#include "cubescript.hh" #include "cs_vm.hh" #include "cs_util.hh" namespace cscript { ostd::String intstr(CsInt v) { char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), IntFormat, v); return buf; } ostd::String floatstr(CsFloat v) { char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), v == CsInt(v) ? RoundFloatFormat : FloatFormat, v); return buf; } char *cs_dup_ostr(ostd::ConstCharRange s) { char *r = new char[s.size() + 1]; memcpy(r, s.data(), s.size()); r[s.size()] = 0; return r; } bool cs_check_num(ostd::ConstCharRange s) { if (isdigit(s[0])) { return true; } switch (s[0]) { case '+': case '-': return isdigit(s[1]) || ((s[1] == '.') && isdigit(s[2])); case '.': return isdigit(s[1]) != 0; default: return false; } } Ident::Ident(): type(ID_UNKNOWN) {} Var::Var(VarCb f): cb_var(ostd::move(f)) {} /* ID_IVAR */ Ivar::Ivar( ostd::ConstCharRange n, CsInt m, CsInt x, CsInt *s, VarCb f, int flagsv ): Var(ostd::move(f)), minval(m), maxval(x), overrideval(0), storage(s) { type = ID_IVAR; flags = flagsv | (m > x ? IDF_READONLY : 0); name = n; } /* ID_FVAR */ Fvar::Fvar( ostd::ConstCharRange n, CsFloat m, CsFloat x, CsFloat *s, VarCb f, int flagsv ): Var(ostd::move(f)), minval(m), maxval(x), overrideval(0), storage(s) { type = ID_FVAR; flags = flagsv | (m > x ? IDF_READONLY : 0); name = n; } /* ID_SVAR */ Svar::Svar(ostd::ConstCharRange n, char **s, VarCb f, int flagsv): Var(ostd::move(f)), overrideval(nullptr), storage(s) { type = ID_SVAR; flags = flagsv; name = n; } /* ID_ALIAS */ Alias::Alias(ostd::ConstCharRange n, char *a, int flagsv): valtype(VAL_STR), code(nullptr), stack(nullptr) { type = ID_ALIAS; flags = flagsv; name = n; val.s = a; val.len = strlen(a); } Alias::Alias(ostd::ConstCharRange n, CsInt a, int flagsv): valtype(VAL_INT), code(nullptr), stack(nullptr) { type = ID_ALIAS; flags = flagsv; name = n; val.i = a; } Alias::Alias(ostd::ConstCharRange n, CsFloat a, int flagsv): valtype(VAL_FLOAT), code(nullptr), stack(nullptr) { type = ID_ALIAS; flags = flagsv; name = n; val.f = a; } Alias::Alias(ostd::ConstCharRange n, int flagsv): valtype(VAL_NULL), code(nullptr), stack(nullptr) { type = ID_ALIAS; flags = flagsv; name = n; } Alias::Alias(ostd::ConstCharRange n, TaggedValue const &v, int flagsv): valtype(v.p_type), code(nullptr), stack(nullptr), val(v) { type = ID_ALIAS; flags = flagsv; name = n; } /* ID_COMMAND */ Command::Command( int t, ostd::ConstCharRange n, ostd::ConstCharRange args, ostd::Uint32 amask, int nargs, CmdFunc f ): cargs(!args.empty() ? cs_dup_ostr(args) : nullptr), argmask(amask), numargs(nargs), cb_cftv(ostd::move(f)) { type = t; flags = 0; name = n; } void cs_init_lib_base(CsState &cs); CsState::CsState() { noalias.id = nullptr; noalias.next = nullptr; noalias.usedargs = (1 << MaxArguments) - 1; noalias.argstack = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < MaxArguments; ++i) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "arg%d", i + 1); new_ident(static_cast(buf), IDF_ARG); } dummy = new_ident("//dummy"); add_ident(new Ivar("numargs", MaxArguments, 0, &numargs)); add_ident(new Ivar("dbgalias", 0, 1000, &dbgalias)); cs_init_lib_base(*this); } CsState::~CsState() { for (auto &p: idents.iter()) { Ident *i = p.second; if (i->type == ID_ALIAS) { Alias *a = static_cast(i); a->force_null(); delete[] reinterpret_cast(a->code); } else if (i->type == ID_COMMAND || i->type >= ID_LOCAL) { delete[] static_cast(i)->cargs; } delete i; } } void CsState::clear_override(Ident &id) { if (!