SEEK_SET) ? endpos : -1;
bool stream::getline(char *str, size_t len)
if(read(&str[i], 1) != 1) { str[i] = '\0'; return i > 0; }
else if(str[i] == '\n') { str[i+1] = '\0'; return true; }
if(len > 0) str[len-1] = '\0';
return true;
size_t stream::printf(const char *fmt, ...)
char buf[512];
char *str = buf;
va_list args;
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__)
va_start(args, fmt);
int len = _vscprintf(fmt, args);
if(len <= 0) { va_end(args); return 0; }
if(len >= (int)sizeof(buf)) str = new char[len+1];
_vsnprintf(str, len+1, fmt, args);
va_start(args, fmt);
int len = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args);
if(len <= 0) return 0;
if(len >= (int)sizeof(buf))
str = new char[len+1];
va_start(args, fmt);
vsnprintf(str, len+1, fmt, args);
size_t n = write(str, len);
if(str != buf) delete[] str;
return n;
struct filestream : stream
FILE *file;
filestream() : file(nullptr) {}
~filestream() { close(); }
bool open(const char *name, const char *mode)
if(file) return false;
file = fopen(name, mode);
return file!=nullptr;
bool opentemp(const char *name, const char *mode)
if(file) return false;
#ifdef WIN32
file = fopen(name, mode);
file = tmpfile();
return file!=nullptr;
void close()
if(file) { fclose(file); file = nullptr; }
bool end() { return feof(file)!=0; }
offset tell()
#ifdef WIN32
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
offset off = ftello64(file);
offset off = _ftelli64(file);
offset off = ftello(file);
// ftello returns LONG_MAX for directories on some platforms
return off + 1 >= 0 ? off : -1;
bool seek(offset pos, int whence)
#ifdef WIN32
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
return fseeko64(file, pos, whence) >= 0;
return _fseeki64(file, pos, whence) >= 0;
return fseeko(file, pos, whence) >= 0;
size_t read(void *buf, size_t len) { return fread(buf, 1, len, file); }
size_t write(const void *buf, size_t len) { return fwrite(buf, 1, len, file); }
bool flush() { return !fflush(file); }
int getchar() { return fgetc(file); }
bool putchar(int c) { return fputc(c, file)!=EOF; }
bool getline(char *str, size_t len) { return fgets(str, len, file)!=nullptr; }
bool putstring(const char *str) { return fputs(str, file)!=EOF; }
size_t printf(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list v;
va_start(v, fmt);
int result = vfprintf(file, fmt, v);
return max(result, 0);
struct utf8stream : stream
BUFSIZE = 4096
stream *file;
offset pos;
size_t bufread, bufcarry, buflen;
bool reading, writing, autoclose;
uchar buf[BUFSIZE];
utf8stream() : file(nullptr), pos(0), bufread(0), bufcarry(0), buflen(0), reading(false), writing(false), autoclose(false)
bool readbuf(size_t size = BUFSIZE)
if(bufread >= bufcarry) { if(bufcarry > 0 && bufcarry < buflen) memmove(buf, &buf[bufcarry], buflen - bufcarry); buflen -= bufcarry; bufread = bufcarry = 0; }
size_t n = file->read(&buf[buflen], min(size, BUFSIZE - buflen));
if(n <= 0) return false;
buflen += n;
size_t carry = bufcarry;
bufcarry += decodeutf8(&buf[bufcarry], BUFSIZE-bufcarry, &buf[bufcarry], buflen-bufcarry, &carry);
if(carry > bufcarry && carry < buflen) { memmove(&buf[bufcarry], &buf[carry], buflen - carry); buflen -= carry - bufcarry; }
return true;
bool checkheader()
size_t n = file->read(buf, 3);
if(n == 3 && buf[0] == 0xEF && buf[1] == 0xBB && buf[2] == 0xBF) return true;
buflen = n;
return false;
bool open(stream *f, const char *mode, bool needclose)
if(file) return false;
for(; *mode; mode++)
if(*mode=='r') { reading = true; break; }
else if(*mode=='w') { writing = true; break; }
if(!reading && !writing) return false;
file = f;
if(reading) checkheader();
autoclose = needclose;
return true;
void finishreading()
if(!reading) return;
void stopreading()
if(!reading) return;
reading = false;
void stopwriting()
if(!writing) return;
writing = false;
void close()
if(autoclose) DELETEP(file);
bool end() { return !reading && !writing; }
offset tell() { return reading || writing ? pos : offset(-1); }
