/* This simple program generates the tables necessary for Unicode character * types. It's inspired by the mkrunetype.awk generator from the libutf * project, see COPYING.md. * * This file is a part of the libostd project. Libostd is licensed under the * University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License, as is this file. See the * COPYING.md file further information. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ostd { namespace unicode_gen { using code_t = std::uint32_t; using code_vec = std::vector; inline code_t hex_to_code(string_range hs) { code_t ret = 0; for (char c: hs) { if (!std::isxdigit(c |= 32)) { throw std::runtime_error{"malformed code point"}; } ret = ret * 16 + code_t(c - ((c > '9') ? ('a' - 10) : '0')); } return ret; } struct parse_state { code_vec controls; code_vec alphas; code_vec lowers; code_vec uppers; code_vec tolowers; code_vec touppers; code_vec titles; code_vec digits; code_vec spaces; void assert_line(bool b) { if (!b) { throw std::runtime_error{"malformed line"}; } } void parse_line(string_range line) { std::array bits; for (std::size_t n = 0;;) { auto sc = ostd::find(line, ';'); if (!sc) { assert_line(n >= (bits.size() - 1)); bits[n] = line; break; } bits[n++] = line.slice(0, std::size_t(sc.data() - line.data())); sc.pop_front(); line = sc; } assert_line(!bits[0].empty() && (bits[2].size() == 2)); code_t n = hex_to_code(bits[0]); /* control chars */ if (bits[2] == "Cc") { controls.push_back(n); return; } /* alphabetics */ if (bits[2][0] == 'L') { alphas.push_back(n); /* can match more */ } /* lowercase */ if (bits[2] == "Ll") { lowers.push_back(n); touppers.push_back(bits[12].empty() ? n : hex_to_code(bits[12])); return; } /* uppercase */ if (bits[2] == "Lu") { uppers.push_back(n); tolowers.push_back(bits[13].empty() ? n : hex_to_code(bits[13])); return; } /* titlecase */ if (bits[2] == "Lt") { titles.push_back(n); return; } /* digits */ if (bits[2] == "Nd") { digits.push_back(n); return; } /* whitespace */ if ( (bits[2][0] == 'Z') && (bits[4] == "B" || bits[4] == "S" || bits[4] == "WS") ) { spaces.push_back(n); return; } /* good enough for now, ignore the rest */ } template void build( R &writer, string_range name, code_vec const &codes, string_range cname = string_range{}, code_vec const &cases = code_vec{} ) { code_vec singles; code_vec singles_cases; code_vec ranges_beg; code_vec ranges_end; code_vec ranges_cases; code_vec laces_beg[2]; code_vec laces_end[2]; if (!cases.empty() && (cases.size() != codes.size())) { throw std::runtime_error{"mismatched code lists"}; } auto match_pair = [&codes](std::size_t i, std::size_t off) { return ( ((i + 1) < codes.size()) && (codes[i + 1] == (codes[i] + off)) ); }; auto match_range = [&cases, &match_pair](std::size_t i) { return match_pair(i, 1) && ( cases.empty() || (cases[i + 1] == (cases[i] + 1)) ); }; auto match_lace = [ &codes, &cases, &match_pair ](std::size_t i, std::size_t offs) { int off = (!int(offs) * 2) - 1; return match_pair(i, 2) && (cases.empty() || ( (cases[i + 1] == code_t(std::int32_t(codes[i + 1]) + off)) && (cases[i ] == code_t(std::int32_t(codes[i ]) + off)) )); }; bool endseq = false; std::size_t i = 0; std::size_t ncodes = codes.size(); while (i < ncodes) { if (match_range(i)) { ranges_beg.push_back(codes[i]); if (!cases.empty()) { ranges_cases.push_back(cases[i]); } /* go to the end of sequence */ for (++i; match_range(i); ++i) { continue; } /* end of range, try others */ ranges_end.push_back(codes[i]); endseq = true; continue; } if (size_t j = 0; match_lace(i, j) || match_lace(i, ++j)) { laces_beg[j].push_back(codes[i]); for (++i; match_lace(i, j); ++i) { continue; } laces_end[j].push_back(codes[i]); endseq = true; continue; } if (!endseq) { singles.push_back(codes[i]); if (!cases.empty()) { singles_cases.push_back(cases[i]); } } endseq = false; ++i; } auto build_list = [&writer, &name]( string_range aname, std::size_t