/* Process handling implementation bits. * * This file is part of libostd. See COPYING.md for futher information. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ostd/process.hh" #include "ostd/format.hh" #include #ifdef OSTD_PLATFORM_WIN32 # include "ostd/filesystem.hh" # include namespace fs = ostd::filesystem; #else # include # include # include #endif namespace ostd { namespace detail { OSTD_EXPORT void split_args_impl( string_range const &str, void (*func)(string_range, void *), void *data ) { if (!str.size()) { return; } #ifndef OSTD_PLATFORM_WIN32 std::string strs{str}; wordexp_t p; if (int err; (err = wordexp(strs.data(), &p, 0))) { switch (err) { case WRDE_BADCHAR: throw word_error{"illegal character"}; case WRDE_BADVAL: /* no WRDE_UNDEF flag, won't happen */ throw word_error{"undefined shell variable"}; case WRDE_CMDSUB: /* no WRDE_NOCMD flag, won't happen */ throw word_error{"invalid command substitution"}; case WRDE_NOSPACE: throw std::bad_alloc{}; case WRDE_SYNTAX: throw word_error{"syntax error"}; default: throw word_error{"unknown error"}; } } /* if the output range throws, make sure stuff gets freed */ struct wordexp_guard { void operator()(wordexp_t *fp) const { wordfree(fp); } }; std::unique_ptr guard{&p}; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < p.we_wordc; ++i) { func(p.we_wordv[i], data); } #else std::unique_ptr wstr{new wchar_t[str.size() + 1]}; memset(wstr.get(), 0, (str.size() + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (!MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, str.data(), str.size(), wstr.get(), str.size() + 1 )) { throw word_error{"unicode conversion failed"}; } int argc = 0; wchar_t **pwargs = CommandLineToArgvW(wstr.get(), &argc); if (!pwargs) { throw word_error{"command line parsing failed"}; } /* if anything throws, make sure stuff gets freed */ struct wchar_guard { void operator()(wchar_t **p) const { LocalFree(p); } }; std::unique_ptr wguard{pwargs}; for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { wchar_t *arg = pwargs[i]; std::size_t arglen = wcslen(arg); std::size_t req = 0; if (!(req = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, arg, arglen + 1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr ))) { throw word_error{"unicode conversion failed"}; } std::unique_ptr buf{new char[req]}; if (!WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, arg, arglen + 1, buf.get(), req, nullptr, nullptr )) { throw word_error{"unicode conversion failed"}; } func(string_range{buf.get(), buf.get() + req - 1}, data); } #endif } } /* namespace detail */ #ifndef OSTD_PLATFORM_WIN32 struct data { int pid = -1, errno_fd = -1; }; struct pipe { int fd[2] = { -1, -1 }; ~pipe() { if (fd[0] >= 0) { ::close(fd[0]); } if (fd[1] >= 0) { ::close(fd[1]); } } void open(process_stream use) { if (use != process_stream::PIPE) { return; } if (::pipe(fd) < 0) { throw process_error{"could not open pipe"}; } } int &operator[](std::size_t idx) { return fd[idx]; } void fdopen(file_stream &s, bool write) { FILE *p = ::fdopen(fd[std::size_t(write)], write ? "w" : "r"); if (!p) { throw process_error{"could not open redirected stream"}; } /* do not close twice, the stream will close it */ fd[std::size_t(write)] = -1; s.open(p, [](FILE *f) { std::fclose(f); }); } void close(bool write) { ::close(std::exchange(fd[std::size_t(write)], -1)); } bool dup2(int target, pipe &err, bool write) { if (::dup2(fd[std::size_t(write)], target) < 0) { err.write_errno(); return false; } close(write); return true; } void write_errno() { write(fd[1], int(errno), sizeof(int)); } }; OSTD_EXPORT void subprocess::open_impl( std::string const &cmd, std::vector const &args, bool use_path ) { if (use_in == process_stream::STDOUT) { throw process_error{"could