
567 lines
18 KiB

/* Tuples or OctaSTD. Partially taken from the libc++ project.
* This file is part of OctaSTD. See for futher information.
#include "ostd/internal/tuple.hh"
#include "ostd/types.hh"
#include "ostd/type_traits.hh"
#include "ostd/memory.hh"
#include "ostd/utility.hh"
namespace ostd {
/* tuple size */
template<typename ...T> constexpr Size TupleSize<Tuple<T...>> = sizeof...(T);
/* tuple element */
template<Size I, typename ...T>
struct TupleElementBase<I, Tuple<T...>> {
using Type = typename TupleElementBase<I, detail::TupleTypes<T...>>::Type;
/* tuple leaf */
namespace detail {
template<Size I, typename H, bool = IsEmpty<H>>
struct TupleLeaf {
constexpr TupleLeaf(): p_value() {
"attempt to default construct a reference element in a tuple");
template<typename A>
TupleLeaf(Constant<int, 0>, A const &): p_value() {
"attempt to default construct a reference element in a tuple");
template<typename A>
TupleLeaf(Constant<int, 1>, A const &a): p_value(allocator_arg, a) {
"attempt to default construct a reference element in a tuple");
template<typename A>
TupleLeaf(Constant<int, 2>, A const &a): p_value(a) {
"attempt to default construct a reference element in a tuple");
template<typename T, typename = EnableIf<
!IsSame<Decay<T>, TupleLeaf> && IsConstructible<H, T>
explicit TupleLeaf(T &&t): p_value(forward<T>(t)) {
static_assert(!IsReference<H> ||
(IsLvalueReference<H> &&
(IsLvalueReference<T> ||
ReferenceWrapper<RemoveReference<H>>>)) ||
(IsRvalueReference<H> &&
"attempt to construct a reference element in a tuple with an rvalue");
template<typename T, typename A>
explicit TupleLeaf(Constant<int, 0>, A const &, T &&t):
p_value(forward<T>(t)) {
static_assert(!IsLvalueReference<H> ||
(IsLvalueReference<H> &&
(IsLvalueReference<T> ||
"attempt to construct a reference element in a tuple with an rvalue");
template<typename T, typename A>
explicit TupleLeaf(Constant<int, 1>, A const &a, T &&t):
p_value(allocator_arg, a, forward<T>(t)) {
static_assert(!IsLvalueReference<H> ||
(IsLvalueReference<H> &&
(IsLvalueReference<T> ||
"attempt to construct a reference element in a tuple with an rvalue");
template<typename T, typename A>
explicit TupleLeaf(Constant<int, 2>, A const &a, T &&t):
p_value(forward<T>(t), a) {
static_assert(!IsLvalueReference<H> ||
(IsLvalueReference<H> &&
(IsLvalueReference<T> ||
"attempt to construct a reference element in a tuple with an rvalue");
TupleLeaf(TupleLeaf const &) = default;
TupleLeaf(TupleLeaf &&) = default;
template<typename T>
TupleLeaf &operator=(T &&t) {
p_value = forward<T>(t);
return *this;
void swap(TupleLeaf &t) {
swap_adl(get(), t.get());
H &get() { return p_value; }
H const &get() const { return p_value; }
TupleLeaf &operator=(TupleLeaf const &);
H p_value;
template<Size I, typename H>
struct TupleLeaf<I, H, true>: private H {
constexpr TupleLeaf() {}
