#include "game.hh" namespace entities { using namespace game; int extraentinfosize() { return 0; } // size in bytes of what the 2 methods below read/write... so it can be skipped by other games void writeent(entity &e, char *buf) // write any additional data to disk (except for ET_ ents) { } void readent(entity &e, char *buf, int ver) // read from disk, and init { } vector ents; vector &getents() { return ents; } bool mayattach(extentity &e) { return false; } bool attachent(extentity &e, extentity &a) { return false; } const char *entmodel(const entity &e) { return NULL; } void preloadentities() { } void renderentities() { } extentity *newentity() { return new gameentity(); } void deleteentity(extentity *e) { delete (gameentity *)e; } void clearents() { while(ents.length()) deleteentity(ents.pop()); } void animatemapmodel(const extentity &e, int &anim, int &basetime) { } void fixentity(extentity &e) { } void entradius(extentity &e, bool color) { } bool printent(extentity &e, char *buf, int len) { return false; } const char *entnameinfo(entity &e) { return ""; } const char *entname(int i) { static const char * const entnames[MAXENTTYPES] = { "none?", "light", "mapmodel", "playerstart", "envmap", "particles", "sound", "spotlight", "decal", }; return i>=0 && size_t(i)