ncol, code_vec const &col1, code_vec const &col2, code_vec const &col3 ) { if (col1.empty()) { return; } format( writer, "static char32_t const %s_%s[][%d] = {\n", name, aname, ncol ); for (std::size_t j = 0; j < col1.size(); ++j) { switch (ncol) { case 1: format(writer, " { 0x%06X },\n", col1[j]); break; case 2: format( writer, " { 0x%06X, 0x%06X },\n", col1[j], col2[j] ); break; case 3: format( writer, " { 0x%06X, 0x%06X, 0x%06X },\n", col1[j], col2[j], col3[j] ); break; default: throw std::runtime_error{"invalid column number"}; break; } } format(writer, "};\n\n"); }; if (cases.empty()) { format(writer, "\n/* is%s */\n\n", name); } else { format(writer, "\n/* is%s, to%s */\n\n", name, cname); } build_list( "ranges", !cases.empty() + 2, ranges_beg, ranges_end, ranges_cases ); build_list("laces1", 2, laces_beg[0], laces_end[0], laces_beg[0]); build_list("laces2", 2, laces_beg[1], laces_end[1], laces_beg[1]); build_list( "singles", !cases.empty() + 1, singles, singles_cases, singles ); /* is_CTYPE(c) */ build_func( writer, name, name, "is", "bool", ranges_beg, laces_beg[0], laces_beg[1], singles ); /* to_CTYPE(c) */ if (!cases.empty()) { writer.put('\n'); build_func( writer, name, cname, "to", "char32_t", ranges_beg, laces_beg[0], laces_beg[1], singles ); } } template void build_header(R &writer) { char buf[64]; time_t curt; std::time(&curt); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c", std::localtime(&curt)); format( writer, "/* Generated on %s by gen_unicode (libostd) */\n", static_cast(buf) ); } template void build_func( R &writer, string_range name, string_range fname, string_range prefix, string_range ret_type, code_vec const &ranges, code_vec const &laces1, code_vec const &laces2, code_vec const &singles ) { format( writer, "OSTD_EXPORT %s %s%s(char32_t c) noexcept {\n", ret_type, prefix, fname ); format(writer, " return utf::uctype_func<\n"); auto it1 = { &ranges, &laces1, &laces2, &singles }; auto it2 = { "ranges", "laces1", "laces2", "singles" }; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < it1.size(); ++i) { if (it1.begin()[i]->empty()) { format(writer, " 0, 0"); } else { format( writer, " sizeof(%s_%s), sizeof(*%s_%s)", name, it2.begin()[i], name, it2.begin()[i] ); } if ((i + 1) != it1.size()) { format(writer, ",\n"); } else { format(writer, "\n"); } } format(writer, " >::do_%s(\n c, ", prefix); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < it1.size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) { format(writer, ", "); } if (it1.begin()[i]->empty()) { format(writer, "nullptr"); } else { format(writer, "%s_%s", name, it2.begin()[i]); } } format(writer, "\n );\n}\n"); } template void build_all(R &writer, IR lines) { for (auto const &line: lines) { parse_line(line); } build_header(writer); build(writer, "alpha", alphas); build(writer, "cntrl", controls); build(writer, "digit", digits); build(writer, "lower", lowers, "upper", touppers); build(writer, "space", spaces); build(writer, "title", titles); build(writer, "upper", uppers, "lower", tolowers); } void build_all_from_file(string_range input, string_range output) { file_stream ifs{input}; if (!ifs.is_open()) { throw std::runtime_error{"could not open input file"}; } file_stream ofs{output, stream_mode::WRITE}; if (!ofs.is_open()) { throw std::runtime_error{"could not open output file"}; } auto writer = ofs.iter(); build_all(writer, ifs.iter_lines()); } }; } /* namespace unicode_gen */ } /* namespace ostd */ #ifndef OSTD_GEN_UNICODE_INCLUDE int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc <= 1) { ostd::writeln("not enough arguments"); return 1; } ostd::string_range fname = argv[1]; ostd::string_range outname = "src/string_utf.hh"; if (argc >= 3) { outname = argv[2]; } ostd::unicode_gen::parse_state ps; try { ps.build_all_from_file(fname, outname); } catch (std::runtime_error const &e) { ostd::writeln(e.what()); return 1; } } #endif