#include "game.hh" extern selinfo sel; namespace ai { using namespace game; vector waypoints; bool clipped(const vec &o) { int material = lookupmaterial(o), clipmat = material&MATF_CLIP; return clipmat == MAT_CLIP || material&MAT_DEATH || (material&MATF_VOLUME) == MAT_LAVA; } int getweight(const vec &o) { vec pos = o; pos.z += ai::JUMPMIN; if(!insideworld(vec(pos.x, pos.y, min(pos.z, getworldsize() - 1e-3f)))) return -2; float dist = raycube(pos, vec(0, 0, -1), 0, RAY_CLIPMAT); int posmat = lookupmaterial(pos), weight = 1; if(isliquid(posmat&MATF_VOLUME)) weight *= 5; if(dist >= 0) { weight = int(dist/ai::JUMPMIN); pos.z -= clamp(dist-8.0f, 0.0f, pos.z); int trgmat = lookupmaterial(pos); if(trgmat&MAT_DEATH || (trgmat&MATF_VOLUME) == MAT_LAVA) weight *= 10; else if(isliquid(trgmat&MATF_VOLUME)) weight *= 2; } return weight; } enum { WPCACHE_STATIC = 0, WPCACHE_DYNAMIC, NUMWPCACHES }; struct wpcache { struct node { float split[2]; uint child[2]; int axis() const { return child[0]>>30; } int childindex(int which) const { return child[which]&0x3FFFFFFF; } bool isleaf(int which) const { return (child[1]&(1<<(30+which)))!=0; } }; vector nodes; int firstwp, lastwp; vec bbmin, bbmax; wpcache() { clear(); } void clear() { nodes.setsize(0); firstwp = lastwp = -1; bbmin = vec(1e16f, 1e16f, 1e16f); bbmax = vec(-1e16f, -1e16f, -1e16f); } void build(int first = 0, int last = -1) { if(last < 0) last = waypoints.length(); vector indices; for(int i = first; i < last; i++) { waypoint &w = waypoints[i]; indices.add(i); if(firstwp < 0) firstwp = i; float radius = WAYPOINTRADIUS; bbmin.min(vec(w.o).sub(radius)); bbmax.max(vec(w.o).add(radius)); } if(first < last) lastwp = max(lastwp, last-1); if(indices.length()) { nodes.reserve(indices.length()); build(indices.getbuf(), indices.length(), bbmin, bbmax); } } void build(int *indices, int numindices, const vec &vmin, const vec &vmax) { int axis = 2; loopk(2) if(vmax[k] - vmin[k] > vmax[axis] - vmin[axis]) axis = k; vec leftmin(1e16f, 1e16f, 1e16f), leftmax(-1e16f, -1e16f, -1e16f), rightmin(1e16f, 1e16f, 1e16f), rightmax(-1e16f, -1e16f, -1e16f); float split = 0.5f*(vmax[axis] + vmin[axis]), splitleft = -1e16f, splitright = 1e16f; int left, right; for(left = 0, right = numindices; left < right;) { waypoint &w = waypoints[indices[left]]; float radius = WAYPOINTRADIUS; if(max(split - (w.o[axis]-radius), 0.0f) > max((w.o[axis]+radius) - split, 0.0f)) { ++left; splitleft = max(splitleft, w.o[axis]+radius); leftmin.min(vec(w.o).sub(radius)); leftmax.max(vec(w.o).add(radius)); } else { --right; swap(indices[left], indices[right]); splitright = min(splitright, w.o[axis]-radius); rightmin.min(vec(w.o).sub(radius)); rightmax.max(vec(w.o).add(radius)); } } if(!left || right==numindices) { leftmin = rightmin = vec(1e16f, 1e16f, 1e16f); leftmax = rightmax = vec(-1e16f, -1e16f, -1e16f); left = right = numindices/2; splitleft = -1e16f; splitright = 1e16f; loopi(numindices) { waypoint &w = waypoints[indices[i]]; float radius = WAYPOINTRADIUS; if(i < left) { splitleft = max(splitleft, w.o[axis]+radius); leftmin.min(vec(w.o).sub(radius)); leftmax.max(vec(w.o).add(radius)); } else { splitright = min(splitright, w.o[axis]-radius); rightmin.min(vec(w.o).sub(radius)); rightmax.max(vec(w.o).add(radius)); } } } int offset = nodes.length(); node &curnode = nodes.add(); curnode.split[0] = splitleft; curnode.split[1] = splitright; if(left<=1) curnode.child[0] = (axis<<30) | (left>0 ? indices[0] : 0x3FFFFFFF); else { curnode.child[0] = (axis<<30) | (nodes.length()-offset); if(left) build(indices, left, leftmin, leftmax); } if(numindices-right<=1) curnode.child[1] = (1<<31) | (left<=1 ? 1<<30 : 0) | (numindices-right>0 ? indices[right] : 0x3FFFFFFF); else { curnode.child[1] = (left<=1 ? 1<<30 : 0) | (nodes.length()-offset); if(numindices-right) build(&indices[right], numindices-right, rightmin, rightmax); } } } wpcaches[NUMWPCACHES]; static int invalidatedwpcaches = 0, clearedwpcaches = (1<= 1000) { numinvalidatewpcaches = 0; invalidatedwpcaches = (1<= wpcaches[i].firstwp && wp <= wpcaches[i].lastwp) { invalidatedwpcaches |= 1< 0 ? wpcaches[i-1].lastwp+1 : 1, i+1 >= NUMWPCACHES || wpcaches[i+1].firstwp < 0 ? -1 : wpcaches[i+1].firstwp); clearedwpcaches = 0; lastwpcache = waypoints.length(); wpavoid.clear(); loopv(waypoints) if(waypoints[i].weight < 0) wpavoid.avoidnear(NULL, waypoints[i].o.z + WAYPOINTRADIUS, waypoints[i].o, WAYPOINTRADIUS); } struct wpcachestack { wpcache::node *node; float tmin, tmax; }; vector wpcachestack; int closestwaypoint(const vec &pos, float mindist, bool links, gameent *d) { if(waypoints.empty()) return -1; if(clearedwpcaches) buildwpcache(); #define CHECKCLOSEST(index) do { \ int n = (index); \ if(n < waypoints.length()) \ { \ const waypoint &w = waypoints[n]; \ if(!links || w.links[0]) \ { \ float dist = w.o.squaredist(pos); \ if(dist < mindist*mindist) { closest = n; mindist = sqrtf(dist); } \ } \ } \ } while(0) int closest = -1; wpcache::node *curnode; loop(which, NUMWPCACHES) if(wpcaches[which].firstwp >= 0) for(curnode = &wpcaches[which].nodes[0], wpcachestack.setsize(0);;) { int axis = curnode->axis(); float dist1 = pos[axis] - curnode->split[0], dist2 = curnode->split[1] - pos[axis]; if(dist1 >= mindist) { if(dist2 < mindist) { if(!curnode->isleaf(1)) { curnode += curnode->childindex(1); continue; } CHECKCLOSEST(curnode->childindex(1)); } } else if(curnode->isleaf(0)) { CHECKCLOSEST(curnode->childindex(0)); if(dist2 < mindist) { if(!curnode->isleaf(1)) { curnode += curnode->childindex(1); continue; } CHECKCLOSEST(curnode->childindex(1)); } } else { if(dist2 < mindist) { if(!curnode->isleaf(1)) wpcachestack.add(curnode + curnode->childindex(1)); else CHECKCLOSEST(curnode->childindex(1)); } curnode += curnode->childindex(0); continue; } if(wpcachestack.empty()) break; curnode = wpcachestack.pop(); } for(int i = lastwpcache; i < waypoints.length(); i++) { CHECKCLOSEST(i); } return closest; } void findwaypointswithin(const vec &pos, float mindist, float maxdist, vector &results) { if(waypoints.empty()) return; if(clearedwpcaches) buildwpcache(); float mindist2 = mindist*mindist, maxdist2 = maxdist*maxdist; #define CHECKWITHIN(index) do { \ int n = (index); \ if(n < waypoints.length()) \ { \ const waypoint &w = waypoints[n]; \ float dist = w.o.squaredist(pos); \ if(dist > mindist2 && dist < maxdist2) results.add(n); \ } \ } while(0) wpcache::node *curnode; loop(which, NUMWPCACHES) if(wpcaches[which].firstwp >= 0) for(curnode = &wpcaches[which].nodes[0], wpcachestack.setsize(0);;) { int axis = curnode->axis(); float dist1 = pos[axis] - curnode->split[0], dist2 = curnode->split[1] - pos[axis]; if(dist1 >= maxdist) { if(dist2 < maxdist) { if(!curnode->isleaf(1)) { curnode += curnode->childindex(1); continue; } CHECKWITHIN(curnode->childindex(1)); } } else if(curnode->isleaf(0)) { CHECKWITHIN(curnode->childindex(0)); if(dist2 < maxdist) { if(!curnode->isleaf(1)) { curnode += curnode->childindex(1); continue; } CHECKWITHIN(curnode->childindex(1)); } } else { if(dist2 < maxdist) { if(!curnode->isleaf(1)) wpcachestack.add(curnode + curnode->childindex(1)); else CHECKWITHIN(curnode->childindex(1)); } curnode += curnode->childindex(0); continue; } if(wpcachestack.empty()) break; curnode = wpcachestack.pop(); } for(int i = lastwpcache; i < waypoints.length(); i++) { CHECKWITHIN(i); } } void avoidset::avoidnear(void *owner, float above, const vec &pos, float limit) { if(ai::waypoints.empty()) return; if(clearedwpcaches) buildwpcache(); float limit2 = limit*limit; #define CHECKNEAR(index) do { \ int n = (index); \ if(n < ai::waypoints.length()) \ { \ const waypoint &w = ai::waypoints[n]; \ if(w.o.squaredist(pos) < limit2) add(owner, above, n); \ } \ } while(0) wpcache::node *curnode; loop(which, NUMWPCACHES) if(wpcaches[which].firstwp >= 0) for(curnode = &wpcaches[which].nodes[0], wpcachestack.setsize(0);;) { int axis = curnode->axis(); float dist1 = pos[axis] - curnode->split[0], dist2 = curnode->split[1] - pos[axis]; if(dist1 >= limit) { if(dist2 < limit) { if(!curnode->isleaf(1)) { curnode += curnode->childindex(1); continue; } CHECKNEAR(curnode->childindex(1)); } } else if(curnode->isleaf(0)) { CHECKNEAR(curnode->childindex(0)); if(dist2 < limit) { if(!curnode->isleaf(1)) { curnode += curnode->childindex(1); continue; } CHECKNEAR(curnode->childindex(1)); } } else { if(dist2 < limit) { if(!curnode->isleaf(1)) wpcachestack.add(curnode + curnode->childindex(1)); else CHECKNEAR(curnode->childindex(1)); } curnode += curnode->childindex(0); continue; } if(wpcachestack.empty()) break; curnode = wpcachestack.pop(); } for(int i = lastwpcache; i < waypoints.length(); i++) { CHECKNEAR(i); } } int avoidset::remap(gameent *d, int n, vec &pos, bool retry) { if(!obstacles.empty()) { int cur = 0; loopv(obstacles) { obstacle &ob = obstacles[i]; int next = cur + ob.numwaypoints; if(ob.owner != d) { for(; cur < next; cur++) if(waypoints[cur] == n) { if(ob.above < 0) return retry ? n : -1; vec above(pos.x, pos.y, ob.above); if(above.z-d->o.z >= ai::JUMPMAX) return retry ? n : -1; // too much scotty int node = closestwaypoint(above, ai::SIGHTMIN, true, d); if(ai::iswaypoint(node) && node != n) { // try to reroute above their