#include #include #include "console.hh" /* conoutf */ #include "light.hh" #include "main.hh" // timings #include "octaedit.hh" // editmode #include "octarender.hh" #include "rendergl.hh" #include "renderlights.hh" #include "renderva.hh" #include "texture.hh" static Texture *sky[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, *clouds[6] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static void loadsky(const char *basename, Texture *texs[6]) { const char *wildcard = strchr(basename, '*'); loopi(6) { const char *side = cubemapsides[i].name; string name; copystring(name, makerelpath("media/sky", basename)); if(wildcard) { char *chop = strchr(name, '*'); if(chop) { *chop = '\0'; concatstring(name, side); concatstring(name, wildcard+1); } texs[i] = textureload(name, 3, true, false); } else { defformatstring(ext, "_%s.jpg", side); concatstring(name, ext); if((texs[i] = textureload(name, 3, true, false))==notexture) { strcpy(name+strlen(name)-3, "png"); texs[i] = textureload(name, 3, true, false); } } if(texs[i]==notexture) conoutf(CON_ERROR, "could not load side %s of sky texture %s", side, basename); } } static Texture *cloudoverlay = nullptr; static Texture *loadskyoverlay(const char *basename) { const char *ext = strrchr(basename, '.'); string name; copystring(name, makerelpath("media/sky", basename)); Texture *t = notexture; if(ext) t = textureload(name, 0, true, false); else { concatstring(name, ".jpg"); if((t = textureload(name, 0, true, false)) == notexture) { strcpy(name+strlen(name)-3, "png"); t = textureload(name, 0, true, false); } } if(t==notexture) conoutf(CON_ERROR, "could not load sky overlay texture %s", basename); return t; } SVARFR(skybox, "", { if(skybox[0]) loadsky(skybox, sky); }); CVARR(skyboxcolour, 0xFFFFFF); FVARR(skyboxoverbright, 1, 2, 16); FVARR(skyboxoverbrightmin, 0, 1, 16); FVARR(skyboxoverbrightthreshold, 0, 0.7f, 1); FVARR(spinsky, -720, 0, 720); VARR(yawsky, 0, 0, 360); SVARFR(cloudbox, "", { if(cloudbox[0]) loadsky(cloudbox, clouds); }); CVARR(cloudboxcolour, 0xFFFFFF); FVARR(cloudboxalpha, 0, 1, 1); FVARR(spinclouds, -720, 0, 720); VARR(yawclouds, 0, 0, 360); FVARR(cloudclip, 0, 0.5f, 1); SVARFR(cloudlayer, "", { if(cloudlayer[0]) cloudoverlay = loadskyoverlay(cloudlayer); }); FVARR(cloudoffsetx, 0, 0, 1); FVARR(cloudoffsety, 0, 0, 1); FVARR(cloudscrollx, -16, 0, 16); FVARR(cloudscrolly, -16, 0, 16); FVARR(cloudscale, 0.001, 1, 64); FVARR(spincloudlayer, -720, 0, 720); VARR(yawcloudlayer, 0, 0, 360); FVARR(cloudheight, -1, 0.2f, 1); FVARR(cloudfade, 0, 0.2f, 1); FVARR(cloudalpha, 0, 1, 1); VARR(cloudsubdiv, 4, 16, 64); CVARR(cloudcolour, 0xFFFFFF); static void drawenvboxface(float s0, float t0, int x0, int y0, int z0, float s1, float t1, int x1, int y1, int z1, float s2, float t2, int x2, int y2, int z2, float s3, float t3, int x3, int y3, int z3, Texture *tex) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (tex ? tex : notexture)->id); gle::begin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); gle::attribf(x3, y3, z3); gle::attribf(s3, t3); gle::attribf(x2, y2, z2); gle::attribf(s2, t2); gle::attribf(x0, y0, z0); gle::attribf(s0, t0); gle::attribf(x1, y1, z1); gle::attribf(s1, t1); xtraverts += gle::end(); } static void drawenvbox(Texture **sky = nullptr, float z1clip = 0.0f, float z2clip = 1.0f, int faces = 0x3F) { if(z1clip >= z2clip) return; float v1 = 1-z1clip, v2 = 1-z2clip; int w = farplane/2, z1 = int(ceil(2*w*(z1clip-0.5f))), z2 = int(ceil(2*w*(z2clip-0.5f))); gle::defvertex(); gle::deftexcoord0(); if(faces&0x01) drawenvboxface(1.0f, v2, -w, -w, z2, 0.0f, v2, -w, w, z2, 0.0f, v1, -w, w, z1, 1.0f, v1, -w, -w, z1, sky[0]); if(faces&0x02) drawenvboxface(0.0f, v1, w, -w, z1, 1.0f, v1, w, w, z1, 1.0f, v2, w, w, z2, 0.0f, v2, w, -w, z2, sky[1]); if(faces&0x04) drawenvboxface(0.0f, v1, -w, -w, z1, 1.0f, v1, w, -w, z1, 1.0f, v2, w, -w, z2, 0.0f, v2, -w, -w, z2, sky[2]); if(faces&0x08) drawenvboxface(0.0f, v1, w, w, z1, 1.0f, v1, -w, w, z1, 1.0f, v2, -w, w, z2, 0.0f, v2, w, w, z2, sky[3]); if(z1clip <= 0 && faces&0x10) drawenvboxface(1.0f, 1.0f, -w, w, -w, 1.0f, 0.0f, w, w, -w, 0.0f, 0.0f, w, -w, -w, 0.0f, 1.0f, -w, -w, -w, sky[4]); if(z2clip >= 1 && faces&0x20) drawenvboxface(1.0f, 1.0f, w, w, w, 1.0f, 0.0f, -w, w, w, 0.0f, 0.0f, -w, -w, w, 0.0f, 1.0f, w, -w, w, sky[5]); } static void drawenvoverlay(Texture *overlay = nullptr, float tx = 0, float ty = 0) { int w = farplane/2; float z = w*cloudheight, tsz = 0.5f*(1-cloudfade)/cloudscale, psz = w*(1-cloudfade); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (overlay ? overlay : notexture)->id); vec color = cloudcolour.tocolor(); gle::color(color, cloudalpha); gle::defvertex(); gle::deftexcoord0(); gle::begin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); loopi(cloudsubdiv+1) { vec p(1, 1, 0); p.rotate_around_z((-2.0f*M_PI*i)/cloudsubdiv); gle::attribf(p.x*psz, p.y*psz, z); gle::attribf(tx - p.x*tsz, ty + p.y*tsz); } xtraverts += gle::end(); float tsz2 = 0.5f/cloudscale; gle::defvertex(); gle::deftexcoord0(); gle::defcolor(4); gle::begin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); loopi(cloudsubdiv+1) { vec p(1, 1, 0); p.rotate_around_z((-2.0f*M_PI*i)/cloudsubdiv); gle::attribf(p.x*psz, p.y*psz, z); gle::attribf(tx - p.x*tsz, ty + p.y*tsz); gle::attrib(color, cloudalpha); gle::attribf(p.x*w, p.y*w, z); gle::attribf(tx - p.x*tsz2, ty + p.y*tsz2); gle::attrib(color, 0.0f); } xtraverts += gle::end(); } FVARR(fogdomeheight, -1, -0.5f, 1); FVARR(fogdomemin, 0, 0, 1); FVARR(fogdomemax, 0, 0, 1); VARR(fogdomecap, 0, 1, 1); FVARR(fogdomeclip, 0, 1, 1); CVARR(fogdomecolour, 0); VARR(fogdomeclouds, 0, 1, 1); namespace fogdome { static struct vert { vec pos; bvec4 color; vert() {} vert(const vec &pos, const bvec &fcolor, float alpha) : pos(pos), color(fcolor, uchar(alpha*255)) { } vert(const vert &v0, const vert &v1) : pos(vec(v0.pos).add(v1.pos).normalize()), color(v0.color) { if(v0.pos.z != v1.pos.z) color.a += uchar((v1.color.a - v0.color.a) * (pos.z - v0.pos.z) / (v1.pos.z - v0.pos.z)); } } *verts = nullptr; static GLushort *indices = nullptr; static int numverts = 0, numindices = 0, capindices = 0; static GLuint vbuf = 0, ebuf = 0; static bvec lastcolor(0, 0, 0); static float lastminalpha = 0, lastmaxalpha = 0, lastcapsize = -1, lastclipz = 1; static void subdivide(int depth, int face); static void genface(int depth, int i1, int i2, int i3) { int face = numindices; numindices += 3; indices[face] = i3; indices[face+1] = i2; indices[face+2] = i1; subdivide(depth, face); } static void subdivide(int depth, int face) { if(depth-- <= 0) return; int idx[6]; loopi(3) idx[i] = indices[face+2-i]; loopi(3) { int curvert = numverts++; verts[curvert] = vert(verts[idx[i]], verts[idx[(i+1)%3]]); //push on to unit sphere idx[3+i] = curvert; indices[face+2-i] = curvert; } subdivide(depth, face); loopi(3) genface(depth, idx[i], idx[3+i], idx[3+(i+2)%3]); } static inline int sortcap(GLushort x, GLushort y) { const vec &xv = verts[x].pos, &yv = verts[y].pos; return xv.y < 0 ? yv.y >= 0 || xv.x < yv.x : yv.y >= 0 && xv.x > yv.x; } static void init(const bvec &color, float minalpha = 0.0f, float maxalpha = 1.0f, float capsize = -1, float clipz = 1, int hres = 16, int depth = 2) { const int tris = hres << (2*depth); numverts = numindices = capindices = 0; verts = new vert[tris+1 + (capsize >= 0 ? 