(id.flags & IDF_OVERRIDDEN)) { return; } switch (id.type) { case ID_ALIAS: { Alias &a = static_cast(id); if (a.get_valtype() == VAL_STR) { delete[] a.val.s; } a.clean_code(); a.valtype = VAL_STR; a.val.s = cs_dup_ostr(""); a.val.len = 0; break; } case ID_IVAR: { Ivar &iv = static_cast(id); *iv.storage = iv.overrideval; iv.changed(); break; } case ID_FVAR: { Fvar &fv = static_cast(id); *fv.storage = fv.overrideval; fv.changed(); break; } case ID_SVAR: { Svar &sv = static_cast(id); delete[] *sv.storage; *sv.storage = sv.overrideval; sv.changed(); break; } } id.flags &= ~IDF_OVERRIDDEN; } void CsState::clear_overrides() { for (auto &p: idents.iter()) { clear_override(*(p.second)); } } Ident *CsState::new_ident(ostd::ConstCharRange name, int flags) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (!id) { if (cs_check_num(name)) { cs_debug_code( *this, "number %s is not a valid identifier name", name ); return dummy; } id = add_ident(new Alias(name, flags)); } return id; } Ident *CsState::force_ident(TaggedValue &v) { switch (v.get_type()) { case VAL_IDENT: return v.id; case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: { Ident *id = new_ident(v.s); v.set_ident(id); return id; } case VAL_STR: { Ident *id = new_ident(v.s); delete[] v.s; v.set_ident(id); return id; } } v.cleanup(); v.set_ident(dummy); return dummy; } bool CsState::reset_var(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (!id) { return false; } if (id->flags & IDF_READONLY) { cs_debug_code(*this, "variable %s is read only", id->name); return false; } clear_override(*id); return true; } void CsState::touch_var(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (id && id->is_var()) { static_cast(id)->changed(); } } void CsState::set_alias(ostd::ConstCharRange name, TaggedValue &v) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (id) { switch (id->type) { case ID_ALIAS: { Alias *a = static_cast(id); if (a->index < MaxArguments) { a->set_arg(*this, v); } else { a->set_alias(*this, v); } return; } case ID_IVAR: set_var_int_checked(static_cast(id), v.get_int()); break; case ID_FVAR: set_var_float_checked(static_cast(id), v.get_float()); break; case ID_SVAR: set_var_str_checked(static_cast(id), v.get_str()); break; default: cs_debug_code( *this, "cannot redefine builtin %s with an alias", id->name ); break; } v.cleanup(); } else if (cs_check_num(name)) { cs_debug_code(*this, "cannot alias number %s", name); v.cleanup(); } else { add_ident(new Alias(name, v, identflags)); } } void CsState::print_var_int(Ivar *iv, CsInt i) { if (i < 0) { writefln("%s = %d", iv->name, i); return; } if (iv->flags & IDF_HEX) { if (iv->maxval == 0xFFFFFF) { writefln( "%s = 0x%.6X (%d, %d, %d)", iv->name, i, (i >> 16) & 0xFF, (i >> 8) & 0xFF, i & 0xFF ); } else { writefln("%s = 0x%X", iv->name, i); } } else { writefln("%s = %d", iv->name, i); } } void CsState::print_var_float(Fvar *fv, CsFloat f) { writefln("%s = %s", fv->name, floatstr(f)); } void CsState::print_var_str(Svar *sv, ostd::ConstCharRange s) { if (ostd::find(s, '"').empty()) { writefln("%s = \"%s\"", sv->name, s); } else { writefln("%s = [%s]", sv->name, s); } } void CsState::print_var(Var *v) { switch (v->get_type()) { case IdentType::ivar: { Ivar *iv = static_cast(v); print_var_int(iv, *iv->storage); break; } case IdentType::fvar: { Fvar *fv = static_cast(v); print_var_float(fv, *fv->storage); break; } case IdentType::svar: { Svar *sv = static_cast(v); print_var_str(sv, *sv->storage); break; } default: break; } } void TaggedValue::cleanup() { switch (get_type()) { case VAL_STR: delete[] s; break; case VAL_CODE: ostd::Uint32 *bcode = const_cast( reinterpret_cast(code) ); if (bcode[-1] == CODE_START) { delete[] bcode; } break; } } void TaggedValue::force_null() { if (get_type() == VAL_NULL) { return; } cleanup(); set_null(); } CsFloat TaggedValue::force_float() { CsFloat rf = 0.0f; switch (get_type()) { case VAL_INT: rf = i; break; case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: rf = cs_parse_float(s); break; case VAL_FLOAT: return f; } cleanup(); set_float(rf); return rf; } CsInt TaggedValue::force_int() { CsInt ri = 0; switch (get_type()) { case VAL_FLOAT: ri = f; break; case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: ri = cs_parse_int(s); break; case VAL_INT: return i; } cleanup(); set_int(ri); return ri; } ostd::ConstCharRange TaggedValue::force_str() { ostd::String rs; switch (get_type()) { case VAL_FLOAT: rs = ostd::move(floatstr(f)); break; case