2015-06-08 01:39:12 +01:00

1122 lines
31 KiB

/* Memory utilities for OctaSTD.
* This file is part of OctaSTD. See for futher information.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "octa/new.h"
#include "octa/utility.h"
#include "octa/type_traits.h"
namespace octa {
/* address of */
template<typename T> constexpr T *address_of(T &v) {
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(&const_cast<char &>
(reinterpret_cast<const volatile char &>(v)));
/* pointer traits */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct HasElement {
template<typename U> static int test(...);
template<typename U> static char test(typename U::Element * = 0);
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == 1);
template<typename T, bool = HasElement<T>::value>
struct PointerElementBase;
template<typename T> struct PointerElementBase<T, true> {
using Type = typename T::Element;
template<template<typename, typename...> class T, typename U, typename ...A>
struct PointerElementBase<T<U, A...>, true> {
using Type = typename T<U, A...>::Element;
template<template<typename, typename...> class T, typename U, typename ...A>
struct PointerElementBase<T<U, A...>, false> {
using Type = U;
template<typename T>
struct PointerElementType {
using Type = typename PointerElementBase<T>::Type;
template<typename T>
struct PointerElementType<T *> {
using Type = T;
template<typename T>
struct HasDifference {
template<typename U> static int test(...);
template<typename U> static char test(typename U::Difference * = 0);
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == 1);
template<typename T, bool = HasDifference<T>::value>
struct PointerDifferenceBase {
using Type = ptrdiff_t;
template<typename T> struct PointerDifferenceBase<T, true> {
using Type = typename T::Difference;
template<typename T>
struct PointerDifferenceType {
using Type = typename PointerDifferenceBase<T>::Type;
template<typename T>
struct PointerDifferenceType<T *> {
using Type = ptrdiff_t;
template<typename T, typename U>
struct HasRebind {
template<typename V> static int test(...);
template<typename V> static char test(
typename V::template Rebind<U> * = 0);
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == 1);
template<typename T, typename U, bool = HasRebind<T, U>::value>
struct PointerRebindBase {
using Type = typename T::template Rebind<U>;
template<template<typename, typename...> class T, typename U,
typename ...A, typename V
struct PointerRebindBase<T<U, A...>, V, true> {
using Type = typename T<U, A...>::template Rebind<V>;
template<template<typename, typename...> class T, typename U,
typename ...A, typename V
struct PointerRebindBase<T<U, A...>, V, false> {
using Type = T<V, A...>;
template<typename T, typename U>
struct PointerRebindType {
using type = typename PointerRebindBase<T, U>::Type;
template<typename T, typename U>
struct PointerRebindType<T *, U> {
using type = U *;
template<typename T>
struct PointerPointer {
using Type = T;
template<typename T>
struct PointerPointer<T *> {
using Type = T *;
} /*namespace detail */
template<typename T>
using Pointer = typename octa::detail::PointerPointer<T>::Type;
template<typename T>
using PointerElement = typename octa::detail::PointerElementType<T>::Type;
template<typename T>
using PointerDifference = typename octa::detail::PointerDifferenceType<T>::Type;
template<typename T, typename U>
using PointerRebind = typename octa::detail::PointerRebindType<T, U>::Type;
/* pointer to */
namespace detail {
struct PointerToNat {};
template<typename T>
struct PointerTo {
static T pointer_to(octa::Conditional<
PointerToNat, PointerElement<T>
> &r) {
return T::pointer_to(r);
template<typename T>
struct PointerTo<T *> {
static T pointer_to(octa::Conditional<
octa::IsVoid<T>::value, PointerToNat, T
> &r) {