template<typename A>
TupleLeaf(Constant<int, 0>, A const &) {}
template<typename A>
TupleLeaf(Constant<int, 1>, A const &a):
H(allocator_arg, a) {}
template<typename A>
TupleLeaf(Constant<int, 2>, A const &a): H(a) {}
template<typename T, typename = EnableIf<
!IsSame<Decay<T>, TupleLeaf> && IsConstructible<H, T>
>> explicit TupleLeaf(T &&t): H(forward<T>(t)) {}
template<typename T, typename A>
explicit TupleLeaf(Constant<int, 0>, A const &, T &&t):
H(forward<T>(t)) {}
template<typename T, typename A>
explicit TupleLeaf(Constant<int, 1>, A const &a, T &&t):
H(allocator_arg, a, forward<T>(t)) {}
template<typename T, typename A>
explicit TupleLeaf(Constant<int, 2>, A const &a, T &&t):
H(forward<T>(t), a) {}
TupleLeaf(TupleLeaf const &) = default;
TupleLeaf(TupleLeaf &&) = default;
template<typename T>
TupleLeaf &operator=(T &&t) {
return *this;
void swap(TupleLeaf &t) {
swap_adl(get(), t.get());
H &get() { return *static_cast<H *>(this); }
H const &get() const { return *static_cast<H const *>(this); }
TupleLeaf &operator=(TupleLeaf const &);
} /* namespace detail */
/* internal utils */
namespace detail {
template<typename ...A>
inline void tuple_swallow(A &&...) {}
template<bool ...A>
constexpr bool TupleAll = true;
template<bool B, bool ...A>
constexpr bool TupleAll<B, A...> = B && TupleAll<A...>;
template<typename T>
constexpr bool TupleAllDefaultConstructible = detail::Undefined<T>();
template<typename ...A>
constexpr bool TupleAllDefaultConstructible<TupleTypes<A...>>
= TupleAll<IsDefaultConstructible<A>...>;
/* tuple implementation */
namespace detail {
template<typename, typename ...> struct TupleBase;
template<Size ...I, typename ...A>
struct TupleBase<TupleIndices<I...>, A...>: TupleLeaf<I, A>... {
constexpr TupleBase() {}
template<Size ...Ia, typename ...Aa,
Size ...Ib, typename ...Ab, typename ...T>
explicit TupleBase(TupleIndices<Ia...>, TupleTypes<Aa...>,
TupleIndices<Ib...>, TupleTypes<Ab...>,
T &&...t):
TupleLeaf<Ia, Aa>(forward<T>(t))...,
TupleLeaf<Ib, Ab>()... {}
template<typename Alloc, Size ...Ia, typename ...Aa,
Size ...Ib, typename ...Ab, typename ...T>
explicit TupleBase(AllocatorArg, Alloc const &a,
TupleIndices<Ia...>, TupleTypes<Aa...>,
TupleIndices<Ib...>, TupleTypes<Ab...>,
T &&...t):
TupleLeaf<Ia, Aa>(UsesAllocatorConstructor<Aa, Alloc, T>, a,
TupleLeaf<Ib, Ab>(UsesAllocatorConstructor<Ab, Alloc>, a)...
template<typename T, typename = EnableIf<
TupleConstructible<T, Tuple<A...>>
>> TupleBase(T &&t): TupleLeaf<I, A>(forward<
TupleElement<I, MakeTupleTypes<T>>
>(get<I>(t)))... {}
template<typename Alloc, typename T, typename = EnableIf<
TupleConvertible<T, Tuple<A...>>
>> TupleBase(AllocatorArg, Alloc const &a, T &&t):
TupleLeaf<I, A>(UsesAllocatorConstructor<
A, Alloc, TupleElement<I, MakeTupleTypes<T>>
>, a, forward<TupleElement<I, MakeTupleTypes<T>>>(get<I>(t)))...
