/* Concurrency module with custom scheduler support. * * This file is part of OctaSTD. See COPYING.md for futher information. */ #ifndef OSTD_CONCURRENCY_HH #define OSTD_CONCURRENCY_HH #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ostd/platform.hh" #include "ostd/coroutine.hh" #include "ostd/channel.hh" #include "ostd/generic_condvar.hh" namespace ostd { struct scheduler { private: struct stack_allocator { stack_allocator() = delete; stack_allocator(scheduler &s) noexcept: p_sched(&s) {} stack_context allocate() { return p_sched->allocate_stack(); } void deaallocate(stack_context &st) noexcept { p_sched->deallocate_stack(st); } private: scheduler *p_sched; }; public: scheduler() {} scheduler(scheduler const &) = delete; scheduler(scheduler &&) = delete; scheduler &operator=(scheduler const &) = delete; scheduler &operator=(scheduler &&) = delete; virtual void spawn(std::function) = 0; virtual void yield() noexcept = 0; virtual generic_condvar make_condition() = 0; virtual stack_context allocate_stack() = 0; virtual void deallocate_stack(stack_context &st) noexcept = 0; virtual void reserve_stacks(size_t n) = 0; stack_allocator get_stack_allocator() noexcept { return stack_allocator{*this}; } template void spawn(F &&func, A &&...args) { if constexpr(sizeof...(A) == 0) { spawn(std::function{func}); } else { spawn(std::function{ std::bind(std::forward(func), std::forward(args)...) }); } } template channel make_channel() { return channel{[this]() { return make_condition(); }}; } template coroutine make_coroutine(F &&func) { return coroutine{std::forward(func), get_stack_allocator()}; } template generator make_generator(F &&func) { return generator{std::forward(func), get_stack_allocator()}; } }; namespace detail { OSTD_EXPORT extern scheduler *current_scheduler; struct current_scheduler_owner { current_scheduler_owner() = delete; template current_scheduler_owner(S &sched) { if (current_scheduler) { throw std::logic_error{"another scheduler already running"}; } current_scheduler = &sched; } current_scheduler_owner(current_scheduler_owner const &) = delete; current_scheduler_owner(current_scheduler_owner &&) = delete; current_scheduler_owner &operator=(current_scheduler_owner const &) = delete; current_scheduler_owner &operator=(current_scheduler_owner &&) = delete; ~current_scheduler_owner() { current_scheduler = nullptr; } }; } template struct basic_thread_scheduler: scheduler { basic_thread_scheduler(SA &&sa = SA{}): p_stacks(std::move(sa)) {} template auto start(F &&func, A &&...args) -> std::result_of_t { detail::current_scheduler_owner iface{*this}; if constexpr(std::is_same_v, void>) { func(std::forward(args)...); join_all(); } else { auto ret = func(std::forward(args)...); join_all(); return ret; } } void spawn(std::function func) { std::lock_guard l{p_lock}; p_threads.emplace_front(); auto it = p_threads.begin(); *it = std::thread{[this, it, lfunc = std::move(func)]() { lfunc(); remove_thread(it); }}; } void yield() noexcept { std::this_thread::yield(); } generic_condvar make_condition() { return generic_condvar{}; } stack_context allocate_stack() { std::lock_guard l{p_lock}; return p_stacks.allocate(); } void deallocate_stack(stack_context &st) noexcept { std::lock_guard l{p_lock}; p_stacks.deallocate(st); } void reserve_stacks(size_t n) { std::lock_guard l{p_lock}; p_stacks.reserve(n); } private: void remove_thread(typename std::list::iterator it) { std::lock_guard l{p_lock}; std::thread t{std::exchange(p_dead, std::move(*it))}; if (t.joinable()) { t.join(); } p_threads.erase(it); } void join_all() { /* wait for all threads to finish */ std::lock_guard l{p_lock}; if (p_dead.joinable()) { p_dead.join(); } for (auto &t: p_threads) { t.join(); p_threads.pop_front(); } } SA p_stacks; std::list p_threads; std::thread p_dead; std::mutex p_lock; }; using thread_scheduler = basic_thread_scheduler; namespace detail { struct csched_task; OSTD_EXPORT extern thread_local csched_task *current_csched_task; struct csched_task: coroutine_context { friend struct coroutine_context; csched_task() = delete; csched_task(csched_task const &) = delete; csched_task(csched_task &&) = delete; csched_task &operator=(csched_task const &) = delete; csched_task &operator=(csched_task &&) = delete; template csched_task(F &&f, SA &&sa): p_func(std::forward(f)) { if (!p_func) { this->set_dead(); return; } this->make_context(sa); } void operator()() { this->set_exec(); csched_task *curr = std::exchange(current_csched_task, this); this->coro_jump(); current_csched_task = curr; this->rethrow(); } void yield() noexcept { /* we'll yield back to the thread we were scheduled to, which * will appropriately notify one or all other waiting threads * so we either get re-scheduled or the whole scheduler dies */ this->yield_jump(); } bool dead() const noexcept { return this->is_dead(); } static csched_task *current() noexcept { return current_csched_task; } private: void resume_call() { p_func(); } std::function p_func; }; } template struct basic_simple_coroutine_scheduler: scheduler { private: /* simple one just for channels */ struct coro_cond { coro_cond() = delete; coro_cond(coro_cond const &) = delete; coro_cond(coro_cond &&) = delete; coro_cond &operator=(coro_cond const &) = delete; coro_cond &operator=(coro_cond &&) = delete; coro_cond(basic_simple_coroutine_scheduler &s): p_sched(s) {} template void wait(L &l) noexcept { l.unlock(); while (!p_notified) { p_sched.yield(); } p_notified = false; l.lock(); } void notify_one() noexcept { p_notified = true; p_sched.yield(); } void notify_all() noexcept { p_notified = true; p_sched.yield(); } private: basic_simple_coroutine_scheduler &p_sched; bool p_notified = false; }; public: basic_simple_coroutine_scheduler(SA &&sa = SA{}): p_stacks(std::move(sa)) {} template auto start(F &&func, A &&...args) -> std::result_of_t { detail::current_scheduler_owner iface{*this}; using R = std::result_of_t; basic_fixedsize_stack sa{ detail::stack_main_size() }; if constexpr(std::is_same_v) { if constexpr(sizeof...(A) == 0) { p_coros.emplace_back(std::forward(func), sa); } else { p_coros.emplace_back(std::bind( std::forward(func), std::forward(args)... ), sa); } dispatch(); } else { R ret; if constexpr(sizeof...(A) == 0) { p_coros.emplace_back([&ret, lfunc = std::forward(func)] { ret = lfunc(); }, sa); } else { p_coros.emplace_back([&ret, lfunc = std::bind( std::forward(func), std::forward(args)... )]() { ret = lfunc(); }, sa); } dispatch(); return ret; } } void spawn(std::function func) { p_coros.emplace_back(std::move(func), p_stacks.get_allocator()); } void yield() noexcept { detail::csched_task::current()->yield(); } generic_condvar make_condition() { return generic_condvar{[this]() { return coro_cond{*this}; }}; } stack_context allocate_stack() { return p_stacks.allocate(); } void deallocate_stack(stack_context &st) noexcept { p_stacks.deallocate(st); } void reserve_stacks(size_t n) { p_stacks.reserve(n); } private: void dispatch() { while (!p_coros.empty()) { if (p_idx == p_coros.end()) { p_idx = p_coros.begin(); } (*p_idx)(); if (p_idx->dead()) { p_idx = p_coros.erase(p_idx); } else { ++p_idx; } } } SA p_stacks; std::list p_coros; typename std::list::iterator p_idx = p_coros.end(); }; using simple_coroutine_scheduler = basic_simple_coroutine_scheduler; template struct basic_coroutine_scheduler: scheduler { private: struct task_cond; struct task; using tlist = std::list; using titer = typename tlist::iterator; struct task { private: detail::csched_task p_func; public: task_cond *waiting_on = nullptr; task *next_waiting = nullptr; titer pos; template task(F &&f, TSA &&sa): p_func(std::forward(f), std::forward(sa)) {} void operator()() { p_func(); } void yield() noexcept { p_func.yield(); } bool dead() const noexcept { return p_func.dead(); } static task *current() noexcept { return reinterpret_cast(detail::csched_task::current()); } }; struct task_cond { friend struct basic_coroutine_scheduler; task_cond() = delete; task_cond(task_cond const &) = delete; task_cond(task_cond &&) = delete; task_cond &operator=(task_cond const &) = delete; task_cond &operator=(task_cond &&) = delete; task_cond(basic_coroutine_scheduler &s): p_sched(s) {} template void wait(L &l) noexcept { /* lock until the task has been added to the wait queue, * that ensures that any notify/notify_any has to wait * until after the task has fully blocked... we can't * use unique_lock or lock_guard because they're scoped */ p_sched.p_lock.lock(); l.unlock(); task *curr = task::current(); curr->waiting_on = this; curr->yield(); l.lock(); } void notify_one() noexcept { p_sched.notify_one(p_waiting); } void notify_all() noexcept { p_sched.notify_all(p_waiting); } private: basic_coroutine_scheduler &p_sched; task *p_waiting = nullptr; }; public: basic_coroutine_scheduler(SA &&sa = SA{}): p_stacks(std::move(sa)) {} ~basic_coroutine_scheduler() {} template auto start(F func, A &&...args) -> std::result_of_t { detail::current_scheduler_owner