#include "game.hh" namespace game { void parseoptions(vector &args) { loopv(args) #ifndef STANDALONE if(!game::clientoption(args[i])) #endif if(!server::serveroption(args[i])) conoutf(CON_ERROR, "unknown command-line option: %s", args[i]); } const char *gameident() { return "Tesseract"; } } namespace server { struct clientinfo; struct servstate : gamestate { vec o; int state, editstate; int lastspawn, lifesequence; int lasttimeplayed, timeplayed; float effectiveness; servstate() : state(CS_DEAD), editstate(CS_DEAD), lifesequence(0) {} void reset() { if(state!=CS_SPECTATOR) state = editstate = CS_DEAD; timeplayed = 0; effectiveness = 0; respawn(); } void respawn() { gamestate::respawn(); o = vec(-1e10f, -1e10f, -1e10f); lastspawn = -1; } void reassign() { respawn(); } }; extern int gamemillis; struct clientinfo { int clientnum, ownernum, connectmillis, sessionid, overflow; string name; bool connected, local, timesync; servstate state; vector position, messages; uchar *wsdata; int wslen; int ping; string clientmap; bool warned; clientinfo() { reset(); } void mapchange() { state.reset(); overflow = 0; timesync = false; clientmap[0] = '\0'; warned = false; } void reassign() { state.reassign(); timesync = false; } void reset() { name[0] = 0; connected = local = false; position.setsize(0); messages.setsize(0); ping = 0; mapchange(); } }; int gamemillis = 0; bool shouldstep = true; string smapname = ""; enet_uint32 lastsend = 0; vector connects, clients; void *newclientinfo() { return new clientinfo; } void deleteclientinfo(void *ci) { delete (clientinfo *)ci; } clientinfo *getinfo(int n) { if(n < MAXCLIENTS) return (clientinfo *)getclientinfo(n); return NULL; } int msgsizelookup(int msg) { static int sizetable[NUMMSG] = { -1 }; if(sizetable[0] < 0) { memset(sizetable, -1, sizeof(sizetable)); for(const int *p = msgsizes; *p >= 0; p += 2) sizetable[p[0]] = p[1]; } return msg >= 0 && msg < NUMMSG ? sizetable[msg] : -1; } void sendservmsg(const char *) {} bool serveroption(const char *arg) { return false; } void serverinit() { smapname[0] = '\0'; } int numclients(int exclude = -1, bool nospec = true, bool noai = true, bool priv = false) { int n = 0; loopv(clients) { clientinfo *ci = clients[i]; if(ci->clientnum!=exclude && (!nospec || ci->state.state!=CS_SPECTATOR || (priv && ci->local))) n++; } return n; } bool duplicatename(clientinfo *ci, const char *name) { if(!name) name = ci->name; loopv(clients) if(clients[i]!=ci && !strcmp(name, clients[i]->name)) return true; return false; } int spawntime(int type) { int np = numclients(-1, true, false); np = np<3 ? 4 : (np>4 ? 2 : 3); // spawn times are dependent on number of players int sec = 0; switch(type) { } return sec*1000; } bool delayspawn(int type) { switch(type) { default: return false; } } int welcomepacket(packetbuf &p, clientinfo *ci); void sendwelcome(clientinfo *ci); bool ispaused() { return false; } int scaletime(int t) { return t*100; } int checktype(int type, clientinfo *ci) { return type; } struct worldstate { int uses, len; uchar *data; worldstate() : uses(0), len(0), data(NULL) {} void setup(int n) { len = n; data = new uchar[n]; } void cleanup() { DELETEA(data); len = 0; } bool contains(const uchar *p) const { return p >= data && p < &data[len]; } }; vector worldstates; bool reliablemessages = false; void cleanworldstate(ENetPacket *packet) { loopv(worldstates) { worldstate &ws = worldstates[i]; if(!ws.contains(packet->data)) continue; ws.uses--; if(ws.uses <= 0) { ws.cleanup(); worldstates.removeunordered(i); } break; } } void flushclientposition(clientinfo &ci) { if(ci.position.empty() || !hasnonlocalclients()) return; packetbuf