bool seek(offset off, int whence)
if(writing || !reading) return false;
if(whence == SEEK_END)
uchar skip[512];
while(read(skip, sizeof(skip)) == sizeof(skip));
return !off;
else if(whence == SEEK_CUR) off += pos;
if(off >= pos) off -= pos;
else if(off < 0 || !file->seek(0, SEEK_SET)) return false;
bufread = bufcarry = buflen = 0;
pos = 0;
uchar skip[512];
while(off > 0)
size_t skipped = (size_t)min(off, (offset)sizeof(skip));
if(read(skip, skipped) != skipped) { stopreading(); return false; }
off -= skipped;
return true;
size_t read(void *dst, size_t len)
if(!reading || !dst || !len) return 0;
size_t next = 0;
while(next < len)
if(bufread >= bufcarry) { if(readbuf(BUFSIZE)) continue; stopreading(); break; }
size_t n = min(len - next, bufcarry - bufread);
memcpy(&((uchar *)dst)[next], &buf[bufread], n);
next += n;
bufread += n;
pos += next;
return next;
bool getline(char *dst, size_t len)
if(!reading || !dst || !len) return false;
size_t next = 0;
while(next < len)
if(bufread >= bufcarry) { if(readbuf(BUFSIZE)) continue; stopreading(); if(!next) return false; break; }
size_t n = min(len - next, bufcarry - bufread);
uchar *endline = (uchar *)memchr(&buf[bufread], '\n', n);
if(endline) { n = endline+1 - &buf[bufread]; len = next + n; }
memcpy(&((uchar *)dst)[next], &buf[bufread], n);
next += n;
bufread += n;
dst[next] = '\0';
pos += next;
return true;
size_t write(const void *src, size_t len)
if(!writing || !src || !len) return 0;
uchar dst[512];
size_t next = 0;
while(next < len)
size_t carry = 0, n = encodeutf8(dst, sizeof(dst), &((uchar *)src)[next], len - next, &carry);
if(n > 0 && file->write(dst, n) != n) { stopwriting(); break; }
next += carry;
pos += next;
return next;
bool flush() { return file->flush(); }
stream *openrawfile(const char *filename, const char *mode)
const char *found = findfile(filename, mode);
if(!found) return nullptr;
filestream *file = new filestream;
if(!file->open(found, mode)) { delete file; return nullptr; }
return file;
stream *openfile(const char *filename, const char *mode)
stream *s = openzipfile(filename, mode);
if(s) return s;
return openrawfile(filename, mode);
stream *opentempfile(const char *name, const char *mode)
const char *found = findfile(name, mode);
filestream *file = new filestream;
if(!file->opentemp(found ? found : name, mode)) { delete file; return nullptr; }
return file;
stream *openutf8file(const char *filename, const char *mode, stream *file)
stream *source = file ? file : openfile(filename, mode);
if(!source) return nullptr;
utf8stream *utf8 = new utf8stream;
if(!utf8->open(source, mode, !file)) { if(!file) delete source; delete utf8; return nullptr; }
return utf8;
char *loadfile(const char *fn, size_t *size, bool utf8)
stream *f = openfile(fn, "rb");
if(!f) return nullptr;
stream::offset fsize = f->size();
if(fsize <= 0) { delete f; return nullptr; }
size_t len = fsize;
char *buf;
try {
buf = new char[len + 1];
} catch (...) {
delete f;
return nullptr;
size_t offset = 0;
if(utf8 && len >= 3)
if(f->read(buf, 3) != 3) { delete f; delete[] buf; return nullptr; }
if(((uchar *)buf)[0] == 0xEF && ((uchar *)buf)[1] == 0xBB && ((uchar *)buf)[2] == 0xBF) len -= 3;
else offset += 3;
size_t rlen = f->read(&buf[offset], len-offset);
delete f;
if(rlen != len-offset) { delete[] buf; return nullptr; }
if(utf8) len = decodeutf8((uchar *)buf, len, (uchar *)buf, len);
buf[len] = '\0';
if(size!=nullptr) *size = len;
return buf;
@ -317,366 +317,3 @@ int listfiles(const char *dir, const char *ext, vector<char *> &files)
return dirs;
stream::offset stream::size()
offset pos = tell(), endpos;
if(pos < 0 || !seek(0, SEEK_END)) return -1;
endpos = tell();
return pos == endpos || seek(pos, SEEK_SET) ? endpos : -1;
bool stream::getline(char *str, size_t len)
if(read(&str[i], 1) != 1) { str[i] = '\0'; return i > 0; }
else if(str[i] == '\n') { str[i+1] = '\0'; return true; }
if(len > 0) str[len-1] = '\0';
return true;
size_t stream::printf(const char *fmt, ...)