return octa::address_of(r);
template<typename T>
static T pointer_to(octa::Conditional<
octa::detail::PointerToNat, PointerElement<T>
> &r) {
return octa::detail::PointerTo<T>::pointer_to(r);
/* default deleter */
template<typename T>
struct DefaultDelete {
constexpr DefaultDelete() = default;
template<typename U> DefaultDelete(const DefaultDelete<U> &) {};
void operator()(T *p) const {
delete p;
template<typename T>
struct DefaultDelete<T[]> {
constexpr DefaultDelete() = default;
template<typename U> DefaultDelete(const DefaultDelete<U[]> &) {};
void operator()(T *p) const {
delete[] p;
template<typename U> void operator()(U *) const = delete;
/* box */
namespace detail {
template<typename T, typename U, bool = octa::IsEmpty<U>::value>
struct BoxPair;
template<typename T, typename U>
struct BoxPair<T, U, false> { /* non-empty deleter */
T *p_ptr;
U p_del;
template<typename D>
BoxPair(T *ptr, D &&dltr): p_ptr(ptr), p_del(octa::forward<D>(dltr)) {}
U &get_deleter() { return p_del; }
const U &get_deleter() const { return p_del; }
void swap(BoxPair &v) {
octa::swap(p_ptr, v.p_ptr);
octa::swap(p_del, v.p_del);
template<typename T, typename U>
struct BoxPair<T, U, true>: U { /* empty deleter */
T *p_ptr;
template<typename D>
BoxPair(T *ptr, D &&dltr): U(octa::forward<D>(dltr)), p_ptr(ptr) {}
U &get_deleter() { return *this; }
const U &get_deleter() const { return *this; }
void swap(BoxPair &v) {
octa::swap(p_ptr, v.p_ptr);
template<typename T>
static int ptr_test(...);
template<typename T>
static char ptr_test(typename T::Pointer * = 0);
template<typename T> struct HasPtr: octa::IntegralConstant<bool,
(sizeof(ptr_test<T>(0)) == 1)
> {};
template<typename T, typename D, bool = HasPtr<D>::value>
struct PointerBase {
using Type = typename D::Pointer;
template<typename T, typename D> struct PointerBase<T, D, false> {
using Type = T *;
template<typename T, typename D> struct PointerType {
using Type = typename PointerBase<T, octa::RemoveReference<D>>::Type;
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename T, typename D = DefaultDelete<T>>
struct Box {
using Element = T;
using Deleter = D;
using Pointer = typename octa::detail::PointerType<T, D>::Type;
struct Nat { int x; };
using Dref = RemoveReference<D> &;
using Dcref = const RemoveReference<D> &;
constexpr Box(): p_stor(nullptr, D()) {
"Box constructed with null fptr deleter");
constexpr Box(Nullptr): p_stor(nullptr, D()) {
"Box constructed with null fptr deleter");
explicit Box(Pointer p): p_stor(p, D()) {
"Box constructed with null fptr deleter");
Box(Pointer p, octa::Conditional<octa::IsReference<D>::value,
D, octa::AddLvalueReference<const D>
> d): p_stor(p, d) {}
Box(Pointer p, octa::RemoveReference<D> &&d):
p_stor(p, octa::move(d)) {
"rvalue deleter cannot be a ref");
Box(Box &&u): p_stor(u.release(), octa::forward<D>(u.get_deleter())) {}
template<typename TT, typename DD>
Box(Box<TT, DD> &&u, octa::EnableIf<!octa::IsArray<TT>::value
&& octa::IsConvertible<typename Box<TT, DD>::Pointer, Pointer>::value
&& octa::IsConvertible<DD, D>::value
&& (!octa::IsReference<D>::value || octa::IsSame<D, DD>::value)
> = Nat()): p_stor(u.release(), octa::forward<DD>(u.get_deleter())) {}
Box &operator=(Box &&u) {
p_stor.get_deleter() = octa::forward<D>(u.get_deleter());
return *this;
template<typename TT, typename DD>
&& octa::IsConvertible<typename Box<TT, DD>::Pointer, Pointer>::value
&& octa::IsAssignable<D &, DD &&>::value,
Box &
> operator=(Box<TT, DD> &&u) {
p_stor.get_deleter() = octa::forward<DD>(u.get_deleter());
return *this;
Box &operator=(Nullptr) {
return *this;
~Box() { reset(); }
octa::AddLvalueReference<T> operator*() const { return *p_stor.p_ptr; }
Pointer operator->() const { return p_stor.p_ptr; }
explicit operator bool() const {
return p_stor.p_ptr != nullptr;