1 : 0)]; indices = new GLushort[(tris + (capsize >= 0 ? hres<= 1) { verts[numverts++] = vert(vec(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), color, minalpha); //build initial 'hres' sided pyramid loopi(hres) verts[numverts++] = vert(vec(sincos360[(360*i)/hres], 0.0f), color, maxalpha); loopi(hres) genface(depth, 0, i+1, 1+(i+1)%hres); } else if(clipz <= 0) { loopi(hres<= 0) { GLushort *cap = &indices[numindices]; int capverts = 0; loopi(numverts) if(!verts[i].pos.z) cap[capverts++] = i; verts[numverts++] = vert(vec(0.0f, 0.0f, -capsize), color, maxalpha); quicksort(cap, capverts, sortcap); loopi(capverts) { int n = capverts-1-i; cap[n*3] = cap[n]; cap[n*3+1] = cap[(n+1)%capverts]; cap[n*3+2] = numverts-1; capindices += 3; } } if(!vbuf) glGenBuffers_(1, &vbuf); gle::bindvbo(vbuf); glBufferData_(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, numverts*sizeof(vert), verts, GL_STATIC_DRAW); DELETEA(verts); if(!ebuf) glGenBuffers_(1, &ebuf); gle::bindebo(ebuf); glBufferData_(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, (numindices + capindices)*sizeof(GLushort), indices, GL_STATIC_DRAW); DELETEA(indices); } static void cleanup() { numverts = numindices = 0; if(vbuf) { glDeleteBuffers_(1, &vbuf); vbuf = 0; } if(ebuf) { glDeleteBuffers_(1, &ebuf); ebuf = 0; } } static void draw() { float capsize = fogdomecap && fogdomeheight < 1 ? (1 + fogdomeheight) / (1 - fogdomeheight) : -1; bvec color = !fogdomecolour.iszero() ? fogdomecolour : fogcolour; if(!numverts || lastcolor != color || lastminalpha != fogdomemin || lastmaxalpha != fogdomemax || lastcapsize != capsize || lastclipz != fogdomeclip) { init(color, min(fogdomemin, fogdomemax), fogdomemax, capsize, fogdomeclip); lastcolor = color; lastminalpha = fogdomemin; lastmaxalpha = fogdomemax; lastcapsize = capsize; lastclipz = fogdomeclip; } gle::bindvbo(vbuf); gle::bindebo(ebuf); gle::vertexpointer(sizeof(vert), &verts->pos); gle::colorpointer(sizeof(vert), &verts->color); gle::enablevertex(); gle::enablecolor(); glDrawRangeElements_(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, numverts-1, numindices + fogdomecap*capindices, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices); xtraverts += numverts; glde++; gle::disablevertex(); gle::disablecolor(); gle::clearvbo(); gle::clearebo(); } } static void drawfogdome() { SETSHADER(skyfog); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); matrix4 skymatrix = cammatrix, skyprojmatrix; skymatrix.settranslation(vec(cammatrix.c).mul(farplane*fogdomeheight*0.5f)); skymatrix.scale(farplane/2, farplane/2, farplane*(0.5f - fogdomeheight*0.5f)); skyprojmatrix.mul(projmatrix, skymatrix); LOCALPARAM(skymatrix, skyprojmatrix); fogdome::draw(); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } void cleanupsky() { fogdome::cleanup(); } VARR(atmo, 0, 0, 1); FVARR(atmoplanetsize, 1e-3f, 1, 1e3f); FVARR(atmoheight, 1e-3f, 1, 1e3f); FVARR(atmobright, 0, 1, 16); CVAR1R(atmosunlight, 0); FVARR(atmosunlightscale, 0, 1, 16); CVAR1R(atmosundisk, 0); FVARR(atmosundisksize, 0, 12, 90); FVARR(atmosundiskcorona, 0, 0.4f, 