// main.cpp: initialisation & main loop #include "blend.hh" #include "movie.hh" #include "rendergl.hh" #include "rendersky.hh" #include "rendertext.hh" #include "renderva.hh" #include "shader.hh" #include "stain.hh" #include "texture.hh" #include "world.hh" #include "engine.hh" VAR(mainmenu, 1, 1, 0); void clientkeepalive() {} bool multiplayer(bool msg) { return false; } bool isconnected(bool attempt, bool local) { return haslocalclients(); } void clearmainmenu() { if(mainmenu && isconnected()) { mainmenu = 0; //UI::hideui(NULL); } } void localdisconnect(bool cleanup) { game::gamedisconnect(cleanup); mainmenu = 1; } void trydisconnect() { if(haslocalclients()) localdisconnect(); else conoutf("not connected"); } ICOMMAND(disconnect, "", (), trydisconnect()); extern void cleargamma(); void cleanup() { recorder::stop(); SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_TRUE); SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_FALSE); if(screen) SDL_SetWindowGrab(screen, SDL_FALSE); cleargamma(); freeocta(worldroot); //UI::cleanup(); extern void clear_command(); clear_command(); extern void clear_console(); clear_console(); extern void clear_models(); clear_models(); //extern void clear_sound(); clear_sound(); #ifdef __APPLE__ if(screen) SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(screen, 0); #endif SDL_Quit(); } extern void writeinitcfg(); void quit() // normal exit { writeinitcfg(); localdisconnect(); writecfg(); cleanup(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } void fatal(const char *s, ...) // failure exit { static int errors = 0; errors++; if(errors <= 2) // print up to one extra recursive error { defvformatstring(msg,s,s); printf("%s\n", msg); if(errors <= 1) // avoid recursion { if(SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_TRUE); SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_FALSE); if(screen) SDL_SetWindowGrab(screen, SDL_FALSE); cleargamma(); #ifdef __APPLE__ if(screen) SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(screen, 0); #endif } SDL_Quit(); SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "Tesseract fatal error", msg, NULL); } } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } VAR(desktopw, 1, 0, 0); VAR(desktoph, 1, 0, 0); int screenw = 0, screenh = 0; SDL_Window *screen = NULL; SDL_GLContext glcontext = NULL; int curtime = 0, lastmillis = 1, elapsedtime = 0, totalmillis = 1; dynent *player = NULL; int initing = NOT_INITING; bool initwarning(const char *desc, int level, int type) { if(initing < level) { //addchange(desc, type); return true; } return false; } #define SCR_MINW 320 #define SCR_MINH 200 #define SCR_MAXW 10000 #define SCR_MAXH 10000 #define SCR_DEFAULTW 1024 #define SCR_DEFAULTH 768 VARFN(screenw, scr_w, SCR_MINW, -1, SCR_MAXW, initwarning("screen resolution")); VARFN(screenh, scr_h, SCR_MINH, -1, SCR_MAXH, initwarning("screen resolution")); void writeinitcfg() { stream *f = openutf8file("config/init.cfg", "w"); if(!f) return; f->printf("// automatically written on exit, DO NOT MODIFY\n// modify settings in game\n"); extern int fullscreen; f->printf("fullscreen %d\n", fullscreen); f->printf("screenw %d\n", scr_w); f->printf("screenh %d\n", scr_h); delete f; } COMMAND(quit, ""); static void getbackgroundres(int &w, int &h) { float wk = 1, hk = 1; if(w < 1024) wk = 1024.0f/w; if(h < 768) hk = 768.0f/h; wk = hk = max(wk, hk); w = int(ceil(w*wk)); h = int(ceil(h*hk)); } string backgroundcaption = ""; Texture *backgroundmapshot = NULL; string backgroundmapname = ""; char *backgroundmapinfo = NULL; void bgquad(float x, float y, float w, float h, float tx = 0, float ty = 0, float tw = 1, float th = 1) { gle::begin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP); gle::attribf(x, y); gle::attribf(tx, ty); gle::attribf(x+w, y); gle::attribf(tx + tw, ty); gle::attribf(x, y+h); gle::attribf(tx, ty + th); gle::attribf(x+w, y+h); gle::attribf(tx + tw, ty + th); gle::end(); } void renderbackgroundview(int w, int h, const char *caption, Texture *mapshot, const char *mapname, const char *mapinfo) { static int lastupdate = -1, lastw = -1, lasth = -1; static float backgroundu = 0, backgroundv = 0; if((renderedframe && !mainmenu && lastupdate != lastmillis) || lastw != w || lasth != h) { lastupdate = lastmillis; lastw = w; lasth = h; backgroundu = rndscale(1); backgroundv = rndscale(1); } else if(lastupdate != lastmillis) lastupdate = lastmillis; hudmatrix.ortho(0, w, h, 0, -1, 1); resethudmatrix(); resethudshader(); gle::defvertex(2); gle::deftexcoord0(); settexture("media/interface/background.png", 0); float bu = w*0.67f/256.0f, bv = h*0.67f/256.0f; bgquad(0, 0, w, h, backgroundu, backgroundv, bu, bv); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); settexture("media/interface/shadow.png", 3); bgquad(0, 0, w, h); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); float lh = 0.5f*min(w, h), lw = lh*2, lx = 0.5f*(w - lw), ly = 0.5f*(h*0.5f - lh); settexture((maxtexsize ? min(maxtexsize, hwtexsize) : hwtexsize) >= 1024 && (hudw > 1280 || hudh > 800) ? "media/interface/logo_1024.png" : "media/interface/logo.png", 3); bgquad(lx, ly, lw, lh); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); if(caption) { int tw = text_width(caption); float tsz = 0.04f*min(w, h)/FONTH, tx = 0.5f*(w - tw*tsz), ty = h - 0.075f*1.5f*min(w, h) - FONTH*tsz; pushhudtranslate(tx, ty, tsz); draw_text(caption, 0, 0); pophudmatrix(); } if(mapshot || mapname) { float infowidth = 14*FONTH, sz = 0.35f*min(w, h), msz = (0.85f*min(w, h) - sz)/(infowidth + FONTH), x = 0.5f*w, y = ly+lh - sz/15, mx = 0, my = 0, mw = 0, mh = 0; if(mapinfo) { text_boundsf(mapinfo, mw, mh, infowidth); x -= 0.5f*mw*msz; if(mapshot && mapshot!=notexture) { x -= 0.5f*FONTH*msz; mx = sz + FONTH*msz; } } if(mapshot && mapshot!=notexture) { x -= 0.5f*sz; resethudshader(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mapshot->id); bgquad(x, y, sz, sz); } if(mapname) { float tw = text_widthf(mapname), tsz = sz/(8*FONTH), tx = max(0.5f*(mw*msz - tw*tsz), 0.0f); pushhudtranslate(x+mx+tx, y, tsz); draw_text(mapname, 0, 0); pophudmatrix(); my = 1.5f*FONTH*tsz; } if(mapinfo) { pushhudtranslate(x+mx, y+my, msz); draw_text(mapinfo, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, -1, infowidth); pophudmatrix(); } } glDisable(GL_BLEND); } VAR(menumute, 0, 1, 1); void setbackgroundinfo(const char *caption = NULL, Texture *mapshot = NULL, const char *mapname = NULL, const char *mapinfo = NULL) { renderedframe = false; copystring(backgroundcaption, caption ? caption : ""); backgroundmapshot = mapshot; copystring(backgroundmapname, mapname ? mapname : ""); if(mapinfo != backgroundmapinfo) { DELETEA(backgroundmapinfo); if(mapinfo) backgroundmapinfo = newstring(mapinfo); } } void renderbackground(const char *caption, Texture *mapshot, const char *mapname, const char *mapinfo, bool force) { if(!inbetweenframes && !force) return; //if(menumute) stopsounds(); // stop sounds while loading int w = hudw, h = hudh; if(forceaspect) w = int(ceil(h*forceaspect)); getbackgroundres(w, h); gettextres(w, h); if(force) { renderbackgroundview(w, h, caption, mapshot, mapname, mapinfo); return; } loopi(3) { renderbackgroundview(w, h, caption, mapshot, mapname, mapinfo); swapbuffers(false); } setbackgroundinfo(caption, mapshot, mapname, mapinfo); } void restorebackground(int w, int h, bool force = false) { if(renderedframe) { if(!force) return; setbackgroundinfo(); } renderbackgroundview(w, h, backgroundcaption[0] ? backgroundcaption : NULL, backgroundmapshot, backgroundmapname[0] ? backgroundmapname : NULL, backgroundmapinfo); } float loadprogress = 0; void renderprogressview(int w, int h, float bar, const char *text) // also used during loading { hudmatrix.ortho(0, w, h, 0, -1, 1); resethudmatrix(); resethudshader(); gle::defvertex(2); gle::deftexcoord0(); float fh = 0.060f*min(w, h), fw = fh*15, fx = renderedframe ? w - fw - fh/4 : 0.5f*(w - fw), fy = renderedframe ? fh/4 : h - fh*1.5f; settexture("media/interface/loading_frame.png", 3); bgquad(fx, fy, fw, fh); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); float bw = fw*(512 - 2*8)/512.0f, bh = fh*20/32.0f, bx = fx + fw*8/512.0f, by = fy + fh*6/32.0f, su1 = 0/32.0f, su2 = 8/32.0f, sw = fw*8/512.0f, eu1 = 24/32.0f, eu2 = 32/32.0f, ew = fw*8/512.0f, mw = bw - sw - ew, ex = bx+sw + max(mw*bar, fw*8/512.0f); if(bar > 0) { settexture("media/interface/loading_bar.png", 3); bgquad(bx, by, sw, bh, su1, 0, su2-su1, 1); bgquad(bx+sw, by, ex-(bx+sw), bh, su2, 0, eu1-su2, 1); bgquad(ex, by, ew, bh, eu1, 0, eu2-eu1, 1); } if(text) { int tw = text_width(text); float tsz = bh*0.6f/FONTH; if(tw*tsz > mw) tsz = mw/tw; pushhudtranslate(bx+sw, by + (bh - FONTH*tsz)/2, tsz); draw_text(text, 0, 0); pophudmatrix(); } glDisable(GL_BLEND); } VAR(progressbackground, 0, 0, 1); void renderprogress(float bar, const char *text, bool background) // also used during loading { if(!inbetweenframes || drawtex) return; extern int menufps, maxfps; int fps = menufps ? (maxfps ? min(maxfps, menufps) : menufps) : maxfps; if(fps) { static int lastprogress = 0; int ticks = SDL_GetTicks(), diff = ticks - lastprogress; if(bar > 0 && diff >= 0 && diff < (1000 + fps-1)/fps) return; lastprogress = ticks; } clientkeepalive(); // make sure our connection doesn't time out while loading maps etc. #ifdef __APPLE__ interceptkey(SDLK_UNKNOWN); // keep the event queue awake to avoid 'beachball' cursor #endif int w = hudw, h = hudh; if(forceaspect) w = int(ceil(h*forceaspect)); getbackgroundres(w, h); gettextres(w, h); extern int mesa_swap_bug, curvsync; bool forcebackground = progressbackground || (mesa_swap_bug && (curvsync || totalmillis==1)); if(background || forcebackground) restorebackground(w, h, forcebackground); renderprogressview(w, h, bar, text); swapbuffers(false); } VARNP(relativemouse, userelativemouse, 0, 1, 1); bool shouldgrab = false, grabinput = false, minimized = false, canrelativemouse = true, relativemouse = false; int keyrepeatmask = 0, textinputmask = 0; Uint32 textinputtime = 0; VAR(textinputfilter, 0, 5, 1000); void keyrepeat(bool on, int mask) { if(on) keyrepeatmask |= mask; else keyrepeatmask &= ~mask; } void textinput(bool on, int mask) { if(on) { if(!textinputmask) { SDL_StartTextInput(); textinputtime = SDL_GetTicks(); } textinputmask |= mask; } else { textinputmask &= ~mask; if(!textinputmask) SDL_StopTextInput(); } } void inputgrab(bool on) { if(on) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_FALSE); if(canrelativemouse && userelativemouse) { if(SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_TRUE) >= 0) { SDL_SetWindowGrab(screen, SDL_TRUE); relativemouse = true; } else { SDL_SetWindowGrab(screen, SDL_FALSE); canrelativemouse = false; relativemouse = false; } } } else { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_TRUE); if(relativemouse) { SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_FALSE); SDL_SetWindowGrab(screen, SDL_FALSE); relativemouse = false; } } shouldgrab = false; } bool initwindowpos = false; void setfullscreen(bool enable) { if(!screen) return; //initwarning(enable ? "fullscreen" : "windowed"); SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(screen, enable ? SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP : 0); if(!enable) { SDL_SetWindowSize(screen, scr_w, scr_h); if(initwindowpos) { int winx = SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, winy = SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED; SDL_SetWindowPosition(screen, winx, winy); initwindowpos = false; } } } #ifdef _DEBUG VARF(fullscreen, 0, 0, 1, setfullscreen(fullscreen!