template<typename T>
EnableIf<TupleAssignable<T, Tuple<A...>>, TupleBase &>
operator=(T &&t) {
tuple_swallow(TupleLeaf<I, A>::operator=(forward<
TupleElement<I, MakeTupleTypes<T>>
return *this;
TupleBase(TupleBase const &) = default;
TupleBase(TupleBase &&) = default;
TupleBase &operator=(TupleBase const &t) {
tuple_swallow(TupleLeaf<I, A>::operator=((
static_cast<TupleLeaf<I, A> const &>(t)).get())...);
return *this;
TupleBase &operator=(TupleBase &&t) {
tuple_swallow(TupleLeaf<I, A>::operator=(forward<A>
((static_cast<TupleLeaf<I, A> &>(t)).get()))...);
return *this;
void swap(TupleBase &t) {
tuple_swallow(TupleLeaf<I, A>::swap(static_cast<TupleLeaf<I, A> &>(t))...);
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename ...A>
class Tuple {
using Base = detail::TupleBase<detail::MakeTupleIndices<sizeof...(A)>, A...>;
Base p_base;
template<Size I, typename ...T>
friend TupleElement<I, Tuple<T...>> &get(Tuple<T...> &);
template<Size I, typename ...T>
friend TupleElement<I, Tuple<T...>> const &get(Tuple<T...> const &);
template<Size I, typename ...T>
friend TupleElement<I, Tuple<T...>> &&get(Tuple<T...> &&);
template<Size I, typename ...T>
friend TupleElement<I, Tuple<T...>> const &&get(Tuple<T...> const &&);
template<bool D = true, typename = EnableIf<
detail::TupleAll<(D && IsDefaultConstructible<A>)...>
>> Tuple() {}
explicit Tuple(A const &...t):
detail::MakeTupleTypes<Tuple, sizeof...(A)>(),
detail::MakeTupleTypes<Tuple, 0>(), t...) {}
template<typename Alloc>
Tuple(AllocatorArg, Alloc const &a, A const &...t):
p_base(allocator_arg, a,
detail::MakeTupleTypes<Tuple, sizeof...(A)>(),
detail::MakeTupleTypes<Tuple, 0>(), t...) {}
template<typename ...T, EnableIf<
(sizeof...(T) <= sizeof...(A)) &&
(sizeof...(T) < sizeof...(A)) ? sizeof...(T)
: sizeof...(A)
> &&
detail::MakeTupleTypes<Tuple, sizeof...(A),
(sizeof...(T) < sizeof...(A)) ? sizeof...(T)
: sizeof...(A)
>, bool
> = true>
Tuple(T &&...t):
detail::MakeTupleTypes<Tuple, sizeof...(T)>(),
detail::MakeTupleIndices<sizeof...(A), sizeof...(T)>(),
detail::MakeTupleTypes<Tuple, sizeof...(A), sizeof...(T)>(),
forward<T>(t)...) {}
template<typename ...T, EnableIf<
(sizeof...(T) <= sizeof...(A)) &&
(sizeof...(T) < sizeof...(A)) ? sizeof...(T)
: sizeof...(A)
> &&
(sizeof...(T) < sizeof...(A)) ? sizeof...(T)
: sizeof...(A)
> &&
detail::MakeTupleTypes<Tuple, sizeof...(A),
(sizeof...(T) < sizeof...(A)) ? sizeof...(T)
: sizeof...(A)
>, bool
> = true>
Tuple(T &&...t):
detail::MakeTupleTypes<Tuple, sizeof...(T)>(),
detail::MakeTupleIndices<sizeof...(A), sizeof...(T)>(),
detail::MakeTupleTypes<Tuple, sizeof...(A), sizeof...(T)>(),
forward<T>(t)...) {}
template<typename Alloc, typename ...T, typename = EnableIf<
(sizeof...(T) <= sizeof...(A)) &&
(sizeof...(T) < sizeof...(A)) ? sizeof...(T)
: sizeof...(A)
> &&
detail::MakeTupleTypes<Tuple, sizeof...(A),
(sizeof...(T) < sizeof...(A)) ? sizeof...(T)
: sizeof...(A)
>> Tuple(AllocatorArg, Alloc const &a, T &&...t):
p_base(allocator_arg, a, detail::MakeTupleIndices<sizeof...(T)>(),
detail::MakeTupleTypes<Tuple, sizeof...(T)>(),
detail::MakeTupleIndices<sizeof...(A), sizeof...(T)>(),
detail::MakeTupleTypes<Tuple, sizeof...(A), sizeof...(T)>(),
forward<T>(t)...) {}
template<typename T, EnableIf<
detail::TupleConvertible<T, Tuple>, bool
> = true> Tuple(T &&t): p_base(forward<T>(t)) {}
template<typename T, EnableIf<
detail::TupleConstructible<T, Tuple> &&
!detail::TupleConvertible<T, Tuple>, bool
> = true> Tuple(T &&t): p_base(forward<T>(t)) {}
template<typename Alloc, typename T, typename = EnableIf<
detail::TupleConvertible<T, Tuple>
>> Tuple(AllocatorArg, Alloc const &a, T &&t):
p_base(allocator_arg, a, forward<T>(t)) {}
template<typename T, typename = EnableIf<detail::TupleAssignable<T, Tuple>>>
