#include "command.hh" #define fatal printf static inline bool check_num(const char *s) { if (isdigit(s[0])) return true; switch (s[0]) { case '+': case '-': return isdigit(s[1]) || (s[1] == '.' && isdigit(s[2])); case '.': return isdigit(s[1]) != 0; default: return false; } } CsState cstate; const struct NullValue: TaggedValue { NullValue() { set_null(); } } null_value; static TaggedValue no_ret = null_value; CsState::CsState(): result(&no_ret) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ARGUMENTS; ++i) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "arg%d", i + 1); new_ident((const char *)buf, IDF_ARG); } dummy = new_ident("//dummy", IDF_UNKNOWN); add_ident(ID_VAR, "numargs", MAX_ARGUMENTS, 0, &numargs); add_ident(ID_VAR, "dbgalias", 0, 1000, &dbgalias); } CsState::~CsState() { for (Ident &i: idents.iter()) { if (i.type == ID_ALIAS) { i.forcenull(); delete[] i.code; i.code = nullptr; } else if (i.type == ID_COMMAND || i.type >= ID_LOCAL) { delete[] i.args; } } } void CsState::clear_override(Ident &id) { if (!(id.flags & IDF_OVERRIDDEN)) return; switch (id.type) { case ID_ALIAS: if (id.valtype == VAL_STR) { if (!id.val.s[0]) break; delete[] id.val.s; } id.clean_code(); id.valtype = VAL_STR; id.val.s = dup_ostr(""); break; case ID_VAR: *id.storage.i = id.overrideval.i; id.changed(*this); break; case ID_FVAR: *id.storage.f = id.overrideval.f; id.changed(*this); break; case ID_SVAR: delete[] *id.storage.s; *id.storage.s = id.overrideval.s; id.changed(*this); break; } id.flags &= ~IDF_OVERRIDDEN; } void CsState::clear_overrides() { for (Ident &id: idents.iter()) clear_override(id); } Ident *CsState::new_ident(ostd::ConstCharRange name, int flags) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (!id) { if (check_num(name.data())) { debug_code("number %s is not a valid identifier name", name); return dummy; } id = add_ident(ID_ALIAS, name, flags); } return id; } Ident *CsState::force_ident(TaggedValue &v) { switch (v.type) { case VAL_IDENT: return v.id; case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: { Ident *id = new_ident(v.s, IDF_UNKNOWN); v.set_ident(id); return id; } case VAL_STR: { Ident *id = new_ident(v.s, IDF_UNKNOWN); delete[] v.s; v.set_ident(id); return id; } } v.cleanup(); v.set_ident(dummy); return dummy; } bool CsState::reset_var(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (!id) return false; if (id->flags & IDF_READONLY) { debug_code("variable %s is read only", id->name); return false; } clear_override(*id); return true; } void CsState::touch_var(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (id) switch (id->type) { case ID_VAR: case ID_FVAR: case ID_SVAR: id->changed(*this); break; } } void CsState::set_alias(ostd::ConstCharRange name, TaggedValue &v) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (id) { switch (id->type) { case ID_ALIAS: if (id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS) id->set_arg(*this, v); else id->set_alias(*this, v); return; case ID_VAR: set_var_int_checked(id, v.get_int()); break; case ID_FVAR: set_var_float_checked(id, v.get_float()); break; case ID_SVAR: set_var_str_checked(id, v.get_str()); break; default: debug_code("cannot redefine builtin %s with an alias", id->name); break; } v.cleanup(); } else if (check_num(name.data())) { debug_code("cannot alias number %s", name); v.cleanup(); } else { add_ident(ID_ALIAS, name, v, identflags); } } void TaggedValue::cleanup() { switch (type) { case VAL_STR: delete[] s; break; case VAL_CODE: if (code[-1] == CODE_START) delete[] (ostd::byte *)&code[-1]; break; } } void TaggedValue::force_null() { if (type == VAL_NULL) return; cleanup(); set_null(); } float TaggedValue::force_float() { float rf = 0.0f; switch (type) { case VAL_INT: rf = i; break; case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: rf = parsefloat(s); break; case VAL_FLOAT: return f; } cleanup(); set_float(rf); return rf; } int TaggedValue::force_int() { int ri = 0; switch (type) { case VAL_FLOAT: ri = f; break; case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: ri = parseint(s); break; case VAL_INT: return i; } cleanup(); set_int(ri); return ri; } const char *TaggedValue::force_str() { const char *rs = ""; switch (type) { case VAL_FLOAT: rs = floatstr(f); break; case VAL_INT: rs = intstr(i); break; case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: rs = s; break; case VAL_STR: return s; } cleanup(); set_str(dup_ostr(rs)); return rs; } void TaggedValue::force(int type) { switch (type) { case RET_STR: if (type != VAL_STR) force_str(); break; case RET_INT: if (type != VAL_INT) force_int(); break; case RET_FLOAT: if (type != VAL_FLOAT) force_float(); break; } } static inline void free_args(TaggedValue *args, int &oldnum, int newnum) { for (int i = newnum; i < oldnum; i++) args[i].cleanup(); oldnum = newnum; } void Ident::clean_code() { if (code) { code[0] -= 0x100; if (int(code[0]) < 0x100) delete[] code; code = nullptr; } } ostd::ConstCharRange debug_line(CsState &cs, ostd::ConstCharRange p, ostd::ConstCharRange fmt, ostd::CharRange buf) { if (cs.src_str.empty()) return fmt; ostd::Size num = 1; ostd::ConstCharRange line(cs.src_str); for (;;) { ostd::ConstCharRange end = ostd::find(line, '\n'); if (!end.empty()) line = line.slice(0, line.distance_front(end)); if (&p[0] >= &line[0] && &p[0] <= &line[line.size()]) { ostd::CharRange r(buf); if (!cs.src_file.empty()) ostd::format(r, "%s:%d: %s", cs.src_file, num, fmt); else ostd::format(r, "%d: %s", num, fmt); r.put('\0'); return buf; } if (end.empty()) break; line = end; line.pop_front(); ++num; } return fmt; } void debug_alias(CsState &cs) { if (!cs.dbgalias) return; int total = 0, depth = 0; for (IdentLink *l = cs.stack; l != &cs.noalias; l = l->next) total++; for (IdentLink *l = cs.stack; l != &cs.noalias; l = l->next) { Ident *id = l->id; ++depth; if (depth < cs.dbgalias) ostd::err.writefln(" %d) %s", total - depth + 1, id->name); else if (l->next == &cs.noalias) ostd::err.writefln(depth == cs.dbgalias ? " %d) %s" : " ..%d) %s", total - depth + 1, id->name); } } void Ident::push_arg(const TaggedValue &v, IdentStack &st) { st.val = val; st.valtype = valtype; st.next = stack; stack = &st; setval(v); clean_code(); } void Ident::pop_arg() { if (!stack) return; IdentStack *st = stack; if (valtype == VAL_STR) delete[] val.s; setval(*stack); clean_code(); stack = st->next; } void Ident::undo_arg(IdentStack &st) { IdentStack *prev = stack; st.val = val; st.valtype = valtype; st.next = prev; stack = prev->next; setval(*prev); clean_code(); } void Ident::redo_arg(const IdentStack &st) { IdentStack *prev = st.next; prev->val = val; prev->valtype = valtype; stack = prev; setval(st); clean_code(); } void Ident::push_alias(IdentStack &stack) { if (type == ID_ALIAS && index >= MAX_ARGUMENTS) { push_arg(null_value, stack); flags &= ~IDF_UNKNOWN; } } void Ident::pop_alias() { if (type == ID_ALIAS && index >= MAX_ARGUMENTS) pop_arg(); } void Ident::set_arg(CsState &cs, TaggedValue &v) { if (cs.stack->usedargs & (1 << index)) { if (valtype == VAL_STR) delete[] val.s; setval(v); clean_code(); } else { push_arg(v, cs.stack->argstack[index]); cs.stack->usedargs |= 1 << index; } } void Ident::set_alias(CsState &cs, TaggedValue &v) { if (valtype == VAL_STR) delete[] val.s; setval(v); clean_code(); flags = (flags & cs.identflags) | cs.identflags; } template static void cs_do_args(CsState &cs, F body) { IdentStack argstack[MAX_ARGUMENTS]; int argmask1 = cs.stack->usedargs; for (int i = 0; argmask1; argmask1 >>= 1, ++i) if(argmask1 & 1) cs.identmap[i]->undo_arg(argstack[i]); IdentLink *prevstack = cs.stack->next; IdentLink aliaslink = { cs.stack->id, cs.stack, prevstack->usedargs, prevstack->argstack }; cs.stack = &aliaslink; body(); prevstack->usedargs = aliaslink.usedargs; cs.stack = aliaslink.next; int argmask2 = cs.stack->usedargs; for(int i = 0; argmask2; argmask2 >>= 1, ++i) if(argmask2 & 1) cs.identmap[i]->redo_arg(argstack[i]); } template bool cs_override_var(CsState &cs, Ident *id, SF sf, RF rf, CF cf) { if ((cs.identflags & IDF_OVERRIDDEN) || (id->flags & IDF_OVERRIDE)) { if (id->flags & IDF_PERSIST) { cs.debug_code("cannot override persistent variable '%s'", id->name); return false; } if (!(id->flags & IDF_OVERRIDDEN)) { sf(); id->flags |= IDF_OVERRIDDEN; } else cf(); } else { if (id->flags & IDF_OVERRIDDEN) { rf(); id->flags &= ~IDF_OVERRIDDEN; } cf(); } return true; } void CsState::set_var_int(ostd::ConstCharRange name, int v, bool dofunc, bool doclamp) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (!id || id->type != ID_VAR) return; bool success = cs_override_var(*this, id, [&id]() { id->overrideval.i = *id->storage.i; }, []() {}, []() {}); if (!success) return; if (doclamp) *id->storage.i = ostd::clamp(v, id->minval, id->maxval); else *id->storage.i = v; if (dofunc) id->changed(*this); } void CsState::set_var_float(ostd::ConstCharRange name, float v, bool dofunc, bool doclamp) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (!id || id->type != ID_FVAR) return; bool success = cs_override_var(*this, id, [&id]() { id->overrideval.f = *id->storage.f; }, []() {}, []() {}); if (!success) return; if (doclamp) *id->storage.f = ostd::clamp(v, id->minvalf, id->maxvalf); else *id->storage.f = v; if (dofunc) id->changed(*this); } void CsState::set_var_str(ostd::ConstCharRange name, ostd::ConstCharRange v, bool dofunc) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (!id || id->type != ID_SVAR) return; bool success = cs_override_var(*this, id, [&id]() { id->overrideval.s = *id->storage.s; }, [&id]() { delete[] id->overrideval.s; }, [&id]() { delete[] *id->storage.s; }); if (!success) return; *id->storage.s = dup_ostr(v); if (dofunc) id->changed(*this); } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_int(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (!id || id->type != ID_VAR) return ostd::nothing; return *id->storage.i; } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_float(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (!id || id->type != ID_FVAR) return ostd::nothing; return *id->storage.f; } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_str(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (!id || id->type != ID_SVAR) return ostd::nothing; return ostd::String(*id->storage.s); } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_min_int(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (!id || id->type != ID_VAR) return ostd::nothing; return id->minval; } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_max_int(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (!id || id->type != ID_VAR) return ostd::nothing; return id->maxval; } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_min_float(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (!id || id->type != ID_FVAR) return ostd::nothing; return id->minvalf; } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_var_max_float(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (!id || id->type != ID_FVAR) return ostd::nothing; return id->maxvalf; } ostd::Maybe CsState::get_alias(ostd::ConstCharRange name) { Ident *id = idents.at(name); if (!id || id->type != ID_ALIAS) return ostd::nothing; if ((id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS) && !(stack->usedargs & (1 << id->index))) return ostd::nothing; return ostd::ConstCharRange(id->get_str()); } int cs_clamp_var(CsState &cs, Ident *id, int v) { if (v < id->minval) v = id->minval; else if (v > id->maxval) v = id->maxval; else return v; cs.debug_code((id->flags & IDF_HEX) ? ((id->minval <= 255) ? "valid range for '%s' is %d..0x%X" : "valid range for '%s' is 0x%X..0x%X") : "valid range for '%s' is %d..%d", id->name, id->minval, id->maxval); return v; } void CsState::set_var_int_checked(Ident *id, int v) { if (id->flags & IDF_READONLY) { debug_code("variable '%s' is read only", id->name); return; } bool success = cs_override_var(*this, id, [&id]() { id->overrideval.i = *id->storage.i; }, []() {}, []() {}); if (!success) return; if (v < id->minval || v > id->maxval) v = cs_clamp_var(*this, id, v); *id->storage.i = v; id->changed(*this); } void CsState::set_var_int_checked(Ident *id, ostd::PointerRange args) { int v = args[0].force_int(); if ((id->flags & IDF_HEX) && (args.size() > 1)) { v = (v << 16) | (args[1].force_int() << 8); if (args.size() > 2) v |= args[2].force_int(); } set_var_int_checked(id, v); } float cs_clamp_fvar(CsState &cs, Ident *id, float v) { if (v < id->minvalf) v = id->minvalf; else if (v > id->maxvalf) v = id->maxvalf; else return v; cs.debug_code("valid range for '%s' is %s..