not redirect stdin to stdout"}; } auto argp = std::make_unique(args.size() + 1); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { argp[i] = const_cast(args[i].data()); } argp[args.size()] = nullptr; /* fd_errno used to detect if exec failed */ pipe fd_errno, fd_stdin, fd_stdout, fd_stderr; fd_errno.open(process_stream::PIPE); fd_stdin.open(use_in); fd_stdout.open(use_out); fd_stderr.open(use_err); auto cpid = fork(); if (cpid == -1) { throw process_error{"fork failed"}; } else if (!cpid) { /* child process */ fd_errno.close(false); /* fcntl fails, write the errno to be read from parent */ if (fcntl(fd_errno[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) { fd_errno.write_errno(); std::exit(1); } /* prepare standard streams */ if (use_in == process_stream::PIPE) { fd_stdin.close(true); if (!fd_stdin.dup2(STDIN_FILENO, fd_errno, false)) { std::exit(1); } } if (use_out == process_stream::PIPE) { fd_stdout.close(false); if (!fd_stdout.dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, fd_errno, true)) { std::exit(1); } } if (use_err == process_stream::PIPE) { fd_stderr.close(false); if (!fd_stderr.dup2(STDERR_FILENO, fd_errno, true)) { std::exit(1); } } else if (use_err == process_stream::STDOUT) { if (dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO) < 0) { fd_errno.write_errno(); std::exit(1); } } if (use_path) { execvp(cmd.data(), argp.get()); } else { execv(cmd.data(), argp.get()); } /* exec has returned, so error has occured */ fd_errno.write_errno(); std::exit(1); } else { /* parent process */ fd_errno.close(true); if (use_in == process_stream::PIPE) { fd_stdin.close(false); fd_stdin.fdopen(in, true); } if (use_out == process_stream::PIPE) { fd_stdout.close(true); fd_stdout.fdopen(out, false); } if (use_err == process_stream::PIPE) { fd_stderr.close(true); fd_stderr.fdopen(err, false); } p_current = ::new (reinterpret_cast(&p_data)) data{ int(cpid), std::exchange(fd_errno[1], -1) }; } } OSTD_EXPORT void subprocess::reset() { if (!p_current) { return; } data *pd = static_cast(p_current); if (pd->errno_fd >= 0) { ::close(pd->errno_fd); } p_current = nullptr; } OSTD_EXPORT int subprocess::close() { if (!p_current) { throw process_error{"no child process"}; } data *pd = static_cast(p_current); int retc = 0; if (pid_t wp; (wp = waitpid(pd->pid, &retc, 0)) < 0) { reset(); throw process_error{"child process wait failed"}; } if (retc) { int eno; auto r = read(pd->errno_fd, &eno, sizeof(int)); reset(); if (r < 0) { throw process_error{"could not read from pipe"}; } else if (r == sizeof(int)) { auto ec = std::system_category().default_error_condition(eno); auto app = appender(); format(app, "could not execute subprocess (%s)", ec.message()); throw process_error{std::move(app.get())}; } } reset(); return retc; } #else /* OSTD_PLATFORM_WIN32 */ struct data { HANDLE process = nullptr, thread = nullptr; }; struct pipe { HANDLE p_r = nullptr, p_w = nullptr; ~pipe() { if (p_r) { CloseHandle(p_r); } if (p_w) { CloseHandle(p_w); } } void open(process_stream use, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES &sa, bool read) { if (use != process_stream::PIPE) { return; } if (!CreatePipe(&p_r, &p_w, &sa, 0)) { throw process_error{"could not open pipe"}; } if (!SetHandleInformation(read ? p_r : p_w, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) { throw process_error{"could not set pipe parameters"}; } } void fdopen(file_stream &s, bool read) { int fd = _open_osfhandle( reinterpret_cast(read ? p_r : p_w), read ? _O_RDONLY : 0 ); if (fd < 0) { throw process_error{"could not open redirected stream"}; } if (read) { p_r = nullptr; } else { p_w = nullptr; } auto p = _fdopen(fd, read ? "r" : "w"); if (!p) { _close(fd); throw process_error{"could not open redirected