#include "game.h" extern int fog; namespace ai { using namespace game; avoidset obstacles; int updatemillis = 0, iteration = 0, itermillis = 0, forcegun = -1; vec aitarget(0, 0, 0); VAR(aidebug, 0, 0, 6); VAR(aiforcegun, -1, -1, NUMGUNS-1); ICOMMAND(addbot, "s", (char *s), addmsg(N_ADDBOT, "ri", *s ? clamp(parseint(s), 1, 101) : -1)); ICOMMAND(delbot, "", (), addmsg(N_DELBOT, "r")); ICOMMAND(botlimit, "i", (int *n), addmsg(N_BOTLIMIT, "ri", *n)); ICOMMAND(botbalance, "i", (int *n), addmsg(N_BOTBALANCE, "ri", *n)); float viewdist(int x) { return x <= 100 ? clamp((SIGHTMIN+(SIGHTMAX-SIGHTMIN))/100.f*float(x), float(SIGHTMIN), float(fog)) : float(fog); } float viewfieldx(int x) { return x <= 100 ? clamp((VIEWMIN+(VIEWMAX-VIEWMIN))/100.f*float(x), float(VIEWMIN), float(VIEWMAX)) : float(VIEWMAX); } float viewfieldy(int x) { return viewfieldx(x)*3.f/4.f; } bool canmove(gameent *d) { return d->state != CS_DEAD && !intermission; } float attackmindist(int atk) { return max(int(attacks[atk].exprad), 2); } float attackmaxdist(int atk) { return attacks[atk].range + 4; } bool attackrange(gameent *d, int atk, float dist) { float mindist = attackmindist(atk), maxdist = attackmaxdist(atk); return dist >= mindist*mindist && dist <= maxdist*maxdist; } bool targetable(gameent *d, gameent *e) { if(d == e || !canmove(d)) return false; return e->state == CS_ALIVE && !isteam(d->team, e->team); } bool getsight(vec &o, float yaw, float pitch, vec &q, vec &v, float mdist, float fovx, float fovy) { float dist = o.dist(q); if(dist <= mdist) { float x = fmod(fabs(asin((q.z-o.z)/dist)/RAD-pitch), 360); float y = fmod(fabs(-atan2(q.x-o.x, q.y-o.y)/RAD-yaw), 360); if(min(x, 360-x) <= fovx && min(y, 360-y) <= fovy) return raycubelos(o, q, v); } return false; } bool cansee(gameent *d, vec &x, vec &y, vec &targ) { aistate &b = d->ai->getstate(); if(canmove(d) && b.type != AI_S_WAIT) return getsight(x, d->yaw, d->pitch, y, targ, d->ai->views[2], d->ai->views[0], d->ai->views[1]); return false; } bool canshoot(gameent *d, int atk, gameent *e) { if(attackrange(d, atk, e->o.squaredist(d->o)) && targetable(d, e)) return d->ammo[attacks[atk].gun] > 0 && lastmillis - d->lastaction >= d->gunwait; return false; } bool canshoot(gameent *d, int atk) { return !d->ai->becareful && d->ammo[attacks[atk].gun] > 0 && lastmillis - d->lastaction >= d->gunwait; } bool hastarget(gameent *d, int atk, aistate &b, gameent *e, float yaw, float pitch, float dist) { // add margins of error if(attackrange(d, atk, dist) || (d->skill <= 100 && !rnd(d->skill))) { float skew = clamp(float(lastmillis-d->ai->enemymillis)/float((d->skill*attacks[atk].attackdelay/200.f)), 0.f, attacks[atk].projspeed ? 0.25f : 1e16f), offy = yaw-d->yaw, offp = pitch-d->pitch; if(offy > 180) offy -= 360; else if(offy < -180) offy += 360; if(fabs(offy) <= d->ai->views[0]*skew && fabs(offp) <= d->ai->views[1]*skew) return true; } return false; } vec getaimpos(gameent *d, int atk, gameent *e) { vec o = e->o; if(atk == ATK_PULSE_SHOOT) o.z += (e->aboveeye*0.2f)-(0.8f*d->eyeheight); else o.z += (e->aboveeye-e->eyeheight)*0.5f; if(d->skill <= 100) { if(lastmillis >= d->ai->lastaimrnd) { int aiskew = 1; switch(atk) { case ATK_RAIL_SHOOT: aiskew = 5; break; case ATK_PULSE_SHOOT: aiskew = 20; break; default: break; } #define rndaioffset(r) ((rnd(int(r*aiskew*2)+1)-(r*aiskew))*(1.f/float(max(d->skill, 1)))) loopk(3) d->ai->aimrnd[k] = rndaioffset(e->radius); int dur = (d->skill+10)*10; d->ai->lastaimrnd = lastmillis+dur+rnd(dur); } loopk(3) o[k] += d->ai->aimrnd[k]; } return o; } void create(gameent *d) { if(!d->ai) d->ai = new aiinfo; } void destroy(gameent *d) { if(d->ai) DELETEP(d->ai); } void init(gameent *d, int at, int ocn, int sk, int bn, int pm, int col, const char *name, int team) { loadwaypoints(); gameent *o = newclient(ocn); d->aitype = at; bool resetthisguy = false; if(!d->name[0]) { if(aidebug) conoutf("%s assigned to %s at skill %d", colorname(d, name), o ? colorname(o) : "?", sk); else conoutf("\f0join:\f7 %s", colorname(d, name)); resetthisguy = true; } else { if(d->ownernum != ocn) { if(aidebug) conoutf("%s reassigned to %s", colorname(d, name), o ? colorname(o) : "?"); resetthisguy = true; } if(d->skill != sk && aidebug) conoutf("%s changed skill to %d", colorname(d, name), sk); } copystring(d->name, name, MAXNAMELEN+1); d->team = validteam(team) ? team : 0; d->ownernum = ocn; d->plag = 0; d->skill = sk; d->playermodel = chooserandomplayermodel(pm); d->playercolor = col; if(resetthisguy) removeweapons(d); if(d->ownernum >= 0 && player1->clientnum == d->ownernum) { create(d); if(d->ai) { d->ai->views[0] = viewfieldx(d->skill); d->ai->views[1] = viewfieldy(d->skill); d->ai->views[2] = viewdist(d->skill); } } else if(d->ai) destroy(d); } void update() { if(intermission) { loopv(players) if(players[i]->ai) players[i]->stopmoving(); } else // fixed rate logic done out-of-sequence at 1 frame per second for each ai { if(totalmillis-updatemillis > 1000) { avoid(); forcegun = multiplayer(false) ? -1 : aiforcegun; updatemillis = totalmillis; } if(!iteration && totalmillis-itermillis > 1000) { iteration = 1; itermillis = totalmillis; } int count = 0; loopv(players) if(players[i]->ai) think(players[i], ++count == iteration ? true : false); if(++iteration > count) iteration = 0; } } bool checkothers(vector &targets, gameent *d, int state, int targtype, int target, bool teams, int *members) { // checks the states of other ai for a match targets.setsize(0); loopv(players) { gameent *e = players[i]; if(targets.find(e->clientnum) >= 0) continue; if(teams && d && !isteam(d->team, e->team)) continue; if(members) (*members)++; if(e == d || !e->ai || e->state != CS_ALIVE) continue; aistate &b = e->ai->getstate(); if(state >= 0 && b.type != state) continue; if(target >= 0 && b.target != target) continue; if(targtype >=0 && b.targtype != targtype) continue; targets.add(e->clientnum); } return !targets.empty(); } bool makeroute(gameent *d, aistate &b, int node, bool changed, int retries) { if(!iswaypoint(d->lastnode)) return false; if(changed && d->ai->route.length() > 1 && d->ai->route[0] == node) return true; if(route(d, d->lastnode, node, d->ai->route, obstacles, retries)) { b.override = false; return true; } // retry fails: 0 = first attempt, 1 = try ignoring obstacles, 2 = try ignoring prevnodes too if(retries <= 1) return makeroute(d, b, node, false, retries+1); return false; } bool makeroute(gameent *d, aistate &b, const vec &pos, bool changed, int retries) { int node = closestwaypoint(pos, SIGHTMIN, true); return makeroute(d, b, node, changed, retries); } bool randomnode(gameent *d, aistate &b, const vec &pos, float guard, float wander) { static vector candidates; candidates.setsize(0); findwaypointswithin(pos, guard, wander, candidates); while(!candidates.empty()) { int w = rnd(candidates.length()), n = candidates.removeunordered(w); if(n != d->lastnode && !d->ai->hasprevnode(n) && !obstacles.find(n, d) && makeroute(d, b, n)) return true; } return false; } bool randomnode(gameent *d, aistate &b, float guard, float wander) { return randomnode(d, b, d->feetpos(), guard, wander); } bool badhealth(gameent *d) { //if(d->skill <= 100) return d->health <= (111-d->skill)/4; return false; } bool enemy(gameent *d, aistate &b, const vec &pos, float guard = SIGHTMIN, int pursue = 0) { gameent *t = NULL; vec dp = d->headpos(); float mindist = guard*guard, bestdist = 1e16f; int atk = guns[d->gunselect].attacks[ACT_SHOOT]; loopv(players) { gameent *e = players[i]; if(e == d || !targetable(d, e)) continue; vec ep = getaimpos(d, atk, e); float dist = ep.squaredist(dp); if(dist < bestdist && (cansee(d, dp, ep) || dist <= mindist)) { t = e; bestdist = dist; } } if(t && violence(d, b, t, pursue)) return true; return false; } bool patrol(gameent *d, aistate &b, const vec &pos, float guard, float wander, int walk, bool retry) { vec feet = d->feetpos(); if(walk == 2 || b.override || (walk && feet.squaredist(pos) <= guard*guard) || !makeroute(d, b, pos)) { // run away and back to keep ourselves busy if(!b.override && randomnode(d, b, pos, guard, wander)) { b.override = true; return true; } else if(d->ai->route.empty()) { if(!retry) { b.override = false; return patrol(d, b, pos, guard, wander, walk, true); } b.override = false; return false; } } b.override = false; return true; } bool defend(gameent *d, aistate &b, const vec &pos, float guard, float wander, int walk) { bool hasenemy = enemy(d, b, pos, wander); if(!walk) { if(d->feetpos().squaredist(pos) <= guard*guard) { b.idle = hasenemy ? 