// renderva.cpp: handles the occlusion and rendering of vertex arrays #include "engine.h" static inline void drawtris(GLsizei numindices, const GLvoid *indices, ushort minvert, ushort maxvert) { glDrawRangeElements_(GL_TRIANGLES, minvert, maxvert, numindices, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices); glde++; } static inline void drawvatris(vtxarray *va, GLsizei numindices, int offset) { drawtris(numindices, (ushort *)0 + va->eoffset + offset, va->minvert, va->maxvert); } static inline void drawvaskytris(vtxarray *va) { drawtris(va->sky, (ushort *)0 + va->skyoffset, va->minvert, va->maxvert); } ///////// view frustrum culling /////////////////////// plane vfcP[5]; // perpindictular vectors to view frustrum bounding planes float vfcDfog; // far plane culling distance (fog limit). float vfcDnear[5], vfcDfar[5]; vtxarray *visibleva = NULL; bool isfoggedsphere(float rad, const vec &cv) { loopi(4) if(vfcP[i].dist(cv) < -rad) return true; float dist = vfcP[4].dist(cv); return dist < -rad || dist > vfcDfog + rad; } int isvisiblesphere(float rad, const vec &cv) { int v = VFC_FULL_VISIBLE; float dist; loopi(5) { dist = vfcP[i].dist(cv); if(dist < -rad) return VFC_NOT_VISIBLE; if(dist < rad) v = VFC_PART_VISIBLE; } dist -= vfcDfog; if(dist > rad) return VFC_FOGGED; //VFC_NOT_VISIBLE; // culling when fog is closer than size of world results in HOM if(dist > -rad) v = VFC_PART_VISIBLE; return v; } static inline int ishiddencube(const ivec &o, int size) { loopi(5) if(o.dist(vfcP[i]) < -vfcDfar[i]*size) return true; return false; } static inline int isfoggedcube(const ivec &o, int size) { loopi(4) if(o.dist(vfcP[i]) < -vfcDfar[i]*size) return true; float dist = o.dist(vfcP[4]); return dist < -vfcDfar[4]*size || dist > vfcDfog - vfcDnear[4]*size; } int isvisiblecube(const ivec &o, int size) { int v = VFC_FULL_VISIBLE; float dist; loopi(5) { dist = o.dist(vfcP[i]); if(dist < -vfcDfar[i]*size) return VFC_NOT_VISIBLE; if(dist < -vfcDnear[i]*size) v = VFC_PART_VISIBLE; } dist -= vfcDfog; if(dist > -vfcDnear[4]*size) return VFC_FOGGED; if(dist > -vfcDfar[4]*size) v = VFC_PART_VISIBLE; return v; } int isvisiblebb(const ivec &bo, const ivec &br) { int v = VFC_FULL_VISIBLE; float dnear, dfar; loopi(5) { const plane &p = vfcP[i]; dnear = dfar = bo.dist(p); if(p.x > 0) dfar += p.x*br.x; else dnear += p.x*br.x; if(p.y > 0) dfar += p.y*br.y; else dnear += p.y*br.y; if(p.z > 0) dfar += p.z*br.z; else dnear += p.z*br.z; if(dfar < 0) return VFC_NOT_VISIBLE; if(dnear < 0) v = VFC_PART_VISIBLE; } if(dnear > vfcDfog) return VFC_FOGGED; if(dfar > vfcDfog) v = VFC_PART_VISIBLE; return v; } static inline float vadist(vtxarray *va, const vec &p) { return p.dist_to_bb(va->bbmin, va->bbmax); } #define VASORTSIZE 64 static vtxarray *vasort[VASORTSIZE]; static inline void addvisibleva(vtxarray *va) { float dist = vadist(va, camera1->o); va->distance = int(dist); /*cv.dist(camera1->o) - va->size*SQRT3/2*/ int hash = clamp(int(dist*VASORTSIZE/worldsize), 0, VASORTSIZE-1); vtxarray **prev = &vasort[hash], *cur = vasort[hash]; while(cur && va->distance >= cur->distance) { prev = &cur->next; cur = cur->next; } va->next = cur; *prev = va; } void sortvisiblevas() { visibleva = NULL; vtxarray **last = &visibleva; loopi(VASORTSIZE) if(vasort[i]) { vtxarray *va = vasort[i]; *last = va; while(va->next) va = va->next; last = &va->next; } } template static inline void findvisiblevas(vector &vas) { loopv(vas) { vtxarray &v = *vas[i]; int prevvfc = v.curvfc; v.curvfc = fullvis ? VFC_FULL_VISIBLE : isvisiblecube(v.o, v.size); if(v.curvfc != VFC_NOT_VISIBLE) { if(pvsoccluded(v.o, v.size)) { v.curvfc += PVS_FULL_VISIBLE - VFC_FULL_VISIBLE; continue; } bool resetchildren = prevvfc >= VFC_NOT_VISIBLE || resetocclude; if(resetchildren) { v.occluded = !v.texs ? OCCLUDE_GEOM : OCCLUDE_NOTHING; v.query = NULL; } addvisibleva(&v); if(v.children.length()) { if(fullvis || v.curvfc == VFC_FULL_VISIBLE) { if(resetchildren) findvisiblevas(v.children); else findvisiblevas(v.children); } else if(resetchildren) findvisiblevas(v.children); else findvisiblevas(v.children); } } } } void findvisiblevas() { memset(vasort, 0, sizeof(vasort)); findvisiblevas(varoot); sortvisiblevas(); } void calcvfcD() { loopi(5) { plane &p = vfcP[i]; vfcDnear[i] = vfcDfar[i] = 0; loopk(3) if(p[k] > 0) vfcDfar[i] += p[k]; else vfcDnear[i] += p[k]; } } void setvfcP(const vec &bbmin, const vec &bbmax) { vec4 px = camprojmatrix.rowx(), py = camprojmatrix.rowy(), pz = camprojmatrix.rowz(), pw = camprojmatrix.roww(); vfcP[0] = plane(vec4(pw).mul(-bbmin.x).add(px)).normalize(); // left plane vfcP[1] = plane(vec4(pw).mul(bbmax.x).sub(px)).normalize(); // right plane vfcP[2] = plane(vec4(pw).mul(-bbmin.y).add(py)).normalize(); // bottom plane vfcP[3] = plane(vec4(pw).mul(bbmax.y).sub(py)).normalize(); // top plane vfcP[4] = plane(vec4(pw).add(pz)).normalize(); // near/far planes vfcDfog = min(calcfogcull(), float(farplane)); calcvfcD(); } plane oldvfcP[5]; void savevfcP() { memcpy(oldvfcP, vfcP, sizeof(vfcP)); } void restorevfcP() { memcpy(vfcP, oldvfcP, sizeof(vfcP)); calcvfcD(); } void visiblecubes(bool cull) { if(cull) { setvfcP(); findvisiblevas(); } else { memset(vfcP, 0, sizeof(vfcP)); vfcDfog = farplane; memset(vfcDnear, 0, sizeof(vfcDnear)); memset(vfcDfar, 0, sizeof(vfcDfar)); visibleva = NULL; loopv(valist) { vtxarray *va = valist[i]; va->distance = 0; va->curvfc = VFC_FULL_VISIBLE; va->occluded = !va->texs ? OCCLUDE_GEOM : OCCLUDE_NOTHING; va->query = NULL; va->next = visibleva; visibleva = va; } } } ///////// occlusion queries ///////////// #define MAXQUERY 2048 #define MAXQUERYFRAMES 2 int deferquery = 0; struct queryframe { int cur, max, defer; occludequery queries[MAXQUERY]; queryframe() : cur(0), max(0), defer(0) {} void flip() { loopi(cur) queries[i].owner = NULL; for(; defer > 0 && max < MAXQUERY; defer--) { queries[max].owner = NULL; queries[max].fragments = -1; glGenQueries_(1, &queries[max++].id); } cur = defer = 0; } occludequery *newquery(void *owner) { if(cur >= max) { if(max >= MAXQUERY) return NULL; if(deferquery) { if(max + defer < MAXQUERY) defer++; return NULL; } glGenQueries_(1, &queries[max++].id); } occludequery *query = &queries[cur++]; query->owner = owner; query->fragments = -1; return query; } void reset() { loopi(max) queries[i].owner = NULL; } void cleanup() { loopi(max) { glDeleteQueries_(1, &queries[i].id); queries[i].owner = NULL; } cur = max = defer = 0; } }; static queryframe queryframes[MAXQUERYFRAMES]; static uint flipquery = 0; int getnumqueries() { return queryframes[flipquery].cur; } void flipqueries() { flipquery = (flipquery + 1) % MAXQUERYFRAMES; queryframes[flipquery].flip(); } occludequery *newquery(void *owner) { return queryframes[flipquery].newquery(owner); } void resetqueries() { loopi(MAXQUERYFRAMES) queryframes[i].reset(); } void clearqueries() { loopi(MAXQUERYFRAMES) queryframes[i].cleanup(); } VARF(oqany, 0, 0, 2, clearqueries()); VAR(oqfrags, 0, 8, 64); VAR(oqwait, 0, 1, 1); static inline GLenum querytarget() { return oqany && hasOQ2 ? (oqany > 1 && hasES3 ? GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE : GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED) : GL_SAMPLES_PASSED; } void startquery(occludequery *query) { glBeginQuery_(querytarget(), query->id); } void endquery(occludequery *query) { glEndQuery_(querytarget()); } bool checkquery(occludequery *query, bool nowait) { if(query->fragments < 0) { if(nowait || !oqwait) { GLint avail; glGetQueryObjectiv_(query->id, GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE, &avail); if(!avail) return false; } GLuint fragments; glGetQueryObjectuiv_(query->id, GL_QUERY_RESULT, &fragments); query->fragments = querytarget() == GL_SAMPLES_PASSED || !fragments ? int(fragments) : oqfrags; } return query->fragments < oqfrags; } static GLuint bbvbo = 0, bbebo = 0; static void setupbb() { if(!bbvbo) { glGenBuffers_(1, &bbvbo); gle::bindvbo(bbvbo); vec verts[8]; loopi(8) verts[i] = vec(i&1, (i>>1)&1, (i>>2)&1); glBufferData_(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(verts), verts, GL_STATIC_DRAW); gle::clearvbo(); } if(!bbebo) { glGenBuffers_(1, &bbebo); gle::bindebo(bbebo); GLushort tris[3*2*6]; #define GENFACEORIENT(orient, v0, v1, v2, v3) do { \ int offset = orient*3*2; \ tris[offset + 0] = v0; \ tris[offset + 1] = v1; \ tris[offset + 2] = v2; \ tris[offset + 3] = v0; \ tris[offset + 4] = v2; \ tris[offset + 5] = v3; \ } while(0); #define GENFACEVERT(orient, vert, ox,oy,oz, rx,ry,rz) (ox | oy | oz) GENFACEVERTS(0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 4, , , , , , ) #undef GENFACEORIENT #undef GENFACEVERT