stream"}; } s.open(p, [](FILE *f) { std::fclose(f); }); } }; /* because there is no way to have CreateProcess do a lookup in standard * paths AND specify a custom separate argv[0], we need to implement the * path resolution ourselves; fortunately the standard filesystem API * makes this kind of easy, but it's still a lot of code I'd rather * not write... oh well */ static std::wstring resolve_file(wchar_t const *cmd) { /* a reused buffer, TODO: allow longer paths */ wchar_t buf[1024]; auto is_maybe_exec = [](fs::path const &p) { auto st = fs::status(p); return (fs::is_regular_file(st) || fs::is_symlink(st)); }; fs::path p{cmd}; /* deal with some easy cases */ if ((p.filename() != p) || (p == L".") || (p == L"..")) { return cmd; } /* no extension appends .exe as is done normally */ if (!p.has_extension()) { p.replace_extension(L".exe"); } /* the directory from which the app loaded */ if (GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, buf, sizeof(buf))) { fs::path rp{buf}; rp.replace_filename(p); if (is_maybe_exec(rp)) { return rp.native(); } } /* the current directory */ { auto rp = fs::path{L"."} / p; if (is_maybe_exec(rp)) { return rp.native(); } } /* the system directory */ if (GetSystemDirectoryW(buf, sizeof(buf))) { auto rp = fs::path{buf} / p; if (is_maybe_exec(rp)) { return rp.native(); } } /* the windows directory */ if (GetWindowsDirectoryW(buf, sizeof(buf))) { auto rp = fs::path{buf} / p; if (is_maybe_exec(rp)) { return rp.native(); } } /* the PATH envvar */ std::size_t req = GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"PATH", buf, sizeof(buf)); if (req) { wchar_t *envp = buf; std::vector dynbuf; if (req > sizeof(buf)) { dynbuf.reserve(req); for (;;) { req = GetEnvironmentVariableW( L"PATH", dynbuf.data(), dynbuf.capacity() ); if (!req) { return cmd; } if (req > dynbuf.capacity()) { dynbuf.reserve(req); } else { envp = dynbuf.data(); break; } } } for (;;) { auto sp = wcschr(envp, L';'); fs::path rp; if (!sp) { rp = fs::path{envp} / p; } else if (sp == envp) { envp = sp + 1; continue; } else { rp = fs::path{envp, sp} / p; envp = sp + 1; } if (is_maybe_exec(rp)) { return rp.native(); } } } /* nothing found */ return cmd; } /* windows follows a dumb set of rules for parsing command line params; * a single \ is normally interpreted literally, unless it precedes a ", * in which case it acts as an escape character for the quotation mark; * if multiple backslashes precedes the quotation mark, each pair is * treated as a single backslash * * we need to replicate this awful behavior here, hence the extra code */ static std::string concat_args(std::vector const &args) { std::string ret; for (auto &s: args) { if (!ret.empty()) { ret += ' '; } ret += '\"'; for (char const *sp = s.data();;) { char const *p = strpbrk(sp, "\"\\"); if (!p) { ret += sp; break; } ret.append(sp, p); if (*p == '\"') { /* not preceded by \, so it's safe */ ret += "\\\""; } else { /* handle any sequence of \ optionally followed by a " */ std::size_t nbsl = 0; while (*p++ == '\\') { ++nbsl; } if (*p == '\"') { /* double all the backslashes plus one for the " */ ret.append(nbsl * 2 + 1, '\\'); ret += '\"'; } else { ret.append(nbsl, '\\'); } } sp = p + 1; } ret += '\"'; } return ret; } OSTD_EXPORT void subprocess::open_impl( std::string const &cmd, std::vector const &args, bool use_path ) { if (use_in == process_stream::STDOUT) { throw process_error{"could not redirect stdin to stdout"}; } /* pipes */ SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.bInheritHandle = true; sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = nullptr; pipe pipe_in, pipe_out, pipe_err; pipe_in.open(use_in, sa, false); pipe_out.open(use_out, sa, true); pipe_err.open(use_err, sa, true); /* process creation */ PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFOW si; memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); memset(&si, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFOW)); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW); if (use_in == process_stream::PIPE) { si.hStdInput = pipe_in.p_r; pipe_in.fdopen(in, false); } else { si.