=0)); #else VARF(fullscreen, 0, 1, 1, setfullscreen(fullscreen!=0)); #endif void screenres(int w, int h) { scr_w = clamp(w, SCR_MINW, SCR_MAXW); scr_h = clamp(h, SCR_MINH, SCR_MAXH); if(screen) { scr_w = min(scr_w, desktopw); scr_h = min(scr_h, desktoph); if(SDL_GetWindowFlags(screen) & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) gl_resize(); else SDL_SetWindowSize(screen, scr_w, scr_h); } else { initwarning("screen resolution"); } } ICOMMAND(screenres, "ii", (int *w, int *h), screenres(*w, *h)); static void setgamma(int val) { if(screen && SDL_SetWindowBrightness(screen, val/100.0f) < 0) conoutf(CON_ERROR, "Could not set gamma: %s", SDL_GetError()); } static int curgamma = 100; VARFNP(gamma, reqgamma, 30, 100, 300, { if(initing || reqgamma == curgamma) return; curgamma = reqgamma; setgamma(curgamma); }); void restoregamma() { if(initing || reqgamma == 100) return; curgamma = reqgamma; setgamma(curgamma); } void cleargamma() { if(curgamma != 100 && screen) SDL_SetWindowBrightness(screen, 1.0f); } int curvsync = -1; void restorevsync() { if(initing || !glcontext) return; extern int vsync, vsynctear; if(!SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(vsync ? (vsynctear ? -1 : 1) : 0)) curvsync = vsync; } VARFP(vsync, 0, 0, 1, restorevsync()); VARFP(vsynctear, 0, 0, 1, { if(vsync) restorevsync(); }); VAR(dbgmodes, 0, 0, 1); void setupscreen() { if(glcontext) { SDL_GL_DeleteContext(glcontext); glcontext = NULL; } if(screen) { SDL_DestroyWindow(screen); screen = NULL; } curvsync = -1; SDL_Rect desktop; if(SDL_GetDisplayBounds(0, &desktop) < 0) fatal("failed querying desktop bounds: %s", SDL_GetError()); desktopw = desktop.w; desktoph = desktop.h; if(scr_h < 0) scr_h = SCR_DEFAULTH; if(scr_w < 0) scr_w = (scr_h*desktopw)/desktoph; scr_w = min(scr_w, desktopw); scr_h = min(scr_h, desktoph); int winx = SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, winy = SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, winw = scr_w, winh = scr_h, flags = SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; if(fullscreen) { winw = desktopw; winh = desktoph; flags |= SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP; initwindowpos = true; } SDL_GL_ResetAttributes(); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, 0); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 0); screen = SDL_CreateWindow("Tesseract", winx, winy, winw, winh, SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS | SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_FOCUS | flags); if(!screen) fatal("failed to create OpenGL window: %s", SDL_GetError()); SDL_SetWindowMinimumSize(screen, SCR_MINW, SCR_MINH); SDL_SetWindowMaximumSize(screen, SCR_MAXW, SCR_MAXH); #ifdef __APPLE__ static const int glversions[] = { 32, 20 }; #else static const int glversions[] = { 40, 33, 32, 31, 30, 20 }; #endif loopi(sizeof(glversions)/sizeof(glversions[0])) { glcompat = glversions[i] <= 30 ? 1 : 0; SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, glversions[i] / 10); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, glversions[i] % 10); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, glversions[i] >= 32 ? SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE : 0); glcontext = SDL_GL_CreateContext(screen); if(glcontext) break; } if(!glcontext) fatal("failed to create OpenGL context: %s", SDL_GetError()); SDL_GetWindowSize(screen, &screenw, &screenh); renderw = min(scr_w, screenw); renderh = min(scr_h, screenh); hudw = screenw; hudh = screenh; } void resetgl() { //clearchanges(CHANGE_GFX|CHANGE_SHADERS); renderbackground("resetting OpenGL"); recorder::cleanup(); cleanupva(); cleanupparticles(); cleanupstains(); cleanupsky(); cleanupmodels(); cleanupprefabs(); cleanuptextures(); cleanupblendmap(); cleanuplights(); cleanupshaders(); cleanupgl(); setupscreen(); inputgrab(grabinput); gl_init(); inbetweenframes = false; if(!reloadtexture(*notexture) || !reloadtexture("media/interface/logo.png") || !reloadtexture("media/interface/logo_1024.png") || !reloadtexture("media/interface/background.png") || !reloadtexture("media/interface/shadow.png") || !reloadtexture("media/interface/mapshot_frame.png") || !reloadtexture("media/interface/loading_frame.png") || !reloadtexture("media/interface/loading_bar.png")) fatal("failed to reload core texture"); reloadfonts(); inbetweenframes = true; renderbackground("initializing..."); restoregamma(); restorevsync(); initgbuffer(); reloadshaders(); reloadtextures(); allchanged(true); } COMMAND(resetgl, ""); vector events; void pushevent(const SDL_Event &e) { events.add(e); } static bool filterevent(const SDL_Event &event) { switch(event.type) { case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: if(grabinput && !relativemouse && !(SDL_GetWindowFlags(screen) & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN)) { if(event.motion.x == screenw / 2 && event.motion.y == screenh / 2) return false; // ignore any motion events generated by SDL_WarpMouse #ifdef __APPLE__ if(event.motion.y == 0) return false; // let mac users drag windows via the title bar #endif } break; } return true; } static inline bool pollevent(SDL_Event &event) { while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if(filterevent(event)) return true; } return false; } bool interceptkey(int sym) { static int lastintercept = SDLK_UNKNOWN; int len = lastintercept == sym ? events.length() : 0; SDL_Event event; while(pollevent(event)) { switch(event.type) { case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: break; default: pushevent(event); break; } } lastintercept = sym; if(sym != SDLK_UNKNOWN) for(int i = len; i < events.length(); i++) { if(events[i].type == SDL_KEYDOWN && events[i].key.keysym.sym == sym) { events.remove(i); return true; } } return false; } static void ignoremousemotion() { SDL_Event e; SDL_PumpEvents(); while(SDL_PeepEvents(&e, 1, SDL_GETEVENT, SDL_MOUSEMOTION, SDL_MOUSEMOTION)); } static void resetmousemotion() { if(grabinput && !relativemouse && !(SDL_GetWindowFlags(screen) & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN)) { SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(screen, screenw / 2, screenh / 2); } } static void checkmousemotion(int &dx, int &dy) { loopv(events) { SDL_Event &event = events[i]; if(event.type != SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { if(i > 0) events.remove(0, i); return; } dx += event.motion.xrel; dy += event.motion.yrel; } events.setsize(0); SDL_Event event; while(pollevent(event)) { if(event.type != SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { events.add(event); return; } dx += event.motion.xrel; dy += event.motion.yrel; } } void checkinput() { SDL_Event event; //int lasttype = 0, lastbut = 0; bool mousemoved = false; while(events.length() || pollevent(event)) { if(events.length()) event = events.remove(0); switch(event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: quit(); return; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: if(textinputmask && int(event.text.timestamp-textinputtime) >= textinputfilter) { uchar buf[SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE+1]; size_t len = decodeutf8(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, (const uchar *)event.text.text, strlen(event.text.text)); if(len > 0) { buf[len] = '\0'; processtextinput((const char *)buf, len); } } break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: case SDL_KEYUP: if(keyrepeatmask || !event.key.repeat) processkey(event.key.keysym.sym, event.key.state==SDL_PRESSED, event.key.keysym.mod | SDL_GetModState()); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: switch(event.