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// server-side ai manager
namespace aiman
bool dorefresh = false, botbalance = true;
VARN(serverbotlimit, botlimit, 0, 8, MAXBOTS);
VAR(serverbotbalance, 0, 1, 1);
void calcteams(vector<teamscore> &teams)
clientinfo *ci = clients[i];
if(ci->state.state==CS_SPECTATOR || !validteam(ci->team)) continue;
teamscore *t = NULL;
loopvj(teams) if(teams[j].team == ci->team) { t = &teams[j]; break; }
if(t) t->score++;
else teams.add(teamscore(ci->team, 1));
if(teams.length() < MAXTEAMS)
loopi(MAXTEAMS) if(teams.htfind(1+i) < 0) teams.add(teamscore(1+i, 0));
void balanceteams()
vector<teamscore> teams;
vector<clientinfo *> reassign;
loopv(bots) if(bots[i]) reassign.add(bots[i]);
while(reassign.length() && teams.length() && teams[0].score > teams.last().score + 1)
teamscore &t = teams.last();
clientinfo *bot = NULL;
loopv(reassign) if(reassign[i] && reassign[i]->team != teams[0].team)
bot = reassign.removeunordered(i);
for(int j = teams.length() - 2; j >= 0; j--)
if(teams[j].score >= teams[j+1].score) break;
swap(teams[j], teams[j+1]);
if(smode && bot->state.state==CS_ALIVE) smode->changeteam(bot, bot->team, t.team);
bot->team = t.team;
sendf(-1, 1, "riiii", N_SETTEAM, bot->clientnum, bot->team, 0);
else teams.remove(0, 1);
int chooseteam()
vector<teamscore> teams;
return teams.length() ? teams.last().team : 0;
static inline bool validaiclient(clientinfo *ci)
return ci->clientnum >= 0 && ci->state.aitype == AI_NONE && (ci->state.state!=CS_SPECTATOR || ci->local || (ci->privilege && !ci->warned));
clientinfo *findaiclient(clientinfo *exclude = NULL)
clientinfo *least = NULL;
clientinfo *ci = clients[i];
if(!validaiclient(ci) || ci==exclude) continue;
if(!least || ci->bots.length() < least->bots.length()) least = ci;
return least;
bool addai(int skill, int limit)
int numai = 0, cn = -1, maxai = limit >= 0 ? min(limit, MAXBOTS) : MAXBOTS;
clientinfo *ci = bots[i];
if(!ci || ci->ownernum < 0) { if(cn < 0) cn = i; continue; }
if(numai >= maxai) return false;
clientinfo *ci = bots[cn];
{ // reuse a slot that was going to removed
clientinfo *owner = findaiclient();
ci->ownernum = owner ? owner->clientnum : -1;
if(owner) owner->bots.add(ci);
ci->aireinit = 2;
dorefresh = true;
return true;
else { cn = bots.length(); bots.add(NULL); }
int team = m_teammode ? chooseteam() : 0;
if(!bots[cn]) bots[cn] = new clientinfo;
clientinfo *ci = bots[cn];
ci->clientnum = MAXCLIENTS + cn;
ci->state.aitype = AI_BOT;
clientinfo *owner = findaiclient();
ci->ownernum = owner ? owner->clientnum : -1;
if(owner) owner->bots.add(ci);
ci->state.skill = skill <= 0 ? rnd(50) + 51 : clamp(skill, 1, 101);
ci->state.lasttimeplayed = lastmillis;
copystring(ci->name, "bot", MAXNAMELEN+1);
ci->state.state = CS_DEAD;
ci->team = team;
ci->playermodel = rnd(128);
ci->playercolor = rnd(0x8000);
ci->aireinit = 2;
ci->connected = true;
dorefresh = true;
return true;
void deleteai(clientinfo *ci)
int cn = ci->clientnum - MAXCLIENTS;
if(!bots.inrange(cn)) return;
if(ci->ownernum >= 0 && !ci->aireinit && smode) smode->leavegame(ci, true);