2 : 1; return true; } walk++; } return patrol(d, b, pos, guard, wander, walk); } bool violence(gameent *d, aistate &b, gameent *e, int pursue) { if(e && targetable(d, e)) { if(pursue) { if((b.targtype != AI_T_AFFINITY || !(pursue%2)) && makeroute(d, b, e->lastnode)) d->ai->switchstate(b, AI_S_PURSUE, AI_T_PLAYER, e->clientnum); else if(pursue >= 3) return false; // can't pursue } if(d->ai->enemy != e->clientnum) { d->ai->enemyseen = d->ai->enemymillis = lastmillis; d->ai->enemy = e->clientnum; } return true; } return false; } bool target(gameent *d, aistate &b, int pursue = 0, bool force = false, float mindist = 0.f) { static vector hastried; hastried.setsize(0); vec dp = d->headpos(); while(true) { float dist = 1e16f; gameent *t = NULL; int atk = guns[d->gunselect].attacks[ACT_SHOOT]; loopv(players) { gameent *e = players[i]; if(e == d || hastried.find(e) >= 0 || !targetable(d, e)) continue; vec ep = getaimpos(d, atk, e); float v = ep.squaredist(dp); if((!t || v < dist) && (mindist <= 0 || v <= mindist) && (force || cansee(d, dp, ep))) { t = e; dist = v; } } if(t) { if(violence(d, b, t, pursue)) return true; hastried.add(t); } else break; } return false; } int isgoodammo(int gun) { return gun == GUN_PULSE || gun == GUN_RAIL; } bool hasgoodammo(gameent *d) { static const int goodguns[] = { GUN_PULSE, GUN_RAIL }; loopi(sizeof(goodguns)/sizeof(goodguns[0])) if(d->hasammo(goodguns[0])) return true; return false; } void assist(gameent *d, aistate &b, vector &interests, bool all, bool force) { loopv(players) { gameent *e = players[i]; if(e == d || (!all && e->aitype != AI_NONE) || !isteam(d->team, e->team)) continue; interest &n = interests.add(); n.state = AI_S_DEFEND; n.node = e->lastnode; n.target = e->clientnum; n.targtype = AI_T_PLAYER; n.score = e->o.squaredist(d->o)/(hasgoodammo(d) ? 1e8f : (force ? 1e4f : 1e2f)); } } static void tryitem(gameent *d, extentity &e, int id, aistate &b, vector &interests, bool force = false) { float score = 0; switch(e.type) { } if(score != 0) { interest &n = interests.add(); n.state = AI_S_INTEREST; n.node = closestwaypoint(e.o, SIGHTMIN, true); n.target = id; n.targtype = AI_T_ENTITY; n.score = d->feetpos().squaredist(e.o)/(force ? -1 : score); } } void items(gameent *d, aistate &b, vector &interests, bool force = false) { loopv(entities::ents) { extentity &e = *(extentity *)entities::ents[i]; if(!e.spawned() || e.nopickup() || !d->canpickup(e.type)) continue; tryitem(d, e, i, b, interests, force); } } static vector targets; bool parseinterests(gameent *d, aistate &b, vector &interests, bool override, bool ignore) { while(!interests.empty()) { int q = interests.length()-1; loopi(interests.length()-1) if(interests[i].score < interests[q].score) q = i; interest n = interests.removeunordered(q); bool proceed = true; if(!ignore) switch(n.state) { case AI_S_DEFEND: // don't get into herds { int members = 0; proceed = !checkothers(targets, d, n.state, n.targtype, n.target, true, &members) && members > 1; break; } default: break; } if(proceed && makeroute(d, b, n.node)) { d->ai->switchstate(b, n.state, n.targtype, n.target); return true; } } return false; } bool find(gameent *d, aistate &b, bool override = false) { static vector interests; interests.setsize(0); #if 0 if(!hasgoodammo(d) || d->health < min(d->skill - 15, 75)) items(d, b, interests); else { static vector nearby; nearby.setsize(0); findents(I_FIRST, I_LAST, false, d->feetpos(), vec(32, 32, 24), nearby); loopv(nearby) { int id = nearby[i]; extentity &e = *(extentity *)entities::ents[id]; if(d->canpickup(e.type)) tryitem(d, e, id, b, interests); } } #endif if(cmode) cmode->aifind(d, b, interests); if(m_teammode) assist(d, b, interests); return parseinterests(d, b, interests, override); } bool findassist(gameent *d, aistate &b, bool override = false) { static vector interests; interests.setsize(0); assist(d, b, interests); while(!interests.empty()) { int q = interests.length()-1; loopi(interests.length()-1) if(interests[i].score < interests[q].score) q = i; interest n = interests.removeunordered(q); bool proceed = true; switch(n.state) { case AI_S_DEFEND: // don't get into herds { int members = 0; proceed = !checkothers(targets, d, n.state, n.targtype, n.target, true, &members) && members > 1; break; } default: break; } if(proceed && makeroute(d, b, n.node)) { d->ai->switchstate(b, n.state, n.targtype, n.target); return true; } } return false; } void damaged(gameent *d, gameent *e) { if(d->ai && canmove(d) && targetable(d, e)) // see if this ai is interested in a grudge { aistate &b = d->ai->getstate(); if(violence(d, b, e)) return; } if(checkothers(targets, d, AI_S_DEFEND, AI_T_PLAYER, d->clientnum, true)) { loopv(targets) { gameent *t = getclient(targets[i]); if(!t->ai || !canmove(t) || !targetable(t, e)) continue; aistate &c = t->ai->getstate(); if(violence(t, c, e)) return; } } } void findorientation(vec &o, float yaw, float pitch, vec &pos) { vec dir; vecfromyawpitch(yaw, pitch, 1, 0, dir); if(raycubepos(o, dir, pos, 0, RAY_CLIPMAT|RAY_SKIPFIRST) == -1) pos = dir.mul(2*getworldsize()).add(o); //otherwise 3dgui won't work when outside of map } void setup(gameent *d) { d->ai->clearsetup(); d->ai->reset(true); d->ai->lastrun = lastmillis; if(forcegun >= 0 && forcegun < NUMGUNS) d->ai->weappref = forcegun; else d->ai->weappref = rnd(NUMGUNS); vec dp = d->headpos(); findorientation(dp, d->yaw, d->pitch, d->ai->target); } void spawned(gameent *d) { if(d->ai) setup(d); } void killed(gameent *d, gameent *e) { if(d->ai) d->ai->reset(); } void itemspawned(int ent) { if(!entities::ents.inrange(ent)) return; extentity &e = *entities::ents[ent]; if(validitem(e.type)) { loopv(players) if(players[i] && players[i]->ai && players[i]->aitype == AI_BOT && players[i]->canpickup(e.type)) { gameent *d = players[i]; bool wantsitem = false; switch(e.type) { } if(wantsitem) { aistate &b = d->ai->getstate(); if(b.targtype == AI_T_AFFINITY) continue; if(b.type == AI_S_INTEREST && b.targtype == AI_T_ENTITY) { if(entities::ents.inrange(b.target)) { if(d->o.squaredist(entities::ents[ent]->o) < d->o.squaredist(entities::ents[b.target]->o)) d->ai->switchstate(b, AI_S_INTEREST, AI_T_ENTITY, ent); } continue; } d->ai->switchstate(b, AI_S_INTEREST, AI_T_ENTITY, ent); } } } } bool check(gameent *d, aistate &b) { if(cmode && cmode->aicheck(d, b)) return true; return false; } int dowait(gameent *d, aistate &b) { d->ai->clear(true); // ensure they're clean if(check(d, b) || find(d, b)) return 1; if(target(d, b, 4, false)) return 1; if(target(d, b, 4, true)) return 1; if(randomnode(d, b, SIGHTMIN, 1e16f)) { d->ai->switchstate(b, AI_S_INTEREST, AI_T_NODE, d->ai->route[0]); return 1; } return 0; // but don't pop the state } int dodefend(gameent *d, aistate &b) { if(d->state == CS_ALIVE) { switch(b.targtype) { case AI_T_NODE: if(check(d, b)) return 1; if(iswaypoint(b.target)) return defend(d, b, waypoints[b.target].o) ? 1 : 0; break; case AI_T_ENTITY: if(check(d, b)) return 1; if(entities::ents.inrange(b.target)) return defend(d, b, entities::ents[b.target]->o) ? 1 : 0; break; case AI_T_AFFINITY: if(cmode) return cmode->aidefend(d, b) ? 1 : 0; break; case AI_T_PLAYER: { if(check(d, b)) return 1; gameent *e = getclient(b.target); if(e && e->state == CS_ALIVE) return defend(d, b, e->feetpos()) ? 1 : 0; break; } default: break; } } return 0; } int dointerest(gameent *d, aistate &b) { if(d->state != CS_ALIVE) return 0; switch(b.targtype) { case AI_T_NODE: // this is like a wait state without sitting still.. if(check(d, b) || find(d, b)) return 1; if(target(d, b, 4, true)) return 1; if(iswaypoint(b.target) && vec(waypoints[b.target].o).sub(d->feetpos()).magnitude() > CLOSEDIST) return makeroute(d, b, waypoints[b.target].o) ? 1 : 0; break; case AI_T_ENTITY: if(entities::ents.inrange(b.target)) { extentity &e = *(extentity *)entities::ents[b.target]; if(!e.spawned() || e.nopickup() || !validitem(e.type)) return 0; //if(d->feetpos().squaredist(e.o) <= CLOSEDIST*CLOSEDIST) //{ // b.idle = 1; // return true; //} return makeroute(d, b, e.o) ? 1 : 0; } break; } return 0; } int dopursue(gameent *d, aistate &b) { if(d->state == CS_ALIVE) { switch(b.targtype) { case AI_T_NODE: { if(check(d, b)) return 1; if(iswaypoint(b.target)) return defend(d, b, waypoints[b.target].o) ? 1 : 0; break; } case AI_T_AFFINITY: { if(cmode) return cmode->aipursue(d, b) ? 1 : 0; break; } case AI_T_PLAYER: { //if(check(d, b)) return 1; gameent *e = getclient(b.target); if(e && e->state == CS_ALIVE) { int atk = guns[d->gunselect].attacks[ACT_SHOOT]; float guard = SIGHTMIN, wander = attacks[atk].range; return patrol(d, b, e->feetpos(), guard, wander) ? 