glBufferData_(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(tris), tris, GL_STATIC_DRAW); gle::clearebo(); } } static void cleanupbb() { if(bbvbo) { glDeleteBuffers_(1, &bbvbo); bbvbo = 0; } if(bbebo) { glDeleteBuffers_(1, &bbebo); bbebo = 0; } } void startbb(bool mask) { setupbb(); gle::bindvbo(bbvbo); gle::bindebo(bbebo); gle::vertexpointer(sizeof(vec), (const vec *)0); gle::enablevertex(); SETSHADER(bbquery); if(mask) { glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); } } void endbb(bool mask) { gle::disablevertex(); gle::clearvbo(); gle::clearebo(); if(mask) { glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); } } void drawbb(const ivec &bo, const ivec &br) { LOCALPARAMF(bborigin, bo.x, bo.y, bo.z); LOCALPARAMF(bbsize, br.x, br.y, br.z); glDrawRangeElements_(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 8-1, 3*2*6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, (ushort *)0); xtraverts += 8; } extern int octaentsize; static octaentities *visiblemms, **lastvisiblemms; void findvisiblemms(const vector &ents, bool doquery) { visiblemms = NULL; lastvisiblemms = &visiblemms; for(vtxarray *va = visibleva; va; va = va->next) if(va->occluded < OCCLUDE_BB && va->curvfc < VFC_FOGGED) loopv(va->mapmodels) { octaentities *oe = va->mapmodels[i]; if(isfoggedcube(oe->o, oe->size) || pvsoccluded(oe->bbmin, oe->bbmax)) continue; bool occluded = doquery && oe->query && oe->query->owner == oe && checkquery(oe->query); if(occluded) { oe->distance = -1; oe->next = NULL; *lastvisiblemms = oe; lastvisiblemms = &oe->next; } else { int visible = 0; loopv(oe->mapmodels) { extentity &e = *ents[oe->mapmodels[i]]; if(e.flags&EF_NOVIS) continue; e.flags |= EF_RENDER; ++visible; } if(!visible) continue; oe->distance = int(camera1->o.dist_to_bb(oe->o, oe->size)); octaentities **prev = &visiblemms, *cur = visiblemms; while(cur && cur->distance >= 0 && oe->distance > cur->distance) { prev = &cur->next; cur = cur->next; } if(*prev == NULL) lastvisiblemms = &oe->next; oe->next = *prev; *prev = oe; } } } VAR(oqmm, 0, 4, 8); static inline void rendermapmodel(extentity &e) { int anim = ANIM_MAPMODEL|ANIM_LOOP, basetime = 0; if(e.flags&EF_ANIM) entities::animatemapmodel(e, anim, basetime); rendermapmodel(e.attr1, anim, e.o, e.attr2, e.attr3, e.attr4, MDL_CULL_VFC | MDL_CULL_DIST, basetime, e.attr5 > 0 ? e.attr5/100.0f : 1.0f); } void rendermapmodels() { static int skipoq = 0; bool doquery = !drawtex && oqfrags && oqmm; const vector &ents = entities::getents(); findvisiblemms(ents, doquery); for(octaentities *oe = visiblemms; oe; oe = oe->next) if(oe->distance>=0) { bool rendered = false; loopv(oe->mapmodels) { extentity &e = *ents[oe->mapmodels[i]]; if(!(e.flags&EF_RENDER)) continue; if(!rendered) { rendered = true; oe->query = doquery && oe->distance>0 && !(++skipoq%oqmm) ? newquery(oe) : NULL; if(oe->query) startmodelquery(oe->query); } rendermapmodel(e); e.flags &= ~EF_RENDER; } if(rendered && oe->query) endmodelquery(); } rendermapmodelbatches(); clearbatchedmapmodels(); bool queried = false; for(octaentities *oe = visiblemms; oe; oe = oe->next) if(oe->distance<0) { oe->query = doquery && !camera1->o.insidebb(oe->bbmin, oe->bbmax, 1) ? newquery(oe) : NULL; if(!oe->query) continue; if(!queried) { startbb(); queried = true; } startquery(oe->query); drawbb(oe->bbmin, ivec(oe->bbmax).sub(oe->bbmin)); endquery(oe->query); } if(queried) { endbb(); } } static inline bool bbinsideva(const ivec &bo, const ivec &br, vtxarray *va) { return bo.x >= va->bbmin.x && bo.y >= va->bbmin.y && bo.z >= va->bbmin.z && br.x <= va->bbmax.x && br.y <= va->bbmax.y && br.z <= va->bbmax.z; } static inline bool bboccluded(const ivec &bo, const ivec &br, cube *c, const ivec &o, int size) { loopoctabox(o, size, bo, br) { ivec co(i, o, size); if(c[i].ext && c[i].ext->va) { vtxarray *va = c[i].ext->va; if(va->curvfc >= VFC_FOGGED || (va->occluded >= OCCLUDE_BB && bbinsideva(bo, br, va))) continue; } if(c[i].children && bboccluded(bo, br, c[i].children, co, size>>1)) continue; return false; } return true; } bool bboccluded(const ivec &bo, const ivec &br) { int diff = (bo.x^br.x) | (bo.y^br.y) | (bo.z^br.z); if(diff&~((1<ext && c->ext->va) { vtxarray *va = c->ext->va; if(va->curvfc >= VFC_FOGGED || (va->occluded >= OCCLUDE_BB && bbinsideva(bo, br, va))) return true; } scale--; while(c->children && !(diff&(1<children[octastep(bo.x, bo.y, bo.z, scale)]; if(c->ext && c->ext->va) { vtxarray *va = c->ext->va; if(va->curvfc >= VFC_FOGGED || (va->occluded >= OCCLUDE_BB && bbinsideva(bo, br, va))) return true; } scale--; } if(c->children) return bboccluded(bo, br, c->children, ivec(bo).mask(~((2<set(); gle::enablevertex(); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); gle::color(outlinecolour); enablepolygonoffset(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE); if(!dtoutline) glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); vtxarray *prev = NULL; for(vtxarray *va = visibleva; va; va = va->next) if(va->occluded < OCCLUDE_BB) { if((!va->texs || va->occluded >= OCCLUDE_GEOM) && !va->alphaback && !va->alphafront && !va->refracttris) continue; if(!prev || va->vbuf != prev->vbuf) { gle::bindvbo(va->vbuf); gle::bindebo(va->ebuf); const vertex *ptr = 0; gle::vertexpointer(sizeof(vertex), ptr->pos.v); } if(va->texs && va->occluded < OCCLUDE_GEOM) { drawvatris(va, 3*va->tris, 0); xtravertsva += va->verts; } if(va->alphaback || va->alphafront || va->refract) { drawvatris(va, 3*(va->alphabacktris + va->alphafronttris + va->refracttris), 3*(va->tris + va->blendtris)); xtravertsva += 3*(va->alphabacktris + va->alphafronttris + va->refracttris); } prev = va; } if(!dtoutline) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); disablepolygonoffset(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); gle::clearvbo(); gle::clearebo(); gle::disablevertex(); } CVARP(blendbrushcolour, 0x0000C0); void renderblendbrush(GLuint tex, float x, float y, float w, float h) { SETSHADER(blendbrush); gle::enablevertex(); glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex); gle::color(blendbrushcolour, 0x40); LOCALPARAMF(texgenS, 1.0f/w, 0, 0, -x/w); LOCALPARAMF(texgenT, 0, 1.0f/h, 0, -y/h); vtxarray *prev = NULL; for(vtxarray *va = visibleva; va; va = va->next) if(va->texs && va->occluded < OCCLUDE_GEOM) { if(va->o.x + va->size <= x || va->o.y + va->size <= y || va->o.x >= x + w || va->o.y >= y + h) continue; if(!prev || va->vbuf != prev->vbuf) { gle::bindvbo(va->vbuf); gle::bindebo(va->ebuf); const vertex *ptr = 0; gle::vertexpointer(sizeof(vertex), ptr->pos.v); } drawvatris(va, 3*va->tris, 0); xtravertsva += va->verts; prev = va; } glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); gle::clearvbo(); gle::clearebo(); gle::disablevertex(); } int calcbbsidemask(const ivec &bbmin, const ivec &bbmax, const vec &lightpos, float lightradius, float bias) { vec pmin = vec(bbmin).sub(lightpos).div(lightradius), pmax = vec(bbmax).sub(lightpos).div(lightradius); int mask = 0x3F; float dp1 = pmax.x + pmax.y, dn1 = pmax.x - pmin.y, ap1 = fabs(dp1), an1 = fabs(dn1), dp2 = pmin.x + pmin.y, dn2 = pmin.x - pmax.y, ap2 = fabs(dp2), an2 = fabs(dn2); if(ap1 > bias*an1 && ap2 > bias*an2) mask &= (3<<4) | (dp1 >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(1<<2) : (2<<0)|(2<<2)) | (dp2 >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(1<<2) : (2<<0)|(2<<2)); if(an1 > bias*ap1 && an2 > bias*ap2) mask &= (3<<4) | (dn1 >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(2<<2) : (2<<0)|(1<<2)) | (dn2 >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(2<<2) : (2<<0)|(1<<2)); dp1 = pmax.y + pmax.z, dn1 = pmax.y - pmin.z, ap1 = fabs(dp1), an1 = fabs(dn1), dp2 = pmin.y + pmin.z, dn2 = pmin.y - pmax.z, ap2 = fabs(dp2), an2 = fabs(dn2); if(ap1 > bias*an1 && ap2 > bias*an2) mask &= (3<<0) | (dp1 >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(1<<4) : (2<<2)|(2<<4)) | (dp2 >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(1<<4) : (2<<2)|(2<<4)); if(an1 > bias*ap1 && an2 > bias*ap2) mask &= (3<<0) | (dn1 >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(2<<4) : (2<<2)|(1<<4)) | (dn2 >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(2<<4) : (2<<2)|(1<<4)); dp1 = pmax.z + pmax.x, dn1 = pmax.z - pmin.x, ap1 = fabs(dp1), an1 = fabs(dn1), dp2 = pmin.z + pmin.x, dn2 = pmin.z - pmax.x, ap2 = fabs(dp2), an2 = fabs(dn2); if(ap1 > bias*an1 && ap2 > bias*an2) mask &= (3<<2) | (dp1 >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(1<<0) : (2<<4)|(2<<0)) | (dp2 >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(1<<0) : (2<<4)|(2<<0)); if(an1 > bias*ap1 && an2 > bias*ap2) mask &= (3<<2) | (dn1 >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(2<<0) : (2<<4)|(1<<0)) | (dn2 >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(2<<0) : (2<<4)|(1<<0)); return mask; } int calcspheresidemask(const vec &p, float radius, float bias) { // p is in the cubemap's local coordinate system // bias = border/(size - border) float dxyp = p.x + p.y, dxyn = p.x - p.y, axyp = fabs(dxyp), axyn = fabs(dxyn), dyzp = p.y + p.z, dyzn = p.y - p.z, ayzp = fabs(dyzp), ayzn = fabs(dyzn), dzxp = p.z + p.x, dzxn = p.z - p.x, azxp = fabs(dzxp), azxn = fabs(dzxn); int mask = 0x3F; radius *= SQRT2; if(axyp > bias*axyn + radius) mask &= dxyp < 0 ? ~((1<<0)|(1<<2)) : ~((2<<0)|(2<<2)); if(axyn > bias*axyp + radius) mask &= dxyn < 0 ? ~((1<<0)|(2<<2)) : ~((2<<0)|(1<<2)); if(ayzp > bias*ayzn + radius) mask &= dyzp < 0 ? ~((1<<2)|(1<<4)) : ~((2<<2)|(2<<4)); if(ayzn > bias*ayzp + radius) mask &= dyzn < 0 ? ~((1<<2)|(2<<4)) : ~((2<<2)|(1<<4)); if(azxp > bias*azxn + radius) mask &= dzxp < 0 ? ~((1<<4)|(1<<0)) : ~((2<<4)|(2<<0)); if(azxn > bias*azxp + radius) mask &= dzxn < 0 ? ~((1<<4)|(2<<0)) : ~((2<<4)|(1<<0)); return mask; } int calctrisidemask(const vec &p1, const vec &p2, const vec &p3, float bias) { // p1, p2, p3 are in the cubemap's local coordinate system // bias = border/(size - border) int mask = 0x3F; float dp1 = p1.x + p1.y, dn1 = p1.x - p1.y, ap1 = fabs(dp1), an1 = fabs(dn1), dp2 = p2.x + p2.y, dn2 = p2.x - p2.y, ap2 = fabs(dp2), an2 = fabs(dn2), dp3 = p3.x + p3.y, dn3 = p3.x - p3.y, ap3 = fabs(dp3), an3 = fabs(dn3); if(ap1 > bias*an1 && ap2 > bias*an2 && ap3 > bias*an3) mask &= (3<<4) | (dp1 >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(1<<2) : (2<<0)|(2<<2)) | (dp2 >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(1<<2) : (2<<0)|(2<<2)) | (dp3 >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(1<<2) : (2<<0)|(2<<2)); if(an1 > bias*ap1 && an2 > bias*ap2 && an3 > bias*ap3) mask &= (3<<4) | (dn1 >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(2<<2) : (2<<0)|(1<<2)) | (dn2 >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(2<<2) : (2<<0)|(1<<2)) | (dn3 >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(2<<2) : (2<<0)|(1<<2)); dp1 = p1.y + p1.z, dn1 = p1.y - p1.z, ap1 = fabs(dp1), an1 = fabs(dn1), dp2 = p2.y + p2.z, dn2 = p2.y - p2.z, ap2 = fabs(dp2), an2 = fabs(dn2), dp3 = p3.y + p3.z, dn3 = p3.y - p3.z, ap3 = fabs(dp3), an3 = fabs(dn3); if(ap1 > bias*an1 && ap2 > bias*an2 && ap3 > bias*an3) mask &= (3<<0) | (dp1 >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(1<<4) : (2<<2)|(2<<4)) | (dp2 >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(1<<4) : (2<<2)|(2<<4)) | (dp3 >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(1<<4) : (2<<2)|(2<<4)); if(an1 > bias*ap1 && an2 > bias*ap2 && an3 > bias*ap3) mask &= (3<<0) | (dn1 >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(2<<4) : (2<<2)|(1<<4)) | (dn2 >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(2<<4) : (2<<2)|(1<<4)) | (dn3 >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(2<<4) : (2<<2)|(1<<4)); dp1 = p1.z + p1.x, dn1 = p1.z - p1.x, ap1 = fabs(dp1), an1 = fabs(dn1), dp2 = p2.z + p2.x, dn2 = p2.z - p2.x, ap2 = fabs(dp2), an2 = fabs(dn2), dp3 = p3.z + p3.x, dn3 = p3.z - p3.x, ap3 = fabs(dp3), an3 = fabs(dn3); if(ap1 > bias*an1 && ap2 > bias*an2 && ap3 > bias*an3) mask &= (3<<2) | (dp1 >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(1<<0) : (2<<4)|(2<<0)) | (dp2 >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(1<<0) : (2<<4)|(2<<0)) | (dp3 >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(1<<0) : (2<<4)|(2<<0)); if(an1 > bias*ap1 && an2 > bias*ap2 && an3 > bias*ap3) mask &= (3<<2) | (dn1 >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(2<<0) : (2<<4)|(1<<0)) | (dn2 >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(2<<0) : (2<<4)|(1<<0)) | (dn3 >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(2<<0) : (2<<4)|(1<<0)); return mask; } int cullfrustumsides(const vec &lightpos, float lightradius, float size, float border) { int sides = 0x3F, masks[6] = { 3<<4, 3<<4, 3<<0, 3<<0, 3<<2, 3<<2 }; float scale = (size - 2*border)/size, bias = border / (float)(size - border); // check if cone enclosing side would cross frustum plane scale = 2 / (scale*scale + 2); loopi(5) if(vfcP[i].dist(lightpos) <= -0.03125f) { vec n = vec(vfcP[i]).div(lightradius); float len = scale*n.squaredlen(); if(n.x*n.x > len) sides &= n.x < 0 ? ~(1<<0) : ~(2 << 0); if(n.y*n.y > len) sides &= n.y < 0 ? ~(1<<2) : ~(2 << 2); if(n.z*n.z > len) sides &= n.z < 0 ? ~(1<<4) : ~(2 << 4); } if (vfcP[4].dist(lightpos) >= vfcDfog + 0.03125f) { vec n = vec(vfcP[4]).div(lightradius); float len = scale*n.squaredlen(); if(n.x*n.x > len) sides &= n.x >= 0 ? ~(1<<0) : ~(2 << 0); if(n.y*n.y > len) sides &= n.y >= 0 ? ~(1<<2) : ~(2 << 2); if(n.z*n.z > len) sides &= n.z >= 0 ? ~(1<<4) : ~(2 << 4); } // this next test usually clips off more sides than the former, but occasionally clips fewer/different ones, so do both and combine results // check if frustum corners/origin cross plane sides // infinite version, assumes frustum corners merely give direction and extend to infinite distance vec p = vec(camera1->o).sub(lightpos).div(lightradius); float dp = p.x + p.y, dn = p.x - p.y, ap = fabs(dp), an = fabs(dn); masks[0] |= ap <= bias*an ? 0x3F : (dp >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(1<<2) : (2<<0)|(2<<2)); masks[1] |= an <= bias*ap ? 0x3F : (dn >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(2<<2) : (2<<0)|(1<<2)); dp = p.y + p.z, dn = p.y - p.z, ap = fabs(dp), an = fabs(dn); masks[2] |= ap <= bias*an ? 0x3F : (dp >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(1<<4) : (2<<2)|(2<<4)); masks[3] |= an <= bias*ap ? 0x3F : (dn >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(2<<4) : (2<<2)|(1<<4)); dp = p.z + p.x, dn = p.z - p.x, ap = fabs(dp), an = fabs(dn); masks[4] |= ap <= bias*an ? 0x3F : (dp >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(1<<0) : (2<<4)|(2<<0)); masks[5] |= an <= bias*ap ? 0x3F : (dn >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(2<<0) : (2<<4)|(1<<0)); loopi(4) { vec n; switch(i) { case 0: n.cross(vfcP[0], vfcP[2]); break; case 1: n.cross(vfcP[3], vfcP[0]); break; case 2: n.cross(vfcP[2], vfcP[1]); break; case 3: n.cross(vfcP[1], vfcP[3]); break; } dp = n.x + n.y, dn = n.x - n.y, ap = fabs(dp), an = fabs(dn); if(ap > 0) masks[0] |= dp >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(1<<2) : (2<<0)|(2<<2); if(an > 0) masks[1] |= dn >= 0 ? (1<<0)|(2<<2) : (2<<0)|(1<<2); dp = n.y + n.z, dn = n.y - n.z, ap = fabs(dp), an = fabs(dn); if(ap > 0) masks[2] |= dp >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(1<<4) : (2<<2)|(2<<4); if(an > 0) masks[3] |= dn >= 0 ? (1<<2)|(2<<4) : (2<<2)|(1<<4); dp = n.z + n.x, dn = n.z - n.x, ap = fabs(dp), an = fabs(dn); if(ap > 0) masks[4] |= dp >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(1<<0) : (2<<4)|(2<<0); if(an > 0) masks[5] |= dn >= 0 ? (1<<4)|(2<<0) : (2<<4)|(1<<0); } return sides & masks[0] & masks[1] & masks[2] & masks[3] & masks[4] & masks[5]; } VAR(smbbcull, 0, 1, 1); VAR(smdistcull, 0, 1, 1); VAR(smnodraw, 0, 0, 1); vec shadoworigin(0, 0, 0), shadowdir(0, 0, 0); float shadowradius = 0, shadowbias = 0; int shadowside = 0, shadowspot = 0; vtxarray *shadowva = NULL; static inline void addshadowva(vtxarray *va, float dist) { va->rdistance = int(dist); int hash = clamp(int(dist*VASORTSIZE/shadowradius), 0, VASORTSIZE-1); vtxarray **prev = &vasort[hash], *cur = vasort[hash]; while(cur && va->rdistance > cur->rdistance) { prev = &cur->rnext; cur = cur->rnext; } va->rnext = cur; *prev = va; } void sortshadowvas() { shadowva = NULL; vtxarray **last = &shadowva; loopi(VASORTSIZE) if(vasort[i]) { vtxarray *va = vasort[i]; *last = va; while(va->rnext) va = va->rnext; last = &va->rnext; } } void findshadowvas(vector &vas) { loopv(vas) { vtxarray &v = *vas[i]; float dist = vadist(&v, shadoworigin); if(dist < shadowradius || !smdistcull) { v.shadowmask = !smbbcull ? 