%s", floatstr(id->minvalf), floatstr(id->maxvalf)); return v; } void CsState::set_var_float_checked(Ident *id, float v) { if (id->flags & IDF_READONLY) { debug_code("variable '%s' is read only", id->name); return; } bool success = cs_override_var(*this, id, [&id]() { id->overrideval.f = *id->storage.f; }, []() {}, []() {}); if (!success) return; if (v < id->minvalf || v > id->maxvalf) v = cs_clamp_fvar(*this, id, v); *id->storage.f = v; id->changed(*this); } void CsState::set_var_str_checked(Ident *id, ostd::ConstCharRange v) { if (id->flags & IDF_READONLY) { debug_code("variable '%s' is read only", id->name); return; } bool success = cs_override_var(*this, id, [&id]() { id->overrideval.s = *id->storage.s; }, [&id]() { delete[] id->overrideval.s; }, [&id]() { delete[] *id->storage.s; }); if (!success) return; *id->storage.s = dup_ostr(v); id->changed(*this); } bool CsState::add_command(ostd::ConstCharRange name, ostd::ConstCharRange args, IdentFunc func, int type) { ostd::uint argmask = 0; int nargs = 0; bool limit = true; ostd::ConstCharRange fmt(args); for (; !fmt.empty(); fmt.pop_front()) { switch (fmt.front()) { case 'i': case 'b': case 'f': case 'F': case 't': case 'T': case 'E': case 'N': case 'D': if (nargs < MAX_ARGUMENTS) nargs++; break; case 'S': case 's': case 'e': case 'r': case '$': if (nargs < MAX_ARGUMENTS) { argmask |= 1 << nargs; nargs++; } break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': if (nargs < MAX_ARGUMENTS) fmt.push_front_n(fmt.front() - '0' + 1); break; case 'C': case 'V': limit = false; break; default: ostd::err.writefln("builtin %s declared with illegal type: %c", name, fmt.front()); return false; } } if (limit && nargs > MAX_COMARGS) { ostd::err.writefln("builtin %s declared with too many arguments: %d", name, nargs); return false; } add_ident(type, name, args, argmask, nargs, func); return true; } static void cs_init_lib_base_var(CsState &cs) { cs.add_command("nodebug", "e", [](CsState &cs, ostd::uint *body) { ++cs.nodebug; executeret(body, *cs.result); --cs.nodebug; }); cs.add_command("push", "rTe", [](CsState &cs, Ident *id, TaggedValue *v, ostd::uint *code) { if (id->type != ID_ALIAS || id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS) return; IdentStack stack; id->push_arg(*v, stack); v->type = VAL_NULL; id->flags &= ~IDF_UNKNOWN; executeret(code, *cs.result); id->pop_arg(); }); cs.add_command("local", ostd::ConstCharRange(), nullptr, ID_LOCAL); cs.add_command("resetvar", "s", [](CsState &cs, char *name) { cs.result->set_int(cs.reset_var(name)); }); cs.add_command("alias", "sT", [](CsState &cs, const char *name, TaggedValue *v) { cs.set_alias(name, *v); v->type = VAL_NULL; }); cs.add_command("getvarmin", "s", [](CsState &cs, const char *name) { cs.result->set_int(cs.get_var_min_int(name).value_or(0)); }); cs.add_command("getvarmax", "s", [](CsState &cs, const char *name) { cs.result->set_int(cs.get_var_max_int(name).value_or(0)); }); cs.add_command("getfvarmin", "s", [](CsState &cs, const char *name) { cs.result->set_float(cs.get_var_min_float(name).value_or(0.0f)); }); cs.add_command("getfvarmax", "s", [](CsState &cs, const char *name) { cs.result->set_float(cs.get_var_max_float(name).value_or(0.0f)); }); cs.add_command("identexists", "s", [](CsState &cs, const char *name) { cs.result->set_int(cs.have_ident(name)); }); cs.add_command("getalias", "s", [](CsState &cs, const char *name) { result(cs.get_alias(name).value_or("").data()); }); } const char *parsestring(const char *p) { for (; *p; p++) switch (*p) { case '\r': case '\n': case '\"': return p; case '^': if (*++p) break; return p; } return p; } int unescapestring(char *dst, const char *src, const char *end) { char *start = dst; while (src < end) { int c = *src++; if (c == '^') { if (src >= end) break; int e = *src++; switch (e) { case 'n': *dst++ = '\n'; break; case 't': *dst++ = '\t'; break; case 'f': *dst++ = '\f'; break; default: *dst++ = e; break; } } else *dst++ = c; } *dst = '\0'; return dst - start; } static char *conc(ostd::Vector &buf, TaggedValue *v, int n, bool space, const char *prefix = nullptr, int prefixlen = 0) { if (prefix) { buf.push_n(prefix, prefixlen); if (space && n) buf.push(' '); } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const char *s = ""; int len = 0; switch (v[i].type) { case VAL_INT: s = intstr(v[i].i); break; case VAL_FLOAT: s = floatstr(v[i].f); break; case VAL_STR: case VAL_CSTR: s = v[i].s; break; case VAL_MACRO: s = v[i].s; len = v[i].code[-1] >> 8; goto haslen; } len = int(strlen(s)); haslen: buf.push_n(s, len); if (i == n - 1) break; if (space) buf.push(' '); } buf.push('\0'); return buf.data(); } static char *conc(TaggedValue *v, int n, bool space, const char *prefix, int prefixlen) { static int vlen[MAX_ARGUMENTS]; static char numbuf[3 * 256]; int len = prefixlen, numlen = 0, i = 0; for (; i < n; i++) switch (v[i].type) { case VAL_MACRO: len += (vlen[i] = v[i].code[-1] >> 8); break; case VAL_STR: case VAL_CSTR: len += (vlen[i] = int(strlen(v[i].s))); break; case VAL_INT: if (numlen + 256 > int(sizeof(numbuf))) goto overflow; intformat(&numbuf[numlen], v[i].i); numlen += (vlen[i] = strlen(&numbuf[numlen])); break; case VAL_FLOAT: if (numlen + 256 > int(sizeof(numbuf))) goto overflow; floatformat(&numbuf[numlen], v[i].f); numlen += (vlen[i] = strlen(&numbuf[numlen])); break; default: vlen[i] = 0; break; } overflow: if (space) len += ostd::max(prefix ? i : i - 1, 0); char *buf = new char[len + numlen + 1]; int offset = 0, numoffset = 0; if (prefix) { memcpy(buf, prefix, prefixlen); offset += prefixlen; if (space && i) buf[offset++] = ' '; } for (ostd::Size j = 0; j < ostd::Size(i); ++j) { if (v[j].type == VAL_INT || v[j].type == VAL_FLOAT) { memcpy(&buf[offset], &numbuf[numoffset], vlen[j]); numoffset += vlen[j]; } else if (vlen[j]) memcpy(&buf[offset], v[j].s, vlen[j]); offset += vlen[j]; if (j == ostd::Size(i) - 1) break; if (space) buf[offset++] = ' '; } buf[offset] = '\0'; if (i < n) { char *morebuf = conc(&v[i], n - i, space, buf, offset); delete[] buf; return morebuf; } return buf; } static inline char *conc(TaggedValue *v, int n, bool space) { return conc(v, n, space, nullptr, 0); } static inline void skipcomments(const char *&p) { for (;;) { p += strspn(p, " \t\r"); if (p[0] != '/' || p[1] != '/') break; p += strcspn(p, "\n\0"); } } static ostd::Vector strbuf[4]; static int stridx = 0; static inline void cutstring(const char *&p, ostd::ConstCharRange &s) { p++; const char *end = parsestring(p); int maxlen = int(end - p) + 1; stridx = (stridx + 1) % 4; ostd::Vector &buf = strbuf[stridx]; buf.reserve(maxlen); s = ostd::ConstCharRange(buf.data(), unescapestring(buf.data(), p, end)); p = end; if (*p == '\"') p++; } static inline char *cutstring(const char *&p) { p++; const char *end = parsestring(p); char *buf = new char[end - p + 1]; unescapestring(buf, p, end); p = end; if (*p == '\"') p++; return buf; } static inline const char *parseword(const char *p) { const int maxbrak = 100; static char brakstack[maxbrak]; int brakdepth = 0; for (;; p++) { p += strcspn(p, "\"/;()[] \t\r\n\0"); switch (p[0]) { case '"': case ';': case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': case '\0': return p; case '/': if (p[1] == '/') return p; break; case '[': case '(': if (brakdepth >= maxbrak) return p; brakstack[brakdepth++] = p[0]; break; case ']': if (brakdepth <= 0 || brakstack[--brakdepth] != '[') return p; break; case ')': if (brakdepth <= 0 || brakstack[--brakdepth] != '(') return p; break; } } return p; } static inline void cutword(const char *&p, ostd::ConstCharRange &s) { const char *op = p; p = parseword(p); s = ostd::ConstCharRange(op, p - op); } static inline char *cutword(const char *&p) { const char *word = p; p = parseword(p); return p != word ? dup_ostr(ostd::ConstCharRange(word, p - word)) : nullptr; } #define retcode(type, defaultret) ((type) >= VAL_ANY ? ((type) == VAL_CSTR ? RET_STR : (defaultret)) : (type) << CODE_RET) #define retcodeint(type) retcode(type, RET_INT) #define retcodefloat(type) retcode(type, RET_FLOAT) #define retcodeany(type) retcode(type, 0) #define retcodestr(type) ((type) >= VAL_ANY ? RET_STR : (type) << CODE_RET) static inline void compilestr(ostd::Vector &code, const char *word, int len, bool macro = false) { if (len <= 3 && !macro) { ostd::uint op = CODE_VALI | RET_STR; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) op |= ostd::uint(ostd::byte(word[i])) << ((i + 1) * 8); code.push(op); return; } code.push((macro ? CODE_MACRO : CODE_VAL | RET_STR) | (len << 8)); code.push_n((const ostd::uint *)word, len / sizeof(ostd::uint)); ostd::Size endlen = len % sizeof(ostd::uint); union { char c[sizeof(ostd::uint)]; ostd::uint u; } end; end.u = 0; memcpy(end.c, word + len - endlen, endlen); code.push(end.u); } static inline void compilestr(ostd::Vector &code) { code.push(CODE_VALI | RET_STR); } static inline void compilestr(ostd::Vector &code, ostd::ConstCharRange word, bool macro = false) { compilestr(code, word.data(), word.size(), macro); } static inline void compileunescapestring(ostd::Vector &code, const char *&p, bool macro = false) { p++; const char *end = parsestring(p); code.push(macro ? CODE_MACRO : CODE_VAL | RET_STR); code.reserve(code.size() + (end - p) / sizeof(ostd::uint) + 1); char *buf = (char *)&code[code.size()]; int len = unescapestring(buf, p, end); memset(&buf[len], 0, sizeof(ostd::uint) - len % sizeof(ostd::uint)); code.back() |= len << 8; code.advance(len / sizeof(ostd::uint) + 1); p = end; if (*p == '\"') p++; } static inline void compileint(ostd::Vector &code, int i = 0) { if (i >= -0x800000 && i <= 0x7FFFFF) code.push(CODE_VALI | RET_INT | (i << 8)); else { code.push(CODE_VAL | RET_INT); code.push(i); } } static inline void compilenull(ostd::Vector &code) { code.push(CODE_VALI | RET_NULL); } static ostd::uint emptyblock[VAL_ANY][2] = { { CODE_START + 0x100, CODE_EXIT | RET_NULL }, { CODE_START + 0x100, CODE_EXIT | RET_INT }, { CODE_START + 0x100, CODE_EXIT | RET_FLOAT }, { CODE_START + 0x100, CODE_EXIT | RET_STR } }; static inline void compileblock(ostd::Vector &code) { code.push(CODE_EMPTY); } static void compilestatements(ostd::Vector &code, const char *&p, int rettype, int brak = '\0', int prevargs = 0); static inline const char *compileblock(ostd::Vector &code, const char *p, int rettype = RET_NULL, int brak = '\0') { ostd::Size start = code.size(); code.push(CODE_BLOCK); code.push(CODE_OFFSET | ((start + 2) << 8)); if (p) compilestatements(code, p, VAL_ANY, brak); if (code.size() > start + 2) { code.push(CODE_EXIT | rettype); code[start] |= ostd::uint(code.size() - (start + 1)) << 8; } else { code.resize(start); code.push(CODE_EMPTY | rettype); } return p; } static inline void compileident(ostd::Vector &code, Ident *id = cstate.dummy) { code.push((id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS ? CODE_IDENTARG : CODE_IDENT) | (id->index << 8)); } static inline void compileident(ostd::Vector &code, ostd::ConstCharRange word) { compileident(code, cstate.new_ident(word, IDF_UNKNOWN)); } static inline void compileint(ostd::Vector &code, ostd::ConstCharRange word) { compileint(code, word.size() ? parseint(word.data()) : 0); } static inline void compilefloat(ostd::Vector &code, float f = 0.0f) { if (int(f) == f && f >= -0x800000 && f <= 0x7FFFFF) code.push(CODE_VALI | RET_FLOAT | (int(f) << 8)); else { union { float f; ostd::uint u; } conv; conv.f = f; code.push(CODE_VAL | RET_FLOAT); code.push(conv.u); } } static inline void compilefloat(ostd::Vector &code, ostd::ConstCharRange &word) { compilefloat(code, word.size() ? parsefloat(word.data()) : 0.0f); } static inline bool getbool(const char *s) { switch (s[0]) { case '+': case '-': switch (s[1]) { case '0': break; case '.': return !isdigit(s[2]) || parsefloat(s) != 0; default: return true; } /* fallthrough */ case '0': { char *end; int val = int(strtoul((char *)s, &end, 0)); if (val) return true; switch (*end) { case 'e': case '.': return parsefloat(s) != 0; default: return false; } } case '.': return !isdigit(s[1]) || parsefloat(s) != 0; case '\0': return false; default: return true; } } static inline bool getbool(const TaggedValue &v) { switch (v.type) { case VAL_FLOAT: return v.f != 0; case VAL_INT: return v.i != 0; case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: return getbool(v.s); default: return false; } } static inline void compileval(ostd::Vector &code, int wordtype, ostd::ConstCharRange word = ostd::ConstCharRange(nullptr, nullptr)) { switch (wordtype) { case VAL_CANY: if (word.size()) compilestr(code, word, true); else compilenull(code); break; case VAL_CSTR: compilestr(code, word, true); break; case VAL_ANY: if (word.size()) compilestr(code, word); else compilenull(code); break; case VAL_STR: compilestr(code, word); break; case VAL_FLOAT: compilefloat(code, word); break; case VAL_INT: compileint(code, word); break; case VAL_COND: if (word.size()) compileblock(code, word.data()); else compilenull(code); break; case VAL_CODE: compileblock(code, word.data()); break; case VAL_IDENT: compileident(code, word); break; default: break; } } static ostd::ConstCharRange unusedword(nullptr, nullptr); static bool compilearg(ostd::Vector &code, const char *&p, int wordtype, int prevargs = MAX_RESULTS, ostd::ConstCharRange &word = unusedword); static void compilelookup(ostd::Vector &code, const char *&p, int ltype, int prevargs = MAX_RESULTS) { ostd::ConstCharRange lookup; switch (*++p) { case '(': case '[': if (!compilearg(code, p, VAL_CSTR, prevargs)) goto invalid; break; case '$': compilelookup(code, p, VAL_CSTR, prevargs); break; case '\"': cutstring(p, lookup); goto lookupid; default: { cutword(p, lookup); if (!lookup.size()) goto invalid; lookupid: Ident *id = cstate.new_ident(lookup, IDF_UNKNOWN); if (id) switch (id->type) { case ID_VAR: code.push(CODE_IVAR | retcodeint(ltype) | (id->index << 8)); switch (ltype) { case VAL_POP: code.pop(); break; case VAL_CODE: code.push(CODE_COMPILE); break; case VAL_IDENT: code.push(CODE_IDENTU); break; } return; case ID_FVAR: code.push(CODE_FVAR | retcodefloat(ltype) | (id->index << 8)); switch (ltype) { case VAL_POP: code.pop(); break; case VAL_CODE: code.push(CODE_COMPILE); break; case VAL_IDENT: code.push(CODE_IDENTU); break; } return; case ID_SVAR: switch (ltype) { case VAL_POP: return; case VAL_CANY: case VAL_CSTR: case VAL_CODE: case VAL_IDENT: case VAL_COND: code.push(CODE_SVARM | (id->index << 8)); break; default: code.push(CODE_SVAR | retcodestr(ltype) | (id->index << 8)); break; } goto done; case ID_ALIAS: switch (ltype) { case VAL_POP: return; case VAL_CANY: case VAL_COND: code.push((id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS ? CODE_LOOKUPMARG : CODE_LOOKUPM) | (id->index << 8)); break; case VAL_CSTR: case VAL_CODE: case VAL_IDENT: code.push((id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS ? CODE_LOOKUPMARG : CODE_LOOKUPM) | RET_STR | (id->index << 8)); break; default: code.push((id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS ? CODE_LOOKUPARG : CODE_LOOKUP) | retcodestr(ltype) | (id->index << 8)); break; } goto done; case ID_COMMAND: { int comtype = CODE_COM, numargs = 0; if (prevargs >= MAX_RESULTS) code.push(CODE_ENTER); for (const char *fmt = id->args; *fmt; fmt++) switch (*fmt) { case 'S': compilestr(code); numargs++; break; case 's': compilestr(code, nullptr, 0, true); numargs++; break; case 'i': compileint(code); numargs++; break; case 'b': compileint(code, INT_MIN); numargs++; break; case 'f': compilefloat(code); numargs++; break; case 'F': code.push(CODE_DUP | RET_FLOAT); numargs++; break; case 'E': case 'T': case 't': compilenull(code); numargs++; break; case 'e': compileblock(code); numargs++; break; case 'r': compileident(code); numargs++; break; case '$': compileident(code, id); numargs++; break; case 'N': compileint(code, -1); numargs++; break; case 'C': comtype = CODE_COMC; goto compilecomv; case 'V': comtype = CODE_COMV; goto compilecomv; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': break; } code.push(comtype | retcodeany(ltype) | (id->index << 8)); code.push((prevargs >= MAX_RESULTS ? CODE_EXIT : CODE_RESULT_ARG) | retcodeany(ltype)); goto done; compilecomv: code.push(comtype | retcodeany(ltype) | (numargs << 8) | (id->index << 13)); code.push((prevargs >= MAX_RESULTS ? CODE_EXIT : CODE_RESULT_ARG) | retcodeany(ltype)); goto done; } default: goto invalid; } compilestr(code, lookup, true); break; } } switch (ltype) { case VAL_CANY: case VAL_COND: code.push(CODE_LOOKUPMU); break; case VAL_CSTR: case VAL_CODE: case VAL_IDENT: code.push(CODE_LOOKUPMU | RET_STR); break; default: code.push(CODE_LOOKUPU | retcodeany(ltype)); break; } done: switch (ltype) { case VAL_POP: code.push(CODE_POP); break; case VAL_CODE: code.push(CODE_COMPILE); break; case VAL_COND: code.push(CODE_COND); break; case VAL_IDENT: code.push(CODE_IDENTU); break; } return; invalid: switch (ltype) { case VAL_POP: break; case VAL_NULL: case VAL_ANY: case VAL_CANY: case VAL_WORD: case VAL_COND: compilenull(code); break; default: compileval(code, ltype); break; } } static bool compileblockstr(ostd::Vector &code, const char *str, const char *end, bool macro) { int start = code.size(); code.push(macro ? CODE_MACRO : CODE_VAL | RET_STR); code.reserve(code.size() + (end - str) / sizeof(ostd::uint) + 1); char *buf = (char *)&code[code.size()]; int len = 0; while (str < end) { int n = strcspn(str, "\r/\"@]\0"); memcpy(&buf[len], str, n); len += n; str += n; switch (*str) { case '\r': str++; break; case '\"': { const char *start = str; str = parsestring(str + 1); if (*str == '\"') str++; memcpy(&buf[len], start, str - start); len += str - start; break; } case '/': if (str[1] == '/') str += strcspn(str, "\n\0"); else buf[len++] = *str++; break; case '@': case ']': if (str < end) { buf[len++] = *str++; break; } case '\0': goto done; } } done: memset(&buf[len], '\0', sizeof(ostd::uint) - len % sizeof(ostd::uint)); code.advance(len / sizeof(ostd::uint) + 1); code[start] |= len << 8; return true; } static bool compileblocksub(ostd::Vector &code, const char *&p, int prevargs) { ostd::ConstCharRange lookup; const char *op; switch (*p) { case '(': if (!compilearg(code, p, VAL_CANY, prevargs)) return false; break; case '[': if (!compilearg(code, p, VAL_CSTR, prevargs)) return false; code.push(CODE_LOOKUPMU); break; case '\"': cutstring(p, lookup); goto lookupid; default: { op = p; while (isalnum(*p) || *p == '_') p++; lookup = ostd::ConstCharRange(op, p - op); if (lookup.empty()) return false; lookupid: Ident *id = cstate.new_ident(lookup, IDF_UNKNOWN); if (id) switch (id->type) { case ID_VAR: code.push(CODE_IVAR | (id->index << 8)); goto done; case ID_FVAR: code.push(CODE_FVAR | (id->index << 8)); goto done; case ID_SVAR: code.push(CODE_SVARM | (id->index << 8)); goto done; case ID_ALIAS: code.push((id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS ? CODE_LOOKUPMARG : CODE_LOOKUPM) | (id->index << 8)); goto done; } compilestr(code, lookup, true); code.push(CODE_LOOKUPMU); done: break; } } return true; } static void compileblockmain(ostd::Vector &code, const char *&p, int wordtype, int prevargs) { const char *line = p, *start = p; int concs = 0; for (int brak = 1; brak;) { p += strcspn(p, "@\"/[]\0"); int c = *p++; switch (c) { case '\0': cstate.debug_code_line(line, "missing \"]\""); p--; goto done; case '\"': p = parsestring(p); if (*p == '\"') p++; break; case '/': if (*p == '/') p += strcspn(p, "\n\0"); break; case '[': brak++; break; case ']': brak--; break; case '@': { const char *esc = p; while (*p == '@') p++; int level = p - (esc - 1); if (brak > level) continue; else if (brak < level) cstate.debug_code_line(line, "too many @s"); if (!concs && prevargs >= MAX_RESULTS) code.push(CODE_ENTER); if (concs + 2 > MAX_ARGUMENTS) { code.push(CODE_CONCW | RET_STR | (concs << 8)); concs = 1; } if (compileblockstr(code, start, esc - 1, true)) concs++; if (compileblocksub(code, p, prevargs + concs)) concs++; if (concs) start = p; else if (prevargs >= MAX_RESULTS) code.pop(); break; } } } done: if (p - 1 > start) { if (!concs) switch (wordtype) { case VAL_POP: return; case VAL_CODE: case VAL_COND: p = compileblock(code, start, RET_NULL, ']'); return; case VAL_IDENT: compileident(code, ostd::ConstCharRange(start, p - 1)); return; } switch (wordtype) { case VAL_CSTR: case VAL_CODE: case VAL_IDENT: case VAL_CANY: case VAL_COND: compileblockstr(code, start, p - 1, true); break; default: compileblockstr(code, start, p - 1, concs > 0); break; } if (concs > 1) concs++; } if (concs) { if (prevargs >= MAX_RESULTS) { code.push(CODE_CONCM | retcodeany(wordtype) | (concs << 8)); code.push(CODE_EXIT | retcodeany(wordtype)); } else code.push(CODE_CONCW | retcodeany(wordtype) | (concs << 8)); } switch (wordtype) { case VAL_POP: if (concs || p - 1 > start) code.push(CODE_POP); break; case VAL_COND: if (!concs && p - 1 <= start) compilenull(code); else code.push(CODE_COND); break; case VAL_CODE: if (!concs && p - 1 <= start) compileblock(code); else code.push(CODE_COMPILE); break; case VAL_IDENT: if (!concs && p - 1 <= start) compileident(code); else code.push(CODE_IDENTU); break; case VAL_CSTR: case VAL_CANY: if (!concs && p - 1 <= start) compilestr(code, nullptr, 0, true); break; case VAL_STR: case VAL_NULL: case VAL_ANY: case VAL_WORD: if (!concs && p - 1 <= start) compilestr(code); break; default: if (!concs) { if (p - 1 <= start) compileval(code, wordtype); else code.push(CODE_FORCE | (wordtype << CODE_RET)); } break; } } static bool compilearg(ostd::Vector &code, const char *&p, int wordtype, int prevargs, ostd::ConstCharRange &word) { skipcomments(p); switch (*p) { case '\"': switch (wordtype) { case VAL_POP: p = parsestring(p + 1); if (*p == '\"') p++; break; case VAL_COND: { char *s = cutstring(p); if (s[0]) compileblock(code, s); else compilenull(code); delete[] s; break; } case VAL_CODE: { char *s = cutstring(p); compileblock(code, s); delete[] s; break; } case VAL_WORD: cutstring(p, word); break; case VAL_ANY: case VAL_STR: compileunescapestring(code, p); break; case VAL_CANY: case VAL_CSTR: compileunescapestring(code, p, true); break; default: { ostd::ConstCharRange s; cutstring(p, s); compileval(code, wordtype, s); break; } } return true; case '$': compilelookup(code, p, wordtype, prevargs); return true; case '(': p++; if (prevargs >= MAX_RESULTS) { code.push(CODE_ENTER); compilestatements(code, p, wordtype > VAL_ANY ? VAL_CANY : VAL_ANY, ')'); code.push(CODE_EXIT | retcodeany(wordtype)); } else { ostd::Size start = code.size(); compilestatements(code, p, wordtype > VAL_ANY ? VAL_CANY : VAL_ANY, ')', prevargs); if (code.size() > start) code.push(CODE_RESULT_ARG | retcodeany(wordtype)); else { compileval(code, wordtype); return true; } } switch (wordtype) { case VAL_POP: code.push(CODE_POP); break; case VAL_COND: code.push(CODE_COND); break; case VAL_CODE: code.push(CODE_COMPILE); break; case VAL_IDENT: code.push(CODE_IDENTU); break; } return true; case '[': p++; compileblockmain(code, p, wordtype, prevargs); return true; default: switch (wordtype) { case VAL_POP: { const char *s = p; p = parseword(p); return p != s; } case VAL_COND: { char *s = cutword(p); if (!s) return false; compileblock(code, s); delete[] s; return true; } case VAL_CODE: { char *s = cutword(p); if (!s) return false; compileblock(code, s); delete[] s; return true; } case VAL_WORD: cutword(p, word); return !word.empty(); default: { ostd::ConstCharRange s; cutword(p, s); if (s.empty()) return false; compileval(code, wordtype, s); return true; } } } } static void compilestatements(ostd::Vector &code, const char *&p, int rettype, int brak, int prevargs) { const char *line = p; ostd::ConstCharRange idname; int numargs; for (;;) { skipcomments(p); idname = ostd::ConstCharRange(nullptr, nullptr); bool more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_WORD, prevargs, idname); if (!more) goto endstatement; skipcomments(p); if (p[0] == '=') switch (p[1]) { case '/': if (p[2] != '/') break; case ';': case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': case '\0': p++; if (idname.data()) { Ident *id = cstate.new_ident(idname, IDF_UNKNOWN); if (id) switch (id->type) { case ID_ALIAS: if (!(more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_ANY, prevargs))) compilestr(code); code.push((id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS ? CODE_ALIASARG : CODE_ALIAS) | (id->index << 8)); goto endstatement; case ID_VAR: if (!(more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_INT, prevargs))) compileint(code); code.push(CODE_IVAR1 | (id->index << 8)); goto endstatement; case ID_FVAR: if (!(more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_FLOAT, prevargs))) compilefloat(code); code.push(CODE_FVAR1 | (id->index << 8)); goto endstatement; case ID_SVAR: if (!(more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CSTR, prevargs))) compilestr(code); code.push(CODE_SVAR1 | (id->index << 8)); goto endstatement; } compilestr(code, idname, true); } if (!(more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_ANY))) compilestr(code); code.push(CODE_ALIASU); goto endstatement; } numargs = 0; if (!idname.data()) { noid: while (numargs < MAX_ARGUMENTS && (more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CANY, prevargs + numargs))) numargs++; code.push(CODE_CALLU | (numargs << 8)); } else { Ident *id = cstate.idents.at(idname); if (!id) { if (!check_num(idname.data())) { compilestr(code, idname, true); goto noid; } switch (rettype) { case VAL_ANY: case VAL_CANY: { char *end = (char *)idname.data(); int val = int(strtoul(idname.data(), &end, 0)); if (end < &idname[idname.size()]) compilestr(code, idname, rettype == VAL_CANY); else compileint(code, val); break; } default: compileval(code, rettype, idname); break; } code.push(CODE_RESULT); } else switch (id->type) { case ID_ALIAS: while (numargs < MAX_ARGUMENTS && (more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_ANY, prevargs + numargs))) numargs++; code.push((id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS ? CODE_CALLARG : CODE_CALL) | (numargs << 8) | (id->index << 13)); break; case ID_COMMAND: { int comtype = CODE_COM, fakeargs = 0; bool rep = false; for (const char *fmt = id->args; *fmt; fmt++) switch (*fmt) { case 'S': case 's': if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, *fmt == 's' ? VAL_CSTR : VAL_STR, prevargs + numargs); if (!more) { if (rep) break; compilestr(code, nullptr, 0, *fmt == 's'); fakeargs++; } else if (!fmt[1]) { int numconc = 1; while (numargs + numconc < MAX_ARGUMENTS && (more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CSTR, prevargs + numargs + numconc))) numconc++; if (numconc > 1) code.push(CODE_CONC | RET_STR | (numconc << 8)); } numargs++; break; case 'i': if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_INT, prevargs + numargs); if (!more) { if (rep) break; compileint(code); fakeargs++; } numargs++; break; case 'b': if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_INT, prevargs + numargs); if (!more) { if (rep) break; compileint(code, INT_MIN); fakeargs++; } numargs++; break; case 'f': if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_FLOAT, prevargs + numargs); if (!more) { if (rep) break; compilefloat(code); fakeargs++; } numargs++; break; case 'F': if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_FLOAT, prevargs + numargs); if (!more) { if (rep) break; code.push(CODE_DUP | RET_FLOAT); fakeargs++; } numargs++; break; case 'T': case 't': if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, *fmt == 't' ? VAL_CANY : VAL_ANY, prevargs + numargs); if (!more) { if (rep) break; compilenull(code); fakeargs++; } numargs++; break; case 'E': if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_COND, prevargs + numargs); if (!more) { if (rep) break; compilenull(code); fakeargs++; } numargs++; break; case 'e': if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CODE, prevargs + numargs); if (!more) { if (rep) break; compileblock(code); fakeargs++; } numargs++; break; case 'r': if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_IDENT, prevargs + numargs); if (!more) { if (rep) break; compileident(code); fakeargs++; } numargs++; break; case '$': compileident(code, id); numargs++; break; case 'N': compileint(code, numargs - fakeargs); numargs++; break; case 'C': comtype = CODE_COMC; if (more) while (numargs < MAX_ARGUMENTS && (more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CANY, prevargs + numargs))) numargs++; goto