#include #include #include "cs_std.hh" #include "cs_ident.hh" #include "cs_thread.hh" namespace cubescript { static inline void do_loop( state &cs, ident &id, integer_type offset, integer_type n, integer_type step, bcode_ref &&cond, bcode_ref &&body ) { if (n <= 0) { return; } if (alias_local st{cs, &id}; st) { any_value idv{}; for (integer_type i = 0; i < n; ++i) { idv.set_integer(offset + i * step); st.set(idv); if (cond && !cs.run(cond).get_bool()) { break; } switch (cs.run_loop(body)) { case loop_state::BREAK: return; default: /* continue and normal */ break; } } } } static inline void do_loop_conc( state &cs, any_value &res, ident &id, integer_type offset, integer_type n, integer_type step, bcode_ref &&body, bool space ) { if (n <= 0) { return; } if (alias_local st{cs, &id}; st) { charbuf s{cs}; any_value idv{}; for (integer_type i = 0; i < n; ++i) { idv.set_integer(offset + i * step); st.set(idv); any_value v{}; switch (cs.run_loop(body, v)) { case loop_state::BREAK: goto end; case loop_state::CONTINUE: continue; default: break; } if (space && i) { s.push_back(' '); } s.append(v.get_string(cs)); } end: res.set_string(s.str(), cs); } } void init_lib_base(state &gcs) { gcs.new_command("error", "s", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &) { throw error{cs, args[0].get_string(cs)}; }); gcs.new_command("pcall", "err", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &ret) { alias *cret = args[1].get_ident()->get_alias(); alias *css = args[2].get_ident()->get_alias(); if (!cret || !css) { ret.set_integer(0); return; } any_value result{}, tback{}; bool rc = true; try { result = cs.run(args[0].get_code()); } catch (error const &e) { result.set_string(e.what(), cs); if (e.get_stack().get()) { charbuf buf{cs}; print_stack(std::back_inserter(buf), e.get_stack()); tback.set_string(buf.str(), cs); } rc = false; } ret.set_integer(rc); auto &ts = state_p{cs}.ts(); ts.get_astack(cret).set_alias(cret, ts, result); ts.get_astack(css).set_alias(css, ts, tback); }); gcs.new_command("?", "ttt", [](auto &, auto args, auto &res) { if (args[0].get_bool()) { res = args[1]; } else { res = args[2]; } }); gcs.new_command("cond", "ee2V", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &res) { for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i += 2) { if ((i + 1) < args.size()) { if (cs.run(args[i].get_code()).get_bool()) { res = cs.run(args[i + 1].get_code()); break; } } else { res = cs.run(args[i].get_code()); break; } } }); gcs.new_command("case", "ite2V", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &res) { integer_type val = args[0].get_integer(); for (size_t i = 1; (i + 1) < args.size(); i += 2) { if ( (args[i].get_type() == value_type::NONE) || (args[i].get_integer() == val) ) { res = cs.run(args[i + 1].get_code()); return; } } }); gcs.new_command("casef", "fte2V", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &res) { float_type val = args[0].get_float(); for (size_t i = 1; (i + 1) < args.size(); i += 2) { if ( (args[i].get_type() == value_type::NONE) || (args[i].get_float() == val) ) { res = cs.run(args[i + 1].get_code()); return; } } }); gcs.new_command("cases", "ste2V", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &res) { string_ref val = args[0].get_string(cs); for (size_t i = 1; (i + 1) < args.size(); i += 2) { if ( (args[i].get_type() == value_type::NONE) || (args[i].get_string(cs) == val) ) { res = cs.run(args[i + 1].get_code()); return; } } }); gcs.new_command("pushif", "rte", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &res) { if (alias_local st{cs, args[0].get_ident()}; st) { if (st.get_alias()->is_arg()) { return; } if (args[1].get_bool()) { st.set(args[1]); res = cs.run(args[2].get_code()); } } }); gcs.new_command("loop", "rie", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &) { do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[1].get_integer(), 1, bcode_ref{}, args[2].get_code() ); }); gcs.new_command("loop+", "riie", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &) { do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_integer(), args[2].get_integer(), 1, bcode_ref{}, args[3].get_code() ); }); gcs.new_command("loop*", "riie", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &) { do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[1].get_integer(), args[2].get_integer(), bcode_ref{}, args[3].get_code() ); }); gcs.new_command("loop+*", "riiie", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &) { do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_integer(), args[3].get_integer(), args[2].get_integer(), bcode_ref{}, args[4].get_code() ); }); gcs.new_command("loopwhile", "riee", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &) { do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[1].get_integer(), 1, args[2].get_code(), args[3].get_code() ); }); gcs.new_command("loopwhile+", "riiee", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &) { do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_integer(), args[2].get_integer(), 1, args[3].get_code(), args[4].get_code() ); }); gcs.new_command("loopwhile*", "riiee", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &) { do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[2].get_integer(), args[1].get_integer(), args[3].get_code(), args[4].get_code() ); }); gcs.new_command("loopwhile+*", "riiiee", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &) { do_loop( cs, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_integer(), args[3].get_integer(), args[2].get_integer(), args[4].get_code(), args[5].get_code() ); }); gcs.new_command("while", "ee", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &) { auto cond = args[0].get_code(); auto body = args[1].get_code(); while (cs.run(cond).get_bool()) { switch (cs.run_loop(body)) { case loop_state::BREAK: goto end; default: /* continue and normal */ break; } } end: return; }); gcs.new_command("loopconcat", "rie", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &res) { do_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[1].get_integer(), 1, args[2].get_code(), true ); }); gcs.new_command("loopconcat+", "riie", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &res) { do_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_integer(), args[2].get_integer(), 1, args[3].get_code(), true ); }); gcs.new_command("loopconcat*", "riie", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &res) { do_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[2].get_integer(), args[1].get_integer(), args[3].get_code(), true ); }); gcs.new_command("loopconcat+*", "riiie", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &res) { do_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_integer(), args[3].get_integer(), args[2].get_integer(), args[4].get_code(), true ); }); gcs.new_command("loopconcatword", "rie", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &res) { do_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[1].get_integer(), 1, args[2].get_code(), false ); }); gcs.new_command("loopconcatword+", "riie", []( auto &cs, auto args, auto &res ) { do_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_integer(), args[2].get_integer(), 1, args[3].get_code(), false ); }); gcs.new_command("loopconcatword*", "riie", []( auto &cs, auto args, auto &res ) { do_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), 0, args[2].get_integer(), args[1].get_integer(), args[3].get_code(), false ); }); gcs.new_command("loopconcatword+*", "riiie", []( auto &cs, auto args, auto &res ) { do_loop_conc( cs, res, *args[0].get_ident(), args[1].get_integer(), args[3].get_integer(), args[2].get_integer(), args[4].get_code(), false ); }); gcs.new_command("push", "rte", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &res) { if (alias_local st{cs, args[0].get_ident()}; st) { if (st.get_alias()->is_arg()) { return; } st.set(args[1]); res = cs.run(args[2].get_code()); } }); gcs.new_command("resetvar", "s", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &) { cs.reset_var(args[0].get_string(cs)); }); gcs.new_command("alias", "st", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &) { cs.set_alias(args[0].get_string(cs), args[1]); }); gcs.new_command("identexists", "s", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &res) { res.set_integer(cs.have_ident(args[0].get_string(cs))); }); gcs.new_command("getalias", "s", [](auto &cs, auto args, auto &res) { auto *id = cs.get_alias(args[0].get_string(cs)); if (id) { res = id->get_value(cs); } }); } } /* namespace cubescript */