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE: quit(); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: shouldgrab = true; break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ENTER: inputgrab(grabinput = true); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_LEAVE: case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: inputgrab(grabinput = false); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MINIMIZED: minimized = true; break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MAXIMIZED: case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESTORED: minimized = false; break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED: break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED: SDL_GetWindowSize(screen, &screenw, &screenh); if(!(SDL_GetWindowFlags(screen) & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN)) { scr_w = clamp(screenw, SCR_MINW, SCR_MAXW); scr_h = clamp(screenh, SCR_MINH, SCR_MAXH); } gl_resize(); break; } break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: if(grabinput) { int dx = event.motion.xrel, dy = event.motion.yrel; checkmousemotion(dx, dy); /*if(!UI::movecursor(dx, dy))*/ mousemove(dx, dy); mousemoved = true; } else if(shouldgrab) inputgrab(grabinput = true); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: //if(lasttype==event.type && lastbut==event.button.button) break; // why?? get event twice without it switch(event.button.button) { case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: processkey(-1, event.button.state==SDL_PRESSED); break; case SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE: processkey(-2, event.button.state==SDL_PRESSED); break; case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: processkey(-3, event.button.state==SDL_PRESSED); break; case SDL_BUTTON_X1: processkey(-6, event.button.state==SDL_PRESSED); break; case SDL_BUTTON_X2: processkey(-7, event.button.state==SDL_PRESSED); break; } //lasttype = event.type; //lastbut = event.button.button; break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: if(event.wheel.y > 0) { processkey(-4, true); processkey(-4, false); } else if(event.wheel.y < 0) { processkey(-5, true); processkey(-5, false); } break; } } if(mousemoved) resetmousemotion(); } void swapbuffers(bool overlay) { recorder::capture(overlay); gle::disable(); SDL_GL_SwapWindow(screen); } VAR(menufps, 0, 60, 1000); VARP(maxfps, 0, 125, 1000); void limitfps(int &millis, int curmillis) { int limit = (mainmenu || minimized) && menufps ? (maxfps ? min(maxfps, menufps) : menufps) : maxfps; if(!limit) return; static int fpserror = 0; int delay = 1000/limit - (millis-curmillis); if(delay < 0) fpserror = 0; else { fpserror += 1000%limit; if(fpserror >= limit) { ++delay; fpserror -= limit; } if(delay > 0) { SDL_Delay(delay); millis += delay; } } } #ifdef WIN32 // Force Optimus setups to use the NVIDIA GPU extern "C" { #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__((dllexport)) #else __declspec(dllexport) #endif DWORD NvOptimusEnablement = 1; #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__((dllexport)) #else __declspec(dllexport) #endif DWORD AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance = 1; } #endif #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(__GNUC__) void stackdumper(unsigned int type, EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep) { if(!ep) fatal("unknown type"); EXCEPTION_RECORD *er = ep->ExceptionRecord; CONTEXT *context = ep->ContextRecord; char out[512]; formatstring(out, "Tesseract Win32 Exception: 0x%x [0x%x]\n\n", er->ExceptionCode, er->ExceptionCode==EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ? er->ExceptionInformation[1] : -1); SymInitialize(GetCurrentProcess(), NULL, TRUE); #ifdef _AMD64_ STACKFRAME64 sf = {{context->Rip, 0, AddrModeFlat}, {}, {context->Rbp, 0, AddrModeFlat}, {context->Rsp, 0, AddrModeFlat}, 0}; while(::StackWalk64(IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64, GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), &sf, context, NULL, ::SymFunctionTableAccess, ::SymGetModuleBase, NULL)) { union { IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 sym; char symext[sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64) + sizeof(string)]; }; sym.