compilecomv; case 'V': comtype = CODE_COMV; if (more) while (numargs < MAX_ARGUMENTS && (more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CANY, prevargs + numargs))) numargs++; goto compilecomv; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': if (more && numargs < MAX_ARGUMENTS) { int numrep = *fmt - '0' + 1; fmt -= numrep; rep = true; } else for (; numargs > MAX_ARGUMENTS; numargs--) code.push(CODE_POP); break; } code.push(comtype | retcodeany(rettype) | (id->index << 8)); break; compilecomv: code.push(comtype | retcodeany(rettype) | (numargs << 8) | (id->index << 13)); break; } case ID_LOCAL: if (more) while (numargs < MAX_ARGUMENTS && (more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_IDENT, prevargs + numargs))) numargs++; if (more) while ((more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_POP))); code.push(CODE_LOCAL | (numargs << 8)); break; case ID_DO: if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CODE, prevargs); code.push((more ? CODE_DO : CODE_NULL) | retcodeany(rettype)); break; case ID_DOARGS: if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CODE, prevargs); code.push((more ? CODE_DOARGS : CODE_NULL) | retcodeany(rettype)); break; case ID_IF: if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CANY, prevargs); if (!more) code.push(CODE_NULL | retcodeany(rettype)); else { int start1 = code.size(); more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CODE, prevargs + 1); if (!more) { code.push(CODE_POP); code.push(CODE_NULL | retcodeany(rettype)); } else { int start2 = code.size(); more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CODE, prevargs + 2); ostd::uint inst1 = code[start1], op1 = inst1 & ~CODE_RET_MASK, len1 = start2 - (start1 + 1); if (!more) { if (op1 == (CODE_BLOCK | (len1 << 8))) { code[start1] = (len1 << 8) | CODE_JUMP_FALSE; code[start1 + 1] = CODE_ENTER_RESULT; code[start1 + len1] = (code[start1 + len1] & ~CODE_RET_MASK) | retcodeany(rettype); break; } compileblock(code); } else { ostd::uint inst2 = code[start2], op2 = inst2 & ~CODE_RET_MASK, len2 = code.size() - (start2 + 1); if (op2 == (CODE_BLOCK | (len2 << 8))) { if (op1 == (CODE_BLOCK | (len1 << 8))) { code[start1] = ((start2 - start1) << 8) | CODE_JUMP_FALSE; code[start1 + 1] = CODE_ENTER_RESULT; code[start1 + len1] = (code[start1 + len1] & ~CODE_RET_MASK) | retcodeany(rettype); code[start2] = (len2 << 8) | CODE_JUMP; code[start2 + 1] = CODE_ENTER_RESULT; code[start2 + len2] = (code[start2 + len2] & ~CODE_RET_MASK) | retcodeany(rettype); break; } else if (op1 == (CODE_EMPTY | (len1 << 8))) { code[start1] = CODE_NULL | (inst2 & CODE_RET_MASK); code[start2] = (len2 << 8) | CODE_JUMP_TRUE; code[start2 + 1] = CODE_ENTER_RESULT; code[start2 + len2] = (code[start2 + len2] & ~CODE_RET_MASK) | retcodeany(rettype); break; } } } code.push(CODE_COM | retcodeany(rettype) | (id->index << 8)); } } break; case ID_RESULT: if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_ANY, prevargs); code.push((more ? CODE_RESULT : CODE_NULL) | retcodeany(rettype)); break; case ID_NOT: if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CANY, prevargs); code.push((more ? CODE_NOT : CODE_TRUE) | retcodeany(rettype)); break; case ID_AND: case ID_OR: if (more) more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_COND, prevargs); if (!more) { code.push((id->type == ID_AND ? CODE_TRUE : CODE_FALSE) | retcodeany(rettype)); } else { numargs++; int start = code.size(), end = start; while (numargs < MAX_ARGUMENTS) { more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_COND, prevargs + numargs); if (!more) break; numargs++; if ((code[end] & ~CODE_RET_MASK) != (CODE_BLOCK | (ostd::uint(code.size() - (end + 1)) << 8))) break; end = code.size(); } if (more) { while (numargs < MAX_ARGUMENTS && (more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_COND, prevargs + numargs))) numargs++; code.push(CODE_COMV | retcodeany(rettype) | (numargs << 8) | (id->index << 13)); } else { ostd::uint op = id->type == ID_AND ? CODE_JUMP_RESULT_FALSE : CODE_JUMP_RESULT_TRUE; code.push(op); end = code.size(); while (start + 1 < end) { ostd::uint len = code[start] >> 8; code[start] = ((end - (start + 1)) << 8) | op; code[start + 1] = CODE_ENTER; code[start + len] = (code[start + len] & ~CODE_RET_MASK) | retcodeany(rettype); start += len + 1; } } } break; case ID_VAR: if (!(more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_INT, prevargs))) code.push(CODE_PRINT | (id->index << 8)); else if (!(id->flags & IDF_HEX) || !(more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_INT, prevargs + 1))) code.push(CODE_IVAR1 | (id->index << 8)); else if (!(more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_INT, prevargs + 2))) code.push(CODE_IVAR2 | (id->index << 8)); else code.push(CODE_IVAR3 | (id->index << 8)); break; case ID_FVAR: if (!(more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_FLOAT, prevargs))) code.push(CODE_PRINT | (id->index << 8)); else code.push(CODE_FVAR1 | (id->index << 8)); break; case ID_SVAR: if (!(more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CSTR, prevargs))) code.push(CODE_PRINT | (id->index << 8)); else { do ++numargs; while (numargs < MAX_ARGUMENTS && (more = compilearg(code, p, VAL_CANY, prevargs + numargs))); if (numargs > 1) code.push(CODE_CONC | RET_STR | (numargs << 8)); code.push(CODE_SVAR1 | (id->index << 8)); } break; } } endstatement: if (more) while (compilearg(code, p, VAL_POP)); p += strcspn(p, ")];/\n\0"); int c = *p++; switch (c) { case '\0': if (c != brak) cstate.debug_code_line(line, "missing \"%c\"", brak); p--; return; case ')': case ']': if (c == brak) return; cstate.debug_code_line(line, "unexpected \"%c\"", c); break; case '/': if (*p == '/') p += strcspn(p, "\n\0"); goto endstatement; } } } static void compilemain(ostd::Vector &code, const char *p, int rettype = VAL_ANY) { code.push(CODE_START); compilestatements(code, p, VAL_ANY); code.push(CODE_EXIT | (rettype < VAL_ANY ? rettype << CODE_RET : 0)); } ostd::uint *compilecode(const char *p) { ostd::Vector buf; buf.reserve(64); compilemain(buf, p); ostd::uint *code = new ostd::uint[buf.size()]; memcpy(code, buf.data(), buf.size()*sizeof(ostd::uint)); code[0] += 0x100; return code; } static inline const ostd::uint *forcecode(TaggedValue &v) { if (v.type != VAL_CODE) { ostd::Vector buf; buf.reserve(64); compilemain(buf, v.get_str()); v.cleanup(); v.set_code(buf.disown() + 1); } return v.code; } static inline void forcecond(TaggedValue &v) { switch (v.type) { case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: if (v.s[0]) forcecode(v); else v.set_int(0); break; } } void keepcode(ostd::uint *code) { if (!code) return; switch (*code & CODE_OP_MASK) { case CODE_START: *code += 0x100; return; } switch (code[-1]&CODE_OP_MASK) { case CODE_START: code[-1] += 0x100; break; case CODE_OFFSET: code -= int(code[-1] >> 8); *code += 0x100; break; } } void freecode(ostd::uint *code) { if (!code) return; switch (*code & CODE_OP_MASK) { case CODE_START: *code -= 0x100; if (int(*code) < 0x100) delete[] code; return; } switch (code[-1]&CODE_OP_MASK) { case CODE_START: code[-1] -= 0x100; if (int(code[-1]) < 0x100) delete[] &code[-1]; break; case CODE_OFFSET: code -= int(code[-1] >> 8); *code -= 0x100; if (int(*code) < 0x100) delete[] code; break; } } void printvar(Ident *id, int i) { if (i < 0) printf("%s = %d\n", id->name.data(), i); else if (id->flags & IDF_HEX && id->maxval == 0xFFFFFF) printf("%s = 0x%.6X (%d, %d, %d)\n", id->name.data(), i, (i >> 16) & 0xFF, (i >> 8) & 0xFF, i & 0xFF); else printf(id->flags & IDF_HEX ? "%s = 0x%X\n" : "%s = %d\n", id->name.data(), i); } void printfvar(Ident *id, float f) { printf("%s = %s\n", id->name.data(), floatstr(f)); } void printsvar(Ident *id, const char *s) { printf(strchr(s, '"') ? "%s = [%s]\n" : "%s = \"%s\"\n", id->name.data(), s); } void printvar(Ident *id) { switch (id->type) { case ID_VAR: printvar(id, *id->storage.i); break; case ID_FVAR: printfvar(id, *id->storage.f); break; case ID_SVAR: printsvar(id, *id->storage.s); break; } } using CommandFunc = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &); using CommandFunc1 = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &, void *); using CommandFunc2 = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &, void *, void *); using CommandFunc3 = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &, void *, void *, void *); using CommandFunc4 = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &, void *, void *, void *, void *); using CommandFunc5 = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *); using CommandFunc6 = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *); using CommandFunc7 = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *); using CommandFunc8 = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *); using CommandFunc9 = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *); using CommandFunc10 = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *); using CommandFunc11 = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *); using CommandFunc12 = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *); using CommandFuncTv = void (__cdecl *)(CsState &, TaggedValue *, int); static const ostd::uint *skipcode(const ostd::uint *code, TaggedValue &result = no_ret) { int depth = 0; for (;;) { ostd::uint op = *code++; switch (op & 0xFF) { case CODE_MACRO: case CODE_VAL|RET_STR: { ostd::uint len = op >> 8; code += len / sizeof(ostd::uint) + 1; continue; } case CODE_BLOCK: case CODE_JUMP: case CODE_JUMP_TRUE: case CODE_JUMP_FALSE: case CODE_JUMP_RESULT_TRUE: case CODE_JUMP_RESULT_FALSE: { ostd::uint len = op >> 8; code += len; continue; } case CODE_ENTER: case CODE_ENTER_RESULT: ++depth; continue; case CODE_EXIT|RET_NULL: case CODE_EXIT|RET_STR: case CODE_EXIT|RET_INT: case CODE_EXIT|RET_FLOAT: if (depth <= 0) { if (&result != &no_ret) result.force(op & CODE_RET_MASK); return code; } --depth; continue; } } } static inline void callcommand(Ident *id, TaggedValue *args, int numargs, bool lookup = false) { int i = -1, fakeargs = 0; bool rep = false; for (const char *fmt = id->args; *fmt; fmt++) switch (*fmt) { case 'i': if (++i >= numargs) { if (rep) break; args[i].set_int(0); fakeargs++; } else args[i].force_int(); break; case 'b': if (++i >= numargs) { if (rep) break; args[i].set_int(INT_MIN); fakeargs++; } else args[i].force_int(); break; case 'f': if (++i >= numargs) { if (rep) break; args[i].set_float(0.0f); fakeargs++; } else args[i].force_float(); break; case 'F': if (++i >= numargs) { if (rep) break; args[i].set_float(args[i - 1].get_float()); fakeargs++; } else args[i].force_float(); break; case 'S': if (++i >= numargs) { if (rep) break; args[i].set_str(dup_ostr("")); fakeargs++; } else args[i].force_str(); break; case 's': if (++i >= numargs) { if (rep) break; args[i].set_cstr(""); fakeargs++; } else args[i].force_str(); break; case 'T': case 't': if (++i >= numargs) { if (rep) break; args[i].set_null(); fakeargs++; } break; case 'E': if (++i >= numargs) { if (rep) break; args[i].set_null(); fakeargs++; } else forcecond(args[i]); break; case 'e': if (++i >= numargs) { if (rep) break; args[i].set_code(emptyblock[VAL_NULL] + 1); fakeargs++; } else forcecode(args[i]); break; case 'r': if (++i >= numargs) { if (rep) break; args[i].set_ident(cstate.dummy); fakeargs++; } else cstate.force_ident(args[i]); break; case '$': if (++i < numargs) args[i].cleanup(); args[i].set_ident(id); break; case 'N': if (++i < numargs) args[i].cleanup(); args[i].set_int(lookup ? -1 : i - fakeargs); break; case 'C': { i = ostd::max(i + 1, numargs); ostd::Vector buf; ((CommandFunc1)id->fun)(cstate, conc(buf, args, i, true)); goto cleanup; } case 'V': i = ostd::max(i + 1, numargs); ((CommandFuncTv)id->fun)(cstate, args, i); goto cleanup; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': if (i + 1 < numargs) { fmt -= *fmt - '0' + 1; rep = true; } break; } ++i; #define OFFSETARG(n) n #define ARG(n) (id->argmask&(1<<(n)) ? (void *)args[OFFSETARG(n)].s : (void *)&args[OFFSETARG(n)].i) #define CALLCOM(n) \ switch(n) \ { \ case 0: ((CommandFunc)id->fun)(cstate); break; \ case 1: ((CommandFunc1)id->fun)(cstate, ARG(0)); break; \ case 2: ((CommandFunc2)id->fun)(cstate, ARG(0), ARG(1)); break; \ case 3: ((CommandFunc3)id->fun)(cstate, ARG(0), ARG(1), ARG(2)); break; \ case 4: ((CommandFunc4)id->fun)(cstate, ARG(0), ARG(1), ARG(2), ARG(3)); break; \ case 5: ((CommandFunc5)id->fun)(cstate, ARG(0), ARG(1), ARG(2), ARG(3), ARG(4)); break; \ case 6: ((CommandFunc6)id->fun)(cstate, ARG(0), ARG(1), ARG(2), ARG(3), ARG(4), ARG(5)); break; \ case 7: ((CommandFunc7)id->fun)(cstate, ARG(0), ARG(1), ARG(2), ARG(3), ARG(4), ARG(5), ARG(6)); break; \ case 8: ((CommandFunc8)id->fun)(cstate, ARG(0), ARG(1), ARG(2), ARG(3), ARG(4), ARG(5), ARG(6), ARG(7)); break; \ case 9: ((CommandFunc9)id->fun)(cstate, ARG(0), ARG(1), ARG(2), ARG(3), ARG(4), ARG(5), ARG(6), ARG(7), ARG(8)); break; \ case 10: ((CommandFunc10)id->fun)(cstate, ARG(0), ARG(1), ARG(2), ARG(3), ARG(4), ARG(5), ARG(6), ARG(7), ARG(8), ARG(9)); break; \ case 11: ((CommandFunc11)id->fun)(cstate, ARG(0), ARG(1), ARG(2), ARG(3), ARG(4), ARG(5), ARG(6), ARG(7), ARG(8), ARG(9), ARG(10)); break; \ case 12: ((CommandFunc12)id->fun)(cstate, ARG(0), ARG(1), ARG(2), ARG(3), ARG(4), ARG(5), ARG(6), ARG(7), ARG(8), ARG(9), ARG(10), ARG(11)); break; \ } CALLCOM(i) #undef OFFSETARG cleanup: for (ostd::Size k = 0; k < ostd::Size(i); ++k) args[k].cleanup(); for (; i < numargs; i++) args[i].cleanup(); } #define MAXRUNDEPTH 255 static int rundepth = 0; static const ostd::uint *runcode(const ostd::uint *code, TaggedValue &result) { result.set_null(); if (rundepth >= MAXRUNDEPTH) { cstate.debug_code("exceeded recursion limit"); return skipcode(code, result); } ++rundepth; int numargs = 0; TaggedValue args[MAX_ARGUMENTS + MAX_RESULTS], *prevret = cstate.result; cstate.result = &result; for (;;) { ostd::uint op = *code++; switch (op & 0xFF) { case CODE_START: case CODE_OFFSET: continue; #define RETOP(op, val) \ case op: \ result.cleanup(); \ val; \ continue; RETOP(CODE_NULL | RET_NULL, result.set_null()) RETOP(CODE_NULL | RET_STR, result.set_str(dup_ostr(""))) RETOP(CODE_NULL | RET_INT, result.set_int(0)) RETOP(CODE_NULL | RET_FLOAT, result.set_float(0.0f)) RETOP(CODE_FALSE | RET_STR, result.set_str(dup_ostr("0"))) case CODE_FALSE|RET_NULL: RETOP(CODE_FALSE | RET_INT, result.set_int(0)) RETOP(CODE_FALSE | RET_FLOAT, result.set_float(0.0f)) RETOP(CODE_TRUE | RET_STR, result.set_str(dup_ostr("1"))) case CODE_TRUE|RET_NULL: RETOP(CODE_TRUE | RET_INT, result.set_int(1)) RETOP(CODE_TRUE | RET_FLOAT, result.set_float(1.0f)) #define RETPOP(op, val) \ RETOP(op, { --numargs; val; args[numargs].cleanup(); }) RETPOP(CODE_NOT | RET_STR, result.set_str(dup_ostr(getbool(args[numargs]) ? "0" : "1"))) case CODE_NOT|RET_NULL: RETPOP(CODE_NOT | RET_INT, result.set_int(getbool(args[numargs]) ? 