1 : 0; } break; } default: break; } } return 0; } int closenode(gameent *d) { vec pos = d->feetpos(); int node1 = -1, node2 = -1; float mindist1 = CLOSEDIST*CLOSEDIST, mindist2 = CLOSEDIST*CLOSEDIST; loopv(d->ai->route) if(iswaypoint(d->ai->route[i])) { vec epos = waypoints[d->ai->route[i]].o; float dist = epos.squaredist(pos); if(dist > FARDIST*FARDIST) continue; int entid = obstacles.remap(d, d->ai->route[i], epos); if(entid >= 0) { if(entid != i) dist = epos.squaredist(pos); if(dist < mindist1) { node1 = i; mindist1 = dist; } } else if(dist < mindist2) { node2 = i; mindist2 = dist; } } return node1 >= 0 ? node1 : node2; } int wpspot(gameent *d, int n, bool check = false) { if(iswaypoint(n)) loopk(2) { vec epos = waypoints[n].o; int entid = obstacles.remap(d, n, epos, k!=0); if(iswaypoint(entid)) { d->ai->spot = epos; d->ai->targnode = entid; return !check || d->feetpos().squaredist(epos) > MINWPDIST*MINWPDIST ? 1 : 2; } } return 0; } int randomlink(gameent *d, int n) { if(iswaypoint(n) && waypoints[n].haslinks()) { waypoint &w = waypoints[n]; static vector linkmap; linkmap.setsize(0); loopi(MAXWAYPOINTLINKS) { if(!w.links[i]) break; if(iswaypoint(w.links[i]) && !d->ai->hasprevnode(w.links[i]) && d->ai->route.find(w.links[i]) < 0) linkmap.add(w.links[i]); } if(!linkmap.empty()) return linkmap[rnd(linkmap.length())]; } return -1; } bool anynode(gameent *d, aistate &b, int len = NUMPREVNODES) { if(iswaypoint(d->lastnode)) loopk(2) { d->ai->clear(k ? true : false); int n = randomlink(d, d->lastnode); if(wpspot(d, n)) { d->ai->route.add(n); d->ai->route.add(d->lastnode); loopi(len) { n = randomlink(d, n); if(iswaypoint(n)) d->ai->route.insert(0, n); else break; } return true; } } return false; } bool checkroute(gameent *d, int n) { if(d->ai->route.empty() || !d->ai->route.inrange(n)) return false; int last = d->ai->lastcheck ? lastmillis-d->ai->lastcheck : 0; if(last < 500 || n < 3) return false; // route length is too short d->ai->lastcheck = lastmillis; int w = iswaypoint(d->lastnode) ? d->lastnode : d->ai->route[n], c = min(n-1, NUMPREVNODES); loopj(c) // check ahead to see if we need to go around something { int p = n-j-1, v = d->ai->route[p]; if(d->ai->hasprevnode(v) || obstacles.find(v, d)) // something is in the way, try to remap around it { int m = p-1; if(m < 3) return false; // route length is too short from this point loopirev(m) { int t = d->ai->route[i]; if(!d->ai->hasprevnode(t) && !obstacles.find(t, d)) { static vector remap; remap.setsize(0); if(route(d, w, t, remap, obstacles)) { // kill what we don't want and put the remap in while(d->ai->route.length() > i) d->ai->route.pop(); loopvk(remap) d->ai->route.add(remap[k]); return true; } return false; // we failed } } return false; } } return false; } bool hunt(gameent *d, aistate &b) { if(!d->ai->route.empty()) { int n = closenode(d); if(d->ai->route.inrange(n) && checkroute(d, n)) n = closenode(d); if(d->ai->route.inrange(n)) { if(!n) { switch(wpspot(d, d->ai->route[n], true)) { case 2: d->ai->clear(false); case 1: return true; // not close enough to pop it yet case 0: default: break; } } else { while(d->ai->route.length() > n+1) d->ai->route.pop(); // waka-waka-waka-waka int m = n-1; // next, please! if(d->ai->route.inrange(m) && wpspot(d, d->ai->route[m])) return true; } } } b.override = false; return anynode(d, b); } void jumpto(gameent *d, aistate &b, const vec &pos) { vec off = vec(pos).sub(d->feetpos()), dir(off.x, off.y, 0); bool sequenced = d->ai->blockseq || d->ai->targseq, offground = d->timeinair && !d->inwater, jump = !offground && lastmillis >= d->ai->jumpseed && (sequenced || off.z >= JUMPMIN || lastmillis >= d->ai->jumprand); if(jump) { vec old = d->o; d->o = vec(pos).addz(d->eyeheight); if(collide(d, vec(0, 0, 1))) jump = false; d->o = old; if(jump) { float radius = 18*18; loopv(entities::ents) if(entities::ents[i]->type == JUMPPAD) { gameentity &e = *(gameentity *)entities::ents[i]; if(e.o.squaredist(pos) <= radius) { jump = false; break; } } } } if(jump) { d->jumping = true; int seed = (111-d->skill)*(d->inwater ? 3 : 5); d->ai->jumpseed = lastmillis+seed+rnd(seed); seed *= b.idle ? 