/* Standard I/O implementation for OctaSTD. * * This file is part of OctaSTD. See COPYING.md for futher information. */ #ifndef OSTD_IO_HH #define OSTD_IO_HH #include #include "ostd/platform.hh" #include "ostd/string.hh" #include "ostd/stream.hh" #include "ostd/format.hh" namespace ostd { enum class StreamMode { read, write, append, update = 1 << 2 }; namespace detail { static const char *filemodes[] = { "rb", "wb", "ab", nullptr, "rb+", "wb+", "ab+" }; } struct FileStream: Stream { FileStream(): p_f(), p_owned(false) {} FileStream(const FileStream &) = delete; FileStream(FileStream &&s): p_f(s.p_f), p_owned(s.p_owned) { s.p_f = nullptr; s.p_owned = false; } FileStream(ConstCharRange path, StreamMode mode): p_f() { open(path, mode); } FileStream(FILE *f): p_f(f), p_owned(false) {} ~FileStream() { close(); } FileStream &operator=(const FileStream &) = delete; FileStream &operator=(FileStream &&s) { close(); swap(s); return *this; } bool open(ConstCharRange path, StreamMode mode) { if (p_f || path.size() > FILENAME_MAX) return false; char buf[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; memcpy(buf, &path[0], path.size()); buf[path.size()] = '\0'; p_f = fopen(buf, detail::filemodes[Size(mode)]); p_owned = true; return is_open(); } bool open(FILE *f) { if (p_f) return false; p_f = f; p_owned = false; return is_open(); } bool is_open() const { return p_f != nullptr; } bool is_owned() const { return p_owned; } void close() { if (p_f && p_owned) fclose(p_f); p_f = nullptr; p_owned = false; } bool end() const { return feof(p_f) != 0; } bool seek(StreamOffset pos, StreamSeek whence = StreamSeek::set) { #ifndef OSTD_PLATFORM_WIN32 return fseeko(p_f, pos, int(whence)) >= 0; #else return _fseeki64(p_f, pos, int(whence)) >= 0; #endif } StreamOffset tell() const { #ifndef OSTD_PLATFORM_WIN32 return ftello(p_f); #else return _ftelli64(p_f); #endif } bool flush() { return !fflush(p_f); } Size read_bytes(void *buf, Size count) { return fread(buf, 1, count, p_f); } Size write_bytes(const void *buf, Size count) { return fwrite(buf, 1, count, p_f); } int getchar() { return fgetc(p_f); } bool putchar(int c) { return fputc(c, p_f) != EOF; } void swap(FileStream &s) { ostd::swap(p_f, s.p_f); ostd::swap(p_owned, s.p_owned); } FILE *get_file() { return p_f; } private: FILE *p_f; bool p_owned; }; static FileStream in(::stdin); static FileStream out(::stdout); static FileStream err(::stderr); /* no need to call anything from FileStream, prefer simple calls... */ namespace detail { struct IoNat {}; inline void write_impl(ConstCharRange s) { fwrite(&s[0], 1, s.size(), ::stdout); } template inline void write_impl(const T &v, EnableIf< !IsConstructible::value, IoNat > = IoNat()) { write(ostd::to_string(v)); } } template inline void write(const T &v) { detail::write_impl(v); } template inline void write(const T &v, const A &...args) { write(v); write(args...); } template inline void writeln(const T &v) { write(v); putc('\n', ::stdout); } template inline void writeln(const T &v, const A &...args) { write(v); write(args...); putc('\n', ::stdout); } template inline void writef(ConstCharRange fmt, const A &...args) { char buf[512]; Ptrdiff need = format(detail::FormatOutRange(buf), fmt, args...); if (need < 0) return; else if (Size(need) < sizeof(buf)) { fwrite(buf, 1, need, ::stdout); return; } Vector s; s.reserve(need); format(detail::UnsafeWritefRange(s.data()), fmt, args...); fwrite(s.data(), 1, need, ::stdout); } template inline void writefln(ConstCharRange fmt, const A &...args) { writef(fmt, args...); putc('\n', ::stdout); } } /* namespace ostd */ #endif