char buf[512];
char *str = buf;
va_list args;
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__)
va_start(args, fmt);
int len = _vscprintf(fmt, args);
if(len <= 0) { va_end(args); return 0; }
if(len >= (int)sizeof(buf)) str = new char[len+1];
_vsnprintf(str, len+1, fmt, args);
va_start(args, fmt);
int len = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args);
if(len <= 0) return 0;
if(len >= (int)sizeof(buf))
str = new char[len+1];
va_start(args, fmt);
vsnprintf(str, len+1, fmt, args);
size_t n = write(str, len);
if(str != buf) delete[] str;
return n;
struct filestream : stream
FILE *file;
filestream() : file(nullptr) {}
~filestream() { close(); }
bool open(const char *name, const char *mode)
if(file) return false;
file = fopen(name, mode);
return file!=nullptr;
bool opentemp(const char *name, const char *mode)
if(file) return false;
#ifdef WIN32
file = fopen(name, mode);
file = tmpfile();
return file!=nullptr;
void close()
if(file) { fclose(file); file = nullptr; }
bool end() { return feof(file)!=0; }
offset tell()
#ifdef WIN32
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
offset off = ftello64(file);
offset off = _ftelli64(file);
offset off = ftello(file);
// ftello returns LONG_MAX for directories on some platforms
return off + 1 >= 0 ? off : -1;
bool seek(offset pos, int whence)
#ifdef WIN32
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
return fseeko64(file, pos, whence) >= 0;
return _fseeki64(file, pos, whence) >= 0;
return fseeko(file, pos, whence) >= 0;
size_t read(void *buf, size_t len) { return fread(buf, 1, len, file); }
size_t write(const void *buf, size_t len) { return fwrite(buf, 1, len, file); }
bool flush() { return !fflush(file); }
int getchar() { return fgetc(file); }
bool putchar(int c) { return fputc(c, file)!=EOF; }
bool getline(char *str, size_t len) { return fgets(str, len, file)!=nullptr; }
bool putstring(const char *str) { return fputs(str, file)!=EOF; }
size_t printf(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list v;
va_start(v, fmt);
int result = vfprintf(file, fmt, v);
return max(result, 0);
struct utf8stream : stream
BUFSIZE = 4096
stream *file;
offset pos;
size_t bufread, bufcarry, buflen;
bool reading, writing, autoclose;
uchar buf[BUFSIZE];
utf8stream() : file(nullptr), pos(0), bufread(0), bufcarry(0), buflen(0), reading(false), writing(false), autoclose(false)
bool readbuf(size_t size = BUFSIZE)
if(bufread >= bufcarry) { if(bufcarry > 0 && bufcarry < buflen) memmove(buf, &buf[bufcarry], buflen - bufcarry); buflen -= bufcarry; bufread = bufcarry = 0; }
size_t n = file->read(&buf[buflen], min(size, BUFSIZE - buflen));
if(n <= 0) return false;
buflen += n;
size_t carry = bufcarry;
bufcarry += decodeutf8(&buf[bufcarry], BUFSIZE-bufcarry, &buf[bufcarry], buflen-bufcarry, &carry);
if(carry > bufcarry && carry < buflen) { memmove(&buf[bufcarry], &buf[carry], buflen - carry); buflen -= carry - bufcarry; }
return true;
bool checkheader()
size_t n = file->read(buf, 3);
if(n == 3 && buf[0] == 0xEF && buf[1] == 0xBB && buf[2] == 0xBF) return true;
buflen = n;
return false;
bool open(stream *f, const char *mode, bool needclose)
if(file) return false;
for(; *mode; mode++)
if(*mode=='r') { reading = true; break; }
else if(*mode=='w') { writing = true; break; }
if(!reading && !writing) return false;
file = f;
if(reading) checkheader();
autoclose = needclose;
return true;
void finishreading()
if(!reading) return;
void stopreading()
if(!reading) return;
reading = false;
void stopwriting()
if(!writing) return;
writing = false;
void close()
if(autoclose) DELETEP(file);