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(sym); sym.MaxNameLength = sizeof(symext) - sizeof(sym); IMAGEHLP_LINE64 line; line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(line); DWORD64 symoff; DWORD lineoff; if(SymGetSymFromAddr64(GetCurrentProcess(), sf.AddrPC.Offset, &symoff, &sym) && SymGetLineFromAddr64(GetCurrentProcess(), sf.AddrPC.Offset, &lineoff, &line)) #else STACKFRAME sf = {{context->Eip, 0, AddrModeFlat}, {}, {context->Ebp, 0, AddrModeFlat}, {context->Esp, 0, AddrModeFlat}, 0}; while(::StackWalk(IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386, GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), &sf, context, NULL, ::SymFunctionTableAccess, ::SymGetModuleBase, NULL)) { union { IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL sym; char symext[sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL) + sizeof(string)]; }; sym.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(sym); sym.MaxNameLength = sizeof(symext) - sizeof(sym); IMAGEHLP_LINE line; line.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(line); DWORD symoff, lineoff; if(SymGetSymFromAddr(GetCurrentProcess(), sf.AddrPC.Offset, &symoff, &sym) && SymGetLineFromAddr(GetCurrentProcess(), sf.AddrPC.Offset, &lineoff, &line)) #endif { char *del = strrchr(line.FileName, '\\'); concformatstring(out, "%s - %s [%d]\n", sym.Name, del ? del + 1 : line.FileName, line.LineNumber); } } fatal(out); } #endif #define MAXFPSHISTORY 60 int fpspos = 0, fpshistory[MAXFPSHISTORY]; void resetfpshistory() { loopi(MAXFPSHISTORY) fpshistory[i] = 1; fpspos = 0; } void updatefpshistory(int millis) { fpshistory[fpspos++] = max(1, min(1000, millis)); if(fpspos>=MAXFPSHISTORY) fpspos = 0; } void getframemillis(float &avg, float &bestdiff, float &worstdiff) { int total = fpshistory[MAXFPSHISTORY-1], best = total, worst = total; loopi(MAXFPSHISTORY-1) { int millis = fpshistory[i]; total += millis; if(millis < best) best = millis; if(millis > worst) worst = millis; } avg = total/float(MAXFPSHISTORY); best = best - avg; worstdiff = avg - worst; } void getfps(int &fps, int &bestdiff, int &worstdiff) { int total = fpshistory[MAXFPSHISTORY-1], best = total, worst = total; loopi(MAXFPSHISTORY-1) { int millis = fpshistory[i]; total += millis; if(millis < best) best = millis; if(millis > worst) worst = millis; } fps = (1000*MAXFPSHISTORY)/total; bestdiff = 1000/best-fps; worstdiff = fps-1000/worst; } void getfps_(int *raw) { if(*raw) floatret(1000.0f/fpshistory[(fpspos+MAXFPSHISTORY-1)%MAXFPSHISTORY]); else { int fps, bestdiff, worstdiff; getfps(fps, bestdiff, worstdiff); intret(fps); } } COMMANDN(getfps, getfps_, "i"); bool inbetweenframes = false, renderedframe = true; static bool findarg(int argc, char **argv, const char *str) { for(int i = 1; i200) curtime = 200; if(game::ispaused()) curtime = 0; lastmillis += curtime; totalmillis = millis; checkinput(); //UI::update(); //menuprocess(); tryedit(); if(lastmillis) game::updateworld(); checksleep(lastmillis); if(frames) updatefpshistory(elapsedtime); frames++; // miscellaneous general game effects recomputecamera(); updateparticles(); //updatesounds(); if(minimized) continue; gl_setupframe(!mainmenu); inbetweenframes = false; gl_drawframe(); swapbuffers(); renderedframe = inbetweenframes = true; } ASSERT(0); return EXIT_FAILURE; #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(__GNUC__) } __except(stackdumper(0, GetExceptionInformation()), EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { return 0; } #endif }