sendf(-1, 1, "ri2", N_CDIS, ci->clientnum);
clientinfo *owner = (clientinfo *)getclientinfo(ci->ownernum);
if(owner) owner->bots.removeobj(ci);
dorefresh = true;
bool deleteai()
loopvrev(bots) if(bots[i] && bots[i]->ownernum >= 0)
return true;
return false;
void reinitai(clientinfo *ci)
if(ci->ownernum < 0) deleteai(ci);
else if(ci->aireinit >= 1)
sendf(-1, 1, "ri8s", N_INITAI, ci->clientnum, ci->ownernum, ci->state.aitype, ci->state.skill, ci->playermodel, ci->playercolor, ci->team, ci->name);
if(ci->aireinit == 2)
if(ci->state.state==CS_ALIVE) sendspawn(ci);
else sendresume(ci);
ci->aireinit = 0;
void shiftai(clientinfo *ci, clientinfo *owner = NULL)
if(ci->ownernum >= 0 && !ci->aireinit && smode) smode->leavegame(ci, true);
clientinfo *prevowner = (clientinfo *)getclientinfo(ci->ownernum);
if(prevowner) prevowner->bots.removeobj(ci);
if(!owner) { ci->aireinit = 0; ci->ownernum = -1; }
else if(ci->ownernum != owner->clientnum) { ci->aireinit = 2; ci->ownernum = owner->clientnum; owner->bots.add(ci); }
dorefresh = true;
void removeai(clientinfo *ci)
{ // either schedules a removal, or someone else to assign to
loopvrev(ci->bots) shiftai(ci->bots[i], findaiclient(ci));
bool reassignai()
clientinfo *hi = NULL, *lo = NULL;
clientinfo *ci = clients[i];
if(!validaiclient(ci)) continue;
if(!lo || ci->bots.length() < lo->bots.length()) lo = ci;
if(!hi || ci->bots.length() > hi->bots.length()) hi = ci;
if(hi && lo && hi->bots.length() - lo->bots.length() > 1)
shiftai(hi->bots[i], lo);
return true;
return false;
void checksetup()
if(m_teammode && botbalance) balanceteams();
loopvrev(bots) if(bots[i]) reinitai(bots[i]);
void clearai()
{ // clear and remove all ai immediately
loopvrev(bots) if(bots[i]) deleteai(bots[i]);
void checkai()
if(!dorefresh) return;
dorefresh = false;
if(m_botmode && numclients(-1, false, true))
else clearai();
void reqadd(clientinfo *ci, int skill)
if(!ci->local && !ci->privilege) return;
if(!addai(skill, !ci->local && ci->privilege < PRIV_ADMIN ? botlimit : -1)) sendf(ci->clientnum, 1, "ris", N_SERVMSG, "failed to create or assign bot");
void reqdel(clientinfo *ci)
if(!ci->local && !ci->privilege) return;
if(!deleteai()) sendf(ci->clientnum, 1, "ris", N_SERVMSG, "failed to remove any bots");
void setbotlimit(clientinfo *ci, int limit)
if(ci && !ci->local && ci->privilege < PRIV_ADMIN) return;
botlimit = clamp(limit, 0, MAXBOTS);
dorefresh = true;
defformatstring(msg, "bot limit is now %d", botlimit);
void setbotbalance(clientinfo *ci, bool balance)
if(ci && !ci->local && !ci->privilege) return;
botbalance = balance ? 1 : 0;
dorefresh = true;
defformatstring(msg, "bot team balancing is now %s", botbalance ? "enabled" : "disabled");
void changemap()
dorefresh = true;
loopv(clients) if(clients[i]->local || clients[i]->privilege) return;
if(botbalance != (serverbotbalance != 0)) setbotbalance(NULL, serverbotbalance != 0);
void addclient(clientinfo *ci)
if(ci->state.aitype == AI_NONE) dorefresh = true;
void changeteam(clientinfo *ci)
if(ci->state.aitype == AI_NONE) dorefresh = true;