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); if (si.hStdInput == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { throw process_error{"could not get standard input handle"}; } } if (use_out == process_stream::PIPE) { si.hStdOutput = pipe_out.p_w; pipe_out.fdopen(out, true); } else { si.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (si.hStdOutput == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { throw process_error{"could not get standard output handle"}; } } if (use_err == process_stream::PIPE) { si.hStdError = pipe_err.p_w; pipe_err.fdopen(err, true); } else if (use_err == process_stream::STDOUT) { si.hStdError = si.hStdOutput; } else { si.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); if (si.hStdError == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { throw process_error{"could not get standard error handle"}; } } si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; std::wstring cmdpath; /* convert and optionally resolve PATH and other lookup locations */ { std::unique_ptr wcmd{new wchar_t[cmd.size() + 1]}; if (!MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, cmd.data(), cmd.size() + 1, wcmd.get(), cmd.size() + 1 )) { throw process_error{"unicode conversion failed"}; } if (use_path) { cmdpath = wcmd.get(); } else { cmdpath = resolve_file(wcmd.get()); } } /* cmdline gets an ordinary conversion... */ auto astr = concat_args(args); std::unique_ptr cmdline{new wchar_t[astr.size() + 1]}; if (!MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, astr.data(), astr.size() + 1, cmdline.get(), astr.size() + 1 )) { throw process_error{"unicode conversion failed"}; } /* owned by CreateProcess, do not close explicitly */ pipe_in.p_r = nullptr; pipe_out.p_w = nullptr; pipe_err.p_w = nullptr; auto success = CreateProcessW( cmdpath.data(), cmdline.get(), nullptr, /* process security attributes */ nullptr, /* primary thread security attributes */ true, /* inherit handles */ 0, /* creation flags */ nullptr, /* use parent env */ nullptr, /* use parent cwd */ &si, &pi ); p_current = ::new (reinterpret_cast(&p_data)) data{ pi.hProcess, pi.hThread }; if (!success) { throw process_error{"could not execute subprocess"}; } } OSTD_EXPORT void subprocess::reset() { p_current = nullptr; } OSTD_EXPORT int subprocess::close() { if (!p_current) { throw process_error{"no child process"}; } data *pd = static_cast(p_current); if (WaitForSingleObject(pd->process, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) { CloseHandle(pd->process); CloseHandle(pd->thread); reset(); throw process_error{"child process wait failed"}; } DWORD ec = 0; if (!GetExitCodeProcess(pd->process, &ec)) { CloseHandle(pd->process); CloseHandle(pd->thread); reset(); throw process_error{"could not retrieve exit code"}; } CloseHandle(pd->process); CloseHandle(pd->thread); reset(); return int(ec); } #endif OSTD_EXPORT void subprocess::move_data(subprocess &i) { data *od = static_cast(i.p_current); if (!od) { return; } p_current = ::new (reinterpret_cast(&p_data)) data{*od}; i.p_current = nullptr; } OSTD_EXPORT void subprocess::swap_data(subprocess &i) { if (!p_current) { move_data(i); } else if (!i.p_current) { i.move_data(*this); } else { std::swap( *static_cast(p_current), *static_cast(i.p_current) ); } } OSTD_EXPORT subprocess::~subprocess() { try { close(); } catch (process_error const &) {} reset(); } } /* namespace ostd */