0x3F : (v.children.length() || v.mapmodels.length() ? calcbbsidemask(v.bbmin, v.bbmax, shadoworigin, shadowradius, shadowbias) : calcbbsidemask(v.geommin, v.geommax, shadoworigin, shadowradius, shadowbias)); addshadowva(&v, dist); if(v.children.length()) findshadowvas(v.children); } } } void findcsmshadowvas(vector &vas) { loopv(vas) { vtxarray &v = *vas[i]; ivec bbmin, bbmax; if(v.children.length() || v.mapmodels.length()) { bbmin = v.bbmin; bbmax = v.bbmax; } else { bbmin = v.geommin; bbmax = v.geommax; } v.shadowmask = calcbbcsmsplits(bbmin, bbmax); if(v.shadowmask) { float dist = shadowdir.project_bb(bbmin, bbmax) - shadowbias; addshadowva(&v, dist); if(v.children.length()) findcsmshadowvas(v.children); } } } void findrsmshadowvas(vector &vas) { loopv(vas) { vtxarray &v = *vas[i]; ivec bbmin, bbmax; if(v.children.length() || v.mapmodels.length()) { bbmin = v.bbmin; bbmax = v.bbmax; } else { bbmin = v.geommin; bbmax = v.geommax; } v.shadowmask = calcbbrsmsplits(bbmin, bbmax); if(v.shadowmask) { float dist = shadowdir.project_bb(bbmin, bbmax) - shadowbias; addshadowva(&v, dist); if(v.children.length()) findrsmshadowvas(v.children); } } } void findspotshadowvas(vector &vas) { loopv(vas) { vtxarray &v = *vas[i]; float dist = vadist(&v, shadoworigin); if(dist < shadowradius || !smdistcull) { v.shadowmask = !smbbcull || (v.children.length() || v.mapmodels.length() ? bbinsidespot(shadoworigin, shadowdir, shadowspot, v.bbmin, v.bbmax) : bbinsidespot(shadoworigin, shadowdir, shadowspot, v.geommin, v.geommax)) ? 1 : 0; addshadowva(&v, dist); if(v.children.length()) findspotshadowvas(v.children); } } } void findshadowvas() { memset(vasort, 0, sizeof(vasort)); switch(shadowmapping) { case SM_REFLECT: findrsmshadowvas(varoot); break; case SM_CUBEMAP: findshadowvas(varoot); break; case SM_CASCADE: findcsmshadowvas(varoot); break; case SM_SPOT: findspotshadowvas(varoot); break; } sortshadowvas(); } void rendershadowmapworld() { SETSHADER(shadowmapworld); gle::enablevertex(); vtxarray *prev = NULL; for(vtxarray *va = shadowva; va; va = va->rnext) if(va->tris && va->shadowmask&(1<vbuf != prev->vbuf) { gle::bindvbo(va->vbuf); gle::bindebo(va->ebuf); const vertex *ptr = 0; gle::vertexpointer(sizeof(vertex), ptr->pos.v); } if(!smnodraw) drawvatris(va, 3*va->tris, 0); xtravertsva += va->verts; prev = va; } if(skyshadow) { prev = NULL; for(vtxarray *va = shadowva; va; va = va->rnext) if(va->sky && va->shadowmask&(1<vbuf != prev->vbuf) { gle::bindvbo(va->vbuf); gle::bindebo(va->skybuf); const vertex *ptr = 0; gle::vertexpointer(sizeof(vertex), ptr->pos.v); } if(!smnodraw) drawvaskytris(va); xtravertsva += va->sky/3; prev = va; } } gle::clearvbo(); gle::clearebo(); gle::disablevertex(); } static octaentities *shadowmms = NULL; void findshadowmms() { shadowmms = NULL; octaentities **lastmms = &shadowmms; for(vtxarray *va = shadowva; va; va = va->rnext) loopvj(va->mapmodels) { octaentities *oe = va->mapmodels[j]; switch(shadowmapping) { case SM_REFLECT: break; case SM_CASCADE: if(!calcbbcsmsplits(oe->bbmin, oe->bbmax)) continue; break; case SM_CUBEMAP: if(smdistcull && shadoworigin.dist_to_bb(oe->bbmin, oe->bbmax) >= shadowradius) continue; break; case SM_SPOT: if(smdistcull && shadoworigin.dist_to_bb(oe->bbmin, oe->bbmax) >= shadowradius) continue; if(smbbcull && !bbinsidespot(shadoworigin, shadowdir, shadowspot, oe->bbmin, oe->bbmax)) continue; break; } oe->rnext = NULL; *lastmms = oe; lastmms = &oe->rnext; } } void batchshadowmapmodels(bool skipmesh) { if(!shadowmms) return; int nflags = EF_NOVIS|EF_NOSHADOW; if(skipmesh) nflags |= EF_SHADOWMESH; const vector &ents = entities::getents(); for(octaentities *oe = shadowmms; oe; oe = oe->rnext) loopvk(oe->mapmodels) { extentity &e = *ents[oe->mapmodels[k]]; if(e.flags&nflags) continue; e.flags |= EF_RENDER; } for(octaentities *oe = shadowmms; oe; oe = oe->rnext) loopvj(oe->mapmodels) { extentity &e = *ents[oe->mapmodels[j]]; if(!(e.flags&EF_RENDER)) continue; rendermapmodel(e); e.flags &= ~EF_RENDER; } } VAR(oqdist, 0, 256, 1024); struct renderstate { bool colormask, depthmask; int alphaing; GLuint vbuf; bool vattribs, vquery; vec colorscale; float alphascale; float refractscale; vec refractcolor; bool blend; int blendx, blendy; int globals, tmu; GLuint textures[7]; Slot *slot, *texgenslot; VSlot *vslot, *texgenvslot; vec2 texgenscroll; int texgenorient, texgenmillis; renderstate() : colormask(true), depthmask(true), alphaing(0), vbuf(0), vattribs(false), vquery(false), colorscale(1, 1, 1), alphascale(0), refractscale(0), refractcolor(1, 1, 1), blend(false), blendx(-1), blendy(-1), globals(-1), tmu(-1), slot(NULL), texgenslot(NULL), vslot(NULL), texgenvslot(NULL), texgenscroll(0, 0), texgenorient(-1), texgenmillis(lastmillis) { loopk(7) textures[k] = 0; } }; static inline void disablevbuf(renderstate &cur) { gle::clearvbo(); gle::clearebo(); cur.vbuf = 0; } static inline void enablevquery(renderstate &cur) { if(cur.colormask) { cur.colormask = false; glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); } if(cur.depthmask) { cur.depthmask = false; glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); } startbb(false); cur.vquery = true; } static inline void disablevquery(renderstate &cur) { endbb(false); cur.vquery = false; } static void renderquery(renderstate &cur, occludequery *query, vtxarray *va, bool full = true) { if(!cur.vquery) enablevquery(cur); startquery(query); if(full) drawbb(ivec(va->bbmin).sub(1), ivec(va->bbmax).sub(va->bbmin).add(2)); else drawbb(va->geommin, ivec(va->geommax).sub(va->geommin)); endquery(query); } enum { RENDERPASS_GBUFFER = 0, RENDERPASS_Z, RENDERPASS_CAUSTICS, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER_BLEND, RENDERPASS_RSM, RENDERPASS_RSM_BLEND }; struct geombatch { const elementset &es; VSlot &vslot; int offset; vtxarray *va; int next, batch; geombatch(const elementset &es, int offset, vtxarray *va) : es(es), vslot(lookupvslot(es.texture)), offset(offset), va(va), next(-1), batch(-1) {} int compare(const geombatch &b) const { if(va->vbuf < b.va->vbuf) return -1; if(va->vbuf > b.va->vbuf) return 1; if(es.layer&LAYER_BOTTOM) { if(!(b.es.layer&LAYER_BOTTOM)) return 1; int x1 = va->o.x&~0xFFF, x2 = b.va->o.x&~0xFFF; if(x1 < x2) return -1; if(x1 > x2) return 1; int y1 = va->o.y&~0xFFF, y2 = b.va->o.y&~0xFFF; if(y1 < y2) return -1; if(y1 > y2) return 1; } else if(b.es.layer&LAYER_BOTTOM) return -1; if(vslot.slot->shader < b.vslot.slot->shader) return -1; if(vslot.slot->shader > b.vslot.slot->shader) return 1; if(es.texture < b.es.texture) return -1; if(es.texture > b.es.texture) return 1; if(es.envmap < b.es.envmap) return -1; if(es.envmap > b.es.envmap) return 1; if(vslot.slot->params.length() < b.vslot.slot->params.length()) return -1; if(vslot.slot->params.length() > b.vslot.slot->params.length()) return 1; if(es.orient < b.es.orient) return -1; if(es.orient > b.es.orient) return 1; return 0; } }; static vector geombatches; static int firstbatch = -1, numbatches = 0; static void mergetexs(renderstate &cur, vtxarray *va, elementset *texs = NULL, int numtexs = 0, int offset = 0) { if(!texs) { texs = va->texelems; numtexs = va->texs; if(cur.alphaing) { texs += va->texs + va->blends; offset += 3*(va->tris + va->blendtris); numtexs = va->alphaback; if(cur.alphaing > 1) numtexs += va->alphafront + va->refract; } } if(firstbatch < 0) { firstbatch = geombatches.length(); numbatches = numtexs; loopi(numtexs-1) { geombatches.add(geombatch(texs[i], offset, va)).next = i+1; offset += texs[i].length; } geombatches.add(geombatch(texs[numtexs-1], offset, va)); return; } int prevbatch = -1, curbatch = firstbatch, curtex = 0; do { geombatch &b = geombatches.add(geombatch(texs[curtex], offset, va)); offset += texs[curtex].length; int dir = -1; while(curbatch >= 0) { dir = b.compare(geombatches[curbatch]); if(dir <= 0) break; prevbatch = curbatch; curbatch = geombatches[curbatch].next; } if(!dir) { int last = curbatch, next; for(;;) { next = geombatches[last].batch; if(next < 0) break; last = next; } if(last==curbatch) { b.batch = curbatch; b.next = geombatches[curbatch].next; if(prevbatch < 0) firstbatch = geombatches.length()-1; else geombatches[prevbatch].next = geombatches.length()-1; curbatch = geombatches.length()-1; } else { b.batch = next; geombatches[last].batch = geombatches.length()-1; } } else { numbatches++; b.next = curbatch; if(prevbatch < 0) firstbatch = geombatches.length()-1; else geombatches[prevbatch].next = geombatches.length()-1; prevbatch = geombatches.length()-1; } } while(++curtex < numtexs); } static inline void enablevattribs(renderstate &cur, bool all = true) { gle::enablevertex(); if(all) { gle::enabletexcoord0(); gle::enablenormal(); gle::enabletangent(); } cur.vattribs = true; } static inline void disablevattribs(renderstate &cur, bool all = true) { gle::disablevertex(); if(all) { gle::disabletexcoord0(); gle::disablenormal(); gle::disabletangent(); } cur.vattribs = false; } static void changevbuf(renderstate &cur, int pass, vtxarray *va) { gle::bindvbo(va->vbuf); gle::bindebo(va->ebuf); cur.vbuf = va->vbuf; vertex *vdata = (vertex *)0; gle::vertexpointer(sizeof(vertex), vdata->pos.v); if(pass==RENDERPASS_GBUFFER || pass==RENDERPASS_RSM) { gle::normalpointer(sizeof(vertex), vdata->norm.v, GL_BYTE); gle::texcoord0pointer(sizeof(vertex), vdata->tc.v); gle::tangentpointer(sizeof(vertex), vdata->tangent.v, GL_BYTE); } } static void changebatchtmus(renderstate &cur, int pass, geombatch &b) { if(b.vslot.slot->shader->type&SHADER_ENVMAP && b.es.envmap!