head? if(!find(node, d)) { pos = ai::waypoints[node].o; return node; } else return retry ? n : -1; } else { vec old = d->o; d->o = vec(above).addz(d->eyeheight); bool col = collide(d, vec(0, 0, 1)); d->o = old; if(!col) { pos = above; return n; } else return retry ? n : -1; } } } cur = next; } } return n; } static inline float heapscore(waypoint *q) { return q->score(); } bool route(gameent *d, int node, int goal, vector &route, const avoidset &obstacles, int retries) { if(waypoints.empty() || !iswaypoint(node) || !iswaypoint(goal) || goal == node || !waypoints[node].links[0]) return false; static ushort routeid = 1; static vector queue; if(!routeid) { loopv(waypoints) waypoints[i].route = 0; routeid = 1; } if(d) { if(retries <= 1 && d->ai) loopi(ai::NUMPREVNODES) if(d->ai->prevnodes[i] != node && iswaypoint(d->ai->prevnodes[i])) { waypoints[d->ai->prevnodes[i]].route = routeid; waypoints[d->ai->prevnodes[i]].curscore = -1; waypoints[d->ai->prevnodes[i]].estscore = 0; } if(retries <= 0) { loopavoid(obstacles, d, { if(iswaypoint(wp) && wp != node && wp != goal && waypoints[node].find(wp) < 0 && waypoints[goal].find(wp) < 0) { waypoints[wp].route = routeid; waypoints[wp].curscore = -1; waypoints[wp].estscore = 0; } }); } } waypoints[node].route = routeid; waypoints[node].curscore = waypoints[node].estscore = 0; waypoints[node].prev = 0; queue.setsize(0); queue.add(&waypoints[node]); route.setsize(0); int lowest = -1; while(!queue.empty()) { waypoint &m = *queue.removeheap(); float prevscore = m.curscore; m.curscore = -1; loopi(MAXWAYPOINTLINKS) { int link = m.links[i]; if(!link) break; if(iswaypoint(link) && (link == node || link == goal || waypoints[link].links[0])) { waypoint &n = waypoints[link]; int weight = max(n.weight, 1); float curscore = prevscore + n.o.dist(m.o)*weight; if(n.route == routeid && curscore >= n.curscore) continue; n.curscore = curscore; n.prev = ushort(&m - &waypoints[0]); if(n.route != routeid) { n.estscore = n.o.dist(waypoints[goal].o)*weight; if(n.estscore <= WAYPOINTRADIUS*4 && (lowest < 0 || n.estscore <= waypoints[lowest].estscore)) lowest = link; n.route = routeid; if(link == goal) goto foundgoal; queue.addheap(&n); } else loopvj(queue) if(queue[j] == &n) { queue.upheap(j); break; } } } } foundgoal: routeid++; if(lowest >= 0) // otherwise nothing got there { for(waypoint *m = &waypoints[lowest]; m > &waypoints[0]; m = &waypoints[m->prev]) route.add(m - &waypoints[0]); // just keep it stored backward } return !route.empty(); } VARF(dropwaypoints, 0, 0, 1, { player1->lastnode = -1; }); int addwaypoint(const vec &o, int weight = -1) { if(waypoints.length() > MAXWAYPOINTS) return -1; int n = waypoints.length(); waypoints.add(waypoint(o, weight >= 0 ? weight : getweight(o))); invalidatewpcache(n); return n; } void linkwaypoint(waypoint &a, int n) { loopi(MAXWAYPOINTLINKS) { if(a.links[i] == n) return; if(!a.links[i]) { a.links[i] = n; return; } } a.links[rnd(MAXWAYPOINTLINKS)] = n; } string loadedwaypoints = ""; static inline bool shouldnavigate() { if(dropwaypoints) return true; loopvrev(players) if(players[i]->aitype != AI_NONE) return true; return false; } static inline bool shoulddrop(gameent *d) { return !d->ai && (dropwaypoints || !loadedwaypoints[0]); } void inferwaypoints(gameent *d, const vec &o, const vec &v, float mindist) { if(!shouldnavigate()) return; if(shoulddrop(d)) { if(waypoints.empty()) seedwaypoints(); int from = closestwaypoint(o, mindist, false), to = closestwaypoint(v, mindist, false); if(!iswaypoint(from)) from = addwaypoint(o); if(!iswaypoint(to)) to = addwaypoint(v); if(d->lastnode != from && iswaypoint(d->lastnode) && iswaypoint(from)) linkwaypoint(waypoints[d->lastnode], from); if(iswaypoint(to)) { if(from != to && iswaypoint(from) && iswaypoint(to)) linkwaypoint(waypoints[from], to); d->lastnode = to; } } else d->lastnode = closestwaypoint(v, WAYPOINTRADIUS*2, false, d); } void navigate(gameent *d) { vec v(d->feetpos()); if(d->state != CS_ALIVE) { d->lastnode = -1; return; } bool dropping = shoulddrop(d); int mat = lookupmaterial(v); if((mat&MATF_CLIP) == MAT_CLIP || (mat&MATF_VOLUME) == MAT_LAVA || mat&MAT_DEATH) dropping = false; float dist = dropping ? WAYPOINTRADIUS : (d->ai ? WAYPOINTRADIUS : SIGHTMIN); int curnode = closestwaypoint(v, dist, false, d), prevnode = d->lastnode; if(!iswaypoint(curnode) && dropping) { if(waypoints.empty()) seedwaypoints(); curnode = addwaypoint(v); } if(iswaypoint(curnode)) { if(dropping && d->lastnode != curnode && iswaypoint(d->lastnode)) { linkwaypoint(waypoints[d->lastnode], curnode); if(!d->timeinair) linkwaypoint(waypoints[curnode], d->lastnode); } d->lastnode = curnode; if(d->ai && iswaypoint(prevnode) && d->lastnode != prevnode) d->ai->addprevnode(prevnode); } else if(!iswaypoint(d->lastnode) || waypoints[d->lastnode].o.squaredist(v) > SIGHTMIN*SIGHTMIN) d->lastnode = closestwaypoint(v, SIGHTMAX, false, d); } void navigate() { if(shouldnavigate()) loopv(players) ai::navigate(players[i]); if(invalidatedwpcaches) clearwpcache(false); } void clearwaypoints(bool full) { waypoints.setsize(0); clearwpcache(); if(full) { loadedwaypoints[0] = '\0'; dropwaypoints = 0; } } ICOMMAND(clearwaypoints, "", (), clearwaypoints()); void seedwaypoints() { if(waypoints.empty()) addwaypoint(vec(0, 0, 0)); loopv(entities::ents) { extentity &e = *entities::ents[i]; switch(e.type) { case PLAYERSTART: case TELEPORT: case JUMPPAD: case FLAG: addwaypoint(e.o); break; default: if(validitem(e.type)) addwaypoint(e.o); break; } } } void remapwaypoints() { vector remap; int total = 0; loopv(waypoints) remap.add(waypoints[i].links[1] == 0xFFFF ? 0 : total++); total = 0; loopvj(waypoints) { if(waypoints[j].links[1] == 0xFFFF) continue; waypoint &w = waypoints[total]; if(j != total) w = waypoints[j]; int k = 0; loopi(MAXWAYPOINTLINKS) { int link = w.links[i]; if(!link) break; if((w.links[k] = remap[link])) k++; } if(k < MAXWAYPOINTLINKS) w.links[k] = 0; total++; } waypoints.setsize(total); } bool cleanwaypoints() { int cleared = 0; for(int i = 1; i < waypoints.length(); i++) { waypoint &w = waypoints[i]; if(clipped(w.o)) { w.links[0] = 0; w.links[1] = 0xFFFF; cleared++; } } if(cleared) { player1->lastnode = -1; loopv(players) if(players[i]) players[i]->lastnode = -1; remapwaypoints(); clearwpcache(); return true; } return false; } bool getwaypointfile(const char *mname, char *wptname) { if(!mname || !