Pointer get() const { return p_stor.p_ptr; }
Dref get_deleter() { return p_stor.get_deleter(); }
Dcref get_deleter() const { return p_stor.get_deleter(); }
Pointer release() {
Pointer p = p_stor.p_ptr;
p_stor.p_ptr = nullptr;
return p;
void reset(Pointer p = nullptr) {
Pointer tmp = p_stor.p_ptr;
p_stor.p_ptr = p;
if (tmp) p_stor.get_deleter()(tmp);
void swap(Box &u) {
octa::detail::BoxPair<T, D> p_stor;
namespace detail {
template<typename T, typename U, bool = octa::IsSame<
>::value> struct SameOrLessCvQualifiedBase: octa::IsConvertible<T, U> {};
template<typename T, typename U>
struct SameOrLessCvQualifiedBase<T, U, false>: octa::False {};
template<typename T, typename U, bool = octa::IsPointer<T>::value
|| octa::IsSame<T, U>::value || octa::detail::HasElement<T>::value
> struct SameOrLessCvQualified: SameOrLessCvQualifiedBase<T, U> {};
template<typename T, typename U>
struct SameOrLessCvQualified<T, U, false>: octa::False {};
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename T, typename D>
struct Box<T[], D> {
using Element = T;
using Deleter = D;
using Pointer = typename octa::detail::PointerType<T, D>::Type;
struct Nat { int x; };
using Dref = RemoveReference<D> &;
using Dcref = const RemoveReference<D> &;
constexpr Box(): p_stor(nullptr, D()) {
"Box constructed with null fptr deleter");
constexpr Box(Nullptr): p_stor(nullptr, D()) {
"Box constructed with null fptr deleter");
template<typename U> explicit Box(U p, octa::EnableIf<
octa::detail::SameOrLessCvQualified<U, Pointer>::value, Nat
> = Nat()): p_stor(p, D()) {
"Box constructed with null fptr deleter");
template<typename U> Box(U p, octa::Conditional<
D, AddLvalueReference<const D>
> d, octa::EnableIf<octa::detail::SameOrLessCvQualified<U, Pointer>::value,
Nat> = Nat()): p_stor(p, d) {}
Box(Nullptr, octa::Conditional<octa::IsReference<D>::value,
D, AddLvalueReference<const D>
> d): p_stor(nullptr, d) {}
template<typename U> Box(U p, octa::RemoveReference<D> &&d,
octa::detail::SameOrLessCvQualified<U, Pointer>::value, Nat
> = Nat()): p_stor(p, octa::move(d)) {
"rvalue deleter cannot be a ref");
Box(Nullptr, octa::RemoveReference<D> &&d):
p_stor(nullptr, octa::move(d)) {
"rvalue deleter cannot be a ref");
Box(Box &&u): p_stor(u.release(), octa::forward<D>(u.get_deleter())) {}
template<typename TT, typename DD>
Box(Box<TT, DD> &&u, EnableIf<IsArray<TT>::value
&& octa::detail::SameOrLessCvQualified<typename Box<TT, DD>::Pointer,
&& octa::IsConvertible<DD, D>::value
&& (!octa::IsReference<D>::value ||
octa::IsSame<D, DD>::value)> = Nat()
): p_stor(u.release(), octa::forward<DD>(u.get_deleter())) {}
Box &operator=(Box &&u) {
p_stor.get_deleter() = octa::forward<D>(u.get_deleter());
return *this;
template<typename TT, typename DD>
&& octa::detail::SameOrLessCvQualified<typename Box<TT, DD>::Pointer,
&& IsAssignable<D &, DD &&>::value,
Box &
> operator=(Box<TT, DD> &&u) {
p_stor.get_deleter() = octa::forward<DD>(u.get_deleter());
return *this;
Box &operator=(Nullptr) {
return *this;
~Box() { reset(); }
octa::AddLvalueReference<T> operator[](size_t idx) const {
return p_stor.p_ptr[idx];
explicit operator bool() const {
return p_stor.p_ptr != nullptr;
Pointer get() const { return p_stor.p_ptr; }
Dref get_deleter() { return p_stor.get_deleter(); }
Dcref get_deleter() const { return p_stor.get_deleter(); }
Pointer release() {
Pointer p = p_stor.p_ptr;
p_stor.p_ptr = nullptr;
return p;
template<typename U> EnableIf<
octa::detail::SameOrLessCvQualified<U, Pointer>::value, void
> reset(U p) {
Pointer tmp = p_stor.p_ptr;
p_stor.p_ptr = p;
if (tmp) p_stor.get_deleter()(tmp);
void reset(Nullptr) {
Pointer tmp = p_stor.p_ptr;
p_stor.p_ptr = nullptr;
if (tmp) p_stor.get_deleter()(tmp);
void reset() {
void swap(Box &u) {
octa::detail::BoxPair<T, D> p_stor;