bool end() { return !reading && !writing; }
offset tell() { return reading || writing ? pos : offset(-1); }
bool seek(offset off, int whence)
if(writing || !reading) return false;
if(whence == SEEK_END)
uchar skip[512];
while(read(skip, sizeof(skip)) == sizeof(skip));
return !off;
else if(whence == SEEK_CUR) off += pos;
if(off >= pos) off -= pos;
else if(off < 0 || !file->seek(0, SEEK_SET)) return false;
bufread = bufcarry = buflen = 0;
pos = 0;
uchar skip[512];
while(off > 0)
size_t skipped = (size_t)min(off, (offset)sizeof(skip));
if(read(skip, skipped) != skipped) { stopreading(); return false; }
off -= skipped;
return true;
size_t read(void *dst, size_t len)
if(!reading || !dst || !len) return 0;
size_t next = 0;
while(next < len)
if(bufread >= bufcarry) { if(readbuf(BUFSIZE)) continue; stopreading(); break; }
size_t n = min(len - next, bufcarry - bufread);
memcpy(&((uchar *)dst)[next], &buf[bufread], n);
next += n;
bufread += n;
pos += next;
return next;
bool getline(char *dst, size_t len)
if(!reading || !dst || !len) return false;
size_t next = 0;
while(next < len)
if(bufread >= bufcarry) { if(readbuf(BUFSIZE)) continue; stopreading(); if(!next) return false; break; }
size_t n = min(len - next, bufcarry - bufread);
uchar *endline = (uchar *)memchr(&buf[bufread], '\n', n);
if(endline) { n = endline+1 - &buf[bufread]; len = next + n; }
memcpy(&((uchar *)dst)[next], &buf[bufread], n);
next += n;
bufread += n;
dst[next] = '\0';
pos += next;
return true;
size_t write(const void *src, size_t len)
if(!writing || !src || !len) return 0;
uchar dst[512];
size_t next = 0;
while(next < len)
size_t carry = 0, n = encodeutf8(dst, sizeof(dst), &((uchar *)src)[next], len - next, &carry);
if(n > 0 && file->write(dst, n) != n) { stopwriting(); break; }
next += carry;
pos += next;
return next;
bool flush() { return file->flush(); }
stream *openrawfile(const char *filename, const char *mode)
const char *found = findfile(filename, mode);
if(!found) return nullptr;
filestream *file = new filestream;
if(!file->open(found, mode)) { delete file; return nullptr; }
return file;
stream *openfile(const char *filename, const char *mode)
stream *s = openzipfile(filename, mode);
if(s) return s;
return openrawfile(filename, mode);
stream *opentempfile(const char *name, const char *mode)
const char *found = findfile(name, mode);
filestream *file = new filestream;
if(!file->opentemp(found ? found : name, mode)) { delete file; return nullptr; }
return file;
stream *openutf8file(const char *filename, const char *mode, stream *file)
stream *source = file ? file : openfile(filename, mode);
if(!source) return nullptr;
utf8stream *utf8 = new utf8stream;
if(!utf8->open(source, mode, !file)) { if(!file) delete source; delete utf8; return nullptr; }
return utf8;
char *loadfile(const char *fn, size_t *size, bool utf8)
stream *f = openfile(fn, "rb");
if(!f) return nullptr;
stream::offset fsize = f->size();
if(fsize <= 0) { delete f; return nullptr; }
size_t len = fsize;
char *buf;
try {
buf = new char[len + 1];
} catch (...) {
delete f;
return nullptr;
size_t offset = 0;
if(utf8 && len >= 3)
if(f->read(buf, 3) != 3) { delete f; delete[] buf; return nullptr; }
if(((uchar *)buf)[0] == 0xEF && ((uchar *)buf)[1] == 0xBB && ((uchar *)buf)[2] == 0xBF) len -= 3;
else offset += 3;
size_t rlen = f->read(&buf[offset], len-offset);
delete f;
if(rlen != len-offset) { delete[] buf; return nullptr; }
if(utf8) len = decodeutf8((uchar *)buf, len, (uchar *)buf, len);
buf[len] = '\0';
if(size!=nullptr) *size = len;
return buf;
Reference in a new issue