VAL_INT: rs = ostd::move(intstr(i)); break; case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: rs = ostd::ConstCharRange(s, len); break; case VAL_STR: return s; } cleanup(); set_str(ostd::move(rs)); return s; } static inline CsInt cs_get_int(IdentValue const &v, int type) { switch (type) { case VAL_FLOAT: return CsInt(v.f); case VAL_INT: return v.i; case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: return cs_parse_int(v.s); } return 0; } CsInt TaggedValue::get_int() const { return cs_get_int(*this, get_type()); } CsInt Alias::get_int() const { return cs_get_int(val, get_valtype()); } static inline CsFloat cs_get_float(IdentValue const &v, int type) { switch (type) { case VAL_FLOAT: return v.f; case VAL_INT: return CsFloat(v.i); case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: return cs_parse_float(v.s); } return 0.0f; } CsFloat TaggedValue::get_float() const { return cs_get_float(*this, get_type()); } CsFloat Alias::get_float() const { return cs_get_float(val, get_valtype()); } Bytecode *TaggedValue::get_code() const { if (get_type() != VAL_CODE) { return nullptr; } return const_cast(code); } Ident *TaggedValue::get_ident() const { if (get_type() != VAL_IDENT) { return nullptr; } return id; } static inline ostd::String cs_get_str(IdentValue const &v, int type) { switch (type) { case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: return ostd::ConstCharRange(v.s, v.len); case VAL_INT: return intstr(v.i); case VAL_FLOAT: return floatstr(v.f); } return ostd::String(""); } ostd::String TaggedValue::get_str() const { return cs_get_str(*this, get_type()); } ostd::String Alias::get_str() const { return cs_get_str(val, get_valtype()); } static inline ostd::ConstCharRange cs_get_strr(IdentValue const &v, int type) { switch (type) { case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: return ostd::ConstCharRange(v.s, v.len); default: break; } return ostd::ConstCharRange(); } ostd::ConstCharRange TaggedValue::get_strr() const { return cs_get_strr(*this, get_type()); } ostd::ConstCharRange Alias::get_strr() const { return cs_get_strr(val, get_valtype()); } static inline void cs_get_val(IdentValue const &v, int type, TaggedValue &r) { switch (type) { case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: { r.set_str(ostd::ConstCharRange(v.s, v.len)); break; } case VAL_INT: r.set_int(v.i); break; case VAL_FLOAT: r.set_float(v.f); break; default: r.set_null(); break; } } void TaggedValue::get_val(TaggedValue &r) const { cs_get_val(*this, get_type(), r); } void Alias::get_val(TaggedValue &r) const { cs_get_val(val, get_valtype(), r); } OSTD_EXPORT bool code_is_empty(Bytecode const *code) { if (!code) { return true; } return ( *reinterpret_cast(code) & CODE_OP_MASK ) == CODE_EXIT; } bool TaggedValue::code_is_empty() const { if (get_type() != VAL_CODE) { return true; } return cscript::code_is_empty(code); } static inline bool cs_get_bool(ostd::ConstCharRange s) { if (s.empty()) { return false; } ostd::ConstCharRange end = s; CsInt ival = cs_parse_int(end, &end); if (end.empty()) { return !!ival; } end = s; CsFloat fval = cs_parse_float(end, &end); if (end.empty()) { return !!fval; } return true; } bool TaggedValue::get_bool() const { switch (get_type()) { case VAL_FLOAT: return f != 0; case VAL_INT: return i != 0; case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: return cs_get_bool(ostd::ConstCharRange(s, len)); default: return false; } } void Alias::get_cstr(TaggedValue &v) const { switch (get_valtype()) { case VAL_MACRO: v.set_macro(val.code, val.len); break; case VAL_STR: case VAL_CSTR: v.set_cstr(ostd::ConstCharRange(val.s, val.len)); break; case VAL_INT: v.set_str(ostd::move(intstr(val.i))); break; case VAL_FLOAT: v.set_str(ostd::move(floatstr(val.f))); break; default: v.set_cstr(""); break; } } void Alias::get_cval(TaggedValue &v) const { switch (get_valtype()) { case VAL_MACRO: v.set_macro(val.code, val.len); break; case VAL_STR: case VAL_CSTR: v.set_cstr(ostd::ConstCharRange(val.s, val.len)); break; case VAL_INT: v.set_int(val.i); break; case VAL_FLOAT: v.set_float(val.f); break; default: v.set_null(); break; } } void Alias::clean_code() { ostd::Uint32 *bcode = reinterpret_cast(code); if (bcode) { bcode_decr(bcode); code = nullptr; } } void Alias::push_arg(TaggedValue const &v, IdentStack &st, bool um) { st.val = val; st.valtype = valtype; st.next = stack; stack = &st; set_value(v); clean_code(); if (um) { flags &= ~IDF_UNKNOWN; } } void Alias::pop_arg() { if (!stack) { return; } IdentStack *st = stack; if (get_valtype() == VAL_STR) { delete[] val.s; } set_value(*stack); clean_code(); stack = st->next; } void Alias::undo_arg(IdentStack &st) { IdentStack *prev = stack; st.val = val; st.valtype = valtype; st.next = prev; stack = prev->next; set_value(*prev); clean_code(); } void Alias::redo_arg(IdentStack const &st) { IdentStack *prev = st.next; prev->val = val; prev->valtype = valtype; stack = prev; set_value(st); clean_code(); } void Alias::set_arg(CsState &cs, TaggedValue &v) { if (cs.stack->usedargs & (1 << index)) { if (get_valtype() == VAL_STR) { delete[] val.s; } set_value(v); clean_code(); } else { push_arg(v, cs.stack->argstack[index], false); cs.stack->usedargs |= 1 << index; } } void Alias::set_alias(CsState &cs, TaggedValue &v) { if (get_valtype() == VAL_STR) { delete[] val.s; } set_value(v); clean_code(); flags = (flags & cs.identflags) | cs.identflags; } IdentType Ident::get_type() const { if (type > ID_ALIAS) { return IdentType::unknown; } return IdentType(type); } template bool cs_override_var(CsState &cs, Var *v, SF sf, RF rf, CF cf) { if ((cs.identflags & IDF_OVERRIDDEN) || (v->flags & IDF_OVERRIDE)) { if (v->flags & IDF_PERSIST) { cs_debug_code( cs, "cannot override persistent variable '%s'", v->name ); return false; } if (!(v->flags & IDF_OVERRIDDEN)) { sf(); v->flags |= IDF_OVERRIDDEN; } else { cf(); } } else { if (v->flags & IDF_OVERRIDDEN) { rf(); v->flags &= ~IDF_OVERRIDDEN; } cf(); } return true; } void CsState::set_var_int( ostd::ConstCharRange name, CsInt v, bool dofunc, bool doclamp ) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (!id || id->is_ivar()) { return; } Ivar *iv = static_cast(id); bool success = cs_override_var( *this, iv, [&iv]() { iv->overrideval = *iv->storage; }, []() {}, []() {} ); if (!success) { return; } if (doclamp) { *iv->storage = ostd::clamp(v, iv->minval, iv->maxval); } else { *iv->storage = v; } if (dofunc) { iv->changed(); } } void CsState::set_var_float( ostd::ConstCharRange name, CsFloat v, bool dofunc, bool doclamp ) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (!id || id->is_fvar()) { return; } Fvar *fv = static_cast(id); bool success = cs_override_var( *this, fv, [&fv]() { fv->overrideval = *fv->storage; }, []() {}, []() {} ); if (!success) { return; } if (doclamp) { *fv->storage = ostd::clamp(v, fv->minval, fv->maxval); } else { *fv->storage = v; } if (dofunc) { fv->changed(); } } void CsState::set_var_str( ostd::ConstCharRange name, ostd::ConstCharRange v, bool dofunc ) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (!id || id->is_svar()) { return; } Svar *sv = static_cast(id); bool success = cs_override_var( *this, sv, [&sv]() { sv->overrideval = *sv->storage; }, [&sv]() { delete[] sv->overrideval; }, [&sv]() { delete[] *sv->storage; } ); if (!success) { return; } *sv->storage = cs_dup_ostr(v); if (dofunc) { sv->changed(); } } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_int(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (!id || id->is_ivar()) { return ostd::nothing; } return *static_cast(id)->storage; } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_float(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (!id || id->is_fvar()) { return ostd::nothing; } return *static_cast(id)->storage; } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_str(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (!id || id->is_svar()) { return