namespace detail {
template<typename T> struct BoxIf {
using Box = octa::Box<T>;
template<typename T> struct BoxIf<T[]> {
using BoxUnknownSize = octa::Box<T[]>;
template<typename T, size_t N> struct BoxIf<T[N]> {
using BoxKnownSize = void;
template<typename T, typename ...A>
typename octa::detail::BoxIf<T>::Box make_box(A &&...args) {
return Box<T>(new T(octa::forward<A>(args)...));
template<typename T>
typename octa::detail::BoxIf<T>::BoxUnknownSize make_box(size_t n) {
return Box<T>(new octa::RemoveExtent<T>[n]());
template<typename T, typename ...A>
typename octa::detail::BoxIf<T>::BoxKnownSize make_box(A &&...args) = delete;
/* allocator */
template<typename> struct Allocator;
template<> struct Allocator<void> {
using Value = void;
using Pointer = void *;
using ConstPointer = const void *;
template<typename U> using Rebind = Allocator<U>;
template<> struct Allocator<const void> {
using Value = const void;
using Pointer = const void *;
using ConstPointer = const void *;
template<typename U> using Rebind = Allocator<U>;
template<typename T> struct Allocator {
using Size = size_t;
using Difference = ptrdiff_t;
using Value = T;
using Reference = T &;
using ConstReference = const T &;
using Pointer = T *;
using ConstPointer = const T *;
template<typename U> using Rebind = Allocator<U>;
Pointer address(Reference v) const {
return address_of(v);
ConstPointer address(ConstReference v) const {
return address_of(v);
Size max_size() const { return Size(~0) / sizeof(T); }
Pointer allocate(Size n, Allocator<void>::ConstPointer = nullptr) {
return (Pointer) ::new uchar[n * sizeof(T)];
void deallocate(Pointer p, Size) { ::delete[] (uchar *) p; }
template<typename U, typename ...A>
void construct(U *p, A &&...args) {
::new((void *)p) U(octa::forward<A>(args)...);
void destroy(Pointer p) { p->~T(); }
template<typename T> struct Allocator<const T> {
using Size = size_t;
using Difference = ptrdiff_t;
using Value = const T;
using Reference = const T &;
using ConstReference = const T &;
using Pointer = const T *;
using ConstPointer = const T *;
template<typename U> using Rebind = Allocator<U>;
ConstPointer address(ConstReference v) const {
return address_of(v);
Size max_size() const { return Size(~0) / sizeof(T); }
Pointer allocate(Size n, Allocator<void>::ConstPointer = nullptr) {
return (Pointer) ::new uchar[n * sizeof(T)];
void deallocate(Pointer p, Size) { ::delete[] (uchar *) p; }
template<typename U, typename ...A>
void construct(U *p, A &&...args) {
::new((void *)p) U(octa::forward<A>(args)...);
void destroy(Pointer p) { p->~T(); }
template<typename T, typename U>
bool operator==(const Allocator<T> &, const Allocator<U> &) {
return true;
template<typename T, typename U>
bool operator!=(const Allocator<T> &, const Allocator<U> &) {
return false;
/* allocator traits - modeled after libc++ */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct ConstPtrTest {
template<typename U> static char test(
typename U::ConstPointer * = 0);
template<typename U> static int test(...);
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == 1);
template<typename T, typename P, typename A,
bool = ConstPtrTest<A>::value>
struct ConstPointer {
using Type = typename A::ConstPointer;
template<typename T, typename P, typename A>
struct ConstPointer<T, P, A, false> {
using Type = PointerRebind<P, const T>;
template<typename T>
struct VoidPtrTest {
template<typename U> static char test(
typename U::VoidPointer * = 0);
template<typename U> static int test(...);
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == 1);
template<typename P, typename A, bool = VoidPtrTest<A>::value>
struct VoidPointer {
using Type = typename A::VoidPointer;
template<typename P, typename A>
struct VoidPointer<P, A, false> {
using Type = PointerRebind<P, void>;
template<typename T>