Tuple &operator=(T &&t) {
return *this;
void swap(Tuple &t) {
template<> class Tuple<> {
constexpr Tuple() {}
template<typename A> Tuple(AllocatorArg, A const &) {}
template<typename A> Tuple(AllocatorArg, A const &, Tuple const &) {}
void swap(Tuple &) {}
/* get */
template<Size I, typename ...A>
inline TupleElement<I, Tuple<A...>> &get(Tuple<A...> &t) {
using Type = TupleElement<I, Tuple<A...>>;
return static_cast<detail::TupleLeaf<I, Type> &>(t.p_base).get();
template<Size I, typename ...A>
inline TupleElement<I, Tuple<A...>> const &get(Tuple<A...> const &t) {
using Type = TupleElement<I, Tuple<A...>>;
return static_cast<detail::TupleLeaf<I, Type> const &>(t.p_base).get();
template<Size I, typename ...A>
inline TupleElement<I, Tuple<A...>> &&get(Tuple<A...> &&t) {
using Type = TupleElement<I, Tuple<A...>>;
return static_cast<Type &&>(
static_cast<detail::TupleLeaf<I, Type> &&>(t.p_base).get());
template<Size I, typename ...A>
inline TupleElement<I, Tuple<A...>> const &&get(Tuple<A...> const &&t) {
using Type = TupleElement<I, Tuple<A...>>;
return static_cast<Type const &&>(
static_cast<detail::TupleLeaf<I, Type> const &&>(t.p_base).get());
/* tie */
template<typename ...T>
inline Tuple<T &...> tie(T &...t) {
return Tuple<T &...>(t...);
/* ignore */
namespace detail {
struct Ignore {
template<typename T>
Ignore const &operator=(T &&) const { return *this; }
static detail::Ignore const ignore = detail::Ignore();
/* make tuple */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct MakeTupleReturnType {
using Type = T;
template<typename T>
struct MakeTupleReturnType<ReferenceWrapper<T>> {
using Type = T &;
template<typename T>
struct MakeTupleReturn {
using Type = typename MakeTupleReturnType<Decay<T>>::Type;
template<typename ...T>
inline Tuple<typename detail::MakeTupleReturn<T>::Type...>
make_tuple(T &&...t) {
return Tuple<typename detail::MakeTupleReturn<T>::Type...>(forward<T>(t)...);
/* forward as tuple */
template<typename ...T>
inline Tuple<T &&...> forward_as_tuple(T &&...t) {
return Tuple<T &&...>(forward<T>(t)...);
/* tuple relops */
namespace detail {
template<Size I>
struct TupleEqual {
template<typename T, typename U>
bool operator()(T const &x, U const &y) {
return TupleEqual<I - 1>()(x, y) && (get<I>(x) == get<I>(y));
struct TupleEqual<0> {
template<typename T, typename U>
bool operator()(T const &, U const &) {
return true;
template<typename ...T, typename ...U>
inline bool operator==(Tuple<T...> const &x, Tuple<U...> const &y) {
return detail::TupleEqual<sizeof...(T)>(x, y);
template<typename ...T, typename ...U>
inline bool operator!=(Tuple<T...> const &x, Tuple<U...> const &y) {
return !(x == y);
namespace detail {
template<Size I>
struct TupleLess {
template<typename T, typename U>
bool operator()(T const &x, U const &y) {
constexpr Size J = TupleSize<T> - I;
if (get<J>(x) < get<J>(y)) return true;
if (get<J>(y) < get<J>(x)) return false;
return TupleLess<I - 1>()(x, y);
struct TupleLess<0> {
template<typename T, typename U>
bool operator()(T const &, U const &) {
return true;
template<typename ...T, typename ...U>
inline bool operator<(Tuple<T...> const &x, Tuple<U...> const &y) {
return detail::TupleLess<sizeof...(T)>(x, y);
template<typename ...T, typename ...U>
inline bool operator>(Tuple<T...> const &x, Tuple<U...> const &y) {
return y < x;
template<typename ...T, typename ...U>
inline bool operator<=(Tuple<T...> const &x, Tuple<U...> const &y) {
return !(y < x);
template<typename ...T, typename ...U>
inline bool operator>=(Tuple<T...> const &x, Tuple<U...> const &y) {
return !(x < y);
/* uses alloc */
template<typename ...T, typename A>
constexpr bool UsesAllocator<Tuple<T...>, A> = true;
} /* namespace ostd */