1); FVARR(atmosundiskbright, 0, 1, 16); FVARR(atmohaze, 0, 0.1f, 16); FVARR(atmodensity, 0, 1, 16); FVARR(atmoozone, 0, 1, 16); FVARR(atmoalpha, 0, 1, 1); static void drawatmosphere() { SETSHADER(atmosphere); matrix4 sunmatrix = invcammatrix; sunmatrix.settranslation(0, 0, 0); sunmatrix.mul(invprojmatrix); LOCALPARAM(sunmatrix, sunmatrix); // optical depth scales for 3 different shells of atmosphere - air, haze, ozone const float earthradius = 6371e3f, earthairheight = 8.4e3f, earthhazeheight = 1.25e3f, earthozoneheight = 50e3f; float planetradius = earthradius*atmoplanetsize; vec atmoshells = vec(earthairheight, earthhazeheight, earthozoneheight).mul(atmoheight).add(planetradius).square().sub(planetradius*planetradius); LOCALPARAM(opticaldepthparams, vec4(atmoshells, planetradius)); // Henyey-Greenstein approximation, 1/(4pi) * (1 - g^2)/(1 + g^2 - 2gcos)]^1.5 // Hoffman-Preetham variation uses (1-g)^2 instead of 1-g^2 which avoids excessive glare // clamp values near 0 angle to avoid spotlight artifact inside sundisk float gm = max(0.95f - 0.2f*atmohaze, 0.65f), miescale = pow((1-gm)*(1-gm)/(4*M_PI), -2.0f/3.0f); LOCALPARAMF(mieparams, miescale*(1 + gm*gm), miescale*-2*gm, 1 - (1 - cosf(0.5f*atmosundisksize*(1 - atmosundiskcorona)*RAD))); static const vec lambda(680e-9f, 550e-9f, 450e-9f), k(0.686f, 0.678f, 0.666f), ozone(3.426f, 8.298f, 0.356f); vec betar = vec(lambda).square().square().recip().mul(1.241e-30f/M_LN2 * atmodensity), betam = vec(lambda).recip().square().mul(k).mul(9.072e-17f/M_LN2 * atmohaze), betao = vec(ozone).mul(1.5e-7f/M_LN2 * atmoozone); LOCALPARAM(betarayleigh, betar); LOCALPARAM(betamie, betam); LOCALPARAM(betaozone, betao); // extinction in direction of sun float sunoffset = sunlightdir.z*planetradius; vec sundepth = vec(atmoshells).add(sunoffset*sunoffset).sqrt().sub(sunoffset); vec sunweight = vec(betar).mul(sundepth.x).madd(betam, sundepth.y).madd(betao, sundepth.z - sundepth.x); vec sunextinction = vec(sunweight).neg().exp2(); vec suncolor = !atmosunlight.iszero() ? atmosunlight.tocolor().mul(atmosunlightscale) : sunlight.tocolor().mul(sunlightscale); // assume sunlight color is gamma encoded, so decode to linear light, then apply extinction extern float hdrgamma; vec sunscale = vec(suncolor).mul(ldrscale).pow(hdrgamma).mul(atmobright * 16).mul(sunextinction); float maxsunweight = max(max(sunweight.x, sunweight.y), sunweight.z); if(maxsunweight > 127) sunweight.mul(127/maxsunweight); sunweight.add(1e-4f); LOCALPARAM(sunweight, sunweight); LOCALPARAM(sunlight, vec4(sunscale, atmoalpha)); LOCALPARAM(sundir, sunlightdir); // invert extinction at zenith to get an approximation of how bright the sun disk should be vec zenithdepth = vec(atmoshells).add(planetradius*planetradius).sqrt().sub(planetradius); vec zenithweight = vec(betar).mul(zenithdepth.x).madd(betam, zenithdepth.y).madd(betao, zenithdepth.z - zenithdepth.x); vec zenithextinction = vec(zenithweight).sub(sunweight).exp2(); vec diskcolor = (!atmosundisk.iszero() ? atmosundisk.tocolor() : suncolor).mul(ldrscale).pow(hdrgamma).mul(zenithextinction).mul(atmosundiskbright * 4); LOCALPARAM(sundiskcolor, diskcolor); // convert from view cosine into mu^2 for limb darkening, where mu = sqrt(1 - sin^2) and sin^2 = 1 - cos^2, thus mu^2 = 1 - (1 - cos^2*scale) // convert corona offset into scale for mu^2, where sin = (1-corona) and thus mu^2 = 1 - (1-corona^2) float sundiskscale = sinf(0.5f*atmosundisksize*RAD); float coronamu = 1 - (1-atmosundiskcorona)*(1-atmosundiskcorona); if(sundiskscale > 0) LOCALPARAMF(sundiskparams, 1.0f/(sundiskscale*sundiskscale), 1.0f/max(coronamu, 1e-3f)); else LOCALPARAMF(sundiskparams, 0, 0); gle::defvertex(); gle::begin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); gle::attribf(-1, 1, 1); gle::attribf(1, 1, 1); gle::attribf(-1, -1, 1); gle::attribf(1, -1, 1); xtraverts += gle::end(); } VAR(showsky, 0, 1, 1); VAR(clampsky, 0, 1, 1); VARNR(skytexture, useskytexture, 0, 0, 1); VARFR(skyshadow, 0, 0, 1, clearshadowcache()); int explicitsky = 0; bool limitsky() { return explicitsky && (useskytexture || editmode); } void drawskybox(bool clear) { bool limited = false; if(limitsky()) for(vtxarray *va = visibleva; va; va = va->next) { if(va->sky && va->occluded < OCCLUDE_BB && ((va->skymax.x >= 0 && isvisiblebb(va->skymin, ivec(va->skymax).sub(va->skymin)) != VFC_NOT_VISIBLE) || !insideworld(camera1->o))) { limited = true; break; } } if(limited) { glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } else { glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); } if(clampsky) glDepthRange(1, 1); if(clear || (!skybox[0] && (!atmo || atmoalpha < 1))) { vec skyboxcolor = skyboxcolour.tocolor().mul(ldrscale); glClearColor(skyboxcolor.x, skyboxcolor.y, skyboxcolor.z, 0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } if(skybox[0]) { if(ldrscale < 1 && (skyboxoverbrightmin != 1 || (skyboxoverbright > 1 && skyboxoverbrightthreshold < 1))) { SETSHADER(skyboxoverbright); LOCALPARAMF(overbrightparams, skyboxoverbrightmin, max(skyboxoverbright, skyboxoverbrightmin), skyboxoverbrightthreshold); } else SETSHADER(skybox); gle::color(skyboxcolour); matrix4 skymatrix = cammatrix, skyprojmatrix; skymatrix.settranslation(0, 0, 0); skymatrix.rotate_around_z((spinsky*lastmillis/1000.0f+yawsky)*-RAD); skyprojmatrix.mul(projmatrix, skymatrix); LOCALPARAM(skymatrix, skyprojmatrix); drawenvbox(sky); } if(atmo && (!skybox[0] || atmoalpha < 1)) { if(atmoalpha < 1) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } drawatmosphere(); if(atmoalpha < 1) glDisable(GL_BLEND); } if(fogdomemax && !fogdomeclouds) { drawfogdome(); } if(cloudbox[0]) { SETSHADER(skybox); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); gle::color(cloudboxcolour.tocolor(), cloudboxalpha); matrix4 skymatrix = cammatrix, skyprojmatrix; skymatrix.settranslation(0, 0, 0); skymatrix.rotate_around_z((spinclouds*lastmillis/1000.0f+yawclouds)*-RAD); skyprojmatrix.mul(projmatrix, skymatrix); LOCALPARAM(skymatrix, skyprojmatrix); drawenvbox(clouds, cloudclip); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } if(cloudlayer[0] && cloudheight) { SETSHADER(skybox); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); matrix4 skymatrix = cammatrix, skyprojmatrix; skymatrix.settranslation(0, 0, 0); skymatrix.rotate_around_z((spincloudlayer*lastmillis/1000.0f+yawcloudlayer)*-RAD); skyprojmatrix.mul(projmatrix, skymatrix); LOCALPARAM(skymatrix, skyprojmatrix); drawenvoverlay(cloudoverlay, cloudoffsetx + cloudscrollx * lastmillis/1000.0f, cloudoffsety + cloudscrolly * lastmillis/1000.0f); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); } if(fogdomemax && fogdomeclouds) { drawfogdome(); } if(clampsky) glDepthRange(0, 1); if(limited) { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } else { glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); } } bool hasskybox() { return skybox[0] || atmo || fogdomemax || cloudbox[0] || cloudlayer[0]; }