struct ConstVoidPtrTest {
template<typename U> static char test(
typename U::ConstVoidPointer * = 0);
template<typename U> static int test(...);
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == 1);
template<typename P, typename A, bool = ConstVoidPtrTest<A>::value>
struct ConstVoidPointer {
using Type = typename A::ConstVoidPointer;
template<typename P, typename A>
struct ConstVoidPointer<P, A, false> {
using Type = PointerRebind<P, const void>;
template<typename T>
struct SizeTest {
template<typename U> static char test(typename U::Size * = 0);
template<typename U> static int test(...);
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == 1);
template<typename A, typename D, bool = SizeTest<A>::value>
struct SizeBase {
using Type = octa::MakeUnsigned<D>;
template<typename A, typename D>
struct SizeBase<A, D, true> {
using Type = typename A::Size;
} /* namespace detail */
/* allocator type traits */
template<typename A>
using AllocatorType = A;
template<typename A>
using AllocatorValue = typename AllocatorType<A>::Value;
template<typename A>
using AllocatorPointer = typename octa::detail::PointerType<
AllocatorValue<A>, AllocatorType <A>
template<typename A>
using AllocatorConstPointer = typename octa::detail::ConstPointer<
AllocatorValue<A>, AllocatorPointer<A>, AllocatorType<A>
template<typename A>
using AllocatorVoidPointer = typename octa::detail::VoidPointer<
AllocatorPointer<A>, AllocatorType<A>
template<typename A>
using AllocatorConstVoidPointer = typename octa::detail::ConstVoidPointer<
AllocatorPointer<A>, AllocatorType<A>
/* allocator difference */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct DiffTest {
template<typename U> static char test(typename U::Difference * = 0);
template<typename U> static int test(...);
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == 1);
template<typename A, typename P, bool = DiffTest<A>::value>
struct AllocDifference {
using Type = PointerDifference<P>;
template<typename A, typename P>
struct AllocDifference<A, P, true> {
using Type = typename A::Difference;
template<typename A>
using AllocatorDifference = typename octa::detail::AllocDifference<
A, AllocatorPointer<A>
/* allocator size */
template<typename A>
using AllocatorSize = typename octa::detail::SizeBase<
A, AllocatorDifference<A>
/* allocator rebind */
namespace detail {
template<typename T, typename U, bool = octa::detail::HasRebind<T, U>::value>
struct AllocTraitsRebindType {
using Type = typename T::template Rebind<U>;
template<template<typename, typename...> class A, typename T,
typename ...Args, typename U
struct AllocTraitsRebindType<A<T, Args...>, U, true> {
using Type = typename A<T, Args...>::template Rebind<U>;
template<template<typename, typename...> class A, typename T,
typename ...Args, typename U
struct AllocTraitsRebindType<A<T, Args...>, U, false> {
using Type = A<U, Args...>;
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename A, typename T>
using AllocatorRebind = typename octa::detail::AllocTraitsRebindType<
AllocatorType<A>, T
/* allocator propagate on container copy assignment */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct PropagateOnContainerCopyAssignmentTest {
template<typename U> static char test(
typename U::PropagateOnContainerCopyAssignment * = 0);
template<typename U> static int test(...);
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == 1);
template<typename A, bool = PropagateOnContainerCopyAssignmentTest<
>::value> struct PropagateOnContainerCopyAssignmentBase {
using Type = octa::False;
template<typename A>
struct PropagateOnContainerCopyAssignmentBase<A, true> {
using Type = typename A::PropagateOnContainerCopyAssignment;
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename A>
using PropagateOnContainerCopyAssignment