=EMID_CUSTOM) { GLuint emtex = lookupenvmap(b.es.envmap); if(cur.textures[TEX_ENVMAP]!=emtex) { cur.tmu = TEX_ENVMAP; glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE0 + TEX_ENVMAP); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, cur.textures[TEX_ENVMAP] = emtex); } } if(b.es.layer&LAYER_BOTTOM) { if(!cur.blend) { cur.blend = true; cur.vslot = NULL; } if((cur.blendx != (b.va->o.x&~0xFFF) || cur.blendy != (b.va->o.y&~0xFFF))) { cur.tmu = 7; glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE7); bindblendtexture(b.va->o); cur.blendx = b.va->o.x&~0xFFF; cur.blendy = b.va->o.y&~0xFFF; } } else if(cur.blend) { cur.blend = false; cur.vslot = NULL; } if(cur.tmu != 0) { cur.tmu = 0; glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE0); } } static inline void bindslottex(renderstate &cur, int type, Texture *tex, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D) { if(cur.textures[type] != tex->id) { if(cur.tmu != type) { cur.tmu = type; glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE0 + type); } glBindTexture(target, cur.textures[type] = tex->id); } } static void changeslottmus(renderstate &cur, int pass, Slot &slot, VSlot &vslot) { if(pass==RENDERPASS_GBUFFER || pass==RENDERPASS_RSM) { Texture *diffuse = slot.sts.empty() ? notexture : slot.sts[0].t; bindslottex(cur, TEX_DIFFUSE, diffuse); if(pass == RENDERPASS_GBUFFER) { if(msaasamples) GLOBALPARAMF(hashid, vslot.index); if(slot.shader->type&SHADER_TRIPLANAR) { float scale = TEX_SCALE/vslot.scale; GLOBALPARAMF(texgenscale, scale/diffuse->xs, scale/diffuse->ys); } } } if(cur.alphaing) { float alpha = cur.alphaing > 1 ? vslot.alphafront : vslot.alphaback; if(cur.alphascale != alpha) { cur.alphascale = alpha; cur.refractscale = 0; goto changecolorparams; } if(cur.colorscale != vslot.colorscale) { changecolorparams: cur.colorscale = vslot.colorscale; GLOBALPARAMF(colorparams, alpha*vslot.colorscale.x, alpha*vslot.colorscale.y, alpha*vslot.colorscale.z, alpha); } if(cur.alphaing > 1 && vslot.refractscale > 0 && (cur.refractscale != vslot.refractscale || cur.refractcolor != vslot.refractcolor)) { cur.refractscale = vslot.refractscale; cur.refractcolor = vslot.refractcolor; float refractscale = 0.5f/ldrscale*(1-alpha); GLOBALPARAMF(refractparams, vslot.refractcolor.x*refractscale, vslot.refractcolor.y*refractscale, vslot.refractcolor.z*refractscale, vslot.refractscale*viewh); } } else if(cur.colorscale != vslot.colorscale) { cur.colorscale = vslot.colorscale; GLOBALPARAMF(colorparams, vslot.colorscale.x, vslot.colorscale.y, vslot.colorscale.z, 1); } loopvj(slot.sts) { Slot::Tex &t = slot.sts[j]; switch(t.type) { case TEX_ENVMAP: if(t.t) bindslottex(cur, t.type, t.t, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); break; case TEX_NORMAL: case TEX_GLOW: bindslottex(cur, t.type, t.t); break; } } if(pass == RENDERPASS_GBUFFER && vslot.detail) { VSlot &detail = lookupvslot(vslot.detail); loopvj(detail.slot->sts) { Slot::Tex &t = detail.slot->sts[j]; switch(t.type) { case TEX_DIFFUSE: if(slot.shader->type&SHADER_TRIPLANAR) { float scale = TEX_SCALE/detail.scale; GLOBALPARAMF(detailscale, scale/t.t->xs, scale/t.t->ys); } // fall-through case TEX_NORMAL: bindslottex(cur, TEX_DETAIL + t.type, t.t); break; } } } if(cur.tmu != 0) { cur.tmu = 0; glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE0); } cur.slot = &slot; cur.vslot = &vslot; } static void changetexgen(renderstate &cur, int orient, Slot &slot, VSlot &vslot) { if(cur.texgenslot != &slot || cur.texgenvslot != &vslot) { Texture *curtex = !cur.texgenslot || cur.texgenslot->sts.empty() ? notexture : cur.texgenslot->sts[0].t, *tex = slot.sts.empty() ? notexture : slot.sts[0].t; if(!cur.texgenvslot || slot.sts.empty() || (curtex->xs != tex->xs || curtex->ys != tex->ys || cur.texgenvslot->rotation != vslot.rotation || cur.texgenvslot->scale != vslot.scale || cur.texgenvslot->offset != vslot.offset || cur.texgenvslot->scroll != vslot.scroll)) { float xs = vslot.rotation>=2 && vslot.rotation<=4 ? -tex->xs : tex->xs, ys = (vslot.rotation>=1 && vslot.rotation<=2) || vslot.rotation==5 ? -tex->ys : tex->ys; vec2 scroll(vslot.scroll); if((vslot.rotation&5)==1) swap(scroll.x, scroll.y); scroll.x *= cur.texgenmillis*tex->xs/xs; scroll.y *= cur.texgenmillis*tex->ys/ys; if(cur.texgenscroll != scroll) { cur.texgenscroll = scroll; cur.texgenorient = -1; } } cur.texgenslot = &slot; cur.texgenvslot = &vslot; } if(cur.texgenorient == orient) return; GLOBALPARAM(texgenscroll, cur.texgenscroll); cur.texgenorient = orient; } static inline void changeshader(renderstate &cur, int pass, geombatch &b) { VSlot &vslot = b.vslot; Slot &slot = *vslot.slot; if(pass == RENDERPASS_RSM) { extern Shader *rsmworldshader; if(b.es.layer&LAYER_BOTTOM) rsmworldshader->setvariant(0, 0, slot, vslot); else rsmworldshader->set(slot, vslot); } else if(cur.alphaing) slot.shader->setvariant(cur.alphaing > 1 && vslot.refractscale > 0 ? 1 : 0, 1, slot, vslot); else if(b.es.layer&LAYER_BOTTOM) slot.shader->setvariant(0, 0, slot, vslot); else slot.shader->set(slot, vslot); cur.globals = GlobalShaderParamState::nextversion; } template static inline void updateshader(T &cur) { if(cur.globals != GlobalShaderParamState::nextversion) { if(Shader::lastshader) Shader::lastshader->flushparams(); cur.globals = GlobalShaderParamState::nextversion; } } static void renderbatch(renderstate &cur, int pass, geombatch &b) { gbatches++; for(geombatch *curbatch = &b;; curbatch = &geombatches[curbatch->batch]) { ushort len = curbatch->es.length; if(len) { drawtris(len, (ushort *)0 + curbatch->va->eoffset + curbatch->offset, curbatch->es.minvert, curbatch->es.maxvert); vtris += len/3; } if(curbatch->batch < 0) break; } } static void resetbatches() { geombatches.setsize(0); firstbatch = -1; numbatches = 0; } static void renderbatches(renderstate &cur, int pass) { cur.slot = NULL; cur.vslot = NULL; int curbatch = firstbatch; if(curbatch >= 0) { if(!cur.depthmask) { cur.depthmask = true; glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); } if(!cur.colormask) { cur.colormask = true; glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); } if(!cur.vattribs) { if(cur.vquery) disablevquery(cur); enablevattribs(cur); } } while(curbatch >= 0) { geombatch &b = geombatches[curbatch]; curbatch = b.next; if(cur.vbuf != b.va->vbuf) changevbuf(cur, pass, b.va); if(pass == RENDERPASS_GBUFFER || pass == RENDERPASS_RSM) changebatchtmus(cur, pass, b); if(cur.vslot != &b.vslot) { changeslottmus(cur, pass, *b.vslot.slot, b.vslot); if(cur.texgenorient != b.es.orient || (cur.texgenorient < O_ANY && cur.texgenvslot != &b.vslot)) changetexgen(cur, b.es.orient, *b.vslot.slot, b.vslot); changeshader(cur, pass, b); } else { if(cur.texgenorient != b.es.orient) changetexgen(cur, b.es.orient, *b.vslot.slot, b.vslot); updateshader(cur); } renderbatch(cur, pass, b); } resetbatches(); } void renderzpass(renderstate &cur, vtxarray *va) { if(!cur.vattribs) { if(cur.vquery) disablevquery(cur); enablevattribs(cur, false); } if(cur.vbuf!=va->vbuf) changevbuf(cur, RENDERPASS_Z, va); if(!cur.depthmask) { cur.depthmask = true; glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); } if(cur.colormask) { cur.colormask = false; glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); } int firsttex = 0, numtris = va->tris, offset = 0; if(cur.alphaing) { firsttex += va->texs + va->blends; offset += 3*(va->tris + va->blendtris); numtris = va->alphabacktris + va->alphafronttris + va->refracttris; xtravertsva += 3*numtris; } else xtravertsva += va->verts; nocolorshader->set(); drawvatris(va, 3*numtris, offset); } #define startvaquery(va, flush) \ do { \ if(va->query) \ { \ flush; \ startquery(va->query); \ } \ } while(0) #define endvaquery(va, flush) \ do { \ if(va->query) \ { \ flush; \ endquery(va->query); \ } \ } while(0) VAR(batchgeom, 0, 1, 1); void renderva(renderstate &cur, vtxarray *va, int pass = RENDERPASS_GBUFFER, bool doquery = false) { switch(pass) { case RENDERPASS_GBUFFER: if(!cur.alphaing) vverts += va->verts; if(doquery) startvaquery(va, { if(geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, pass); }); mergetexs(cur, va); if(doquery) endvaquery(va, { if(geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, pass); }); else if(!batchgeom && geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, pass); break; case RENDERPASS_GBUFFER_BLEND: if(doquery) startvaquery(va, { if(geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); }); mergetexs(cur, va, &va->texelems[va->texs], va->blends, 3*va->tris); if(doquery) endvaquery(va, { if(geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); }); else if(!batchgeom && geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); break; case RENDERPASS_CAUSTICS: if(!cur.vattribs) enablevattribs(cur, false); if(cur.vbuf!