iface{*this}; /* start with one task in the queue, this way we can * say we've finished when the task queue becomes empty */ using R = std::result_of_t; /* the default 64 KiB stack won't cut it for main, allocate a stack * which matches the size of the process stack outside of the pool */ basic_fixedsize_stack sa{ detail::stack_main_size() }; if constexpr(std::is_same_v) { spawn_add(sa, std::move(func), std::forward(args)...); /* actually start the thread pool */ init(); } else { R ret; spawn_add(sa, [&ret, func = std::move(func)](auto &&...args) { ret = func(std::forward(args)...); }, std::forward(args)...); init(); return ret; } } void spawn(std::function func) { { std::lock_guard l{p_lock}; spawn_add(p_stacks.get_allocator(), std::move(func)); } p_cond.notify_one(); } void yield() noexcept { task::current()->yield(); } generic_condvar make_condition() { return generic_condvar{[this]() { return task_cond{*this}; }}; } stack_context allocate_stack() { std::lock_guard l{p_lock}; return p_stacks.allocate(); } void deallocate_stack(stack_context &st) noexcept { std::lock_guard l{p_lock}; p_stacks.deallocate(st); } void reserve_stacks(size_t n) { std::lock_guard l{p_lock}; p_stacks.reserve(n); } private: template void spawn_add(TSA &&sa, F &&func, A &&...args) { task *t = nullptr; if constexpr(sizeof...(A) == 0) { t = &p_available.emplace_back( std::forward(func), std::forward(sa) ); } else { t = &p_available.emplace_back( [lfunc = std::bind( std::forward(func), std::forward(args)... )]() mutable { lfunc(); }, std::forward(sa) ); } t->pos = --p_available.end(); } void init() { size_t size = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); std::vector thrs; thrs.reserve(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { thrs.emplace_back([this]() { thread_run(); }); } for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (thrs[i].joinable()) { thrs[i].join(); } } } void notify_one(task *&wl) { std::unique_lock l{p_lock}; if (wl == nullptr) { return; } wl->waiting_on = nullptr; p_available.splice(p_available.cbegin(), p_waiting, wl->pos); wl = std::exchange(wl->next_waiting, nullptr); l.unlock(); p_cond.notify_one(); task::current()->yield(); } void notify_all(task *&wl) { { std::unique_lock l{p_lock}; while (wl != nullptr) { wl->waiting_on = nullptr; p_available.splice(p_available.cbegin(), p_waiting, wl->pos); wl = std::exchange(wl->next_waiting, nullptr); l.unlock(); p_cond.notify_one(); l.lock(); } } task::current()->yield(); } void thread_run() { for (;;) { std::unique_lock l{p_lock}; /* wait for an item to become available */ while (p_available.empty()) { /* if all lists have become empty, we're done */ if (p_waiting.empty() && p_running.empty()) { return; } p_cond.wait(l); } task_run(l); } } void task_run(std::unique_lock &l) { auto it = p_available.begin(); p_running.splice(p_running.cend(), p_available, it); task &c = *it; l.unlock(); c(); if (c.dead()) { l.lock(); p_running.erase(it); /* we're dead, notify all threads so they can be joined * we check all three, saves the other threads some re-waiting * when a task or tasks are already running, and those that do * will do the final notify by themselves */ if (p_available.empty() && p_waiting.empty() && p_running.empty()) { l.unlock(); p_cond.notify_all(); } } else if (!c.waiting_on) { /* reschedule to the end of the queue */ l.lock(); p_available.splice(p_available.cend(), p_running, it); l.unlock(); p_cond.notify_one(); } else { p_waiting.splice(p_waiting.cbegin(), p_running, it); c.next_waiting = c.waiting_on->p_waiting; c.waiting_on->p_waiting = &c; /* wait locks the mutex, so manually unlock it here */ p_lock.unlock(); } } std::condition_variable p_cond; std::mutex p_lock; SA p_stacks; tlist p_available; tlist p_waiting; tlist p_running; }; using coroutine_scheduler = basic_coroutine_scheduler; template inline void spawn(F &&func, A &&...args) { detail::current_scheduler->spawn( std::forward(func), std::forward(args)... ); } inline void yield() noexcept { detail::current_scheduler->yield(); } template inline channel make_channel() { return detail::current_scheduler->make_channel(); } template inline coroutine make_coroutine(F &&func) { return detail::current_scheduler->make_coroutine(std::forward(func)); } template inline generator make_generator(F &&func) { return detail::current_scheduler->make_generator(std::forward(func)); } inline void reserve_stacks(size_t n) { detail::current_scheduler->reserve_stacks(n); } } /* namespace ostd */ #endif