= typename octa::detail::PropagateOnContainerCopyAssignmentBase<A>::Type;
/* allocator propagate on container move assignment */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct PropagateOnContainerMoveAssignmentTest {
template<typename U> static char test(
typename U::PropagateOnContainerMoveAssignment * = 0);
template<typename U> static int test(...);
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == 1);
template<typename A, bool = PropagateOnContainerMoveAssignmentTest<
>::value> struct PropagateOnContainerMoveAssignmentBase {
using Type = octa::False;
template<typename A>
struct PropagateOnContainerMoveAssignmentBase<A, true> {
using Type = typename A::PropagateOnContainerMoveAssignment;
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename A>
using PropagateOnContainerMoveAssignment
= typename octa::detail::PropagateOnContainerMoveAssignmentBase<A>::Type;
/* allocator propagate on container swap */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct PropagateOnContainerSwapTest {
template<typename U> static char test(
typename U::PropagateOnContainerSwap * = 0);
template<typename U> static int test(...);
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == 1);
template<typename A, bool = PropagateOnContainerSwapTest<A>::value>
struct PropagateOnContainerSwapBase {
using Type = octa::False;
template<typename A>
struct PropagateOnContainerSwapBase<A, true> {
using Type = typename A::PropagateOnContainerSwap;
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename A>
using PropagateOnContainerSwap
= typename octa::detail::PropagateOnContainerSwapBase<A>::Type;
/* allocator is always equal */
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct IsAlwaysEqualTest {
template<typename U> static char test(typename U::IsAlwaysEqual * = 0);
template<typename U> static int test(...);
static constexpr bool value = (sizeof(test<T>(0)) == 1);
template<typename A, bool = IsAlwaysEqualTest<A>::value>
struct IsAlwaysEqualBase {
using Type = typename octa::IsEmpty<A>::Type;
template<typename A>
struct IsAlwaysEqualBase<A, true> {
using Type = typename A::IsAlwaysEqual;
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename A>
using IsAlwaysEqual = typename octa::detail::IsAlwaysEqualBase<A>::Type;
/* allocator allocate */
template<typename A>
inline AllocatorPointer<A>
allocator_allocate(A &a, AllocatorSize<A> n) {
return a.allocate(n);
namespace detail {
template<typename A, typename S, typename CVP>
auto allocate_hint_test(A &&a, S &&sz, CVP &&p)
-> decltype(a.allocate(sz, p), octa::True());
template<typename A, typename S, typename CVP>
auto allocate_hint_test(const A &, S &&, CVP &&)
-> octa::False;
template<typename A, typename S, typename CVP>
struct AllocateHintTest: octa::IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
template<typename A>
inline AllocatorPointer<A> allocate(A &a, AllocatorSize<A> n,
AllocatorConstVoidPointer<A> h,
octa::True) {
return a.allocate(n, h);
template<typename A>
inline AllocatorPointer<A> allocate(A &a, AllocatorSize<A> n,
octa::False) {
return a.allocate(n);
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename A>
inline AllocatorPointer<A>
allocator_allocate(A &a, AllocatorSize<A> n,
AllocatorConstVoidPointer<A> h) {
return octa::detail::allocate(a, n, h,
A, AllocatorSize<A>, AllocatorConstVoidPointer<A>
/* allocator deallocate */
template<typename A>
inline void allocator_deallocate(A &a, AllocatorPointer<A> p,
AllocatorSize<A> n) {
a.deallocate(p, n);
/* allocator construct */
namespace detail {
template<typename A, typename T, typename ...Args>
auto construct_test(A &&a, T *p, Args &&...args)
-> decltype(a.construct(p, octa::forward<Args>(args)...),
template<typename A, typename T, typename ...Args>
auto construct_test(const A &, T *, Args &&...)