0 : 1)) RETPOP(CODE_NOT | RET_FLOAT, result.set_float(getbool(args[numargs]) ? 0.0f : 1.0f)) case CODE_POP: args[--numargs].cleanup(); continue; case CODE_ENTER: code = runcode(code, args[numargs++]); continue; case CODE_ENTER_RESULT: result.cleanup(); code = runcode(code, result); continue; case CODE_EXIT|RET_STR: case CODE_EXIT|RET_INT: case CODE_EXIT|RET_FLOAT: result.force(op & CODE_RET_MASK); /* fallthrough */ case CODE_EXIT|RET_NULL: goto exit; case CODE_RESULT_ARG|RET_STR: case CODE_RESULT_ARG|RET_INT: case CODE_RESULT_ARG|RET_FLOAT: result.force(op & CODE_RET_MASK); /* fallthrough */ case CODE_RESULT_ARG|RET_NULL: args[numargs++] = result; result.set_null(); continue; case CODE_PRINT: printvar(cstate.identmap[op >> 8]); continue; case CODE_LOCAL: { result.cleanup(); int numlocals = op >> 8, offset = numargs - numlocals; IdentStack locals[MAX_ARGUMENTS]; for (int i = 0; i < numlocals; ++i) args[offset + i].id->push_alias(locals[i]); code = runcode(code, result); for (int i = offset; i < numargs; i++) args[i].id->pop_alias(); goto exit; } case CODE_DOARGS|RET_NULL: case CODE_DOARGS|RET_STR: case CODE_DOARGS|RET_INT: case CODE_DOARGS|RET_FLOAT: if (cstate.stack != &cstate.noalias) { cs_do_args(cstate, [&]() { result.cleanup(); runcode(args[--numargs].code, result); args[numargs].cleanup(); result.force(op & CODE_RET_MASK); }); continue; } /* fallthrough */ case CODE_DO|RET_NULL: case CODE_DO|RET_STR: case CODE_DO|RET_INT: case CODE_DO|RET_FLOAT: result.cleanup(); runcode(args[--numargs].code, result); args[numargs].cleanup(); result.force(op & CODE_RET_MASK); continue; case CODE_JUMP: { ostd::uint len = op >> 8; code += len; continue; } case CODE_JUMP_TRUE: { ostd::uint len = op >> 8; if (getbool(args[--numargs])) code += len; args[numargs].cleanup(); continue; } case CODE_JUMP_FALSE: { ostd::uint len = op >> 8; if (!getbool(args[--numargs])) code += len; args[numargs].cleanup(); continue; } case CODE_JUMP_RESULT_TRUE: { ostd::uint len = op >> 8; result.cleanup(); --numargs; if (args[numargs].type == VAL_CODE) { runcode(args[numargs].code, result); args[numargs].cleanup(); } else result = args[numargs]; if (getbool(result)) code += len; continue; } case CODE_JUMP_RESULT_FALSE: { ostd::uint len = op >> 8; result.cleanup(); --numargs; if (args[numargs].type == VAL_CODE) { runcode(args[numargs].code, result); args[numargs].cleanup(); } else result = args[numargs]; if (!getbool(result)) code += len; continue; } case CODE_MACRO: { ostd::uint len = op >> 8; args[numargs++].set_macro(code); code += len / sizeof(ostd::uint) + 1; continue; } case CODE_VAL|RET_STR: { ostd::uint len = op >> 8; args[numargs++].set_str(dup_ostr(ostd::ConstCharRange((const char *)code, len))); code += len / sizeof(ostd::uint) + 1; continue; } case CODE_VALI|RET_STR: { char s[4] = { char((op >> 8) & 0xFF), char((op >> 16) & 0xFF), char((op >> 24) & 0xFF), '\0' }; args[numargs++].set_str(dup_ostr(s)); continue; } case CODE_VAL|RET_NULL: case CODE_VALI|RET_NULL: args[numargs++].set_null(); continue; case CODE_VAL|RET_INT: args[numargs++].set_int(int(*code++)); continue; case CODE_VALI|RET_INT: args[numargs++].set_int(int(op) >> 8); continue; case CODE_VAL|RET_FLOAT: args[numargs++].set_float(*(const float *)code++); continue; case CODE_VALI|RET_FLOAT: args[numargs++].set_float(float(int(op) >> 8)); continue; case CODE_DUP|RET_NULL: args[numargs - 1].get_val(args[numargs]); numargs++; continue; case CODE_DUP|RET_INT: args[numargs].set_int(args[numargs - 1].get_int()); numargs++; continue; case CODE_DUP|RET_FLOAT: args[numargs].set_float(args[numargs - 1].get_float()); numargs++; continue; case CODE_DUP|RET_STR: args[numargs].set_str(dup_ostr(args[numargs - 1].get_str())); numargs++; continue; case CODE_FORCE|RET_STR: args[numargs - 1].force_str(); continue; case CODE_FORCE|RET_INT: args[numargs - 1].force_int(); continue; case CODE_FORCE|RET_FLOAT: args[numargs - 1].force_float(); continue; case CODE_RESULT|RET_NULL: result.cleanup(); result = args[--numargs]; continue; case CODE_RESULT|RET_STR: case CODE_RESULT|RET_INT: case CODE_RESULT|RET_FLOAT: result.cleanup(); result = args[--numargs]; result.force(op & CODE_RET_MASK); continue; case CODE_EMPTY|RET_NULL: args[numargs++].set_code(emptyblock[VAL_NULL] + 1); break; case CODE_EMPTY|RET_STR: args[numargs++].set_code(emptyblock[VAL_STR] + 1); break; case CODE_EMPTY|RET_INT: args[numargs++].set_code(emptyblock[VAL_INT] + 1); break; case CODE_EMPTY|RET_FLOAT: args[numargs++].set_code(emptyblock[VAL_FLOAT] + 1); break; case CODE_BLOCK: { ostd::uint len = op >> 8; args[numargs++].set_code(code + 1); code += len; continue; } case CODE_COMPILE: { TaggedValue &arg = args[numargs - 1]; ostd::Vector buf; switch (arg.type) { case VAL_INT: buf.reserve(8); buf.push(CODE_START); compileint(buf, arg.i); buf.push(CODE_RESULT); buf.push(CODE_EXIT); break; case VAL_FLOAT: buf.reserve(8); buf.push(CODE_START); compilefloat(buf, arg.f); buf.push(CODE_RESULT); buf.push(CODE_EXIT); break; case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: buf.reserve(64); compilemain(buf, arg.s); arg.cleanup(); break; default: buf.reserve(8); buf.push(CODE_START); compilenull(buf); buf.push(CODE_RESULT); buf.push(CODE_EXIT); break; } arg.set_code(buf.disown() + 1); continue; } case CODE_COND: { TaggedValue &arg = args[numargs - 1]; switch (arg.type) { case VAL_STR: case VAL_MACRO: case VAL_CSTR: if (arg.s[0]) { ostd::Vector buf; buf.reserve(64); compilemain(buf, arg.s); arg.cleanup(); arg.set_code(buf.disown() + 1); } else arg.force_null(); break; } continue; } case CODE_IDENT: args[numargs++].set_ident(cstate.identmap[op >> 8]); continue; case CODE_IDENTARG: { Ident *id = cstate.identmap[op >> 8]; if (!(cstate.stack->usedargs & (1 << id->index))) { id->push_arg(null_value, cstate.stack->argstack[id->index]); cstate.stack->usedargs |= 1 << id->index; } args[numargs++].set_ident(id); continue; } case CODE_IDENTU: { TaggedValue &arg = args[numargs - 1]; Ident *id = arg.type == VAL_STR || arg.type == VAL_MACRO || arg.type == VAL_CSTR ? cstate.new_ident(arg.cstr, IDF_UNKNOWN) : cstate.dummy; if (id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS && !(cstate.stack->usedargs & (1 << id->index))) { id->push_arg(null_value, cstate.stack->argstack[id->index]); cstate.stack->usedargs |= 1 << id->index; } arg.cleanup(); arg.set_ident(id); continue; } case CODE_LOOKUPU|RET_STR: #define LOOKUPU(aval, sval, ival, fval, nval) { \ TaggedValue &arg = args[numargs-1]; \ if(arg.type != VAL_STR && arg.type != VAL_MACRO && arg.type != VAL_CSTR) continue; \ Ident *id = cstate.idents.at(arg.s); \ if(id) switch(id->type) \ { \ case ID_ALIAS: \ if(id->flags&IDF_UNKNOWN) break; \ arg.cleanup(); \ if(id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS && !(cstate.stack->usedargs&(1<index))) { nval; continue; } \ aval; \ continue; \ case ID_SVAR: arg.cleanup(); sval; continue; \ case ID_VAR: arg.cleanup(); ival; continue; \ case ID_FVAR: arg.cleanup(); fval; continue; \ case ID_COMMAND: \ { \ arg.cleanup(); \ arg.set_null(); \ cstate.result = &arg; \ TaggedValue buf[MAX_ARGUMENTS]; \ callcommand(id, buf, 0, true); \ arg.force(op&CODE_RET_MASK); \ cstate.result = &result; \ continue; \ } \ default: arg.cleanup(); nval; continue; \ } \ cstate.debug_code("unknown alias lookup: %s", arg.s); \ arg.cleanup(); \ nval; \ continue; \ } LOOKUPU(arg.set_str(dup_ostr(id->get_str())), arg.set_str(dup_ostr(*id->storage.s)), arg.set_str(dup_ostr(intstr(*id->storage.i))), arg.set_str(dup_ostr(floatstr(*id->storage.f))), arg.set_str(dup_ostr(""))); case CODE_LOOKUP|RET_STR: #define LOOKUP(aval) { \ Ident *id = cstate.identmap[op>>8]; \ if(id->flags&IDF_UNKNOWN) cstate.debug_code("unknown alias lookup: %s", id->name); \ aval; \ continue; \ } LOOKUP(args[numargs++].set_str(dup_ostr(id->get_str()))); case CODE_LOOKUPARG|RET_STR: #define LOOKUPARG(aval, nval) { \ Ident *id = cstate.identmap[op>>8]; \ if(!(cstate.stack->usedargs&(1<index))) { nval; continue; } \ aval; \ continue; \ } LOOKUPARG(args[numargs++].set_str(dup_ostr(id->get_str())), args[numargs++].set_str(dup_ostr(""))); case CODE_LOOKUPU|RET_INT: LOOKUPU(arg.set_int(id->get_int()), arg.set_int(parseint(*id->storage.s)), arg.set_int(*id->storage.i), arg.set_int(int(*id->storage.f)), arg.set_int(0)); case CODE_LOOKUP|RET_INT: LOOKUP(args[numargs++].set_int(id->get_int())); case CODE_LOOKUPARG|RET_INT: LOOKUPARG(args[numargs++].set_int(id->get_int()), args[numargs++].set_int(0)); case CODE_LOOKUPU|RET_FLOAT: LOOKUPU(arg.set_float(id->get_float()), arg.set_float(parsefloat(*id->storage.s)), arg.set_float(float(*id->storage.i)), arg.set_float(*id->storage.f), arg.set_float(0.0f)); case CODE_LOOKUP|RET_FLOAT: LOOKUP(args[numargs++].set_float(id->get_float())); case CODE_LOOKUPARG|RET_FLOAT: LOOKUPARG(args[numargs++].set_float(id->get_float()), args[numargs++].set_float(0.0f)); case CODE_LOOKUPU|RET_NULL: LOOKUPU(id->get_val(arg), arg.set_str(dup_ostr(*id->storage.s)), arg.set_int(*id->storage.i), arg.set_float(*id->storage.f), arg.set_null()); case CODE_LOOKUP|RET_NULL: LOOKUP(id->get_val(args[numargs++])); case CODE_LOOKUPARG|RET_NULL: LOOKUPARG(id->get_val(args[numargs++]), args[numargs++].set_null()); case CODE_LOOKUPMU|RET_STR: LOOKUPU(id->getcstr(arg), arg.set_cstr(*id->storage.s), arg.set_str(dup_ostr(intstr(*id->storage.i))), arg.set_str(dup_ostr(floatstr(*id->storage.f))), arg.set_cstr("")); case CODE_LOOKUPM|RET_STR: LOOKUP(id->getcstr(args[numargs++])); case CODE_LOOKUPMARG|RET_STR: LOOKUPARG(id->getcstr(args[numargs++]), args[numargs++].set_cstr("")); case CODE_LOOKUPMU|RET_NULL: LOOKUPU(id->getcval(arg), arg.set_cstr(*id->storage.s), arg.set_int(*id->storage.i), arg.set_float(*id->storage.f), arg.set_null()); case CODE_LOOKUPM|RET_NULL: LOOKUP(id->getcval(args[numargs++])); case CODE_LOOKUPMARG|RET_NULL: LOOKUPARG(id->getcval(args[numargs++]), args[numargs++].set_null()); case CODE_SVAR|RET_STR: case CODE_SVAR|RET_NULL: args[numargs++].set_str(dup_ostr(*cstate.identmap[op >> 8]->storage.s)); continue; case CODE_SVAR|RET_INT: args[numargs++].set_int(parseint(*cstate.identmap[op >> 8]->storage.s)); continue; case CODE_SVAR|RET_FLOAT: args[numargs++].set_float(parsefloat(*cstate.identmap[op >> 8]->storage.s)); continue; case CODE_SVARM: args[numargs++].set_cstr(*cstate.identmap[op >> 8]->storage.s); continue; case CODE_SVAR1: cstate.set_var_str_checked(cstate.identmap[op >> 8], args[--numargs].s); args[numargs].cleanup(); continue; case CODE_IVAR|RET_INT: case CODE_IVAR|RET_NULL: args[numargs++].set_int(*cstate.identmap[op >> 8]->storage.i); continue; case CODE_IVAR|RET_STR: args[numargs++].set_str(dup_ostr(intstr(*cstate.identmap[op >> 8]->storage.i))); continue; case CODE_IVAR|RET_FLOAT: args[numargs++].set_float(float(*cstate.identmap[op >> 8]->storage.i)); continue; case CODE_IVAR1: cstate.set_var_int_checked(cstate.identmap[op >> 8], args[--numargs].i); continue; case CODE_IVAR2: numargs -= 2; cstate.set_var_int_checked(cstate.identmap[op >> 8], (args[numargs].i << 16) | (args[numargs + 1].i << 8)); continue; case CODE_IVAR3: numargs -= 3; cstate.set_var_int_checked(cstate.identmap[op >> 8], (args[numargs].i << 16) | (args[numargs + 1].i << 8) | args[numargs + 2].i); continue; case CODE_FVAR|RET_FLOAT: case CODE_FVAR|RET_NULL: args[numargs++].set_float(*cstate.identmap[op >> 8]->storage.f); continue; case CODE_FVAR|RET_STR: args[numargs++].set_str(dup_ostr(floatstr(*cstate.identmap[op >> 8]->storage.f))); continue; case CODE_FVAR|RET_INT: args[numargs++].set_int(int(*cstate.identmap[op >> 8]->storage.f)); continue; case CODE_FVAR1: cstate.set_var_float_checked(cstate.identmap[op >> 8], args[--numargs].f); continue; #define OFFSETARG(n) offset+n case CODE_COM|RET_NULL: case CODE_COM|RET_STR: case CODE_COM|RET_FLOAT: case CODE_COM|RET_INT: { Ident *id = cstate.identmap[op >> 8]; int offset = numargs - id->numargs; result.force_null(); CALLCOM(id->numargs) result.force(op & CODE_RET_MASK); free_args(args, numargs, offset); continue; } #undef OFFSETARG case CODE_COMV|RET_NULL: case CODE_COMV|RET_STR: case CODE_COMV|RET_FLOAT: case CODE_COMV|RET_INT: { Ident *id = cstate.identmap[op >> 13]; int callargs = (op >> 8) & 0x1F, offset = numargs - callargs; result.force_null(); ((CommandFuncTv)id->fun)(cstate, &args[offset], callargs); result.force(op & CODE_RET_MASK); free_args(args, numargs, offset); continue; } case CODE_COMC|RET_NULL: case CODE_COMC|RET_STR: case CODE_COMC|RET_FLOAT: case