50 : 25; d->ai->jumprand = lastmillis+seed+rnd(seed); } } void fixfullrange(float &yaw, float &pitch, float &roll, bool full) { if(full) { while(pitch < -180.0f) pitch += 360.0f; while(pitch >= 180.0f) pitch -= 360.0f; while(roll < -180.0f) roll += 360.0f; while(roll >= 180.0f) roll -= 360.0f; } else { if(pitch > 89.9f) pitch = 89.9f; if(pitch < -89.9f) pitch = -89.9f; if(roll > 89.9f) roll = 89.9f; if(roll < -89.9f) roll = -89.9f; } while(yaw < 0.0f) yaw += 360.0f; while(yaw >= 360.0f) yaw -= 360.0f; } void fixrange(float &yaw, float &pitch) { float r = 0.f; fixfullrange(yaw, pitch, r, false); } void getyawpitch(const vec &from, const vec &pos, float &yaw, float &pitch) { float dist = from.dist(pos); yaw = -atan2(pos.x-from.x, pos.y-from.y)/RAD; pitch = asin((pos.z-from.z)/dist)/RAD; } void scaleyawpitch(float &yaw, float &pitch, float targyaw, float targpitch, float frame, float scale) { if(yaw < targyaw-180.0f) yaw += 360.0f; if(yaw > targyaw+180.0f) yaw -= 360.0f; float offyaw = fabs(targyaw-yaw)*frame, offpitch = fabs(targpitch-pitch)*frame*scale; if(targyaw > yaw) { yaw += offyaw; if(targyaw < yaw) yaw = targyaw; } else if(targyaw < yaw) { yaw -= offyaw; if(targyaw > yaw) yaw = targyaw; } if(targpitch > pitch) { pitch += offpitch; if(targpitch < pitch) pitch = targpitch; } else if(targpitch < pitch) { pitch -= offpitch; if(targpitch > pitch) pitch = targpitch; } fixrange(yaw, pitch); } bool lockon(gameent *d, int atk, gameent *e, float maxdist) { if(attacks[atk].action == ACT_MELEE && !d->blocked && !d->timeinair) { vec dir = vec(e->o).sub(d->o); float xydist = dir.x*dir.x+dir.y*dir.y, zdist = dir.z*dir.z, mdist = maxdist*maxdist, ddist = d->radius*d->radius+e->radius*e->radius; if(zdist <= ddist && xydist >= ddist+4 && xydist <= mdist+ddist) return true; } return false; } int process(gameent *d, aistate &b) { int result = 0, stupify = d->skill <= 10+rnd(15) ? rnd(d->skill*1000) : 0, skmod = 101-d->skill; float frame = d->skill <= 100 ? float(lastmillis-d->ai->lastrun)/float(max(skmod,1)*10) : 1; vec dp = d->headpos(); bool idle = b.idle == 1 || (stupify && stupify <= skmod); d->ai->dontmove = false; if(idle) { d->ai->lastaction = d->ai->lasthunt = lastmillis; d->ai->dontmove = true; d->ai->spot = vec(0, 0, 0); } else if(hunt(d, b)) { getyawpitch(dp, vec(d->ai->spot).addz(d->eyeheight), d->ai->targyaw, d->ai->targpitch); d->ai->lasthunt = lastmillis; } else { idle = d->ai->dontmove = true; d->ai->spot = vec(0, 0, 0); } if(!d->ai->dontmove) jumpto(d, b, d->ai->spot); gameent *e = getclient(d->ai->enemy); bool enemyok = e && targetable(d, e); if(!enemyok || d->skill >= 50) { gameent *f = (gameent *)intersectclosest(dp, d->ai->target, d, 1); if(f) { if(targetable(d, f)) { if(!enemyok) violence(d, b, f); enemyok = true; e = f; } else enemyok = false; } else if(!enemyok && target(d, b, 0, false, SIGHTMIN)) enemyok = (e = getclient(d->ai->enemy)) != NULL; } if(enemyok) { int atk = guns[d->gunselect].attacks[ACT_SHOOT]; vec ep = getaimpos(d, atk, e); float yaw, pitch; getyawpitch(dp, ep, yaw, pitch); fixrange(yaw, pitch); bool insight = cansee(d, dp, ep), hasseen = d->ai->enemyseen && lastmillis-d->ai->enemyseen <= (d->skill*10)+3000, quick = d->ai->enemyseen && lastmillis-d->ai->enemyseen <= skmod+30; if(insight) d->ai->enemyseen = lastmillis; if(idle || insight || hasseen || quick) { float sskew = insight || d->skill > 100 ? 1.5f : (hasseen ? 1.f : 0.5f); if(insight && lockon(d, atk, e, 16)) { d->ai->targyaw = yaw; d->ai->targpitch = pitch; if(!idle) frame *= 2; d->ai->becareful = false; } scaleyawpitch(d->yaw, d->pitch, yaw, pitch, frame, sskew); if(insight || quick) { if(canshoot(d, atk, e) && hastarget(d, atk, b, e, yaw, pitch, dp.squaredist(ep))) { d->attacking = attacks[atk].action; d->ai->lastaction = lastmillis; result = 3; } else result = 2; } else result = 1; } else { if(!d->ai->enemyseen || lastmillis-d->ai->enemyseen > (d->skill*50)+3000) { d->ai->enemy = -1; d->ai->enemyseen = d->ai->enemymillis = 0; } enemyok = false; result = 0; } } else { if(!enemyok) { d->ai->enemy = -1; d->ai->enemyseen = d->ai->enemymillis = 0; } enemyok = false; result = 0; } fixrange(d->ai->targyaw, d->ai->targpitch); if(!result) scaleyawpitch(d->yaw, d->pitch, d->ai->targyaw, d->ai->targpitch, frame*0.25f, 1.f); if(d->ai->becareful && d->physstate == PHYS_FALL) { float offyaw, offpitch; vectoyawpitch(d->vel, offyaw, offpitch); offyaw -= d->yaw; offpitch -= d->pitch; if(fabs(offyaw)+fabs(offpitch) >= 135) d->ai->becareful = false; else if(d->ai->becareful) d->ai->dontmove = true; } else d->ai->becareful = false; if(d->ai->dontmove) d->move = d->strafe = 0; else { // our guys move one way.. but turn another?! :) const struct aimdir { int move, strafe, offset; } aimdirs[8] = { { 1, 0, 0 }, { 1, -1, 45 }, { 0, -1, 90 }, { -1, -1, 135 }, { -1, 0, 180 }, { -1, 1, 225 }, { 0, 1, 270 }, { 1, 1, 315 } }; float yaw = d->ai->targyaw-d->yaw; while(yaw < 0.0f) yaw += 360.0f; while(yaw >= 360.0f) yaw -= 360.0f; int r = clamp(((int)floor((yaw+22.5f)/45.0f))&7, 0, 7); const aimdir &ad = aimdirs[r]; d->move = ad.move; d->strafe = ad.strafe; } findorientation(dp, d->yaw, d->pitch, d->ai->target); return result; } bool hasrange(gameent *d, gameent *e, int weap) { if(!e) return true; if(targetable(d, e)) { int atk = guns[weap].attacks[ACT_SHOOT]; vec ep = getaimpos(d, atk, e); float dist = ep.squaredist(d->headpos()); if(attackrange(d, atk, dist)) return true; } return false; } bool request(gameent *d, aistate &b) { gameent *e = getclient(d->ai->enemy); if(!d->hasammo(d->gunselect) || !hasrange(d, e, d->gunselect) || (d->gunselect != d->ai->weappref && (!isgoodammo(d->gunselect) || d->hasammo(d->ai->weappref)))) { static const int gunprefs[] = { GUN_PULSE, GUN_RAIL }; int gun = -1; if(d->hasammo(d->ai->weappref) && hasrange(d, e, d->ai->weappref)) gun = d->ai->weappref; else { loopi(sizeof(gunprefs)/sizeof(gunprefs[0])) if(d->hasammo(gunprefs[i]) && hasrange(d, e, gunprefs[i])) { gun = gunprefs[i]; break; } } if(gun >= 0 && gun != d->gunselect) gunselect(gun, d); } return process(d, b) >= 2; } void timeouts(gameent *d, aistate &b) { if(d->blocked) { d->ai->blocktime += lastmillis-d->ai->lastrun; if(d->ai->blocktime > (d->ai->blockseq+1)*1000) { d->ai->blockseq++; switch(d->ai->blockseq) { case 1: case 2: case 3: if(entities::ents.inrange(d->ai->targnode)) d->ai->addprevnode(d->ai->targnode); d->ai->clear(false); break; case 4: d->ai->reset(true); break; case 5: d->ai->reset(false); break; case 6: default: suicide(d); return; break; // this is our last resort.. } } } else d->ai->blocktime = d->ai->blockseq = 0; if(d->ai->targnode == d->ai->targlast) { d->ai->targtime += lastmillis-d->ai->lastrun; if(d->ai->targtime > (d->ai->targseq+1)*1000) { d->ai->targseq++; switch(d->ai->targseq) { case 1: case 2: case 3: if(entities::ents.inrange(d->ai->targnode)) d->ai->addprevnode(d->ai->targnode); d->ai->clear(false); break; case 4: d->ai->reset(true); break; case 5: d->ai->reset(false); break; case 6: default: suicide(d); return; break; // this is our last resort.. } } } else { d->ai->targtime = d->ai->targseq = 0; d->ai->targlast = d->ai->targnode; } if(d->ai->lasthunt) { int millis = lastmillis-d->ai->lasthunt; if(millis <= 1000) { d->ai->tryreset = false; d->ai->huntseq = 0; } else if(millis > (d->ai->huntseq+1)*1000) { d->ai->huntseq++; switch(d->ai->huntseq) { case 1: d->ai->reset(true); break; case 2: d->ai->reset(false); break; case 3: default: suicide(d); return; break; // this is our last resort.. } } } } void logic(gameent *d, aistate &b, bool run) { bool allowmove = canmove(d) && b.type != AI_S_WAIT; if(d->state != CS_ALIVE || !allowmove) d->stopmoving(); if(d->state == CS_ALIVE) { if(allowmove) { if(!request(d, b)) target(d, b, 0, b.idle ? true : false); shoot(d, d->ai->target); } if(!intermission) { if(d->ragdoll) cleanragdoll(d); moveplayer(d, 10, true); if(allowmove && !b.idle) timeouts(d, b); entities::checkitems(d); if(cmode) cmode->checkitems(d); } } else if(d->state == CS_DEAD) { if(d->ragdoll) moveragdoll(d); else if(lastmillis-d->lastpain<2000) { d->move = d->strafe = 0; moveplayer(d, 10, false); } } d->attacking = ACT_IDLE; d->jumping = false; } void avoid() { // guess as to the radius of ai and other critters relying on the avoid set for now float guessradius = player1->radius; obstacles.clear(); loopv(players) { dynent *d = players[i]; if(d->state != CS_ALIVE) continue; obstacles.avoidnear(d, d->o.z + d->aboveeye + 1, d->feetpos(), guessradius + d->radius); } extern avoidset wpavoid; obstacles.add(wpavoid); avoidweapons(obstacles, guessradius); } void think(gameent *d, bool run) { // the state stack works like a chain of commands, certain commands simply replace each other // others spawn new commands to the stack the ai reads the top command from the stack and executes // it or pops the stack and goes back along the history until it finds a suitable command to execute bool cleannext = false; if(d->ai->state.empty()) d->ai->addstate(AI_S_WAIT); loopvrev(d->ai->state) { aistate &c = d->ai->state[i]; if(cleannext) { c.millis = lastmillis; c.override = false; cleannext = false; } if(d->state == CS_DEAD && d->respawned!