ostd::nothing; } return ostd::String(*static_cast(id)->storage); } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_min_int(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (!id || id->is_ivar()) { return ostd::nothing; } return static_cast(id)->minval; } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_max_int(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (!id || id->is_ivar()) { return ostd::nothing; } return static_cast(id)->maxval; } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_min_float(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (!id || id->is_fvar()) { return ostd::nothing; } return static_cast(id)->minval; } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_max_float(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = get_ident(name); if (!id || id->is_fvar()) { return ostd::nothing; } return static_cast(id)->maxval; } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_alias_val(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Alias *a = get_alias(name); if (!a) { return ostd::nothing; } if ((a->index < MaxArguments) && !(stack->usedargs & (1 << a->index))) { return ostd::nothing; } return ostd::move(a->get_str()); } CsInt cs_clamp_var(CsState &cs, Ivar *iv, CsInt v) { if (v < iv->minval) { v = iv->minval; } else if (v > iv->maxval) { v = iv->maxval; } else { return v; } cs_debug_code( cs, (iv->flags & IDF_HEX) ? ( (iv->minval <= 255) ? "valid range for '%s' is %d..0x%X" : "valid range for '%s' is 0x%X..0x%X" ) : "valid range for '%s' is %d..%d", iv->name, iv->minval, iv->maxval ); return v; } void CsState::set_var_int_checked(Ivar *iv, CsInt v) { if (iv->flags & IDF_READONLY) { cs_debug_code(*this, "variable '%s' is read only", iv->name); return; } bool success = cs_override_var( *this, iv, [&iv]() { iv->overrideval = *iv->storage; }, []() {}, []() {} ); if (!success) { return; } if ((v < iv->minval) || (v > iv->maxval)) { v = cs_clamp_var(*this, iv, v); } *iv->storage = v; iv->changed(); } void CsState::set_var_int_checked(Ivar *iv, TvalRange args) { CsInt v = args[0].force_int(); if ((iv->flags & IDF_HEX) && (args.size() > 1)) { v = (v << 16) | (args[1].force_int() << 8); if (args.size() > 2) { v |= args[2].force_int(); } } set_var_int_checked(iv, v); } CsFloat cs_clamp_fvar(CsState &cs, Fvar *fv, CsFloat v) { if (v < fv->minval) { v = fv->minval; } else if (v > fv->maxval) { v = fv->maxval; } else { return v; } cs_debug_code( cs, "valid range for '%s' is %s..%s", floatstr(fv->minval), floatstr(fv->maxval) ); return v; } void CsState::set_var_float_checked(Fvar *fv, CsFloat v) { if (fv->flags & IDF_READONLY) { cs_debug_code(*this, "variable '%s' is read only", fv->name); return; } bool success = cs_override_var( *this, fv, [&fv]() { fv->overrideval = *fv->storage; }, []() {}, []() {} ); if (!success) { return; } if ((v < fv->minval) || (v > fv->maxval)) { v = cs_clamp_fvar(*this, fv, v); } *fv->storage = v; fv->changed(); } void CsState::set_var_str_checked(Svar *sv, ostd::ConstCharRange v) { if (sv->flags & IDF_READONLY) { cs_debug_code(*this, "variable '%s' is read only", sv->name); return; } bool success = cs_override_var( *this, sv, [&sv]() { sv->overrideval = *sv->storage; }, [&sv]() { delete[] sv->overrideval; }, [&sv]() { delete[] *sv->storage; } ); if (!success) { return; } *sv->storage = cs_dup_ostr(v); sv->changed(); } static bool cs_add_command( CsState &cs, ostd::ConstCharRange name, ostd::ConstCharRange args, CmdFunc func, int type = ID_COMMAND ) { ostd::Uint32 argmask = 0; int nargs = 0; for (ostd::ConstCharRange fmt(args); !fmt.empty(); ++fmt) { switch (*fmt) { case 'i': case 'b': case 'f': case 'F': case 't': case 'T': case 'E': case 'N': case 'D': if (nargs < MaxArguments) { nargs++; } break; case 'S': case 's': case 'e': case 'r': case '$': if (nargs < MaxArguments) { argmask |= 1 << nargs; nargs++; } break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': if (nargs < MaxArguments) { fmt.push_front_n(fmt.front() - '0' + 