CODE_COMC|RET_INT: { Ident *id = cstate.identmap[op >> 13]; int callargs = (op >> 8) & 0x1F, offset = numargs - callargs; result.force_null(); { ostd::Vector buf; buf.reserve(256); ((CommandFunc1)id->fun)(cstate, conc(buf, &args[offset], callargs, true)); } result.force(op & CODE_RET_MASK); free_args(args, numargs, offset); continue; } case CODE_CONC|RET_NULL: case CODE_CONC|RET_STR: case CODE_CONC|RET_FLOAT: case CODE_CONC|RET_INT: case CODE_CONCW|RET_NULL: case CODE_CONCW|RET_STR: case CODE_CONCW|RET_FLOAT: case CODE_CONCW|RET_INT: { int numconc = op >> 8; char *s = conc(&args[numargs - numconc], numconc, (op & CODE_OP_MASK) == CODE_CONC); free_args(args, numargs, numargs - numconc); args[numargs].set_str(s); args[numargs].force(op & CODE_RET_MASK); numargs++; continue; } case CODE_CONCM|RET_NULL: case CODE_CONCM|RET_STR: case CODE_CONCM|RET_FLOAT: case CODE_CONCM|RET_INT: { int numconc = op >> 8; char *s = conc(&args[numargs - numconc], numconc, false); free_args(args, numargs, numargs - numconc); result.set_str(s); result.force(op & CODE_RET_MASK); continue; } case CODE_ALIAS: cstate.identmap[op >> 8]->set_alias(cstate, args[--numargs]); continue; case CODE_ALIASARG: cstate.identmap[op >> 8]->set_arg(cstate, args[--numargs]); continue; case CODE_ALIASU: numargs -= 2; cstate.set_alias(args[numargs].get_str(), args[numargs + 1]); args[numargs].cleanup(); continue; #define SKIPARGS(offset) offset case CODE_CALL|RET_NULL: case CODE_CALL|RET_STR: case CODE_CALL|RET_FLOAT: case CODE_CALL|RET_INT: { #define FORCERESULT { \ free_args(args, numargs, SKIPARGS(offset)); \ result.force(op&CODE_RET_MASK); \ continue; \ } #define CALLALIAS { \ IdentStack argstack[MAX_ARGUMENTS]; \ for(int i = 0; i < callargs; i++) \ cstate.identmap[i]->push_arg(args[offset + i], argstack[i]); \ int oldargs = cstate.numargs; \ cstate.numargs = callargs; \ int oldflags = cstate.identflags; \ cstate.identflags |= id->flags&IDF_OVERRIDDEN; \ IdentLink aliaslink = { id, cstate.stack, (1<code) id->code = compilecode(id->get_str()); \ ostd::uint *code = id->code; \ code[0] += 0x100; \ runcode(code+1, result); \ code[0] -= 0x100; \ if(int(code[0]) < 0x100) delete[] code; \ cstate.stack = aliaslink.next; \ cstate.identflags = oldflags; \ for(int i = 0; i < callargs; i++) \ cstate.identmap[i]->pop_arg(); \ for(int argmask = aliaslink.usedargs&(~0<pop_arg(); argmask &= ~(1<> 13]; int callargs = (op >> 8) & 0x1F, offset = numargs - callargs; if (id->flags & IDF_UNKNOWN) { cstate.debug_code("unknown command: %s", id->name); FORCERESULT; } CALLALIAS; continue; } case CODE_CALLARG|RET_NULL: case CODE_CALLARG|RET_STR: case CODE_CALLARG|RET_FLOAT: case CODE_CALLARG|RET_INT: { result.force_null(); Ident *id = cstate.identmap[op >> 13]; int callargs = (op >> 8) & 0x1F, offset = numargs - callargs; if (!(cstate.stack->usedargs & (1 << id->index))) FORCERESULT; CALLALIAS; continue; } #undef SKIPARGS #define SKIPARGS(offset) offset-1 case CODE_CALLU|RET_NULL: case CODE_CALLU|RET_STR: case CODE_CALLU|RET_FLOAT: case CODE_CALLU|RET_INT: { int callargs = op >> 8, offset = numargs - callargs; TaggedValue &idarg = args[offset - 1]; if (idarg.type != VAL_STR && idarg.type != VAL_MACRO && idarg.type != VAL_CSTR) { litval: result.cleanup(); result = idarg; result.force(op & CODE_RET_MASK); while (--numargs >= offset) args[numargs].cleanup(); continue; } Ident *id = cstate.idents.at(idarg.s); if (!id) { noid: if (check_num(idarg.s)) goto litval; cstate.debug_code("unknown command: %s", idarg.s); result.force_null(); FORCERESULT; } result.force_null(); switch (id->type) { default: if (!id->fun) FORCERESULT; /* fallthrough */ case ID_COMMAND: idarg.cleanup(); callcommand(id, &args[offset], callargs); result.force(op & CODE_RET_MASK); numargs = offset - 1; continue; case ID_LOCAL: { IdentStack locals[MAX_ARGUMENTS]; idarg.cleanup(); for (ostd::Size j = 0; j < ostd::Size(callargs); ++j) cstate.force_ident(args[offset + j])->push_alias(locals[j]); code = runcode(code, result); for (ostd::Size j = 0; j < ostd::Size(callargs); ++j) args[offset + j].id->pop_alias(); goto exit; } case ID_VAR: if (callargs <= 0) printvar(id); else cstate.set_var_int_checked(id, ostd::iter(&args[offset], callargs)); FORCERESULT; case ID_FVAR: if (callargs <= 0) printvar(id); else cstate.set_var_float_checked(id, args[offset].force_float()); FORCERESULT; case ID_SVAR: if (callargs <= 0) printvar(id); else cstate.set_var_str_checked(id, args[offset].force_str()); FORCERESULT; case ID_ALIAS: if (id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS && !(cstate.stack->usedargs & (1 << id->index))) FORCERESULT; if (id->valtype == VAL_NULL) goto noid; idarg.cleanup(); CALLALIAS; continue; } } #undef SKIPARGS } } exit: cstate.result = prevret; --rundepth; return code; } void executeret(const ostd::uint *code, TaggedValue &result) { runcode(code, result); } void executeret(const char *p, TaggedValue &result) { ostd::Vector code; code.reserve(64); compilemain(code, p, VAL_ANY); runcode(code.data() + 1, result); if (int(code[0]) >= 0x100) code.disown(); } void executeret(Ident *id, TaggedValue *args, int numargs, TaggedValue &result) { result.set_null(); ++rundepth; TaggedValue *prevret = cstate.result; cstate.result = &result; if (rundepth > MAXRUNDEPTH) cstate.debug_code("exceeded recursion limit"); else if (id) switch (id->type) { default: if (!id->fun) break; /* fallthrough */ case ID_COMMAND: if (numargs < id->numargs) { TaggedValue buf[MAX_ARGUMENTS]; memcpy(buf, args, numargs * sizeof(TaggedValue)); callcommand(id, buf, numargs, false); } else callcommand(id, args, numargs, false); numargs = 0; break; case ID_VAR: if (numargs <= 0) printvar(id); else cstate.set_var_int_checked(id, ostd::iter(args, numargs)); break; case ID_FVAR: if (numargs <= 0) printvar(id); else cstate.set_var_float_checked(id, args[0].force_float()); break; case ID_SVAR: if (numargs <= 0) printvar(id); else cstate.set_var_str_checked(id, args[0].force_str()); break; case ID_ALIAS: if (id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS && !(cstate.stack->usedargs & (1 << id->index))) break; if (id->valtype == VAL_NULL) break; #define callargs numargs #define offset 0 #define op RET_NULL #define SKIPARGS(offset) offset CALLALIAS; #undef callargs #undef offset #undef op #undef SKIPARGS break; } free_args(args, numargs, 0); cstate.result = prevret; --rundepth; } ostd::String CsState::run_str(const ostd::uint *code) { TaggedValue result; runcode(code, result); if (result.type == VAL_NULL) return ostd::String(); result.force_str(); ostd::String ret(result.s); delete[] result.s; return ret; } ostd::String CsState::run_str(ostd::ConstCharRange code) { TaggedValue result; /* FIXME range */ executeret(code.data(), result); if (result.type == VAL_NULL) return ostd::String(); result.force_str(); ostd::String ret(result.s); delete[] result.s; return ret; } ostd::String CsState::run_str(Ident *id, ostd::PointerRange args) { TaggedValue result; executeret(id, args.data(), int(args.size()), result); if (result.type == VAL_NULL) return nullptr; result.force_str(); ostd::String ret(result.s); delete[] result.s; return ret; } int CsState::run_int(const ostd::uint *code) { TaggedValue result; runcode(code, result); int i = result.get_int(); result.cleanup(); return i; } int CsState::run_int(ostd::ConstCharRange p) { ostd::Vector code; code.reserve(64); compilemain(code, p.data(), VAL_INT); TaggedValue result; runcode(code.data() + 1, result); if (int(code[0]) >= 0x100) code.disown(); int i = result.get_int(); result.cleanup(); return i; } int CsState::run_int(Ident *id, ostd::PointerRange args) { TaggedValue result; executeret(id, args.data(), int(args.size()), result); int i = result.get_int(); result.cleanup(); return i; } float CsState::run_float(const ostd::uint *code) { TaggedValue result; runcode(code, result); float f = result.get_float(); result.cleanup(); return f; } float CsState::run_float(ostd::ConstCharRange code) { TaggedValue result; executeret(code.data(), result); float f = result.get_float(); result.cleanup(); return f; } float CsState::run_float(Ident *id, ostd::PointerRange args) { TaggedValue result; executeret(id, args.data(), int(args.size()), result); float f = result.get_float(); result.cleanup(); return f; } bool CsState::run_bool(const ostd::uint *code) { TaggedValue result; runcode(code, result); bool b = getbool(result); result.cleanup(); return b; } bool CsState::run_bool(ostd::ConstCharRange code) { TaggedValue result; executeret(code.data(), result); bool b = getbool(result); result.cleanup(); return b; } bool CsState::run_bool(Ident *id, ostd::PointerRange args) { TaggedValue result; executeret(id, args.data(), int(args.size()), result); bool b = getbool(result); result.cleanup(); return b; } bool CsState::run_file(ostd::ConstCharRange fname, bool msg) { ostd::ConstCharRange oldsrcfile = cstate.src_file, oldsrcstr = cstate.src_str; char *buf = nullptr; ostd::Size len; ostd::FileStream f(fname, ostd::StreamMode::read); if (!f.is_open()) goto error; len = f.size(); buf = new char[len + 1]; if (f.get(buf, len) != len) { delete[] buf; goto error; } buf[len] = '\0'; cstate.src_file = fname; cstate.src_str = ostd::ConstCharRange(buf, len); cstate.run_int(buf); cstate.src_file = oldsrcfile; cstate.src_str = oldsrcstr; delete[] buf; return true; error: if (msg) ostd::err.writefln("could not read file \"%s\"", fname); return false; } void init_lib_io(CsState &cs) { cs.add_command("exec", "sb", [](CsState &cs, char *file, int *msg) { cs.result->set_int(cs.run_file(file, *msg != 0) ? 1 : 0); }); } const char *escapestring(const char *s) { stridx = (stridx + 1) % 4; ostd::Vector &buf = strbuf[stridx]; buf.clear(); buf.push('"'); for (; *s; s++) switch (*s) { case '\n': buf.push('^'); buf.push('n'); break; case '\t': buf.push('^'); buf.push('t'); break; case '\f': buf.push('^'); buf.push('f'); break; case '"': buf.push('^'); buf.push('\"'); break; case '^': buf.push('^'); buf.push('^'); break; default: buf.push(*s); break; } buf.push('"'); buf.push('\0'); return buf.data(); } ICOMMAND(escape, "s", (CsState &, char *s), result(escapestring(s))); ICOMMAND(unescape, "s", (CsState &, char *s), { int len = strlen(s); char *d = new char[len + 1]; unescapestring(d, s, &s[len]); stringret(d); }); const char *escapeid(const char *s) { const char *end = s + strcspn(s, "\"/;()[]@ \f\t\r\n\0"); return *end ? escapestring(s) : s; } bool validateblock(const char *s) { const int maxbrak = 100; static char brakstack[maxbrak]; int brakdepth = 0; for (; *s; s++) switch (*s) { case '[': case '(': if (brakdepth >= maxbrak) return false; brakstack[brakdepth++] = *s; break; case ']': if (brakdepth <= 0 || brakstack[--brakdepth] != '[') return false; break; case ')': if (brakdepth <= 0 || brakstack[--brakdepth] != '(') return false; break; case '"': s = parsestring(s + 1); if (*s != '"') return false; break; case '/': if (s[1] == '/') return false; break; case '@': case '\f': return false; } return brakdepth == 0; } /* standard lib */ void init_lib_base(CsState &cs) { cs_init_lib_base_var(cs); } static char retbuf[4][256]; static int retidx = 0; const char *intstr(int v) { retidx = (retidx + 1) % 4; intformat(retbuf[retidx], v); return retbuf[retidx]; } const char *floatstr(float v) { retidx = (retidx + 1) % 4; floatformat(retbuf[retidx], v); return retbuf[retidx]; } #undef ICOMMANDNAME #define ICOMMANDNAME(name) _stdcmd #undef ICOMMANDSNAME #define ICOMMANDSNAME _stdcmd ICOMMANDK(do, ID_DO, "e", (CsState &cs, ostd::uint *body), executeret(body, *cs.result)); static void doargs(CsState &cs, ostd::uint *body) { if (cstate.stack != &cstate.noalias) { cs_do_args(cs, [&]() { executeret(body, *cs.result); }); } else executeret(body, *cs.result); } COMMANDK(doargs, ID_DOARGS, "e"); ICOMMANDK(if, ID_IF, "tee", (CsState &cs, TaggedValue *cond, ostd::uint *t, ostd::uint *f), executeret(getbool(*cond) ? t : f, *cs.result)); ICOMMAND(?, "tTT", (CsState &, TaggedValue *cond, TaggedValue *t, TaggedValue *f), result(*(getbool(*cond) ? t : f))); ICOMMAND(pushif, "rTe", (CsState &cs, Ident *id, TaggedValue *v, ostd::uint *code), { if (id->type != ID_ALIAS || id->index < MAX_ARGUMENTS) return; if (getbool(*v)) { IdentStack stack; id->push_arg(*v, stack); v->type = VAL_NULL; id->flags &= ~IDF_UNKNOWN; executeret(code, *cs.result); id->pop_arg(); } }); static inline void setiter(Ident &id, int i, IdentStack &stack) { if (id.stack == &stack) { if (id.valtype != VAL_INT) { if (id.valtype == VAL_STR) delete[] id.val.s; id.clean_code(); id.valtype = VAL_INT; } id.val.i = i; } else { TaggedValue t; t.set_int(i); id.push_arg(t, stack); id.flags &= ~IDF_UNKNOWN; } } static inline void doloop(CsState &cs, Ident &id, int offset, int n, int step, ostd::uint *body) { if (n <= 0 || id.type != ID_ALIAS) return; IdentStack stack; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { setiter(id, offset + i * step, stack); cs.run_int(body); } id.pop_arg(); } ICOMMAND(loop, "rie", (CsState &cs, Ident *id, int *n, ostd::uint *body), doloop(cs, *id, 0, *n, 1, body)); ICOMMAND(loop+, "riie", (CsState &cs, Ident *id, int *offset, int *n, ostd::uint *body), doloop(cs, *id, *offset, *n, 1, body)); ICOMMAND(loop*, "riie", (CsState &cs, Ident *id, int *step, int *n, ostd::uint *body), doloop(cs, *id, 0, *n, *step, body)); ICOMMAND(loop+*, "riiie", (CsState &cs, Ident *id, int *offset, int *step, int *n, ostd::uint *body), doloop(cs, *id, *offset, *n, *step, body)); static inline void loopwhile(CsState &cs, Ident &id, int offset, int n, int step, ostd::uint *cond, ostd::uint *body) { if (n <= 0 || id.type != ID_ALIAS) return; IdentStack stack; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { setiter(id, offset + i * step, stack); if (!cs.run_bool(cond)) break; cs.run_int(body); } id.pop_arg(); } ICOMMAND(loopwhile, "riee", (CsState &cs, Ident *id, int *n, ostd::uint *cond, ostd::uint *body), loopwhile(cs, *id, 0, *n, 1, cond, body)); ICOMMAND(loopwhile+, "riiee", (CsState &cs, Ident *id, int *offset, int *n, ostd::uint *cond, ostd::uint *body), loopwhile(cs, *id, *offset, *n, 1, cond, body)); ICOMMAND(loopwhile*, "riiee", (CsState &cs, Ident *id, int *step, int *n, ostd::uint *cond, ostd::uint *body), loopwhile(cs, *id, 0, *n, *step, cond, body)); ICOMMAND(loopwhile+*, "riiiee", (CsState &cs, Ident *id, int *offset, int *step, int *n, ostd::uint *cond, ostd::uint *body), loopwhile(cs, *id, *offset, *n, *step, cond, body)); ICOMMAND(while, "ee", (CsState &cs, ostd::uint *cond, ostd::uint *body), while (cs.run_bool(cond)) cs.run_int(body)); static inline void loopconc(Ident &id, int offset, int n, int step, ostd::uint *body, bool space) { if (n <= 0 || id.type != ID_ALIAS) return; IdentStack stack; ostd::Vector s; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { setiter(id, offset + i * step, stack); TaggedValue v; executeret(body, v); const char *vstr = v.get_str(); int len = strlen(vstr); if (space && i) s.push(' '); s.push_n(vstr, len); v.cleanup(); } if (n > 0) id.pop_arg(); s.push('\0'); cstate.result->set_str(s.disown()); } ICOMMAND(loopconcat, "rie", (CsState &, Ident *id, int *n, ostd::uint *body), loopconc(*id, 0, *n, 1, body, true)); ICOMMAND(loopconcat+, "riie", (CsState &, Ident *id, int *offset, int *n, ostd::uint *body), loopconc(*id, *offset, *n, 1, body, true)); ICOMMAND(loopconcat*, "riie", (CsState &, Ident *id, int *step, int *n, ostd::uint *body), loopconc(*id, 0, *n, *step, body, true)); ICOMMAND(loopconcat+*, "riiie", (CsState &, Ident *id, int *offset, int *step, int *n, ostd::uint *body), loopconc(*id, *offset, *n, *step, body, true)); ICOMMAND(loopconcatword, "rie", (CsState &, Ident *id, int *n, ostd::uint *body), loopconc(*id, 0, *n, 1, body, false)); ICOMMAND(loopconcatword+, "riie", (CsState &, Ident *id, int *offset, int *n, ostd::uint *body), loopconc(*id, *offset, *n, 1, body, false)); ICOMMAND(loopconcatword*, "riie", (CsState &, Ident *id, int *step, int *n, ostd::uint *body), loopconc(*id, 0, *n, *step, body, false)); ICOMMAND(loopconcatword+*, "riiie", (CsState &, Ident *id, int *offset, int *step, int *n, ostd::uint *body), loopconc(*id, *offset, *n, *step, body, false)); void concat(CsState &cs, TaggedValue *v, int n) { cs.result->set_str(conc(v, n, true)); } COMMAND(concat, "V"); void concatword(CsState &cs, TaggedValue *v, int n) { cs.result->set_str(conc(v, n, false)); } COMMAND(concatword, "V"); void result(TaggedValue &v) { *cstate.result = v; v.type = VAL_NULL; } void stringret(char *s) { cstate.result->set_str(s); } void result(const char *s) { cstate.result->set_str(dup_ostr(s)); } ICOMMANDK(result, ID_RESULT, "T", (CsState &cs, TaggedValue *v), { *cs.result = *v; v->type = VAL_NULL; }); void format(CsState &cs, TaggedValue *args, int numargs) { ostd::Vector s; const char *f = args[0].get_str(); while (*f) { int c = *f++; if (c == '%') { int i = *f++; if (i >= '1' && i <= '9') { i -= '0'; const char *sub = i < numargs ? args[i].get_str() : ""; while (*sub) s.push(*sub++); } else s.push(i); } else s.push(c); } s.push('\0'); cs.result->set_str(s.disown()); } COMMAND(format, "V"); static const char *liststart = nullptr, *listend = nullptr, *listquotestart = nullptr, *listquoteend = nullptr; static inline void skiplist(const char *&p) { for (;;) { p += strspn(p, " \t\r\n"); if (p[0] != '/' || p[1] != '/') break; p += strcspn(p, "\n\0"); } } static bool parselist(const char *&s, const char *&start = liststart, const char *&end = listend, const char *"estart = listquotestart, const char *"eend = listquoteend) { skiplist(s); switch (*s) { case '"': quotestart = s++; start = s; s = parsestring(s); end = s; if (*s == '"') s++; quoteend = s; break; case '(': case '[': quotestart = s; start = s + 1; for (int braktype = *s++, brak = 1;;) { s += strcspn(s, "\"/;()[]\0"); int c = *s++; switch (c) { case '\0': s--; quoteend = end = s; return true; case '"': s = parsestring(s); if (*s == '"') s++; break; case '/': if (*s == '/') s += strcspn(s, "\n\0"); break; case '(': case '[': if (c == braktype) brak++; break; case ')': if (braktype == '(' && --brak <= 0) goto endblock; break; case ']': if (braktype == '[' && --brak <= 0) goto endblock; break; } } endblock: end = s - 1; quoteend = s; break; case '\0': case ')': case ']': return false; default: quotestart = start = s; s = parseword(s); quoteend = end = s; break; } skiplist(s); if (*s == ';') s++; return true; } static inline ostd::String listelem(const char *start = liststart, const char *end = listend, const char *quotestart = listquotestart) { ostd::Size len = end - start; ostd::String s; s.reserve(len); if (*quotestart == '"') unescapestring(s.data(), start, end); else { memcpy(s.data(), start, len); s[len] = '\0'; } s.advance(len); return s; } void explodelist(const char *s, ostd::Vector &elems, int limit) { const char *start, *end, *qstart; while ((limit < 0 || int(elems.size()) < limit) && parselist(s, start, end, qstart)) { elems.push(ostd::move(listelem(start, end, qstart))); } } char *indexlist(const char *s, int pos) { for (int i = 0; i < pos; ++i) if (!parselist(s)) return dup_ostr(""); const char *start, *end, *qstart; return parselist(s, start, end, qstart) ? listelem(start, end, qstart).disown() : dup_ostr(""); } int listlen(CsState &, const char *s) { int n = 0; while (parselist(s)) n++; return n; } ICOMMAND(listlen, "s", (CsState &cs, char *s), cs.result->set_int(listlen(cs, s))); void at(CsState &cs, TaggedValue *args, int numargs) { if (!numargs) return; const char *start = args[0].get_str(), *end = start + strlen(start), *qstart = ""; for (int i = 1; i < numargs; i++) { const char *list = start; int pos = args[i].get_int(); for (; pos > 0; pos--) if (!parselist(list)) break; if (pos > 0 || !parselist(list, start, end, qstart)) start = end = qstart = ""; } cs.result->set_str(listelem(start, end, qstart).disown()); } COMMAND(at, "si1V"); void substr(CsState &cs, char *s, int *start, int *count, int *numargs) { int len = strlen(s), offset = ostd::clamp(*start, 0, len); cs.result->set_str(dup_ostr(ostd::ConstCharRange(&s[offset], *numargs >= 3 ? ostd::clamp(*count, 0, len - offset) : len - offset))); } COMMAND(substr, "siiN"); void sublist(CsState &cs, const char *s, int *skip, int *count, int *numargs) { int offset = ostd::max(*skip, 0), len = *numargs >= 3 ? ostd::max(*count, 0) : -1; for (int i = 0; i < offset; ++i) if (!parselist(s)) break; if (len < 0) { if (offset > 0) skiplist(s); cs.result->set_str(dup_ostr(s)); return; } const char *list = s, *start, *end, *qstart, *qend = s; if (len > 0 && parselist(s, start, end, list, qend)) while (--len > 0 && parselist(s, start, end, qstart, qend)); cs.result->set_str(dup_ostr(ostd::ConstCharRange(list, qend - list))); } COMMAND(sublist, "siiN"); static inline void setiter(Ident &id, char *val, IdentStack &stack) { if (id.stack == &stack) { if (id.valtype == VAL_STR) delete[] id.val.s; else id.valtype = VAL_STR; id.clean_code(); id.val.s = val; } else { TaggedValue t; t.set_str(val); id.push_arg(t, stack); id.flags &= ~IDF_UNKNOWN; } } void listfind(CsState &cs, Ident *id, const char *list, const ostd::uint *body) { if (id->type != ID_ALIAS) { cs.result->set_int(-1); return; } IdentStack stack; int n = -1; for (const char *s = list, *start, *end; parselist(s, start, end);) { ++n; setiter(*id, dup_ostr(ostd::ConstCharRange(start, end - start)), stack); if (cs.run_bool(body)) { cs.result->set_int(n); goto found; } } cs.result->set_int(-1); found: if (n >= 0) id->pop_arg(); } COMMAND(listfind, "rse"); void listassoc(CsState &cs, Ident *id, const char *list, const ostd::uint *body) { if (id->type != ID_ALIAS) return; IdentStack stack; int n = -1; for (const char *s = list, *start, *end, *qstart; parselist(s, start, end);) { ++n; setiter(*id, dup_ostr(ostd::ConstCharRange(start, end - start)), stack); if (cs.run_bool(body)) { if (parselist(s, start, end, qstart)) stringret(listelem(start, end, qstart).disown()); break; } if (!parselist(s)) break; } if (n >= 0) id->pop_arg(); } COMMAND(listassoc, "rse"); #define LISTFIND(name, fmt, type, init, cmp) \ ICOMMAND(name, "s" fmt "i", (CsState &cs, char *list, type *val, int *skip), \ { \ int n = 0; \ init; \ for(const char *s = list, *start, *end, *qstart; parselist(s, start, end, qstart); n++) \ { \ if(cmp) { cs.result->set_int(n); return; } \ for (int i = 0; i < *skip; ++i) { if(!parselist(s)) goto notfound; n++; } \ } \ notfound: \ cs.result->set_int(-1); \ }); LISTFIND(listfind=, "i", int, , parseint(start) == *val); LISTFIND(listfind=f, "f", float, , parsefloat(start) == *val); LISTFIND(listfind=s, "s", char, int len = (int)strlen(val), int(end - start) == len && !memcmp(start, val, len)); #define LISTASSOC(name, fmt, type, init, cmp) \ ICOMMAND(name, "s" fmt, (CsState &, char *list, type *val), \ { \ init; \ for(const char *s = list, *start, *end, *qstart; parselist(s, start, end);) \ { \ if(cmp) { if(parselist(s, start, end, qstart)) stringret(listelem(start, end, qstart).disown()); return; } \ if(!parselist(s)) break; \ } \ }); LISTASSOC(listassoc=, "i", int, , parseint(start) == *val); LISTASSOC(listassoc=f, "f", float, , parsefloat(start) == *val); LISTASSOC(listassoc=s, "s", char, int len = (int)strlen(val), int(end - start) == len && !memcmp(start, val, len)); void looplist(CsState &cs, Ident *id, const char *list, const ostd::uint *body) { if (id->type != ID_ALIAS) return; IdentStack stack; int n = 0; for (const char *s = list, *start, *end, *qstart; parselist(s, start, end, qstart); n++) { setiter(*id, listelem(start, end, qstart).disown(), stack); cs.run_int(body); } if (n) id->pop_arg(); } COMMAND(looplist, "rse"); void looplist2(CsState &cs, Ident *id, Ident *id2, const char *list, const ostd::uint *body) { if (id->type != ID_ALIAS || id2->type != ID_ALIAS) return; IdentStack stack, stack2; int n = 0; for (const char *s = list, *start, *end, *qstart; parselist(s, start, end, qstart); n += 2) { setiter(*id, listelem(start, end, qstart).disown(), stack); setiter(*id2, parselist(s, start, end, qstart) ? listelem(start, end, qstart).disown() : dup_ostr(""), stack2); cs.run_int(body); } if (n) { id->pop_arg(); id2->pop_arg(); } } COMMAND(looplist2, "rrse"); void looplist3(CsState &cs, Ident *id, Ident *id2, Ident *id3, const char *list, const ostd::uint *body) { if (id->type != ID_ALIAS || id2->type != ID_ALIAS || id3->type != ID_ALIAS) return; IdentStack stack, stack2, stack3; int n = 0; for (const char *s = list, *start, *end, *qstart; parselist(s, start, end, qstart); n += 3) { setiter(*id, listelem(start, end, qstart).disown(), stack); setiter(*id2, parselist(s, start, end, qstart) ? listelem(start, end, qstart).disown() : dup_ostr(""), stack2); setiter(*id3, parselist(s, start, end, qstart) ? listelem(start, end, qstart).disown() : dup_ostr(""), stack3); cs.run_int(body); } if (n) { id->pop_arg(); id2->pop_arg(); id3->pop_arg(); } } COMMAND(looplist3, "rrrse"); void looplistconc(CsState &cs, Ident *id, const char *list, const ostd::uint *body, bool space) { if (id->type != ID_ALIAS) return; IdentStack stack; ostd::Vector r; int n = 0; for (const char *s = list, *start, *end, *qstart; parselist(s, start, end, qstart); n++) { char *val = listelem(start, end, qstart).disown(); setiter(*id, val, stack); if (n && space) r.push(' '); TaggedValue v; executeret(body, v); const char *vstr = v.get_str(); int len = strlen(vstr); r.push_n(vstr, len); v.cleanup(); } if (n) id->pop_arg(); r.push('\0'); cs.result->set_str(r.disown()); } ICOMMAND(looplistconcat, "rse", (CsState &cs, Ident *id, char *list, ostd::uint *body), looplistconc(cs, id, list, body, true)); ICOMMAND(looplistconcatword, "rse", (CsState &cs, Ident *id, char *list, ostd::uint *body), looplistconc(cs, id, list, body, false)); void listfilter(CsState &cs, Ident *id, const char *list, const ostd::uint *body) { if (id->type != ID_ALIAS) return; IdentStack stack; ostd::Vector r; int n = 0; for (const char *s = list, *start, *end, *qstart, *qend; parselist(s, start, end, qstart, qend); n++) { char *val = dup_ostr(ostd::ConstCharRange(start, end - start)); setiter(*id, val, stack); if (cs.run_bool(body)) { if (r.size()) r.push(' '); r.push_n(qstart, qend - qstart); } } if (n) id->pop_arg(); r.push('\0'); cs.result->set_str(r.disown()); } COMMAND(listfilter, "rse"); void listcount(CsState &cs, Ident *id, const char *list, const ostd::uint *body) { if (id->type != ID_ALIAS) return; IdentStack stack; int n = 0, r = 0; for (const char *s = list, *start, *end; parselist(s, start, end); n++) { char *val = dup_ostr(ostd::ConstCharRange(start, end - start)); setiter(*id, val, stack); if (cs.run_bool(body)) r++; } if (n) id->pop_arg(); cs.result->set_int(r); } COMMAND(listcount, "rse"); void prettylist(CsState &cs, const char *s, const char *conj) { ostd::Vector p; const char *start, *end, *qstart; for (int len = listlen(cs, s), n = 0; parselist(s, start, end, qstart); n++) { if (*qstart == '"') { p.reserve(p.size() + end - start); p.advance(unescapestring(&p[p.size()], start, end)); } else p.push_n(start, end - start); if (n + 1 < len) { if (len > 2 || !conj[0]) p.push(','); if (n + 2 == len && conj[0]) { p.push(' '); p.push_n(conj, strlen(conj)); } p.push(' '); } } p.push('\0'); cs.result->set_str(p.disown()); } COMMAND(prettylist, "ss"); int listincludes(CsState &, const char *list, const char *needle, int needlelen) { int offset = 0; for (const char *s = list, *start, *end; parselist(s, start, end);) { int len = end - start; if (needlelen == len && !strncmp(needle, start, len)) return offset; offset++; } return -1; } ICOMMAND(indexof, "ss", (CsState &cs, char *list, char *elem), cs.result->set_int(listincludes(cs, list, elem, strlen(elem)))); #define LISTMERGECMD(name, init, iter, filter, dir) \ ICOMMAND(name, "ss", (CsState &cs, const char *list, const char *elems), \ { \ ostd::Vector p; \ init; \ for(const char *start, *end, *qstart, *qend; parselist(iter, start, end, qstart, qend);) \ { \ int len = end - start; \ if(listincludes(cs, filter, start, len) dir 0) \ { \ if(!p.empty()) p.push(' '); \ p.push_n(qstart, qend-qstart); \ } \ } \ p.push('\0'); \ cs.result->set_str(p.disown()); \ }) LISTMERGECMD(listdel, , list, elems, < ); LISTMERGECMD(listintersect, , list, elems, >= ); LISTMERGECMD(listunion, p.push_n(list, strlen(list)), elems, list, < ); void listsplice(CsState &cs, const char *s, const char *vals, int *skip, int *count) { int offset = ostd::max(*skip, 0), len = ostd::max(*count, 0); const char *list = s, *start, *end, *qstart, *qend = s; for (int i = 0; i < offset; ++i) if (!parselist(s, start, end, qstart, qend)) break; ostd::Vector p; if (qend > list) p.push_n(list, qend - list); if (*vals) { if (!p.empty()) p.push(' '); p.push_n(vals, strlen(vals)); } for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (!parselist(s)) break; skiplist(s); switch (*s) { case '\0': case ')': case ']': break; default: if (!p.empty()) p.push(' '); p.push_n(s, strlen(s)); break; } p.push('\0'); cs.result->set_str(p.disown()); } COMMAND(listsplice, "ssii"); struct sortitem { const char *str, *quotestart, *quoteend; int quotelength() const { return int(quoteend - quotestart); } }; struct sortfun { CsState &cs; Ident *x, *y; ostd::uint *body; bool operator()(const sortitem &xval, const sortitem &yval) { if (x->valtype != VAL_CSTR) x->valtype = VAL_CSTR; x->clean_code(); x->val.code = (const ostd::uint *)xval.str; if (y->valtype != VAL_CSTR) y->valtype = VAL_CSTR; y->clean_code(); y->val.code = (const ostd::uint *)yval.str; return cs.run_bool(body); } }; void sortlist(CsState &cs, char *list, Ident *x, Ident *y, ostd::uint *body, ostd::uint *unique) { if (x == y || x->type != ID_ALIAS || y->type != ID_ALIAS) return; ostd::Vector items; int clen = strlen(list), total = 0; char *cstr = dup_ostr(ostd::ConstCharRange(list, clen)); const char *curlist = list, *start, *end, *quotestart, *quoteend; while (parselist(curlist, start, end, quotestart, quoteend)) { cstr[end - list] = '\0'; sortitem item = { &cstr[start - list], quotestart, quoteend }; items.push(item); total += item.quotelength(); } if (items.empty()) { cs.result->set_str(cstr); return; } IdentStack xstack, ystack; x->push_arg(null_value, xstack); x->flags &= ~IDF_UNKNOWN; y->push_arg(null_value, ystack); y->flags &= ~IDF_UNKNOWN; int totalunique = total, numunique = items.size(); if (body) { sortfun f = { cs, x, y, body }; ostd::sort(items.iter(), f); if ((*unique & CODE_OP_MASK) != CODE_EXIT) { f.body = unique; totalunique = items[0].quotelength(); numunique = 1; for (ostd::Size i = 1; i < items.size(); i++) { sortitem &item = items[i]; if (f(items[i - 1], item)) item.quotestart = nullptr; else { totalunique += item.quotelength(); numunique++; } } } } else { sortfun f = { cs, x, y, unique }; totalunique = items[0].quotelength(); numunique = 1; for (ostd::Size i = 1; i < items.size(); i++) { sortitem &item = items[i]; for (ostd::Size j = 0; j < i; ++j) { sortitem &prev = items[j]; if (prev.quotestart && f(item, prev)) { item.quotestart = nullptr; break; } } if (item.quotestart) { totalunique += item.quotelength(); numunique++; } } } x->pop_arg(); y->pop_arg(); char *sorted = cstr; int sortedlen = totalunique + ostd::max(numunique - 1, 0); if (clen < sortedlen) { delete[] cstr; sorted = new char[sortedlen + 1]; } int offset = 0; for (ostd::Size i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) { sortitem &item = items[i]; if (!item.quotestart) continue; int len = item.quotelength(); if (i) sorted[offset++] = ' '; memcpy(&sorted[offset], item.quotestart, len); offset += len; } sorted[offset] = '\0'; cs.result->set_str(sorted); } COMMAND(sortlist, "srree"); ICOMMAND(uniquelist, "srre", (CsState &cs, char *list, Ident *x, Ident *y, ostd::uint *body), sortlist(cs, list, x, y, nullptr, body)); #define MATHCMD(name, fmt, type, op, initval, unaryop) \ ICOMMANDS(name, #fmt "1V", (CsState &cs, TaggedValue *args, int numargs), \ { \ type val; \ if(numargs >= 2) \ { \ val = args[0].fmt; \ type val2 = args[1].fmt; \ op; \ for(int i = 2; i < numargs; i++) { val2 = args[i].fmt; op; } \ } \ else { val = numargs > 0 ? args[0].fmt : initval; unaryop; } \ cs.result->set_##type(val); \ }) #define MATHICMDN(name, op, initval, unaryop) MATHCMD(#name, i, int, val = val op val2, initval, unaryop) #define MATHICMD(name, initval, unaryop) MATHICMDN(name, name, initval, unaryop) #define MATHFCMDN(name, op, initval, unaryop) MATHCMD(#name "f", f, float, val = val op val2, initval, unaryop) #define MATHFCMD(name, initval, unaryop) MATHFCMDN(name, name, initval, unaryop) #define CMPCMD(name, fmt, type, op) \ ICOMMANDS(name, #fmt "1V", (CsState &cs, TaggedValue *args, int numargs), \ { \ bool val; \ if(numargs >= 2) \ { \ val = args[0].fmt op args[1].fmt; \ for(int i = 2; i < numargs && val; i++) val = args[i-1].fmt op args[i].fmt; \ } \ else val = (numargs > 0 ? args[0].fmt : 0) op 0; \ cs.result->set_int(int(val)); \ }) #define CMPICMDN(name, op) CMPCMD(#name, i, int, op) #define CMPICMD(name) CMPICMDN(name, name) #define CMPFCMDN(name, op) CMPCMD(#name "f", f, float, op) #define CMPFCMD(name) CMPFCMDN(name, name) MATHICMD(+, 0, ); MATHICMD(*, 1, ); MATHICMD(-, 0, val = -val); CMPICMDN(=, ==); CMPICMD(!=); CMPICMD(<); CMPICMD(>); CMPICMD(<=); CMPICMD(>=); MATHICMD(^, 0, val = ~val); MATHICMDN(~, ^, 0, val = ~val); MATHICMD(&, 0, ); MATHICMD(|, 0, ); MATHICMD(^~, 0, ); MATHICMD(&~, 0, ); MATHICMD(|~, 0, ); MATHCMD("<<", i, int, val = val2 < 32 ? val << ostd::max(val2, 0) : 0, 0, ); MATHCMD(">>", i, int, val >>= ostd::clamp(val2, 0, 31), 0, ); MATHFCMD(+, 0, ); MATHFCMD(*, 1, ); MATHFCMD(-, 0, val = -val); CMPFCMDN(=, ==); CMPFCMD(!=); CMPFCMD(<); CMPFCMD(>); CMPFCMD(<=); CMPFCMD(>=); ICOMMANDK(!, ID_NOT, "t", (CsState &cs, TaggedValue *a), cs.result->set_int(getbool(*a) ? 0 : 1)); ICOMMANDK(&&, ID_AND, "E1V", (CsState &cs, TaggedValue *args, int numargs), { if (!numargs) cs.result->set_int(1); else for (int i = 0; i < numargs; ++i) { if (i) cs.result->cleanup(); if (args[i].type == VAL_CODE) executeret(args[i].code, *cs.result); else *cs.result = args[i]; if (!getbool(*cs.result)) break; } }); ICOMMANDK( ||, ID_OR, "E1V", (CsState &cs, TaggedValue *args, int numargs), { if (!numargs) cs.result->set_int(0); else for (int i = 0; i < numargs; ++i) { if (i) cs.result->cleanup(); if (args[i].type == VAL_CODE) executeret(args[i].code, *cs.result); else *cs.result = args[i]; if (getbool(*cs.result)) break; } }); #define DIVCMD(name, fmt, type, op) MATHCMD(#name, fmt, type, { if(val2) op; else val = 0; }, 0, ) DIVCMD(div, i, int, val /= val2); DIVCMD(mod, i, int, val %= val2); DIVCMD(divf, f, float, val /= val2); DIVCMD(modf, f, float, val = fmod(val, val2)); MATHCMD("pow", f, float, val = pow(val, val2), 0, ); static constexpr float PI = 3.14159265358979f; static constexpr float RAD = PI / 180.0f; void init_lib_math(CsState &cs) { cs.add_command("sin", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *a) { cs.result->set_float(sin(*a * RAD)); }); cs.add_command("cos", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *a) { cs.result->set_float(cos(*a * RAD)); }); cs.add_command("tan", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *a) { cs.result->set_float(tan(*a * RAD)); }); cs.add_command("asin", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *a) { cs.result->set_float(asin(*a) / RAD); }); cs.add_command("acos", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *a) { cs.result->set_float(acos(*a) / RAD); }); cs.add_command("atan", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *a) { cs.result->set_float(atan(*a) / RAD); }); cs.add_command("atan2", "ff", [](CsState &cs, float *y, float *x) { cs.result->set_float(atan2(*y, *x) / RAD); }); cs.add_command("sqrt", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *a) { cs.result->set_float(sqrt(*a)); }); cs.add_command("loge", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *a) { cs.result->set_float(log(*a)); }); cs.add_command("log2", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *a) { cs.result->set_float(log(*a) / M_LN2); }); cs.add_command("log10", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *a) { cs.result->set_float(log10(*a)); }); cs.add_command("exp", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *a) { cs.result->set_float(exp(*a)); }); #define CS_CMD_MIN_MAX(name, fmt, type, op) \ cs.add_command(#name, #fmt "1V", [](CsState &cs, TaggedValue *args, \ int nargs) { \ type v = (nargs > 0) ? args[0].fmt : 0; \ for (int i = 1; i < nargs; ++i) v = op(v, args[i].fmt); \ cs.result->set_##type(v); \ }) CS_CMD_MIN_MAX(min, i, int, ostd::min); CS_CMD_MIN_MAX(max, i, int, ostd::max); CS_CMD_MIN_MAX(minf, f, float, ostd::min); CS_CMD_MIN_MAX(maxf, f, float, ostd::max); #undef CS_CMD_MIN_MAX cs.add_command("abs", "i", [](CsState &cs, int *v) { cs.result->set_int(abs(*v)); }); cs.add_command("absf", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *v) { cs.result->set_float(fabs(*v)); }); cs.add_command("floor", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *v) { cs.result->set_float(floor(*v)); }); cs.add_command("ceil", "f", [](CsState &cs, float *v) { cs.result->set_float(ceil(*v)); }); } ICOMMAND(round, "ff", (CsState &cs, float *n, float *k), { double step = *k; double r = *n; if (step > 0) { r += step * (r < 0 ? -0.5 : 0.5); r -= fmod(r, step); } else r = r < 0 ? ceil(r - 0.5) : floor(r + 0.5); cs.result->set_float(float(r)); }); ICOMMAND(cond, "ee2V", (CsState &cs, TaggedValue *args, int numargs), { for (int i = 0; i < numargs; i += 2) { if (i + 1 < numargs) { if (cs.run_bool(args[i].code)) { executeret(args[i + 1].code, *cs.result); break; } } else { executeret(args[i].code, *cs.result); break; } } }); #define CASECOMMAND(name, fmt, type, acc, compare) \ ICOMMAND(name, fmt "te2V", (CsState &cs, TaggedValue *args, int numargs), \ { \ type val = acc; \ int i; \ for(i = 1; i+1 < numargs; i += 2) \ { \ if(compare) \ { \ executeret(args[i+1].code, *cs.result); \ return; \ } \ } \ }) CASECOMMAND(case, "i", int, args[0].get_int(), args[i].type == VAL_NULL || args[i].get_int() == val); CASECOMMAND(casef, "f", float, args[0].get_float(), args[i].type == VAL_NULL || args[i].get_float() == val); CASECOMMAND(cases, "s", const char *, args[0].get_str(), args[i].type == VAL_NULL || !strcmp(args[i].get_str(), val)); ICOMMAND(tohex, "ii", (CsState &, int *n, int *p), { auto r = ostd::appender>(); ostd::format(r, "0x%.*X", ostd::max(*p, 1), *n); r.put('\0'); stringret(r.get().disown()); }); #define CMPSCMD(name, op) \ ICOMMAND(name, "s1V", (CsState &cs, TaggedValue *args, int numargs), \ { \ bool val; \ if(numargs >= 2) \ { \ val = strcmp(args[0].s, args[1].s) op 0; \ for(int i = 2; i < numargs && val; i++) val = strcmp(args[i-1].s, args[i].s) op 0; \ } \ else val = (numargs > 0 ? args[0].s[0] : 0) op 0; \ cs.result->set_int(int(val)); \ }) CMPSCMD(strcmp, ==); CMPSCMD(=s, ==); CMPSCMD(!=s, !=); CMPSCMD(s, >); CMPSCMD(<=s, <=); CMPSCMD(>=s, >=); ICOMMAND(echo, "C", (CsState &, char *s), printf("%s\n", s)); ICOMMAND(strstr, "ss", (CsState &cs, char *a, char *b), { char *s = strstr(a, b); cs.result->set_int(s ? s - a : -1); }); ICOMMAND(strlen, "s", (CsState &cs, char *s), cs.result->set_int(strlen(s))); ICOMMAND(strcode, "si", (CsState &cs, char *s, int *i), cs.result->set_int(*i > 0 ? (memchr(s, 0, *i) ? 0 : ostd::byte(s[*i])) : ostd::byte(s[0]))); ICOMMAND(codestr, "i", (CsState &, int *i), { char *s = new char[2]; s[0] = char(*i); s[1] = '\0'; stringret(s); }); #define STRMAPCOMMAND(name, map) \ ICOMMAND(name, "s", (CsState &, char *s), \ { \ int len = strlen(s); \ char *m = new char[len + 1]; \ for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) m[i] = map(s[i]); \ m[len] = '\0'; \ stringret(m); \ }) STRMAPCOMMAND(strlower, tolower); STRMAPCOMMAND(strupper, toupper); char *strreplace(CsState &, const char *s, const char *oldval, const char *newval, const char *newval2) { ostd::Vector buf; int oldlen = strlen(oldval); if (!oldlen) return dup_ostr(s); for (int i = 0;; i++) { const char *found = strstr(s, oldval); if (found) { while (s < found) buf.push(*s++); for (const char *n = i & 1 ? newval2 : newval; *n; n++) buf.push(*n); s = found + oldlen; } else { while (*s) buf.push(*s++); buf.push('\0'); return dup_ostr(ostd::ConstCharRange(buf.data(), buf.size())); } } } ICOMMAND(strreplace, "ssss", (CsState &cs, char *s, char *o, char *n, char *n2), cs.result->set_str(strreplace(cs, s, o, n, n2[0] ? n2 : n))); void strsplice(CsState &cs, const char *s, const char *vals, int *skip, int *count) { int slen = strlen(s), vlen = strlen(vals), offset = ostd::clamp(*skip, 0, slen), len = ostd::clamp(*count, 0, slen - offset); char *p = new char[slen - len + vlen + 1]; if (offset) memcpy(p, s, offset); if (vlen) memcpy(&p[offset], vals, vlen); if (offset + len < slen) memcpy(&p[offset + vlen], &s[offset + len], slen - (offset + len)); p[slen - len + vlen] = '\0'; cs.result->set_str(p); } COMMAND(strsplice, "ssii"); void init_lib_shell(CsState &cs) { cs.add_command("shell", "C", [](CsState &cs, char *s) { cs.result->set_int(system(s)); }); }