=va->vbuf) changevbuf(cur, pass, va); drawvatris(va, 3*va->tris, 0); xtravertsva += va->verts; break; case RENDERPASS_Z: if(doquery) startvaquery(va, ); renderzpass(cur, va); if(doquery) endvaquery(va, ); break; case RENDERPASS_RSM: mergetexs(cur, va); if(!batchgeom && geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, pass); break; case RENDERPASS_RSM_BLEND: mergetexs(cur, va, &va->texelems[va->texs], va->blends, 3*va->tris); if(!batchgeom && geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, RENDERPASS_RSM); break; } } void cleanupva() { clearvas(worldroot); clearqueries(); cleanupbb(); cleanupgrass(); } void setupgeom(renderstate &cur) { glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE0); GLOBALPARAMF(colorparams, 1, 1, 1, 1); GLOBALPARAMF(blendlayer, 1.0f); } void cleanupgeom(renderstate &cur) { if(cur.vattribs) disablevattribs(cur); if(cur.vbuf) disablevbuf(cur); } VAR(oqgeom, 0, 1, 1); void rendergeom() { bool doOQ = oqfrags && oqgeom && !drawtex, multipassing = false; renderstate cur; int blends = 0; if(doOQ) { for(vtxarray *va = visibleva; va; va = va->next) if(va->texs) { if(!camera1->o.insidebb(va->o, va->size, 2)) { if(va->parent && va->parent->occluded >= OCCLUDE_BB) { va->query = NULL; va->occluded = OCCLUDE_PARENT; continue; } va->occluded = va->query && va->query->owner == va && checkquery(va->query) ? min(va->occluded+1, int(OCCLUDE_BB)) : OCCLUDE_NOTHING; va->query = newquery(va); if(!va->query || !va->occluded) va->occluded = pvsoccluded(va->geommin, va->geommax) ? OCCLUDE_GEOM : OCCLUDE_NOTHING; if(va->occluded >= OCCLUDE_GEOM) { if(va->query) { if(cur.vattribs) disablevattribs(cur, false); if(cur.vbuf) disablevbuf(cur); renderquery(cur, va->query, va); } continue; } } else { va->query = NULL; va->occluded = pvsoccluded(va->geommin, va->geommax) ? OCCLUDE_GEOM : OCCLUDE_NOTHING; if(va->occluded >= OCCLUDE_GEOM) continue; } renderva(cur, va, RENDERPASS_Z, true); } if(cur.vquery) disablevquery(cur); if(cur.vattribs) disablevattribs(cur, false); if(cur.vbuf) disablevbuf(cur); glFlush(); if(cur.colormask) { cur.colormask = false; glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); } if(cur.depthmask) { cur.depthmask = false; glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); } workinoq(); if(!cur.colormask) { cur.colormask = true; glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); } if(!cur.depthmask) { cur.depthmask = true; glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); } if(!multipassing) { multipassing = true; glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); } cur.texgenorient = -1; setupgeom(cur); resetbatches(); for(vtxarray *va = visibleva; va; va = va->next) if(va->texs && va->occluded < OCCLUDE_GEOM) { blends += va->blends; renderva(cur, va, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); } if(geombatches.length()) { renderbatches(cur, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); glFlush(); } for(vtxarray *va = visibleva; va; va = va->next) if(va->texs && va->occluded >= OCCLUDE_GEOM) { if((va->parent && va->parent->occluded >= OCCLUDE_BB) || (va->query && checkquery(va->query))) { va->occluded = OCCLUDE_BB; continue; } else { va->occluded = pvsoccluded(va->geommin, va->geommax) ? OCCLUDE_GEOM : OCCLUDE_NOTHING; if(va->occluded >= OCCLUDE_GEOM) continue; } blends += va->blends; renderva(cur, va, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); } if(geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); } else { setupgeom(cur); resetbatches(); for(vtxarray *va = visibleva; va; va = va->next) if(va->texs) { va->query = NULL; va->occluded = pvsoccluded(va->geommin, va->geommax) ? OCCLUDE_GEOM : OCCLUDE_NOTHING; if(va->occluded >= OCCLUDE_GEOM) continue; blends += va->blends; renderva(cur, va, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); } if(geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); } if(blends) { if(cur.vbuf) disablevbuf(cur); if(!multipassing) { multipassing = true; glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); } glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE); maskgbuffer("cn"); GLOBALPARAMF(blendlayer, 0.0f); cur.texgenorient = -1; for(vtxarray *va = visibleva; va; va = va->next) if(va->blends && va->occluded < OCCLUDE_GEOM && va->curvfc != VFC_FOGGED) { renderva(cur, va, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER_BLEND); } if(geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); maskgbuffer("cnd"); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); } if(multipassing) glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); cleanupgeom(cur); if(!doOQ) { glFlush(); if(cur.colormask) { cur.colormask = false; glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); } if(cur.depthmask) { cur.depthmask = false; glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); } workinoq(); if(!cur.colormask) { cur.colormask = true; glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); } if(!cur.depthmask) { cur.depthmask = true; glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); } } } int dynamicshadowvabounds(int mask, vec &bbmin, vec &bbmax) { int vis = 0; for(vtxarray *va = shadowva; va; va = va->rnext) if(va->shadowmask&mask && va->dyntexs) { bbmin.min(vec(va->geommin)); bbmax.max(vec(va->geommax)); vis++; } return vis; } void renderrsmgeom(bool dyntex) { renderstate cur; if(!dyntex) cur.texgenmillis = 0; setupgeom(cur); if(skyshadow) { enablevattribs(cur, false); SETSHADER(rsmsky); vtxarray *prev = NULL; for(vtxarray *va = shadowva; va; va = va->rnext) if(va->sky) { if(!prev || va->vbuf != prev->vbuf) { gle::bindvbo(va->vbuf); gle::bindebo(va->skybuf); const vertex *ptr = 0; gle::vertexpointer(sizeof(vertex), ptr->pos.v); } drawvaskytris(va); xtravertsva += va->sky/3; prev = va; } if(cur.vattribs) disablevattribs(cur, false); } resetbatches(); int blends = 0; for(vtxarray *va = shadowva; va; va = va->rnext) if(va->texs) { blends += va->blends; renderva(cur, va, RENDERPASS_RSM); } if(geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, RENDERPASS_RSM); bool multipassing = false; if(blends) { if(cur.vbuf) disablevbuf(cur); if(!multipassing) { multipassing = true; glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); } glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE); GLOBALPARAMF(blendlayer, 0.0f); cur.texgenorient = -1; for(vtxarray *va = shadowva; va; va = va->rnext) if(va->blends) { renderva(cur, va, RENDERPASS_RSM_BLEND); } if(geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, RENDERPASS_RSM); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); } if(multipassing) glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); cleanupgeom(cur); } static vector alphavas; static int alphabackvas = 0, alpharefractvas = 0; float alphafrontsx1 = -1, alphafrontsx2 = 1, alphafrontsy1 = -1, alphafrontsy2 = -1, alphabacksx1 = -1, alphabacksx2 = 1, alphabacksy1 = -1, alphabacksy2 = -1, alpharefractsx1 = -1, alpharefractsx2 = 1, alpharefractsy1 = -1, alpharefractsy2 = 1; uint alphatiles[LIGHTTILE_MAXH]; int findalphavas() { alphavas.setsize(0); alphafrontsx1 = alphafrontsy1 = alphabacksx1 = alphabacksy1 = alpharefractsx1 = alpharefractsy1 = 1; alphafrontsx2 = alphafrontsy2 = alphabacksx2 = alphabacksy2 = alpharefractsx2 = alpharefractsy2 = -1; alphabackvas = alpharefractvas = 0; memset(alphatiles, 0, sizeof(alphatiles)); for(vtxarray *va = visibleva; va; va = va->next) if(va->alphabacktris || va->alphafronttris || va->refracttris) { if(va->occluded >= OCCLUDE_BB) continue; if(va->occluded >= OCCLUDE_GEOM && pvsoccluded(va->alphamin, va->alphamax)) continue; if(va->curvfc==VFC_FOGGED) continue; float sx1 = -1, sx2 = 1, sy1 = -1, sy2 = 1; if(!calcbbscissor(va->alphamin, va->alphamax, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2)) continue; alphavas.add(va); masktiles(alphatiles, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2); alphafrontsx1 = min(alphafrontsx1, sx1); alphafrontsy1 = min(alphafrontsy1, sy1); alphafrontsx2 = max(alphafrontsx2, sx2); alphafrontsy2 = max(alphafrontsy2, sy2); if(va->alphabacktris) { alphabackvas++; alphabacksx1 = min(alphabacksx1, sx1); alphabacksy1 = min(alphabacksy1, sy1); alphabacksx2 = max(alphabacksx2, sx2); alphabacksy2 = max(alphabacksy2, sy2); } if(va->refracttris) { if(!calcbbscissor(va->refractmin, va->refractmax, sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2)) continue; alpharefractvas++; alpharefractsx1 = min(alpharefractsx1, sx1); alpharefractsy1 = min(alpharefractsy1, sy1); alpharefractsx2 = max(alpharefractsx2, sx2); alpharefractsy2 = max(alpharefractsy2, sy2); } } return (alpharefractvas ? 