p(ci.position.length(), 0); p.put(ci.position.getbuf(), ci.position.length()); ci.position.setsize(0); sendpacket(-1, 0, p.finalize(), ci.ownernum); } static void sendpositions(worldstate &ws, ucharbuf &wsbuf) { if(wsbuf.empty()) return; int wslen = wsbuf.length(); wsbuf.put(wsbuf.buf, wslen); loopv(clients) { clientinfo &ci = *clients[i]; uchar *data = wsbuf.buf; int size = wslen; if(ci.wsdata >= wsbuf.buf) { data = ci.wsdata + ci.wslen; size -= ci.wslen; } if(size <= 0) continue; ENetPacket *packet = enet_packet_create(data, size, ENET_PACKET_FLAG_NO_ALLOCATE); sendpacket(ci.clientnum, 0, packet); if(packet->referenceCount) { ws.uses++; packet->freeCallback = cleanworldstate; } else enet_packet_destroy(packet); } wsbuf.offset(wsbuf.length()); } static inline void addposition(worldstate &ws, ucharbuf &wsbuf, int mtu, clientinfo &bi, clientinfo &ci) { if(bi.position.empty()) return; if(wsbuf.length() + bi.position.length() > mtu) sendpositions(ws, wsbuf); int offset = wsbuf.length(); wsbuf.put(bi.position.getbuf(), bi.position.length()); bi.position.setsize(0); int len = wsbuf.length() - offset; if(ci.wsdata < wsbuf.buf) { ci.wsdata = &wsbuf.buf[offset]; ci.wslen = len; } else ci.wslen += len; } static void sendmessages(worldstate &ws, ucharbuf &wsbuf) { if(wsbuf.empty()) return; int wslen = wsbuf.length(); wsbuf.put(wsbuf.buf, wslen); loopv(clients) { clientinfo &ci = *clients[i]; uchar *data = wsbuf.buf; int size = wslen; if(ci.wsdata >= wsbuf.buf) { data = ci.wsdata + ci.wslen; size -= ci.wslen; } if(size <= 0) continue; ENetPacket *packet = enet_packet_create(data, size, (reliablemessages ? ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE : 0) | ENET_PACKET_FLAG_NO_ALLOCATE); sendpacket(ci.clientnum, 1, packet); if(packet->referenceCount) { ws.uses++; packet->freeCallback = cleanworldstate; } else enet_packet_destroy(packet); } wsbuf.offset(wsbuf.length()); } static inline void addmessages(worldstate &ws, ucharbuf &wsbuf, int mtu, clientinfo &bi, clientinfo &ci) { if(bi.messages.empty()) return; if(wsbuf.length() + 10 + bi.messages.length() > mtu) sendmessages(ws, wsbuf); int offset = wsbuf.length(); putint(wsbuf, N_CLIENT); putint(wsbuf, bi.clientnum); putuint(wsbuf, bi.messages.length()); wsbuf.put(bi.messages.getbuf(), bi.messages.length()); bi.messages.setsize(0); int len = wsbuf.length() - offset; if(ci.wsdata < wsbuf.buf) { ci.wsdata = &wsbuf.buf[offset]; ci.wslen = len; } else ci.wslen += len; } bool buildworldstate() { int wsmax = 0; loopv(clients) { clientinfo &ci = *clients[i]; ci.overflow = 0; ci.wsdata = NULL; wsmax += ci.position.length(); if(ci.messages.length()) wsmax += 10 + ci.messages.length(); } if(wsmax <= 0) { reliablemessages = false; return false; } worldstate &ws = worldstates.add(); ws.setup(2*wsmax); int mtu = getservermtu() - 100; if(mtu <= 0) mtu = ws.len; ucharbuf wsbuf(ws.data, ws.len); loopv(clients) { clientinfo &ci = *clients[i]; addposition(ws, wsbuf, mtu, ci, ci); } sendpositions(ws, wsbuf); loopv(clients) { clientinfo &ci = *clients[i]; addmessages(ws, wsbuf, mtu, ci, ci); } sendmessages(ws, wsbuf); reliablemessages = false; if(ws.uses) return true; ws.cleanup(); worldstates.drop(); return false; } bool sendpackets(bool force) { if(clients.empty() || !hasnonlocalclients()) return false; enet_uint32 curtime = enet_time_get()-lastsend; if(curtime<40 && !force) return false; bool flush = buildworldstate(); lastsend += curtime - (curtime%40); return flush; } template void sendstate(servstate &gs, T &p) { putint(p, gs.lifesequence); } void spawnstate(clientinfo *ci) { servstate &gs = ci->state; gs.spawnstate(0); gs.lifesequence = (gs.lifesequence + 1)&0x7F; } void sendspawn(clientinfo *ci) { servstate &gs = ci->state; spawnstate(ci); sendf(ci->ownernum, 1, "rii4", N_SPAWNSTATE, ci->clientnum, gs.lifesequence, 1, 1); gs.lastspawn = gamemillis; } void sendwelcome(clientinfo *ci) { packetbuf p(MAXTRANS, ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); int chan = welcomepacket(p, ci); sendpacket(ci->clientnum, chan, p.finalize()); } void putinitclient(clientinfo *ci, packetbuf &p) { putint(p, N_INITCLIENT); putint(p, ci->clientnum); sendstring(ci->name, p); } void welcomeinitclient(packetbuf &p, int exclude = -1) { loopv(clients) { clientinfo *ci = clients[i]; if(!ci->connected || ci->clientnum == exclude) continue; putinitclient(ci, p); } } bool hasmap(clientinfo *ci) { return true; } int welcomepacket(packetbuf &p, clientinfo *ci) { putint(p, N_WELCOME); putint(p, N_MAPCHANGE); sendstring(smapname, p); if(!ci || clients.length()>1) { putint(p, N_RESUME); loopv(clients) { clientinfo *oi = clients[i]; if(ci && oi->clientnum==ci->clientnum) continue; putint(p, oi->clientnum); putint(p, oi->state.state); sendstate(oi->state, p); } putint(p, -1); welcomeinitclient(p, ci ? ci->clientnum : -1); } return 1; } void sendresume(clientinfo *ci) { servstate &gs = ci->state; sendf(-1, 1, "ri3ii", N_RESUME, ci->clientnum, gs.state, gs.lifesequence, -1); } void sendinitclient(clientinfo *ci) { packetbuf p(MAXTRANS, ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE); putinitclient(ci, p); sendpacket(-1, 1, p.finalize(), ci->clientnum); } void changemap(const char *s, int mode) { gamemillis = 0; copystring(smapname, s); loopv(clients) { clientinfo *ci = clients[i]; ci->state.timeplayed += lastmillis - ci->state.lasttimeplayed; } kicknonlocalclients(DISC_LOCAL); sendf(-1, 1, "ris", N_MAPCHANGE, smapname); loopv(clients) { clientinfo *ci = clients[i]; ci->mapchange(); ci->state.lasttimeplayed = lastmillis; } } void forcemap(const char *map, int mode) { changemap(map, mode); } void serverupdate() { if(shouldstep) { gamemillis += curtime; } loopv(connects) if(totalmillis-connects[i]->connectmillis>15000) disconnect_client(connects[i]->clientnum, DISC_TIMEOUT); shouldstep = clients.length() > 0; } bool shouldspectate(clientinfo *ci) { return false; } void unspectate(clientinfo *ci) { if(shouldspectate(ci)) return; ci->state.state = CS_DEAD; ci->state.respawn(); ci->state.lasttimeplayed = lastmillis; sendf(-1, 1, "ri3", N_SPECTATOR, ci->clientnum, 0); } void sendservinfo(clientinfo *ci) { sendf(ci->clientnum, 1, "ri4", N_SERVINFO, ci->clientnum, PROTOCOL_VERSION, ci->sessionid); } void noclients() { } void localconnect(int n) { clientinfo *ci = getinfo(n); ci->clientnum = ci->ownernum = n; ci->connectmillis = totalmillis; ci->sessionid = (rnd(0x1000000)*((totalmillis%10000)+1))&0xFFFFFF; ci->local = true; connects.add(ci); sendservinfo(ci); } void localdisconnect(int n) { clientdisconnect(n); } int clientconnect(int n, uint ip) { clientinfo *ci = getinfo(n); ci->clientnum = ci->ownernum = n; ci->connectmillis = totalmillis; ci->sessionid = (rnd(0x1000000)*((totalmillis%10000)+1))&0xFFFFFF; connects.add(ci); return DISC_LOCAL; } void clientdisconnect(int n) { clientinfo *ci = getinfo(n); if(ci->connected) { ci->state.timeplayed += lastmillis - ci->state.lasttimeplayed; sendf(-1, 1, "ri2", N_CDIS, n); clients.removeobj(ci); if(!numclients(-1, false, true)) noclients(); // bans clear when server empties } else connects.removeobj(ci); } int reserveclients() { return 3; } bool allowbroadcast(int n) { clientinfo *ci = getinfo(n); return ci && ci->connected; } void receivefile(int sender, uchar *data, int len) { } void connected(clientinfo *ci) { shouldstep = true; connects.removeobj(ci); clients.add(ci); ci->connected = true; ci->state.lasttimeplayed = lastmillis; sendwelcome(ci); sendinitclient(ci); } void parsepacket(int sender, int chan, packetbuf &p) // has to parse exactly each byte of the packet { if(sender<0 || p.packet->flags&ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED || chan > 2) return; char text[MAXTRANS]; int type; clientinfo *ci = sender>=0 ? getinfo(sender) : NULL, *cq = ci, *cm = ci; if(ci && !ci->connected) { if(chan==0) return; else if(chan!=1) { disconnect_client(sender, DISC_MSGERR); return; } else while(p.length() < p.maxlen) switch(checktype(getint(p), ci)) { case N_CONNECT: { getstring(text, p); filtertext(text, text, false, false, MAXNAMELEN); if(!text[0]) copystring(text, "unnamed"); copystring(ci->name, text, MAXNAMELEN+1); connected(ci); break; } case N_PING: getint(p); break; default: disconnect_client(sender, DISC_MSGERR); return; } return; } else if(chan==2) { receivefile(sender, p.buf, p.maxlen); return; } if(p.packet->flags&ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE) reliablemessages = true; #define QUEUE_AI clientinfo *cm = cq; #define QUEUE_MSG { if(cm && (!cm->local || hasnonlocalclients())) while(curmsgmessages.add(p.buf[curmsg++]); } #define QUEUE_BUF(body) { \ if(cm && (!cm->local || hasnonlocalclients())) \ { \ curmsg = p.length(); \ { body; } \ } \ } #define QUEUE_INT(n) QUEUE_BUF(putint(cm->messages, n)) #define QUEUE_UINT(n) QUEUE_BUF(putuint(cm->messages, n)) #define QUEUE_STR(text) QUEUE_BUF(sendstring(text, cm->messages)) int curmsg; while((curmsg = p.length()) < p.maxlen) switch(type = checktype(getint(p), ci)) { case N_POS: { int pcn = getuint(p); p.get(); uint flags = getuint(p); clientinfo *cp = getinfo(pcn); if(cp && pcn != sender && cp->ownernum != sender) cp = NULL; vec pos; loopk(3) { int n = p.get(); n |= p.get()<<8; if(flags&(1<local || hasnonlocalclients()) && (cp->state.state==CS_ALIVE || cp->state.state==CS_EDITING)) { cp->position.setsize(0); while(curmsgposition.add(p.buf[curmsg++]); } cp->state.o = pos; } break; } case N_TRYSPAWN: if(!ci || !cq || cq->state.state!=CS_DEAD || cq->state.lastspawn>=0) break; sendspawn(cq); break; case N_SPAWN: { int ls = getint(p); if(!cq || (cq->state.state!=CS_ALIVE && cq->state.state!=CS_DEAD && cq->state.state!=CS_EDITING) || ls!=cq->state.lifesequence || cq->state.lastspawn<0) break; cq->state.lastspawn = -1; cq->state.state = CS_ALIVE; QUEUE_AI; QUEUE_BUF({ putint(cm->messages, N_SPAWN); sendstate(cq->state, cm->messages); }); break; } case N_PING: sendf(sender, 1, "i2", N_PONG, getint(p)); break; case N_CLIENTPING: { int ping = getint(p); if(ci) { ci->ping = ping; } QUEUE_MSG; break; } case N_NEWMAP: { int size = getint(p); if(!ci->local && ci->state.state==CS_SPECTATOR) break; if(size>=0) { smapname[0] = '\0'; } QUEUE_MSG; break; } case -1: disconnect_client(sender, DISC_MSGERR); return; case -2: disconnect_client(sender, DISC_OVERFLOW); return; default: { int size = server::msgsizelookup(type); if(size<=0) { disconnect_client(sender, DISC_MSGERR); return; } loopi(size-1) getint(p); if(cq && (ci != cq || ci->state.state!=CS_SPECTATOR)) { QUEUE_AI; QUEUE_MSG; } } } } int laninfoport() { return TESSERACT_LANINFO_PORT; } int serverport() { return TESSERACT_SERVER_PORT; } int numchannels() { return 3; } void serverinforeply(ucharbuf &req, ucharbuf &p) { putint(p, PROTOCOL_VERSION); putint(p, numclients(-1, false, true)); putint(p, maxclients); sendstring(smapname, p); sendserverinforeply(p); } int protocolversion() { return PROTOCOL_VERSION; } }