1); } break; case 'C': case 'V': break; default: ostd::err.writefln( "builtin %s declared with illegal type: %c", name, fmt.front() ); return false; } } cs.add_ident(new Command(type, name, args, argmask, nargs, ostd::move(func))); return true; } bool CsState::add_command( ostd::ConstCharRange name, ostd::ConstCharRange args, CmdFunc func ) { return cs_add_command(*this, name, args, ostd::move(func)); } void cs_init_lib_io(CsState &cs) { cs_add_command(cs, "exec", "sb", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { auto file = args[0].get_strr(); bool ret = cs.run_file(file); if (!ret) { if (args[1].get_int()) { ostd::err.writefln("could not run file \"%s\"", file); } res.set_int(0); } else { res.set_int(1); } }); cs_add_command(cs, "echo", "C", [](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &) { ostd::writeln(args[0].get_strr()); }); } static inline void cs_set_iter(Alias &a, CsInt i, IdentStack &stack) { if (a.stack == &stack) { if (a.get_valtype() != VAL_INT) { if (a.get_valtype() == VAL_STR) { delete[] a.val.s; a.val.s = nullptr; a.val.len = 0; } a.clean_code(); a.valtype = VAL_INT; } a.val.i = i; return; } TaggedValue v; v.set_int(i); a.push_arg(v, stack); } static inline void cs_do_loop( CsState &cs, Ident &id, CsInt offset, CsInt n, CsInt step, Bytecode *cond, Bytecode *body ) { if (n <= 0 || !id.is_alias()) { return; } Alias &a = static_cast(id); IdentStack stack; for (CsInt i = 0; i < n; ++i) { cs_set_iter(a, offset + i * step, stack); if (cond && !cs.run_bool(cond)) { break; } cs.run_int(body); } a.pop_arg(); } static inline void cs_loop_conc( CsState &cs, TaggedValue &res, Ident &id, CsInt offset, CsInt n, CsInt step, Bytecode *body, bool space ) { if (n <= 0 || !id.is_alias()) { return; } Alias &a = static_cast(id); IdentStack stack; ostd::Vector s; for (CsInt i = 0; i < n; ++i) { cs_set_iter(a, offset + i * step, stack); TaggedValue v; cs.run_ret(body, v); ostd::String vstr = ostd::move(v.get_str()); if (space && i) { s.push(' '); } s.push_n(vstr.data(), vstr.size()); v.cleanup(); } if (n > 0) { a.pop_arg(); } s.push('\0'); ostd::Size len = s.size() - 1; res.set_mstr(ostd::CharRange(s.disown(), len)); } void cs_init_lib_base(CsState &cs) { cs_add_command(cs, "do", "e", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { cs.run_ret(args[0].get_code(), res); }, ID_DO); cs_add_command(cs, "doargs", "e", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { if (cs.stack != &cs.noalias) { cs_do_args(cs, [&]() { cs.run_ret(args[0].get_code(), res); }); } else { cs.run_ret(args[0].get_code(), res); } }, ID_DOARGS); cs_add_command(cs, "if", "tee", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { cs.run_ret((args[0].get_bool() ? args[1] : args[2]).get_code(), res); }, ID_IF); cs_add_command(cs, "result", "T", [](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { TaggedValue &v = args[0]; res = v; v.set_null(); }, ID_RESULT); cs_add_command(cs, "!", "t", [](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { res.set_int(!args[0].get_bool()); }, ID_NOT); cs_add_command(cs, "&&", "E1V", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { if (args.empty()) { res.set_int(1); } else { for (ostd::Size i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { if (i) { res.cleanup(); } if (args[i].get_type() == VAL_CODE) { cs.run_ret(args[i].code, res); } else { res = args[i]; } if (!res.get_bool()) { break; } } } }, ID_AND); cs_add_command(cs, "||", "E1V", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { if (args.empty()) { res.set_int(0); } else { for (ostd::Size i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { if (i) { res.cleanup(); } if (args[i].get_type() == VAL_CODE) { cs.run_ret(args[i].code, res); } else { res = args[i]; } if (res.get_bool()) { break; } } } }, ID_OR); cs_add_command(cs, "?", "tTT", [](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { res.set(args[0].get_bool() ? args[1] : args[2]); }); cs_add_command(cs, "cond", "ee2V", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { for (ostd::Size i = 0; i < args.size(); i += 2) { if ((i + 1) < args.size()) { if (cs.run_bool(args[i].code)) { cs.run_ret(args[i + 1].code, res); break; } } else { cs.run_ret(args[i].code, res); break; } } }); cs_add_command(cs, "case", "ite2V", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { CsInt val = args[0].get_int(); for (ostd::Size i = 1; (i + 1) < args.size(); i += 2) { if ((args[i].get_type() == VAL_NULL) || (args[i].get_int() == val)) { cs.run_ret(args[i + 1].code, res); return; } } }); cs_add_command(cs, "casef", "fte2V", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { CsFloat val = args[0].get_float(); for (ostd::Size i = 1; (i + 1) < args.size(); i += 2) { if ((args[i].get_type() == VAL_NULL) || (args[i].get_float() == val)) { cs.run_ret(args[i + 1].code, res); return; } } }); cs_add_command(cs, "cases", "ste2V", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { ostd::String val = args[0].get_str(); for (ostd::Size i = 1; (i + 1) < args.size(); i += 2) { if ((args[i].get_type() == VAL_NULL) || (args[i].get_str() == val)) { cs.run_ret(args[i + 1].code, res); return; } } }); cs_add_command(cs, "pushif", "rTe", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { Ident *id = args[0].get_ident(); TaggedValue &v = args[1]; Bytecode *code = args[2].get_code(); if (!id->is_alias() || (id->index < MaxArguments)) { return; } Alias *a = static_cast(id); if (v.get_bool()) { IdentStack stack; a->push_arg(v, stack); v.set_null(); cs.run_ret(code, res); a->pop_arg(); } }); cs_add_command(cs, "loop", "rie", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &) { cs_do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[1].get_int(), 1, nullptr, args[2].get_code() ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loop+", "riie", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &) { cs_do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_int(), args[2].get_int(), 1, nullptr, args[3].get_code() ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loop*", "riie", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &) { cs_do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[1].get_int(), args[2].get_int(), nullptr, args[3].get_code() ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loop+*", "riiie", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &) { cs_do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_int(), args[3].get_int(), args[2].get_int(), nullptr, args[4].get_code() ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loopwhile", "riee", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &) { cs_do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[1].get_int(), 1, args[2].get_code(), args[3].get_code() ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loopwhile+", "riiee", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &) { cs_do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_int(), args[2].get_int(), 1, args[3].get_code(), args[4].get_code() ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loopwhile*", "riiee", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &) { cs_do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[2].get_int(), args[1].get_int(), args[3].get_code(), args[4].get_code() ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loopwhile+*", "riiiee", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &) { cs_do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_int(), args[3].get_int(), args[2].get_int(), args[4].get_code(), args[5].get_code() ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "while", "ee", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &) { Bytecode *cond = args[0].get_code(), *body = args[1].get_code(); while (cs.run_bool(cond)) { cs.run_int(body); } }); cs_add_command(cs, "loopconcat", "rie", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { cs_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[1].get_int(), 1, args[2].get_code(), true ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loopconcat+", "riie", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { cs_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_int(), args[2].get_int(), 1, args[3].get_code(), true ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loopconcat*", "riie", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { cs_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[2].get_int(), args[1].get_int(), args[3].get_code(), true ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loopconcat+*", "riiie", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { cs_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_int(), args[3].get_int(), args[2].get_int(), args[4].get_code(), true ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loopconcatword", "rie", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { cs_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[1].get_int(), 1, args[2].get_code(), false ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loopconcatword+", "riie", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { cs_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_int(), args[2].get_int(), 1, args[3].get_code(), false ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loopconcatword*", "riie", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { cs_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[2].get_int(), args[1].get_int(), args[3].get_code(), false ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "loopconcatword+*", "riiie", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { cs_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_int(), args[3].get_int(), args[2].get_int(), args[4].get_code(), false ); }); cs_add_command(cs, "nodebug", "e", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { ++cs.nodebug; cs.run_ret(args[0].get_code(), res); --cs.nodebug; }); cs_add_command(cs, "push", "rTe", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { Ident *id = args[0].get_ident(); if (!id->is_alias() || (id->index < MaxArguments)) { return; } Alias *a = static_cast(id); IdentStack stack; TaggedValue &v = args[1]; a->push_arg(v, stack); v.set_null(); cs.run_ret(args[2].get_code(), res); a->pop_arg(); }); cs_add_command(cs, "local", nullptr, nullptr, ID_LOCAL); cs_add_command(cs, "resetvar", "s", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { res.set_int(cs.reset_var(args[0].get_strr())); }); cs_add_command(cs, "alias", "sT", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &) { TaggedValue &v = args[1]; cs.set_alias(args[0].get_strr(), v); v.set_null(); }); cs_add_command(cs, "getvarmin", "s", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { res.set_int(cs.get_var_min_int(args[0].get_strr()).value_or(0)); }); cs_add_command(cs, "getvarmax", "s", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { res.set_int(cs.get_var_max_int(args[0].get_strr()).value_or(0)); }); cs_add_command(cs, "getfvarmin", "s", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { res.set_float(cs.get_var_min_float(args[0].get_strr()).value_or(0.0f)); }); cs_add_command(cs, "getfvarmax", "s", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { res.set_float(cs.get_var_max_float(args[0].get_strr()).value_or(0.0f)); }); cs_add_command(cs, "identexists", "s", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { res.set_int(cs.have_ident(args[0].get_strr())); }); cs_add_command(cs, "getalias", "s", [&cs](TvalRange args, TaggedValue &res) { res.set_str(ostd::move(cs.get_alias_val(args[0].get_strr()).value_or(""))); }); } void cs_init_lib_math(CsState &cs); void cs_init_lib_string(CsState &cs); void cs_init_lib_list(CsState &cs); OSTD_EXPORT void init_libs(CsState &cs, int libs) { if (libs & CS_LIB_IO) { cs_init_lib_io(cs); } if (libs & CS_LIB_MATH) { cs_init_lib_math(cs); } if (libs & CS_LIB_STRING) { cs_init_lib_string(cs); } if (libs & CS_LIB_LIST) { cs_init_lib_list(cs); } } } /* namespace cscript */