4 : 0) | (alphavas.length() ? 2 : 0) | (alphabackvas ? 1 : 0); } void renderrefractmask() { gle::enablevertex(); vtxarray *prev = NULL; loopv(alphavas) { vtxarray *va = alphavas[i]; if(!va->refracttris) continue; if(!prev || va->vbuf != prev->vbuf) { gle::bindvbo(va->vbuf); gle::bindebo(va->ebuf); const vertex *ptr = 0; gle::vertexpointer(sizeof(vertex), ptr->pos.v); } drawvatris(va, 3*va->refracttris, 3*(va->tris + va->blendtris + va->alphabacktris + va->alphafronttris)); xtravertsva += 3*va->refracttris; prev = va; } gle::clearvbo(); gle::clearebo(); gle::disablevertex(); } void renderalphageom(int side) { resetbatches(); renderstate cur; cur.alphaing = side; cur.alphascale = -1; setupgeom(cur); if(side == 2) { loopv(alphavas) renderva(cur, alphavas[i], RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); if(geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); } else { glCullFace(GL_FRONT); loopv(alphavas) if(alphavas[i]->alphabacktris) renderva(cur, alphavas[i], RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); if(geombatches.length()) renderbatches(cur, RENDERPASS_GBUFFER); glCullFace(GL_BACK); } cleanupgeom(cur); } CVARP(explicitskycolour, 0x800080); bool renderexplicitsky(bool outline) { vtxarray *prev = NULL; for(vtxarray *va = visibleva; va; va = va->next) if(va->sky && va->occluded < OCCLUDE_BB && ((va->skymax.x >= 0 && isvisiblebb(va->skymin, ivec(va->skymax).sub(va->skymin)) != VFC_NOT_VISIBLE) || !insideworld(camera1->o))) { if(!prev || va->vbuf != prev->vbuf) { if(!prev) { gle::enablevertex(); if(outline) { ldrnotextureshader->set(); gle::color(explicitskycolour); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); enablepolygonoffset(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); } else if(editmode) { maskgbuffer("d"); SETSHADER(depth); } else { nocolorshader->set(); glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); } } gle::bindvbo(va->vbuf); gle::bindebo(va->skybuf); const vertex *ptr = 0; gle::vertexpointer(sizeof(vertex), ptr->pos.v); } drawvaskytris(va); xtraverts += va->sky; prev = va; } if(!prev) return false; if(outline) { glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); disablepolygonoffset(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); } else if(editmode) { maskgbuffer("cnd"); } else { glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); } gle::disablevertex(); gle::clearvbo(); gle::clearebo(); return true; } struct decalrenderer { GLuint vbuf; vec colorscale; int globals, tmu; GLuint textures[7]; DecalSlot *slot; decalrenderer() : vbuf(0), colorscale(1, 1, 1), globals(-1), tmu(-1), slot(NULL) { loopi(7) textures[i] = 0; } }; struct decalbatch { const elementset &es; DecalSlot &slot; int offset; vtxarray *va; int next, batch; decalbatch(const elementset &es, int offset, vtxarray *va) : es(es), slot(lookupdecalslot(es.texture)), offset(offset), va(va), next(-1), batch(-1) {} int compare(const decalbatch &b) const { if(va->vbuf < b.va->vbuf) return -1; if(va->vbuf > b.va->vbuf) return 1; if(slot.shader < b.slot.shader) return -1; if(slot.shader > b.slot.shader) return 1; if(es.texture < b.es.texture) return -1; if(es.texture > b.es.texture) return 1; if(es.envmap < b.es.envmap) return -1; if(es.envmap > b.es.envmap) return 1; if(slot.Slot::params.length() < b.slot.Slot::params.length()) return -1; if(slot.Slot::params.length() > b.slot.Slot::params.length()) return 1; if(es.reuse < b.es.reuse) return -1; if(es.reuse > b.es.reuse) return 1; return 0; } }; static vector decalbatches; static void mergedecals(decalrenderer &cur, vtxarray *va) { elementset *texs = va->decalelems; int numtexs = va->decaltexs, offset = 0; if(firstbatch < 0) { firstbatch = decalbatches.length(); numbatches = numtexs; loopi(numtexs-1) { decalbatches.add(decalbatch(texs[i], offset, va)).next = i+1; offset += texs[i].length; } decalbatches.add(decalbatch(texs[numtexs-1], offset, va)); return; } int prevbatch = -1, curbatch = firstbatch, curtex = 0; do { decalbatch &b = decalbatches.add(decalbatch(texs[curtex], offset, va)); offset += texs[curtex].length; int dir = -1; while(curbatch >= 0) { dir = b.compare(decalbatches[curbatch]); if(dir <= 0) break; prevbatch = curbatch; curbatch = decalbatches[curbatch].next; } if(!dir) { int last = curbatch, next; for(;;) { next = decalbatches[last].batch; if(next < 0) break; last = next; } if(last==curbatch) { b.batch = curbatch; b.next = decalbatches[curbatch].next; if(prevbatch < 0) firstbatch = decalbatches.length()-1; else decalbatches[prevbatch].next = decalbatches.length()-1; curbatch = decalbatches.length()-1; } else { b.batch = next; decalbatches[last].batch = decalbatches.length()-1; } } else { numbatches++; b.next = curbatch; if(prevbatch < 0) firstbatch = decalbatches.length()-1; else decalbatches[prevbatch].next = decalbatches.length()-1; prevbatch = decalbatches.length()-1; } } while(++curtex < numtexs); } static void resetdecalbatches() { decalbatches.setsize(0); firstbatch = -1; numbatches = 0; } static void changevbuf(decalrenderer &cur, int pass, vtxarray *va) { gle::bindvbo(va->vbuf); gle::bindebo(va->decalbuf); cur.vbuf = va->vbuf; vertex *vdata = (vertex *)0; gle::vertexpointer(sizeof(vertex), vdata->pos.v); gle::normalpointer(sizeof(vertex), vdata->norm.v, GL_BYTE, 4); gle::texcoord0pointer(sizeof(vertex), vdata->tc.v, GL_FLOAT, 3); gle::tangentpointer(sizeof(vertex), vdata->tangent.v, GL_BYTE); } static void changebatchtmus(decalrenderer &cur, int pass, decalbatch &b) { if(b.slot.shader->type&SHADER_ENVMAP && b.es.envmap!=EMID_CUSTOM) { GLuint emtex = lookupenvmap(b.es.envmap); if(cur.textures[TEX_ENVMAP]!=emtex) { cur.tmu = TEX_ENVMAP; glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE0 + TEX_ENVMAP); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, cur.textures[TEX_ENVMAP] = emtex); } } if(cur.tmu != 0) { cur.tmu = 0; glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE0); } } static inline void bindslottex(decalrenderer &cur, int type, Texture *tex, GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D) { if(cur.textures[type] != tex->id) { if(cur.tmu != type) { cur.tmu = type; glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE0 + type); } glBindTexture(target, cur.textures[type] = tex->id); } } static void changeslottmus(decalrenderer &cur, int pass, DecalSlot &slot) { Texture *diffuse = slot.sts.empty() ? notexture : slot.sts[0].t; bindslottex(cur, TEX_DIFFUSE, diffuse); loopv(slot.sts) { Slot::Tex &t = slot.sts[i]; switch(t.type) { case TEX_ENVMAP: if(t.t) bindslottex(cur, t.type, t.t, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); break; case TEX_NORMAL: case TEX_GLOW: bindslottex(cur, t.type, t.t); break; case TEX_SPEC: if(t.combined < 0) bindslottex(cur, TEX_GLOW, t.t); break; } } if(cur.tmu != 0) { cur.tmu = 0; glActiveTexture_(GL_TEXTURE0); } if(cur.colorscale != slot.colorscale) { cur.colorscale = slot.colorscale; GLOBALPARAMF(colorparams, slot.colorscale.x, slot.colorscale.y, slot.colorscale.z, 1); } cur.slot = &slot; } static inline void changeshader(decalrenderer &cur, int pass, decalbatch &b) { DecalSlot &slot = b.slot; if(b.es.reuse) { VSlot &reuse = lookupvslot(b.es.reuse); if(pass) slot.shader->setvariant(0, 0, slot, reuse); else slot.shader->set(slot, reuse); } else if(pass) slot.shader->setvariant(0, 0, slot); else slot.shader->set(slot); cur.globals = GlobalShaderParamState::nextversion; } static void renderdecalbatch(decalrenderer &cur, int pass, decalbatch &b) { gbatches++; for(decalbatch *curbatch = &b;; curbatch = &decalbatches[curbatch->batch]) { ushort len = curbatch->es.length; if(len) { drawtris(len, (ushort *)0 + curbatch->va->decaloffset + curbatch->offset, curbatch->es.minvert, curbatch->es.maxvert); vtris += len/3; } if(curbatch->batch < 0) break; } } static void renderdecalbatches(decalrenderer &cur, int pass) { cur.slot = NULL; int curbatch = firstbatch; while(curbatch >= 0) { decalbatch &b = decalbatches[curbatch]; curbatch = b.next; if(pass && !b.slot.shader->numvariants(0)) continue; if(cur.vbuf != b.va->vbuf) changevbuf(cur, pass, b.va); changebatchtmus(cur, pass, b); if(cur.slot != &b.slot) { changeslottmus(cur, pass, b.slot); changeshader(cur, pass, b); } else { updateshader(cur); } renderdecalbatch(cur, pass, b); } resetdecalbatches(); } void setupdecals(decalrenderer &cur) { gle::enablevertex(); gle::enablenormal(); gle::enabletexcoord0(); gle::enabletangent(); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glEnable(GL_BLEND); enablepolygonoffset(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); GLOBALPARAMF(colorparams, 