
184 lines
4.6 KiB

#include <cmath>
#include <cctype>
#include "cs_std.hh"
namespace cscript {
static inline char const *p_skip_white(char const *beg, char const *end) {
while ((beg != end) && isspace(*beg)) {
return beg;
static inline void p_set_end(
char const *nbeg, char const *nend, std::string_view *end
) {
if (!end) {
*end = std::string_view{nbeg, nend};
/* this function assumes the input is definitely a hex digit */
static inline cs_int p_hexd_to_int(char c) {
if (c >= 97) { /* a-f */
return (c - 'a') + 10;
} else if (c >= 65) { /* A-F */
return (c - 'A') + 10;
/* 0-9 */
return c - '0';
static inline bool p_check_neg(char const *&input) {
bool neg = (*input == '-');
if (neg || (*input == '+')) {
return neg;
cs_int parse_int(std::string_view input, std::string_view *endstr) {
char const *beg = input.begin();
char const *end = input.end();
char const *orig = beg;
beg = p_skip_white(beg, end);
if (beg == end) {
p_set_end(orig, end, endstr);
return cs_int(0);
bool neg = p_check_neg(beg);
cs_int ret = 0;
char const *past = beg;
if ((end - beg) >= 2) {
std::string_view pfx = std::string_view{beg, 2};
if ((pfx == "0x") || (pfx == "0X")) {
beg += 2;
past = beg;
while ((past != end) && std::isxdigit(*past)) {
ret = ret * 16 + p_hexd_to_int(*past++);
goto done;
} else if ((pfx == "0b") || (pfx == "0B")) {
beg += 2;
past = beg;
while ((past != end) && ((*past == '0') || (*past == '1'))) {
ret = ret * 2 + (*past++ - '0');
goto done;
while ((past != end) && std::isdigit(*past)) {
ret = ret * 10 + (*past++ - '0');
p_set_end((past == beg) ? orig : past, end, endstr);
if (neg) {
return -ret;
return ret;
template<bool Hex, char e1 = Hex ? 'p' : 'e', char e2 = Hex ? 'P' : 'E'>
static inline bool p_read_exp(char const *&beg, char const *end, cs_int &fn) {
if (beg == end) {
return true;
if ((*beg != e1) && (*beg != e2)) {
return true;
if (++beg == end) {
return false;
bool neg = p_check_neg(beg);
if ((beg == end) || !std::isdigit(*beg)) {
return false;
cs_int exp = 0;
while ((beg != end) && std::isdigit(*beg)) {
exp = exp * 10 + (*beg++ - '0');
if (neg) {
exp = -exp;
fn += exp;
return true;
template<bool Hex>
static inline bool parse_gen_float(
char const *&beg, char const *end, std::string_view *endstr, cs_float &ret
) {
auto read_digits = [&beg, end](double r, cs_int &n) {
while (
(beg != end) &&
(Hex ? std::isxdigit(*beg) : std::isdigit(*beg))
) {
if (Hex) {
r = r * 16.0 + double(p_hexd_to_int(*beg));
} else {
r = r * 10.0 + double(*beg - '0');
return r;
cs_int wn = 0, fn = 0;
double r = read_digits(0.0, wn);
if ((beg != end) && (*beg == '.')) {
r = read_digits(r, fn);
if (!wn && !fn) {
return false;
fn = -fn;
p_set_end(beg, end, endstr); /* we have a valid number until here */
if (p_read_exp<Hex>(beg, end, fn)) {
p_set_end(beg, end, endstr);
if (Hex) {
ret = cs_float(ldexp(r, fn * 4));
} else {
ret = cs_float(r * pow(10, fn));
return true;
cs_float parse_float(std::string_view input, std::string_view *endstr) {
char const *beg = input.begin();
char const *end = input.end();
char const *orig = beg;
beg = p_skip_white(beg, end);
if (beg == end) {
p_set_end(orig, end, endstr);
return cs_float(0);
bool neg = p_check_neg(beg);
cs_float ret = cs_float(0);
if ((end - beg) >= 2) {
std::string_view pfx = std::string_view{beg, 2};
if ((pfx == "0x") || (pfx == "0X")) {
beg += 2;
if (!parse_gen_float<true>(beg, end, endstr, ret)) {
p_set_end(orig, end, endstr);
return ret;
goto done;
if (!parse_gen_float<false>(beg, end, endstr, ret)) {
p_set_end(orig, end, endstr);
return ret;
if (neg) {
return -ret;
return ret;
} /* namespace cscript */