=d->lifesequence && (!cmode || cmode->respawnwait(d, 250) <= 0) && lastmillis - d->lastpain >= 500) { addmsg(N_TRYSPAWN, "rc", d); d->respawned = d->lifesequence; } else if(d->state == CS_ALIVE && run) { int result = 0; c.idle = 0; switch(c.type) { case AI_S_WAIT: result = dowait(d, c); break; case AI_S_DEFEND: result = dodefend(d, c); break; case AI_S_PURSUE: result = dopursue(d, c); break; case AI_S_INTEREST: result = dointerest(d, c); break; default: result = 0; break; } if(result <= 0) { if(c.type != AI_S_WAIT) { switch(result) { case 0: default: d->ai->removestate(i); cleannext = true; break; case -1: i = d->ai->state.length()-1; break; } continue; // shouldn't interfere } } } logic(d, c, run); break; } if(d->ai->trywipe) d->ai->wipe(); d->ai->lastrun = lastmillis; } void drawroute(gameent *d, float amt = 1.f) { int last = -1; loopvrev(d->ai->route) { if(d->ai->route.inrange(last)) { int index = d->ai->route[i], prev = d->ai->route[last]; if(iswaypoint(index) && iswaypoint(prev)) { waypoint &e = waypoints[index], &f = waypoints[prev]; vec fr = f.o, dr = e.o; fr.z += amt; dr.z += amt; particle_flare(fr, dr, 1, PART_STREAK, 0xFFFFFF); } } last = i; } if(aidebug >= 5) { vec pos = d->feetpos(); if(d->ai->spot != vec(0, 0, 0)) particle_flare(pos, d->ai->spot, 1, PART_LIGHTNING, 0x00FFFF); if(iswaypoint(d->ai->targnode)) particle_flare(pos, waypoints[d->ai->targnode].o, 1, PART_LIGHTNING, 0xFF00FF); if(iswaypoint(d->lastnode)) particle_flare(pos, waypoints[d->lastnode].o, 1, PART_LIGHTNING, 0xFFFF00); loopi(NUMPREVNODES) if(iswaypoint(d->ai->prevnodes[i])) { particle_flare(pos, waypoints[d->ai->prevnodes[i]].o, 1, PART_LIGHTNING, 0x884400); pos = waypoints[d->ai->prevnodes[i]].o; } } } VAR(showwaypoints, 0, 0, 1); VAR(showwaypointsradius, 0, 200, 10000); const char *stnames[AI_S_MAX] = { "wait", "defend", "pursue", "interest" }, *sttypes[AI_T_MAX+1] = { "none", "node", "player", "affinity", "entity" }; void render() { if(aidebug > 1) { int total = 0, alive = 0; loopv(players) if(players[i]->ai) total++; loopv(players) if(players[i]->state == CS_ALIVE && players[i]->ai) { gameent *d = players[i]; vec pos = d->abovehead(); pos.z += 3; alive++; if(aidebug >= 4) drawroute(d, 4.f*(float(alive)/float(total))); if(aidebug >= 3) { defformatstring(q, "node: %d route: %d (%d)", d->lastnode, !d->ai->route.empty() ? d->ai->route[0] : -1, d->ai->route.length() ); particle_textcopy(pos, q, PART_TEXT, 1); pos.z += 2; } bool top = true; loopvrev(d->ai->state) { aistate &b = d->ai->state[i]; defformatstring(s, "%s%s (%d ms) %s:%d", top ? "\fg" : "\fy", stnames[b.type], lastmillis-b.millis, sttypes[b.targtype+1], b.target ); particle_textcopy(pos, s, PART_TEXT, 1); pos.z += 2; if(top) { if(aidebug >= 3) top = false; else break; } } if(aidebug >= 3) { if(d->ai->weappref >= 0 && d->ai->weappref < NUMGUNS) { particle_textcopy(pos, guns[d->ai->weappref].name, PART_TEXT, 1); pos.z += 2; } gameent *e = getclient(d->ai->enemy); if(e) { particle_textcopy(pos, colorname(e), PART_TEXT, 1); pos.z += 2; } } } if(aidebug >= 4) { int cur = 0; loopv(obstacles.obstacles) { const avoidset::obstacle &ob = obstacles.obstacles[i]; int next = cur + ob.numwaypoints; for(; cur < next; cur++) { int ent = obstacles.waypoints[cur]; if(iswaypoint(ent)) regular_particle_splash(PART_EDIT, 2, 40, waypoints[ent].o, 0xFF6600, 1.5f); } cur = next; } } } if(showwaypoints || aidebug >= 6) { vector close; int len = waypoints.length(); if(showwaypointsradius) { findwaypointswithin(camera1->o, 0, showwaypointsradius, close); len = close.length(); } loopi(len) { waypoint &w = waypoints[showwaypointsradius ? close[i] : i]; loopj(MAXWAYPOINTLINKS) { int link = w.links[j]; if(!link) break; particle_flare(w.o, waypoints[link].o, 1, PART_STREAK, 0x0000FF); } } } } }