1, 1, 1, 1); } void cleanupdecals(decalrenderer &cur) { disablepolygonoffset(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); maskgbuffer("cnd"); gle::disablevertex(); gle::disablenormal(); gle::disabletexcoord0(); gle::disabletangent(); gle::clearvbo(); gle::clearebo(); } VAR(batchdecals, 0, 1, 1); void renderdecals() { vtxarray *decalva; for(decalva = visibleva; decalva; decalva = decalva->next) if(decalva->decaltris && decalva->occluded < OCCLUDE_BB) break; if(!decalva) return; decalrenderer cur; setupdecals(cur); resetdecalbatches(); if(maxdualdrawbufs) { glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA); maskgbuffer("c"); for(vtxarray *va = decalva; va; va = va->next) if(va->decaltris && va->occluded < OCCLUDE_BB) { mergedecals(cur, va); if(!batchdecals && decalbatches.length()) renderdecalbatches(cur, 0); } if(decalbatches.length()) renderdecalbatches(cur, 0); if(usepacknorm()) { glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE); } else glBlendFunc(GL_SRC1_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA); maskgbuffer("n"); cur.vbuf = 0; for(vtxarray *va = decalva; va; va = va->next) if(va->decaltris && va->occluded < OCCLUDE_BB) { mergedecals(cur, va); if(!batchdecals && decalbatches.length()) renderdecalbatches(cur, 1); } if(decalbatches.length()) renderdecalbatches(cur, 1); } else { glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE); maskgbuffer("cn"); for(vtxarray *va = decalva; va; va = va->next) if(va->decaltris && va->occluded < OCCLUDE_BB) { mergedecals(cur, va); if(!batchdecals && decalbatches.length()) renderdecalbatches(cur, 0); } if(decalbatches.length()) renderdecalbatches(cur, 0); } cleanupdecals(cur); } struct shadowmesh { vec origin; float radius; vec spotloc; int spotangle; int type; int draws[6]; }; struct shadowdraw { GLuint ebuf, vbuf; int offset, tris, next; ushort minvert, maxvert; }; struct shadowverts { static const int SIZE = 1<<13; int table[SIZE]; vector verts; vector chain; shadowverts() { clear(); } void clear() { memset(table, -1, sizeof(table)); chain.setsize(0); verts.setsize(0); } int add(const vec &v) { uint h = hthash(v)&(SIZE-1); for(int i = table[h]; i>=0; i = chain[i]) if(verts[i] == v) return i; if(verts.length() >= USHRT_MAX) return -1; verts.add(v); chain.add(table[h]); return table[h] = verts.length()-1; } } shadowverts; vector shadowtris[6]; vector shadowvbos; hashtable shadowmeshes; vector shadowdraws; struct shadowdrawinfo { int last; ushort minvert, maxvert; shadowdrawinfo() : last(-1) { reset(); } void reset() { minvert = USHRT_MAX; maxvert = 0; } }; static void flushshadowmeshdraws(shadowmesh &m, int sides, shadowdrawinfo draws[6]) { int numindexes = 0; loopi(sides) numindexes += shadowtris[i].length(); if(!numindexes) return; GLuint ebuf = 0, vbuf = 0; glGenBuffers_(1, &ebuf); glGenBuffers_(1, &vbuf); ushort *indexes = new ushort[numindexes]; int offset = 0; loopi(sides) if(shadowtris[i].length()) { if(draws[i].last < 0) m.draws[i] = shadowdraws.length(); else shadowdraws[draws[i].last].next = shadowdraws.length(); draws[i].last = shadowdraws.length(); shadowdraw &d = shadowdraws.add(); d.ebuf = ebuf; d.vbuf = vbuf; d.offset = offset; d.tris = shadowtris[i].length()/3; d.minvert = draws[i].minvert; d.maxvert = draws[i].maxvert; d.next = -1; memcpy(indexes + offset, shadowtris[i].getbuf(), shadowtris[i].length()*sizeof(ushort)); offset += shadowtris[i].length(); shadowtris[i].setsize(0); draws[i].reset(); } gle::bindebo(ebuf); glBufferData_(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, numindexes*sizeof(ushort), indexes, GL_STATIC_DRAW); gle::clearebo(); delete[] indexes; gle::bindvbo(vbuf); glBufferData_(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, shadowverts.verts.length()*sizeof(vec), shadowverts.verts.getbuf(), GL_STATIC_DRAW); gle::clearvbo(); shadowverts.clear(); shadowvbos.add(ebuf); shadowvbos.add(vbuf); } static inline void addshadowmeshtri(shadowmesh &m, int sides, shadowdrawinfo draws[6], const vec &v0, const vec &v1, const vec &v2) { extern int smcullside; vec l0 = vec(v0).sub(shadoworigin); float side = l0.scalartriple(vec(v1).sub(v0), vec(v2).sub(v0)); if(smcullside ? side > 0 : side < 0) return; vec l1 = vec(v1).sub(shadoworigin), l2 = vec(v2).sub(shadoworigin); if(l0.squaredlen() > shadowradius*shadowradius && l1.squaredlen() > shadowradius*shadowradius && l2.squaredlen() > shadowradius*shadowradius) return; int sidemask = 0; switch(m.type) { case SM_SPOT: sidemask = bbinsidespot(shadoworigin, shadowdir, shadowspot, ivec(vec(v0).min(v1).min(v2)), ivec(vec(v0).max(v1).max(v2).add(1))) ? 1 : 0; break; case SM_CUBEMAP: sidemask = calctrisidemask(l0.div(shadowradius), l1.div(shadowradius), l2.div(shadowradius), shadowbias); break; } if(!sidemask) return; if(shadowverts.verts.length() + 3 >= USHRT_MAX) flushshadowmeshdraws(m, sides, draws); int i0 = shadowverts.add(v0), i1 = shadowverts.add(v1), i2 = shadowverts.add(v2); ushort minvert = min(i0, min(i1, i2)), maxvert = max(i0, max(i1, i2)); loopk(sides) if(sidemask&(1< &ents = entities::getents(); for(octaentities *oe = shadowmms; oe; oe = oe->rnext) loopvk(oe->mapmodels) { extentity &e = *ents[oe->mapmodels[k]]; if(e.flags&(EF_NOVIS|EF_NOSHADOW)) continue; e.flags |= EF_RENDER; } vector tris; for(octaentities *oe = shadowmms; oe; oe = oe->rnext) loopvj(oe->mapmodels) { extentity &e = *ents[oe->mapmodels[j]]; if(!(e.flags&EF_RENDER)) continue; e.flags &= ~EF_RENDER; model *mm = loadmapmodel(e.attr1); if(!mm || !mm->shadow || mm->animated() || (mm->alphashadow && mm->alphatested())) continue; matrix4x3 orient; orient.identity(); if(e.attr2) orient.rotate_around_z(sincosmod360(e.attr2)); if(e.attr3) orient.rotate_around_x(sincosmod360(e.attr3)); if(e.attr4) orient.rotate_around_y(sincosmod360(-e.attr4)); if(e.attr5 > 0) orient.scale(e.attr5/100.0f); orient.settranslation(e.o); tris.setsize(0); mm->genshadowmesh(tris, orient); loopv(tris) { triangle &t = tris[i]; addshadowmeshtri(m, sides, draws, t.a, t.b, t.c); } e.flags |= EF_SHADOWMESH; } } static void genshadowmesh(int idx, extentity &e) { shadowmesh m; m.type = calcshadowinfo(e, m.origin, m.radius, m.spotloc, m.spotangle, shadowbias); if(!m.type) return; memset(m.draws, -1, sizeof(m.draws)); shadowmapping = m.type; shadoworigin = m.origin; shadowradius = m.radius; shadowdir = m.type == SM_SPOT ? vec(m.spotloc).sub(m.origin).normalize() : vec(0, 0, 0); shadowspot = m.spotangle; findshadowvas(); findshadowmms(); int sides = m.type == SM_SPOT ? 1 : 6; shadowdrawinfo draws[6]; for(vtxarray *va = shadowva; va; va = va->rnext) if(va->shadowmask) { if(va->tris) genshadowmeshtris(m, sides, draws, va->edata + va->eoffset, va->tris, va->vdata); if(skyshadow && va->sky) genshadowmeshtris(m, sides, draws, va->skydata + va->skyoffset, va->sky/3, va->vdata); } if(shadowmms) genshadowmeshmapmodels(m, sides, draws); flushshadowmeshdraws(m, sides, draws); shadowmeshes[idx] = m; shadowmapping = 0; } void clearshadowmeshes() { if(shadowvbos.length()) { glDeleteBuffers_(shadowvbos.length(), shadowvbos.getbuf()); shadowvbos.setsize(0); } if(shadowmeshes.numelems) { vector &ents = entities::getents(); loopv(ents) { extentity &e = *ents[i]; if(e.flags&EF_SHADOWMESH) e.flags &= ~EF_SHADOWMESH; } } shadowmeshes.clear(); shadowdraws.setsize(0); } VARF(smmesh, 0, 1, 1, { if(!smmesh) clearshadowmeshes(); }); void genshadowmeshes() { clearshadowmeshes(); if(!smmesh) return; renderprogress(0, "generating shadow meshes.."); vector &ents = entities::getents(); loopv(ents) { extentity &e = *ents[i]; if(e.type != ET_LIGHT) continue; genshadowmesh(i, e); } } shadowmesh *findshadowmesh(int idx, extentity &e) { shadowmesh *m = shadowmeshes.access(idx); if(!m || m->type != shadowmapping || m->origin != shadoworigin || m->radius < shadowradius) return NULL; switch(m->type) { case SM_SPOT: if(!e.attached || e.attached->type != ET_SPOTLIGHT || m->spotloc != e.attached->o || m->spotangle < clamp(int(e.attached->attr1), 1, 89)) return NULL; break; } return m; } void rendershadowmesh(shadowmesh *m) { int draw = m->draws[shadowside]; if(draw < 0) return; SETSHADER(shadowmapworld); gle::enablevertex(); GLuint ebuf = 0, vbuf = 0; while(draw >= 0) { shadowdraw &d = shadowdraws[draw]; if(ebuf != d.ebuf) { gle::bindebo(d.ebuf); ebuf = d.ebuf; } if(vbuf != d.vbuf) { gle::bindvbo(d.vbuf); vbuf = d.vbuf; gle::vertexpointer(sizeof(vec), 0); } drawtris(3*d.tris, (ushort *)0 + d.offset, d.minvert, d.maxvert); xtravertsva += 3*d.tris; draw = d.next; } gle::disablevertex(); gle::clearebo(); gle::clearvbo(); }