// the interface the game uses to access the engine extern int curtime; // current frame time extern int lastmillis; // last time extern int elapsedtime; // elapsed frame time extern int totalmillis; // total elapsed time extern int gamespeed, paused; extern void lightent(extentity &e, float height = 8.0f); extern void lightreaching(const vec &target, vec &color, vec &dir, bool fast = false, extentity *e = 0, float minambient = 0.4f); enum { RAY_BB = 1, RAY_POLY = 3, RAY_ALPHAPOLY = 7, RAY_ENTS = 9, RAY_CLIPMAT = 16, RAY_SKIPFIRST = 32, RAY_EDITMAT = 64, RAY_SHADOW = 128, RAY_PASS = 256, RAY_SKIPSKY = 512 }; extern float raycube (const vec &o, const vec &ray, float radius = 0, int mode = RAY_CLIPMAT, int size = 0, extentity *t = 0); extern float raycubepos(const vec &o, const vec &ray, vec &hit, float radius = 0, int mode = RAY_CLIPMAT, int size = 0); extern float rayfloor (const vec &o, vec &floor, int mode = 0, float radius = 0); extern bool raycubelos(const vec &o, const vec &dest, vec &hitpos); extern int thirdperson; extern bool isthirdperson(); // command extern int variable(const char *name, int min, int cur, int max, int *storage, identfun fun, int flags); extern float fvariable(const char *name, float min, float cur, float max, float *storage, identfun fun, int flags); extern char *svariable(const char *name, const char *cur, char **storage, identfun fun, int flags); extern void setvar(const char *name, int i, bool dofunc = true, bool doclamp = true); extern void setfvar(const char *name, float f, bool dofunc = true, bool doclamp = true); extern void setsvar(const char *name, const char *str, bool dofunc = true); extern void setvarchecked(ident *id, int val); extern void setfvarchecked(ident *id, float val); extern void setsvarchecked(ident *id, const char *val); extern void touchvar(const char *name); extern int getvar(const char *name); extern int getvarmin(const char *name); extern int getvarmax(const char *name); extern bool identexists(const char *name); extern ident *getident(const char *name); extern ident *newident(const char *name, int flags = 0); extern ident *readident(const char *name); extern ident *writeident(const char *name, int flags = 0); extern bool addcommand(const char *name, identfun fun, const char *narg, int type = ID_COMMAND); extern uint *compilecode(const char *p); extern void keepcode(uint *p); extern void freecode(uint *p); extern void executeret(const uint *code, tagval &result = *commandret); extern void executeret(const char *p, tagval &result = *commandret); extern void executeret(ident *id, tagval *args, int numargs, bool lookup = false, tagval &result = *commandret); extern char *executestr(const uint *code); extern char *executestr(const char *p); extern char *executestr(ident *id, tagval *args, int numargs, bool lookup = false); extern char *execidentstr(const char *name, bool lookup = false); extern int execute(const uint *code); extern int execute(const char *p); extern int execute(ident *id, tagval *args, int numargs, bool lookup = false); extern int execident(const char *name, int noid = 0, bool lookup = false); extern float executefloat(const uint *code); extern float executefloat(const char *p); extern float executefloat(ident *id, tagval *args, int numargs, bool lookup = false); extern float execidentfloat(const char *name, float noid = 0, bool lookup = false); extern bool executebool(const uint *code); extern bool executebool(const char *p); extern bool executebool(ident *id, tagval *args, int numargs, bool lookup = false); extern bool execidentbool(const char *name, bool noid = false, bool lookup = false); extern bool execfile(const char *cfgfile, bool msg = true); extern void alias(const char *name, const char *action); extern void alias(const char *name, tagval &v); extern const char *getalias(const char *name); extern const char *escapestring(const char *s); extern const char *escapeid(const char *s); static inline const char *escapeid(ident &id) { return escapeid(id.name); } extern bool validateblock(const char *s); extern void explodelist(const char *s, vector &elems, int limit = -1); extern char *indexlist(const char *s, int pos); extern int listlen(const char *s); extern void printvar(ident *id); extern void printvar(ident *id, int i); extern void printfvar(ident *id, float f); extern void printsvar(ident *id, const char *s); extern int clampvar(ident *id, int i, int minval, int maxval); extern float clampfvar(ident *id, float f, float minval, float maxval); extern void loopiter(ident *id, identstack &stack, const tagval &v); extern void loopend(ident *id, identstack &stack); #define loopstart(id, stack) if((id)->type != ID_ALIAS) return; identstack stack; static inline void loopiter(ident *id, identstack &stack, int i) { tagval v; v.setint(i); loopiter(id, stack, v); } static inline void loopiter(ident *id, identstack &stack, float f) { tagval v; v.setfloat(f); loopiter(id, stack, v); } // main extern void fatal(const char *s, ...) PRINTFARGS(1, 2); // texture struct VSlot; // rendergl extern physent *camera1; extern vec worldpos, camdir, camright, camup; extern float curfov, fovy, aspect; extern void disablezoom(); extern vec calcavatarpos(const vec &pos, float dist); extern vec calcmodelpreviewpos(const vec &radius, float &yaw); extern void damageblend(int n); extern void damagecompass(int n, const vec &loc); extern vec minimapcenter, minimapradius, minimapscale; extern void bindminimap(); extern matrix4 hudmatrix; extern void resethudmatrix(); extern void pushhudmatrix(); extern void flushhudmatrix(bool flushparams = true); extern void pophudmatrix(bool flush = true, bool flushparams = true); extern void pushhudscale(float sx, float sy = 0); extern void pushhudtranslate(float tx, float ty, float sx = 0, float sy = 0); extern void resethudshader(); // stain enum { STAIN_BLOOD = 0, STAIN_PULSE_SCORCH, STAIN_RAIL_HOLE, STAIN_PULSE_GLOW, STAIN_RAIL_GLOW }; extern void addstain(int type, const vec ¢er, const vec &surface, float radius, const bvec &color = bvec(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), int info = 0); static inline void addstain(int type, const vec ¢er, const vec &surface, float radius, int color, int info = 0) { addstain(type, center, surface, radius, bvec::hexcolor(color), info); } // physics extern vec collidewall; extern int collideinside; extern physent *collideplayer; extern void moveplayer(physent *pl, int moveres, bool local); extern bool moveplayer(physent *pl, int moveres, bool local, int curtime); extern void crouchplayer(physent *pl, int moveres, bool local); extern bool collide(physent *d, const vec &dir = vec(0, 0, 0), float cutoff = 0.0f, bool playercol = true, bool insideplayercol = false); extern bool bounce(physent *d, float secs, float elasticity, float waterfric, float grav); extern bool bounce(physent *d, float elasticity, float waterfric, float grav); extern void avoidcollision(physent *d, const vec &dir, physent *obstacle, float space); extern bool overlapsdynent(const vec &o, float radius); extern bool movecamera(physent *pl, const vec &dir, float dist, float stepdist); extern void physicsframe(); extern void dropenttofloor(entity *e); extern bool droptofloor(vec &o, float radius, float height); extern void vecfromyawpitch(float yaw, float pitch, int move, int strafe, vec &m); extern void vectoyawpitch(const vec &v, float &yaw, float &pitch); extern void updatephysstate(physent *d); extern void cleardynentcache(); extern void updatedynentcache(physent *d); extern bool entinmap(dynent *d, bool avoidplayers = false); extern void findplayerspawn(dynent *d, int forceent = -1, int tag = 0); // client extern bool haslocalclients(); extern bool isconnected(bool attempt = false, bool local = true); extern bool multiplayer(bool msg = true);