-> octa::False;
template<typename A, typename T, typename ...Args>
struct ConstructTest: octa::IntegralConstant<bool,
> {};
template<typename A, typename T, typename ...Args>
inline void construct(octa::True, A &a, T *p, Args &&...args) {
a.construct(p, octa::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<typename A, typename T, typename ...Args>
inline void construct(octa::False, A &, T *p, Args &&...args) {
::new ((void *)p) T(octa::forward<Args>(args)...);
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename A, typename T, typename ...Args>
inline void allocator_construct(A &a, T *p, Args &&...args) {
A, T *, Args...
>(), a, p, octa::forward<Args>(args)...);
/* allocator destroy */
namespace detail {
template<typename A, typename P>
auto destroy_test(A &&a, P &&p) -> decltype(a.destroy(p), octa::True());
template<typename A, typename P>
auto destroy_test(const A &, P &&) -> octa::False;
template<typename A, typename P>
struct DestroyTest: octa::IntegralConstant<bool,
decltype(destroy_test(octa::declval<A>(), octa::declval<P>())),
> {};
template<typename A, typename T>
inline void destroy(octa::True, A &a, T *p) {
template<typename A, typename T>
inline void destroy(octa::False, A &, T *p) {
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename A, typename T>
inline void allocator_destroy(A &a, T *p) {
octa::detail::destroy(octa::detail::DestroyTest<A, T *>(), a, p);
/* allocator max size */
namespace detail {
template<typename A>
auto alloc_max_size_test(A &&a) -> decltype(a.max_size(), octa::True());
template<typename A>
auto alloc_max_size_test(const A &) -> octa::False;
template<typename A>
struct AllocMaxSizeTest: octa::IntegralConstant<bool,
decltype(alloc_max_size_test(octa::declval<A &>())),
> {};
template<typename A>
inline AllocatorSize<A> alloc_max_size(octa::True, const A &a) {
return a.max_size();
template<typename A>
inline AllocatorSize<A> alloc_max_size(octa::False, const A &) {
return AllocatorSize<A>(~0);
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename A>
inline AllocatorSize<A> allocator_max_size(const A &a) {
return octa::detail::alloc_max_size(octa::detail::AllocMaxSizeTest<
const A
>(), a);
/* allocator container copy */
namespace detail {
template<typename A>
auto alloc_copy_test(A &&a) -> decltype(a.container_copy(), octa::True());
template<typename A>
auto alloc_copy_test(const A &) -> octa::False;
template<typename A>
struct AllocCopyTest: octa::IntegralConstant<bool,
decltype(alloc_copy_test(octa::declval<A &>())), octa::True
> {};
template<typename A>
inline AllocatorType<A> alloc_container_copy(octa::True, const A &a) {
return a.container_copy();
template<typename A>
inline AllocatorType<A> alloc_container_copy(octa::False, const A &a) {
return a;
} /* namespace detail */
template<typename A>
inline AllocatorType<A> allocator_container_copy(const A &a) {
return octa::detail::alloc_container_copy(octa::detail::AllocCopyTest<
const A
>(), a);
struct AllocatorArg {};
constexpr AllocatorArg allocator_arg = AllocatorArg();
} /* namespace octa */