/* Build system implementation bits. * * This file is part of libostd. See COPYING.md for futher information. */ #include "ostd/build/make.hh" namespace ostd { namespace build { /* place the vtable in here */ make_task::~make_task() {} static bool check_exec( string_range tname, std::vector const &deps ) { if (!fs::exists(tname)) { return true; } for (auto &dep: deps) { if (!fs::exists(dep)) { return true; } } auto get_ts = [](string_range fname) { path p{fname}; if (!fs::is_regular_file(p)) { return fs::file_time_t{}; } return fs::last_write_time(p); }; auto tts = get_ts(tname); if (tts == fs::file_time_t{}) { return true; } for (auto &dep: deps) { auto sts = get_ts(dep); if ((sts != fs::file_time_t{}) && (tts < sts)) { return true; } } return false; } /* this lets us properly match % patterns in target names */ static string_range match_pattern( string_range expanded, string_range toexpand ) { auto rep = ostd::find(toexpand, '%'); /* no subst found */ if (rep.empty()) { if (expanded == toexpand) { return expanded; } return nullptr; } /* get the part before % */ auto fp = toexpand.slice(0, &rep[0] - &toexpand[0]); /* part before % does not compare, so ignore */ if (expanded.size() <= fp.size()) { return nullptr; } if (expanded.slice(0, fp.size()) != fp) { return nullptr; } /* pop out front part */ expanded = expanded.slice(fp.size(), expanded.size()); /* part after % */ ++rep; if (rep.empty()) { return expanded; } /* part after % does not compare, so ignore */ if (expanded.size() <= rep.size()) { return nullptr; } size_t es = expanded.size(); if (expanded.slice(es - rep.size(), es) != rep) { return nullptr; } /* cut off latter part */ expanded = expanded.slice(0, expanded.size() - rep.size()); /* we got what we wanted... */ return expanded; } OSTD_EXPORT std::pair< std::size_t, std::size_t > make_pattern::match(string_range target) { using PT = std::pair; string_range sub = match_pattern(target, p_target); p_subs.clear(); std::size_t subl = sub.size(); if (subl == 0) { return PT{0, 0}; } p_subs.push_back(sub); std::size_t tarl = target.size(); if (subl == tarl) { return PT{sub.size(), 0}; } return PT{target.data() + tarl - sub.data() - subl, subl}; } OSTD_EXPORT std::string make_pattern::replace(string_range dep) const { if (p_subs.empty()) { return std::string{dep}; } auto lp = ostd::find(dep, '%'); if (lp.empty()) { return std::string{dep}; } auto ret = std::string{dep.slice(0, &lp[0] - &dep[0])}; ret.append(p_subs[0]); lp.pop_front(); ret.append(lp); return ret; } void make::exec_rlist(string_range tname, std::vector const &rlist) { std::vector rdeps; if ((rlist.size() > 1) || !rlist[0].deps.empty()) { wait_for([&rlist, &rdeps, &tname, this]() { for (auto &sr: rlist) { for (auto &tgt: sr.deps) { rdeps.push_back(tgt); exec_rule(tgt, tname); } } }); } make_rule *rl = nullptr; for (auto &sr: rlist) { if (sr.rule->has_body()) { rl = sr.rule; break; } } if (rl && (rl->action() || check_exec(tname, rdeps))) { std::unique_ptr t{ p_factory(tname, std::move(rdeps), *rl) }; p_current = t.get(); t->resume(); if (!t->done()) { p_waiting.top()->push(std::move(t)); } } } void make::exec_rule(string_range target, string_range from) { std::vector &rlist = p_cache[target]; find_rules(target, rlist); if (rlist.empty()) { if (fs::exists(target)) { return; } if (from.empty()) { throw make_error{"no rule to exec target '%s'", target}; } else { throw make_error{ "no rule to exec target '%s' (needed by '%s')", target, from }; } } exec_rlist(target, rlist); } void make::find_rules(string_range target, std::vector &rlist) { if (!rlist.empty()) { return; } rule_inst *frule = nullptr; std::size_t pfnl = 0, psubl = 0; for (auto &rule: p_rules) { if (!rule.cond(target)) { continue; } auto &tgt = rule.target(); auto [fnl, subl] = tgt.match(target); if ((fnl + subl) > 0) { rlist.emplace_back(); rule_inst &sr = rlist.back(); sr.rule = &rule; sr.deps.reserve(rule.depends().size()); for (auto &d: rule.depends()) { sr.deps.push_back(tgt.replace(d)); } if (!rule.has_body()) { if (fnl != target.size()) { throw make_error{"pattern rule '%s' needs a body", target}; } continue; } if (frule) { if ((pfnl == fnl) && (psubl == subl)) { throw make_error{"redefinition of rule '%s'", target}; } if ((fnl > pfnl) || ((fnl == pfnl) && (subl < psubl))) { *frule = sr; pfnl = fnl; psubl = subl; rlist.pop_back(); } } else { frule = &sr; pfnl = fnl; psubl = subl; } } } } void make::wait_rest(std::queue> &tasks) { if (tasks.empty()) { /* nothing to wait for, so return */ return; } /* cycle until tasks are done */ std::unique_lock lk{p_mtx}; while (!p_avail) { p_cond.wait(lk); } std::queue> atasks; while (!tasks.empty()) { p_avail = false; while (!tasks.empty()) { try { auto t = std::move(tasks.front()); tasks.pop(); p_current = t.get(); t->resume(); if (!t->done()) { /* still not dead, re-push */ atasks.push(std::move(t)); } } catch (make_error const &) { writeln("waiting for the remaining tasks to finish..."); for (; !tasks.empty(); tasks.pop()) { try { auto t = std::move(tasks.front()); tasks.pop(); while (!t->done()) { p_current = t.get(); t->resume(); } } catch (make_error const &) { /* no rethrow */ } } throw; } } if (atasks.empty()) { break; } tasks.swap(atasks); /* so we're not busylooping */ while (!p_avail) { p_cond.wait(lk); } } } OSTD_EXPORT void make::exec(string_range target) { wait_for([&target, this]() { exec_rule(target); }); } OSTD_EXPORT std::shared_future make::push_task( std::function func ) { return p_current->add_task( p_tpool.push([func = std::move(func), this]() { func(); { std::lock_guard l{p_mtx}; p_avail = true; } p_cond.notify_one(); }) ); } } /* namespace build */ } /* namespace ostd */