*mname) mname = getclientmap(); if(!*mname) return false; nformatstring(wptname, MAXSTRLEN, "media/map/%s.wpt", mname); path(wptname); return true; } void loadwaypoints(bool force, const char *mname) { string wptname; if(!getwaypointfile(mname, wptname)) return; if(!force && (waypoints.length() || !strcmp(loadedwaypoints, wptname))) return; stream *f = opengzfile(wptname, "rb"); if(!f) return; char magic[4]; if(f->read(magic, 4) < 4 || memcmp(magic, "OWPT", 4)) { delete f; return; } copystring(loadedwaypoints, wptname); waypoints.setsize(0); waypoints.add(vec(0, 0, 0)); ushort numwp = f->getlil(); loopi(numwp) { if(f->end()) break; vec o; o.x = f->getlil(); o.y = f->getlil(); o.z = f->getlil(); waypoint &w = waypoints.add(waypoint(o, getweight(o))); int numlinks = f->getchar(), k = 0; loopi(numlinks) { if((w.links[k] = f->getlil())) { if(++k >= MAXWAYPOINTLINKS) break; } } } delete f; conoutf("loaded %d waypoints from %s", numwp, wptname); if(!cleanwaypoints()) clearwpcache(); } ICOMMAND(loadwaypoints, "s", (char *mname), loadwaypoints(true, mname)); void savewaypoints(bool force, const char *mname) { if((!dropwaypoints && !force) || waypoints.empty()) return; string wptname; if(!getwaypointfile(mname, wptname)) return; stream *f = opengzfile(wptname, "wb"); if(!f) return; f->write("OWPT", 4); f->putlil(waypoints.length()-1); for(int i = 1; i < waypoints.length(); i++) { waypoint &w = waypoints[i]; f->putlil(w.o.x); f->putlil(w.o.y); f->putlil(w.o.z); int numlinks = 0; loopj(MAXWAYPOINTLINKS) { if(!w.links[j]) break; numlinks++; } f->putchar(numlinks); loopj(numlinks) f->putlil(w.links[j]); } delete f; conoutf("saved %d waypoints to %s", waypoints.length()-1, wptname); } ICOMMAND(savewaypoints, "s", (char *mname), savewaypoints(true, mname)); void delselwaypoints() { if(noedit(true)) return; vec o = vec(sel.o).sub(0.1f), s = vec(sel.s).mul(sel.grid).add(o).add(0.1f); int cleared = 0; for(int i = 1; i < waypoints.length(); i++) { waypoint &w = waypoints[i]; if(w.o.x >= o.x && w.o.x <= s.x && w.o.y >= o.y && w.o.y <= s.y && w.o.z >= o.z && w.o.z <= s.z) { w.links[0] = 0; w.links[1] = 0xFFFF; cleared++; } } if(cleared) { player1->lastnode = -1; remapwaypoints(); clearwpcache(); } } COMMAND(delselwaypoints, ""); void movewaypoints(const vec &d) { if(noedit(true)) return; int worldsize = getworldsize(); if(d.x < -worldsize || d.x > worldsize || d.y < -worldsize || d.y > worldsize || d.z < -worldsize || d.z > worldsize) { clearwaypoints(); return; } int cleared = 0; for(int i = 1; i < waypoints.length(); i++) { waypoint &w = waypoints[i]; w.o.add(d); if(!insideworld(w.o)) { w.links[0] = 0; w.links[1] = 0xFFFF; cleared++; } } if(cleared) { player1->lastnode = -1; remapwaypoints(); } clearwpcache(); } ICOMMAND(movewaypoints, "iii", (int *dx, int *dy, int *dz), movewaypoints(vec(*dx, *dy, *dz))); }